Cooking sea buckthorn jelly for the winter: a classic and quick recipe. Sea buckthorn jelly recipe

15.08.2019 Snacks

Cooking time: 3 hours

Cost of 4 servings: 331 rubles

Cost of 1 portion: 83 rubles


Gelatin 40g - 67 rubles

Water 300ml

Champagne sweet 200ml - 48 rubles

Sugar 300g - 12 rubles

Fresh figs 2pcs - 60 rubles

Sea buckthorn 400g - 144 rubles


  • Pour gelatin with 100 ml of cold water and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. It will absorb water and swell.
  • Put the champagne on heat and bring to a boil. Leave for 1 minute to allow the alcohol to evaporate. Remove from heat.

  • Add one third of the gelatin to the champagne. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Cut the figs into thin slices. Cover the bottom of the mold and the sides with fruit pieces.
  • Gently pour the figs with the champagne and gelatin. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Pour sea buckthorn with 200 ml of water and beat lightly in a blender so that the seeds remain intact.

  • Grate the sea buckthorn puree over a saucepan through a fine sieve, kneading the berries with a spoon.
  • Pour in 200 g of sugar and put on medium heat.
  • Add remaining gelatin. Knead until smooth.

Chef's advice:

Do not bring the sea buckthorn to a boil, otherwise the vitamins will not be preserved. Berries should be heated to no more than 50 - 60 degrees.

  • The puree must be cooled before pouring onto the fig layer so that it does not melt.
  • When the sea buckthorn has cooled down, pour it into a mold with figs. Refrigerate for another hour.

  • When the jelly is frozen, turn the dishes upside down to get the dessert.

Life hack from the chef:

To easily get the jelly, slightly heat the bottom by lowering the mold into a container of hot water. It is important not to overheat the jelly, otherwise it will start to melt. You should also cut with a knife along the walls of the mold, separating the jelly.

  • After you have turned the jelly upside down, you need to send it to the refrigerator for another 5 minutes so that the jelly sets after heat treatment.

Bon Appetit!

Fruits and berries


Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter albeit not the most popular preparation, but very useful and tasty. You just have to cope with the preparation of such a dessert once, so that you can then cook it every winter. If you have never done the creation of jelly for the winter before, then our step-by-step recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how to make it from sea buckthorn. The process of creating preservation will require a lot of time and patience from you, however, the result is worth it. In addition to the fact that sea buckthorn berries contain a lot of vitamins, they also contain natural acids that will support your body and immune system in winter.

The most popular of these berries is sea buckthorn oil. It is used for stomach ulcers, as well as for the healing of various burns. Many dermatologists recommend using sea buckthorn to treat a variety of skin conditions. In addition to useful qualities, our workpieces will also have outstanding taste characteristics. You have definitely never tasted such jelly in your life: it is light, bright, aromatic and slightly tart at the same time. The sugar, which we will also use in the cooking process, will override both the bitterness of the berries and their acidity. Let's start making sea buckthorn jelly for the winter at home.



    The first thing to do is collect the sea buckthorn berries. This is not difficult to do, since sea buckthorn girls can very often be found even just on the street. When collecting, remember that sea buckthorn berries are very tender and burst easily, and their juice is eaten and practically not washed out, so take care of appropriate clothing and gloves.

    All the berries harvested at home must be carefully sorted out, in the process you need to remove spoiled specimens, all garbage, branches and leaves. Peeled berries must be poured into a large basin and filled with cold water (for 1 kg of peeled berries, about 500 ml of water will be needed).

    Put the basin with sea buckthorn berries on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and prepare the base for the jelly for the next 20 minutes over low heat.

    First of all, we pass the contents of the pan or bowl through a very fine sieve.... We need not just to separate the juice from the pulp, the berries must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve as shown in the photo.

    Further, the separated juice must be re-filtered, but now through gauze folded in several layers or through a clean cotton cloth. Gently put the fabric on top of the container, pour juice into it and leave it in this form for a while.

    Already at the final stage, you can help the juice to separate with your hands by wrapping the remaining pulp in a kind of bag and making some effort.

    As a result, we have the purest sea buckthorn juice, from which we will now continue making jelly for the winter.

