Live strawberry jam. How to make strawberry jam? Frozen strawberry jam

01.05.2019 Bakery

The most delicious and loved not only by children, but by adults - strawberry jam... Learn how to properly prepare a winter treat, keep it as long as possible and for a long time. beneficial features, vitamins. Here, not only the cooking process is important, but also preliminary preparation used containers and equipment.

How to prepare canning jars

Clean container for winter preparations Is a guarantee of long and safe storage of content. There are several ways to destroy harmful microorganisms in the jar for the subsequent preservation of products. Most Popular:

  1. steam over a saucepan or through the spout of a kettle;
  2. in an electric oven (by heat);
  3. blowing hot air in the airfryer.

Housewives choose the most convenient and familiar way of sterilization. Some nuances and rules for each option:

  1. Before sterilizing the cans, it is worth rinsing with a detergent, which is thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  2. The cans must be kept above the steam for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Place on a clean towel.
  4. Cover with sterilized lids for no longer than 30 minutes (to avoid the penetration of microorganisms).
  5. Fry containers in the oven for 20 minutes. With the addition of water, 100 ml each.

How to make strawberry jam

The main ingredients for the jam are berries and sugar. How to cook strawberry jam correctly depends on the proportions of the main composition and the variety of strawberries. Meadow berries contain more natural sugar than wild berries. It is believed that the proportions should be from 1: 1 to 1: 1.5. Berries differ in the same way:

  1. The intensity of the aroma (meadow is more saturated with the sun and more aromatic).
  2. Shape and density (meadow is denser, rounder, smaller than forest).

Strawberries give juice quickly, but their viscosity is increased, so the liquid often burns. In this it is fundamentally different from strawberry jam... There are several ways to avoid the appearance of bitterness in a winter dessert:

  1. by constant stirring from the bottom of the container, lifting the berry;
  2. add 1/6 of red currant;
  3. put in a cleaned container raw carrots at the time of cooking.

What you need for cooking

Required inventory, which is required to prepare delicious winter treats, next:

  • a cooking vessel made of copper (oxidizes and retains its color, transparency) or aluminum;
  • enameled dishes for storing berries;
  • colander for washing;
  • wooden spatula and ladle;
  • fine metal sieve;
  • meat grinder, food processor or a blender;
  • pasteurized jars from 200 ml to 1000 ml.

Strawberry jam recipe

It is necessary to prepare jam from ripe strawberries for the winter immediately, unlike other berries. It is allowed to store in a torn form for no more than 8 hours in a dark place, otherwise the product will turn sour. The preparation of berries is an important step. If the collection was carried out in dry weather, then you can not wash the berry. In the presence of contamination, rinse gently through a colander. There are many ways to make strawberry jam. Find out the most simple recipes winter homemade dessert- rich in vitamins, with minimum calorie content.

With added water

Classic version with the addition of water, keeps the berry intact in the syrup. In winter, it can be used as a filling for pies and dumplings. Ingredients:

  • strawberry - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 5.4 kg;
  • water - 0.9 kg;
  • citric acid - 5 grams, or lemon juice - 50 ml.

How to make strawberry jam:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a container.
  2. Boil the syrup, stirring constantly (15-20 minutes).
  3. Add the berry.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn off for 15 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure 4 times, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  6. At the last procedure, 5 minutes before cooking, add lemon juice.
  7. Pour the jam into jars, wrap it up, leave to cool.

How to make strawberry jam five minutes

The less time is spent on cooking, the more vitamins and nutrients preserved in your favorite dessert. Main Ingredients:

  • strawberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter with maximum benefit? The technology is simple:

  1. Sprinkle the prepared berry with sugar in layers of 1 cup.
  2. Cover with a clean towel and put in a dark place for a day.
  3. Stir gently every hour.
  4. After the sugar is completely dissolved, boil.
  5. Pour into pre-prepared jars.

Strawberry jelly for the winter

Prepare jellies and jams for the winter by special recipes... It is necessary to create a thick concentration of juice for a beautiful and bright dessert. This effect can be achieved with enough pectin, or more sugar using a slow boiling mixture. It all depends on how much time the hostess plans to spend on cooking. Ingredients for the very quick jelly:

  • strawberry - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1.5 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 3 glasses.


