Make apricot jam at home. Amazing Apricot Jam: An Old Hungarian Recipe and Modern Brewing Methods

27.04.2019 Meat Dishes

While the season of apricots is in full swing, let's hasten to make all of them necessary blanks... We have this in the first place, and then, when the fruits are gaining ripeness, it is time to cook apricot jam for the winter. Let me tell you our secret: at the same time we prepare syrup from these fragrant fruits - an indispensable thing for soaking cakes and biscuits. And the secret is that in this recipe for apricot jam, when cooking, the syrup is not evaporated, but is collected in a jar and rolled up for the winter. The jam turns out to be thick, bright, moderately sweet, with pleasant sourness apricots.

Apricot jam recipe for the winter


  • Ripe softish apricots - 1 kg (pitted weight);
  • sugar - 800 g

How to make apricot jam for the winter

We sort out the fruits. Of those that are denser, you can make - very tasty, by the way, and it is done quickly, "once or twice." We set aside soft, overripe, crumpled for jam. If there are spots or dense dark bumps, cut off these places, and what remains will also go into jam. After sorting, thoroughly wash the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into pieces of any shape. Weigh it - according to the recipe, we need a kilogram of prepared apricots.

We take a bowl or saucepan, a bowl for jam, cauldrons and lay apricots there in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. Cover, leave until morning. There is no need to pour water. Apricots only seem a little dry, in the morning there will be a lot of syrup!

Here's a look at what happened to them after 12 hours, how much syrup was formed! There is no point in evaporating it, especially since with prolonged cooking the jam for the winter will turn out to be dark and tasteless.

We do this: while the fruit is boiling, we scald one or two half-liter jars with boiling water, and heat it over steam. As soon as boiling begins, carefully collect the raised foam. Cook for about ten minutes, so that the apricots are slightly boiled, and the syrup has a rich taste.

Then we scoop up only liquid, without fruit, with a small ladle, and fill hot jars. We immediately twist them. Just like that, we prepared for the winter a fragrant impregnation for cakes and biscuits, completely natural, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and the aroma of apricots.

Well, now we will prepare apricot jam for the winter at home, and it will turn out to be much tastier than the one sold in stores. Boil the apricot pulp over medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring constantly. Watching the color apricot pulp, if it starts to darken, we stop heating. Using a blender, grind everything into a thick, homogeneous puree.

We return to the fire, set the minimum. Cover the jam with a lid, but not tightly so that steam comes out. Or we put a special fine mesh on top so that the spray does not scatter around the kitchen. Cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally. The mass thickens quickly, in principle, after ten minutes you can assume that the apricot jam is ready.

If you want to cook it thicker, keep it on low heat for another five minutes or longer. We determine the density in this way: we collect apricot jam in a spoon and tilt it: if it slides slowly, then when it cools, the mass will be very thick, you can smear it on bread like confiture.

Jars and lids must be sterilized. We pack hot jam, filling containers under the neck, tighten it tightly. You do not need to wrap it up or hide it in pillows. Leave to cool by turning the jars upside down.

Jars with apricot jam stored at room temperature, as well as the syrup that we prepared earlier.

Well, that’s all set. now we have tasty preparation- apricot jam for the winter, and as a bonus for our work, a fragrant impregnation for cakes and biscuits. Do you have any of your own proven recipes and secrets of apricot preparations? Let's share in the comments!

Apricot jam is easy to make, and most importantly, very fast.

Even a novice hostess will have no problems.

Apricot jam at home: a recipe with a photo


  • Lemon;
  • Sugar - 1kg 800 g;
  • Apricots - 2 kg.
  • Pot;
  • Sieve;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Baking sheet;

Now let's take a closer look at how to make apricot jam at home. First, we take apricots and rinse them in cool water. Then carefully make an incision in the groove with a knife and open them, immediately removing the bones.

Option 1

We take a saucepan and put our halves in it, fill it with water.

So that they are lightly covered with it. We put on fire and wait until they soften.

When the apricots boil, start adding sugar gradually, while stirring the mass well. Now we take a lemon, having thoroughly washed it before that, and cut it into two halves with a knife, we only need one. Squeeze the juice out of it into a pan with apricots.

We move the pan with the contents to medium fire and cook for an hour and a half, stirring always so that the mass is homogeneous.

We pour it into jars, cool it and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Option 2

We pass the apricots through a meat grinder. Then we take a saucepan, put the resulting mass in it and fill it with water so that it is barely covered with it. Cook, stirring constantly and adding a little sugar.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over a saucepan, then mix well and continue cooking for about an hour. Ready! Pour the apricot jam into jars, cool and set aside for further storage.

