Strawberry jam-five minutes in a slow cooker (step by step recipe with photo). Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

07.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Strawberry jam is perhaps one of the most popular delicacies harvested for the winter. It is not only very tasty, but also aromatic and healthy. And there are a variety of recipes: you can just sugar strawberries, you can make jam in a slow cooker or a bread maker. The 5-minute recipe goes with a bang. There are also more exotic ways. For example, you can boil jam in a skillet or even make it with vodka.

Strawberry jam without added carbohydrates is tasty, healthy and not sugary-sweet. Due to the lack of sugar, the jam has a low calorie content, and it can be consumed by people with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Such a strawberry delicacy can also be added to children's cereals, cook jelly from it, etc.

Natural strawberry jam, recipe # 1: put 2 kg of strawberries in an enamel pot or other dish, bring to a boil over low heat and remove. Put the hot berry gruel in jars, and, covered with a lid, sterilize for ¼ hour. Then roll up the cans and cool, turning them upside down.

2nd recipe for strawberry jam: bring half of the cooked berries to a boil and pack in jars, almost to half of the container. Put a whole strawberry on top, and put the jars to sterilize: 0.5 l - half an hour.

Cooking method without boiling

Strawberry jam, made according to this recipe, turns out to be the healthiest. In addition, to prepare such a delicacy, it does not take a lot of effort and time, and any housewife can cope with it. At the same time, for such a strawberry jam, sugar is needed in large quantities, and the calorie content as a result turns out to be high. Therefore, this recipe is not recommended for allergy sufferers, children and people with diabetes.

  • Recipe: The ratio of berries and sugar is 1: 2. Mash the berries and heat to 60 ° C. Then add sugar in portions to the strawberry puree, stirring constantly. Warm up the dessert to 70 ° C and arrange in jars. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

You can not heat the jam, but just knead the berries and stir with a crush. You just need to stand at room temperature until the sugar dissolves.

The fastest way

A very popular strawberry jam, called a five-minute jam. It cooks quickly, it turns out amazingly tasty and aromatic. Due to the fact that the heat treatment process is short-lived, the berries retain their beneficial properties.

  • Method one: cover 1 kg of strawberries with sugar (1.7 kg) and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the juice and boil it. Then dip the strawberries in the syrup and cook for five minutes after it boils. Thick and viscous strawberry jam for five minutes is ready!
  • Five minutes # 2 (in three steps). Take: sugar and strawberries, 1.5 kg each, 1 glass of water. First, prepare the syrup, dip the berries in it and boil for five minutes. After cooling the contents of the pan, put it back on the stove. It is necessary to carry out this way 3 cycles.
  • The third way: the ingredients must be taken in such a way that the sugar is 1.5 times the amount of strawberries. First you need to prepare the syrup: take water in proportion to sugar - 250 ml per 1 kg. Be sure to remove the foam during the cooking process. Pour berries into boiling syrup and boil for five minutes. Then wrap the pan so that it cools down more slowly. Cooled strawberry jam for five minutes is poured into glass jars.
  • Five minutes # 4: with berries (0.5 kg), sugar (1 kg) and lemon (1 pc.). Combine the berry with sugar and leave to pour the juice, then put on the stove, boil for a minute, cool, boil for a minute, cool, squeeze out the lemon juice, boil for 3 minutes.
  • Five-minute jam. Combine 3 kg of berries with sugar (1 kg). We put on the stove and bring to a boil. After five minutes, turn off and add 5 g of citric acid.

Lemon recipe

Lemon jam has an original taste, but sourness is not felt in it. Due to the fact that the fruit is a preservative, the product is perfectly stored all winter, without losing its taste and without souring.

  • Cover 2 kg of strawberries with sugar (1 kg) and leave for 8 hours. After the berry has secreted juice, put the saucepan on low heat. At the end of cooking, the heat can be increased. Before turning off, add the juice of two lemons, mix everything and pour into the jars.

Dessert can be made according to the following recipe (the ratio of products is the same). First, add juice and zest of 1 lemon to the strawberries, put on the stove. After boiling, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Pack the strawberry jam in jars, roll up.

With the addition of banana

Recipe for making strawberry and banana jam. Cover strawberries (1 kg) with sugar (1.2 kg) for 7-8 hours. Then put the pan on the stove, boil for five minutes and leave for 6 hours to cool. Then repeat this cycle again (boil - cool). At the end, put on fire and bring to a boil, add 2 chopped bananas, simmer for 20 minutes. Pour into jars, roll up. This jam is great for preparing for the winter.

Strawberry rhubarb dessert

If you want to try something unusual, you can make the classic strawberry and rhubarb jam.

