Human genes in food. "Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

03.05.2019 Meat Dishes

Nowadays, more and more often we hear the term GMO, an abbreviation for genetically modified organisms. Most often, we are talking about the fact that they are dangerous to our health if we eat foods containing them. Let's try to figure out what it really is.

What are GMOs for?

GMOs are organisms that contain artificially introduced foreign genes in their genetic code. Sounds scary, doesn't it? For some reason, Frankenstein and his laboratory immediately come to mind. And what is the essence of GMOs? Consider an example of a common product like potatoes. The scorpion gene is introduced into its gene series, and the result of such actions is a potato that will not be eaten by any insect pests. Or, for example, the northern flounder gene has been “added” to tomatoes, which makes them frost-resistant. Why is this needed? Apparently, in order to provide people with enough food. After all, such vegetables can be grown even in the North, in addition, they are completely protected from the invasion of insects.

All these vegetables are beautiful and regular in shape and do not deteriorate for a long time. And if a gene capable of producing vitamin A is introduced into ordinary rice, which was not the case before, then you can not buy vitamins at the pharmacy. So what happens? Scientists, like magicians, improve the yield of plants and their beneficial qualities. If earlier it took decades to develop new varieties, nowadays it takes a couple of years. Most often, genetically modified are: soybeans, wheat, beets, corn, rapeseed, potatoes, strawberries.

Good or bad GMOs.

Probably everyone, even those who are very far from human biology, cannot but be surprised by attempts to cross the genes of animals and plants. Indeed, in nature, everything is carefully thought out, and a person, interfering with this scheme, breaks it. If we recall the concept of "food chain" from the school course in zoology, then, in accordance with it, a herbivore eats grass, a small predator hunts a herbivore, and a large predator eats a small one. And then a person is introduced into the established ecosystem with his experiments, crossing plants and animals, after which the animals no longer eat these plants. The "food chain" collapses, at first herbivores die of hunger, followed by predators. Well, or mutate, which is also not very good. And it is not possible to make predictions about what will happen in the future. However, this does not stop geneticists from continuing to cut and glue.

With the advent of GMOs in our lives, scientists are constantly arguing about what such manipulations with genes can lead to. This controversy is reminiscent of the controversy about UFOs, where there are eyewitnesses to their presence, and scientists say "does not exist." And ordinary people do not have any information. The same is the case with GMOs. Some say that it is harmful, unnatural and poorly understood, while others are sure that it is useful and even necessary. And it is not clear who to believe. But if there are opposite opinions, they, apparently, are beneficial to someone.

Who can benefit from genetically modified food production? First of all, to those who use this raw material. It is known that a ton of natural wheat costs about three hundred dollars, and a ton of genetically modified wheat costs about fifty dollars. The savings are evident. But the producers of the product are also not at a loss, because due to the new properties of crops, they become cheaper, which means they become competitive.

Or one more guess. The main property that is grafted with GMOs is pest resistance. This means that companies producing pest control products will suffer huge losses. Hence the opposite opinion arises about the dangers of GMOs. It is not clear why scientists, governments and health care in many countries are so passive about this problem. Apparently, they get their kush, and people consume IT for food and get sick.

The law regulates GMOs.

In European countries, the norm for the content of GMOs in food has long been determined by law, namely, 0.9% and no more. In Japan the rate is five percent, and in the United States it is ten. Some governments have required manufacturers to label products that contain GMOs. Imported products undergo a strict examination and if the GMO content is exceeded, their import into the country is prohibited. Despite this, as independent trials show, such products still partially penetrate the market.

In Russia today there is a law in force, which stipulates the rules for the import of GMO products into the country. It states that products containing more than 0.9% GMOs must be specially labeled. If this law is violated, the company is fined or closed by a court decision.

If in Europe a consumer, seeing this marking on the label, decides for himself whether to buy these cheap products or spend money on non-GMO products, then in Russia there is no difference in price between natural and transgenic products.

And this fact is definitely paradoxical: genetically modified foods were originally created as food for the needy countries of Africa. However, they banned the import of such products five years ago. Does this mean something?

Consequences of eating GMO foods

Nobody can say unequivocally that GMOs are harmful. More often they are positioned as “potentially dangerous”. This is because proof of their health hazard can only be obtained through long and large-scale research, however, no one is doing this. Today we have only theoretical assumptions about the consequences of GMO consumption.

If a person uses a transgene, then there will be no tangible harm, since GMOs cannot influence the genetic code. But it can travel through the body and stimulate protein synthesis. At first glance, there is nothing dangerous, except that these proteins are alien to the human body, and what the result will be is one wonders.

    1. The use of genetically modified foods can cause severe allergic reactions. In America, for example, where such foods are freely eaten, 70% of people are allergic. And in Sweden, where they are prohibited, only 7%. This is most likely not a coincidence.
    2. Transgenes disrupt the gastric mucosa and also make the intestinal microflora resistant to antibiotics.
    3. A decrease in immunity is possible due to the fact that 70% of it is in the intestines. In addition, these foods disrupt the metabolism.
    4. Foods containing GMOs can provoke oncological diseases... Transgenes are capable of being introduced into the gene structure of intestinal microorganisms, leading to a mutation, which in turn provokes the development of cancer cells.

It is clear that all of the above are not mandatory consequences of GMO intake. It's just possible risk... It will take at least fifty years to determine exactly how GMOs affect the human body. In the meantime, we live in obscurity, we must be careful in our food choices. Many scientists believe that foods containing GMOs are completely harmless when compared to foods containing preservatives, various flavors and colors. And also the fact that if there is a health hazard from products with GMOs, it is only due to the interaction with the intestinal microflora of transgenes.

It is possible to determine whether a particular product contains GMOs only in laboratory conditions. This cannot be done visually. Therefore, the consumer should be aware that forty percent of the products offered in our stores contain GMOs. Most often they are used in the production of sausages - about eighty-five percent. Most of all genetically modified soy is found in sausages, sausages and boiled sausages... It is also actively used in the production of semi-finished products: dumplings, pancakes, etc. What can you advise here? Prepare your own meat dishes from the market, or limit the use of sausages.

It’s strange and scary that baby food is second on this list. About seventy percent of this product contains GMOs, although the label does not say a word about it. So, try to do without purchased baby food. Make your own fruit or vegetable puree for your child from vegetables bought from grandmothers and grown in your garden. Exclude canned juices, compote may well replace them.

The third place is held by confectionery and bakery products. Genetically modified soybeans are added in large quantities to baked goods and chocolate, to sweets and ice cream. Again, it is difficult to determine the GMO content of these foods without a laboratory. However, if the bread remains soft for a long time, then it definitely contains transgenes. It is known that eighty percent of the products of American companies contain GMOs, so you should refuse to buy them.

The first three are not all. A third of the varieties of tea and coffee offered to us contain GMOs. The fast food chain, as well as manufacturers of sauces, condensed milk and ketchup, does not hesitate to use transgenes. If you want to buy canned corn, then it is better to opt for a Hungarian manufacturer, since GMOs are prohibited there.

I would like to talk in more detail about vegetables and fruits. If you buy from those who grow them on their plots, this is good, but this does not give a 100% guarantee that it will not be GMO. They could be contained in the seeds. And it is easy to distinguish vegetables and fruits containing transgenes. They do not deteriorate for a long time and insects do not eat them. Therefore, do not chase after the ideal appearance of vegetables and fruits, it is better to let them be ugly and "bitten". Avoid genetics tricks like glossy apples and tomatoes, luxurious strawberries, etc. There are no perfect vegetables in nature. One more distinctive feature such vegetables and fruits: if cut, they do not release juice and retain their shape. But, you can buy buckwheat without fear. They have not yet learned how to spoil its genetic structure.

