Infant formula without the name palm oil. Baby food for newborns

12.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

Most infant formulas are similar in nutritional value and taste to mother's milk, so fat is an indispensable component that must be present among the components. Many brands have learned to save money by substituting palm oil for plant-based fats, which research shows is harmful. Should I buy infant formula without palm oil as a component, or are small doses of the component harmless to the baby?

The product from palm raw materials is the cheapest among all vegetable fats, therefore the ingredient is added to baked goods, mixes for children, confectionery. Thanks to this component, the amount of margarines that are rich in harmful acids is reduced in finished products.

The product is made from fruits grown on the oil palm. The tree grows in Indonesia, but is often found in Malaysia. The high fat content in the raw materials allowed the plant to quickly advance to the leaders, thanks to which the product became inexpensive and widespread in food production.

Palm oil composition

The peculiarity of fat from palm raw materials is a sweet taste and persistent aroma. The carotenoids, which are found here in huge quantities, give it a pleasant orange hue. Before use, the substance is purified, which removes the characteristic taste, color and odor. Only then is the palm product used in the manufacture of products.

Among the components, in addition to carotenoids, there are:

  • acids (oleic, lanolic, palmitic);
  • triglycerides;
  • amino acids.

Studies have shown that cholesterol is present in the composition, which is able to accumulate in the body.

That is why the presence of palm plant materials in the diet for babies, especially in large quantities, is not recommended.

How palm oil is made

Making a substance that is so popular in cooking is not particularly difficult. Fat is squeezed out of palm fruits, after which the raw materials are purified, as a result of which the aroma and taste disappear. After that, the product is subjected to fractionation, which makes it possible to obtain olein and stearin.

For cooking, only olein is used, which is often re-fractionated. The resulting component is expensive, so vegetable fat is often used in baked goods, which has undergone a single treatment.

Reason for adding palm oil to infant formula

Not always, after the birth of a baby, young mothers have the opportunity to give their baby breast milk, sometimes they have to purchase milk formulas. Nutrition should have a composition as close as possible to the components that are produced by a woman's mammary glands. Manufacturers have to add ingredients that can meet the baby's fat needs.

The cow's product does not correspond much to mother's milk, so it is necessary to adjust the constituents with vegetable fats rich in triglycerides. Palm raw materials fully comply with the above requirements, since it is this element that is so necessary in baby food that is abundant in the composition.

The benefits and harms of palm oil for newborns

A question that often arises among inexperienced young mothers is whether it is useful to give a child a mixture with palm fat in the composition.

Doctors say: if the product is contained in small quantities, then this is good for the crumbs.

The composition contains fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) necessary for the growth and development of a newborn.

Why is the consumption of a product from palm fruits dangerous for a small organism? The peculiarity of the palm substance is the presence of some elements that are not split and are not excreted with feces. This is harmful because it provokes colic, stool disorders, and abdominal pain in the baby. The reason for poor bone growth and their fragility is also hidden in the regular use of foods high in palm fat by infants.

Palm Oil Free Blends: Brand List

Young mothers are interested in what mixture is completely absent from this additive and what can successfully replace it. It is difficult to find baby food that does not contain palm oil. Most manufacturers do not worry about the health of a small body by adding this unwanted ingredient to the mix.

Despite the popularity of the palm product with manufacturers, some of them have learned to make blends that do not contain vegetable fat. In baby food, this substance is replaced by other components that are similar in structure and composition. Beta-palmitrate is an element obtained artificially, but in terms of nutritional value, it is in no way inferior to the substance from palm fruits. This component is more useful because it promotes the absorption of calcium, nutrients, minerals.

Palm Oil Free Whey Blends

Baby food based on natural goat milk has a number of advantages - easy digestibility, a full range of nutrients, and the absence of sucrose.

  • Nanny (produced in different forms - for babies and one-year-old children);
  • Cabrita (contains bifidobacteria, prebiotics, fatty acids, probiotics);
  • Similak (regular use has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development of the child);
  • Nutrilon (as an additive there are components that increase the immunity of a small organism).

Each brand offers different formulations, so it is easy for mothers with children with health problems or congenital pathologies to choose the most useful product.

Casein blends without palm oil

In casein mixtures, whey is completely absent, such formulations are recommended for children whose body does not accept milk.

