Sauerkraut soup with pork. Sauerkraut soup with pork - recipe

01.05.2019 Beverages

The colder it is outside, the more you want to sip hot fragrant soup... Let's cook today traditional Siberian "cabbage soup" from sauerkraut with pork!

Pork bones with meat - 1kg

Sauerkraut - 400g

Bulb onion - 150g

Garlic - 2 cloves

Bay leaf - 2pcs

Salt, pepper to taste

First of all, we rinse thoroughly pork bones and, placing them in a deep saucepan,

pour two liters of cold water.

We put on the stove and bring to a boil. Before boiling, a large head of foam rises above the broth,

it must be filmed carefully!

If you want more useful and diet broth, then just drain the first broth, rinse the meat in a saucepan with boiling water and, re-pouring boiling water, continue to cook over low heat as usual. If not, just skim off the foam periodically to keep the broth clean and tasty. boil the bones over low heat for a long time, until the meat easily lags behind the bones. I cooked for 2.5 hours. While the bones with meat are languishing in a saucepan, we will not waste time, but we will prepare all the necessary vegetables.

We clean and cut into strips potatoes, carrots, onions (unfortunately I got distracted and cut the potatoes into cubes)

As soon as the meat is cooked, we spread it to cool on a plate, and filter the broth (otherwise, it can then get very small bones!) I got 1.5 liters of pure broth.

Separate the slightly cooled meat from the bones and cut into pieces (make sure that small bones are not caught in the meat!) I got 210g of pure meat.

Pour the pure broth into a saucepan and, bringing to a boil, throw in the cabbage. Cook until half cooked cabbage, then add potatoes and onions with carrots. (If you like frying, then first save the onions and carrots in vegetable oil and add to the soup at the very end of cooking) My goal was to cook a delicious, but not very high-calorie soup, so I did without frying.

When all the vegetables are ready, add finely chopped greens and crushed or finely chopped garlic.

Mix and remove from the stove.

Well, that's probably all, our homemade cabbage soup is ready! Pour hot aromatic cabbage soup into a plate, put sour cream on top and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Cabbage soup with pork. Recipe with step by step photos

Sauerkraut soup with pork - recipe

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Sauerkraut soup with pork

Sauerkraut is generally considered to be the original national Russian product... However, much earlier than the Russians, the inhabitants of China and Korea began to ferment cabbage. Little known, but historically reliable fact- mentions of the cabbage leavening process are contained in the chronicles, as we would say now, publications from the time of the construction of the Great Wall of China, it was sauerkraut that was fed to the builders.

Sauerkraut is not only very popular and loved, but also very useful product food! Therefore, nutritionists and doctors strongly recommend eating it. And, of course, the most delicious and very aromatic cabbage soup will be the most favorite way to use it!

To make sauerkraut and pork cabbage soup, you will need:

sauerkraut - 500 g

tomato paste - 1 tbsp l.

parsley root - 1 pc.

onion- 2 pcs.

parsley to taste

potatoes - 4 pcs.

Bay leaf- 1 PC.

Method of preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut and pork:

1. So, we start by washing the pork meat thoroughly, and then chopping it into portions(6 pieces, about 50 g each). Next, we send them into a saucepan, fill in cold water and send it to the fire. As soon as the water boils, salt it, reduce the heat to a minimum and periodically remove the foam from the broth. Peel the parsley root and one onion, rinse them, and then put them in the broth to the meat (whole) to give it a pleasant vegetable flavor.

2. At this time, squeeze out the sauerkraut, rinse it and put it in a colander or sieve to glass the water, then chop it with a knife. We shift the cabbage into a separate saucepan, fill it with water and boil it for 15-20 minutes.

3. We will prepare the sautéing for now. To do this, peel and thoroughly rinse the onions and carrots. Then finely chop the onion (while leaving 1 onion for the broth), and rub the carrots on a coarse or medium grater. Preheat in a skillet enough vegetable oil and sauté the prepared vegetables on it (for a few minutes, until they are soft and golden yellowish). At the same time, do not forget to stir periodically so that they do not burn. At the end of frying, add a little tomato paste to the pan, stir it with vegetables and let everything cook for a couple of minutes. Now add a little broth and simmer for another 5-6 minutes.

4. Wash the potatoes properly, peel them, then cut them into strips. We take out the parsley root and onion from the finished broth and put the softened cabbage in a saucepan, let it boil for another 10 minutes, and then add the chopped potatoes. It will be ready in 10 minutes (when boiling potatoes, be sure to remove the foam).

5. As soon as the potatoes are ready, put the cooked sausage in a saucepan, mix everything thoroughly and add salt and black pepper to taste (be sure to try the cabbage soup with salt). We continue to cook the cabbage soup for another 5-7 minutes, after which we add the bay leaf, cover the saucepan with a lid and remove it from the heat. Let the soup brew for another 10-20 minutes.

During this time, we will have time to thoroughly rinse and dry the parsley, which then needs to be finely chopped. So, we pour the ready-made cabbage soup from sauerkraut and pork in portions into plates, and sprinkle the dish on top big amount chopped greens and season with chilled sour cream.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Recipe: Cabbage soup with sauerkraut - With pork ribs

pork on the bone - 300 grams;

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;

spices for soup - to taste;

onion - 1 pc. ;

sauerkraut - 200 grams;

potatoes - 2 pcs. ;

sour cream - for serving;

frozen greens - to taste

First you need to boil the pork. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and put the ribs, previously washed in running water.

When the water has been changed, put the pork pan on the fire and continue cooking. The main thing is to change the water in time. If you miss this moment and change it when the meat is almost cooked, then the broth will turn out to be empty. As a result, the cabbage soup will not be so tasty.

Remove the pork ribs from the finished broth and add the potatoes.

While the potatoes are boiling, you can prepare the frying. Carrots should be peeled, washed, and then chopped into a coarse grater.

Onions must be peeled, washed and chopped.

You need to put a frying pan on the fire, heat it and pour in vegetable oil. After that, you can put chopped onions and carrots.

Vegetables should be sautéed until golden brown.

The meat must be separated from the bones and cut into small pieces.

Pork and vegetables can be added to the broth and cooked for another 10 minutes.

At the end of cooking, add sauerkraut to the cabbage soup. this product worth wringing out. If the cabbage is too sour, you can rinse it in cold water. This will remove the acid. Sauerkraut should be added only after the potatoes are boiled. Otherwise, the vegetables will remain hard due to the acid.

