How coconut oil can harm the inside. Coconut oil for food: use, benefits and harms, reviews

27.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Coconut oil is a vegetable oil known to many, consisting of 99% fat. The raw material for its production is fresh copra (pulp) of the walnut of the same name. First, copra is crushed, then dried, followed by pressing. Waste cake production is used as livestock feed.

More recently, such a plant product was considered harmful due to the fact that the composition of coconut oil is rich in fatty acids. Many studies have shown that coconut oil brings huge benefit the human body when eating it.

Today it is quite widespread, the oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is worthwhile to understand in detail the properties, production methods and application of such a product as Coconut oil... Coconut oil benefits and harms will be discussed in each area of ​​its use.

There are two ways to produce oil, each with its own characteristics:

1. Cold pressed. The oil produced in this way is the most valuable, as it is obtained during the gentle processing of raw materials. Cold pressing copra allows you to save everything beneficial features the final product, but this method does not extract all the oil contained in the dried pulp.

This is why cold pressed coconut oil is an expensive yet high quality product.

2. Hot pressing. Thanks to this method of processing raw materials, it is possible to obtain more oil than with cold pressing. But as a result high temperatures and the use of various chemicals, the beneficial properties of this herbal product are partially lost.

This explains the not too high cost of the final product; refined coconut oil is most often made from it. It is stored longer, does not have a pronounced color and odor.

Each of these oils finds its use both in cosmetology, body and hair care, and in food preparation. Let's try to figure out which oil should be used for a particular procedure, as well as for cooking.

Uses of cold pressed coconut oil

This type of oil is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Healing herbal product is recommended for regular use for those who adhere to dietary diet Also, this coconut oil can be used to prepare children's meals. It is added to almost all types of dishes: from salads to baked goods, desserts and vitamin drinks.

Unrefined oil is also used for weight loss purposes. It is taken immediately before meals, mixed with warm boiled water.

Refined oil also contains enough nutrients, but it is not used for food. It is usually used in cosmetic purposes... Thanks to its moisturizing properties, it perfectly nourishes hair and dry skin areas, protects against negative impact environmental factors.

Each of the oils can be used for hair care, which is why it is added to conditioners, balms and masks. With regular use of coconut oil, your hair will quickly regain its well-groomed appearance and shine with health.

This unique herbal product has many beneficial properties, namely:

  • accelerates metabolism (metabolism);
  • removes excess cholesterol from the body;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal effects.

Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on curls and scalp - it is an excellent nutrient for them. It creates an invisible protective foam on the surface of the hair, it protects the strands from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as other negative factors. environment.

You can get detailed information on how coconut oil is useful in the instructions for this herbal product. It states that coconut oil not only enriches the body with useful substances, but also promotes better assimilation other vitamins and macronutrients, namely Ka, Mg and some amino acids. Many people know that such a product has antioxidant properties, it prevents the development of osteoporosis in regular use for food.

What's in coconut oil?

The chemical composition of such a product is varied. It is rich in vitamins A, E, B, C, K, which explains its moisturizing and regenerating properties. This remedy includes a number of essential fatty acids: lauric, myristic, oleic, caprylic, capric.

The presence in this vegetable product natural antioxidants allows you to store in open form Coconut oil. Its composition is unique, it is considered a valuable cosmetic product, as it contains a natural moisturizer, which is represented by lauric acid. Coconut oil, like all oils, is a high-calorie product, 100 grams contains approximately 899 Kcal. That is why it is worth using it in food in minimal doses.

You can eat coconut oil regularly, but in limited doses, then such a product will only bring benefits. It is worth highlighting a number of useful properties of this product:

  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots;
  • positively affects the state of the entire cardiovascular system;
  • heals the thyroid gland;
  • promotes normal work gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • enhances immunity;
  • has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  • prevents the development of obesity and concomitant liver diseases;
  • improves general state at diabetes mellitus 2nd type.

Of course, coconut oil is indispensable in your diet. The benefits and harms of the product are described in many scientific studies.