We have presented the arguments for and against GMOs, and whether to use them or not is your personal choice.

Genetically modified organism

Genetically modified organism (GMO) - an organism whose genotype has been artificially altered using genetic engineering methods. This definition can be applied to plants, animals and microorganisms. Genetic changes are usually made for scientific or economic purposes. Genetic modification is characterized by a purposeful change in the genotype of an organism, in contrast to the random, characteristic of a natural and artificial mutation process.

The main type of genetic modification at present is the use of transgenes to create transgenic organisms.

In agriculture and the food industry, GMO refers only to organisms modified by the introduction of one or more transgenes into their genome.

At present, experts have obtained scientific data on the absence of an increased danger of products from genetically modified organisms in comparison with traditional products.

The goals of creating GMOs

Use as individual genes different typesand their combinations in the creation of new transgenic varieties and lines is part of the FAO strategy for the characterization, conservation and use of genetic resources in agriculture and the food industry.

In many cases, the use of transgenic plants will greatly increase the yield. It is believed that with the current size of the world's population, only GMOs can save the world from the threat of hunger, since with the help of genetic modification, it is possible to increase the yield and quality of food. Opponents of this opinion believe that with the modern level of agricultural technology and mechanization of agricultural production, the varieties of plants and animal breeds that already exist now, obtained in the classical way, are capable of fully providing the world's population with high-quality food.

Methods for creating GMOs

The main stages of creating GMOs:

1. Obtaining an isolated gene. 2. Introduction of a gene into a vector for transfer into an organism. 3. Transfer of the vector with the gene into the modified organism. 4. Transformation of body cells. 5. Selecting genetically modified organisms and eliminating those that have not been successfully modified.

The gene synthesis process is now very well developed and even largely automated. There are special devices equipped with computers, in the memory of which programs for the synthesis of various nucleotide sequences are laid. This apparatus synthesizes DNA segments up to 100-120 nitrogenous bases (oligonucleotides).

If unicellular organisms or cultures of multicellular cells undergo modification, then at this stage cloning begins, that is, the selection of those organisms and their descendants (clones) that have undergone modification. When the task is set to obtain multicellular organisms, then cells with a changed genotype are used for vegetative propagation of plants or injected into the blastocysts of a surrogate mother when it comes to animals. As a result, cubs are born with an altered or unchanged genotype, among which only those that exhibit the expected changes are selected and crossed with each other.


In research

Currently, genetically modified organisms are widely used in fundamental and applied scientific research. With the help of GMOs, the patterns of development of certain diseases (Alzheimer's disease, cancer), aging and regeneration processes are investigated, the functioning of the nervous system is studied, a number of other pressing problems of biology are being solved and modern medicine.

In medicine

Genetically modified organisms have been used in applied medicine since 1982. This year, genetically engineered human insulin obtained using genetically modified bacteria was registered as a drug.

Work is underway to create genetically modified plants that produce components of vaccines and drugs against dangerous infections (plague, HIV). Proinsulin obtained from genetically modified safflower is in clinical trials. An anti-thrombosis drug based on protein from the milk of transgenic goats has been successfully tested and approved for use.

In agriculture

Genetic engineering is used to create new varieties of plants that are resistant to adverse environmental conditions and pests, with the best growth and taste. Created new breeds of animals are distinguished, in particular, by accelerated growth and productivity. Varieties and breeds have been created, the products of which have a high nutritional value and contain increased amounts of essential amino acids and vitamins.

Genetically modified forest species with a significant cellulose content in the wood and fast growth are being tested.

However, there are restrictions on the use of genetically modified seeds. For this, either Terminator Technology or legal restrictions are used.

Other directions

Genetically modified bacteria are being developed that can produce environmentally friendly fuels.

In 2003, GloFish, the first genetically modified organism created for aesthetic purposes, and the first pet of its kind, entered the market. Thanks to genetic engineering the popular aquarium fish Danio rerio has received several bright fluorescent colors.

In 2009 GM-variety of roses "Applause" with flowers goes on sale of blue color ... Thus, the centuries-old dream of breeders who unsuccessfully tried to breed "blue roses" came true (for more details see en: Blue rose).


The technology of recombinant DNA (en: Recombinant DNA), which appeared in the early 1970s, opened up the possibility of obtaining organisms containing foreign genes (genetically modified organisms). This caused public concern and initiated a discussion about the safety of such manipulations.

Currently, experts have obtained scientific data on the absence of an increased danger of products from genetically modified organisms in comparison with products obtained from organisms derived by traditional methods (see discussion in the journal Nature Biotechnology). As noted in the report of the European Commission Directorate General for Science and Information:

The main conclusion arising from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, spanning 25 years of research and conducted with the participation of more than 500 independent research groups, is that biotechnology and, in particular, GMOs as such are no more dangerous than, for example , traditional technologies plant breeding


In some countries, the creation, production, use of products using GMOs is subject to government regulation. Including in Russia, where several types of transgenic products have been studied and approved for use.

List of GMOs approved in Russia for human consumption (as of 2008):

GMOs and religion

According to the conclusion of the Jewish Orthodox Union, genetic modification does not affect the kosher of the product.

see also

  • Genpet - a prank designed to draw attention to the moral issues of GMOs


  • - V. Kuznetsov, A. Baranov, V. Lebedev, Science and Life No. 6, 2008
  • V. Lebedev "The Myth of the Transgenic Threat" - Science and Life. - 2003, No. 11. - P.66-72; No. 12.- P.74-79.
  • E. Kleshchenko. GMOs: Urban Myths - Chemistry and Life. - No. 7, 2012


  • Chirkov Yu. G. Animated chimeras. Children's Literature Publishing House. Moscow: 1991, 239 p. (children's popular science book about the creation of GMOs and the prospects for genetic engineering)


  1. genetically modified organism // Glossary of biotechnology for food and agriculture: a revised and augmented edition of the glossary of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Rome, 2001, FAO, ISSN 1020-0541
  2. What is agricultural biotechnology? // The state of food and agriculture 2003-2004: The state of food and agriculture 2003-2004. Agricultural Biotechnology. FAO Agriculture Series No. 35. (2004)
  3. Leshchinskaya I.B. Genetic Engineering (Russian) (1996). Archived
  4. Jeffrey Green, Thomas Ried. Genetically Engineered Mice for Cancer Research: Design, Analysis, Pathways, Validation and Pre-clinical Testing. Springer, 2011
  5. Patrick R. Hof, Charles V. Mobbs. Handbook of the neuroscience of aging. p537-542
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  8. The history of the development of biotechnology (Russian). (unavailable link - story) Retrieved September 4, 2009.
  9. Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala UCF professor develops vaccine to protect against black plague bioterror attack (30 July 2008). Archived from the original on January 21, 2012. Retrieved October 3, 2009.
  10. Obtaining an anti-HIV drug from plants (Russian) (April 1, 2009, 12:35 pm). Archived from the original on January 21, 2012. Retrieved September 4, 2009.
  11. Insulin from plants is being tested in humans (Russian). MEMBRANA.12 January 2009. (unavailable link - story) Retrieved September 4, 2009.
  12. Irina Vlasova American patients will have a goat done (Russian) (February 11, 2009, 4:22 pm). (unavailable link - story) Retrieved September 4, 2009.
  13. Matt Ridley. Genome: The Autobiography of a Species In 23 Chapters. HarperCollins, 2000, 352 pages
  14. The Mission Impossible of Genetic Redesign For Longevity
  15. Elements - Science News: Transgenic Cotton Helps Chinese Farmers Defeat Dangerous Pest
  16. And Russia overgrown with transgenic birches ... | Science and technology | Science and technology of Russia
  17. Monsanto Seed Saving and Legal Activities
  18. Super-biofuel cooked up by bacterial brewers - tech - 08 December 2008 - New Scientist
  19. MEMBRANA | World News | Real blue roses are on sale in Japan
  20. B. Glick, J. Pasternak. Molecular Biotechnology \u003d Molecular Biotechnology. - M .: Mir, 2002 .-- S. 517 .-- 589 p. - ISBN 5-03-003328-9
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The following definition of GMO seems to us the most accurate and simple:

A genetically modified organism (abbreviated as GMO) - alive or plant organism, whose genotype has been changed using genetic engineering methods to give the body new properties. Today, such changes are made almost everywhere in the creation of food for economic purposes, and sometimes for scientific purposes.