You need to cook the soup for another 15 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, put greens in the sauerkraut cabbage soup. Alas, I had only frozen, but you can also fresh.

We can confidently say that cabbage soup is only Russian dish, because no foreigner can clearly pronounce this name, and in special foreign literature they call cabbage soup cabbage soup, and its recipe is extremely rare in cookbooks.

You can study history, geography and literature, from oral folk art to the works of the great Russian classics.

Every housewife knows a couple of cabbage soup recipes that her mother and grandmother cooked. But this is within the framework of a single family, in a specific area. In the neighboring region, they can be cooked differently, but on the outskirts of immense Russia, where Russian traditions and culture are closely intertwined with the traditions of other peoples, the differences in cooking are sometimes even surprising.

If we move aside the boundaries of time and space, then the cabbage soup is much more interesting, which we will now try to understand in more detail and using examples.

Sauerkraut soup with pork - technological highlights

The basis of the cabbage soup is cabbage. This has been the case since the ninth century, when this vegetable was cultivated in Russia. In summer and autumn - fresh leaves, in winter - sour, sour. There are recipes for cabbage soup using sorrel, nettle, and other herbs. But sauerkraut - business card old Russian dish.

Old recipes are distinguished by their minimalism. In them, besides cabbage, there is very little spicy herbs and roots. Later, spices were added to the cabbage soup, but in small quantities. Until the sixteenth century, cabbage soup was more like a drink. Meat and fish products have gradually grown to the vegetable base.

Cabbage soup based on meat or fish broth in ancient Russian cuisine were the privilege of the nobility. Poor peasants could afford such a luxury only on major Orthodox holidays: Russian cuisine was formed not only under the influence of neighboring states and traditions of other peoples, but had social stratification, in many respects focused on the observance of Orthodox canons.

Therefore, there are still varieties of cabbage soup:

  • Seedling - using young cabbage leaves;
  • Greens - from nettles, sorrel and other leafy greens
  • Lean - with mushrooms, beans, etc .;
  • Fish - this type of cabbage soup is rarely prepared, since a good fish broth requires the use of sturgeon and several species river fish;
  • Rich cabbage soup (or full) - with meat or fish, sauerkraut and porcini mushrooms; they are also called merchants;
  • Prefabricated - with several types of meat and meat products. V modern cooking national cabbage soup can be cooked in meat broth with the addition of ham, smoked and raw smoked sausages that go well with sauerkraut. Such cabbage soup was served at the boyar table and has a second, appropriate name;

Perhaps, we will consider the preparation of meat broth for cabbage soup in detail, so as not to repeat the technology of its preparation in each recipe, which are attached below.

rules perfect broth for meat first courses

Sets of tubular bones and joints are ideal for soups, cabbage soup and borscht. The broth from them turns out to be extremely tasty and rich. Want to tasty first dish - make bone broth. Then you can add whatever you want. Even if there is no other meat, there will be enough "sugar" seeds to form a breathtaking taste.

Do not forget to remove the foam before the boil begins, and shortly before the end of cooking, add pieces of roots, bay leaves, pepper, onion. Strain the broth. If there is meat on the bones, collect it and return to the liquid at the end of cooking the cabbage soup.

The broth should simmer for at least two hours, and add the pork loin one hour before the end of cooking, so that the meat has time to cook. Soak the pulp in water in advance to make the broth transparent. Boil the pork in one piece to make the pulp more juicy, and before serving, cut into portions and place in bowls.

Bring the finished broth to a boil and reduce heat. Then the cabbage soup should be cooked in a simmering mode; This cooking technology is closest to cooking cabbage soup in a Russian oven and makes their taste special.

What is thickening of soups, and is it necessary to thicken cabbage soup with pork?

In the old days, the poor, who did not have meat on the tables even on holidays, filled cabbage soup with flour or boiled potatoes in water, and even earlier - turnips, so that lean broth was more satisfying. The question of thickening the meat broth is decided on an individual basis, it depends on the taste and level of appetite.

Energy value broth is much higher than that of vegetable broth... Meat increases the calorie content of the dish, but well-boiled vegetables give a different taste to the broth. Moreover, our grandmothers cooked whole potatoes, then kneaded them in a mortar and returned them back to the pan - it was very tasty.

Flour, as one of the ways to thicken, it is advisable to fry in a pan until creamy. Although traditional Russian cabbage soup differs from all other first courses with a bookmark raw food, except for cabbage - it is pre-stewed, separately.

To thicken the cabbage soup, you can use mushrooms, beans, apples. In some southern regions, for this, an egg "chatter" is added to the cabbage soup - raw eggs combine with a small part of warm broth, beat and pour into cabbage soup at the end of cooking.

Until the nineteenth century in Russia, spelled was a very revered grain (very hard grade wheat). In the southern regions of Russia and among the peoples inhabiting the Volga region, cabbage soup was prepared, including with spelled. But due to the extraordinary hardness, the cereals were previously soaked in yogurt, then washed and fried with onions. In this form, it was added to the cabbage soup. Now cereals are also often added: millet, rice, wheat, "Artek".

However, rich and absolutely transparent meat broth for cabbage soup - no worse than thick. In this transparency of soups, a French trace is frankly visible: the "poor monsieur" who became impoverished in their homeland, as the great Russian poet called them, poured into Russia in the nineteenth century, to teach us wisdom, French, refined manners, and at the same time decided to teach how to cook Russian cabbage soup, in French.

I must say that the French cooking school at first it took root only among the boyar and merchant nobility, persons close to the court. Ordinary people remained faithful to the old Slavic traditions... Therefore, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, cabbage soup was divided into thick, with additives, and transparent, rich - with meat. This class division of cabbage soup existed until the early twentieth century. Try both - long live variety!

What is whitening and what is it for?

Sour cream and cream not only enrich the taste of the dish, but make it different. These products are used to "whiten" cabbage soup. Zabelka is a must for sorrel cabbage soup, and they are added to cabbage soup if desired.

About the methods of cooking cabbage soup with pork

As already noted, the main principle of cooking cabbage soup is a special heat treatment - they are not boiled, but tormented. This mode brings the taste of the dish as close as possible to that characteristic of dishes from the Russian oven. It is clear that now even not every villager will be able to accurately reproduce the process of such preparation.

