Cooking delicious pork cutlets. Traditional and unusual recipes for minced pork cutlets

30.04.2019 Meat Dishes

Such a meat dish as cutlets is familiar to every person. And although in different countries it has multifaceted variations, the purpose of cooking cutlets is the same for everyone - to make them appetizing and satisfying. Success is ensured by correctly selected ingredients that harmoniously combine with each other, giving the dish a non-trivial taste. So, pork cutlets are the most delicious recipe:

  1. 200 grams of loaf (pulp);
  2. 2 eggs;
  3. 3 cloves of garlic;
  4. Medium onion;
  5. Minced pork 600 grams;
  6. 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  7. Salt, pepper, other spices at your discretion.

Initially, break the loaf into medium pieces and soak in a small amount cold water for a few minutes.

During this time, you can finely chop the onion and garlic and combine with minced pork. After a few minutes in water, the crumb of the loaf should be lightly squeezed out and mixed with the previously prepared components. Then eggs, mayonnaise and seasonings are added to the container with the workpiece.

The resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded with the help of hands and you can begin to form meat cues so that they retain their shape, and the minced meat does not stick to the palms, you must resort to the help of vegetable oil, which is recommended to lubricate your hands. Before you put the cutlets made into a frying pan, you must first warm it up and pour in oil. You need to fry them until they acquire a golden hue on each side. It is important to remember that in order for the cutlets to be fried inside, cover the pan with a lid.

Another recipe for delicious pork cutlets

In addition, there is another extraordinary recipe delicious cutlets from pork, which includes:

  • One large egg;
  • Small onions;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • Minced pork 400 grams;
  • Tablespoon potato starch;
  • Seasonings to taste.

Minced meat is deposited in a container, preferably deep, a spoonful of potato starch is added to it, which is necessary for the cutlets to be tender and airy. At this stage, you should also supply the minced meat with salt and pepper.

The ingredients are lightly mixed and the egg is added to them. For shredding onions, you can use several options - the first of them is to pass it through a meat grinder, in this form the onion will practically not be felt, but the cutlets will get a pleasant and specific taste. If it is not important that the onion be finely chopped, you can resort to help coarse grater or cut with a knife.

Thoroughly mix all the components by hand and you can start forming cutlets. Flour is necessary in order to roll in it before frying decorated meatballs, but for this purpose you can use and breadcrumbs.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat, then put the cutlets and fry over medium heat on each side until a golden crust forms, the meat will be stewed better if you cover the pan with a lid during frying.

Other, no less delicious pork cutlets

For this recipe we need:

  • quail eggs of the first grade - 12 - 15 pieces;
  • half of the flesh of a loaf of white;
  • pork neck;
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes;
  • a couple of small onions;
  • low-fat milk or cream 400 ml;
  • spices to taste.

Primarily, the task is aimed at cutting meat, for this purpose it is best to resort to a meat grinder or blender, pork must first be cut into medium-sized pieces. The crumb of the loaf should be poured with the prescribed amount of milk or cream for a few minutes. During this time, it is necessary to prepare onions and potatoes, which need to be peeled and cut into small pieces or passed through a meat grinder like meat. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the minced onions and potatoes, but not all. The same procedure is done with bread, but first it is squeezed and then placed in a blender. After all the main components of the recipe have passed the grinding stage, you can combine them and add spices, quail eggs and mix the minced meat thoroughly.

Then, in order to cook juicy cutlets, it is necessary to beat off the resulting mass, for this you can put the minced meat in a bag or wrap it in cling film and not regretting to beat off with fists. At the end of the procedure, you can make cutlets and start frying.

Pork cutlets - recipe in the oven

  1. 200 ml of milk;
  2. Pork 600 grams;
  3. One potato;
  4. One bow;
  5. 2 cloves of garlic;
  6. Half of the bread;
  7. Spices taste.

The meat is cut into medium pieces and sent to the meat grinder, you should not get carried away and grind it strongly, a single passage through the meat grinder is enough.

Half a loaf is broken up and poured with milk, left to stand for 2 - 3 minutes, during which time the onions and potatoes are cut and also chopped in a meat grinder.

Then they combine - meat, onions, potatoes and a loaf, which in this case should not be wrung out. The necessary spices are added, paprika, coriander, mint, parsley, chili can be added to the recipe, and the minced meat is intensively mixed by hand.