    We measure the volume of juice, pour it into an enamel pan and add the appropriate amount of sugar, which is indicated in the ingredients. Bring the liquid in a saucepan to a boil, stir constantly and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then bring it to a boil again and so on until its consistency is suitable for freezing. You can check this as follows: pour a little sea buckthorn mass into a bowl, cool and send it to the freezer, if it hardens, then the base is ready and the fire can be turned off. It is best to remove foam from the surface of the liquid during the cooking process so that the result is a beautiful and transparent jelly.

    The finished mass will change its color to a much more saturated one, you need to pour hot liquid into pre-sterilized glass jars of a small volume, and then tighten with screw caps. After cooling, the jars must be sent to the refrigerator and the jelly must be completely solidified, it must also be stored there before use. Useful and tasty sea buckthorn jelly according to a simple recipe for the winter is ready.

    Bon Appetit!

If in the cold season you want to provide your whole family with vitamins or have on hand a natural remedy for colds - sea buckthorn jelly, cooked without boiling or thermally processed - this is exactly what you need.

A delicious dessert that is easy to prepare will be a means to maintain immunity in winter and just an excellent addition to tea. In our article, we will consider the technology for its preparation, as well as its options. You just have to choose the one you like best and get down to business.

Sea buckthorn jelly: a classic recipe

For it, you need sugar and sea buckthorn in equal proportions. Keep in mind that for making jelly, it is best for you to choose berries that are firm, but ripe - they contain the maximum amount of pectin, which will give the proper consistency to your harvest. Sort the raw materials and wash under a weak stream of water, in order to avoid the risk of damaging the delicate berries, let them dry, and then prepare the juice for sea buckthorn jelly. The recipe involves cooking it not from whole berries, but from squeezed ones. To get them, you can use a juicer or juicer. In the first case, your workpiece will be a bright and saturated color, but with a sediment. And in the second - pure, transparent orange color.

Then pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add granulated sugar. Boil over medium heat, not forgetting to stir, and if foam forms on the surface, remove it. When the jelly becomes dark, viscous, that is, the process will come to an end, scoop up a little with a spoon and pour it onto a plate - if the droplet spreads, cook again, if not, then everything is ready. Pour it into the jars immediately, it is in the hot state, since after cooling, the mass will become very thick, and it will be difficult to transfer it to a container for storage. Roll up with iron lids or close with plastic ones, store in a cool place until winter.

Sea buckthorn jelly: instant recipe

To shorten the cooking time, you can squeeze the juice from the berries as described in the previous cooking method, and then put the liquid on the stove. As soon as it starts to boil, add 300 g of sugar per ½ liter of juice, as well as a bag of pectin. By the way, instead of ordinary sand, you can use it, but in this case you do not need to add pectin. The cooking process will be reduced literally to 10 minutes. Let the liquid boil, and then the sea buckthorn jelly (the recipe of which is so simple that even a novice housewife can master it) can be poured hot into jars and sent for storage.

And if you want to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients, just mix the juice and sugar until it is completely dissolved, and then roll it into jars. Such a blank will be a favorite treat for children and adults in cold winter. Sea buckthorn contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid, phytoncides, other vitamins and minerals, and is low in calories.

By the way, sea buckthorn juice and, accordingly, jelly are a folk remedy for getting rid of a cough, since it contains a large amount of essential oils. Now you know not only from sea buckthorn, but also the benefits of this blank. And if you have the opportunity to stock up on berries in summer or autumn, be sure to include sea buckthorn preparations in your home stock.

Sea buckthorn can rightfully be called one of the most useful berries for our body. It also has a completely incomparable taste and aroma.

And that's why they like to drink tea with her, and of course, they prepare it for the winter.

It can be used as an addition to various dishes, desserts, or as a filling for baked goods. And how much you can make from it: compote, and jam, and jelly, and juice, and much more. What's just jelly, mmm ... Have you tried it? It's amazingly delicious! And compotes are generally a godsend - it's so convenient for a holiday, for example, to open a jar.

And most importantly, this is a completely natural product!

Today I would like to bring to your attention several options for harvesting this miraculous berry for the winter season.

You can learn how to make tasty, healthy jelly for kids' capricious breakfasts. How to prepare a compote for all occasions, amber jam for tea, and just how to prepare a "magic" berry for the winter. All recipes are quite simple in their execution and do not require much time.

Fresh sea buckthorn without boiling berries is a real "vitamin bomb" that supports and protects the body from all sorts of ailments and diseases.

Plus, it's also delicious. Putting a few spoons in hot tea, we get a fragrant drink that tastes good.