But also modern conditions you can get as close as possible to cooking cabbage soup in a Russian oven, at a temperature "after the bread", which corresponded to about 85-95C. That is, liquid food does not boil at this temperature, but is pasteurized for a long time. Modern ovens and multicooker are equipped with timers and thermometers. They are available in almost every home, which means there is a chance to try real cabbage soup.

Separately, you need to talk about daily cabbage soup, because this is not some kind of special recipe, according to the composition of the ingredients, and a special thermal cooking method. After cooking, the daily cabbage soup is slowly cooled: after cooking, they are wrapped for 3-4 hours, and then put out in the cold for a day. Preheat them in the oven or microwave before serving. Often, the surface of the pot in which the daily cabbage soup is prepared is tightly closed with yeast dough - a flat cake in order to better preserve the shchany aroma. Sprinkle the dough with caraway seeds or rub with a mixture of butter, garlic, chopped herbs. In this case, you do not need to serve bread with cabbage soup.

1. Soup from sauerkraut with pork, Little Russian

In Russian cuisine, cabbage soup is traditionally prepared from beef. In the southern and western regions, poultry and pork are used. A small piece of non-greasy pork fillet and more "sugar" seeds - a meat set that creates the characteristic southwestern flavor of Russian cabbage soup. Use potatoes for thickening, sour cream for whitening.


Soup set 500 g

Pork pulp 900 g

Cabbage with brine 700 g

Celery, parsley, yellow carrots (roots) - to taste

Leafy greens (dill, parsley) 120 g

Potatoes 300 g

Bay leaf, pepper mix, coriander, salt

Operating procedure:

Strain the broth, temporarily place the pulp in separate dishes by cutting into portions. Since all the aroma of the roots has disappeared during the cooking of the broth, put some more fresh roots along with the peeled potatoes: you can cut them into pieces or put them whole - it does not matter, but it is important that the potatoes are completely boiled. Add the cabbage with brine when the potatoes break easily. The roots can be removed with a slotted spoon.

Add chopped leafy greens, ground spices 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Taste and salt. Place the chopped meat in the cabbage soup so that it warms up before serving in the broth.

It is convenient to cook cabbage soup according to this recipe in a slow cooker. Serve with a piece of meat and a spoonful of sour cream on each plate.

2. Sauerkraut soup with pork and mushrooms


Bone broth 4 l

Cream (or sour cream) 250 ml

Raw eggs 4 pcs.

Cabbage 1 kg

Canned mushrooms 450 g

Pork neck 900 g

Mushrooms, porcini (powder) 50 g

Parsley, chopped

Bay leaf, pepper

Butter, butter 60 g

Sequence of work:

Cook the meat whole. Dissolve the oil in a deep skillet, sauté the finely chopped onion and put the sliced ​​mushrooms first, then add the sauerkraut.

Chop the finished meat, spread it equally in portion pots... Put on top vegetable stew, also dividing them into equal parts. Season the meat broth mushroom powder, to strengthen mushroom flavor, ground spices, salt. Beat eggs and combine with cream. Add a few tablespoons of warm broth to the beaten mass to warm up the cream and eggs and avoid curdling. Then pour the mixture into hot broth while stirring continuously. Fill the pots with meat broth with cream and egg mass, covering the meat, mushrooms and cabbage with liquid, 3 cm above the level of the thick. Sprinkle with herbs. Cover the portion pots, place on a baking sheet and incubate in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 80C.

Serve the cabbage soup in pots.

3. Mixed cabbage soup with pork and smoked sausages

You will need:

Pork and chicken broth 3.5 l

Sausages "Hunting" 300 g

Cabbage 600 g

Pork pork 400 g

Chopped greens, fresh 100 g

Carrots 150 g

Celery root 50 g

Sour cream (20%) 300 ml

Fried mushrooms 400 g


Cut fresh roots randomly, put in ready-made broth... Cut the boiled pork and sausages into slices. Send along with the mushrooms, followed by the roots. You can add sauerkraut at the same time, and at the end of cooking, add chopped greens and spices to the cabbage soup.

It - quick option cabbage soup, but after cooking, soak them for about an hour in a preheated oven to combine all the aromas. When serving, add sour cream to each serving.

4. Mixed cabbage soup with pork, tomato and red beans


Cabbage 500 g (with brine)

Chicken thighs 4 things. (600 g)

Red beans, boiled 300 g

Kitchen salt

Bay leaf

Ground pepper

Vegetable oil 75 ml

Soup set (or pork ribs) 0.5 kg

Potatoes, peeled 350 g

Carrots 140 g

Bulb onions 200 g

Tomato paste 50 g

Fresh pepper, leafy greens

Sour cream - for serving


Cook the broth by placing first in cold water pork ribs, and after half an hour or forty minutes add chicken thighs. At the end of cooking, add whole roots and spices to give the meat a flavor. Get out meat products and separate them from the bones.

Return the pieces of pulp to the saucepan. Slice potatoes, toss in a pot with boiled beans... Add shredded onions, carrots with tomato paste and sauerkraut in a saucepan, then transfer vegetables to a saucepan, reducing heat.

Cook the cabbage soup for another fifteen minutes. Add chopped peppers and herbs. You can add chili if you wish. Taste it. Add spicy spices... Having removed the cabbage soup from the stove, wrap it with a towel and let it brew a little.

5. Boyar cabbage soup with pork and porcini mushrooms in the oven


Beef with bone 1.2 kg

Pork (back) 700 g

Porcini mushrooms, dried 70 g

Parsley and red carrot roots

Milk 200 ml

Tomato paste 50 g

Cabbage 500 g

Potatoes 300 g

Cooking fat for sautéing vegetables 50 g


Yeast puff pastry 1.2KG

Egg 1 pc.

Spices to taste

Foil, ceramic pots 8-10 pcs.

Sour cream and chopped herbs for serving


Beef and pork broth, with roots, cook the day before. Separate the meat from the bone, chop. Also chop the pork pulp. Strain the broth.

Put the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with fresh unpasteurized milk, cover the bowl with foil and put it in a cool place for an hour or an hour and a half: the milk returns the mushrooms' aroma to the mushrooms. Then rinse the mushrooms with running water, cut.

Prepare vegetables: chop onions and carrots and sauté with tomato paste two or three minutes. Add sauerkraut.

