How to make homemade strawberry wine. Best homemade strawberry wine recipes

27.04.2019 Fish dishes

Strawberries are the main ingredient in romantic desserts. The evening can be supplemented with a fragrant alcoholic drink. It will take some experience and time to cook. But the article contains simple recipes for making strawberry wine at home.

The biochemical composition of the berry is ideal for winemaking. When adding certain ingredients, you can get low alcohol drink with a pleasant and mild taste.

It is better to store wine in bottles with a cork natural materials... Plugs can be reused. Fill the hole from the corkscrew with melted wax. Be sure to label the container with the drink in order to know the date of manufacture and composition.

Let's take a look at a few options. You can choose the most suitable method for yourself.

First, let's try to make a fortified drink from berries. For long-term storage, put it away in a cool place. It will be possible to taste the wine in a month.


  • 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Ripe and clean berries without stalks are kneaded by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained. V hot water dissolve granulated sugar and pour the syrup into a container with grated strawberries. Pour the mixture into glass jar, cover with gauze and leave for a week in a room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Stir the wort daily.

After 7 days, filter the contents of the jar through a sieve, pour into a clean container and add quality vodka or homemade moonshine... We close the lid with a straw and put it in a warm place for one week.

After a few days, fermentation will stop, a sediment will form at the bottom, and the wort will become lighter. Now the drink needs to be drained from the sediment using a straw.

We distribute the wine into bottles, close it with corks and put it in a cool place. Take your first sample after a week.

How to make an alcoholic drink with berries and raisins

Do you want to make 10-degree strawberry wine at home? It couldn't be easier. Prepare sugar, berries, raisins and start the process. The wine turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. To make it clearer how to make such a drink, watch the video instruction:

This wine can be stored for two years in a cool place. It will take about three months for the wine to fully ripen.

Recipe for cooking with sugar and wine yeast

Here we will use special winemaking additives. If we add regular yeast, then you can spoil the pleasant bouquet of aromas of the drink.


  • 11 kg of strawberries;
  • ¼ tsp sodium bisulfate;
  • 5 tsp yeast feed;
  • 1 pack of wine yeast;
  • 5.5KG granulated sugar;
  • Pectin.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the washed berries into several pieces and send them to a clean container;
  2. Fill the berries completely with water;
  3. Now add the pectin enzyme and sodium bisulfate;

Use pectin according to package directions.

  1. We cover the dishes with a cloth so that insects and dust do not get into it. We leave in a warm place for 24 hours;
  2. After the specified time has elapsed, pour water into the container. The total volume should be about 18 liters.
  3. Pour out white sugar and stir thoroughly;
  4. At the next stage, we add yeast and special feeding;
  5. Cover the bowl or pot with a cloth;
  6. Leave it for a week and periodically remove the foam;
  7. Filter the drink through a sieve, pour out the wort and put a water seal; Fermentation may take 0.5 - 1 month;
  8. During this time, constantly pour the wine until sediment stops appearing;
  9. After a couple of weeks, the drink will be ready.

Make wine only with fresh and ripe strawberries. Leave for 2-3 months before use.

Strawberry wine with lemon at home

To make the drink enjoyable flavor, add to it citrus fruit... In small quantities, such alcohol is beneficial to health.


  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 100 g lemons;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.


  1. First of all, we wash the strawberries several times in cold water... Remove the stalks, dry them and pour them into a glass bottle;
  2. Fill the contents with water, pour in the sugar (1 kg), add the yeast and seal with a lid with a water seal;
  3. We remove for 5 days in a warm place;
  4. At the next stage, pour out the rest of the granulated sugar, add the sliced ​​lemon.

Cut the citrus fruit into washers or half rings, whichever is more convenient.

  1. Shake the bottle, close the cork and leave for several days;
  2. When the fermentation process is over, we drain the wine from the sediment, filter and pour it into containers.

The wine should be infused for several months. For long-term storage, we put the bottles in the cellar or put them in the refrigerator.

Strawberry and red currant drink

If you are just a budding winemaker and are not confident in your abilities, do not worry. After all, wine has always been prepared at home. Therefore, everything will definitely work out.

  • 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.5 kg of currants;
  • 1.5 kg brown sugar;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • 1 lemon.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan with 2 liters of water, mix and cook the syrup over low heat;
  2. When the liquid boils, we throw several slices of lemon into it;
  3. After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the burner and leave to cool;
  4. We eat the berries, sort through and remove the stalks, then knead in any convenient way;
  5. Put in a sterilized container with a narrow neck berry puree, add raisins and sugar syrup with lemon wedges. The container must be filled up to ¾.
  6. Cover with a rag and send to a dark place for a week.