The harm of coconut oil is the occurrence of allergies or food poisoning during its use. It is worth noting that this is how the body can react in case of oversaturation of the body with coconut oil. A consultation with a specialist will clarify how much oil should be consumed without harm to health.

Coconut oil for food

In some Asian countries, coconut oil is used for cooking. It is great for dressing salads, it is added to dishes made from meat, fish, rice and vegetables. During heat treatment, the oil retains its properties, it does not oxidize. Therefore, you can safely fry vegetables and meat in such vegetable oil.

It is added to baked goods and desserts, thereby giving a homemade delicacy. special taste and an incomparable aroma.

Not many people know that this product does not contain cholesterol, which is why you can not limit the use of coconut oil in your food. Benefit and harm hang in the balance, of course, useful qualities products exceed the possible Negative influence on the body.

This oil is not recommended for those who are allergic to any foodstuffs... Enter New Product it is worth gradually, adding it to food in micro doses, this will help to quickly identify allergic reaction from family members and, if necessary, completely eliminate coconut oil from the diet.

By using coconut oil correctly, taking into account its benefits and harms, you can maintain your health at the proper level, as well as look young and attractive.

Natural coconut oil is made from the dried pulp of a palm tree (copra). The product exhibits a moisturizing, emollient, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on hair, skin and the whole body, which is why it is highly valued by nutritionists and cosmetologists. Regular use of it will preserve youth.

Why is coconut oil good for you?

Like most vegetable oils, coconut is pressed in two ways: cold and hot. In the first option, all useful material, but the application of the method is an expensive pleasure, since very little vegetable pomace (10%) is obtained, which is available in the pulp of the coconut. During hot pressing, the product partially loses necessary components so it is much cheaper than the first one.

The benefits of coconut oil are due to unique composition... The product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for humans. The body does not synthesize substances, and they can only be obtained from the outside. Fatty Acids of Coconut Oil:

  • capric;
  • caprylic;
  • stearic;
  • arachidonic;
  • linoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • lauric;
  • myristic.

Fatty acids and metabolites help a person fight numerous pathogens, and therefore prevent the development of various infectious diseases. The richest composition natural product boasts a high content of phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, C, A, E, which are the main substances that allow you to maintain beauty and prolong youth.

For hair

Coconut plant extract is a godsend for any hair. This natural product is effective against baldness, tangled ends and split ends. With regular use, the product will relieve the scalp from itching and redness, and remove dandruff. Applying the coconut oil hair mask on a regular basis will minimize protein loss. No other natural product has shown such remarkable results in maintaining the protein and natural pH balance of the skin. How to make a hair mask:

  • mix a spoonful (tablespoon) of warmed vegetable fat with a teaspoon of honey;
  • with clean fingertips, apply the mixture to the scalp and along the entire length of the strands;
  • leave the mask on for 20-40 minutes, then wash off with shampoo and conditioner;
  • if possible, let your hair dry on its own;
  • repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

For face

The coconut pulp product has been successfully used on the face. The product is well tolerated by any type of skin, is easily absorbed, and goes well with other cosmetic products (lotions, gels, creams). Coconut oil is especially popular for wrinkles, as it stabilizes the production of sebum, rejuvenates and smoothes the surface of the skin. The plant extract is widely used for oily skin as it quickly removes acne and pimples. The properties of a natural antiseptic actively resist bacteria.

For Tan

Extraction of dry pulp coconut on the epidermis provides an antibacterial effect, and the hyaluronic acid contained in the product creates a moist environment on the skin surface, normalizing the water balance on the body, face and lips. Due to these properties, unrefined plant extract is widely used for protection against UV rays. Use coconut oil for tanning while visiting the beach or tanning beds to get an even skin tone without damaging the health of the epidermis. When applied during sunbathing, the product shows its best properties:

  • protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents redness of the skin;
  • regulates water balance, penetrating deeply into cells;
  • softens horniness;
  • slows down the aging of cells, activates their regeneration.