Cooking recipe for the winter


  • Pot;
  • Sieve;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Baking sheet;
  • A spatula to stir the jam in time;
  • Jars with lids for preservation.

How to cook apricot jam for the winter? Let's start in order. We wash the apricots well, then divide them into halves, be sure to remove the stone. Now put the halves on a baking sheet and let them dry. Next, we act in one of the following ways.

Method 1

We pass the apricots through a meat grinder, then fill them with sugar. Before that, you need to add a little gelatin to the sugar. Now the filled mass must be left for about 7-8 hours.

When time has passed, let's put it on slow fire, then wait until it boils and let it boil for 10 minutes. Now pour hot apricot jam into jars and roll them up with lids.

Method 2

We pass the pitted apricot fruits through a meat grinder, then add sugar. Bring the mass to a boil and then boil the mixture for about 20-30 minutes.

We take potato starch and add 3-4 tablespoons to the mixture.

Attention: 3-4 tablespoons is a proportion for a bucket of apricots, and from it you can easily calculate how much you need to add.

Then put the pan on the fire again and bring to a boil.

Pour the ready-made apricot jam into jars for the winter.

V winter period you will enjoy its amazing taste! Do not overdo it with water, otherwise you will get a compote.

If you still overdo it, then do not be upset, just boil the mass for some more time to evaporate the water.

You can also use additional gelatin for density.

To find out if apricot jam is ready, you should put a little of it in a teaspoon and pour it into a plate. If it spreads along the bottom - not ready, you need to cook for a couple more minutes.

Add almonds if desired. It will make the taste more interesting. To do this, before cooking, you need to put the almonds in a container and pour boiling water over it. Wait 5-10 minutes and peel it. Then, while making the treat, simply add the almonds to the apricots.

In order for the jam to have a brighter color, do not remove the skin from the apricots, it is this that gives it saturation.

This apricot jam is very fast. Just 30 minutes and you roll up the jars. This year, nature generously presents us with its fruits. Apricot this year is just the sea, make jam - I don’t want to… I don’t cook a lot, but on the way home I often buy a couple of kilograms of some fruit and make jam or preserves.

I am preparing two versions of apricot jam - one thicker one for filling pies, pies, muffins. And less thick - such a daughter loves to eat with cottage cheese and ice cream, with tea, alternating with raspberries, grated with sugar. In the raspberry recipe, I wrote that apricots can also be made the same way. Previously, she was more fond of currants with sugar, but now she requires variety.

I had a kilogram of apricot and I decided to quickly make a second version of apricot jam. Curd after all healthier than pies:) If you want a thicker jam, boil more or add pectin at the end according to the instructions. Pectin, gelatin, preserves for jam - look in supermarkets in the spice sections. They have many names, but the essence is the same - the jam thickens very quickly.



  1. The apricots should be slightly unripe with no signs of rot. We wash the apricots and disassemble them into halves, discard the seeds.

  2. Put the apricot halves in a saucepan and fill with 1 glass of water.

  3. We put on fire, the apricots will begin to soften, I stir them a couple of times with a spoon, so that the process goes more evenly. Cook apricots for 15-20 minutes. It is better not to take a lot of apricots for such a jam, otherwise you will have to make it in small portions.
  4. After 20 minutes, the apricots became soft. now there are two options for further action. Faster and more elegant.

  5. For an "elegant" jam, wipe the boiled apricots through a sieve. This jam will be homogeneous and transparent, there will be no harsh inclusions of the skin. Therefore, if you want to achieve the ideal, take a sieve and proceed.

  6. The second option is faster. Because My daughter will eat apricot jam with cottage cheese, and I was cooking quite late in the evening, I decided not to fool myself and quickly chopped the apricots with a submersible blender.

    Then we do the same - add sugar and citric acid, put on a small fire, bring to a boil. The sugar should dissolve. Cook the jam for 15-20 minutes. If foam forms, remove so that the jam is not cloudy.

    If you want a beautifully colored, transparent jam, do not boil it for a very long time. 15-20 minutes is enough. If you want a thicker one, try adding not a glass at the beginning, but half a glass of water.

    If you want to get jam for pie fillings, boil the jam to the thickness you need. I'll just add the pectin. The one that I buy (from Dr. Ouker) - 1 sachet for 500 grams of fruit, mixed with tbsp. sugar, add to jam, mix well. Another 15 minutes and the jam is thick and can be poured. Note that it will become much thicker as it cools.