Among the considerable assortment, the best manufacturers of such baby food can be noted:

  • Unsigned (attracts by low cost, vitamin composition, the ability to give even to babies from birth);
  • Babushkino basket (a product of domestic producers that does not contain palm raw materials);
  • Semper (the composition contains taurine, which is useful for development, has a beneficial effect on vision, and promotes digestibility).

Fermented milk mixtures without palm oil

Fermented milk baby food has a high cost, but this is the product that parents prefer.

Among the most popular are:

  • Heinz (produces baby food, which takes into account all the needs of a small organism);
  • Mamex (it is allowed to give only to children from 3 months);
  • Nutrilak (contains amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, lutein as ingredients).

Best Palm Oil Free Blends

Many parents are interested in what formulations doctors recommend, and whether there is a rating of the best products for children.

Almost all baby food that does not contain palm oil is considered healthy, but doctors distinguish two brands whose products are recognized around the world.

Children's doctors recommend paying attention to the products of Similak and Nenny companies - it is these mixtures that are most similar to mother's milk and do not differ in the content of nutrients. The food is hypoallergenic and even children prone to irritation can use it - side effects are completely excluded.

The choice of infant formula must be taken very carefully - it depends on how quickly the baby will develop, whether he will have side reactions and allergies. If you still have doubts about what to buy, it is better to go for a consultation with a pediatric doctor who will recommend the most useful composition.

Recently, there has been a heated debate about the role of palm oil in baby food. Palm Oil Free Infant Formula - the subject of a dispute between manufacturers of baby food, pediatricians and caring mothers. Let's try to justify the addition of palm oil to infant formula.

It is an undeniable fact: mother's milk remains the ideal nutrition for babies in all plans. Those who are left without it are left to eat specialized mixtures. The technologies for their production are constantly being modernized with only one goal - to reproduce breast milk as accurately as possible. The main raw material for the production of its substitutes is cow's milk, rarely goat's milk. For children with lactase deficiency, soy or almonds are used as the base component. Cow's milk differs significantly in composition from female milk, therefore it is adapted - artificially brought closer in many parameters. Let us consider the mechanism of adaptation of the fat component, because it is for this purpose that palm oil is added to the composition of infant formula.

Correction of the fat component:

In breast and cow's milk, the quantitative composition of fats is approximately the same, but their chemical structure is significantly different. 50% of human milk lipids are unsaturated fatty acids: myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic... They have high biological activity, are not synthesized in the human body, but are indispensable in the diet. The manufacturer must not only solve the issue of their content in the mixture in a physiological ratio, but also fulfill a practical task: to ensure the protection of the product from oxidation and good solubility. This significantly affects quality and portability.

In order for a baby on mixed or artificial feeding to grow and develop normally, the fat component of the milk formula must provide:

Optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids (from 1: 5 to 1:15)
Correct distribution of the proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
Sufficient amount of unsaturated acids
The necessary ratio between the main antioxidant vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids to protect against lipid peroxidation.

For this purpose, milk fat is partially or completely replaced by a combination of vegetable oils. In isolation, each of them cannot meet stringent requirements. For better assimilation, lecithin, mono- and diglycerides are introduced into the mixture. Formula without palm oil: how justified is its use?

Palmitic acid accounts for one fourth of the fat in breast milk. Its main natural source is oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). This substance is widely used in food production due to its low cost, valuable constituents and resistance to oxidation. It contains the following set of fatty acids:

palmitic - 45%
oleic - 39%
linoleic - from 4 to 13%
stearic - about 6%
myristic - about 1%.

Human milk contains a substance called beta palmitate. In it, palmitic acid is in the second position of glycerol (beta position). This is how it is located in tropical palm oil - the only natural source of this substance. As you can see, if you use a formula for a newborn without palm oil, in which it is replaced with other vegetable fats, you can deprive it of the physiological necessary substances.

In addition, the production uses a liquid component of palm oil - palmitic olein, in which the most useful substances are concentrated - fatty acids, carotene, antioxidants. Do you still find infant formula without palm oil preferred? Well, let's give more arguments.

... and more about palm oil:

The phospholipids that make up it are used by the body to "build" nerve cells. Vitamins A, E, linoleic acid enhance the immune defense, affect the formation of teeth and bones. The presence of coenzyme Q10 - one of the main catalysts of metabolic processes - makes palm oil unique in its composition.

