Rowan jam red recipe is simple. Red rowan jam for the winter

27.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Everyone probably knows about the benefits of mountain ash, one of the ways to preserve berries for the winter is red rowan jam, recipe the preparation of which there is more than one. Let's talk about them. Everyone is good at this pantry of vitamins and nutrients, one thing is bad - the berries are very bitter. But we want the jam to be not only healthy, but also tasty. Bitterness decreases naturally after freezing, but you can help this process by putting ripe picked berries overnight in freezer... We pick the brought mountain ash from the branches, wash it well, put it in a colander, and then put it on a baking sheet covered with a towel to dry. We put dry berries in trays and send them to freeze. It is enough to leave it in the freezer for a few hours, but if it stays longer, it's okay.

Red rowan jam recipe

We will cook the red rowan jam without defrosting the berry first. Pour the frozen mountain ash into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and place it on the stove. You can add some water. Let it boil so that it becomes soft, and rub through a sieve. TO berry puree add sugar at the rate of 800g per liter of puree, heat, stirring, so that the sugar dissolves well.

Bring to a boil, make the fire small, remove the foam. Enough 10-15 minutes of cooking, and you can decompose our workpiece in pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lids, cool upside down and put away for storage. Such a blank is obtained in the form of a jam. If you don't feel like messing around with rubbing the berries through a sieve, you can cook in the usual way.

In this case, we will first prepare the syrup at the rate of 1.5-2 cups of water per 1 kg of sugar. Pour sugar with water and heat until it dissolves completely. Dip frozen mountain ash into the syrup, mix and leave for several hours. After that, reheat the syrup with the berries and cook until tender, that is, until the berries are at the top, but are evenly distributed in the syrup. Delicious and healthy.

There are options for repeatedly heating and cooling the syrup, in this case the jam will look more beautiful, but still decide for yourself what is more important to you in red rowan jam: benefits or beautiful appearance. Of course, any mountain ash jam will be useful, but still, with repeated heating and cooling, more nutrients will be lost.

Delicious jam from red rowan it turns out if you cook it in a mixture with apples. For 1 kg of mountain ash, you can take 0.5-1 kg of apples, better dense and sour. The apples need to be cored and cut into slices. If you want, you can peel off a thin layer of the skin and cut the apples into cubes. We prepare syrup based on 1 kg of a mixture of rowan and apples, take 0.5 kg of sugar and a glass of water.

Pour apples with hot syrup, pour frozen mountain ash into the same place, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let it stand for a few hours. Then we drain the syrup, add another 0.5 kg of sugar to it, wait for it to boil and fill in the rowan-apple mixture. You can bring to a boil again, let stand and only then cook, or you can immediately cook until cooked. Add a cinnamon stick to the jam if desired, then remove it. Here you will find best recipes.

Finished workpiece pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Another option is rowan jam with oranges. For 1 kg of mountain ash, 1 orange is enough. With a sharp knife, you need to remove a thin upper layer zest. Peel the slices from the film and divide into 3-4 parts. Pour frozen mountain ash with 1 glass of water and heat to a boil.

Drain and boil the syrup at the rate of 1-1.2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries. Pour the syrup over the berries. Place the orange slices and the zest, minced with a blender or meat grinder. Cook until evenly distributed in the syrup. This blank has a beautiful color and very pleasant aroma... Delicious jam can be cooked from mountain ash with pumpkin. For this, the pumpkin is cut into small cubes. The rest of the recipe is the same as for rowan with apples.

Raw red rowan jam

More useful raw red rowan jam... Let's take for its preparation 1.2-1.3 kg of sugar per kilogram of frozen berries. Pass the rowan through a meat grinder or grind with a blender, mix with sugar. Stir thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves as much as possible. We put the finished mixture in sterilized jars, cover with boiled plastic lids and put it in a cool place. Another, more delicious and useful option such jam: for 1kg of rowan berries, take 2-3 cups of walnut kernels, pass everything through a meat grinder and mix with two cups of honey. You need to store such jam in a cool place.