I always harvest berries in this way in order to make healthy delicious morsiki. Children from such, just delighted.

And you must prepare several jars. Moreover, everything is done as easy as shelling pears.

We need:

  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 1 liter of sea buckthorn

If you count in kilograms, then for 1 kg of sea buckthorn you should take sugar 1300 - 1500, depending on what degree of sweetness you prefer.


1. The berry, of course, must be washed before starting to work with it, remove excess leaves and twigs. Then let it dry. Since we will not cook it, it is not desirable that water remains on the surface. It can trigger the fermentation process.

Therefore, it is better to wash the fruits in advance so that all the water has time to evaporate before cooking. And to be sure, also blot on top with paper towels.

2. Then grind it in a meat grinder, or on a food processor, but try so that your assistant does not whip it at the same time.

You can also grind the berries with a blender. And if you do not want seeds and skins in the finished jam, then grind through a sieve.

Although I would not recommend it to you. It is in the skins that most of the nutrients are contained, and precious sea buckthorn oil is made from the seeds.

3. Sugar can be added after grinding the orange "beauty". If you use a blender or a food processor, then it is better to add it even before the churning begins.

In this case, the crystals will dissolve faster and it will not be necessary to stir the contents for a long time to achieve the desired state.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to clean sterilized jars and add two tablespoons of sugar on top. Thus. we will create a "cushion" of safety, and the finished fragrant puree will not ferment.

Store the finished grated yummy in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar. If the storage temperature is above 4 degrees, then fermentation processes may begin in the jar.

After the onset of cold weather, you can take out the workpiece to the glazed loggia, thereby freeing up space in the refrigerator.

5. Eat at any time with tea, or make delicious fruit drinks. In this case, pass the diluted drink through a sieve, where all skins and bones that are already unnecessary by that time will remain.

It's very simple and delicious! And many housewives harvest fruits in this way.

Recipe for cooking sea buckthorn in its own juice without boiling berries

This recipe is even simpler than the previous one. The most difficult thing in it is the preparation of the berries, that is, sorting it out of debris and twigs, washing and drying.

Ready-made jam is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

We need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1400 gr


1. Wash and sterilize cans and lids. Dry them.

2. Pour clean dry fruits into jars in a layer of about 2 - 3 cm. Then pour sugar over this layer. And thus, alternately, fill the entire glass container completely.

3. Close the lid and let stand at room temperature for 12 hours. The berry will let some juice flow, and this is good, it means the process has started.

Now you can put our workpiece in the refrigerator, the process of forming sugar syrup will continue to take place there. After some time, all the berries will be in it.

After about a week, the juice will stand out for about half of the can, and after another week, all the fruits will be in their own aromatic juice.

Store the filled jars without removing them from the refrigerator.

Needless to say, it turns out just an incredibly tasty preparation, the berries of which seem to have just been picked from the bush!

Sea buckthorn jam - the best recipe for cooking without sterilization

This red berry also turns out to be divinely tasty when cooked with sugar. This beautiful amber jam will not leave anyone indifferent. But of course, we will not cook the delicacy for a long time, so as not to lose its beneficial properties.

In this case, we will use a little more sugar than in the previous recipes. This is due to the fact that we will prepare the jam according to the "five-minute" principle.

We need:

  • 1 liter of berries
  • 1 kilogram of sugar


1. We free the sea buckthorn from fine litter, wash it from possible dust and dirt - we get a berry to a berry! Pour clean fruits into an enamelled kitchen basin or a wide saucepan, so it will be more convenient to cook them.

2. Fall asleep with sugar and leave for twelve hours, it is best to do this overnight. During this time, the berry will have time to give juice.

Now we put on fire and bring to a boil. We boil for five minutes, no more, we want to preserve all the useful trace elements and vitamins.

Do not forget to remove the foam, which you can eat right away!) We always have a queue for it! And no wonder with such and such a scent! ...

3. Pour into sterilized jars directly while hot and close with sterile lids. Allow the jam in jars to cool at room temperature and store in a pantry or refrigerator.

Since it was not cooked for a long time, it is better to store it in a cool place. Although we made sure by adding a significant amount of sugar.

We don't keep such a treat for a long time. Within a month we eat it with tea and soon there is no trace of the jam.

Jelly from mashed sea buckthorn with sugar

Many of us love jams and jellies more, especially children. It's great that you can combine healthy and tasty in one.