The difference between genetic modification is in the purposeful construction of the genotype of the organism, which is in contrast to the random, characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

How do GM foods affect health?

Today it has been proven for sure that GMOs have a very detrimental effect on the human body. Due to the influence of such products, a person's hematopoiesis process may be disrupted. People who consume GMO foods are much more susceptible to cancer than others.

An interesting effect on the body of GMOs is that human body stops responding adequately to medications. In other words, it will be much more difficult to cure a GMO consumer of the disease. Genetically modified organisms, as well as products containing them, provoke the development of skin diseases, allergies, digestive disorders, and various disorders of the nervous system.

These studies were conducted on adults with a well-formed body. How devastating the use of GMOs in children's diets will be can only be imagined. By the way, in some European countries the use of GMOs in children's nutrition is prohibited. Now manufacturers "pour" low-quality goods into third world countries.

Genetically modified soy unsafe?

Experiments prove that genetically modified soybeans are particularly harmful to the health and procreation of mammals. In addition to the high mortality rate among experimental rats, studies have also revealed an increased level of anxiety and even aggression among males, females, and rat pups fed with foods containing GMOs.

Today shop windows are full of a variety of baby food. There are vegetables, cereals, soups, and cottage cheese - everything your heart desires. In fact, not everything is so beautiful.

Only natural products should be used in the child's diet, since only in this case you can be sure that they do not contain GMOs and you will not harm the health of your child.

What kind of baby food products are especially dangerous in terms of GMO content? These are absolutely all meat and canned fish, foods containing soy additives, soybean oil. Since most often, it is soy that is a genetically modified product. Nearly all breast milk replacement formulas contain soy supplements. Now, when buying boxes and jars, think about it. Let your baby get used to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle from birth.

But is there any benefit to GMOs?

GMO against cancer

In the United States, GMO-based scientists have developed a drug against cervical cancer. Already 13 women have tested this drug on themselves. They were given this terrible diagnosis. 4 women have significantly improved their condition. In 1 patient, the cancer was completely gone. 2 years have passed since then, and the disease does not return. In another 3 women, the tumor decreased by 20%. 7 patients who participated in the experiment, unfortunately, still died of cancer.

Vaccine manufacturers believe that when the vaccine is used earlier in the course of the disease, the results will be much more impressive. Today, scientists are also working with GMOs on vaccines for ovarian, prostate, breast, and brain cancers. With modern ecology, unfortunately, even a healthy lifestyle will not save one hundred percent from cancer.

In England, transgenic chickens are bred, in which eggs are important for medicine. The proteins of the eggs of these birds are taken for the manufacture of a drug that can heal malignant tumors. This important event took place in the very research institution in which the famous Dolly the sheep was once created.

It has been ten years since then. This discovery of scientists is on the verge of developing completely new drugs. These preparations will become much cheaper, their production will be easier, because for the production it is enough just to have a chicken coop and feed. The work of scientists from England will, without a doubt, new milestone on the path of healing mankind from a terrible disease.

What are GMO proponents saying?

It is GMOs that will help solve food problems on our small planet. With the help of this technology, it is possible to breed such plants that will not care about African droughts and plant diseases. You can also breed special, genetically modified species of farm animals, they will give a lot of products and will not be demanding on food, resistant to diseases.

With the help of this technology, it will also be possible to grow organs for transplantation, to grow plants that are suitable for the manufacture of tissues.

What do GMO opponents say?

It turned out that GMO corn, potatoes and soybeans are much more expensive. In addition, genetically modified plants do not produce viable seeds at all. That is, first of all, it is beneficial only to the suppliers of planting material.

Another important disadvantage is that cultivated GMO plants in the field give hybrids with wild plants. One can only imagine what mutants will be on our planet in a few decades.

Among other things, international terrorism can get a new direction. After all, you can create so many new and unknown viruses, which will be very, very difficult to cope with, since during their creation it is possible to lay down any qualities.

On the territory of most countries today, special labeling is put on food, which indicates that it does not contain GMOs. Whether to buy GMO products or not - the choice is always yours.

The special pride of our specialists is potatoes, which kill Colorado beetles. For ecologists, he is also the main irritant. Experts say that when rats eat transgenic potatoes, there is a change in the composition of the blood, a change in the size internal organs, and also pathologies appear in a much larger amount than when eating ordinary potatoes.

9 lines of cotton

Of these, soybeans, corn, rapeseed and cotton are grown in large quantities

According to the Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2004, compared to 2003, three times more samples (12956 samples) of food raw materials were examined for the presence of genetically modified sources food products... The largest number of samples containing GMI in absolute values \u200b\u200bwas found in 2004 in meat products - 946 (in 2003 - 272) and "other" products based on vegetable proteins - 466 (in 2003 - 129). In a small amount, GMIs were found in bakery and flour-and-cereal products (44 samples), poultry and poultry products (29 samples), baby food (13 samples) and canned food (13 samples).

In general, GMO foods can be divided into three categories:

1. Products containing GM ingredients (mainly transgenic corn and soybeans). These additives are added to foods as texturing agents, sweeteners, coloring agents, and as protein enhancing agents.

2. Products of processing of transgenic raw materials (for example, bean curd, soy milk, chips, cornflakes, tomato paste).

3. Transgenic vegetables and fruits, and soon, possibly, animals that are directly consumed for food.

It is also useful to remember the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their customers in Russia or are producers themselves:

Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;

BIOSTAR TRADE LLC, St. Petersburg;

ZAO Universal, Nizhny Novgorod;

Monsanto Co, USA;

Protein Technologies International Moscow, Moscow;

LLC Agenda, Moscow;

JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow;

JSC "GALA", Moscow;

Belok CJSC, Moscow;

Dera Food Technology NV, Moscow;

Herbalife International of America, USA;


Salon Sport-Service LLC, Moscow;

When purchasing products in a store, labels can indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. If the label says that the product is made in the USA and contains soy, corn, rapeseed or potatoes, there is a very good chance that it contains GM components.

Most of the soy-based products that are not produced in the United States but outside of Russia can also be transgenic. If the label says “vegetable protein” proudly, it is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

Often GMOs can be hidden behind E indices. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know exactly which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is, first of all, soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: it binds water and fats together and is used as a fat element in milk mixtures, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food, and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grain.

Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951.

Sometimes the names of additives on the labels are indicated only in words, they also need to be able to navigate. Let's consider the most common components.

Soybean Oil: Used in sauces, pastes, cakes and deep fried foods in the form of fat to add extra flavor and quality. Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: most commonly found in biscuits, tight fried foods such as chips. Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "primary agent" used in baby food, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.

Glucose or glucose syrup: Sugar that can be produced from cornstarch is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and instant foods.

Dextrose: Like glucose, it can be made from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and biscuits to achieve brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high energy sports drinks.

Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener that can be produced by the GM bacteria is restricted in a number of countries and has been reported to have a lot of complaints, mainly related to loss of consciousness, from consumers in the United States. Aspartame is found in soda, diet sodas, gum, ketchup, and more.