In the morning and in the evening, mix the mass with a wooden stick.

  1. After 6-8 days, carefully drain berry juice... We close the bottle with a stopper with a straw, which must be lowered into a small jar of water.
  2. After 7 days, drain the wine from the lees.

We bottle the drink and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. If you want to do fortified wine, then at the finishing stage add 0.5 liters of 40% vodka to it.

A simple recipe without water

Before preparing the wine, we lightly rinse the berries so as not to wash off wild yeast that are on the skin. They are essential for the normal fermentation process.


  • 8 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar.

Step by step cooking at home

  1. We sort out the berries, pour them into a bowl and knead them by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained;
  2. Pour out granulated sugar and transfer to a 10 liter jar.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3 days.

Shake the bottle periodically so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

  1. At the next stage, we filter the wort through several layers of gauze and squeeze the cake.
  2. We cover with a lid and a water seal and put away in a cool place.
  3. After a couple of months, fermentation will stop. Using a tube, drain the wine from the lees. We leave it for one more week.

After the specified time, pour the drink into clean bottles and put it in the cellar for storage. The maximum strength of the wine is 18 degrees.

Homemade strawberry jam wine in a 3-liter jar

If you did it yourself, and it fermented for some reason, then do not throw it away. It is perfect for preparing a fragrant and delicate drink.


  • 1.5 liters of jam;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • 1 tbsp raisins

For long-term storage, only sterilized containers should be used.


  1. We heat the water to 20-25 degrees and mix in any convenient container with jam.

Jam with mold cannot be used. Such a product will spoil the taste and can harm your health.

  1. Add raisins and taste. If required, pour 50 g of granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients in the jar. We pull a rubber glove over the neck and make several holes on it through which gases will escape. We remove the container in a warm place.
  3. After 3-4 days, use a tube to drain a little juice, dilute it with 50 g of sugar and pour it back into the container. We put on a glove and leave it for 5 days.
  4. You can repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. We leave to wander for two months.
  6. When the glove is lowered, you can drain the wine from the lees. We filter it and pour it into jars.

The drink will take 2-3 months to fully ripen.

Alcoholic drink made from strawberry compote

In one of the previous articles, I described how to do . If you have it for some reason sour or deteriorated, then it can be used to make delicious wine.


  • 3 liters of compote;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 100 g of sugar.

Cooking technology

  1. Strain the strawberry compote. We do not throw away the berry mass, they will still be useful to us.
  2. Heat 1 glass of juice to 30 ° C and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Add raisins to speed up fermentation.
  3. Pour the starter culture into a small container, cover with gauze and remove for 4 days.
  4. After the start of fermentation, pour the starter culture into a container with strained compote. We cover with a lid with a water seal and put away in a dark place.
  5. We grind the berries, filter through a sieve and cover with a small amount of sugar. We put the mass on the stove and cook over low heat.
  6. When the mixture cools down, pour it into a separate container, fill it with water and put it in a warm place.

On cold days, cover the container with the ingredients with a blanket or towel.

  1. When the fermentation process is completed in both jars, then drain the juice from them, mix, filter and pour into the jars.

The strength of this wine does not exceed 15 degrees. The drink will be ready to drink in 3 months.

There are more complex cooking methods. We have considered the most simple strawberry wine recipes. Be sure to make a few blanks for the winter.

Homemade strawberry wine is made quite rarely, because with any harvest of berries there is simply no remaining for it.

Everyone, young and old,
They love fresh strawberries.

Although some homemade lovers make strawberry wine and it turns out amazing.

Strawberry wins the majority in terms of its wonderful aroma garden berries... No wonder strawberry drink often use for aromatization of home wines that do not have a pronounced odor.

By the way! To get the most out of the strawberry flavor, it is prepared without sugar.

Since each gram of it reduces the strawberry component. In addition, the berry itself is quite sweet. Its sugar content can reach 9%, which means that 1 kg of berries contains 70 g of sugar.

The subtleties of cooking

Many people consider strawberries a problematic raw material for home winemaking... However, knowledge of certain nuances of cooking helps to avoid problems that arise.

Choice of capacity

Most convenient for making wine glass container, since through its transparent walls you can observe the processes that will occur during fermentation.