The final stage is the formation of cue ball, while you do not need to use bread crumbs or flour, put them on a baking sheet with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

After the elapsed time, you need to remove the baking sheet and supply each cutlet with the resulting juice, then send it back for another 10 minutes.

The nuances of cooking delicious pork cutlets

There are several ways to help you make the most delicious pork cutlets. Initially, you need to deal with the main component - the meat, which should not be dry, in order for the dish to turn out juicy. Based on this, attention should be paid to the neck and pork tenderloin. But if you could not find a juicier piece, you can use a little trick, namely, add not a large number of lard and grind. In addition, meat products turn out to be more appetizing if you use the minced meat of your own preparation, and not purchased, and it is advisable to twist the minced meat before the actual cooking procedure. To give tenderness to the cutlets, you should add eggs, but do not overdo it, you can limit yourself to one piece, since 2 or more eggs will make the minced meat rougher. In particular, a soaked loaf helps to give tenderness to the dish, which must necessarily be part of any recipe.

Possible side dish options

Central garnishes for this meat dish can serve - mashed potatoes, salad from fresh vegetables(tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, carrots), you can also make a salad with boiled broccoli, cauliflower, peas and green beans. Add sauerkraut, stewed cabbage, multifaceted pickles.

A great addition to any meat product is a large amount of greens, for example, parsley, dill, regan, arugula. In addition, you can pay attention to such a side dish as rice, buckwheat, pearl barley with gravy or a variety of sauces.

This article is searched for by queries:

  • pork cutlets
  • delicious pork cutlets
  • pork cutlets the most delicious recipe
  • how to cook delicious pork cutlets

In order to make juicy cutlets, you can use absolutely various options minced meat. Bits from both meat and fish components will be successful. But the dish will turn out in a special aromatic and delicate way if you use pork for it. Depending on the preferred fat content of the finished meal, minced meat can be diluted with chicken or beef. The best recipes how to cook delicious cutlets from minced pork we suggest below.

Minced pork and chicken cutlets


Minced pork - 500 g;
minced chicken- 500 g;
bulbs - 3 pcs. (large);
garlic - 4 teeth;
sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide, if the product is liquid, then 3 tbsp. l .;
mustard - 1 tsp;
crackers - 5 tbsp. l. (as needed);
greens - 1 bunch;
black pepper - to taste;
salt - 1 tsp or to taste;
flour - for boning.


Take the minced meat, mix them. Scroll here through a meat grinder or finely chop the onion and garlic.

Season, salt, add mustard, sour cream.

Chop the herbs and add to the mixture as well.

Add crackers only if the minced meat is very tender and fuzzy. Stir and set aside for 20 minutes.

Then knead again, moisten your hands in water, create cutlets of the shape you need and roll in flour.

Preheat sunflower oil, put the cue ball into the frying pan. You need to fry the delicious minced pork cutlets until browning.

After manifestation beautiful crust, close the lid, put on low heat and steam for 10-15 minutes. You can add a little water to the pan. But basically this is not required, since the cutlets even without it give a lot of juice, which is enough for their complete preparation.

Pork and ground beef


Pork - 300 g;
beef - 300 g;
onions - 3 pcs.;
potatoes - 1 large or 2 smaller;
garlic - 2 teeth;
white loaf (stale) - 2 slices;
semolina - 2 tbsp. l .;
milk - 50 ml;
pepper, salt - to taste;
frying oil.

Step-by-step instruction

Scroll 2 meat options twice to make the minced meat as homogeneous as possible.

Add semolina, pepper, salt.

Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, grate the onion and potatoes. You can also scroll vegetables in a meat grinder after meat.

Soak bread in milk, squeeze out excess moisture and put in minced meat too.

Stir thoroughly, tossing the minced meat over the kneading bowl, and put in the cold for half an hour.

Pour the oil into the pan, be sure to heat it up and lay out the sticky cutlets for frying.

It is important to turn the cutlets only once, this will preserve the juice in the dish. Also, do not cover the cutlets with a lid when frying. This must be done when the dish has already been fried on both sides for literally 5 minutes.

Oven Pork Cutlet Recipe


Pork pulp - 700 g;
onion - 1 large;
bread - 1 slice;
milk - 75 ml;
potatoes - 1 large;
egg - 1 pc.;
seasonings - to taste;
crackers - 50 g.


For cooking, take only pork, so your dish will be as juicy and ruddy as possible due to baking it in the oven.