  1. Pour the prepared berries with sugar.
  2. We put on slow fire.
  3. Cook, stirring continuously, until boiling.
  4. Simultaneously soak gelatin in water.
  5. Throw the berry mass in portions into a colander with a fine mesh.
  6. Grate all the berries.
  7. Put the mixture on fire, heat up.
  8. Add soaked gelatin.
  9. Stir for 15 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.
  10. Add citric acid 5 minutes before cooking.
  11. Pour the mixture into hot jars.
  12. From the remnants of processing it will turn out original compote or jelly.

Strawberry jam for the winter without cooking

Harvested fresh, juicy berry retains its characteristics in winter until the next harvest, if you follow the rules of preparation and the size of the proportions. Ingredients:

  • strawberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Ripe strawberry jam for the winter without cooking is prepared in stages:

  1. Mix prepared ingredients.
  2. Stir gently every hour during the day.
  3. After the time has elapsed, spread the jam in the container.
  4. Sprinkle surface berry mixture sugar, roll up. After 7-10 days, a crust forms, which contributes to better preservation product.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Modern way cooking jam in a slow cooker is no worse grandma's recipe... Taking into account the advice of practicing housewives, it will turn out excellent winter dessert without much hassle. Ingredients:

  • strawberry - 3 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 glass.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker is easy. Cooking steps:

  1. Pour the berry into a saucepan.
  2. Fall asleep on top granulated sugar.
  3. Let stand for a while until juice is released.
  4. Turn on the multicooker in the "Extinguishing" mode at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  5. After the characteristic signal of completion of work, let the jam cool slightly.
  6. Prepare jars: rinse, sterilize.
  7. Fill finished product, close the lid tightly.

Video: How to make wild strawberry jam


Date: 02/06/2016


Hello my dear readers! How do you feel about strawberries? I am tender and tender! It is now harvested almost green, with sepals and mixed with last year's leaves. Half a century ago, each berry was carefully strung on a blade of grass.
As a child, my mother made me and my brother Slavik box bodies from grape leaves... They are also very convenient to collect strawberries.
Even eating such beauty was a pity.
Although, having admired, we, of course, ate the berry with pleasure. Surplus was extremely rare. They went on delightfully aromatic jam from strawberries.

Once we lingered heavily in the copse, recklessly hunting for rough red beads.
An unmeasurable summer day was approaching evening, the sunset vanilla sky shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. I was capricious with fatigue, thirst and the usual girlish malice. And Slavik buried his face in the collected strawberries and suddenly said in an absolutely adult way: “We will never be as good as it is now!” I froze with surprise and indignation. What, may I ask, is so good here and now? When, as if in a song, “all life is ahead, hope and wait”? My brother sighed indulgently, and we set off home on a barely noticeable brisk path.

Surprisingly, my dear readers, almost 15 years later I heard the same words from my future husband. But then, in her youth, she again did not perceive the sharpness of this elusive, never felt "now". But we only have it in stock ... Perhaps, back to strawberry jam - it is amazing.

Strawberry jam recipe


  • 1 kg of peeled strawberries.
  • 1.1-1.2 kg of sugar.
  • 1 g citric acid.

How to cook

My remarks

Go for strawberries - please yourself!

For today, perhaps, everything! And how do you harvest strawberries if, suddenly, such wealth falls on you? Write, I'm very interested, really!

To cook delicious jam from wild strawberries you need at least once in your life. This fragrant berry collected in the forest or in the fields will appeal to the whole family. And in order to preserve the taste of summer until autumn and winter, jam is cooked from strawberries.

Making strawberry jam is easy if you follow the cooking rules. The strawberries are thoroughly washed before cooking, and the jars are heated in a water bath. Spices or berries can be added to the jam if desired. To make jam, the jam is first boiled, then rubbed through a sieve and boiled again.