For body

Coconut pulp extract is widely used in cosmetology and medicine for the treatment of skin. Correct application unrefined product will give a good opportunity to have velvety skin at any time of the year. How to use coconut oil for an attractive body:

  • after each visit to the sauna, bath, hot tub or shower, rub your skin from head to toe;
  • if every evening you smear a plant extract on the décolleté area, then the appearance of wrinkles in this area is not threatened;
  • massage the product into the feet, put on socks and leave overnight;
  • completely replaces the cream with unrefined coconut oil for the skin of the hands, which not only moisturizes the hands, but also strengthens the nails.

Stretch marks

Due to its many beneficial properties, the use of coconut oil for stretch marks finds its application in cosmetology. Specialists rub the body with it and give it an anti-cellulite massage. According to many women, this method not only effectively removes cellulite, but also helps stretch marks to be less noticeable. The effect on the chest is especially visible, where striae were formed after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

How to apply coconut oil to remove stretch marks? The product should be melted in a water bath, then rubbed into problem areas. If the skin is thin and dry, then you need to massage daily for 10 minutes. For the best effect, coconut pomace can be mixed with other vegetable fat (olive, flaxseed, cocoa) and with essential elixirs (citrus fruits, rosemary, lavender).

From sunburn

After unsuccessful tanning, the use of coconut pulp extract will help to quickly get rid of burns. When applied to the affected area, the product forms a layer that protects against viruses, bacteria, fungi, external dust. Applying coconut oil for sunburns, you relieve the skin from decay processes, reliably protect against infection. Natural product produces a local anesthetic effect.

During pregnancy

The hair of many pregnant women becomes brittle, prone to loss, and the skin becomes dry, on which stretch marks appear. The beneficial properties of coconut oil will help solve all these problems if future mother there is no allergy to its components or other contraindications for such procedures. Although coconut pomace has almost no side effects, it is best to consult your doctor before using it. It is better not to use coconut oil during pregnancy in pure form, but it is desirable to mix with other cosmetics.

Slimming coconut oil

The process of burning fat when ingested coconut pomace is provided due to the high content of fatty acids. The tool helps to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestive processes, and speed up metabolism. Fragrant vegetable fat is completely absorbed by the body, and the calorie content is 899 kcal / 100 grams. There are two options for how to use coconut oil for weight loss:

  • daily instead of breakfast, 1 spoon (tablespoon) should be taken orally;
  • or before meals for 20 minutes 3 times / day, use 1 spoon (tablespoon).

For food

For the human body, food should include three nutrients a: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The last two are easy to replenish with vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat. Quality fats are difficult to obtain, so nutritionists recommend consuming coconut oil. This aromatic ingredient does not lend itself to high-temperature exposure, therefore does not lose its properties. Use natural vegetable fat instead of margarine and you will see a positive effect in two weeks. So, Coconut Oil - Food Uses:

Coconut oil for massage

Massage therapists love natural vegetable coconut oil because it moisturizes the skin like no other. A product with absorbency medium, suitable for working with deep layers of the epidermis. When it comes to the smell of coconut, people have mixed impressions of it. Someone does not hear him at all, but someone smells too much. The more the product is cleaned, the less odor will be emitted. When coconut oil is used for massage, the skin becomes perfectly soft and smooth. The natural product protects it from premature aging, relieves acne.

For eyelashes

Many women face the problem of excessive eyelash loss. This happens from the use of low-quality cosmetics, prolonged exposure to the radioactive sun or after stress. With regular use of coconut oil for eyelashes, they become fuller, longer and thicker. The product enhances the growth of hairs, strengthens them, restoring their former beauty. Regular eyelash care will help a woman look great even without the use of mascara.

It is necessary to apply the product 2-3 times a week with a brush, having previously cleaned the paint residues. If mascara accidentally gets into the eyes, inflammation can begin. If the brush is not available, then it can be replaced with a cotton swab. When applying vegetable fat, one should strive to ensure that it gets to the roots as little as possible, otherwise a thin film forms on the mucous membrane, clouding the eyes. It is necessary to keep the product for 2-3 hours, then rinse it off.


Coconut oil- a product rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on human body... Today, the main manufacturers of this product are Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines.