You can make strawberry jam in a slow cooker. In this way, the shape of the berries is preserved, but the delicacy itself is not as thick as, for example, if you cook in a saucepan over an open fire. For the required thickness, you can make it with gelatin. The latter is added according to the instructions on the package.

  • Recipe for jam in a multicooker "Polaris": sugar and berries are taken equally. The ingredients are poured into the multicooker bowl for about a day (you can start cooking right away). Then the “multi-cook” mode is set, the temperature is 160˚С, the time is half an hour. As soon as the contents boil, it is necessary to remove the formed foam. Arrange the cooked jam in jars.
  • In "Redmond" the algorithm of actions is the same, only the mode is set to "extinguishing", the time is an hour.

To prevent strawberry jam from escaping in the multicooker, you must first remove the air valve.

  • Recipe for making dessert in a bread maker: take 450 g of strawberries and sugar, lemon juice - 15 ml (1 tbsp. L.). We combine all the ingredients, choose the time - half an hour. If the bread maker has a mode with the same name, it will set the time itself. This method has one drawback: you cannot prepare much of it.
  • To make jam with strawberries in a pressure cooker, you need: berries and sugar, 1 kg each, water 200 g. Pour them (except water) into the pressure cooker, leave for 30 minutes. Pour in water and boil for no longer than ¼ h. In the process, remove the resulting foam.
  • There are recipes for cooking in a pan in 10 minutes. Watch a video on how to make strawberry jam in such an interesting way.

Application of gelatin

If you have overripe berries, you can boil strawberry jam with a gelling agent or gelatin. It will turn out to be very thick.

  • Choose soft overripe berries from a total of 3 kg, combine them with a kilogram of sugar, grind (or chop). Add the remaining whole berries and gelatin (3 tablespoons of powder) to the strawberry puree. Bring to a boil and turn off.

The use of vodka

You can try making one unusual strawberry jam for the winter: with the addition of vodka. Immediately, we note that it is not recommended to give it to children.

  • You will need: berries 3 kg, sugar 2 kg, vodka 100 ml, citric acid 1 tsp. Sprinkle the strawberries with vodka (or dip in it, if the berry is large), sugar on top. Then the layers are repeated (except for the berries). Leave it overnight. Boil the next day, adding citric acid after boiling. Switch off immediately. Boil five times, at 3-hour intervals. Boil 6 times for ¼ hour. The color of such a dessert turns out to be unusually bright (shown in the first photo in the article).

Frozen berry dessert

Strawberry jam from frozen berries is no less tasty. It is mainly brewed in winter.

  • So: mix a kilogram of frozen strawberries with sugar (700 g) and leave to defrost. Then put the mixture on low heat, add the juice of half a lemon. Boil for half an hour. After turning off the stove, leave for half an hour, then return to the stove for 25-30 minutes.

The aroma of a frozen strawberry dessert is no worse than a fresh one. And he has enough useful properties.

Strawberry jam for the winter - thick, Five-minute, without cooking, in a slow cooker. Delicious Raw Strawberry Jam Recipe

Strawberry jam is a childhood taste treat. Sweet and incredibly aromatic, spread on a slice of bread or simply poured into a saucer, it always reminds us of the delicious jam that our grandmothers and mothers cooked. Alas, most modern housewives prefer not to cook strawberry jam, but to buy it in the store, thereby depriving their household of the most useful homemade dessert. And this despite the fact that making delicious strawberry jam for the winter with your own hands is not difficult at all. Especially if you follow the simple step-by-step recipes from our article.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter - a recipe with a photo

Strawberries are a real storehouse of usefulness and a valuable source of vitamins. But the rather short period of fruiting upsets her, during which it is not always possible to get enough of useful berries. Therefore, experienced housewives, as soon as the harvest season comes, begin to prepare strawberry jam for the winter. One of the most popular recipes is thick strawberry jam. It can hardly be called simple, since the cooking process takes several days. But we assure you, having tried the delicious thick strawberry jam for the winter, the recipe with the photo of which you will find below, you will definitely not regret either time or effort!

Required ingredients for a thick consistency:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for winter with a thick consistency:

Quick strawberry jam for the winter "Pyatiminutka" - recipe

But what about those housewives who do not have time at all for a long preparation of strawberry jam for the winter? Especially for them, we have prepared a recipe for quick strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka". Its main advantage, of course, is its short cooking time. In addition, the quick strawberry jam for the winter "Pyatiminutka", the recipe for which you will find below, is also famous for the aroma and transparency of the berries.