To understand how much to cook sweetness, you need to look at the thickness of the mixture. Even if the cooking time is over, and it is liquid, then you need to set the jam aside for a while. Gradually, it will begin to thicken.

How to prepare canning jars

Banks are prepared in advance before cooking. First, they are thoroughly washed with detergent and left to dry. The cleaned jars are warmed up after drying. The jars are heated in a water bath for a few minutes so that the glass becomes hot.

How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

Fragrant jam is obtained from wild strawberries. It is large and suitable for cooking sweets. Garden or remont strawberries are also used to make jams, but the flavor will be less intense. White strawberries produce the same as red ones.

The most delicious jam obtained from meadow or field ripe strawberries.

The dessert is very aromatic and sweet. Strawberries harvested from fields and meadows are sweeter than wild strawberries.

Strawberry Jam Recipes

Exists a large number of recipes for cooking strawberry jam. It is prepared with the addition of nuts, other berries and spices.

With added water

The easiest way to boil strawberry jam is with the addition of water. Cooking in this way allows you to keep the berries intact:

  • Rinse the strawberries and peel them off.
  • Transfer to a saucepan, cover with water and add sugar to taste. Put on fire.

  • Stir the jam as it boils and skim.
  • The jam is brewed within 15-20 minutes. The boiling procedure is repeated 3-4 times.

When the jam is ready, it is poured over the jars and rolled up for the winter.

A simple five-minute recipe

Jam "five minutes" with whole strawberry berries it's easy to cook:

  • For cooking, you need to take strawberries and sweetener.
  • Cover the berries with sugar and leave them for 12 hours to give juice.
  • Then pour the jam into a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes.

When the syrup is ready, it is poured into jars or eaten immediately. The finished syrup must be cooled when room temperature so that the liquid does not become sugared.

Strawberry jam without cooking

Jam without cooking is not only delicious sweetness but also useful product... To cook, you need to cover the strawberries with sweetener and leave overnight. Then pour into jars and store in the refrigerator under closed lid... You don't need to use water in this recipe.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

If time is short, and you need to cook the sweetness urgently, then you can do it with the help of a multicooker:

  • The strawberries are washed and poured into a slow cooker. Fall asleep with a sweetener and cover with water.
  • The cooking technique is similar to cooking in a saucepan. Set the "simmering" mode and cook for about 35 minutes.
  • When everything is ready, the syrup is poured over the jars, rolled up with a lid and placed upside down.

Cool to room temperature and lower into the basement.

Strawberry jam with almonds

You can make jam with the addition of almonds. It will add an unusual flavor:

  • Rinse the strawberries, chop the almonds into flakes.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add sweetener and lemon juice.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil. Then add strawberries.
  • Simmer until simmer for 25-35 minutes. In terms of consistency, the sweetness should be thick.

At the end of cooking, add 2 tbsp. l. Amaretto and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour into jars and cool.

Strawberry jam with rum

To make jam with rum, you need to take 100 g of rum, 10 g of citric acid, sugar and berries:

  • Put strawberries on the bottom of a saucepan, cover with sweetener and sprinkle with rum.
  • Then add another layer of strawberries, sweetener and rum.
  • Put the berries in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Put on fire, bring to a boil and add citric acid.

Remove from the stove and wait until the mixture has cooled. Then boil again.

Strawberry jam with mint and lemon

Thick fragrant jam obtained with the addition of mint and lemon:

  • To prepare the sweets, you will need 1 lemon, a few sprigs of fresh mint, strawberries and sugar.
  • Cover with sugar and leave overnight. Berries will give juice overnight.
  • The next day, they start cooking.
  • Add lemon juice and crushed mint sprigs. Put on fire. Cook for 6 minutes.
  • Then strain the syrup and store it separately until it cools.

When the mixture is at room temperature, pour the syrup back and cook until tender. Add a little more mint before the end of cooking.

Strawberries with gooseberries

Step-by-step recipe for making gooseberry sweets:

  1. Rinse the berries and cover with a sweetener.
  2. Put on fire.
  3. Cook until boiling.
  4. Then remove from heat, arrange in containers, cool and put in a cool place.

