Harvesting horseradish with beets for the winter recipes. Horseradish with beets - a classic recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking for the winter

22.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Friends, do you still buy horseradish at the supermarket? Don't do this anymore! Knowing some tricks, it will not be difficult to cook homemade horseradish with beets. Wise housewives have long been harvesting traditional Russian horseradish for the winter so that they can treat the family with delicious natural seasoning throughout the winter. The recipe for horseradish with beets at home turns out to be no less spicy and tasty than Caucasian or vigorous. Serve the seasoning equally well with meat or fish dishes, it can also be added as an ingredient for cooking different sauces... In addition, it perfectly strengthens the immune system and warms up in cold weather. And that's not all of its useful properties.
Horseradish is a natural antibiotic, so it remarkably protects the body from infectious diseases, increases appetite and improves bowel function. And the essential oils it contains have antiseptic properties. They destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses no worse than antibiotics. But it should be borne in mind that horseradish is not useful for everyone. To those who suffer from diseases digestive system and kidneys, it should be used with caution, and the product is contraindicated for pregnant women in general.
You can cook horseradish with beets immediately in a large portion for future use. However, it is best to make the seasoning in non a large number and eat fresh. Since horseradish roots, which were dug up in late autumn after the first frost, are wonderfully stored in a cellar in a bag or dry sand until spring without losing flavor and useful qualities... But such roots require a mandatory pre-soaking v cold water... Horseradish can also be dug up in the spring before the first thunderstorm. Then the taste of the seasoning will be sharp and sharp, which will definitely take your breath away and "knock out a tear." Dug up horseradish at another time, will not allow you to taste all its delights and experience the thrill will not work.


Horseradish root - 2 pieces of medium size
Beets - 1 piece of small size
Table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
Sugar - ¼ teaspoon

How to cook a blank at home step by step

1. To prepare horseradish with beets, we need products: horseradish, beets, vinegar, salt and sugar.

2. Fill in unpeeled strong and juicy horseradish roots without damage or defects cold water and leave it for at least half an hour. It is desirable that the thickness of the roots is not less than the thickness of the finger. The thin horseradish sauce won't be hot enough.

3. At this time, cleanse and rub on fine grater beets. It is usually used fresh, but boiled or baked pulp is also suitable. In addition, beet gruel can be omitted at all, it is put exclusively for a beautiful color or to make the seasoning less spicy. It will also be enough to squeeze juice out of the beet mass through a cotton cloth. This will give the seasoning a fancy look.

4. Peel the soaked roots.

5. Rub horseradish on a medium or fine grater.

6. Add salt and sugar.

7. Put the beets.

8. Pour in a bite with a small amount of chilled boiled drinking water and mix. Adjust the amount of water yourself, depending on what consistency you want to get the seasoning.

9. Put the horseradish in a glass container. You can store the seasoning under the lid in the refrigerator. If you have prepared it in large quantities, then for better storage lay it out in sterilized jars in a hermetically sealed form. Leave the horseradish to ripen for a day. During this time, the ingredients will acquire the same taste, pungency and color.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe: horseradish with beets

I suggest watching a video recipe on how to cook horseradish with beets at home.

Friends, have you ever done this home preparation? Share in the comments if you liked this recipe... Like, post to social networks... Join the group Delicious cuisine in Contact, and also fill out the subscription form on the block (on the right of the site).

Best regards, Lyubov Fedorova.

The spicy flavoring additive is firmly entrenched on Slavic cuisine... Preparations for the winter are unthinkable without it. Mistresses pick up best recipes horseradish with beets to diversify the autumn-winter menu, give a special taste to jellied meat, boiled or fried meat products, ham and many other dishes.

Decoration of any table

Dumplings, sausages, fish - far from an exhaustive list of products with which it is recommended to combine this spicy addition. Of course, children are unlikely to appreciate the taste of horseradish, but adults will definitely include it in daily diet... The main thing is to find your own unique recipe.

Daily snacks and supplements

How to cook horseradish with beets in order to preserve the valuable substances of both ingredients as much as possible? Pick up recipes that don't include heat treatment products. The appetizers, sauces, additives presented in this section contain exclusively fresh vegetables, which means they do not lose a drop useful properties... But there is one drawback - the short shelf life in the refrigerator. Of two evils, you have to choose the least!

Beetroot with horseradish in vegetable oil

  • 250 g chopped root
  • 800 g raw or boiled beets
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (6%)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • teaspoon of salt
  • a teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • a glass of boiled water.