What you need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries liter
  • Sugar - kilogram


1. First, be sure to sort out and rinse the berries. Then we need to get juice and puree from it, removing the skin and bones. To do this, we pass the berry through a meat grinder or blender. And if you have a harvester, the whole process will take a few minutes.

In this case, it is only important to grind the fruits, they do not need to be knocked down.

2. Now we take a sieve, put it on a deep plate and pour the sea buckthorn mass into it. It is better to spread the content in small batches to make it easier and faster to work.

3. Rub with a spoon so that the sea buckthorn juice and puree fall into the plate under the sieve.

If you don't have a large sieve, you can take cheesecloth and squeeze through it. It used to be that way. It may take a little longer, but the result is the same everywhere.

We don't throw out the cake, you can drink tea with it, just put it in the hot tea leaves.

4. Add 80% sugar to the resulting juice and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. You can leave it on your kitchen counter for a while and stir it every 15 to 20 minutes.

Then put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

5. In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids, let them cool completely. It is better to do this in advance so that the water has time to drain or evaporate.

And you can pour the future jelly into jars. Pour the remaining sugar into each of them, on top of the jelly, about a couple of tablespoons per jar.

If you have very small containers, then less should be poured accordingly.

In a day, the mass becomes gelatinous and our dessert will be ready.

Store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator, closed. After the jar has been opened, it is better to use it within a week or two.

Sea buckthorn with honey for the winter without boiling berries

Honey, of course, is not such a good preservative as sugar, but it is very useful, and in combination with sea buckthorn it is a real benefit! If you take this delicacy just a teaspoon a day, it will help your immunity to cope with colds.

And yet, it's just delicious!

We need:

  • Three glasses of berries
  • One glass of honey


1. We remove small litter, leaves from the berry and rinse it thoroughly under running water. We spread it on a clean kitchen towel so that it absorbs all excess water.

Since we will not cook the berry even in this version, water is not needed here at all, so that it does not cause fermentation processes.

2. Put the dried berries in an enamel bowl, or a large glass container. Armed with a crush, transfer all the contents into a puree, which, of course, will come out with skins and bones.

If desired, they can of course be removed, but together with them we will then remove most of the nutrients. What we don't want, that's why we leave everything as it is.

3. Add honey to this mass and mix well. We give him the opportunity to completely disperse and saturate all the contents with his taste. To do this, leave the dishes with mixed berries on the kitchen table for 3 - 4 hours.

During this time, the mass should be mixed several times.

4. Then pour our yummy into sterilized and dried jars and cover with clean lids.

Sea buckthorn compote in jars

Sea buckthorn compote is a separate topic. When I first tasted it, it was just a gustatory explosion in my mind. I had never even imagined before that it could be so delicious.

In general, this is a drink for all occasions - and just to quench your thirst it is good, and he is a master to pamper himself with an exquisite taste, and he is always happy to treat guests.

For all that, it is also so useful that you want to drink it without stopping ...

We need:

  • liter of berries
  • three glasses of sugar
  • three liters of water


1. Sea buckthorn for a start, of course, needs to be sorted out and washed. The berries should be all clean, without tails and litter.

2. After the water drains, put the fruits in 1 liter jars, filling them 1/3 part and pour boiling water over them. Cover with lids and allow to stand like this for ten minutes. The fruit should be very well warmed up.

Both cans and lids must be sterilized without fail.

3. Drain the water into a saucepan. You can use a special lid with holes for this, the berries in this case will remain in the jar.

4. Add sugar to this water and, while stirring, bring to a boil, all the crystals in this case, of course, should dissolve.

5. We got a syrup and pour the contents in jars with it. It should be poured right up to the neck, so that when you close the lids, the excess even spills out a little.

It is better to close compotes with iron lids using a seaming machine. This is the safest way to preserve.

6. Turn the finished compote and put on the lid, wrap it with a blanket. Leave in this form to cool slowly for about a day. or rather, until the syrup has completely cooled down.

This is an additional sterilization of the contents called pasteurization. Slow cooling aids in better storage later on.

7. Store the compote in a cool and dark place. A cellar in your house, or a storage room in an apartment is perfect.

In winter, open the jar and fully enjoy the taste, smell and color of the drink!

Compotes can also be made mixed. So, it turns out very tasty to cook them with apples. A new filling and an interesting flavor combination appears.