If you do not have a cellar, and the refrigerator is too cramped to store blanks in it, then the way out is red rowan berry five-minute jam... Fast cooking saves most of the nutrients in such a workpiece, it can be rolled up, which means it can be stored at normal temperature. We prepare the raw material as usual: we separate it from the branches, sort it out, wash it, freeze it.

Blanch the frozen berries in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. We prepare the syrup in advance in order to immediately transfer the blanched berries into it. For syrup, take 1kg of sugar and a glass of water, stir and bring to a boil. We boil the berries in it for several minutes, and lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars, roll them up with boiled lids.

Rowan, ground with sugar, can also be prepared in this way. We pass 1 kg of berries through a meat grinder and mix with 1 kg of granulated sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly and set to heat, bring to a boil and cook for no more than 5 minutes, then put it in the jars. Such a blank is well stored, preserving a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances.

The scarlet rowan is crucified with a string of beads. The lines from this song are known to many. In addition to their charming beauty, rowan berries are also famous for their beneficial properties and excellent taste... You can make a healing delicacy - red mountain ash jam. We will be happy to describe its recipe to the smallest detail.

Rowan - the bitter fruit of love

This is exactly what the legend says, according to which a girl in love did not survive the death of her chosen one and turned into a refined mountain ash. In the spring, she dresses in a snow-white outfit, and in late autumn, she drops the red, like blood, fruits into the river.

About the benefits of rowan for human body you can talk incessantly for hours. V pure form eating rowan fruits is unlikely to work, since they have a bitter and slightly tart taste. To stock up on this healing remedy, you can make red mountain ash jam for the winter. Its recipes are varied both in component composition and in level. culinary excellence... Choose whichever one suits your taste.

A little trick: to get rid of the bitter aftertaste, rowan fruits must be picked after the first frost. If this is not enough, then the selected rowan berries are placed in the freezer for several hours. Before making the jam, the berries do not need to be defrosted.

Traditionally, rowan jam is added granulated sugar 1: 1 ratio, although there may be exceptions. If you have a sweet tooth, increase the amount of sugar according to personal preference.

Rowan and apple - a pantry of vitamins

We offer you not quite usual recipe red rowan jam. Delicious, aromatic and healthy dessert keep you warm winter evening... The highlight of this delicacy will be apples. Better to take sweet and sour varieties.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 0.5 kg of rowan fruits;
  • 6-7 pcs. dried carnation inflorescences;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 ½-2 tbsp. water.


  • A little tip: the weight of the apples should be slightly more than indicated in the recipe. We will determine the exact weight after cleaning them.
  • Rinse and dry the apples thoroughly.

  • Peel the peel, cut the apple into two halves and peel the core. Remove the bones and membranes.
  • Cut the apples into thin slices.

  • Now it's time to weigh the peeled apples. They must be at least 1.5 kg.

  • We sort out the rowan fruits, rinse and dry. Let's not forget to carefully review each berry and cut the stalks.

  • After we have carefully sorted out the rowan fruits, put them in a thick-walled dish, fill them with water and put them on the stove.

  • As soon as the liquid boils, we detect 3-5 minutes and immediately take out the rowan berries with a slotted spoon, put them in separate dishes.

  • We do not remove the syrup from the stove, but add granulated sugar to the mountain ash broth.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

  • We continue to cook the syrup on minimal heat, and after the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, add the clove inflorescences. Spicy cloves will bring original notes of taste and aroma to the jam.

  • The ideal syrup should be clear.
  • Now add apple slices and rowan fruits.

  • We boil the jam for exactly 3 minutes and immediately set it aside from the stove.
  • In an open dish, we infuse the jam all night.

  • In the morning, put the jam pot on the stove again. Bring it to a boil and simmer on minimum heat for exactly 5 minutes.

  • We set the jam aside and insist it for another 8-10 hours.
  • While the jam is infused, let's prepare the jars and lids. We sterilize containers in the usual way.