Required ingredients for the Five Minute recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe instructions for a Five-Minute recipe:

  1. We start by washing and peeling the berries. Then cut each strawberry in half. If you have large berries, then you can cut it into 4 parts.
  2. We shift the workpiece into a saucepan with a thick bottom and cover with sugar. Gently mix everything with a wooden spoon so as not to damage the berries.
  3. Add lemon juice and put the saucepan over low heat.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook the strawberry jam for 5 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam, which will be a lot during the cooking process.
  5. Then we remove the delicacy from the stove and immediately pour it into the prepared jars, cork it with lids and wrap it in a blanket or blanket. Cooled thick jam can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Strawberry jam for the winter Five-minute in a slow cooker - a recipe

If you have a slow cooker, then it is simply unacceptable not to use this wonderful helper in making jam for the winter. So, for example, in a slow cooker you can quickly cook a "five-minute" from strawberries. Moreover, unlike the previous recipe, in this version, the strawberry jam for the winter "Pyatiminutka" in a multicooker will definitely not burn and will not escape from the pan.

Required ingredients for a Strawberry Five Minute in a multicooker:

  • strawberry -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 100 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for the Five-Minute recipe in a multicooker:

  1. Sprinkle clean berries without sepals with sugar. If you have large strawberries, you can cut them in half. We leave for an hour.
  2. Pour the candied berries into the multicooker bowl and add water.
  3. Then, depending on the model of your multicooker, select the "Stew", "Jam" or "Cooking" mode. The cooking time also depends on the power of your helper, but is usually 1 hour.
  4. Pour the finished jam into jars and close the lids, store in the refrigerator.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter without cooking - a recipe for the winter

Raw strawberry jam is not only a tasty treat for the winter, but also an easy way to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins without cooking. It is very easy to prepare delicious thick strawberry jam for the winter without cooking. It is enough to have a meat grinder or blender at your disposal to turn the berries into a thick mass.

Required ingredients for a non-boiling recipe

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe without cooking for winter:

  1. Mix clean berries with sugar.
  2. Using a meat grinder or hand blender, grind the strawberries into a thick, homogeneous mass.
  3. We lay out the jam on the jars, covering the top with a layer of sugar 1–2 cm. This layer will provide a preservative effect and protect our workpiece from mold.
  4. We close the jars with lids and send them to the refrigerator or cellar until winter.

Raw strawberry jam for the winter without cooking berries - a step-by-step video recipe

Raw strawberry jam for the winter not only cooks quickly, but also, due to the lack of cooking, allows the berries to retain their beautiful color and aroma. Raw strawberry jam for the winter without boiling berries, a step-by-step recipe for which you will find in the video below, will become a real find in the cold season!

Strawberry jam five-minute recipe - 7 recipes

There are many recipes for making strawberry jam. But the dream of all housewives is a simple and quick recipe. This is exactly what the five-minute strawberry jam is, which will not be difficult to cook.

Selection and preparation of berries for winter harvesting

The taste and appearance of strawberry preparations for the winter depends on how carefully the berries have been selected and prepared.

  1. It is advisable to collect the fruits yourself, and not buy. Then there is no need to doubt the freshness of the berries.
  2. For harvesting for the winter, only freshly picked ripe, but not overripe berries are ideal.
  3. It is necessary to separate crumpled, spoiled and too small berries.
  4. Immediately after picking, the berries are sorted out, the sepals are removed and washed. This must be done carefully so as not to distribute berries.
  5. Put the washed strawberries in a sieve in small portions to remove excess water.

At the end, the berries are laid out on a clean cloth and allowed to dry.

Five-minute jam

When making five-minute jam, water is usually not used, but only berries and sugar. Some recipes contain citric acid. During boiling, the strawberries give off juice, and there is no need to add liquid. This is the easiest way to preserve the beautiful appearance of the berries and all the nutrients. You just need to prevent the jam from burning.

Before making strawberry jam, you need to make sure that the berries let the juice flow. To do this, they are left for several hours. The result is a syrup of sugar and juice. Strawberries are cooked in it.

The container is put on fire. When the mass boils, you need to remove the foam and boil the strawberries for exactly 5 minutes. The jam is poured into jars, without cooling, rolled up and turned over. When the conservation cools down, rearrange its cool place.

A stainless steel or brass container is ideal for cooking strawberry jam. Modern pots with double or triple bottom can be used.

As for the cans, it is better to take those that are no more than 1 liter in capacity. Prepare them by first washing with hot water and detergent, and then placing them in the oven for 10 minutes. Care must be taken not to crack the glass.