You can buy it anywhere in the world without any problems. In ancient times, the use of coconut oil was only available to wealthy people. Today it is for almost everyone's wallet.

Description and composition of the product

If we compare coconut oil with, then it is more dense, and thickens to a creamy state even at room temperature. At zero degrees it hardens but remains elastic.

The product is based on saturated fatty acids:

  • lauric (about 55%);
  • oleic (11%);
  • caprylic (10%);
  • capric (9.7%);
  • myristic (8%);
  • palmitic (5%);
  • stearic (1.3%).

They are considered indispensable for the body, and since it does not produce them itself, you need to get them through food. Coconut oil is the source of these elements. In addition, it contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamins K, E, etc. necessary for humans.

How the oil is obtained

The source material for the production of this tool is coconut pulp... There is 2 methods obtaining oil: cold and hot pressing. Hot pressing produces more finished product, but it has less useful properties. Cold pressing retains all the nutrients.

First, the pulp is detached from the shell, then it is ground, dried and the oil is squeezed out. There are 2 types of it: purified ( refined) and unrefined... Refined has a more transparent structure, it is purified without the use of chemicals under high pressure.

Coconut oil can be made at home. First, you need to make a puncture in the existing hole in the coconut and release the water. Chop the nut, separate the pulp and cut into pieces. Then grind in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting shavings must be poured hot ( 60-70 degrees) with water. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon. The coconut will begin to release liquid. Put the cooled shavings in a cold place for several hours. The oil will float to the surface and thicken. It is removed from the surface and transferred to a glass container.

Useful and medicinal properties

Distinguish food and nonfood(for cosmetic and medical purposes) coconut oil. The best properties possesses a product that has not been heat treatment... In many Asian countries, coconut oil is used as dressings for salads.

Lauric acid, included in the composition, effectively resists infections. Oil can be strengthened gums and teeth.

It is a good prophylactic against development oncological diseases... Applying it to a scalp massage can help relieve stress and soothe.

Antioxidants slow down the aging process of body cells. The use of coconut oil helps to normalize the digestive tract. Improves lipid metabolism, the work of the blood coagulation system. The oil reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

Coconut oil for skin, hair and face

The tool has become widespread and used in cosmetology... Regular rubbing of oil into hair strengthens it and makes it more shiny. If hair is dry and damaged, apply warm oil for a few minutes before washing.

Coconut oil face masks treat many skin imperfections. They give it velvety, protect it from exposure to sunlight. Regular use unrefined oil for massage helps to reduce stretch marks on the skin.

Slimming coconut oil

Saturated fatty acids tend to break down quickly. It promotes the metabolic process in the body. Therefore, for losing weight, coconut oil is one of the key fats in the diet.

Triglycerides of the middle chain, of which there are many in the product, the body absorbs well and converts it into energy, and does not accumulate. The oil prolongs the time of the process of digesting food, the person does not feel hunger longer.

Coconut is used as an ingredient cleansing diets since it normalizes the work digestive system and cleanses the body. But it can help in the process of losing weight if you approach it comprehensively. It is necessary to observe the general and adhere to the necessary. Oil is introduced into the diet gradually.

Harm and contraindications for use

In case of uncontrolled use of this product by mouth instead of beneficial effect you can get harm to the body. Since in it a large number of fat, then excessive use can provoke stomach irritation, exacerbation chronic diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis).

Some may have an individual intolerance to the remedy. Allergies may not appear immediately, but some time after a person takes the oil.

If ds plans to use it as remedy inside, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that he determines the dosage and rules of admission.

How to use and properly take coconut oil

For oral administration as a prophylaxis against infectious diseases, dissolve in the morning 1 dining room spoon about 15 minutes like candy. Then you can spit it out and brush your teeth. Thanks to this procedure, the condition of the gums is improved and the formation of plaque on the teeth is prevented.

For intestines and blood vessels take on an empty stomach every morning 1-2 canteens tablespoons of oil. But you need to start with 0.5 teaspoon, gradually bringing to the required volume. After taking, drink a glass of warm water.