The composition indicates the amount of processed horseradish. Chop it in a blender - perfect option... If this is not possible, you can use a meat grinder.

Cleaning fresh root does not cause difficulties. The process takes no more time than peeling carrots. However, "lying" horseradish will certainly cause trouble. Before removing the peel, it will be correct to fill it with cold water for a couple of hours.

To reduce the effect on the eyes and nose of caustic volatile substances, housewives recommend chilling the root in freezer... Then the beets are crushed to the state of gruel in any convenient way: grater, harvester, meat grinder. Mix the components together: horseradish shavings, beets, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar and water. All are gently kneaded until smooth.

The spicy additive is removed in the cold for 12-24 hours so that the products exchange flavors and aromas. Ready. Time to set the table.

On a note! So that there are no tears in the process of grinding the root in a meat grinder, you can take plastic bag, put a bowl in it, and tie the edges of the bag around the metal neck of the meat grinder. The pungent aroma will not leave the cellophane. The process of processing horseradish will be painless!

Beetroot horseradish sauce marinated

  • 2-3 small horseradish roots
  • 2-3 beets
  • 200 ml of water
  • teaspoon of salt
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp vinegar (9%).

To prepare the marinade in 200 ml of boiled hot water dissolve salt, sugar, vinegar.

Horseradish is chopped in a blender, then beets, which are immediately poured into the marinade. Stir the sauce until smooth, close tightly with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, you can take a sample.

Delicate tomato-beetroot hrenoder

So as not to get bored classic combination tomatoes and horseradish, you can diversify your favorite recipe with beet chips. At the exit - brand new spicy addition, both in color and taste.

  • 2.5 kg red tomatoes
  • ½ kg cooked or raw beets
  • 250 g peeled horseradish
  • 250 g garlic
  • salt to taste
  • sugar optional.

As for the last point, it all depends on the sweetness of the main vegetables - tomatoes, beets and personal preference. It is quite possible that you do not need to add sugar. In any case, this moment is determined by the desire of the culinary specialist.

So, horseradish with garlic and beets are peeled, twisted in a meat grinder (blender). Tomatoes are then crushed (you do not need to peel off the skin). The components are salted, gently kneaded, laid out in containers, put into the refrigerator to brew.

On a note! Some cooks suggest replacing the salt in the sauce. pickled cucumber... But! This is another story.

Beet-apple horseradish

It is noteworthy, but we are still talking not about adjika, but an unusual "gorloder". If pepper and garlic are designed to double the pungent qualities of the product, then beets, apples and tomatoes, on the contrary, slightly muffle them.

Option number 1. Components:

  • 5 small roots
  • 1 kg sweet and sour apples
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • to taste: granulated sugar, salt, spices
  • 1 tsp 70% vinegar
  • 1 kg of beets.

Roots, beets, garlic are peeled and sent to a meat grinder. Apples without the skin are crushed with a fine grater until puree.

After mixing vegetables and fruits, season the mixture with pepper (spices), sugar, salt and vinegar. Finished product placed in a container convenient for use (in several jars), tightly closed. After 6-12 hours of infusion in the refrigerator, they are served with main courses for lunch.

Option number 2. There is no vinegar in the seasoning. The dish is prepared just before serving.

Products: equal amount (g) of horseradish, boiled beets and fresh apples.

All components are crushed on a fine grater, mixed, added. Sharp and aromatic additive ready for meat.

Preservation for the winter

Horseradish garlic burgundy snack

It is unlikely that there will be a desire to spread this vigorous additive on a chunk. fresh bread, but everyone will want to dip a piece of meat in it. Looking at the ratio of ingredients, it is obvious that the recipe suggests preserving beets with horseradish for the winter, and not vice versa. Buryachok is the basis of the dish here.

  • 4 kg of boiled beets
  • 400 g of peeled horseradish
  • 180 g garlic
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • a tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tbsp acetic (70%) acid.
Beets are passed through a meat grinder along with garlic. Horseradish is cut into barrels, broken into tiny fragments using blender blades. No alternatives. To achieve such a homogeneous, puree-like mass in another way, in particular in a meat grinder, will not work.

Lay out the snack in sterilized containers, roll up the lids. Such a horseradish with beets will stand the whole winter without any problems. Can be diluted with sour cream before serving.

On a note! Boiled beets are sweet and soft, unlike raw beets. The appetizer acquires a more tender, velvety texture and a less vigorous aftertaste.