The finished jam becomes thick. The syrup should be in the color of darkened berries, but without a brown tone, indicating that the jam has been cooked for longer than the prescribed time. The berries should be partially or completely transparent and not float. Berries and syrup should be the same amount.

Classic recipe

For the classic recipe, you need to prepare 1.5 kg of sugar and water, as well as a kilogram of berries.

The cooking method looks like this:
  1. Water is poured into a bowl and sugar is poured.
  2. Cook the mass, stirring constantly to avoid burning. Continue to cook until the sugar is all dissolved.
  3. The composition is brought to a boil.
  4. Washed and dried berries are placed in a non-enameled container. For 1 kg, a container with a capacity of 3 liters is required.
  5. Syrup is poured into the berries.
  6. Boil the mixture for about half an hour. A third of the time - over medium heat, so that foam appears. When this happens, remove the vessel from the stove, remove the foam and shake the mass. The remaining half an hour of jam is boiled over low heat.

A sign that it is time to remove the jam from the heat is the absence of foam and bubbles, indicating a boil.

There are 2 ways to determine if the jam is ready:
  1. Scoop up the hot syrup with a spoon and pour it onto a saucer, for example. If the liquid flows out slowly, then the jam is ready, and if quickly and in a thin stream, then it is worth boiling more.
  2. Not a large number of the syrup is cooled and poured onto a saucer. If the jam retains the shape of a drop, then it is ready, if it spreads, then it is not.

Pre-sterilized jars are filled with jam. At least 0.5 cm should remain to the top. Banks are rolled up with lids.

A quick recipe without cooking

The strawberries are prepared as usual. For 500 g of berries, 800 g of sugar is required. Strawberries are put in a jar and 400 g of sugar are poured. Next, the mass is whipped with an immersion blender. Add the rest of the sugar and beat again. Transfer the mass to glass jars and roll up. Place the jars in the refrigerator. The jam will be good for 3 months.

Alternatively, you can make jam without chopping the berries in a blender. The same amount of sugar is taken per kilogram of strawberries. The berries are cut into pieces and stacked in layers in a container. Each layer is crushed with sugar. The container is covered and left overnight or day, allowing the juice to form.

When the juice appears, the mass is stirred with a spoon and left for another hour. Then put the jam into jars and close. Store the treat in a cool place.

Thick jam with whole berries

To prepare thick strawberry jam, the following components are used:
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • berries -1 kg.
The cooking method is as follows:
  1. The washed and dried berries are placed in a container, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. Cover and leave the strawberries to infuse for 9-10 hours to get juice.
  3. Place the container on fire and wait for it to boil.
  4. The container must be shaken periodically.
  5. After the syrup boils, the container is removed from the stove, covered and allowed to stand for a day.
  6. The next day, the berries are boiled again.
  7. The cooking procedure is carried out 4 times, and the jam is boiled 5 times in just a quarter of an hour.
  8. Add lemon juice to the mass.
  9. Cool the jam for a quarter of an hour and fill the jars with it.

After seaming, the cans are covered with a blanket and allowed to stand for a day. You can store jam both in a cold cellar and in a pantry.

Wild strawberry recipe with citric acid

Jam is also made from wild forest strawberries. To do this, use a kilogram of berries and sugar, as well as a small amount of citric acid.

The washed and dried strawberries are placed in a container, without tearing off the tails and sprinkling each layer with sugar. A little water is added, with citric acid diluted in it. Set aside the container for several hours, allowing the juice to stand out.

Then place the container on the stove and wait for the mixture to boil. Keep the jam on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool the mass and then bring it to readiness.

Multicooker recipe

Today, you can make delicious jam even in a multicooker, for which they use the following components:
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
Five-minute jam for the winter in a slow cooker is prepared as follows:
  1. Sugar is poured into a multicooker container and poured with water.
  2. An appropriate mode is set for cooking jam, but if it is not there, then the one used for stewing or broth will do.
  3. Boil the syrup, periodically turning off the multicooker and stirring it.
  4. When the sugar dissolves, put the berries previously chopped in a blender.
  5. Stir the mass and turn on the apparatus for 5 minutes.

Ready jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

Frozen berry recipe

If it was not possible to prepare strawberry jam in the summer, then in the cool season - this can be done using frozen berries. But keep in mind that you need 2 times more sugar. So, for 1 kg of berries, 2 kg of sugar are taken.

Mix frozen strawberries with granulated sugar and stir. The mass is allowed to settle for several hours. Mix the berries again and put them on a small fire. Allow the mass to boil, remove the foam and, stirring, boil for another 5 minutes. Then the burner is turned off, but left on the hot stove for another half hour. The jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka"

Strawberry jam will be the original preparation for the winter. For him, berries are mixed with granulated sugar in a 3: 1 ratio and put on the stove. After the mixture boils, boil the strawberries over moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of citric acid and mix. Ready jam is transferred to jars.