Those who want to lose weight take it by 1 dining room spoon before meals. You can eat no more than 3 spoons... Children can be given 0.5-1 teaspoon based on the age and weight of the child. Seniors can consume no more than 1 tablespoon per day.

To smooth out small wrinkles, rub it on the face and neck before going to bed, after cleaning them. Corns and cracks on the legs are eliminated by applying oil to us overnight.

Where to buy, how to choose and store coconut oil

You can buy coconut oil in different places - in big stores, points of sale of health products, in pharmacies etc. Its price is quite affordable. But don't buy too cheap product- its quality can directly depend on the price.

If you want to buy natural oil, you can request a certificate confirming 100% naturalness of the goods. The strictest standards BDIH, NaTrue, USDA Organic.

At the time of buying unrefined oil on the bottle you need to find information about the cold pressing method. Pour point natural oil less coconut 25 degrees... It becomes hard, white in texture and melts when applied to the surface of the skin. A quality product is gentle delicate aroma... If it is too pronounced, then most likely, an artificial scent has been added to it. It is better to store the product in a dark glass containers out of direct sunlight. Store it for no more than a year.

The unique properties of coconut oil have been appreciated since the days of Cleopatra. It was considered the right way save female beauty and youth. Due to its composition, coconut oil has been used as a nourishing and rejuvenating agent for the skin. Today this valuable product has proven itself in cosmetology, folk medicine and Food Industry.

It's no secret that coconut oil is made from coconut pulp, which contains up to 65% of it. The process of obtaining it is quite simple: first, the pulp is separated from the shell, after which it is dried and, by pressing, a valuable oil is obtained, which can be refined and unrefined. As a rule, refined coconut oil is used for skin and hair care. The use of such oil has no contraindications, it is hypoallergenic, it is perfectly stored for several years even without a refrigerator and retains its qualities even with repeated heating.

Useful properties and uses of coconut oil.
Coconut oil has a wide range of health benefits. It is easy to digest, does not contain cholesterol, and provides the body with many nutrients. It includes great amount valuable oils, among which one can distinguish oleic, lauric, palmitic, kapra, caprylic, arachidonic and others. In addition, it is rich in vitamins (C, A, E), natural antioxidants, and also includes a natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. Due to its composition and delicate pleasant aroma, it is actively used in cosmetology as additives in cosmetics (lipstick, shampoos and other hair care products, natural creams, eye make-up remover, etc.) and as a stand-alone product. Such cosmetics cleanses the skin of dead cells, stimulates the metabolic processes in the skin, tones and nourishes it, making it soft, elastic, elastic and velvety. The light oil composition ensures fast absorption by the skin and does not clog pores. The use of products with coconut oil is suitable for any skin type, helps to smooth wrinkles, eliminate acne, as well as minor lesions and skin defects. In addition, due to its cleansing and foaming properties, coconut oil is used in the production of natural soaps.

Coconut oil is ideal for the delicate skin of babies and children. It also effectively helps with cracked heels and hands, heals eczema, wounds and burns.

Coconut oil is great for dry, sensitive, irritation-prone skin with signs of flaking. It perfectly softens and moisturizes it and creates a kind of film that protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. That is why it is added to sunscreens and after-sun products, as they protect against UV rays and soothe the skin after sunbathing.

Such oil cannot be used in its pure form. The only exception is hair care. Coconut oil should be added to products for the face no more than 10%, for the body - 30%.

In addition to skin care for the face and body, the use of coconut oil has an amazing effect on hair care. This oil softens and moisturizes hair, and effectively relieves scalp irritation and fights dandruff. It spreads easily and evenly over the entire surface of the hair, protecting it from protein loss during washing, as well as from mechanical and chemical influences (drying, curling, etc.). In addition, coconut oil helps nourish and strengthen hair follicles and hair roots, stimulating their growth. Also, coconut oil is used to treat dry and split ends. This oil mixes well with other oils and ready-made cosmetics. Masks with coconut oil make hair strong and manageable, restoring smoothness and natural shine to it.