After washing and cutting the pulp into small portions, pass in a meat grinder.

Beat in an egg, season, stir. Do not use too "exotic" options as seasonings, black pepper and salt will do.

Peel the onions and potatoes, grate, put on the minced meat.

Soak the bread in milk, squeeze and add to the meat base. Stir, tap on the mixing surface.

Form patties, roll in breadcrumbs and place on a parchment-lined sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. The dish will take about 45 minutes to cook.

Serve hot with a side dish.

On a note

1. Do not add too rich seasoning to pork cutlets. Cumin will not work, especially if the recipe contains chicken in addition to pork. It is better to give preference to hops-suneli. In addition, saffron would be a suitable option; it can be replaced with a more budgetary spice - turmeric.

2. For cutlets, choose stale bread, it will soak better and make the minced meat more elastic, but not liquid.

3. Before twisting the meat in a meat grinder, it must be cleaned of veins, films, cartilage.

4. For juiciness of cutlets, it is better to grind the pork once every the average size lattice.

5. If you use eggs in the recipe, then you cannot put more than 3 of them per 1 kg of meat, because this will lead to the stiffness of the finished dish.

6. Regarding onions, then 0.5 kg of minced meat will require about 100 g of it.

7. The taste of homemade cutlets will be excellent if you put chopped greens in the minced pork while kneading.

8. Cooking minced meat should end with its infusion. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the meat juices nourish the bread for 30 minutes.

9. The meatballs will be incredibly juicy if you add a handful of finely crushed ice just before frying them.

10. Don't be afraid to experiment with. So, for pork cutlets flour, finely crushed bread sticks, sesame seeds, ice cream will do.

We have revealed to you the secrets of how to make the most delicious minced pork cutlets. Try it, choose your perfect option and please your household with delicious dishes homemade... Bon Appetit.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

- minced pork - 400 g;
- chicken egg - 1 pc .;
- onion - 1 pc .;
- starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
- salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
- ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
- flour - 100 g;
- vegetable oil - 100 ml.

How to cook from a photo step by step

1. Put the minced pork in a deep container. A 2 liter pot is ideal for this procedure.

2. Add a spoonful of potato starch. Ask why is it needed here? Yes, everything is simple - it is thanks to his presence that the cutlets will acquire a more airy texture.

3. Add the right amount table salt... It is better to start adding it gradually and (if the soul allows it!) To taste the minced meat. Salt comes in different grinds and the same volume of product can give completely different taste.

4. Break into mass egg... For this amount of ingredients, it is better to use a larger egg.

5. Add onion... If you want it not to be felt in cutlets, pass it through a meat grinder. If not against small onion pieces, rub through a coarse grater.

6. Pour ground black pepper into the mixture.

7. Gently mix the minced meat by hand. All components must combine well with each other, so that later someone in the cutlet does not get caught, for example, a lump of salt.

8. Make small cutlets. The form can be any, as the hand takes. Do not make it too small, they will not be juicy enough. I got 14 medium cutlets.

9. Roll each cutlet well in flour. You can also use bread crumbs.

10. Take a large-diameter frying pan and pour oil into it. Do not despair that the oil layer is too thin, it is easily compensated for by the fat that will stand out from the minced pork.

11. Put the pan on medium fire, heat well and dip the cutlets in the oil. It is better to cook under a closed lid.

12. When the cutlets are brown enough on the bottom, turn them over.

13. After frying on both sides, the cutlets should be removed from the pan onto a plate so that they do not absorb excess oil, cook

Minced meat for juicy cutlets should contain at least a small amount of fat. If the meat is lean, add a piece of bacon.

When chopped in a meat grinder, potatoes and onions give a lot of juice. It is recommended to drain some of it so that the semi-finished product does not turn out to be excessively liquid.

The finished lump of chopped meat is beaten off for several minutes. It is slightly thrown on cutting board for softening meat fibers.

No vegetables or spices are added to the minced meat, which is frozen for future use. This is done just before cooking, so as not to lose valuable essential oils providing unrepeatable aroma food.


  • 500 g pork neck
  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 potato
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper

How to make minced pork cutlets

1. For cutlets, it is imperative to purchase meat with greasy layers or pulp and a piece of bacon. Minced meat for cutlets must necessarily contain fat, otherwise the cutlets themselves will turn out to be dry and hard in taste. Ideal for minced meat pork neck- it is also purchased for cooking kebabs. Rinse a piece of neck in water and cut into small pieces so that they fit freely into the pipe of the meat grinder.