Saturated palm oil acids are predominantly short-chained. This contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora. Formula without palm oil lacks the benefits of tocotrienol, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol, excessive phagocyte formation, prevents blood clots, and increases immunity.
Palm oil-free and GMO-free infant formula is another topic of discussion. A number of documents regulate the quantitative and qualitative composition, mandatory ingredients, sanitary and hygienic standards, etc. In Europe, this is Codex Alimentarius and EU Commission Directive 2006/141 / EC. In accordance with them, the composition of milk mixtures should not include genetically modified raw materials, as well as sesame and linseed oil. They do not mention palm oil restrictions.

Which mixture to choose ?:

If our arguments still do not convince you, here is a list of infant formula without palm oil. It is not that great: Similak (Abbott, USA) and Nenny (Bibicol, New Zealand).

Similac - one of the leaders in the production of baby food in the United States. Really high quality adapted infant formula without palm oil. Its absence became the brand of the product. The fat component is adapted with high oleic sunflower, coconut and soybean oils. Note that palmitic acid in them is represented by a compound that is difficult to absorb. Similak positions itself as a palm oil and GMO free infant formula, although it contains soybean oil.& nbsp & nbsp

The products meet all modern requirements for a highly adapted mixture, and the cost is appropriate. The assortment is represented by starting, subsequent and special mixtures (hypoallergenic, soy, antireflux, low lactose).

Nanny - infant formula without palm oil in goat milk. It is in many ways similar to that of women: it has a similar amino acid and fat composition, is easier to digest, and contains less lactose. "Minus" - casein formula of the mixture. The proportion of whey proteins in it is only 20%. This fact indicates a low adaptation of the protein component of the mixture.
But they are represented by alpha- and gamma-lactalbumin as in human milk, in contrast to beta-globulins in mixtures based on cow's milk. The special form of casein promotes the formation of a delicate food clot and better digestion of proteins. The manufacturer indicated on the packaging that goat milk contains at least 46% of the mixture. Raw materials that are valuable for dietary nutrition determine the high cost.


An infant formula without palm oil is more bad than good. It is it that contains palmitic acid, which is indispensable for the body, in a beta position favorable for absorption. In other vegetable oils, its structure causes a delayed absorption of Ca and fats. With this in mind, all adapted formulas are fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
To adapt the fat component, the oleic liquid fraction is used, which contains all the most useful components of palm oil. Its harm is rather a marketing ploy of companies using other vegetable oils to replace milk fat. But if you are a stubborn opponent of palm oil, then you can choose for your baby a modern adapted mixture without it - Similak. It is suitable for breastfeeding from birth. Nannie's formula is low in protein composition, so it is better to use it as a complementary food. & Nbsp & nbsp

If a child eats artificially, then the question becomes relevant - which mixture is best for a newborn? This is not an easy choice, because there are a lot of their varieties on the modern market. From the variety offered, you need to choose exactly the one that suits a particular baby.

Classification: first of all, we choose the type of mixture

Milk formula is not just a powder in a bright jar with a lot of vitamins in its composition. Mixtures differ from each other according to the characteristics, which will be discussed below.

By consistency

They are divided into liquid and dry. The first ones are already ready for use, you just need to warm up the food. Dry ones need to be diluted with water on their own.

The Russian market is 90% dry, liquid can be found only in large cities. Liquid food is stored for a short time, literally 2-3 days, so sellers prefer dry food, since it is easier for transportation and storage.

Zakharova D.I., pediatrician, Morozovskaya children's city clinical hospital, Moscow

Formula feeding a newborn is a compulsory measure.

If, nevertheless, this happened, then in the first six months it is very important to choose the highest quality product, without focusing on price.

This period in the development of the baby is the most significant.

By composition

Infant formula for newborns is made on the basis of cow's milk. But it must enter the body in a modified form, since it is not as easily absorbed as mother's milk.

According to this feature, mixtures are divided into:

  1. Adapted... They add modified milk whey, which adapts the cow protein. This promotes easy assimilation, closer to breast milk. It can be argued that this is the best infant formula.
  2. Less adapted... It is based on casein. They take longer to digest, but are more satisfying. The child remains full for 3-3.5 hours after ingestion. Such food is prescribed to children who often.
  3. Partially adapted... Acceptable for children after six months. They resemble mother's milk a little, since they do not contain serum. These foods often include starch and sucrose.