Due to its ability to quickly absorb, coconut oil is used as a massage oil. Massage with this oil relaxes, cools the skin and has a beneficial effect on nervous system... In addition, massage with coconut oil improves the condition of the skin of the body and increases its tone, slowing down the aging process.

Coconut oil is actively used in the food industry in the manufacture of muffins, cakes, cookies, etc. Due to the crystalline structure and uniform consistency, baking powder based on coconut oil used to make confectionery, improve mixing, and also maintain the structure of the dough before introducing other components into it (gelatinizing starches and egg whites), as a result of which the structure and friability are preserved finished products... Coconut oil can also be eaten directly. For example, it can act as a substitute for margarine: 75 g of coconut oil replaces 100 g butter or margarine. It should be remembered that coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, and the taste of such oil is more delicate. And yet, when used, there is no fatty effect.

In addition, coconut oil helps to improve the processes of digestion and absorption of food. Its regular use reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and some other cardiovascular diseases, helps to strengthen immunity, increases the body's resistance to viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and also prevents the occurrence of tumor cells malignant nature.

Coconut oil is recommended by many doctors for women as a preventive measure against osteoporosis, as it promotes the process of complete absorption of calcium. Due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties contained in this oil lauric acid, the oil protects the body from many fungi and viruses, in particular measles, herpes and flu.

The use of coconut oil for joint diseases has a positive effect. It is also used in the treatment of cancer.

The use of coconut oil is also effective in weight loss. It is coconut oil that is recommended for dieting women as it is not deposited in fats. It helps to restore the functions of the thyroid gland, and is effective in diabetes mellitus.

Coconut oil, methods of application.
Massage Oil.
The coconut oil is heated in a water bath until liquid consistency, which is used as a massage agent for the body, upper chest, face and neck. This massage is especially effective after taking a bath or shower. The skin becomes soft and velvety.

Coconut oil sunscreen.
Stir 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil with 1 tsp. oils peach kernels, sesame oil, rosehip oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the body immediately before tanning.

Coconut oil foot emollient.
Take 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and mix with 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, as well as lemon balm oil and cypress oil (2 drops each). The resulting mixture should be applied to the feet daily.

Cleanser for hands and nails with coconut oil.
Mix in 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and glycerin with 1 tsp. chamomile oil and essential oils of orange and lemon (5 drops each). The resulting mixture should be regularly rubbed into the nails and applied to the hands with massage movements.

Hair mask with coconut oil.
Take 1 tsp. coconut and burdock oil, 3 drops each of rosemary, ylang-ylang, thyme essential oils and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots half an hour before washing.

Facial scrub with coconut oil.
First mix 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and half a cup sea ​​salt, apply the mixture to face and body in gentle circular motions. Massage for a few minutes, then wash it all off warm water... After that, mix a small cup of unleavened yogurt with 30 ml of full-fat milk and apply to the skin that has been exfoliated. This procedure makes the skin soft, elastic, giving a fresh and healthy look.

A revitalizing lip balm with coconut oil.
Rub on fine grater small piece beeswax and melt over a fire until liquid. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. coconut oil, 1 tsp. shea butter and cocoa. Stir until smooth and remove from heat. Then add a few drops of essential oils (violet, rose or lavender) to the mixture. If you have an empty tube of lip balm or lipstick, then pour the resulting mass into it, and when it cools down, use it as a natural balm.

Revitalizing hair mask with coconut oil.
Mix in 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, add one egg yolk, 1h. l. cognac. Apply the resulting mass to the hair a couple of hours before washing.

Coconut oil for cellulite.
Mix equal proportions of coconut, cocoa, shea, jojoba oils with 10 drops of a mixture of orange, cypress, grapefruit essential oils, and fennel oil. Rub the mixture with massage movements into problem areas.

Coconut oil for stretch marks.
Apply with massaging movements a mixture of cocoa butter, coconut and cypress, neroli, sage essential oils.