  • Put the jam on the stove for the last time and bring it to a boil.
  • We set 10-15 minutes and boil the jam again over low heat.
  • Stir gently with a spatula so as not to damage the integrity of the apple slices.
  • We put hot rowan jam in sterilized containers.

  • Using a seaming machine, close the cans with lids.
  • Then we do everything according to the standard procedure: turn the cans upside down, wrap them with a warm blanket and leave them in this form until they cool completely.

Orange notes of rowan melody

Have you ever tried red rowan jam with orange? This recipe will surprise you with its simplicity, and the taste of such a delicacy - with its softness and sophistication. Rowan itself is a storehouse of vitamins, and in combination with an orange you will get a real vitamin explosion.


  • 1 kg of rowan berries;
  • 1 orange;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. water.


  1. Just as in the previous recipe, we first sort out the rowan berries, rinse them thoroughly and dry them.
  2. Let's remember a little trick: to get rid of the bitterness taste, send the mountain ash to the freezer for the whole day.
  3. Some housewives soak rowan berries in water to eliminate bitterness, adding a pinch of baking soda.
  4. Pour water into a thick-walled dish and add granulated sugar.
  5. Boil the syrup over moderate heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  6. After cooling down, put the rowan berries in the syrup.
  7. Rinse the orange in the peel thoroughly, you can even use a brush, and then grind it into equivalent cubes.
  8. Add orange slices in syrup and begin to cook the jam until it boils.
  9. We mark for 5-10 minutes and set aside the jam from the stove.
  10. Pour the jam hot into sterilized containers, and then, as usual, cool it down and store it in the basement or utility room.

Rowanberry delicacy without cooking

Many housewives make red rowan jam. The recipe is simple does not imply cooking, but simply chop the berries and mix them with granulated sugar. If you want to make this sweetness even healthier, then sugar can be replaced with honey. Rely solely on your taste preferences... Small note: this jam can only be stored in refrigerator compartment, otherwise, in the heat, fermentation processes can begin.


  • 1 kg of rowan berries;
  • 1.5-2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table salt.


  1. Put fresh rowan puree in sterilized containers, close the jars with lids and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. The granulated sugar must completely dissolve. If this does not happen, the container with the jam can be placed in a deep basin with warm water or hold for a couple of minutes in a water bath.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the mountain ash puree and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Put the berries in a separate bowl and knead to a puree consistency. The easiest way is to resort to modern kitchen gadgets, but you can use a sieve or mortar.
  5. Merge salt water... She fulfilled her mission and took away all the bitterness from rowan fruits.
  6. Pour the berries with the prepared solution and mark for exactly 5 minutes.
  7. While the salt is completely dissolved, we can rinse and sort out the rowan fruits, removing the stalks and spoiled berries.
  8. Mix water in a separate bowl room temperature with table salt.
  9. Rowan fruits have a specific tart and bitter taste.
  10. Such a delicacy will also be healing.

Surely everyone knows about the benefits of mountain ash. Jam made from red rowan berries is one of several ways to preserve berries for the winter. There are many recipes for making jam. The berry is good for its beneficial properties, but it has a disadvantage - it tastes bitter. And so I want the jam to have not only beneficial features but also possessed good taste... Bitterness decreases on its own after frost.

You can speed up the process by putting the berries in the freezer overnight. Having torn off the mountain ash from the branches, thoroughly rinsing the bed in a colander, and then throwing it back on a towel to dry it. Having put the dried berries in trays, put them in the freezer. It is enough for the berry to lie for several hours, but if it lasts longer it's okay.

Rowan jam for the winter - a simple recipe

The easiest recipe rowan jam, which can be called classic.

  • Red mountain ash - 2 kg.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook this recipe:

Red mountain ash jam with the addition of walnuts

Walnuts are often used in different types jam. And with red rowan, they will taste perfect.


  • Rowan red - 2 kilograms.
  • Walnuts - 4 cups
  • Sugar - 14-15 cups.
  • Water - 6 glasses.