Many people think that the word "modified starch" on the product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002 the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region at its meeting included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region. In fact, modified starch is produced chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself can be of genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn, GM potatoes.

During the inspection, the highest percentage of GM soybeans was found in the boiled sausage "Velyachya Traditional", produced by the Cherkizovsky plant. GMI was most often found in the products of the same manufacturer, as well as in the products of the company "Di Ech V S" ( trademark Rollton).

Among manufacturers whose products contain GMOs, there were also:

LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";

Klinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC;

MPZ "Tagansky";

MPZ "Campomos";

Vichunai CJSC;


LLC Tolsto-Products;

Ostankino IPC;

Bogatyr Sausage Factory LLC;

LLC "Rose Marie Ltd";

ML "Mikoyanovsky";

JSC Tsaritsyno;

OJSC "Lianozovsky sausage plant".

Our favorite dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, specifically: "Dumplings without haste, pork and beef", "Darya classic dumplings", GMOs were found in "Delicious" beef steaks.

GMO - genetically modified products:

List of genetically modified foods:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being developed as biological weapons, a means of restraining population growth and a means of undermining the food security of countries.

So, first on the list:

Lipton tea

Coffee "Nescafe"

Modified coffee is now actively grown by the Nescafe company. So far, extensive plantations of such coffee are grown only in Vietnam.

GMO list:

Manufacturing company Unilever

Brooke Bond (tea)

Conversation (tea)

Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup)

Rama (oil)

Crumpet (margarine)

Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine)

Algida (ice cream)

Knorr (condiments)

Manufacturing company Nestle

Nescafe (coffee and milk)

Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, spices, mashed potatoes)

Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (cocoa)

Manufacturing company Kellog "s

Corn Flakes

Frosted Flakes

Rice Krispies (cereal)

Corn Pops

Smacks (flakes)

Froot Loops (colored flakes-rings)

Apple Jacks (apple flakes)

All-bran Apple Cinnamon / Blueberry (bran flavored apple, cinnamon, blueberry)

Chocolate Chip ( chocolate chips)

Pop Tarts (filled biscuits, all flavors)

Nutri-grain (toast with toppings, all types)

Crispix (cookies)

Smart Start (flakes)

All-Bran (flakes)

Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereal)

Honey Crunch Corn Flakes

Raisin Bran Crunch (flakes)

Cracklin "Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey "s

Toblerone (chocolate, all kinds)

Mini Kisses (candy)

Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)

Kisses (candy)

Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)

Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)

Reese "s Peanut Butter Cups ( peanut butter)

Special Dark (dark chocolate)

Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)

Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

Crunch (chocolate rice flakes)

Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (chocolate drink)

Cadbury (Cadbury / Hershey "s)

Manufacturing company Heinz

Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup)

Chili Sauce

Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (sauce for meat)

Manufacturing company Hellman "s

Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Coca-Cola Manufacturing Company

Minute maid orange

Minute maid grape

PepsiCo manufacturing company

Frito-Lay / PepsiCo Manufacturing Company (GM components may be found in oil and other ingredients)

Lays Potato Chips (all) (chips)

Cheetos (all) (chips)

Manufacturing company Cadbury / Schweppes

Pringles manufacturing company (Procter & Gamble)

Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums)

Honey can be harvested from genetically modified plants.

There is a high frequency of information that bees cannot pollinate genetically modified buckwheat. So there is one.

Fig. In general, it is better to buy non-anonymous varieties. plant products, but quite specific. For example, rice "Basmati". It is highly likely that in this case the product will not be GMO.

Anonymous rice, as well as Chinese or Taiwanese, is most likely transgenic.

Russia is one of the main importers of this product from the PRC. However, according to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially for two years and exporting it.

The fact that genetically modified rice is being illegally grown in China was reported by environmentalists back in April. “In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took samples of rice obtained from supplier companies, farmers and millers from the PRC for genetic testing in the German laboratory Genescan,” Maya Kolikova, spokeswoman for Greenpeace Russia, told NI. - It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) were genetically modified.

A survey of farmers and grain suppliers from China revealed that for more than two years transgenic rice has been illegally grown and actively sold both domestically and abroad. "

The situation, according to ecologists, is aggravated by the fact that the PRC government is considering the possibility of legalizing industrial production of GM rice. The "greens" believe that the Russians will suffer the most from the actions of the Chinese authorities - the supply of the product from this country makes up more than 60% of all our rice imports.

However, in this case there are not only disadvantages, but also advantages. Indeed, until now, rice supplied to Russia was formally considered not modified, and checks for the content of GMI in it were not carried out. Therefore, no one can say how many transgenes we have already eaten and will eat more. If the consumer has information about where the rice comes from, he will be able to decide for himself whether to buy this product for him or not.

Environmentalists, however, see the problem not so much in the cereal itself, which can really be abandoned, as in the distribution of products with added rice flour, including many for children - milk mixtures and cereals, noodles, semi-finished products. The country where the ingredients come from, manufacturers, as a rule, do not indicate.

I would like to point out that "Indica", the term that can be found on packets of rice, is not original name of any sort. It just means long grain rice. He may be from China as well.

Attention! Signs of transgenic vegetables and fruits.

Can modified fruits and vegetables be distinguished from natural ones?

Excessively clean, little different from each other potato tubers or tomatoes of perfectly regular shape - a reason to think. After all, a sure sign of natural natural products is the presence in the total mass of rotten and "eaten" by insects. Insects never eat GM foods! If you cut a natural tomato or strawberry, they will immediately give juice, unnatural ones retain their shape.

The most famous products containing GM ingredients are:

(according to Greenpeace)

1. Snickers Chocolate Bars

3. Spices Maggi

4. Pringles Chips

Vegetable counters are heaped with "Volgograd" tomatoes, like twins looking like Turkish ones. It turns out that in Volgograd for several years only imported "plastic" varieties without taste and smell have been grown on a mass scale.

I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be GMOs. I stopped buying these varieties of tomatoes, and I rarely bought them before.

From the article by E. Yakusheva "What are transgenic products?":

Now 90% of exports of transgenic food products are corn and soybeans. Popcorn, which is sold on the streets everywhere, is 100% made from GM corn, and it still does not have the corresponding mark on it. Soy products from North America or Argentina are 80% GM products.

GM products are attractive to retailers. For example, genetically modified vegetables and fruits are 4-5 times cheaper than their natural counterparts.

From the book of Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova:

"Foods That Kill You":

Transgenic products are purchased by Russia in other countries with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, about 70% of imported products are made from genetically modified raw materials. Such products include: soy products, flour, chocolate, chocolate bars, wine, baby food, powdered milk, milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, carbonated drinks, canned corn and tomatoes, corn oil, biscuits, starch, soy protein, soybean oil, soy sauce, lecithin, cottonseed oil, syrups, tomato sauces, coffee and coffee drinks, popcorn, cereals, etc.

It is believed that some of the imported beer also contains genetically modified molecules that are taken over by the drink from modified yeast.

According to the National Association genetic safety, about 1/3 of all products on russian market contain genetically modified components.

Greenpeace guide "How to avoid the use of foods with genetically modified ingredients (GM foods)?"

The handbook contains lists of grocery enterprises, divided into three categories (green, orange and red lists) according to the criterion of the presence of GM components in products.

Canned store vegetables are often included in the New Year's menu. But canned corn and green peas are highly undesirable. They are GMOs.

According to a month and a half of research, our food is simply packed with genetically modified organisms. Moreover, the food is the most popular in our area - sausages, dumplings, dry soups, canned vegetables, chocolates.