Anti-cellulite peeling with coconut oil.
Mix coffee with coconut oil until consistency thick sour cream... Apply the resulting mixture to wet skin of the body, massage for ten minutes, paying special attention to problem areas, and then rinse with water. Before using such a scrub, do not use gels or other shower and bath products. After exfoliation, coconut oil should be applied to the skin.

Coconut Oil Facial Scrub Tile.
Heat 200 g of a mixture of coconut, shea and cocoa oils over a fire. Add oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder and medicinal herbs(St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano) in an arbitrary ratio. Remove from heat. Leave the mixture for a day, then form into small pieces and put in the freezer. Apply frozen tiles along the massage lines of the face while taking a shower.

The properties of coconut oil are invaluable. Use skin and hair care products and be beautiful!

Rumors about the colossal benefits of coconut oil continue.

Are they so reliable?

Or is coconut oil harmful?

Coconut oil: composition, calorie content, types

Coconut oil is a kind of vegetable fat, which is obtained by pressing the dried pulp of a nut (copra). The oil is expensive because it is extracted in a long and painstaking way.

Composition and calorie content

Coconut oil is a thick, almost solid yellow mass that becomes softer and clearer under conditions room temperature... It becomes liquid at 25 degrees.

The composition of the product includes the following acids:

Lauric (50%). It has antibacterial properties.

Oleic (up to 11%). Promotes skin hydration.

Palmitic (10%). Renews the intercellular substances of the skin.

Caprylic (up to 10%). Saturates the skin with the missing oxygen.

Myristic (10%). It stabilizes the state of proteins in the body.

Capric (up to 5%). Protects against virus and fungus.

Steric (about 3%). Restores the protective properties of the skin.

The calorie content of coconut oil is 890 kcal per 100 grams.


There are 2 types of oil for use:

Unrefined composition- endowed with a pleasant coconut aroma. This type is applicable for cooking.

Refined coconut oil, which has been seen to be beneficial in cosmetology. The product is processed, chemically bleached and odor removed.

The following types of coconut oil are found on the market:

Natural(clean). It is raw, unfiltered oil without unnecessary additives. Copra in the manufacture is wiped on large millstones. Used in food, massage and as an ingredient in cosmetics.

Virgin... Extracted from pulp (not copra) by fermentation and enzyme processing. Contains antioxidants, fatty acids, has antimicrobial effects.

Organic... Derived from palms grown on organic fertilizers. Chemical substances and additives are not applied. It is widely used as a skin cream or lotion.

Organic virgin... Combines the method of obtaining virgin oil and organic. It is considered the most valuable and rare in the cosmetic market.

Extra virgin... This class of oil is very expensive and is just a marketing ploy with nice name.

Coconut oil: how to apply internally and externally

There are two ways to use coconut oil, depending on what you need to boost: topically for healthy skin and hair, and internally for losing weight and protecting the body from bacteria.

Topical Uses of Coconut Oil

The product is used to strengthen hair. Apply oil before shampooing. The mass is distributed along the entire length, the head is wrapped in a towel and left for an hour. After washing with regular shampoo. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a week. The beneficial properties of coconut oil for hair are also manifested when this product is combined with other ingredients (honey, essential oils, lemon juice etc.).

Coconut oil is used for the skin.

The oil is applied to the cleansed face before going to bed.

If there are areas with rough and cracked skin on the body (elbows, heels and feet), the composition is rubbed into problem areas. The beneficial properties of coconut oil help to eliminate these skin imperfections.

To combat and prevent cellulite, massage with coconut oil is used instead of a softening cream.

The product is used to eliminate postpartum stretch marks. The oil is heated (2-3 teaspoons), added (2-5 drops of rosemary), everything is mixed and rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes.

They are coated with the composition after a shower. The skin becomes soft and exudes pleasant aroma.

Coconut oil softens the skin after sunburn.

The tool is used to lubricate hands and nails.

How coconut oil is consumed internally

Coconut oil is absorbed to prevent tooth decay and to strengthen the body as a whole. If you regularly do this in the morning (one tablespoon is enough), the condition of the gums and teeth will be improved. Immunity will increase and disappear bad smell... The recommended duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes.