    While the jam is cooking, I sterilize the jars. Because Not a lot of jam, I do it in the microwave. The lids are sterilized in boiling water on a stove as standard.

    Pour boiling jam into jars, roll up the lids.

    We turn the cans upside down with lids and wrap them up. When the jars are cool, hide them in a cool, dark place.

    From a kilogram of apricot, about one and a half liters of apricot jam turned out. I will definitely make even thicker apricot jam for the pie filling.

Bon Appetit!


Hello my dear readers! Summer pampers us with generous gifts, which we in every possible way want to "take" with us in the winter. Therefore, we salt, cook, freeze, ferment with the passion of maniacs. I have already (we have it very much in winter), I have prepared apple filling for pies, cooked, and apricot jam slices. Now the next in line is amber apricot jam.

I have already told you that we rarely have a harvest of apricots.
For some reason, apricots bloom too early in our area. The deceptive March warmth insidiously wakes up sleepy apricot trees and makes them put on a delicate muslin headdress ahead of time. Out of nowhere, the wandering frost mercilessly destroys the fragile flowers that are waiting in vain for the bees, chilly waiting out the cold days in the hives.

But this year, an unusually gentle spring has stood out, teeming with warm rains and the same summer. Although once hail fell, the size of a large cherry, beating the chic apricots and peaches. After the hail, the apricots had to be plucked urgently so that they would not start to rot. And I started a small cannery for the production of apricot jam for the winter. Yes, my wonderful neighbor Ottilia treated me to a bucket of selected beauties, it was even a pity to eat them. But I had to - such good does not spoil.

Almost all preserves, jams and marmalades (with the exception of) I cook in the old Hungarian way - in small portions. I have already written in detail how this is done many times. The method is more laborious than the others, but the result is such a chic product that it is worth tinkering with it a little. This year, my husband suggested that I cook jam not in the usual stainless steel saucepan, but in the form for the achma. This container is also made of stainless steel, only it is very large in diameter (45 cm) and with small sides. Here in the photo is the cooking process.

In it, you can cook apricot jam in two half-liter jars at once, and in the old way, one boiled portion of jam is half a jar. First, I poured the jam into a saucepan, and then I poured it into the jars from it (so as not to aim from a huge vessel into small holes and not spill the precious brew). Well, we finally got to the point.

Homemade apricot jam recipe


  • 1 kg of apricots (net weight).
  • 1.1 kg of sugar.
  • A quarter teaspoon of citric acid (2-3 g).
  • Nucleoli apricot kernels(optional).

How to cook

My remarks

  • If you like jams with a more uniform consistency, it is best to brew it from fully ripe and overripe fruits. We mash the prepared halves of the fruit with our hands or twist it through a meat grinder. Next, cook as indicated above.
  • This jam can be cooked with lemon and orange. For 1 kg of prepared apricots, you should take 1 lemon or 1-3 pieces of orange. Citrus fruits are thoroughly washed with a brush in warm water, then minced in a meat grinder with or without the skin.
  • To get the jam thick consistency, you should take just such a ratio of fruits and sugar 1: 1.1.

Jam from apricots in a bread maker


  • 0.600 kg of prepared apricots.
  • 0.660 kg of sugar.
  • On the tip of a knife, citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare apricots as in the recipe above. Cover with sugar, stir, leave for 6-8 hours to dissolve sugar.
  2. Pour into the bowl of the bread machine, set the "Jam" or "Jam" mode (depending on the brand and model).
  3. Turn on the necessary program, at the end of the work, pour the jam into dry sterile jars, after complete cooling, close with boiled lids.

My remarks

  • The product cooked in this way turns out to be watery! I cooked this method only once, for a test.
  • To thicken the apricots before cooking, you can add applesauce(one third of the total mass of fruit, in our case it is 0.2 kg).
  • Before cooking, the rotating mechanisms inside the bowl should be coated with silicone grease, leaving it there for at least 2 hours!

A simple recipe for apricot jam with gelatin


  • 1 kg fresh apricots(Net weight).
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • 40 g of instant gelatin.
  • 40-50 ml apricot liqueur (optional).

How to cook

  1. Wash the apricots, prepare the fruit in any of the above ways (depending on the ripeness of the fruit and your desire). Put sugar in several steps, then dry gelatin. Stir well, put in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar faster.
  2. After the required time has elapsed, put the container on medium heat, bring, stirring constantly, to a boil. After boiling, cook for 3-5 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour in the liquor, if you will use it. Pour the jam into dry sterile jars, close with hermetically boiled lids.