Hrenoder with ground pepper

Seemingly ready classic product strikes with its pungency and piquancy. So, no, chefs know how to make it even more interesting, even more aromatic and spicy. This beetroot horseradish recipe homemade contains one more spice - ground black pepper. The tasters will surely take their breath away from the fiery mixture.

  • 250 g root
  • 1-2 pinches of black pepper
  • 250 g beets
  • 125 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 30 g salt
  • 60 g sugar
  • 150 g of sunflower oil.

Horseradish root is prepared in advance, soaked overnight in water. Then the skin is much easier to remove. After cleaning, it can be frozen and chopped on a grater, or you can pass it through the drum of a meat grinder.

Beets are boiled, ground into shavings in any convenient way. Pour both ingredients into a saucepan, season with oil, pepper, sugar and salt. Bring the mass to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes. Vinegar is poured into the hot mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed again.

Beets with horseradish are placed in sterilized jars, rolled up, insisted for 2-3 weeks. After the expiration of the specified period, preservation can be served to the table.

Everyday salad

This recipe is interesting in that it uses familiar ingredients, but the result is spicy salad from horseradish with a beet, and not "gorloder". Nevertheless, in the season of vegetables, a healthy and unbeaten dish undoubtedly deserves attention.

  • 100 g grated root
  • 1 beetroot, chopped
  • 1 apple, diced
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 2 tsp vinegar (3%)
  • salt.
Combine chopped vegetables and fruits together, salt, season with vinegar and oil. Stir everything. Salad ready.

General Instruction

Horseradish with beets belongs to the category of seasonings (sauces, snacks), for which there is no universal recipe and categorical proportions. Experiments are encouraged. If the basis is beet (its large quantity than horseradish), the dish will turn out to be less spicy.

Adding sugar is a must for hobbyists sweet and sour sauces... Salt is also at the mercy of the culinary specialist.

You will not be able to follow the recipes strictly. In any case, you will have to taste the dish and try to get "your ideal" horseradish with beets.

A few words about the benefits of the product

It is difficult to overestimate the properties of the root, which has long been used in folk medicine as an antibacterial agent. Essential oils horseradish can cure a runny nose, active substances juice are effective in the treatment of influenza, tonsillitis, dysentery and hypertension.

Horseradish increases appetite, improves digestive function, prevents scurvy and relieves swelling.

Beetroot with horseradish is a spicy and easy-to-prepare dish that does not require lengthy sterilization and preparation of vegetables. Just a few ingredients, 20-30 minutes of free time - and you have a fragrant, spicy salad ready.
It is recommended to use only natural fruit or berry vinegar for harvesting. It gives the dish the necessary aroma and taste. As a sweetener, you can take not only classic granulated sugar, but also natural honey or cane refined sugar.
In order for the preparation to be fragrant and spicy, it is necessary to choose high-quality roots. They should be fresh, firm, without flaws or flaws. In order not to damage the mucous membranes of the eyes, it is recommended to use protective glasses when cooking horseradish dishes, and you should also open a window in the room.

Taste Info Other blanks


  • horseradish root - 50 g;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Apple vinegar- 2 tbsp.

How to cook horseradish with beets for the winter

Peel the horseradish root and chop it in a blender, you can rub it on a kitchen fine grater or scroll through a meat grinder. In the case of using a meat grinder, to protect your eyes from tears, attach a plastic bag to the outlet.

Boil the beets, cool, peel and rub on coarse grater... Transfer it to a deep bowl.

Add chopped horseradish root to the beets and mix thoroughly.

Pour cooking or sea ​​salt, sugar.

Pour in apple cider vinegar (you can substitute wine, cherry or raspberry).

Mix all the ingredients together and leave beetroot for 20-30 minutes.

Transfer the mass to dry clean jar and close tightly. Pickled horseradish with beets for the winter, send to be stored in the refrigerator.

Cooking tips:

  • It is advisable to soak horseradish in cold water before preparing the snack and hold it for about a day. Due to this procedure, it will turn out to be juicier.
  • Serve the appetizer prepared according to this recipe with jellied meat or aspic, chops or cutlets, boiled pork, chicken rolls, homemade sausages.
  • Do not make such a salad for the future use of several cans. Beetroot and horseradish roots are perfectly stored in a box of sand for at least 4-5 months. Therefore, you can always cook fresh pickled beets with horseradish.
  • If you have nowhere to store boxes with sand and vegetables, and you buy beets in the market or store in winter, try to at least prepare horseradish for such a salad. Just grind it and freeze it, it does not lose its taste and aroma during freezing.
  • Beets can be prepared in the evening in advance - boil or bake in the oven, and the next day make the salad itself.