The product is used for cooking.

Some representatives use oil for weight loss. Drink one tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Exists various diets on coconut oil, which, according to eyewitnesses, lead to the loss of extra pounds.

What are the benefits of coconut oil for the body?

Coconut oil is beneficial for more than just skin and hair. The properties of this mysterious product go deeper. It renders beneficial influence on the body as a whole:

The cardiovascular system. Fats oils are beneficial and remove excess cholesterol. The vessels become elastic, which prevents the occurrence of heart attacks.

Metabolism. It stabilizes biological processes, improves digestion and cleanses the body - another beneficial property of coconut oil for the body.

The nervous system and the brain. Building components nourish and repair brain cells. The use of coconut oil has a beneficial effect on human health and intellectual activity.

Immunity in general. The oil produces interferons, which are on guard against the parting words of viruses and microbes and fungi.

This remedy as an auxiliary component is widely used in medicine (treatment of ulcers is an example of this). Coconut oil has beneficial properties on its own, but medicine is not, and in some cases can harm.

Coconut oil: what's the health hazard?

Until recently, it was believed that coconut oil brings only benefits to the body, it can only harm overuse and personal intolerance.

In these cases, allergic rashes occur and food poisoning.

There is new information that refutes the fact that the oil is completely safe. Natural hair product is a thickener and foaming ingredient. Small dose causes only an allergic reaction, and a more impressive amount of the product is very dangerous and can lead to the occurrence cancerous tumors.

Now a connection between the use of coconut oil and the disease has been found in dogs. In humans, the expertise has not yet been confirmed, but caution is paramount here. A number of cosmetic products containing Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, DEA-cetyl phosphate, DEA oleth-3 phosphate, Lauramide DEA are prohibited for use.

Oil is extracted in two ways: hot and cold pressed. In the case of the first, part of the fatty acids is destroyed and the oil is dangerous for use. When cold pressed, the product has a better composition and when moderate consumption only benefits. When buying coconut oil, keep this in mind and read the label carefully.

Coconut oil is more likely to be harmful. consists of saturated fatty acids, which are actively used to extend the shelf life of cosmetic products. Manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost, manufacture products Low quality which isn't all that useful.

Coconut oil is opposed by its calorie content. Saturation fatty acids does not lead to good.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm of coconut oil

For those who are waiting for a stork or planning to get pregnant, this product, like others essential oils contraindicated. According to experts, its composition is concentrated by various substances, the smells of which are not found in nature.

Coconut oil is harmful because odors affect the tone of the uterus and can lead to miscarriage. There is a possibility that a little coconut oil inside is useful for pregnant women, but everything is individual, and the following rule should be followed: "Do no harm".

Coconut oil for kids: good or bad

Coconut oil is good for baby's health. This natural composition suitable for newborns.

The tool will relieve the little man from prickly heat, protect against mosquito bites and cure the plaque of the oral cavity when treating the affected area with a tampon moistened with the tool. However, one should consider how coconut oil can harm and read the label carefully when purchasing.

As for the use in infant formula, these are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, the product helps to strengthen the baby's immunity and improve the digestive processes, on the other - side effects that can happen to a little man as well as to an adult.

Considering that some types of oil contain fats that are dangerous for the body and cause cancer, it is better not to take risks and use other proven means to strengthen the baby's immunity, because the purchased product is not always of high quality.

Coconut oil: harm to losing weight

The oil contains in its composition a large amount of fats, which are close to animal origin, and these, in turn, are harmful for maintaining the figure.

For the most part, coconut oil is high in calories and is 100% fat. Therefore, the statement that the product helps to lose weight is not true, but on the contrary, it can contribute to the appearance of extra rollers of fat.

All kinds of coconut oil diets tend to harmful effect than lead to weight loss. Numerous articles with options for its use are a publicity stunt to increase sales.

Thus, coconut oil benefits hair and skin. However, one should be careful with its use. Before buying this product, it is recommended that you carefully familiarize yourself with the method of its manufacture and type.