Place meat, mushrooms, potatoes and stewed vegetables in portion pots. Pour the broth over the contents. Wrap the surface of the pots with foil. Turn on the oven at 120C. Place the peas on a tray and place in the oven for an hour.

At this time from yeast dough mold the cakes: their diameter should be equal to the diameter of the pot, the thickness should be 1.5 cm. Put the cakes, let them rise. Cover with a napkin

After an hour, remove the cabbage soup from the oven, remove the foil and cover the surface with semi-finished dough products, greasing the surface with a beaten egg. Return the pots to the oven for 20 minutes, increasing the temperature to 180C.

When the dough is browned, remove the pots and cover them with a towel for ten minutes. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

6. Don field cabbage soup with pork and millet

Products composition:

Fillet (back) 1.0 kg

Potatoes 450 g (net)

Red carrots 120 g

Sauerkraut 700 g

Parsley, dill, celery (leaves and stems) 150 g

Raw eggs 4 pcs.

Garlic 50 g

Millet 150 g

Homemade sour cream 450 g

Cooking procedure:

V a large pot pour out the water, put the cabbage, chopped potatoes, onions, grated carrots, millet, along with the meat. It is advisable to pre-soak the meat in water for at least 8 hours. For camping cabbage, fresh pork can be replaced with stew. Cook until millet is done. Beat the raw eggs and pour them in a thin stream into the boiling cabbage soup, at the same time quickly rotate the contents of the pan so that from egg white thin threads formed. Add sour cream and chopped herbs to the saucepan. Wrap the cabbage soup for half an hour and then serve.

Sauerkraut soup with pork - useful tips

Cabbage soup is the only first hot dish that becomes even tastier the next day.

In conclusion - an important detail: take seriously the choice of utensils for cooking cabbage soup. This is exactly what our distant ancestors did. Perfect cookware - clay pot, but in view of its specific characteristics for care and inaccessibility, use at least modern ceramics, heat-resistant glass. The main thing is that the container for the cabbage soup in no way oxidizes and has thick walls - it slowly heats up and cools.

Cabbage soup

Cabbage soup with sauerkraut

We need:

  • Onion / one piece
  • Carrot / four pcs.
  • Celery stalks / 2 pcs.
  • Potato / two - four pcs.
  • Garlic / two wedges.
  • Pork ribs / nine hundred gr.
  • Tomato sauce / two hundred ml
  • Beef broth / four l.
  • Sugar / two tablespoons
  • Bay leaves / one piece
  • Paprika / one tsp
  • Bacon / four
  • Fresh cabbage / one (medium-sized forks)
  • Sauerkraut / four hundred and fifty gr.
  • Parsley / one bunch (garnish).
  • Sour cream / two tablespoons (as a side dish).

How to cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut

Put pork ribs in a dish with a thick bottom.
Turn on high heat on the stove, fry so that the ribs are browned. We transfer them to another dish.

In the same bowl, you need to fry the bacon, cut into pieces.
Most of the fat should be melted from the bacon.

My potatoes, we clean. We cut into large pieces.
We clean the carrots, cut into rings. Grind the onion with a knife. Cut the celery into medium slices.

We send the chopped ingredients to a dish with bacon, squeeze out the garlic. Fry the onion until transparent.

Now we need to add chopped fresh cabbage, stir, simmer for a few minutes so that the cabbage becomes soft.

After that add sauerkraut, tomato sauce, paprika, bay leaves with sugar. We put in a dish pork ribs, pour beef broth... Cook over low heat for about two hours. The meat should come loose from the bones.

We select the ribs from the cabbage soup, cut the meat, wrap it back into the dish. Serve to the table adding sour cream with herbs.

Sauerkraut soup video recipe

Cabbage soup with cauliflower

We will need:

  • Beef pulp / three hundred gr.
  • White cabbage / four hundred gr.
  • Broccoli / two hundred gr.
  • Cauliflower / two hundred gr.
  • Bell pepper / one hundred gr.
  • Water / three liters.
  • Onions / one pc.
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Tomato paste / one tbsp l.
  • Vegetable oil / three tbsp. l.
  • Salt tastes.
  • Peppers taste.
  • Bay leaves taste.
  • Paprika tastes good.

How to cook cabbage soup with cauliflower

We wash the beef, put it in a dish with cold water.
Let's start cooking the broth, cook for about one hour, as it boils.
Add salt. Get the beef.

We filter the broth.
We lay the chopped potatoes when they boil again.

We clean the onion, cut it.
Fry for five minutes with vegetable oil.

Add the grated to the frying pan fine grater carrots.
Stir, cook, so that it is soft.

Add the pepper cut into strips, stir, cook for two minutes.

Add a little water, paprika with tomato paste.
Simmer the ingredients for seven minutes with a small flame.

In the meantime, we will white cabbage.

Let's deal with cauliflower with broccoli, we will disassemble from inflorescences.
We wash everything in clean water.

Add white cabbage to the broth.
After five minutes, add cauliflower with broccoli.

Cooking for about twenty minutes.
After that, add the fry to the cabbage soup.

At the very end, put spices, bay leaves, pieces of meat and pepper. Serving to the table!

Sauerkraut cabbage soup

We will need:

  • Pork meat / five hundred gr.
  • Sauerkraut / five hundred gr.
  • Carrot / two pcs.
  • Onion / two
  • Potato / four pieces
  • Bay leaves / 2 pcs.
  • Salt / one tsp
  • Dried dill / one tsp
  • Vegetable oil / six tbsp. l.
  • Spice taste.

How to cook cabbage soup

We wash the pork, put it in a saucepan with clean water, put on the stove. After it starts to boil, we reduce the flame, remove the foam from above.

Next step add the potatoes with bay leaves.
Reduce heat and cook for five to ten minutes.

Fry carrots and onions with vegetable oil (half).
Put the spices to taste after the potatoes are slightly soft.

On the remaining half of the vegetable oil, we will stew the cabbage, put it in a saucepan. We add spices to your taste.

As the pork with vegetables is cooked, remove the pan from the stove, close the lid, leave the cabbage soup for thirty minutes.

Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Russian cabbage soup - video recipe

Cabbage soup with beans

We will need:

  • Beef meat / four hundred gr.
  • Beans / half tbsp
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Onion / one piece
  • Potato / two pieces
  • Fresh cabbage / three hundred gr.
  • Greens / twenty gr.
  • Salt / one tsp (tastes like).
  • Water / one and a half - two liters.

