How to make mimosa salad with saury. Features of cooking mimosa from canned saury

08.04.2019 Egg dishes

Date of publication: 18.11.2017

Mimosa salad is a dish that is used in everyday or festive kitchen... It is very simple and quick to prepare it. And if you know some of the subtleties and nuances, then the salad will turn out to be tender and melting in your mouth. This dish has appeared not so long ago. This happened in the 70s, when there was not a large assortment of products on store shelves. The Soviet people really liked it and they began to cook it on a par with herring under a fur coat and Olivier. And until now, this "three" recipes are very popular. For many, this is a recipe from childhood.

Let's go through the most delicious recipes step by step:

The secrets of cooking our "hero of the day":
1. It is better not to cook vegetables a little, than to digest them. Otherwise the salad will be like porridge
2. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, then the yolk will turn yellow. Overcooked eggs have a gray color. It is better to take village eggs, they have a bright, beautiful yolk.
3. Lubricate the layers with mayonnaise, do not overdo it. No need to pour it, just miss it. It'll be enough. Especially if the salad is soaked properly
4. Buy high-quality and expensive canned food. And also from a good fish. Do not take sardines or herring in oil. Of course, they are cheaper, but the taste of the salad is not the same. Especially from herring, it tastes bitter.
Well, now I will share with you your favorite recipes for Mimosa salad.

The classic recipe for Mimosa salad with canned food

We need:

  • Canned fish (saury, mackerel, salmon, pink salmon) - one can
  • Boiled potatoes 4 tubers
  • Boiled carrots 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise (fatty and tasty), herbs, salt to taste

Step-by-step cooking recipe (with photo report)

First, let's decide on the dishes. For everyday cuisine i use deep, transparent dishes... For the festive table - small portioned salad bowls, necessarily transparent, so that the layers of salad are visible. Or for a holiday, you can arrange a salad using a special form.

Cooking process:

You need to boil and cool vegetables and eggs. Boil the eggs in salted water with a medium boil for 10 minutes. It is better to cook potatoes and carrots without peeling, you can in one pan. Salt as usual, to taste. Please note that the potatoes are cooked first, the carrots are cooked at different times depending on the thickness of the root crop.

It is better to cook vegetables the day before or a few hours before cooking - so they cool well and will be easy to clean.

We open a can of canned food and wrinkle them with a fork, after draining the oil and pulling out the bones from the fish.

Finely chop the onion and scald with boiling water. So we get rid of the bitterness of the onion.

Be sure to fold it on a sieve so that the water is well glass.

We rub vegetables and protein on a fine or medium grater. The taste of the salad also depends on this. It is more convenient for me to rub the food directly into the salad bowl, but you can grate everything separately and then simply transfer it in layers.

I rub everything on fine grater- this is how the salad turns out to be tender and airy.

Now let's start shaping our layers.

Each will be coated with mayonnaise. The most convenient way to do this is to first pour the layer with thin streams of mayonnaise, then spread it with a silicone spatula or spoon. To easily pour mayonnaise in such a thin stream, just cut off the corner of the mayonnaise bag by 2-3 mm

For the formation of the salad, it is convenient to use any round shape without a bottom, you can even have a plastic container with a cut off bottom - so even on flat dish you get a beautiful flaky salad.

half boiled potatoes, grease with mayonnaise

a fish


second half of potatoes

egg whites

egg yolks

And now we need to remove ready meal in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours - so the salad will be saturated and will be even tastier. You can cook it on the eve of the holiday. But do not forget, salads with mayonnaise cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator.

If you are preparing a salad the night before, then it is better to sprinkle grated yolks in the morning, otherwise they will dry out.

We decorate the salad as your imagination allows you. You can use greens, boiled carrots, quail eggs, red or black caviar. You can make cute mice out of eggs or decorate with "sprigs of mimosa".