Environmentalists (Greenpeace and the All-Ukrainian Ecological League) categorically include in this list the products of the most famous brands - Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Bonduel. FROM complete list Companies that have confirmed that their products may contain GM components or have not denied their use can be found at

“The results of the study showed that in 18 out of 42 randomly selected food products, the content of genetically modified soybeans exceeded 3 percent,” said Mikhail Mukharovsky, general director of Ukrmetrteststandart. “At the same time, nine of them did not indicate the presence of soy protein at all.”

Bonduel is thus blacklisted!

I understand that the accuracy of what is on the list is not guaranteed, as the sources of information may be questionable. But otherwise I have practically no opportunity to keep such a list at all.

Orchard, Rich puree - genetically modified products.

By the way, the very first genetically modified product on the market is a food banana, and any (to increase yields, roughly speaking, it has a duplicated set of chromosomes).

If about a banana: artificially induced polyploidy is also a form of gene modification (because the chromosome set becomes larger compared to the original organism), the main thing is cheap and angry. But journalists have not yet learned to frighten people with it.

Firm "Mistral", probably, deliberately does not mark on the packs the country of growth of those cereals and legumes that are packed in them. The fact is that she "lit up" in the sale of American crops, which, most likely, are genetically modified. Also "Rice Basmati" is not labeled. Unfortunately, as I only learned today, it is highly likely to be transgenic. From The Seeds of Destruction. The Undercover behind Genetic Manipulation, by William F. Engdahl:

Texas-based biotech company RiceTech decided it would receive payments for a patent on Basmati rice, a variation that has been a staple for millennia. daily food in India, Pakistan and Asia. In 1998, RiceTech patented genetically modified Basmati rice, and thanks to US laws prohibiting the labeling of genetic products, RiceTech was able to sell it legally, labeling it as regular Basmati rice. It turned out that "RiceTech" with dubious means took possession of precious seeds "Basmati", which were deposited in the International Rice Research Institute of the Rockefeller Foundation in the Philippines (IRIR). (ten)

In the name of “safety,” IRID duplicated an invaluable rice seed collection from the Philippines and kept it in a seed bank in Fort Collins, Colorado, making a highly dubious promise that the seeds would be stored as a safe seed supply for rice farmers. IRIR convinced farmers that providing them with their priceless finds in rice seed varieties of IRIR would serve their own safety.

Far from the Philippines, Colorado IRID donated valuable seeds (without which RiceTech might not have made its proprietary genetic modifications) to RiceTech researchers, who immediately patented everything they could. They knew it was quite illegal: even in Texas, rice researchers know that Basmati rice does not usually grow in the dusty plains around Texas Crawford. (eleven)

RiceTech, in collusion with IRID, stole the seeds for its patent. In addition, according to carefully designed rules established by the Rockefeller Foundation IRID, although seeds from a genebank cannot be patented, any man-made improved variation based on them can be patented.

The Jasmine variety also has a GM modification.

From the article "Transgenic" senior tomato "and Dolly the sheep ...":

You can delay the ripening of already harvested fruits by placing them in special conditions. With the help of carbon dioxide, the action of ethylene produced by the fruit is blocked. These properties are manipulated by traders transporting bananas, citrus fruits, as well as vegetables - and tomatoes in particular. They are harvested green, and on the way they are treated with ethylene, causing artificial maturation. Such fruits and vegetables lose their taste and ripen unevenly. And it is easy to be convinced of this. For example, the tomatoes we buy on the market are red on the outside and white on the inside. The delay in ripening is also due to the fact that basically the tomatoes that we sell are imported from Turkey, and they are all transgenic. Even the boxes in which they are packed are written: TRANSGEN.

Excerpts from the book of Mikhail Efremov: “Caution! Harmful products

Additives with a high degree of probability of containing GI components:

E-153 - Vegetable Carbon (vegetable coal);

E-160d - Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (annatto, bixin, norbixin);

E-308 - Synthetic Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic y-tocopherol);

E-309 - Synthetic Delta-tocopherol (synthetic d-tocopherol);

E-471 - Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids;

E-472a - Acetic Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids;

E-473 - Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids;

E-475 - Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids;

E-476 - Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate;

E-477 - Propane-1, 2-diol Esters of Fatty Acids (propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids);

E-479b - Thermally Oxideized Soya Bean Oll Interacted with Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (thermally oxidized soya and bean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-570 - Fatty Acids ( fatty acid);

E-951 - Aspartame (aspartame, or nutrosvit).

GM additives:

Riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, made from GM microorganisms, is approved for sale in a number of countries. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food, and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can be produced from grain.

Lecithin (E 322) is made from soybeans, which can be genetically modified. This soy is used, in particular, by the Neslte company in its chocolate, baby food and other products. Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160 d, E 161 c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476 b, E 477, E479 a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625.

Let me emphasize that food additives for any purpose (technological, to “improve” consumer qualities) can be included in dietary supplements as well. Therefore, it is important to know which of the food additives are prohibited or dangerous.

I have seen how it works dairy production... Only after that I don't really want to drink milk.

And only raw cow's milk can be consumed. You can make curdled milk from a store, and not from any, but preferably from the one on which it is written that it is made from natural (whole) cow's milk (its fat content is usually indicated as 3.4-6%). Drinking such milk in its pure form is not worth it, because it is pasteurized and with it regular use after a while, the joints will begin to ache - most likely due to the deposition of inorganic calcium in them, which appears during pasteurization (passes from an organically bound form to an inorganic form). But you can make curdled milk from it - it turns out quite well and does not cause problems.

But any milk, normalized by fat content, is a real poison. And even curdled milk from such milk turns out to be unimportant, except from milk with a fat content of no more than 1% - lactobacilli at least cope with such concentrations of modified milk fat.

GMO - manufacturing company:

Milky Way

Uncle Banks

Coca Cola

Parmalat (biscuits)

Similak (baby food)

Potatoes (from Monsanta USA)


’’ Greenpeace ’‘ unveiled a list of companies that use GMOs in their products. Interestingly, in different countries these companies behave differently depending on the legislation of a particular country.

In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad. Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs were:

Daria - Semi-finished Products LLC, Klinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC, Tagansky MPZ, CampoMos MPZ, Vicyunay CJSC, MLM-RA LLC, LLC Talostoprodukty '', LLC '' Sausage plant '' Bogatyr '', LLC '' ROS Mari Ltd ''.

Unilever manufacturer: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), Beseda (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), Donut (margarine), Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), Algida (ice cream), Knorr (spices); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);

Kellog's: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks apple flavor), Afl-bran Apple Cinnamon / Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors), Nulri grain (filled toast, all types) , Crispix, All-Bran, Just Right Fruit & Nut, Honey Crunch Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran Crunch, Cracklin'Oat Bran;

Hershey's: Toblerone (chocolate, all kinds), Mini Kisses (candy), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candy), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Setoawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);

Mars Manufacturing Company: M & M 'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice flakes), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury / Hershey's), Fruit

Manufacturing company Heinz: Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup), Chili Sauce (Chili sauce), Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (sauce for meat);

Coca-Cola Manufacturing Company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Cherry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;

PepsiCo manufacturing company: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;

Manufacturing company Frito-Lay / PepsiCo: (GM components may be found in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);

Manufacturing company Cadbury / Schweppes: 7-Up, Dr. Pepper;

Pringles Procter & Gamble: Pringles (chips with Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums).