By age

For a newborn baby and for a one-year-old baby, the mixture will differ in composition. The main difference is in the amount of adapted protein. The older the child, the more unadapted protein in the diet..

The gradation by age is as follows:

  • 0 - this number on the box means that the product is suitable for newborns or children;
  • 1 - for babies from 0 to 6 months;
  • 2 - from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 - over 1 year old.

By destination

Milk formulas for newborns not only play the role of a source of nutrition, but also have medicinal properties.

With regard to this feature, they are:

Study the packaging carefully to find the most suitable mixture. There is information about the composition, about useful components, about preparation and about the age of children for whom the mixture is intended.
  1. Fermented milk... They are prescribed for digestive problems - frequent regurgitation, severe colic or constipation. They are often recommended for treatment. The composition contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria.
  2. Hypoallergenic... They are used for babies with severe allergic reactions. Cow protein itself is a strong allergen, so it will be difficult to pick up a mixture. As part of such a product, the protein is already partially digested with the help of special enzymes.
  3. Lactose-free... They are suitable for those who have an extreme intolerance to cow's milk, which will not even help. Soy replaces protein in this product.

Belova N.A., Pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Moms often ask the question - how much formula should a newborn eat?

With mixed feeding, it is quite difficult to determine this portion, because it is not known how much breast milk the baby received. You will find more answers.

Fermented milk formula for newborns and other listed types of medical nutrition are slightly more expensive than standard adapted ones.

Specialized medicinal mixtures should be introduced into the diet only after consultation with a pediatrician if indicated.

After the desired type is selected, you should familiarize yourself with each representative on the baby food market separately. All manufacturers use different formulas for the composition. Ingredients found in one brand may not be found in another.

With full artificial feeding, it is easier - all cans with food provide a table for feeding a newborn with a formula.

When choosing infant formula for newborns, reviews can be very different for each brand. You need to be guided by medical recommendations and the baby's reaction.

Rating of infant formula: 10 most popular brands


Newborn formula, which has been at the top of the list for many years, has grown for generations.

Moms prefer it, as the composition contains taurine, iodine, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as whey, which brings nutrition closer to breast milk.

An additional advantage is the affordable price.

Among the disadvantages, the presence of palm oil and soy lecithin is distinguished among the components.


A mixture for newborns, the main advantage of which is its unique composition. It is adapted to the intestinal microflora, which helps to reduce colic and bloating.

It also helps to avoid colic problems. The list of ingredients contains a complex of minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal development of a child. The disadvantages are the presence of palm oil and the high price of the product.


Infant formula produced by the Swiss company Nestle. It is produced for both healthy children and those prone to allergies, in the form of a lactose-free and hypoallergenic product.

The composition includes bifidobacteria, nucleotides, taurine, iodine, iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and other useful vitamins and minerals. The disadvantage is similar to the previous types - the presence of palm oil.


The Swiss manufacturer is also available on the baby food market with this brand. Produced for healthy children in 5 different types, differing in age.

Prebiotics restore digestion, and only lactose gives sweetness to the product. Differs in an affordable price. Among the disadvantages are skim milk powder and soy lecithin in the composition. There is a little less iodine in the product than in previous brands.

Read the separate review for the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, as well as for the intestines of all family members.


Another domestic product. The composition contains 50 nutrients, which contributes to the normal development of children. It is produced for different age categories of healthy babies, as well as for those prone to allergies. Consumers mark the affordable price of the product.


Mix for newborns from a German manufacturer. The composition contains fatty Omega 3 and 6 acids, which contributes to the mental development of the child. There are no nucleotides in the list of ingredients. Sucrose, colorings and flavors are absent, although this product is distinguished for its good taste.

The most noticeable drawback is the high price, not every parent will be able to purchase Humana. It is as close as possible to breast milk., enriched with vitamins and prebiotics.


Another representative from a German manufacturer. It contains all the ingredients you need, including taurine, vegetable oils, iron and lactobacilli. Among the disadvantages are the presence of potato starch, low iodine content.


This is a palm oil free infant formula... This is important for those parents who are opponents of this component.

It is replaced by coconut oil. Nucleotides and prebiotics contribute to the reduction of colic, and fatty acids - to the development of the brain.


A popular Russian-made product. In addition to nucleotides and taurine, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the shortcomings, a low iodine content is distinguished, as well as excessive sweetness, which, on the contrary, children like.