The best option for a fermentation vessel would be the choice of 10 or 20 liter pharmaceutical bottles made of dark glass. Before use, they must be washed well and scalded with boiling water.

Important! It is necessary to choose a container taking into account the fact that the wort can occupy no more than 75% of its volume in order to avoid problems with foam and carbon dioxide removal.

Procurement of raw materials and production of sourdough

Fans of home winemaking are well aware of the insidiousness of the strawberry drink.

To get wine with magic taste, it is better to use slightly overripe (from the last collection) berries, among which in no case should there be clearly spoiled or slightly rotten.

Contrary to popular belief about the undesirability of washing fruit and berry raw materials due to the possible washing off of wild yeast, strawberries need to be washed and very thorough.

Indeed, in the garden bed, it grows right next to the ground and from the rain it can be heavily splashed with mud. An alternative to natural yeast can be raisin.

If there are no raisins on hand, you can cook leaven... This will require:

  • 2 cups not washed, but clean berries;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 200 g of filtered water.

The sourdough preparation process is quite simple. Pour all the ingredients into a bottle and fill it with water. Close the bottle and shake well. After 3-4 days of infusion in a warm place, the leaven is ready.

It must be filtered through 2 layers of gauze. You can store the starter culture for no more than 10 days. After this period, it turns sour and becomes useless as a yeast.

Note. For effective action its leaven should be added to correct proportions... For dessert wines, 3% sourdough is sufficient.

Strawberry juice and sugar wine recipe

The difficulty of making strawberry alcoholic beverages is that the juice has to be obtained not by squeezing, but as a result of fermentation of the berry mass mixed with sugar and sourdough.

For cooking strawberry wine this recipe only needs two ingredients - granulated sugar and ripe (or even better, slightly overripe) berries.

The ingredients are taken in the following proportion: for 1 kg of berries 170 g of sand. Preparation:

  • Wash and dry the prepared berries thoroughly.
  • Then carefully knead each strawberry with your hands.

Important! When chopping berries mechanically, there is a risk of crushing tiny strawberry seeds, which can then come around with a slight bitterness in a fabulous drink.

  • Transfer the berry puree to a glass bottle and cover with sugar.
  • Add a handful of raisins or pre-prepared sourdough.
  • Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and leave in a warm place for three to four days at rest.
  • After that, over the next two weeks, the wort should be remixed several times after 2-3 days.
  • During this time, carbon dioxide will lift up the pulp, separated from the juice.
  • The dense "dehydrated" cap of the pulp must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon.
  • Pour the cleaned wort into a clean bottle, which is placed under a water seal in a warm place.
  • After 8-10 days, there will be less gas bubbles, a sediment will form at the bottom of the bottle, and a layer of oily substance from berry seeds on top.
  • The wine must be carefully drained using a thin hose or tube, without touching the sediment and " upper layer”And then move to a cool place.
  • Such transfusions will have to be performed three more times - after a week, 10 and 14 days, in order to remove the appearing sediment. As the drink becomes transparent, it will fall out less and less.
  • After about two months, the wine is additionally filtered and bottled.

By the way! The "insidiousness" of strawberry wine lies in the fact that it cannot be overexposed on the lees.

The strawberry seed oil gives the wort a bitter taste. The situation can be saved by repeated straining through a layer of cotton wool.

How to get fortified at home?

Novice lovers of homemade winemaking should try to make fortified strawberry wine according to a very simple recipe. To do this, you need only a few ingredients: one kilogram of berries and granulated sugar, as well as 500 g of water, etc.

You need to prepare it as follows:

  1. The berries should be washed and mashed in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Heat the water and dissolve granulated sugar in it.
  3. Transfer the berry mass to a suitable container and fill it with sweet water.
  4. Place a container under a water seal in a warm place.
  5. At the end of fermentation, filter the wort.
  6. Pour the resulting drink into clean jar, add vodka and put in a cool place.
  7. After 7-9 days, it can be bottled and taken to the basement.
  8. After about a month, fortified strawberry wine homemade ready for tasting.

Video recipes for strawberry wine

First part simple recipe making homemade strawberry wine classical technology(working with pulp, wort, adding sugar and fermentation):

Continuation - removal from the sediment and exposure, step by step technology with proportions:

Another recipe is a great, nectar drink with a rich aroma, this strawberry wine belongs to the category of semi-dry wines, look:

Young strawberry wine tastes too tart. But after a month or two, it evens out and becomes fabulous, not to mention the aroma, and therefore homemade strawberry wine few people have until the New Year.