1 Chocolate products Hershey's Cadbury Fruit & Nut

6 Cadbury chocolate, cocoa

8 Nestle chocolate '' Nestlé '', '' Russia ''

9 Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Drink

10 Sosa-Sola ‘‘ Coca-Cola ’’ Sosa-Sola soft drink

11 ‘’ Sprite ’’, ’’ Fanta ’’, tonic ’’ Kinley ’’, ’’ Fruittime ’’

12 Pepci-Co Pepsi 13 '' 7-Up '', '' Fiesta '', '' Mountain Dew ''

14 Kellogg's Breakfast Cereals

15 Campbell Soups

16 Rice Uncle Bens Mars

17 Sauces Knorr

18 Lipton Tea

19 Cookies Parmalat

20 Condiments, mayonnaise, sauces Hellman's

21 Condiments, mayonnaise, sauces Heinz

22 Nestle baby food

24 Abbot Labs Similac

25 Yoghurts, kefir, cheese, Danon baby food

26 McDonald's (McDonald's) chain ’’ restaurants ’’ fast food

27 chocolate, chips, coffee, Kraft baby food

28 ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods

29 baby food, products '' Delmi '' Unilever (Unilever)

Products in the preparation technology of which GMOs are used:

OJSC '' Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant '' (mayonnaise '' Ryaba '', '' Vprok '' and others).

Products '' Bonduelle '' (Hungary) - beans, corn, green peas.

CJSC Baltimor-Neva (St. Petersburg) - ketchups.

ZAO Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant (Moscow) - pates, minced meat.

CJSC YUROP FOODS GB '' (Nizhny Novgorod region) - soups '' Galina Blanca ''.

Concern '' White Ocean '' (Moscow) - chips '' Russian potatoes ''.

OJSC Lianozovsky Dairy Plant (Moscow) - yoghurts, Miracle milk, Miracle chocolate.

OJSC `` Cherkizovsky MPZ '' (Moscow) - frozen minced meat.

LLC '' Campina '' (Moscow region) - yoghurts, baby food.

LLC `` MK Gurman '' (Novosibirsk) - pates.

LLC '' Frito '' (Moscow region) - chips '' Layes ''.

LLC '' Ermann '' (Moscow region) - yoghurts.

LLC ’’ Unilever CIS ’(Tula) - mayonnaise’ ’Calve’ ’.

Factory '' Bolshevik '' (Moscow) - cookies '' Jubilee ''.

- '' Nestle '' (Switzerland, Finland) - dry milk mixture '' Nestogen '', puree '' Vegetables with beef ''.

Pay attention to how carefully products for children are sifted out - everywhere there are GMOs in the wrong place and if your child does not eat yoghurts, but he eats nesquik or cereal or puree. And one way or another, but GMO gets

into his body. In supermarkets, the situation is now: absolutely all products are labeled "Non-GMO". We read the composition on the label: modified soybeans, modified starch, and so on.

The special pride of our specialists is potatoes, which kill Colorado beetles. For ecologists, he is also the main irritant. Experts say that when rats eat transgenic potatoes, the blood composition changes, the size of internal organs changes, and pathologies appear in a much larger number than when eating ordinary potatoes.

It is believed that all GMO products that are on our shelves are imported from abroad. Maybe. But from foreign components, our companies produce products for consumption.

According to the United Nations Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the following transgenic crops are registered in the world (in more than one country):

  • ... 11 soybean lines
  • ... 24 lines of potatoes
  • ... 32 corn lines
  • ... 3 lines of sugar beet
  • ... 5 lines of rice
  • ... 8 lines of tomatoes
  • ... 32 rapeseed lines
  • ... 3 lines of wheat
  • ... 2 lines of melon
  • ... 1 chicory line
  • ... 2 lines of papaya
  • ... 2 lines of courgettes
  • ... 1 line of flax
  • ... 9 lines of cotton

Of these, soybeans, corn, rapeseed and cotton are grown in large quantities

According to the Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2004, compared to 2003, three times more samples (12956 samples) of food raw materials and food products were examined for the presence of genetically modified sources (GMI). The largest number of samples containing GMI in absolute values \u200b\u200bwas found in 2004 in meat products - 946 (in 2003 - 272) and “other” products based on vegetable proteins - 466 (in 2003 - 129). In a small amount, GMIs were found in bakery and flour-and-cereal products (44 samples), poultry and poultry products (29 samples), baby food (13 samples) and canned food (13 samples).

In general, GMO foods can be divided into three categories:

1. Products containing GM ingredients (mainly transgenic corn and soybeans). These additives are added to foods as texturing agents, sweeteners, coloring agents, and as protein enhancing agents.
2. Products of processing of transgenic raw materials (for example, bean curd, soy milk, chips, corn flakes, tomato paste).
3. Transgenic vegetables and fruits, and soon, possibly, animals that are directly consumed for food.

It is also useful to remember the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their customers in Russia or are producers themselves:

Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
... BIOSTAR TRADE LLC, St. Petersburg;
... ZAO Universal, Nizhny Novgorod;
... Monsanto Co, USA;
... Protein Technologies International Moscow, Moscow;
... LLC Agenda, Moscow;
... JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow;
... JSC "GALA", Moscow;
... Belok CJSC, Moscow;
... Dera Food Technology NV, Moscow;
... Herbalife International of America, USA;
... Salon Sport-Service LLC, Moscow;
... Intersoya, Moscow.

When purchasing products in a store, labels can indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. If the label says that the product is made in the USA and contains soy, corn, rapeseed or potatoes, there is a very good chance that it contains GM components.

Most of the soy-based products that are not produced in the United States but outside of Russia can also be transgenic. If the label says “vegetable protein” proudly, it is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

Often GMOs can be hidden behind E indices. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know exactly which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is, first of all, soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: it binds water and fats together and is used as a fat element in milk mixtures, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food, and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grain.

Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951.

Sometimes the names of additives on the labels are indicated only in words, they also need to be able to navigate. Let's consider the most common components.

Soybean Oil: Used in sauces, pastes, cakes and deep fried foods in the form of fat to add extra flavor and quality. Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: Most commonly found in biscuits, tight fried foods such as chips. Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "primary agent" used in baby food, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.
Glucose or Glucose Syrup: Sugar that can be produced from cornstarch is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and instant foods.
Dextrose: Like glucose, it can be made from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and biscuits to achieve brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high energy sports drinks.
Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener that can be produced by the GM bacteria is restricted in a number of countries and has been reported to have a lot of complaints, mainly related to loss of consciousness, from consumers in the United States. Aspartame is found in soda, diet sodas, gum, ketchup, and more.

Many people think that the word "modified starch" on the product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002 the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region at its meeting included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region. In fact, modified starch is produced chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself can be of genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn, GM potatoes.

During the inspection, the highest percentage of GM soybeans was found in the boiled sausage "Velyachya Traditional", produced by the Cherkizovsky plant. GMI was most often found in the products of the same manufacturer, as well as in the products of the company "Di Ech V S" (trade mark "Rollton").

Among manufacturers whose products contain GMOs, there were also:

  • ... LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";
  • ... Klinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC;
  • ... MPZ "Tagansky";
  • ... MPZ "Campomos";
  • ... Vichunai CJSC;
  • ... LLC "MLM-RA";
  • ... LLC Tolsto-Products;
  • ... Ostankino IPC;
  • ... Bogatyr Sausage Factory LLC;
  • ... LLC "Rose Marie Ltd";
  • ... ML "Mikoyanovsky";
  • ... JSC Tsaritsyno;
  • ... OJSC "Lianozovsky sausage plant".

Our favorite dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, specifically: "Dumplings without haste, pork and beef", "Darya classic dumplings", GMOs were found in "Delicious" beef steaks.

GMO - genetically modified products:

List of genetically modified foods:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being developed as biological weapons, a means of restraining population growth and a means of undermining the food security of countries.

So, first on the list:

  • Lipton tea
  • Coffee "Nescafe"

Modified coffee is now actively grown by the Nescafe company. So far, extensive plantations of such coffee are grown only in Vietnam.