This is another answer to the question: what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding. It contains slightly less iron, calcium and potassium than in previous brands, but when feeding with breast milk, this is quite enough.

Name (manufacturer), cost / rub.

1 Nutrilon (Holland),
Strengthening immunity, improving digestion. 0 months to 2 years
2 NAS (Switzerland),
Strengthening the immune system, varieties for allergy sufferers. 0 months to 2 years
3 Unsigned (Switzerland),
For healthy children from birth. 0 months to 2 years
4 Nutrilak (Russia),
There is a hypoallergenic series. 0 months to 2 years
5 Humana (Germany),
For premature and underweight children prone to allergies. Cow's milk, with vitamins and minerals. 0 months to 1 year
6 Hipp (Germany),
For babies from 2 weeks to 10 months, with cow's milk, contains prebiotics
7 Agusha (Russia),
Fermented and unleavened, based on cow's milk. From 0 months to 2 years.
8 Semilak (Spain),
Contains nucleids, prebiotics, fatty acids, no palm oil. 0 months to 1 year
9 Baby (Ukraine),
Contains nucleides and prebiotics, iodine, taurine. 0 months to 2 years
10 Friso (Netherlands),
For premature and low birthweight babies, suitable for mixed feeding. 0 months to 1 year

The final decision on which formula is best for the newborn should be made by the mother in conjunction with the doctor.

How to make the right choice

By observing your baby, you will know if the formula is right for him. If he eats up and there are no allergic manifestations, you are on the right track.

In order to choose food, you need to evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. The degree of adaptability of the mixture.
  3. Feeding type.
  4. Individual portability.

If everything is clear with the first three points, what about the last criterion?

This can be understood only by trying this or that product.

It is not suitable for a child if:

  • allergic rashes appeared;
  • the stool has become thinner and more frequent;
  • even after feeding, the baby shows signs of hunger;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • weight loss is noted.

Sokolova L.G., pediatrician, clinic "S-Profi", Moscow:

The best infant formula is the one that is right for the particular baby.

Any baby requires an individual approach, especially when it comes to nutrition.

What mixture to choose for a newborn in this case? It is necessary to replace the product with another, taking into account which symptom manifested itself.

With low weight, you need to choose - with a higher protein content, with anemia - with an increased iron content, with allergies - a hypoallergenic series. You can read about the symptoms of allergies in a child.

Just like that, for the sake of testing, the mixture should not be changed... There must be substantial reasons for this.

The debate about the benefits and dangers of palm oil in infant formula began a long time ago and has not stopped to this day.

Most baby formulas contain this ingredient - and for good reason.

The fact is that in the manufacture of infant formula, processed whey protein is used, the content of healthy fats in which is significantly reduced.

To ensure that babies get enough fat, palm oil is added to formula for artificial feeding (among others).

Why you should opt for formula milk without palm oil

A certain set of vegetable oils must be present in the formula of any milk formula. Otherwise, the normal formation of cell membranes in newborns will simply become impossible.

Without healthy fats, babies will not have the energy to grow and develop, and the formation of hormones will also be wrong.

It should be understood that the palm oil contained in the mixture contains a large amount of cholesterol, which can provoke excessive weight gain and a number of disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, parents of newborns who have been diagnosed with CVS disorders should definitely refuse to feed their child with products containing palm oil.

Another unpleasant moment is the absorption of calcium. The fact is that palmitic acid, which is found in large quantities in palm oil, can significantly reduce the percentage of calcium that a child absorbs.

Passing through the digestive system, palmitic acid forms a strong bond with calcium. It is so strong that calcium is excreted in large quantities from the child's body (children who eat palm oil absorb 20% less calcium than those who use formula for newborns without palm oil).

A side effect of this process is the frequent constipation of babies who eat formula high in palm oil.

Unfortunately, many infant formula manufacturers still sin using cheap, low quality ingredients (such as GMOs or palm oil).

In such a situation, the task of parents is to carefully select the most healthy and wholesome food for their kids.

Review List of Non-GMO & Palm Oil Blends

  • Nanny

New Zealand baby formula. The basis of the mixture is goat milk processed according to a special technology.

Nanny's blends are completely free of palm oil. The fatty component includes encapsulated fish oil, high oleic sunflower oil, as well as coconut and canola oils.