We previously prepared

Beetroot with horseradish for the winter is an amazing "mixture" of two unpretentious vegetables. Preparing such a snack will not be difficult even for an inexperienced housewife.

  • Root crops

For canning, it is best to take small beets without tops, a rounded shape and dark red flesh. The beets are washed well and blanched until half cooked. Then we peel it and cut it into pieces.

Horseradish is pre-soaked in water for a day. It is necessary to scrape off the skin and grind it. A blender is best for chopping, as it closes tightly.

  • Utensils

Before proceeding with any sterilization, you need to make sure that the neck of the can is intact, without chips. The covers should not be bent. And the cans themselves must be washed with soda, a new clean sponge. The lids must be boiled in water for a few minutes, and the jars must be sterilized well.

  1. Banks set in full warm water pot upside down (pot should be about one third full of water). Bring water to a boil and sterilize the jars for 5-10 minutes. Remove the cans and place them on a clean, dry towel, leave to dry.
  2. You can put a pot of water on the stove, cover with a lid with a hole, place a jar in the opening and boil for 10-15 minutes. Take out the jar, put it on a clean, dry, clean towel to dry.
  3. To sterilize cans in the oven, you need to heat the oven to 100-120 C and put the cans on the wire rack for 15-20 minutes. If the cans are dry, it is better to install them with the neck down, wet ones with the neck up, so that the moisture has time to evaporate.

Horseradish blanks with beets: recipes

We will share with you several ways how to make horseradish with beets at home. Eat healthy foods all winter!


  • beets - 1 kg,
  • fresh horseradish - 100 gr,
  • sugar - 25 gr,
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 g,
  • salt - 15 gr,
  • table vinegar- 50 gr.


  1. Take young beets (it is highly desirable that they are the same size) and cut off the head and roots.
  2. Boil vegetables in water. Cooking time will depend on the size of the fruit. Larger ones take longer to cook, while smaller ones take faster.
  3. After boiling, cut off the peel and cut it into small slices or cubes. Grind horseradish. This process is best done with a meat grinder with a plastic bag on the end. This will prevent tears from appearing during processing.
  4. Prepared vegetables are placed in stainless steel dishes, poured with sugar, black pepper and salt. Stir the contents of the container, warm to a temperature of 70 degrees.
  5. After heating, remove from heat, add acetic acid, stir, fill prepared jars, cover with sterile lids. Sterilize and roll up the cans.

The proportions of the two main products that you can change depending on taste preferences... In our recipe, we will only indicate an approximate version.

So, prepare 4 medium beets: wash, cut off the stems with tails, peel. Peel horseradish, cut into pieces. Place them in a bowl filled with cool water and let sit for about 20 minutes. After that add to it boiled beets and twist in a meat grinder. To avoid tears, place a plastic bag over the end of the grinder. The finished root vegetables are left in a bowl, the brine is prepared. Pour 200 ml of water into a large saucepan, add a tablespoon of sugar and a small spoonful of salt. Once the liquid has boiled, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Let cool slightly. Vegetables are laid out in jars, poured with marinade, rolled up.

First, let's prepare the vegetables. Wash 1 kg of horseradish roots, wipe with a towel so that they dry slightly. Wash 1 kg of beets. The tails do not need to be cut, otherwise the fruits will lose their juiciness and bright color. Just wash your tails thoroughly and pat dry. Wrap the dried roots in a bag, put it in the freezer for literally a quarter of an hour. Take a three-liter container, pour water into it, bring to a boil. Add a pinch of sugar, a small spoonful of acetic acid to the boiling liquid, carefully lower the beets. Boil them for 45 minutes with the lid on.

Remove the horseradish roots from the freezer, grind them in a familiar way:

  1. Pour water into a separate saucepan, boil it, add salt, a little sugar, chopped roots.
  2. The resulting mass is cooked for 20 minutes, setting the lowest heat.
  3. Pour the finished beets with cool water for a couple of minutes, peel and chop.
  4. Combine the finished vegetables, mix well, boil for 10 minutes, pour 195 ml of acetic acid, 145 g of vegetable oil, mix, cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.
  5. Put the seasoning in jars, roll up the lids.

Horseradish seasoning with beets for the winter

How is horseradish and beetroot seasoning made? Let's try!