Now any wine can be bought in the store. But the good is expensive, and the cheap contains many unnatural ingredients in the form of colors and flavors. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade wine, prepared according to all the rules of winemaking.

This will seem strange to many, but wine - useful product... It contains the same substances that are rich in the initial raw materials. The only difference is that during fermentation, alcohol is formed in the wine, as well as glycerin, succinic and lactic acids.

Wine contains potassium, phosphorus, pectins, sugar. It also contains a small amount of vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, PP.

Wine has bactericidal properties. It has been proven that typhoid and cholera bacteria die in it in the first half hour.

Wine stimulates appetite, restores strength, increases the body's resistance to disease. But only if you use it in moderation.

At home, wine is made with a small amount of alcohol. To do this, use any fruits and berries: apples, currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, pears, mountain ash, strawberries.

The taste and aroma of wine depends on the quality of the raw materials that were used for it, as well as on how accurately all the rules for its production were followed.

Strawberry wine: the subtleties of preparation

  • Strawberries are not a very good raw material for making wines. Wines made from it are poorly stored and often turn sour. Strawberry juice is difficult to squeeze out and is poorly clarified.
  • This berry is not suitable for making dry wine. But it makes a good delicate wine of the liqueur type.
  • Only intensely colored berries should be used.
  • The strength of the wine is influenced by the amount of sugar. The more it is, the stronger the drink will be. But you need to take into account the natural sugar that is in the berries. To get a product with a strength of 11 °, you need to take about 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice, and for a wine strength of 14-16 ° per 1 liter of juice, you need 240-290 g of sugar.
  • In order for the wine to ferment, it must contain about 7 g of acid per 1 liter of juice. There are about 12 g of acid in a liter of strawberry juice. This means that to get one liter of wine, you need to take 0.5 liters of juice and add the same amount of water to it.
  • It is not recommended to wash the raw materials, as “wild yeast” is present on the surface of any berries, which are responsible for fermentation. But this does not apply to strawberries, as they come into contact with the ground, there can be a lot of dirt on them, which, once in the wine, will deteriorate its quality.
  • Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be substituted with raisins or made by yourself. Berries are not washed for her.

Sourdough preparation

The sourdough is stored for no more than 10 days, so start making it shortly before making the wine.


  • strawberries - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.


  • Gather ripe berries that are not contaminated with soil.
  • Crush the unwashed strawberries thoroughly in a bowl. Pour the resulting puree into a bottle.
  • Add water and sugar.
  • Shake the mixture. Close the bottle with a cotton stopper.
  • Place in a dark place at an air temperature of 22-24 °.
  • After 4 days, the juice will ferment. It will need to be filtered through cheesecloth.

The leaven is ready. For cooking dessert wine 3% sourdough is required. That is, for 10 liters of wine, you need to take 200-300 ml of starter culture.

Strawberry wine: recipe one


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • raisins - 30 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare a glass bottle and stopper with a drain tube in advance. To make more wine, it is enough to proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.
  • Sort the strawberries. Remove dirty berries, leaves, stalks. Wash in clean water... Let it drain.
  • In an enamel saucepan or plastic bowl, mash the berries until puree. You cannot use a meat grinder, as its metal parts negatively affect the quality of raw materials.
  • Dissolve sugar in warm water... Combine with pulp (strawberry puree).
  • Pour into a bottle. Add raisins. Instead of raisins, you can use a pre-prepared sourdough, calculating the proportions. Fill the container 2/3 full so that there is enough room for fermentation. Shake everything well.
  • At a temperature of 22-24 °, fermentation of the pulp actively lasts 3-5 days.
  • Pour the liquid carefully into a clean bottle. Squeeze the pulp with cheesecloth or put on a sieve. Pour the juice into a bottle.
  • Close the container with a stopper with a special tube, the end of which is dipped into a jar of water. Carbon dioxide will leave the bottle through it, and oxygen will not get inside. If you do not make a branch pipe, then the wine can turn into vinegar.
  • During further fermentation the temperature in the bottle rises. To prevent the yeast from peroxidizing, take the container to a cool, dark place and leave until the end of the cycle. After about 20-40 days, carbon dioxide ceases to be released, and the yeast settles to the bottom.
  • Pour the wine gently into a clean bottle using a siphon or soft thin tube. Fill the container to the top so that the cork displaces the wine.
  • Place the bottled wine in the cellar and leave for 4 weeks to clarify. During this time, a precipitate will again fall out.
  • Pour the wine into a clean bottle again, and after a month pour finished product into bottles.