How to cook cabbage soup with beans

We wash the beef, cut into pieces, put it in a saucepan, pour clean water, put it on the stove to cook.
When it starts to boil, remove the foam from above.
Add beans previously soaked in water to boiling water. We cook for about one hour.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.

Fry the onion with vegetable oil until a golden color appears.

Peel the carrots, cut into small cubes.

Peel the potatoes, cut into medium cubes.

Chop cabbage into small pieces.

We put vegetable components in a saucepan, add salt, cook for fifteen to twenty minutes. When the cabbage soup is cooked, add sour cream and herbs to them. The taste is incomparable. We serve to the table.

Ukrainian borsch with beans - video recipe

Sour cabbage soup with pork

We will need:

  • Pork meat / five hundred gr.
  • Sauerkraut / two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Water / two and a half liters.
  • Carrots / two pcs.
  • Onion / two
  • Potato / four pieces
  • Bay leaves / two pcs.
  • Carnations / three pcs.
  • Vegetable oil / two tbsp. l.
  • Sugar / one and a half tsp
  • Salt tastes.
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook Sour cabbage soup with pork

We wash the pork meat, put it in a saucepan, pour water.
We put it on the stove, turn on a strong fire, bring it to a boil. Then put carrots, onions, cloves, bay leaves.
We cook for one hour and thirty minutes.

After this time, turn off the stove.
We take out the ingredients, filter the broth.

We put the broth on the stove, wait for it to boil.
We wash the potatoes, peel, cut.
Place the potatoes in a pot of boiling broth.

Peel the carrots with the onion, rinse, cut into small pieces.
We are engaged in frying vegetables in a skillet with oil.
After frying, put in a saucepan with broth.

Tear the pork into pieces, add to the rest of the ingredients in the pan.

About seven to ten minutes before complete cooking, squeeze the liquid out of the cabbage and add to the pan.

Salt and pepper to taste, add sugar.
We are waiting for it to boil, turn it off.
Let the soup stand for about fifteen minutes, serve.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup - recipe video

Sorrel cabbage soup with pork

We will need:

  • Pork meat / three hundred and fifty gr. (preferably not greasy)
  • Potatoes / five hundred gr.
  • Bow / one piece
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Tomatoes / two - three pcs.
  • Green sorrel / one bunch (tasting greens)
  • Vegetable oil / one tbsp. l.
  • Salt with spices to taste.
  • Boiled eggs / two pcs. (at your discretion)

How to cook sorrel cabbage soup with pork

We wash the pork meat, dry it, cut it into small pieces.
We put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, put it on a hot plate.

When it boils, be sure to remove the foam from above.
We do medium fire, cook for ten - fifteen minutes.

After this time, carefully remove with a slotted spoon.

When preparing, we peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes.
We put it to the broth, like pull out the pork.
Add salt to taste, continue to cook, the heat should be medium.

Heat vegetable oil in a skillet.
We put the chopped onion in a frying pan, fry so that the onion is transparent. Add carrots, pork with chopped peeled tomatoes (you can use tomato paste or sauce). We leave to sweat for ten to fifteen minutes.

Put pork and vegetables in a saucepan, cook further.
We wash green sorrel, dry, grind.
If desired, it is allowed to put parsley with dill in the soup to your taste.

We spread the components of the greens in the soup and wait for it to boil.
Season with salt and pepper.
After two minutes, remove from the stove, close the lid, insist for twenty minutes. When serving, cut the egg into a plate.

Sorrel soup. How to make sorrel soup

Delicious sauerkraut cabbage soup in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • Fat brisket beef / eight hundred gr.
  • Sauerkraut / eight hundred gr.
  • Onions / one pc.
  • Chicken thighs / two pcs.
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Potato / four pieces
  • Garlic / four wedges.
  • Parsley / three sprigs.
  • Dill greens / three sprigs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Green celery / one sprig.
  • Salt tastes.

How to cook Delicious sauerkraut cabbage soup in a slow cooker

The first step is to squeeze the brine out of the cabbage, put it in a cup, in a slow cooker. Pour in water about two fingers above the cabbage. We set it in the "stew" mode for six hours.

Next, we transfer everything from the cup to the pan.
Let's wait until the cabbage has cooled down, put it in a cold place for six to eight hours.

After this time, put the washed beef with chicken in a multicooker cup. Fill in water (three liters).
Set in the "soup" mode for three hours. We remove everything that has boiled, add onion halves, a little fried, carrots, salt with spices. Cook the soup for two hours.
Then we filter the broth.

Pour the broth back into the multicooker cup.
Add the meat, peeled whole potatoes.
Set in the "soup" mode for one hour.

Now boiled potatoes cut into medium pieces.
We put it to the broth. Also lay the cabbage (squeeze the water).

Set in soup mode for thirty minutes.
Season with salt and pepper. We put in the "heating" mode for ten minutes.

When serving, add chopped herbs with garlic.

The most delicious cabbage soup - video recipe

Sorrel cabbage soup with nettle

We will need:

  • Green sorrel / fifty gr.
  • Green nettle / fifty gr.
  • Eggs / two pcs.
  • Potato / two pieces
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Chicken or vegetable broth / one liter.

How to cook sorrel cabbage soup with nettle

For lean soup eggs with broth are not needed.
To make soup according to classic version, we need to boil chicken eggs, and in the meantime, prepare the broth.

First, scald the nettle in boiling water, so that it does not "bite".

We cut it into small pieces.

We wash the sorrel in clean water, cut it into small pieces.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the broth.
Salt, to your taste, leave to cook over medium heat.

Cut the onion with carrots into small pieces, add to the broth.

As the potatoes are almost cooked, add greens to it.

By the end of cooking, add chopped into small pieces boiled egg.
We bring it to a finished state, remove it from the stove.
We insist for fifteen minutes, serve.

Add sour cream if desired, very tasty.

Nettle and sorrel soup - recipe video

Cabbage soup

We will need:

  • Fresh cabbage / five hundred gr.
  • Potatoes / three hundred gr.
  • Carrots / one - two
  • Bow / one - two pieces
  • Sun-dried tomatoes / four - six pcs.
  • Greenery / one bunch.
  • Garlic / tastes.
  • Salt / one tsp
  • Spice / one pinch.
  • Vegetable oil / one tbsp. l.

How to cook cabbage soup

Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove.
V this recipe there is no meat, but if desired, you can add meat broth, we are waiting for it to boil.