When making jam, it is important not only to follow the recipe, but also to use high-quality raw materials. Putting rotten berries or spoiled sugar in the jar will impair the taste of the treat.

How to make frozen strawberry jam - recipe for five-minute strawberry jam "Suseki

Some people do not make jam from frozen strawberries for fear that they will creep. But, these are vain fears if you listen to the advice and recommendations of those who have already cooked such jam and got really jam, not jam, or jam.

Ingredients: strawberry, citric acid, sugar Time to bookmark: All year

I must say right away that the "five-minute" is very conditional and in fact you will spend a little more time, although this time will be spent on defrosting strawberries.

To make jam from frozen strawberries, you can take a little less sugar. Indeed, when freezing, excess water evaporated and only juice remained, which is already sweet enough.

Take 1 kg of strawberries and 600 grams of sugar. This is the ideal ratio for frozen berries. Put the strawberries in a saucepan, cover with sugar, stir and let the berries melt under their own power, at room temperature.

And now the main secret: before putting the jam on the stove, add 10 grams of citric acid to the saucepan, or the juice of half a lemon. Lemon will not let the berries creep and they will retain their bright color, and this is not to mention that lemon gives a pleasant sourness and acts as a preservative.

Bring the jam to a boil, remove the froth and cook it over very high heat for 5 minutes.

Place the jam in jars or bowls and cool. Such jam can be rolled up, but it is not advisable. It is easier to make jam from frozen berries when you want jam, and not to harvest it for future use.

Frozen strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The only difficulty in making jam in a slow cooker is that when boiling, strawberries foam a lot, and can even crawl out from under the lid. Therefore, if you want to cook in a slow cooker, cook the jam in small portions.

Pour frozen berries into the multicooker bowl, mix them with sugar and let the berries melt. After that, turn on the "multi-cook" or "simmering / stewing" mode for 30 minutes. Look at the jam and skim the froth from time to time.

To taste, jam made from frozen strawberries does not differ a little from that made from fresh berries. So, feel free to buy a bag of frozen strawberries in the store, and prepare jam for health.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker, look at the video:

A slow cooker is a godsend not only for those who need to cook often, but also for housewives who like to make supplies for the winter. Using this device, it is easy to prepare delicious jam for every taste, while spending a minimum of effort and time.

At the same time, the result will satisfy everyone! Of course, the recipes for jam in a multicooker are different, because it all depends on the selected berries and fruits, as well as on the model of the device.

Apricot jam recipe in a slow cooker

Ingredients for multicooker apricot jam:

  • 600 grams of apricots;
  • half a lemon;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Making jam:

  1. Wash the apricots, cut them into halves and remove the seeds. If desired, the fruits can be finely chopped, but in principle, this is not necessary.
  2. Then put the fruits on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, pouring the juice squeezed from half a lemon, and pouring sugar on top. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour. You can also use the Bake mode, but in this case the lid must remain open at all times.
  3. From time to time, future jam needs to be stirred, especially towards the end of cooking, so that it does not stick to the bottom.
  4. At the same time, it is necessary to sterilize the cans for the workpiece and the lids for a couple.
  5. Pour the jam into jars, close the lid tightly and put in a dark place upside down.

Some people add almonds to apricot jam, but it gives a peculiar aftertaste that may not please everyone.

Raspberry jam in a slow cooker

Raspberry jam is traditionally one of the most beloved, because it is not only very tasty, but also healthy: you cannot do without it during the cold season.

Ingredients for raspberry jam in a slow cooker:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

Making jam:

  1. Sort the berries beforehand to remove all debris, as well as spoiled raspberries, which can spoil the taste. After that, put everything in a slow cooker, pouring a kilogram of sugar on top.
  2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode on the device for an hour, leaving the lid closed. You need to stir the jam at least 2-3 times during this time so that it does not burn.
  3. Sterilize the jars for a couple, boil the lids.
  4. Pour the jam into hot jars, roll up, turn over to the lid. After a day, they should be transferred to a cool place.

Sometimes a little lemon juice or citric acid is added for flavor.

Cherry jam recipe in a slow cooker

It is appreciated for its unique taste and pleasant "sourness", therefore it is not inferior in popularity to strawberry or raspberry.

Ingredients for multicooker cherry jam:

  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 ml of pure water;
  • 1 kilogram of cherries (both frozen and fresh berries can be used).