Despite all the laboriousness, I advise you to cook jam in the old Hungarian way. This is the only way to make jam, amazing in taste, consistency and color.

Apricots contain a lot of nutrients for the human body. One of the ways to preserve them for a long time is to prepare them for the winter. Gathering own harvest of these fruits, why not preserve delicious apricot jam for the winter? With this delicacy, you can organize a pleasant tea party on a cold evening, gathering friends or household members at the table. And if you love baking, plain seedless jam is a great filling for baking. "Popular about health" will share simple recipes for the winter to make goodies right now.

If you decide to prepare apricot jam for the winter, heed the advice experienced chefs... For this delicacy, choose slightly unripe fruits. They contain more pectin fibers, which means that the sweet mass will turn out to be thicker. If you have at your disposal only fully ripe fruits or even overripe, it does not matter, then they will come to the rescue nutritional supplements- gelatin, pectin or regular starch. All of them are available for sale, and most of them can be found at home.

If you like thick, mushy jam, then simply twist the fruits through a meat grinder, after removing the seeds. But so that the delicacy turns out to be almost transparent, like thick jelly, then do not be too lazy to grind the chopped fruit through a fine sieve. These are the tips recommended to apply experienced housewives for those who have not yet tried making apricot jam. And now let's move on to the recipes for the treats.

Apricot jam recipes for the winter

The classic seedless recipe is simple

Ingredients- 1 kilogram of apricots, the same amount of sugar.

Wash the fruit, divide it in half and remove the seeds. Then pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Cover the resulting gruel with sugar and let stand for several hours. Stir the contents and put on fire (small) before cooking.

Do not let the bottom burn the mass to prevent this from happening, stir the apricot jam. After boiling, remove the foam. The cooking time is adjusted depending on the desired consistency of the jam. The longer you cook, the thicker it gets. However, do not forget that with prolonged heat treatment, they are lost useful material... To preserve them as much as possible, you can use a special technique - boil the apricot jam three times for 5 minutes, letting it cool completely after the first two stages of cooking. In this way, you will be able to achieve the ideal consistency of the product and retain most of the vitamins. After the third five-minute cooking, the hot jam is sealed in jars, after sterilizing them.

Starch apricot recipe

Ingredient List: apricots - 1 kg; water - 150 ml; sugar - 1 kg; potato starch - 3 tsp

My fruits, we take out the bones. Put the apricots in a saucepan, pour water there, put on fire. After the water boils, we detect for 3 minutes, after which we discard the fruits in a colander. Then we transfer them to a convenient dish and grind with an immersion blender until smooth. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, add sugar, mix well, bring to a boil. Add starch and stir the treat constantly. Cooking time - minimum - up to 5 minutes. Prepare the container and roll up the apricot jam.

Recipe 3 - with gelatin

Ingredients: apricots - 1 kg; sugar - 1 kg; gelatin - 2 sachets.

Pour in the gelatin granules cold water(100 ml) and let swell. This process will take at least 30 minutes, and in the meantime you will have time to prepare the apricots - rinse them, separate the seeds and grind them in a meat grinder. The resulting gruel, if desired, wipe through a sieve or beat with a blender, if you like more delicate structure jams. We pour in apricot puree sugar, put on the stove. On a small fire, bring the sweet mass to a boil, stirring it. For now, let's get back to our gelatin. It needs to be warmed up a little so that the granules finally dissolve. Now in a very thin stream, constantly stirring the jam, pour gelatin into it. We boil the mass for 5 minutes, pour it into jars.

Recipe 4 - apricot and red plum jam

Ingredients: apricots - 0.5 kg; red plums - 0.5 kg; sugar - 1 kg; water - 100 ml.

Place the washed and pitted fruits in a saucepan with water. After boiling, we mark for 3 minutes, put it in a colander. Then we interrupt the softened fruits with a blender or grind them through a sieve to get rid of lumps. Combine the resulting fruit mass with sugar, put on fire. Stir the future jam, preventing burning. After dissolving the sugar, cook for another 10 minutes. Turn it off, let it cool. Then again you need to bring the mass to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. We spin hot jam for the winter in a sterilized container.

There are many options for making delicious jam for future use. We looked at a few of them, and you can modify the recipes by combining apricots with other fruits. Some housewives add lemon, other citrus fruits, as well as berries or apples to such a preparation. The main thing is the cooking technology, which must be adhered to. It is important to achieve the correct consistency of the jam so that it does not run out. And it's easy to check - just drop a little on a plate, if the droplet keeps its shape when turning over, then the product is ready.