GMO list:

Manufacturing company Unilever

  • Lipton (tea)
  • Brooke Bond (tea)
  • Conversation (tea)
  • Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup)
  • Rama (oil)
  • Crumpet (margarine)
  • Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine)
  • Algida (ice cream)
  • Knorr (condiments)

Manufacturing company Nestle

  • Nescafe (coffee and milk)
  • Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, spices, mashed potatoes)
  • Nestle (chocolate)
  • Nestea (tea)
  • Nesquik (cocoa)

Manufacturing company Kellog "s

  • Corn Flakes
  • Frosted Flakes
  • Rice Krispies (cereal)
  • Corn Pops
  • Smacks (flakes)
  • Froot Loops (colored flakes-rings)
  • Apple Jacks (apple flakes)
  • All-bran Apple Cinnamon / Blueberry (bran flavored apple, cinnamon, blueberry)
  • Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips)
  • Pop Tarts (filled biscuits, all flavors)
  • Nutri-grain (toast with toppings, all types)
  • Crispix (cookies)
  • Smart Start (flakes)
  • All-Bran (flakes)
  • Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereal)
  • Honey Crunch Corn Flakes
  • Raisin Bran Crunch (flakes)
  • Cracklin "Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey "s

  • Toblerone (chocolate, all kinds)
  • Mini Kisses (candy)
  • Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)
  • Kisses (candy)
  • Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)
  • Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter)
  • Special Dark (dark chocolate)
  • Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)
  • Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

  • M&M "s
  • Snickers
  • Milky way
  • Nestle
  • Crunch (chocolate rice flakes)
  • Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)
  • Nesquik (chocolate drink)
  • Cadbury (Cadbury / Hershey "s)
  • Fruit & Nut

Manufacturing company Heinz

  • Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup)
  • Chili Sauce
  • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (sauce for meat)

Manufacturing company Hellman "s

  • Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Coca-Cola Manufacturing Company

  • Coca-Cola
  • Sprite
  • Cherry coca
  • Minute maid orange
  • Minute maid grape

PepsiCo manufacturing company

  • Pepsi
  • Pepsi cherry
  • Mountain dew

Frito-Lay / PepsiCo Manufacturing Company (GM components may be found in oil and other ingredients)

Lays Potato Chips (all) (chips)
Cheetos (all) (chips)

Manufacturing company Cadbury / Schweppes

Dr. Pepper

Pringles manufacturing company (Procter & Gamble)

Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums)

Honey can be harvested from genetically modified plants.

There is a high frequency of information that bees cannot pollinate genetically modified buckwheat. So there is one.

Fig. In general, it is better to buy not anonymous varieties of plant products, but rather specific ones. For example, rice "Basmati". It is highly likely that in this case the product will not be GMO.

Anonymous rice, as well as Chinese or Taiwanese, is most likely transgenic.

Russia is one of the main importers of this product from the PRC. However, according to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially for two years and exporting it.

The fact that genetically modified rice is being illegally grown in China was reported by environmentalists back in April. “In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took samples of rice obtained from supplier companies, farmers and millers from the PRC for genetic testing in the German laboratory Genescan,” Maya Kolikova, spokeswoman for Greenpeace Russia, told NI. - It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) were genetically modified.

A survey of farmers and grain suppliers from China revealed that for more than two years transgenic rice has been illegally grown and actively sold both domestically and abroad. "

The situation, according to ecologists, is aggravated by the fact that the PRC government is considering the possibility of legalizing industrial production of GM rice. The "greens" believe that the Russians will suffer the most from the actions of the Chinese authorities - the supply of the product from this country makes up more than 60% of all our rice imports.

However, in this case there are not only disadvantages, but also advantages. Indeed, until now, rice supplied to Russia was formally considered not modified, and checks for the content of GMI in it were not carried out. Therefore, no one can say how many transgenes we have already eaten and will eat more. If the consumer has information about where the rice comes from, he will be able to decide for himself whether to buy this product for him or not.

Environmentalists, however, see the problem not so much in the cereal itself, which can really be abandoned, as in the distribution of products with added rice flour, including many for children - milk mixtures and cereals, noodles, semi-finished products. The country where the ingredients come from, manufacturers, as a rule, do not indicate.

I would like to point out that "Indica", the term that can be found on packets of rice, is not the original name of any variety. It just means long grain rice. He may be from China as well.

Attention! Signs of transgenic vegetables and fruits.

Can modified fruits and vegetables be distinguished from natural ones?

Too clean, little different from each other potato tubers or tomatoes of perfectly regular shape - a reason to think. After all, a sure sign of natural natural products is the presence in the total mass of rotten and "eaten" by insects. Insects never eat GM foods! If you cut a natural tomato or strawberry, they will immediately give juice, unnatural ones retain their shape.

The most famous products containing GM ingredients are:

(according to Greenpeace)

1. Snickers Chocolate Bars
2. Pepsi
3. Spices Maggi
4. Pringles Chips

Vegetable counters are heaped with "Volgograd" tomatoes, like twins looking like Turkish ones. It turns out that in Volgograd for several years only imported "plastic" varieties without taste and smell have been grown on a mass scale.

I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be GMOs. I stopped buying these varieties of tomatoes, and I rarely bought them before.

From the article by E. Yakusheva "What are transgenic products?":

Now 90% of exports of transgenic food products are corn and soybeans. Popcorn, which is sold on the streets everywhere, is 100% made from GM corn, and it still does not have the corresponding mark on it. Soy products from North America or Argentina are 80% GM products.

GM products are attractive to retailers. For example, genetically modified vegetables and fruits are 4-5 times cheaper than their natural counterparts.

From the book of Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova:

"Foods That Kill You":

Transgenic products are purchased by Russia in other countries with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, about 70% of imported products are made from genetically modified raw materials. Such products include: soy products, flour, chocolate, chocolate bars, wine, baby food, milk powder, milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, carbonated drinks, canned corn and tomatoes, corn oil, cookies, starch, soy protein, soy butter, soy sauce, lecithin, cottonseed oil, syrups, tomato sauces, coffee and coffee drinks, popcorn, cereals, etc.

It is believed that some of the imported beer also contains genetically modified molecules that are taken over by the drink from modified yeast.

According to the National Association for Genetic Safety, about 1/3 of all products on the Russian market contain genetically modified components.

Greenpeace guide "How to avoid the use of foods with genetically modified ingredients (GM foods)?"

The handbook contains lists of grocery enterprises, divided into three categories (green, orange and red lists) according to the criterion of the presence of GM components in products.

Canned store vegetables are often included in the New Year's menu. But canned corn and green peas are highly undesirable. They are GMOs.

According to a month and a half of research, our food is simply packed with genetically modified organisms. Moreover, the food is the most popular in our area - sausages, dumplings, dry soups, canned vegetables, chocolates.

Environmentalists (Greenpeace and the All-Ukrainian Ecological League) categorically include in this list the products of the most famous brands - Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Bonduel. A full list of companies that have confirmed that their products may contain GM components or have not denied their use can be found at

“The results of the study showed that in 18 out of 42 randomly selected food products, the content of genetically modified soybeans exceeded 3 percent,” said Mikhail Mukharovsky, general director of Ukrmetrteststandard. “At the same time, nine of them did not indicate the presence of soy protein at all.”

Bonduel is thus blacklisted!

I understand that the accuracy of what is on the list is not guaranteed, as the sources of information may be questionable. But otherwise I have practically no opportunity to keep such a list at all.

Orchard, Rich puree - genetically modified products.

By the way, the very first genetically modified product on the market is a food banana, and any (to increase yields, roughly speaking, it has a duplicated set of chromosomes).

If about a banana: artificially induced polyploidy is also a form of gene modification (because the chromosome set becomes larger compared to the original organism), the main thing is cheap and angry. But journalists have not yet learned to frighten people with it.