Making jam:

  1. Sort the berries carefully to remove all twigs, leaves or spoiled cherries, wash, and then pour into the bottom of the bowl from the multicooker.
  2. Add water and sugar, mix everything thoroughly, then close the device with a lid. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. From time to time you need to remove the resulting foam and stir the jam.
  3. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids to kill germs. Pour hot jam into prepared containers, roll up, put on lids in a dark place.

If you want to get seedless jam, then you will have to remove them first, and this is a rather painstaking task. Usually, the berries are boiled as they are, without dividing them into pieces.

Plum jam recipe in a slow cooker

To make plum jam, you can take both white and dark fruits: the taste will not suffer from this. The amount of granulated sugar can also be varied - those who like sweets can increase its amount to 1.5 kilograms.

Ingredients for plum jam:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh or frozen plums;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

Making jam:

  1. First of all, you need to deal with plums: wash them, sort them out, divide them into halves and remove the seeds. Frozen fruits are ready immediately, they do not even need time to thaw.
  2. Put all the plums in a slow cooker, cover with sand and set the "Stew" or "Baking" mode for an hour. In the latter case, the lid must be left open at all times.
  3. The jam should be stirred periodically so that it does not stick to the bowl and does not burn.
  4. Sterilize jars for plum jam and lids, then roll up everything and put it in a dark place. It is best to place the cans upside down.

Often a little water or lemon juice is added to the jam for taste, but usually additional liquid is not required, but a slight "sourness" of the plums will not hurt.

Probably, every person loves to drink tea with strawberry, raspberry or in winter. But in order to enjoy such a tasty and sweet dish in cold weather, this dish must be prepared in summer. Today it is becoming more and more popular. Such popularity is due to the fact that a multicooker is a device that significantly saves the time of cooking certain dishes.

Features of making jam in a multicooker

It is worth noting immediately that you cannot cook a large amount of jam in a slow cooker. This is primarily due to the fact that the volume of the bowl of this type of technique does not allow to fit a sufficient amount of berries or fruits at once.

That is why, if you want to cook, for example, in a multicooker, then you can not count on large volumes of the dish so beloved by everyone.

It would also be useful to mention another feature of cooking such a dish as jam in a slow cooker. If you cook the dish with the lid open, then it will turn out to be quite thick. If the cooking process proceeds with the lid closed, then the dish will have a rather liquid consistency. This feature is due to the fact that steam accumulates on the closed lid, which then enters the jam.

jam in a slow cooker

Today, there are many recipes on the Internet according to which you can make jam in a slow cooker. It is worth noting immediately that the reviews of many housewives about the preparation of this dish in this type of technique are for the most part only positive.

Now it's worth talking about how to cook jam in a slow cooker. Apricot will be the main ingredient. To prepare this dish, we need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of fresh, pitted apricots;
  • half a lemon;
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar.

Pitted and well washed apricots will need to be cut into halves - this will make the dish very beautiful. However, it can also be cut into small cubes. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a bowl with chopped apricot. We fill all this with 300 grams of sugar and mix a little. It is advisable to carry out this process immediately in the bowl from the multicooker.

For the preparation of jam, the temperature modes "Stew" or "Baking" are perfect.
It usually takes 60 minutes to make the jam. It is not superfluous to mention that if you are preparing a dish in the "Baking" mode, then the lid of the multicooker will need to be opened. Remember to stir the jam regularly to prevent the apricot wedges from burning or sticking to the bottom of the bowl. Cooked jam must be immediately poured into sterilized jars, which then need to be tightly rolled up with lids and turned upside down. So that is all. Our jam in a multicooker is ready, it remains only to serve it in a beautiful vase to the table and enjoy tea with family and friends.

It takes 1-1.5 hours to make strawberry jam in a quick way. For cooking strawberry jam using the five-minute method, cook the jam for 1 day, boiling the jam three times for 5 minutes and completely cooling the jam.

How to make strawberry jam


    Strawberries - 1 kilogram of forest or summer cottage

    Sugar - 800 grams

    Water - half a glass

How to make strawberry five-minute jam

1. Sort out the strawberries, wash, dry, remove the tails and receptacle.
2. Pour strawberries into a saucepan, cover with sugar, cover and leave for 8 hours.
3. Gently stir the strawberries, put the pan on a low heat.
4. Bring the jam to a boil, skimming off the foam - and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Cover the jam with gauze and leave to cool for 5 hours.
6. Put the strawberry jam on the fire again and cook for another 5 minutes after boiling.
7. Cool the jam again - and return to the fire for another 5 minutes of boiling.
8. Pour hot strawberry jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