We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes.

We got to the cabbage, chop it, and when the water boils in the pan, put the cabbage with potatoes. Add salt, make medium heat, cook so that the potatoes are soft.

Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes.
Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it, add onion, fry so that it is transparent. Optionally, you can add to the dish Bell pepper... It turns out very tasty.

We clean the carrots, rub through a grater.
Put in a skillet, fry for about five minutes.

The turn came to sun-dried tomatoes.
We put them in a saucepan, followed by frying.

Cook for about five to seven minutes, reducing over medium heat.

Salt a little (to taste), add spices with bay leaves.

We wash and dry the greens, finely chop.
Now we need a mortar.
We spread greens in it, add salt (a pinch).

We clean the garlic, add to the herbs.
Rub thoroughly, put in a saucepan, remove from the stove.

Stir well, close the lid, leave for thirty minutes.

We serve to the table. I wish you bon appetit.

Fresh cabbage soup - recipe video

Vegetarian cabbage soup

We will need:

  • Champignon mushrooms / one hundred and fifty gr.
  • Dill greens / ten gr.
  • White cabbage / two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Vegetable oil / fifty ml.
  • Bay leaves / two pcs.
  • Potato / two - three pcs.
  • Carrot / one piece
  • Onion / one piece
  • Tomato sauce / four tablespoons l.
  • Salt tastes.
  • Black ground pepper the taste.
  • Water / two liters.
  • Garlic / two - three cloves.

How to cook vegetarian cabbage soup

We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes, put them in a saucepan.
Fill with clean, cold water, put on the stove, cook.

Now cut the onion into small pieces.
Rub the carrots through a grater.
Simmer vegetable components with oil in a skillet for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

Put the finished frying in a saucepan.
We cook all the ingredients for ten to fifteen minutes.

Cabbage in soup is chopped on thin straw.

We wash the mushrooms, cut into large pieces.
We put them in the pan with the rest of the products.

Season with salt, put bay leaf and pepper.
We continue to cook for about fifteen minutes.

Add sauce, stir, cook for another five minutes.

When everything is almost ready, add chopped garlic with dill to the soup. We serve to the table. Bon Appetit.

Vegetarian cabbage soup - recipe video

We can confidently say that cabbage soup is only a Russian dish, because no foreigner can clearly pronounce this name, and in special foreign literature cabbage soup is called cabbage soup, and its recipe is extremely rare in cookbooks.

You can study history, geography and literature, from oral folk art to the works of the great Russian classics.

Every housewife knows a couple of cabbage soup recipes that her mother and grandmother cooked. But this is within the framework of a single family, in a specific area. In the neighboring region, they can be cooked differently, but on the outskirts of immense Russia, where Russian traditions and culture are closely intertwined with the traditions of other peoples, the differences in cooking are sometimes even surprising.

If we move aside the boundaries of time and space, then the cabbage soup is much more interesting, which we will now try to understand in more detail and using examples.

Sauerkraut soup with pork - technological highlights

The basis of the cabbage soup is cabbage. This has been the case since the ninth century, when this vegetable was cultivated in Russia. In summer and autumn - fresh leaves, in winter - sour, pickled. There are recipes for cabbage soup using sorrel, nettle, and other herbs. But sauerkraut is a visiting card of an old Russian dish.

The old recipes for cabbage soup are minimalist. In addition to cabbage, they contain very few herbs and roots. Later, spices were added to the cabbage soup, but in small quantities. Until the sixteenth century, cabbage soup was more like a drink. Meat and fish products have gradually grown to the vegetable base.

Cabbage soup based on meat or fish broth in ancient Russian cuisine was the privilege of the nobility. Poor peasants could afford such a luxury only on major Orthodox holidays: Russian cuisine was formed not only under the influence of neighboring states and traditions of other peoples, but had social stratification, in many respects focused on the observance of Orthodox canons.

Therefore, there are still varieties of cabbage soup:

  • Seedling - using young cabbage leaves;
  • Greens - from nettles, sorrel and other leafy greens
  • Lean - with mushrooms, beans, etc .;
  • Fish - this type of cabbage soup is rarely prepared, since a good fish broth requires the use of sturgeon and several types of river fish;
  • Rich cabbage soup (or full) - with meat or fish, sauerkraut and porcini mushrooms; they are also called merchants;
  • Prefabricated - with several types of meat and meat products. In modern cooking, cabbage soup can be cooked in meat broth with the addition of ham, smoked and uncooked smoked sausages, which go well with sauerkraut. Such cabbage soup was served at the boyar table and has a second, appropriate name;

Perhaps, we will consider the preparation of meat broth for cabbage soup in detail, so as not to repeat the technology of its preparation in each recipe, which are attached below.

The rules for the perfect broth for meat first courses

Sets of tubular bones and joints are ideal for soups, cabbage soup and borscht. The broth from them turns out to be extremely tasty and rich. If you want a delicious first course, make a bone broth. Then you can add whatever you want. Even if there is no other meat, there will be enough "sugar" seeds to form a breathtaking taste.

Do not forget to remove the foam before the boil begins, and shortly before the end of cooking, add pieces of roots, bay leaves, pepper, onion. Strain the broth. If there is meat on the bones, collect it and return to the liquid at the end of cooking the cabbage soup.

The broth should simmer for at least two hours, and add the pork loin one hour before the end of cooking, so that the meat has time to cook. Soak the pulp in water in advance to make the broth transparent. Boil the pork in one piece to make the pulp more juicy, and before serving, cut into portions and place in bowls.

Bring the finished broth to a boil and reduce heat. Then the cabbage soup should be cooked in a simmering mode; This cooking technology is closest to cooking cabbage soup in a Russian oven and makes their taste special.

What is thickening of soups, and is it necessary to thicken cabbage soup with pork?

In the old days, the poor, who did not have meat on the tables even on holidays, seasoned cabbage soup with flour or boiled potatoes in water, and even earlier - turnips, so that the lean broth was more satisfying. The question of thickening the meat broth is decided on an individual basis, it depends on the taste and level of appetite.

The energy value of meat broth is much higher than that of vegetable broth. Meat increases the calorie content of the dish, but well-boiled vegetables give a different taste to the broth. Moreover, our grandmothers cooked whole potatoes, then kneaded them in a mortar and returned them back to the pan - it was very tasty.