Method of making mountain ash jam with walnuts:

  1. Lightly crush the washed berries so that they let the juice flow. After that, pour boiling water over them and keep them for 15 minutes.
  2. Prepare syrup using classic way and add berries. Cook until the berry is soft. Do not forget to remove the foam during the cooking process. Before completing the cooking process, add the walnuts (coarsely chopped) and cook for a couple of minutes.

Red rowan jam without cooking - recipe

In this recipe from rowan jam, we we save all vitamins and minerals, which makes our workpiece as useful as possible.

Rowan jam with the addition of orange for the winter

will acquire piquancy and add vitamins... The first classic recipe can be used as the basis for cooking.
  • Red mountain ash - 2 kilograms.
  • Medium orange - 2 pcs. ...
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.
  • Water - 3 liters.

How to make jam according to this recipe:

Red rowan jam with apples

This is the most common way to make red rowan jam for the winter using various additives... Apples go well with it, but it will be tastier if you take apples that are slightly sour hard grade... And also, the jam will become more aromatic if you add a small stick of cinnamon(after cooking it should be removed).

  • Red mountain ash - 2 kilograms.
  • Apples - 2-3 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms.
  • Water - 2 glasses.

Method of making mountain ash jam with apples:

Red rowan jam with pumpkin recipe

I hope everyone knows that pumpkin is a female vegetable and should be consumed as often as possible. It makes a very tasty jam, and in combination with red rowan acquires unusual combination taste.

  • Pumpkin - 2 kilograms.
  • Red mountain ash - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.
  • Zest from two lemons, you can also add a little vanillin for flavor.

Method of making red rowan jam with pumpkin:

Rowan is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. And the jam from her tart berries will be appreciated true gourmets, since it has not only great taste with a spicy bitterness and sourness, but also delicate aroma... It is especially important to use such jam in cold autumn and winter, when it is necessary to increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.


The health benefits of mountain ash are obvious. It contains almost the same amount of carotene and vitamin C as carrots (9 mg / 100 g and 70 mg / 100 g, respectively). In addition, the composition of mountain ash jam contains vitamins PP, A, B1, B2 and B6, as well as minerals such as manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and iron. Doctors advise using this berry to strengthen immunity, with vitamin deficiency, anemia and general depletion of the body after illness or surgery. After all, it was not for nothing that in Russia folk healers recommended that patients not only eat berries, but also "lie under the mountain ash" so that it "killed" all the bad energy.

Rowan jam and juice normalize blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, lower blood cholesterol levels and remove toxins and toxins from the body. Rowan berries are shown to be used for thyroid dysfunction, as well as for those who have problems with the intestines, since mountain ash has a laxative effect. This is also true for people who are struggling with overweight or are on a diet.

Regular consumption of mountain ash jam with tea can meet the increased needs of the "starving" body in minerals and vitamins.

Like any other product, mountain ash has contraindications for use, so pay attention to whom mountain ash jam is not recommended. This powerful immunostimulating agent should be avoided for infants under one year old and for pregnant women. Since the essential extracts of this berry can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. And nursing mothers can use the product if the child is not allergic to it.

For those people who have high acidity of the stomach or gastritis, jam is also not recommended. And, of course, it is worth treating allergy sufferers with caution, for a start, having tried not a large number of and checking the body's reaction to this berry.


There are a great many recipes for making rowan jam. There are both simple and complex variations - for example, with the addition of citrus, apples or walnuts... We will present the most popular ones.

Classic "budget" option

To make ordinary mountain ash jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh or frozen mountain ash - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • soda - 650 ml.

Sort out the mountain ash, separating the stalks, rinse the berries several times and cover with water for a day. This is necessary in order for the mountain ash to lose its bitterness. At the same time, change the water as often as possible. V cold water add all the sugar and heat over low heat until it dissolves. Gradually bring the syrup to a boil and add rowan berries there, boil the contents again, and then remove the jam from the heat.