How to quickly make strawberry jam

1. Wash the strawberries, wipe with a cloth, dry, remove the tails and receptacle.
2. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook the syrup until lightening for 7 minutes, removing the foam.
3. Put the strawberries, cook for 20-30 minutes over medium heat without a lid, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam.
4. Cool the strawberry jam slightly and pour into warm sterilized jars.
5. Turn jars of strawberry jam upside down, wrap in a blanket, and leave to cool.
Store jars of chilled strawberry jam in a cool place.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker


    Strawberry - 1 kilogram

    Sugar - 1 kilogram

Multicooker strawberry jam recipe
1. Sort out the strawberries, wipe with a damp cloth, dry, remove the tails and receptacle.
2. Put the strawberries in a multicooker bowl and cover with sugar.
3. Close the lid of the multicooker and cook, setting the multicooker to Stew for 1 hour.
4. Sterilize the jars before finishing cooking the jam.

5. Pour the finished jam into warm jars and close the lids. Cool by turning the cans upside down.

To make strawberry jam in a slow cooker, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen strawberries - exactly the same amount.


    To get a thick jam, put raw strawberries in a bowl in layers, sprinkle each layer with sugar. In this case, do not add water, wait until the strawberries release their juice under the influence of sugar. Cover the jam and put in a cool place for 5-7 hours. Then boil the jam for 10 minutes and pour into the jars.

    Another way to cook thick strawberry jam is to use boiled concentrated syrup. To prevent the jam during storage from becoming sugared and retain its delicate structure, when cooking jam from 1 kilogram of strawberries, add 750 grams of sugar and juice from 1/4 of a large lemon. In this case, after a 5-minute cooking of the jam, it is necessary to boil for 2 hours without berries, add the lemon along with the zest an hour before the end of the syrup boiling.

    So that strawberry jam from strawberries does not grow moldy and is reliably protected from the air, it is worth adding a sugar crust to the sterilization process of the jar. When the jam in the jars is cold and thick, sprinkle the surface of the jam with 1 tablespoon of sugar on top. Wait 5 minutes until the sugar has absorbed the jam and add 1 more spoonful. Then close the jam for the winter with a sterilized lid.

    To make strawberry jam quickly and without big amount sugar, it is necessary to use pectin: add 10 grams of pectin for each kilogram of strawberries during cooking (mix it with 3 tablespoons of sugar before adding to the jam), while removing half of the sugar norm. Cook the pectin jam for 5 minutes after boiling. The pectin will make the jam thicker and more suitable for storage, while keeping the berries intact.

    The best strawberries for jam - firm, slightly under-ripe, medium-sized - will remain intact in the jam, and the jam will not be too sugary. If you take strawberries of different sizes, then there may be a lot of syrup in the jam.

    Strawberry jam is great for pies, puffs, pancakes, cereals and goes great just on bread or cookies. Fruit drinks can also be made on the basis of strawberry jam.

    If strawberry jam darkens during cooking. this means that they did not work properly with the syrup - either the sugar was burnt, or the berries, or the jam took too long to cook.

    Store strawberry jam in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of strawberry jam, properly closed in jars, reaches 3-5 years.

    At the end of cooking strawberry jam, you can add the juice of 1 lemon (for 1 kilogram of strawberries) - then strawberry jam will acquire a special piquant taste.

    Before cooking, each berry can be dipped in vodka, and three times, this will add extravagance to the taste of the jam.

Interesting articles

Jam is one of the most favorite sweet tooth delicacies. But if it is very pleasant to eat, then cooking usually takes a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. But this can be fixed by using a multicooker.

Pros and cons of making jam in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a multifunctional kitchen appliance that many housewives have already appreciated. But is it worth making jam in it? First, evaluate the advantages of this method:

  • Minimal intervention. You only need to select the appropriate cooking mode and wait, sometimes controlling the process.
  • Preservation of taste and aroma of ingredients. Heat treatment is carried out mainly under the lid, which allows you to preserve the natural smell. And the heating is not as significant as when cooking on the stove, so many nutrients are not destroyed, and the taste remains the best.
  • Saving time. The process is not as long as the multi-stage and long cooking on the stove, and sometimes this is what becomes the decisive argument in favor of using a multicooker.
  • With the help of the device, you can make healthy jam without sugar: fruits or berries will not burn on the bowl, because it has a special non-stick coating.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Consistency. If you like thick jam or confiture, then cooking it in a multicooker will be quite problematic. The fact is that the composition thickens when the moisture is evaporated, which becomes possible only when cooking without a lid. In a closed bowl, the juice evaporates less, so the jam will probably turn out to be quite liquid.
  • There is a risk of damage to the bowl due to the sugar burning, especially if it does not dissolve completely.
  • Small volume. Usually jam is cooked in large quantities, and the maximum volume of a multicooker bowl, as a rule, does not exceed 5-6 liters. But if you want to spin several jars for the winter or enjoy yourself at once, then cooking in the device in question is quite suitable.