Flour, as one of the ways to thicken, it is advisable to fry in a pan until creamy. Although traditional Russian cabbage soup differs from all other first courses by laying down raw products, except for cabbage - it is pre-stewed, separately.

To thicken the cabbage soup, you can use mushrooms, beans, apples. In some southern regions, for this, an egg "chatter" is added to the cabbage soup - raw eggs are combined with a small part of warm broth, beaten and poured into the cabbage soup at the end of cooking.

Until the nineteenth century, spelled (a very hard wheat variety) was a very revered grain in Russia. In the southern regions of Russia and among the peoples inhabiting the Volga region, cabbage soup was prepared, including with spelled. But due to the extraordinary hardness, the cereals were previously soaked in yogurt, then washed and fried with onions. In this form, it was added to the cabbage soup. Now cereals are also often added: millet, rice, wheat, "Artek".

However, a rich and absolutely transparent meat broth for cabbage soup is no worse than a thick one. In this transparency of the soups, a French trace is frankly visible: the "poor monsieur" who became impoverished in their homeland, as the great Russian poet called them, poured into Russia in the nineteenth century, to teach us wisdom, the French language, refined manners, and at the same time decided to teach us how to cook Russian cabbage soup, in French.

I must say that the French culinary school at first took root only among the boyar and merchant nobility, persons close to the court. Common people remained faithful to the old Slavic traditions. Therefore, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, cabbage soup was divided into thick, with additives, and transparent, rich - with meat. This class division of cabbage soup existed until the early twentieth century. Try both - long live variety!

What is whitening and what is it for?

Sour cream and cream not only enrich the taste of the dish, but make it different. These products are used to "whiten" cabbage soup. Zabelka is a must for sorrel cabbage soup, and they are added to cabbage soup if desired.

About the methods of cooking cabbage soup with pork

As already noted, the main principle of cooking cabbage soup is a special heat treatment - they are not boiled, but tormented. This mode brings the taste of the dish as close as possible to that characteristic of dishes from the Russian oven. It is clear that now even not every villager will be able to accurately reproduce the process of such preparation.

But even in modern conditions it is possible to get as close as possible to cooking cabbage soup in a Russian oven, at a temperature "after the bread", which corresponded to approximately 85-95C. That is, liquid food does not boil at this temperature, but is pasteurized for a long time. Modern ovens and multicooker are equipped with timers and thermometers. They are available in almost every home, which means there is a chance to try real cabbage soup.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the daily cabbage soup, because this is not some special recipe, in terms of the composition of the ingredients, but a special thermal cooking method. After cooking, the daily cabbage soup is slowly cooled: after cooking, they are wrapped for 3-4 hours, and then put out in the cold for a day. Preheat them in the oven or microwave before serving. Often, the surface of the pot in which the daily cabbage soup is prepared is tightly closed with yeast dough - a flat cake in order to better preserve the shchany aroma. Sprinkle the dough with caraway seeds or rub with a mixture of butter, garlic, chopped herbs. In this case, you do not need to serve bread with cabbage soup.

1. Soup from sauerkraut with pork, Little Russian

In Russian cuisine, cabbage soup is traditionally prepared from beef. In the southern and western regions, poultry and pork are used. A small piece of lean pork fillet and more "sugar" bones - a meat set that creates the characteristic southwestern flavor of Russian cabbage soup. Use potatoes for thickening, sour cream for whitening.


Soup set 500 g

Pork pulp 900 g

Cabbage with brine 700 g

Celery, parsley, yellow carrots (roots) - to taste

Leafy greens (dill, parsley) 120 g

Potatoes 300 g

Bay leaf, pepper mix, coriander, salt

Operating procedure:

Strain the broth, temporarily put the pulp in a separate bowl, cut into portions. Since all the aroma of the roots has disappeared during the cooking of the broth, put some more fresh roots along with the peeled potatoes: you can cut them into pieces or put them whole - it does not matter, but it is important that the potatoes are completely boiled. Add the cabbage with brine when the potatoes break easily. The roots can be removed with a slotted spoon.

Add chopped leafy greens, ground spices 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Taste and salt. Place the chopped meat in the cabbage soup so that it warms up before serving in the broth.

It is convenient to cook cabbage soup according to this recipe in a slow cooker. Serve with a piece of meat and a spoonful of sour cream on each plate.

2. Sauerkraut soup with pork and mushrooms


Bone broth 4 l

Cream (or sour cream) 250 ml

Raw eggs 4 pcs.

Cabbage 1 kg

Canned mushrooms 450 g

Pork neck 900 g

Mushrooms, porcini (powder) 50 g

Parsley, chopped

Bay leaf, pepper

Butter, butter 60 g

Sequence of work:

Cook the meat whole. Dissolve the oil in a deep skillet, sauté the finely chopped onion and put the sliced ​​mushrooms first, then add the sauerkraut.

Cut the finished meat, spread it equally in portioned pots. Place the stewed vegetables on top, also dividing them into equal parts. Season the meat broth with mushroom powder, to enhance the mushroom taste, ground spices, salt. Beat eggs and combine with cream. Add a few tablespoons of warm broth to the beaten mass to warm up the cream and eggs and avoid curdling. Then pour the mixture into the hot broth, stirring continuously. Fill the pots with meat broth with cream and egg mass, covering the meat, mushrooms and cabbage with liquid, 3 cm above the level of the thick. Sprinkle with herbs. Cover the portion pots, place on a baking sheet and incubate in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 80C.

Serve the cabbage soup in pots.

3. Mixed cabbage soup with pork and smoked sausages

You will need:

Pork and chicken broth 3.5 l

Sausages "Hunting" 300 g

Cabbage 600 g

Pork pork 400 g

Chopped greens, fresh 100 g

Carrots 150 g

Celery root 50 g

Sour cream (20%) 300 ml

Fried mushrooms 400 g


Cut fresh roots randomly, put in the finished broth. Cut the boiled pork and sausages into slices. Send along with the mushrooms, followed by the roots. You can add sauerkraut at the same time, and at the end of cooking, add chopped greens and spices to the cabbage soup.

This is a quick option for cabbage soup, but after cooking, soak them for about an hour in a preheated oven to combine all the flavors. When serving, add sour cream to each serving.