This goat milk mixture without palm oil can be safely given to healthy children as the main food. It is also suitable for babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (colic, constipation), and for children with low weight and allergies to cow's milk proteins.

  • Similac

The mixture is made in Ireland based on cow's milk.

The palm oil in this blend has been completely replaced by coconut and high oleic sunflower oil. Similac Premium 1 is beautiful mix from birth without palm oil.

In addition to healthy fats, it contains lutein for the proper development of vision, prebiotics to strengthen the immune system, as well as probiotics to maintain the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn.

This mixture is suitable for healthy children and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but, unfortunately, cannot be recommended for babies with lactose allergy.

  • Nutrilon

Not all blends produced by this British company do not contain palm oil, so you need to carefully study the composition, which is detailed on the package.

Without the use of palm oil, Nutrilon Amino Acid Blend is produced. Here fats are represented by a composition of high quality vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, rapeseed).

In addition, this blend contains amino acids that almost completely replicate the spectrum of natural human milk, and does not contain lactose.

This formula is ideal for children with severe food allergies and can be used as a staple food from birth.

  • Heinz

Although this American company has been seen using GMOs in the production of other products, the baby food of this company can be safely recommended even to the smallest.

Heinz mixes are made from high quality ingredients and without the use of GMOs or GMIs. In particular, this is how the Heinz Infanta blend is produced, which does not include palm oil.

Instead, betapalmitate is used - modified molecules that do not adhere to calcium and allow it to be absorbed in sufficient quantities by the child's body.

  • Hipp

The renowned Austrian baby food manufacturer produces Hipp Comfort formula without palm oil. Here it is replaced with Betapalmitate, which is easier to absorb.

In addition, the composition of this mixture includes probiotics to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of newborns, prebiotics for the formation of immunity and Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids useful for brain formation.

This mixture is suitable for daily nutrition of healthy children and babies with gastrointestinal problems (bloating, constipation, belching).

Formulas intended for baby food are similar in composition to mother's milk. All components and minerals included in them are selected taking into account the need for their consumption by the child's body. This also includes the fatty component, which is presented in the form of palm oil.

The benefits or harms of palm oil

Opinions are divided about the benefits. Due to the high amount of cholesterol it contains, there is a negative opinion about the presence of palm oil in infant formula.

Frequent consumption of products with such a component can lead to a sharp increase in weight, and as a result, to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, palm oil interferes with the absorption of calcium in the child's body, which can result in a minimum bone density.

At present, it is possible to purchase mixtures without palm oil or mixtures with a modified structure different from the first, which is achieved by an artificial method.

To know which blend is palm oil-free, just read the label carefully. As a rule, information about the components of the goods is indicated quite believably.

Palm oil and its uses

Palm oil is obtained in tropical countries from fruits growing on the color of palm oil - red. It is loaded with carotenoids. Natural oil has a high degree of saturation, which makes it different from sunflower, corn and olive oil. Most of the nutrients are lost during processing.

Palm oil is used in the manufacture of many food products, since its cost is one and a half times less than the cost of a sunflower "brother", not to mention olive oil.

Palm is used for dressing salads. Has a specific smell and taste. In the non-food industry, the product is used as a component in the manufacture of soaps, candles, cosmetics and biofuels.

The Reason for Using Palm Oil in Infant Formulas

Breast milk contains fats, which are replaced in baby food with a mixture of vegetable oils: soybean, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and palm.

Palm is the only natural herbal ingredient among the whole variety of oils that can provide infant formula. To be similar to breast milk, the formula should contain about 20-24% of this acid.

The patent for the first blend with the addition of whole palm oil was filed in 1953 in the United States.

Young mothers also note the presence of this product in many baby purees. Therefore, with the development of technology, the best nutrition for a newborn baby is still breast milk, endowed with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. Finding an analog replacement for it is almost impossible.

What are palm oil-free blends

Palm oil-free blends are premium blends. They are composed of probiotics and prebiotics. The absence of palm oil ensures normal stool for the child, and the presence of prebiotics and probiotics allows the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora and maintenance at this level.

Formulas without palm oil have an IQ complex, which is responsible for the development of the brain and vision. The complex includes lutein. It is found in breast milk, and it can only be supplied to the baby's body through nutrition. During the first year of a baby's life, lutein is not produced by the body on its own.

By using dry formula without palm oil for feeding your baby, you can save your baby from frequent regurgitation, colic and constipation. The presence of starch or gum in the infant formula provides the necessary viscosity of the mixture in the stomach.