2. Peel potatoes and onion, rinse in water and cut into medium cubes. Also peel the garlic cloves and rinse.

3. Pass the sliced ​​meat through a meat grinder into a deep bowl. It is desirable that the mesh on the technique is fine. If the mesh is large, skip the meat twice.

4. Then chop the chopped onion, potato and garlic cloves. Mix the contents of the container well and beat lightly by lifting and dropping back into the bowl.

Servings: 13-14
Cooking time: 30 min.
Cuisine: Russian

Recipe description

The recipe for minced pork cutlets, which you see here, I have long wanted to describe. Cutlets are different -, pork, from mixed minced meat"Assorted" and others. Each species has its own little secrets that are important to know and apply to make the patties so soft, juicy and appetizing that "you can eat them with your lips," as my mother says.

This recipe for minced pork cutlets with bread is one of my most successful recipes. I got it from my mother, and she, I think, from my grandmother. Mom cooked them very tasty - soft, even tender, I still remember the taste of these cutlets. My husband, too, at first always asked me to make cutlets "like my mother-in-law". I am sure you will like them too, and even more - your husbands and children will like them, because this is how our person is - there is nothing better for him on the table than delicious pork.

To make minced pork cutlets, the recipe for which I give today, you need to use quite a lot of bread - for a pound of meat I take half white loaf, necessarily callous, at least two days. Do not be confused by this moment, our cutlets will not get worse from bread. Generally, professional chefs recommend in minced cutlet add up to 30% bread. I agree on this issue with famous chef Ilya Lazerson, according to whose recipe I cooked "".

We take homemade, low-fat pork mince. Better to cook it yourself from pork tenderloin or neck, and I run the meat through the meat grinder twice. If you have a ready store stuffing, then, unfortunately, a lot of fat is often added to meat. In this case, you can add to pork meat Little chicken fillet, or even better - a turkey fillet to reduce the fat content.

To make juicy minced pork cutlets, you need:

  • ground pork from tenderloin - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • White bread – 1/2 sliced ​​loaf;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tsp (without a slide);
  • black ground pepper- 1/2 tsp;
  • pork fat for frying (lard) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking in steps:

  • Stale loaf cut into slices and soak briefly in water - literally for 3-4 minutes.
  • While the bread is soaking, rub the onion on a coarse throat grater. You can chop finely, but it is better to grate - it will be smaller, we do not need pieces of onion in cutlets, right?
  • We also grind the garlic - you can squeeze it through a press, but most often I rub it also on a grater - on the smallest holes.
  • Minced meat (even ready-made) is passed through a meat grinder.
  • Add chopped onion with garlic, squeezed bread, 2 eggs, salt and pepper to it.
  • And now the main task is to knead this mixture well until a homogeneous consistency. Stir with your hands for at least 4–5 minutes, even beat a little, until it almost ceases to stick to your hands, it becomes completely homogeneous.
  • We turn to frying: heat a frying pan over medium heat with non-stick coating or well-calcined so that the meat does not stick to the pan during frying. In a bad frying pan delicious dish will not work.
  • Add a tablespoon of lard.


I want to note that recently we have switched to animal fats - lard in the first place, and also rabbit fat, creamy cow or goat oil... For frying, this is a healthier option because vegetable oils when heated, they form carcinogens, it is better to leave them for raw consumption(for salads).

  • When the fat in the pan heats up, put the formed meat cakes into it.
  • We collect with wet hands about 2 tablespoons of minced meat and form an oval cake in our palms, scrolling the meatball in our hands several times (patting and beating it). This removes air from the minced meat so that there are no voids in the cutlet. The cake itself should not be too flat, only slightly flattened.

  • Moreover, we do not roll the meat cakes in flour or breadcrumbs - we spread them directly into the fat. I can fit up to 12 in a large skillet.
  • Fry until golden brown - 4-5 minutes on one side and 3-4 minutes on the other. Do not overcook, no blackness - a beautiful golden ruddy color - this is enough, they will not be raw.
  • If all do not fit, we prepare the second batch from the remaining minced meat.
  • We remove the finished cutlets on a plate - they turn out to be tall, plump, and they smell - just wonderful!

Cook cutlets according to my recipe. It's delicious, it's very satisfying, it's quick and easy!
Bon Appetit!