4. Mixed cabbage soup with pork, tomato and red beans


Cabbage 500 g (with brine)

Chicken thighs 4 pcs. (600 g)

Red beans, boiled 300 g

Kitchen salt

Bay leaf

Ground pepper

Vegetable oil 75 ml

Soup set (or pork ribs) 0.5 kg

Potatoes, peeled 350 g

Carrots 140 g

Bulb onions 200 g

Tomato paste 50 g

Fresh peppers, leafy greens

Sour cream - for serving


Cook the meat broth, first putting the pork ribs in cold water, and after half an hour or forty minutes add the chicken thighs. At the end of cooking, add whole roots and spices to give the meat a flavor. Take out the meat products and separate them from the bones.

Return the pieces of pulp to the saucepan. Chop potatoes, toss in a pot of boiled beans. Add shredded onions, carrots with tomato paste and sauerkraut in a saucepan, then transfer vegetables to a saucepan, reducing heat.

Cook the cabbage soup for another fifteen minutes. Add chopped peppers and herbs. You can add chili if you wish. Taste it. Add spicy spices. Having removed the cabbage soup from the stove, wrap it with a towel and let it brew a little.

5. Boyar cabbage soup with pork and porcini mushrooms in the oven


Beef with bone 1.2 kg

Pork (back) 700 g

Porcini mushrooms, dried 70 g

Parsley and red carrot roots

Milk 200 ml

Tomato paste 50 g

Cabbage 500 g

Potatoes 300 g

Cooking fat for sautéing vegetables 50 g


Yeast puff pastry 1.2 kg

Egg 1 pc.

Spices to taste

Foil, ceramic pots 8-10 pcs.

Sour cream and chopped herbs for serving


Beef and pork broth, with roots, cook the day before. Separate the meat from the bone, chop. Also chop the pork pulp. Strain the broth.

Put the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with fresh unpasteurized milk, cover the bowl with foil and put it in a cool place for an hour or an hour and a half: the milk returns the mushrooms' aroma to the mushrooms. Then rinse the mushrooms with running water, cut.

Prepare vegetables: chop onions and carrots and sauté with tomato paste for two or three minutes. Add sauerkraut.

Place meat, mushrooms, potatoes and stewed vegetables in portion pots. Pour the broth over the contents. Wrap the surface of the pots with foil. Turn on the oven at 120C. Place the peas on a tray and place in the oven for an hour.

At this time, mold cakes from yeast dough: their diameter should be equal to the diameter of the pot, thickness - 1.5 cm. Put the cakes, let them rise. Cover with a napkin

After an hour, remove the cabbage soup from the oven, remove the foil and cover the surface with semi-finished dough products, greasing the surface with a beaten egg. Return the pots to the oven for 20 minutes, increasing the temperature to 180C.

When the dough is browned, remove the pots and cover them with a towel for ten minutes. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

6. Don field cabbage soup with pork and millet

Products composition:

Fillet (back) 1.0 kg

Potatoes 450 g (net)

Red carrots 120 g

Sauerkraut 700 g

Parsley, dill, celery (leaves and stems) 150 g

Raw eggs 4 pcs.

Garlic 50 g

Millet 150 g

Homemade sour cream 450 g

Cooking procedure:

Pour water into a large saucepan, add cabbage, chopped potatoes, onions, grated carrots, millet, along with the meat. It is advisable to pre-soak the meat in water for at least 8 hours. For camping cabbage, fresh pork can be replaced with stew. Cook until millet is done. Beat the raw eggs and pour them in a thin stream into the boiling cabbage soup, at the same time quickly rotate the contents of the pan so that thin threads form from the egg white. Add sour cream and chopped herbs to the saucepan. Wrap the cabbage soup for half an hour and then serve.

Sauerkraut soup with pork - useful tips

Cabbage soup is the only first hot dish that becomes even tastier the next day.

In conclusion - an important detail: take seriously the choice of utensils for cooking cabbage soup. This is exactly what our distant ancestors did. The ideal crockery is an earthen pot, but due to its specific care features and inaccessibility, use at least modern ceramics and heat-resistant glass. The main thing is that the container for the cabbage soup in no way oxidizes and has thick walls - it slowly heats up and cools.

I really love sauerkraut. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Sauerkraut contains a large number of minerals, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and much more. The use of cabbage helps to strengthen the immune system, nervous system, improving metabolism and work gastrointestinal tract, normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and helps fight cancer! Therefore, I try to add it to many of my "creations".

Today we have cabbage soup with sauerkraut for lunch.

So simple and quick soup... Let's start cooking.

Let's take pork bones. I usually buy a piece of meat on the bone along with lard. I use lard for salting, from the pulp I prepare second courses, for example, pork with Provencal herbs or pork with shiitake mushrooms, and I cut the bones with a little meat on them and use them to prepare the first courses. Thanks to this approach, one can pork piece cook three meals and save a lot.

We wash the prepared bones and small pieces of meat well and send them to a saucepan with water. We need about one liter of water. After boiling the water, remove the scale and let the meat boil for about 7-10 minutes. Then we drain the water, rinse the meat and pour three liters of water into the pan. I always cook the first courses in the second broth, because in the first minutes of cooking, the meat gives the water all the waste products of the animal, antibiotics and hormones with which it was stuffed.

While the meat is being cooked, wash, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, and then send them to the pan to the meat.

My sauerkraut goes with carrots, so I don't add it separately to the cabbage soup. If the cabbage is very sour, then it is advisable to rinse it with water, but most often I do not do this, because I love sourness.

Add cabbage to a saucepan with meat and potatoes.

I do not fry, as I avoid excess fat, so I immediately send the chopped onions to the cabbage soup.

About five minutes before the end of the preparation of our cabbage soup, add dill greens to the pan, sea ​​salt, bay leaf and allspice peas.

Turn off the heat and leave it to brew for ten minutes.

Serve cabbage soup with sour cream and gray bread toasts.

I ask for the table and bon appetit!

Calculation of the approximate cost of a portion:

pork on the bone - 290 rubles / kg - 300 g - 87 rubles
potatoes - 20 rubles / kg - 500 gr - 10 rubles
cabbage - 40 rubles / kg - 400 gr - 16 rubles
onions - 25 rubles / kg - 100 - 2.5 rubles
dill greens - 350 rubles / kg - 10 g - 3.5 rubles
sea ​​salt, allspice and bay leaf for about 3 rubles

Price of the dish: 122 rubles (8 servings)
- cost of a portion: 15.25 rubles

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 15