Strawberry jam with lavender

It is not difficult to properly prepare jam with lavender. To do this, cover the berries with sugar at night. In the morning, cook the mixture for 6 minutes. Stir constantly. Remove from heat and cool. Then add lavender flowers and cook for another 3 minutes. Lemon juice is also added.

Strawberry jam without bitterness

To cook strawberry jam without bitterness, you need to add currants to it. Strawberries and currants are covered with sugar overnight, and the next morning they start cooking. Put the container on fire, stirring constantly, cook for 6 minutes. When the mixture boils, remove from heat and let cool. Pour into containers, refrigerate or lower into the cellar and leave until winter. And in winter, enjoy the aromatic sweetness.

Green sepals forest berries are very useful, so often the housewives do not pick them off the berries, but cook jam for the winter with them for classic recipe... Or dried along with twigs and leaves and brewed like tea.

The berries are boiled in the widest possible container so that during the preparation of the layers there are as few layers as possible. Ideally, you should use wide stainless steel dishes or a large brass basin, but you can make small portions of strawberry jam in a slow cooker.
The jam cooks quite quickly, so it is also better to prepare sterilized dry dishes for storage in advance. It is best to pick up small cans with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter.

How to cook wild strawberry jam correctly?

Strawberry jam recipes differ mainly in the amount of added sugar. In all cases, they try to keep the berries on fire as little as possible. In some cases, for more pleasant taste housewives add citric acid or a little red currant.

The classic strawberry jam recipe

The standard recipe is suitable for making jam from any berries, because it can be cooked in large quantities. Lemon acid added depending on the amount of strawberries and sugar. To make it easier to calculate the amount of lemon, remember the proportion: 2g per 1kg of berries.


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 1/2 kg sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid.

Strawberries with sugar are set aside for 3-4 hours until the juice is released. The workpiece is brewed in several stages. In the first circle, the jam is boiled for 15 minutes, after cooling completely, the circle is repeated, but the boiling time is reduced to 10 minutes. The number of circles is 3-4. On the last circle, citric acid is added. Additional sterilization jars of jam are optional.
The recipe is also suitable for more large berries garden strawberries.

Strawberry recipe in its own juice with sterilization

This recipe uses very little sugar. Usually, its lack leads to quick spoilage of the jam: fermentation, mold formation. To avoid this, the jar with ready-made jam must be sterilized.
The number of ingredients varies depending on the container in which the jam will be laid out. You can even reduce the amount of sugar to a 3 to 1 ratio.

  • 2 cups strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

The berries are covered with granulated sugar and left for about 4 hours. During this time, the fruits will release a significant amount of juice. Without draining the juice, put the dishes on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly and removing the foam if necessary, cooking lasts 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
Further, the jam is laid out in jars, but they are only covered with lids. To the bottom large casserole a towel is laid, jars of jam are placed on it, and it is already poured hot water... It should reach the hangers of the cans. After boiling water, the jars are sterilized for 10 minutes. Then they are removed and screwed up for long-term storage.

Strawberry jam recipe in a slow cooker


  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

All ingredients are lowered into the multicooker bowl, the steam valve is opened and the "Quenching" mode is selected. Takes 30 minutes to prepare the jam, but you don't need to stir the dish or skim it off. The container is sterilized in any convenient way: over steam, in the oven or microwave. Banks with blanks are not additionally sterilized.

How to make strawberry jam with currants without cooking


  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of red currants.

The preservation of the integrity of the berries is not too important for this sweet dessert, so if some of the fruits accidentally wrinkled during preparation, you should not throw them away. The main thing is that the raw materials are not spoiled. Raw jam must be stored in the refrigerator, as it quickly deteriorates at room temperature.

It is not at all necessary to cook such jam, it is enough to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and pack them in sterile jars.

But in order to increase the shelf life, the berries with sugar are cooked over low heat until the sugar crystals completely dissolve in berry juice... This should happen much earlier than the jam gets close to the boiling point. Wait for this moment, as in strawberry five-minute, not worth it, so the jam is laid out in jars immediately after the sugar is dissolved. It is best to use icing sugar.