What are the adapted palm oil-free blends?

The variety of dry mixes greatly complicates the choice. Palm oil-free blends are not much different from each other. Among them, the most famous are "Similak" and "Nutrilon". Similac was developed in the USA.

The most popular palm oil-free blends listed below include prebiotics and probiotics. These components contribute to the formation and support of the already formed own intestinal microflora.

The IQ complex, which promotes the development of the brain and vision, contains lutein. In addition to the IQ complex, we find this substance in breast milk. Lutein enters the body only with the baby's food.

Consider palm oil-free blends. The list is as follows:

- "Similak";

- "Nutrilon";

- "Cabrita".

Differences between one mixture and another

Let's consider several types of the most popular products in more detail. Blends without palm oil "Similac" and "Nanny" belong to the casein group. The disadvantage of these products is the lower protein content than is found in breast milk.

Similak contains a blend of oils such as coconut, soy and sunflower. The balanced composition allows the baby's body to absorb calcium well.

The mixture "Nanny" includes coconut, canal and canal oil and has a second name - rapeseed. As you know, it is often used for technical needs.

"Nanny" is produced in New Zealand. This mixture is based on goat milk. It is thanks to him that the hypoallergenic function of the product is ensured.

Nutrilon, Heinz and Cabrita infant formula contain beta-palmitate.

Feedback from parents

Do moms and dads like infant formula without palm oil? Parents' comments about them are divided. There are no complaints about the quality of these products. Many complaints are that it can be difficult to find adapted palm oil-free blends on the market. If there are any on store shelves, the price of mixtures is not affordable for most families.

On health, as they say, do not save. Therefore, the choice in front of those wishing to purchase the product in question is diverse, and the final word always remains with the parents of the baby.

Many moms praise blends that contain palm oil. According to them, they did not notice any adverse reactions during feeding with such mixtures. Each child is different and requires special attention. There is no need to buy expensive formula when it is possible to start with formula at an affordable price and closely monitor the result on the behavior of the child.

In the absence of side reactions, there is no need to transfer the baby to another mixture, since this one suits him perfectly.

With the beginning of complementary feeding, the number of products that contain palm oil will also increase. And it is even more common in "adult" products. The presence of such a component is not fatal, and if it is impossible to purchase milk formulas without palm oil, you can opt for any other product from the offered assortment. And if difficulties arise with a chair, resort to other methods of solving them than changing the dairy product.

Stool problems occur in most children, but this does not mean that palm oil is to blame for everything.

Fermented milk mixture as one of the varieties

As a rule, fermented milk mixtures are designed to normalize the baby's stool. A fermented milk mixture without palm oil is present in any store. This variety is recommended for use in cases of frequent regurgitation. The fermented milk product is easier and faster to digest, since the protein molecules in this mixture are subject to partial breakdown.

Mixtures for allergic dermatitis

If a child on artificial feeding dermatitis develops, then when visiting a doctor, in addition to canceling complementary foods, they will definitely recommend using a hypoallergenic mixture for feeding.

Hypoallergenic formulas without palm oil contain partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is perfect for feeding babies from birth to 6 months. It is during this period that children are most susceptible to allergic reactions.

The use of hypoallergenic mixtures in food can significantly reduce the risk of dermatitis. If a hereditary allergy is possible in a child, doctors usually prescribe hypoallergenic mixtures to prevent allergic diseases in a baby.

What does the mark on the product "Does not contain GMO" mean?

Palm-free blends are labeled "Non-GMO" on the packaging. GMOs are genetically modified products obtained by introducing an artificially derived gene into the DNA of plants. This gene gives the plant new properties that allow the product to persist for a long time and make it inedible for insects.

The direct harm from the use of GMOs in food has not been proven, and this issue is still controversial. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such products are prohibited for sale. But the absence of the mentioned inscription does not mean the presence of GMOs in the product. You just need to carefully study the composition of the purchased product.

Ultimately, when choosing a formula for their child, parents are guided by many factors. These include intuition, financial situation, experience, illustrative examples from the lives of their friends, advertising, etc. The choice always remains with parents, as well as responsibility for the life and health of their children.

Producers, in turn, try to provide food for all segments of the population, regardless of status and financial situation. There should be no poor quality products on the shelves of children's stores. Let's proceed from this and proceed.