The cooled jam must be filtered, and the syrup without berries must be boiled again over low heat for about half an hour. Then pour the mountain ash into the thickened syrup, which we previously separated, and cook over low heat for another half hour. Delicious jam is ready. Banks and metal covers pre-sterilized in the oven or steamed. Pour hot jam into jars and close hermetically with lids.

The jars should be turned over and left to cool overnight under a blanket or blanket at room temperature.

Rowan jam with apples

To diversify the taste of mountain ash jam and in the presence of a rich harvest of apples, you can make rowan-apple jam. It is more delicate and contains no less vitamins and medicinal substances than classic version. You will need:

  • mountain ash - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • water - 450 ml;

Go through the mountain ash, separating it from the stalks. Rinse and soak the berries for a few hours, changing the water from time to time. Peel and peel the apples and cut into cubes. The syrup can be cooked according to the technology described in recipe No. 1. After boiling, add rowan and apples to the syrup, cook for 45 minutes, stirring regularly. Spread hot jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

With the addition of citruses and walnuts

Even more savory recipe- with the addition of citrus and walnuts. It will turn out delicious and aromatic jam with slight sourness. You will need:

  • mountain ash - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pieces;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons of ground walnuts.

We sort out the berries and separate the stalks. Wash the mountain ash and put it in the freezer for several hours. This is necessary in order to remove the bitterness of mountain ash as much as possible, so soaking in water in this case is not needed. Mix the frozen fruits with water and put on a small fire. After boiling, drain the water and transfer the berries to a separate bowl. Boil the broth with sugar for several minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Return the berries to the finished syrup and add the orange pulp, cut into small pieces. Cook everything in syrup for about 40 minutes, then add the walnuts and boil the jam for about 10 minutes. We pour the delicacy into sterile jars and roll it up.

Pureed rowan jam with walnuts

One more original recipe for gourmets implies the following components:

  • mountain ash - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 7 glasses;
  • water - 3 glasses.

Peeled and washed rowan berries should be crushed to let the juice flow. Pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Prepare in advance sugar syrup, boil sugar and water until completely dissolved, and pour berries there. Boil the jam over low heat until the mountain ash becomes soft. And do not forget to stir the brew and skim the jam from time to time. Before the very end, add chopped walnuts and boil this mixture for a couple of minutes, stirring so that all the ingredients come together.

Mashed mountain ash with sugar

If you don't have time to mess around with the jam and you want to roll up the mountain ash in jars "quickly", we advise you to use the recipe for "dry jam", or rather, cook mashed mountain ash with sugar.

You will need 1.2–1.3 kg of sugar for 1 kg of frozen rowan berries. They need to be wiped in a blender or meat grinder and mixed with sugar, leaving for several hours until the latter is completely dissolved. Ready mix it is laid out in pre-sterilized jars, closed with boiled plastic lids and placed in a dark, cool place.

And if you want maximum benefit for health, and you are not limited in finances, add 2 cups of chopped walnuts and 2 cups of honey to 1 kg of mashed rowan berries. Such a health elixir should be stored in a cool place and taken in moderation so as not to overdose on vitamins.

Tightly rolled jars are stored in a cool, dark place, such as a cellar. Under these storage conditions, all vitamins and healing properties mountain ash will be preserved in jam for more than one year. And after the jam is open, it can remain in the refrigerator for a maximum of a couple of months. But you are unlikely to have to keep it there for so long - usually household members eat such delicacies in a few days.

To taste qualities mountain ash was as high as possible, it is worth picking it after the first frost. Then it will be juicy, mature and not so bitter. You can also use rowan berries frozen in the freezer. They should be thoroughly washed, discarded in a colander and dried on a towel. We send rowan trees folded in trays to the freezer, and the next day you can use fresh berries for making pies, jam or juice.

And finally, one more little trick: the jam will be even tastier and more aromatic if you serve it to the table, garnished with lemon slices.

In the next video, a recipe awaits you. raw jam from red mountain ash with walnuts and honey.