And of course, you can mix different berries - currants, and lingonberries, and cranberries, and chokeberry will do. That is, almost all berries are in season.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter

For those who do not like to deal with jars, there is a simple way to preserve the vitamin berry - freezing. It turns out just as tasty and healthy, but without unnecessary hassle.

From frozen fruits at any time, you can cook fruit drink, compote, or simply crush them and pour tea with sugar.

We need:

  • Sea buckthorn liter
  • Sugar a pound


1. We sort out the berries from twigs and small debris, rinse and send them to paper towels for drying. It takes about 40 minutes for all the moisture to evaporate.

To be sure, you can also blot the top with paper towels.

2. Now you need to transfer the berries to a serving tray or baking sheet so that they are separate from each other. Put them in the freezer for three hours.

The air temperature in the freezer should be about twenty degrees.

Then take out the baking sheet and arrange in bags or containers. If you like sweeter, then you can mix the berries with sugar before laying out in packages.

It's that simple! It will take very little time and the freeze is ready.

Video on how to make delicious sea buckthorn jam

Your favorite jam can be made not only from one berry. It turns out to be most delicious with the addition of walnuts. And the syrup is prepared on the basis of rose hips.

That's so interesting! That is, there is no longer one complex of vitamins, but two, and even three. After all, rose hips are known as a storehouse of vitamin C, and not only ... And nuts also contain a lot of all kinds of usefulness.

Here's a super vitamin jam. Be sure to cook it, it is delicious !!!

Friends, today these are all the methods of harvesting delicious berries from all that I know. There are, of course, options and variations, but they are all made on the basis of these basic principles and recipes.

Therefore, if you know them, you can make absolutely any jam, even with cooking, even without it.

In general, you noticed how easy it is to cook sea buckthorn for the winter. And what a delicious "magic" is obtained in each prepared jar! And all this is not only tasty, but also very healthy!

Therefore, cook, eat with pleasure, and be always healthy!

Bon Appetit!

Culinary master class: a step-by-step photo recipe on how to make delicious sea buckthorn jelly with zhelfix for the winter.

Sea buckthorn always looks elegant: the pure warm yellow tone of the berries is pleasing to the eye. Sea buckthorn jelly will also look festive: after gelation, orange shades appear, and the consistency becomes creamy. The dish will successfully play the role of sweet berry sauce, become an exquisite dessert, and take pride of place in the tea ceremony.

Products: sea ​​buckthorn - 500 grams, water - 200 milliliters, sugar - 400 grams, lemon juice - 1 tablespoon, zhelfix - 15 grams.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. The soft seeds of sea buckthorn berries are considered edible, they even contain useful substances. But the most delicious sea buckthorn jam is made from mashed jellied berries. Sea buckthorn can even be overripe when the thin skin has difficulty holding the watery berry pulp. You will need some lemon juice for flavoring. The main component is zhelfix, a powder based on apple pectin. If you exclude jaundice from the recipe, you will have to double the sugar rate.

2. Sea buckthorn is washed with cold water, sorted out, throwing out the darkened and crushed fruits.

3. The berries are placed in a saucepan, poured over with water. Sugar and lemon juice are not added yet. Sea buckthorn is boiled for 5-7 minutes until the berries soften.

4. Hot sea buckthorn is rubbed through a metal sieve with medium meshes. Skins and bones do not get into the jelly.

5. Sugar is added to sea buckthorn puree. Stir.

6. If the puree has already cooled down and the sugar does not dissolve well, you can heat the sea buckthorn over the fire for a couple of minutes.

7. Zhelfix is ​​mixed into sea buckthorn puree when its temperature is at the level of 80-90 degrees. Then lemon juice is poured in. The jelly is stirred until all the grains of the gelatin are dissolved. Then the pan is put on fire.

8. The jelly is boiled for 5 minutes, then poured into a sterilized jar and rolled up with a sterile lid. This is the beauty of zhelfix: a guarantee of the safety of the workpiece with a minimum heat treatment time. The taste of the jelly is identical to the taste of fresh berries sprinkled with sugar. Without the presence of gelatin, to obtain a jelly substance, you will have to boil the puree for 30 minutes, during which time the volume of the final product will decrease and the aroma of berry freshness will disappear. Sea buckthorn jelly is stored in the same conditions as ordinary blanks: in a dark, cool and dry place.