Firm "Mistral", probably, deliberately does not mark on the packs the country of growth of those cereals and legumes that are packed in them. The fact is that she "lit up" in the sale of American crops, which, most likely, are genetically modified. Also "Rice Basmati" is not labeled. Unfortunately, as I only learned today, it is highly likely to be transgenic. From The Seeds of Destruction. The Undercover behind Genetic Manipulation, by William F. Engdahl:

RiceTech, a Texas-based biotech company, has decided it will receive payments for a patent for Basmati rice, a variation that has been a staple of the daily diet for millennia in India, Pakistan and Asia. In 1998, RiceTech patented genetically modified Basmati rice, and thanks to US laws prohibiting the labeling of genetic products, RiceTech was able to sell it legally, labeling it as regular Basmati rice. It turned out that "RiceTech" with dubious means took possession of precious seeds "Basmati", which were deposited in the International Rice Research Institute of the Rockefeller Foundation in the Philippines (IRIR). (ten)

In the name of “safety,” IRID duplicated an invaluable rice seed collection from the Philippines and kept it in a seed bank in Fort Collins, Colorado, making a highly dubious promise that the seeds would be stored as a safe seed supply for rice farmers. IRIR convinced farmers that providing them with their priceless finds in rice seed varieties of IRIR would serve their own safety.

Far from the Philippines, Colorado IRID donated valuable seeds (without which RiceTech might not have made its proprietary genetic modifications) to RiceTech researchers, who immediately patented everything they could. They knew it was quite illegal: even in Texas, rice researchers know that Basmati rice does not usually grow in the dusty plains around Texas Crawford. (eleven)

RiceTech, in collusion with IRID, stole the seeds for its patent. In addition, according to carefully designed rules established by the Rockefeller Foundation IRID, although seeds from a genebank cannot be patented, any man-made improved variation based on them can be patented.

The Jasmine variety also has a GM modification.

From the article "Transgenic" senior tomato "and Dolly the sheep ...":

You can delay the ripening of already harvested fruits by placing them in special conditions. With the help of carbon dioxide, the action of ethylene produced by the fruit is blocked. These properties are manipulated by traders transporting bananas, citrus fruits, as well as vegetables - and tomatoes in particular. They are harvested green, and on the way they are treated with ethylene, causing artificial maturation. Such fruits and vegetables lose their taste and ripen unevenly. And it is easy to be convinced of this. For example, the tomatoes we buy on the market are red on the outside and white on the inside. The delay in ripening is also due to the fact that basically the tomatoes that we sell are imported from Turkey, and they are all transgenic. Even the boxes in which they are packed are written: TRANSGEN.

Excerpts from the book of Mikhail Efremov: “Caution! Harmful products! "

Additives with a high degree of probability of containing GI components:

E-153 - Vegetable Carbon (vegetable coal);

E-160d - Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (annatto, bixin, norbixin);

E-161c - Paprika extract, Capsanthin, Capsorubin (paprika extract, capsantin, capsorubin);

E-308 - Synthetic Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic y-tocopherol);

E-309 - Synthetic Delta-tocopherol (synthetic d-tocopherol);

E-471 - Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids;

E-472a - Acetic Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids;

E-473 - Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids;

E-475 - Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids;

E-476 - Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate;

E-477 - Propane-1, 2-diol Esters of Fatty Acids (propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids);

E-479b - Thermally Oxideized Soya Bean Oll Interacted with Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (thermally oxidized soya and bean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-570 - Fatty Acids (fatty acids);

E-951 - Aspartame (aspartame, or nutrosvit).

GM additives:

Riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, made from GM microorganisms, is approved for sale in a number of countries. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food, and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can be produced from grain.

Lecithin (E 322) is made from soybeans, which can be genetically modified. This soy is used, in particular, by the Neslte company in its chocolate, baby food and other products. Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160 d, E 161 c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476 b, E 477, E479 a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625.

Let me emphasize that food additives for any purpose (technological, to “improve” consumer qualities) can be included in dietary supplements as well. Therefore, it is important to know which of the food additives are prohibited or dangerous.

I have seen how dairy production works. Only milk after that is not very thirsty.

And only raw cow's milk can be consumed. You can make curdled milk from the store, and not from any, but preferably from the one on which it is written that it is made from natural (whole) cow's milk (its fat content is usually indicated as 3.4-6%). It is not worth drinking such milk in its pure form, because it is pasteurized and with its regular use after a while the joints will begin to ache - most likely due to the deposition of inorganic calcium in them, which appears during pasteurization (passes from an organically bound form to an inorganic form) ... But you can make curdled milk from it - it turns out quite well and does not cause problems.

But any milk, normalized by fat content, is a real poison. And even curdled milk from such milk turns out to be unimportant, except from milk with a fat content of no more than 1% - lactobacilli at least cope with such concentrations of modified milk fat.

GMO - manufacturing company:

Milky Way
Uncle Banks
Coca Cola
Parmalat (biscuits)
Similak (baby food)
Potatoes (from Monsanta USA)


’’ Greenpeace ’‘ unveiled a list of companies that use GMOs in their products. Interestingly, these companies behave differently in different countries, depending on the legislation of a particular country.
In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad. Among manufacturers whose products contain GMOs were:
Daria - Semi-finished Products LLC, Klinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC, Tagansky MPZ, CampoMos MPZ, Vicyunay CJSC, MLM-RA LLC, LLC Talostoprodukty '', LLC '' Sausage plant '' Bogatyr '', LLC '' ROS Mari Ltd ''.
Unilever manufacturer: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), Beseda (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), Donut (margarine), Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), Algida (ice cream), Knorr (spices); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);
Kellog's: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks apple flavor), Afl-bran Apple Cinnamon / Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors), Nulri grain (filled toast, all types) , Crispix, All-Bran, Just Right Fruit & Nut, Honey Crunch Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran Crunch, Cracklin'Oat Bran;
Hershey's Manufacturing Company: Toblerone (chocolate, all kinds), Mini Kisses (candy), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candy), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Setoawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);
Mars Manufacturing Company: M & M 'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice flakes), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury / Hershey's), Fruit
Manufacturing company Heinz: Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup), Chili Sauce (Chili sauce), Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (sauce for meat);
Coca-Cola Manufacturing Company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Cherry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;
PepsiCo manufacturing company: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;
Manufacturing company Frito-Lay / PepsiCo: (GM components may be found in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);
Manufacturing company Cadbury / Schweppes: 7-Up, Dr. Pepper;
Pringles Procter & Gamble: Pringles (chips with Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums).
1 Hershey's Cadbury Fruit & Nut Chocolates
2 Mars M&M
3 Snickers
4 Twix
5 Milky Way
6 Cadbury (Cadbury) chocolate, cocoa
7 Ferrero
8 Nestle chocolate '' Nestlé '', '' Russia ''
9 Nestle Nesquik Chocolate Drink
10 Sosa-Sola ‘Coca-Cola’ ’Sosa-Sola soft drink
11 ‘’ Sprite ’’, ’’ Fanta ’’, tonic ’’ Kinley ’’, ’’ Fruittime ’’
12 Pepci-Co Pepsi 13 '' 7-Up '', '' Fiesta '', '' Mountain Dew ''
14 Kellogg's Breakfast Cereals
15 Campbell Soups
16 Rice Uncle Bens Mars
17 Sauces Knorr
18 Lipton Tea
19 Cookies Parmalat
20 Condiments, mayonnaise, sauces Hellman's
21 Condiments, mayonnaise, sauces Heinz
22 Nestle baby food
23 Hipp
24 Abbot Labs Similac
25 Yoghurts, kefir, cheese, Danon baby food
26 McDonald's (McDonald's) chain ’’ restaurants ’’ fast food
27 chocolate, chips, coffee, Kraft baby food
28 ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods
29 baby food, products '' Delmi '' Unilever (Unilever)