  • Horseradish root - 200 gr.
  • Beets - 100 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 200 ml.

Mix the grated beets and horseradish, then add the warm marinade. Stir again. Transfer to a jar, close the lid. When the marinade has cooled, refrigerate the jar for one day. After that, the hell is ready. Bon Appetit!

Harvesting without vinegar

Saturated and aromatic sauce beetroot and horseradish can also be prepared without vinegar. Otherwise, the composition of the dish will be as follows:

  • Horseradish root 0.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar 2 tbsp l .;
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Beets 1 pc.;
  • Boiled water.

The cooking time for this dish will take about 13 hours, 12 hours for steeping in the refrigerator. The calorie content per 100 g of the product does not exceed 50 kcal.

How long do you think the workpiece can be stored without vinegar?

Yes, it can lie for a long timeNo, you need to eat during the winter

How to cook:

  1. The roots are washed in water, cleaned of dirt and peel;
  2. Horseradish should be finely chopped using a blender;
  3. Prepare a glass container (this can be a deep bowl or jar), into which the gruel is placed from the roots, sprinkled with sugar and salt on top;
  4. Beetroot (you can take it in fresh) grind on a fine grater (so that it gives more juice), pour the horseradish with the resulting juice;
  5. Mix all the ingredients together, add a little water (if necessary), put the seasoning in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

How and how much can you store

If you live in a private house, of course, you have a so-called cold room, a country house, a terrace, a basement, a storage room or a garage. In this case, the issue of storage of blanks is solved by itself.

Some apartments have storage rooms, underground floors and small closets under the window in the kitchen. In such cases, preservation can be stored here.

In an apartment in which there is a glazed balcony or loggia, this issue is excluded by itself. It is only important that the air temperature there does not drop below 0, otherwise, the contents of the cans will freeze, the glass will burst and all the contents will simply spill out. The shelf life is usually up to 24 months.

Video recipe

In this video, you will clearly see how to make horseradish with beets. Simple recipe!

A blank prepared according to one of the above recipes is one benefit. It can be served to various dishes... It turns out tasty and healthy.

Horseradish with beets is a win-win and quick recipe, which will be able to compete with other sharp and vegetable snacks, as well as become a great seasoning for jellied meat, aspic, brawn, dumplings.
Recipe content:

Horseradish with beets - mind-blowing delicious snack, which can be done both for the winter and for quick use. This blank is being prepared very quickly. She is adored by many spicy lovers. Therefore, if a store snack is tasty for you, then I assure you that homemade horseradish with beets, without preservatives, from fresh and natural products will become a real hit on any table.

The recipe for this seasoning is very simple. The main thing is to get a fresh, good and vigorous horseradish root, but there are no problems with beets. Beetroot is intended in this recipe to soften the pungency of horseradish and color ready-made sauce in hot pink color. They add it both boiled and raw and with baked goods. In the first version, horseradish becomes not so vigorous and is suitable for those who limit spicy seasonings in their diet.

Today you will learn how to make horseradish with boiled beets at home. Beetroot will make the sauce beautiful, attractive, and mouth-watering. And the table vinegar that comes with the recipe can be replaced with apple or grape vinegar.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 73 kcal.
  • Servings - 250 ml
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes, plus 30 minutes for soaking horseradish, time for boiling beets and seasoning


  • Horseradish root - 200 g
  • Beets - 50 g
  • Drinking water - 30 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Table vinegar - 2 tablespoons

Cooking horseradish with boiled beets:

1. Wash the horseradish root under running water and fill it with ice-cold drinking water. Leave it on for half an hour. This is necessary so that the vegetable is saturated with moisture and becomes more juicy.

2. After horseradish, peel.

3. Rub the root on a medium or fine grater. If you cook large portion then use a fine grinder. Be prepared that the root is very vigorous, so when you rub it on a grater, tears will flow from your eyes.

4. Pre-boil and cool the beets. Then peel and grate on a medium or fine grater. Also you can only use beet juice, if you do not want to see the pulp of the vegetable itself in the seasoning.

5.K grated horseradish add beets. Pour in the vinegar drinking water, add salt and sugar.

6. Mix everything well, transfer the contents to glass containers and refrigerate for 24 hours. During this time, the horseradish will infuse and become delicious seasoning... Depending on the amount of added water, this will be the consistency of the sauce. If you want it to be thicker, then pour less liquid, respectively, and vice versa, for a thinner seasoning, add more drinking water.