Cooking options

How to make delicious jam in a slow cooker? We offer several recipes.


To cook delicious apple jam, you will need:

  • 800-900 grams of fresh juicy apples;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid.


  1. First, prepare the apples: peel them, remove the cores and cut the fruit into wedges.
  2. Now mix the chopped apples with sugar, add citric acid. It is best to wait for the sugar to practically dissolve, as it can burn to the bottom of the bowl.
  3. Place all ingredients in a slow cooker, select the "Baking" mode and bring the mixture to a boil without a lid, and then fry, stirring occasionally, for about five minutes, until the apples become soft.
  4. To make a thick jam, you need to grind the ingredients using a blender. By choosing a submersible device, you can puree apples without taking them out of the multicooker.
  5. Next, switch to stewing mode, close the bowl with a lid and cook the jam for about an hour. If it is liquid, then darken it for about half an hour.


A healthy jam will be made from lingonberries. List of required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of lingonberry berries;
  • two full glasses of powdered sugar;
  • five tablespoons of lemon juice.


  1. The berries need to be sorted out and rinsed well. Then place them on the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Sprinkle the lingonberry on top with powdered sugar and lemon juice. It is very important that the berries are at the bottom, as the sugar can quickly burn to the bottom. And for this reason, it is recommended to use powder, and not the more familiar sand.
  3. Now you need to select a stewing or soup cooking program and set the timer for 60-70 minutes.
  4. Place the lid on the appliance and wait. Ready jam can be tasted right away or rolled over the jars.


A fragrant and, of course, delicious jam will be made from lemons. Here's what you need:

  • six or seven thin-skinned lemons;
  • 1-1.3 kg of sugar (at your discretion);
  • 1-1.2 liters of water;
  • optional a bag of vanillin (lovers of savory desserts can add a pinch of ground ginger).

Cooking description:

  1. Wash the lemons thoroughly, then pour over boiling water and cut into thin slices or semicircles. The seeds should be removed so that they do not interfere with the enjoyment of the dessert.
  2. Now take the multicooker and select the “Multicook” program. Set the temperature to 150-160 degrees, put chopped lemons in a bowl, pour in water and bring the mixture to a boil. Then reduce the temperature to 120-130 degrees and cook the composition for 40-50 minutes. If this mode is not in the appliance, then first select frying, and after boiling, switch to stewing or cooking.
  3. Now it's time to add sugar and vanillin. Dissolve these components completely in the liquid, and then cook the jam for another hour.
  4. Taste the finished dessert or close it for the winter.

Strawberry and cherry jam

This recipe involves making a thick cherry and strawberry jelly. The list of ingredients is as follows:

  • 0.7 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.3 kg cherries;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of granulated gelatin.

Process description:

  1. The first step is to tackle the cherries. Its preparation consists in sorting out, thoroughly washing, tearing off the stalks and removing the seeds. Chopping the berries is optional, but you can do this if you wish, especially if they are large.
  2. The strawberries should also be rinsed. Then tear off the stalks and cut the large berries into halves (the largest can be cut into quarters).
  3. Combine the strawberries and cherries, mix with sugar and leave for about half an hour so that the juice begins to actively stand out (separate about half a glass, this is necessary to prepare the gelatin).
  4. Next, transfer the mixture to a bowl, cook by selecting the stewing program for an hour.
  5. While the jam is cooking, pour the remaining chilled juice over the gelatin and leave to swell.
  6. After an hour of making the jam, add the gelatin that had time to swell to the bowl, and then stir it actively until it is completely dissolved.
  7. Simmer the jam for another minute, then turn off the device, pour the dessert into the jars and roll it up. The delicacy will turn out to be thick, similar in consistency to jelly.

Useful tips for housewives:

  • If the finished jam seemed too liquid to you, then continue to cook it, but without a lid to evaporate the excess liquid. For these purposes, a baking or frying mode is suitable.
  • Before placing the ingredients in the bowl, let the sugar dissolve, otherwise it will immediately burn to the bottom. To do this, you can mix it with berries or fruits and leave for a while. The main component will give juice, in which the sugar will dissolve.
  • If you haven't dissolved the sugar beforehand, then do it in the early stages of preparing the treat. Use a spatula for this, but be sure to use a silicone spatula that will not damage the non-stick coating.

Use the multicooker for easy, effortless and quick yummy jam!