Strawberry wine: recipe two


  • strawberries - 8 kg;
  • sugar - 100-150 g per 1 kg of berries.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries. Rinse in clean water. Remove the sepals.
  • Transfer the berries to a basin. Remember with your hands to the state of gruel.
  • Transfer the pulp to a ten-liter glass bottle.
  • Add sugar.
  • Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and place in a warm place for three days. During this time, the pulp will rise to the surface, and the juice will remain in the bottom of the container. Drain the juice into a clean bottle. Close with a stopper or a drain tube dipped in a jar of water. Keep the juice in the bottle until fermentation stops.
  • Transfer the can to a cool room and leave for 30-50 days until the juice clears. Then drain the juice with a thin hose into another glass container and let stand for a few more days.
  • Pour the settled wine into bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

Fortified strawberry wine


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, remove the leaves and sepals. Rinse with clean water.
  • Transfer to a wide bowl and mash with your hands or a pestle until puree.
  • Add sugar and hot water.
  • Pour into a bottle. Close with a stopper with a bleed tube. Leave in a warm, dark place for 5-7 days.
  • Strain the pulp, squeeze with gauze. Transfer to a clean bottle.
  • Pour in vodka. To make the wine delicious, use alcoholic beverages High Quality... Shake well. Insist for another week. Strain.
  • Pour into bottles, cork. Store in a cool place. You can take a sample in a week.

Note to the hostess

To get a sweeter wine, before bottling it, add syrup with a little water to it: 800 g of sugar is taken for 200 g of water. In order not to resume fermentation, the wine is pasteurized.

  • For this, so much wine is poured into the bottles so that there is a free space of 2 cm.
  • Seal with a cork, secure it with twine.
  • Warm up for 20 minutes in water at 65 °.
  • The cork is untied. Outside, the neck of the bottle is covered with sealing wax or tar.

Wine bottles are stored in a recumbent position so that the cork does not dry out and remains damp all the time. This prevents air from entering the bottle.

The optimum storage temperature for wine is + 8 °.

Before use, a bottle of wine is kept in the same position in which it was stored. Then slowly and carefully pour the contents into a decanter. As soon as even a slight turbidity appears, the bottle is lifted. Wine is poured from a decanter into glasses. It cannot be stored in a decanter, as it quickly oxidizes.

We are all looking forward to summer to enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh strawberries. A experienced winemakers and beginners are waiting for the berry wine season to begin.

  1. For most fruit wines, it is strictly forbidden to wash the fruits, so as not to wash off the wild yeast, but with strawberries everything is different. If you skip this stage, then ready-made drink, an unpleasant earthy taste will appear.
  2. Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be substituted with raisins or made by yourself. Berries are not washed for her.
  3. Strawberries can't be cooked dry wine... This ingredient is suitable for dessert and liqueur types of wine. Since without sugar and water, the berries will not be able to give the right amount juice.
  4. For fermentation, it is not recommended to use a container in which milk was previously stored.
  5. Before starting cooking, it is advisable to rinse all containers with boiling water, and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.

Now you can safely go directly to the recipes and step by step instructions making homemade wine.

Classic strawberry wine


  1. Strawberry - 3 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 2 kg
  3. Water - 3 l
  4. High quality raisins - 100 g

Cooking method

  1. The strawberries must be washed very thoroughly, the stalks and spoiled berries must be removed. Then we crush each strawberry with our hands or with a wooden spatula.
  2. We heat the water to 30 degrees, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and mix well until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Into a container with a wide neck (basin, bucket or enamel pot) pour the prepared berries, unwashed raisins and pour in the syrup. All ingredients should not exceed 3/4 of the container volume, as the wort can overflow during fermentation.
  4. We cover our container with gauze and leave for 5-7 days in a dark place with a temperature of about 18-28 degrees. Do not forget to stir the contents of the container with a wooden spatula several times a day.
  5. As soon as the stage of active fermentation ends, the liquid must be filtered, squeezed out, and then filtered.
  6. We fill the glass container by 70-75% with the obtained strawberry juice, add 500 g of sugar, mix and install a water seal. Or, in the old fashioned way, we use a medical glove with a small hole on the finger. We leave for 1-2 months in a dark, warm place (18-28 degrees).
  7. In five days quiet fermentation add another 250 g of granulated sugar. To do this, drain 200 ml of liquid, dissolve sugar in it and then pour it back into a common container. We install the water seal and after five days we repeat this manipulation with the remaining granulated sugar.
  8. As soon as fermentation is completely over, the young wine must be drained from the sediment using a drip tube or in any other way convenient for you.
  9. Then we remove the sample and, if desired, you can add a sweetener or add strength with vodka or good alcohol.
  10. If you added sugar in the previous step, then it is better to reinstall the water seal and let it stand for another ten days.
  11. There should be no empty space in the storage container between the lid and the beverage.
  12. Homemade wine should be transferred to a room with a temperature of 5-16 degrees and left to stabilize the taste for 3 months. As the sediment falls, the drink must be carefully drained and poured into a clean container.
  13. As soon as the strawberry wine stops giving sediment, we bottle it and store it for no more than 2 years.