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What in winter season Can it be tastier than a fragrant one prepared by the caring hands of a mother or grandmother? Seems to be a heady scent and delicate taste is reborn from only one memory. And if this is also jam from, then together with excellent taste, you will receive a huge portion of vitamins, because strawberries are an incomparable store of nutrients.

Preparing such a delicacy is quite simple. It is enough to learn the recipe for strawberry jam - five minutes, the secrets of which will now be revealed to you.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

When starting to prepare sweets for the winter, many hostesses ask themselves the question "What to cook them in?" Not so long ago there was a popular myth that the most delicious jam is made in copper dishes. But, recent research by scientists has debunked it. It turned out that copper secretes substances that lead to the destruction of vitamins and the beneficial properties of the berry.

Important! During the cooking process, vitamin reserve strawberries are not lost if cooked for a short time. Almost 100% of vitamins C, B6, B9, E, folic acid, zinc, organic acids, manganese, iron, calcium, tannins are preserved and enter the body during the consumption of magic jam.

Aluminum and enamel dishes are also not suitable for cooking delicacies, but it is best to choose stainless steel equipment.

To make five-minute strawberry jam, you need to stock up on the following kitchen utensils:

  • colander;
  • a basin, or a saucepan;
  • wooden spoon for stirring;
  • sterilized jars and lids for twisting (2 pcs);
  • seaming key;
  • gas or electric stove.
All dishes must be clean and dry.

Required Ingredients

The inventory is ready, now you need to provide manufacturing process essential ingredients... Oddly enough, but to make a five-minute jam from wild strawberries, you do not need a lot of ingredients.

Main products: the berry itself and sugar, in a ratio of 3: 1, that is, you need to take, for example, 3 glasses of berries and 1 glass of sugar per 1 half liter jar. Such a short list of products for an incomparable yummy.

Features of the choice of products

These two varieties are distinguished by the size of the berries and the smell: the garden one is much larger and sweeter, but loses out in the forest aroma. In addition, the concentration of nutrients in wild strawberries is three times higher than that of garden strawberries. The natural medicine is worth the cost.

If you decide to collect wild strawberries yourself, then you need to do this in mid-June - early July. When buying it on the market, pay attention to the size of the berries (they should be small), aroma and color (bright red).

How to make jam: a step by step recipe with a photo

Having collected the inventory and products, you can directly start the process of preparing a vitamin treat.

Preparation of berries

The first step on the path to aromatic sweetness for home gourmets is preparing the berries. They must be cleaned of sepals, stalks, herbs and that could get into the dishes during collection. It is also necessary to remove unripe or rotten berries.

Important! Wild strawberry not advised to wash. But, if you doubt its purity, then you can put the berry in a colander and rinse it under a sharp stream of water, or lower it several times into a container of water. Such washing methods will not violate the integrity of the berries.

Mixing with sugar

The peeled berry must be sprinkled with sugar in layers and allowed to infuse for 3-4 hours, you can even leave it overnight for juice to appear.

Brewing process

Many hostesses ask themselves the question: “How to cook strawberry jam so that the berry does not waste its beneficial properties?” It's quite simple: the less you cook, the healthier the delicacy will turn out.

In our case, put the infused mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Cooking time - 5 minutes, in fact, hence the name of the recipe - "five minutes". True, and this is not yet the finish. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the foam, which, of course, is formed, and the procedure itself must be repeated two more times after the winter delicacy has completely cooled down.

Did you know? The citric acid will prevent any jam or jam from becoming sugar-coated.

Nuances and tricks

Even more unique taste characteristics your goodness will acquire if you add a pinch of acid or juice to it fresh lemon at the end of cooking.

Experienced hostesses advise using the following procedure for checking the readiness of the product: drop the jam on a plate and stretch it in the middle with a spoon. If the stripes do not stick together and do not spread, it is ready.

Many are also interested in why to boil the jam several times. Here the fact is that strawberries have a bitterness, to get rid of which, they help additional processes cooking. It can help to remove the bitterness, which is sometimes added to such a jam. Its amount should be 6 times less than the main berry.