Homemade strawberry wine


  1. Strawberry - 8 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of berries

Housewives do not in vain love fragrant and delicious berry- strawberries. After all, you can cook so many goodies from it. But, unfortunately, the season of this delicacy is fleeting, it is for this reason that they try to process it as quickly as possible, making it a variety of jams, compotes, juices.

Homemade strawberry wine is another type of blanks from juicy berries... It is ideal both for treats and as a filling in desserts. Strawberry wine has a gorgeous bright red color, pleasant discriminating taste and unforgettable scent fresh berries.

In fact, wine is prepared quite simply, but the berry is very reluctant to give up its juice - this is what can complicate the task of making alcoholic beverage... But by adding some ingredients, the fermentation process can be started without much difficulty.

Let's take a look at the best strawberry wine recipes. Following them, even an inexperienced housewife can make a drink at home.

A simple recipe for fortified strawberry wine


  • fresh strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • hot water - 500 ml;
  • vodka - 500 ml.


After seven days, the fortified wine can be consumed.

Homemade Jam Wine Recipe


  • water - 1 liter;
  • strawberry jam - 1 liter;
  • raisins - 100 grams.


How to make strawberry wine from compote?

It happens for every housewife that the blank is not very successful and the lid on the jar with strawberry compote explodes. Do not rush to throw out the product, because from the fermented compote you get a great strawberry wine, which is as easy as shelling pears to make at home.


  • granulated sugar - 350 grams;
  • compote - 3 liters;
  • rice groats - 50 grams.


  1. Pour the compote into a larger container, if there is none, you can take two three-liter cans and divide all the ingredients in two.
  2. Add unwashed rice, granulated sugar.
  3. Pierce one finger in a medical rubber glove and pull it over the neck of the container. If there is a water seal, then you can use it.
  4. Remove the container with the contents for a month in a warm place.
  5. As soon as the gas stops coming out, the process may end a little earlier or later than the allotted time, strain the drink and bottle it.

Soak strawberry wine for another 2 months in a cool place.

Recipe without water

Due to the fact that there is no water in the recipe, the wine turns out to be especially rich and aromatic.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 600 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort out the berries, rinse them in a colander, let the excess liquid drain.
  2. Transfer the strawberries to a saucepan or any other suitable container and mash them into a puree. To do this, you can use a potato pusher or fork, blender.
  3. Stir the berry puree with granulated sugar, put the mixture in glass containers, put on a glove with a hole in one finger over the neck. And put the container in a warm place.
  4. After a week, the puree will exfoliate, and the pulp will float to the surface of the mash. It will need to be removed with a spoon, squeezed thoroughly through several layers of gauze.
  5. Combine the juice squeezed from the pulp and the remaining liquid in the jar. Put on the glove again, now leaving the container for at least three weeks.
  6. This time is enough for young wine to mature.
  7. Strain the drink, bottle it. Refrigerate for another week.

Strawberry wine with sugar syrup


  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

How to make wine according to this recipe?

  1. Place the rinsed strawberries in a glass container and crush them.
  2. Boil the syrup from granulated sugar and water.
  3. Mix the berry mass with sugar syrup, remove for fermentation for a week in a warm place.
  4. Strain the drink, pour it into prepared dry bottles.
  5. Soak in a cold place for another month.

Wine with additives


  • strawberries - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • shredded lemon zest- 30 grams;
  • vanillin - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Sort the berries, mix with sugar, vanilla and lemon zest.
  2. Give the mixture three days for the fermentation process to start.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to ferment, put a water seal on the neck of the can and remove the container for three weeks in a warm room.
  4. Filter the finished wine, store in a cool place.