Step-by-step recipe for Mimosa with canned food and cheese

If you want to change your favorite salad a little and give it new taste then this recipe is for you. In general, I like to add cheese to salads. Therefore, this option is more to my liking.

Here's what we need:

  • Boiled potatoes 4 tubers
  • Boiled carrots 3 pieces
  • Hard boiled eggs 5 pieces
  • One head is enough onions
  • High fat mayonnaise
  • Hard cheese 150 grams
  • greens for salad dressing

The order of preparation and layers of salad:

As you can see, the list of products has not changed much. One appeared new ingredient- cheese. We prepare all products in the same way as in the classic recipe - boil vegetables and eggs, refrigerate and three on a medium or fine grater. Grind the fish with a fork. Finely chop the onion.

Now we lay the layers in the salad bowl as follows:

half of boiled potatoes, grated on a fine grater

canned fish crushed with a fork (get rid of the bones)

onions (I advise you to scald with boiling water or pickle in vinegar)

the rest of the potatoes

cheese is desirable hard varieties rub on a medium or fine grater

boiled carrots grated on a medium or fine grater

grind egg whites on a fine grater

yolks from eggs with crumbling hands or rubbing on a fine grater

And, of course, high fat mayonnaise for each layer of our salad. Except for the last layer of yolks. We do not coat it with mayonnaise. It looks ugly. But don't forget to decorate. We do this before serving. As in the previous version, let the salad soak in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - it will become tastier.

Mimosa salad with canned food and apple

For lovers of an unusual taste, this recipe is right at the right time. We replace the potatoes with an apple and enjoy the new salad. In addition, the calorie content of this dish is much less than that of its counterparts.

We need:

  • Canned fish (saury, mackerel, salmon, pink salmon) one can
  • Boiled carrots 3 pieces
  • Hard boiled eggs 5 pieces
  • Hard cheese 150 grams
  • Large sweet and sour apple

Take an apple of sweet and sour variety (Antonovka or Semerenko variety is just right). The taste of the salad will only benefit from this. And it is advisable to peel it off, so the salad will be softer.

Salad preparation:

Drain the oil with the fish, select all the bones and knead it with a fork. Let's coat the layer with mayonnaise.

Rub the egg whites on a fine grater. Salt and coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer will be cheese grated on a medium grater. Lubricate a little with mayonnaise.

Peeled, grated on coarse grater put the apple on the cheese. If it is very juicy, you can squeeze it out a little. And again a layer of mayonnaise.

The apple is followed by the grated boiled carrot. Season with salt and grease with mayonnaise.

Our last layer will be finely chopped yolks.

We decorate with herbs, olives, olives to your taste.

And as always, it is better to let all the flaky salads soak. Therefore, I always cook them in the evening, so that it becomes softer and tastier.

Mimosa recipe with canned food and rice

Not everyone loves potatoes in salads. Then this recipe is just for you. Maybe it will become your favorite recipe.

We need:

  • Canned fish (saury, mackerel, salmon, pink salmon) one can
  • Round rice 100 grams
  • Green feather onion to taste
  • Boiled carrots 3 pieces
  • Hard boiled eggs 5 pieces
  • Mayonnaise, herbs, spices, salt to taste
  • Hard cheese 150 grams

Step by step cooking:

First, let's choose products for the salad. You can use plain or sausage cheese. Sausage gives the dish a very interesting flavor. Rice can be used in a round or oval shape. Canned saury, salmon, pink salmon, mackerel to your taste. Since the yolks of village eggs are brighter in color, it is best to use them. The dish will look prettier.

Let's start preparing the salad. Rinse the rice. We repeat this procedure until the water stops being cloudy. Put the rice in boiling salted water. Cooking for 15 minutes. Throw it back on a sieve, rinsing thoroughly.

Boil carrots, eggs. While they are cooling down, let's take care of the cheese. Grind it on a coarse grater. Grind eggs and carrots on a medium or fine grater. Cut the whites separately from the yolks. We remove the bones from the canned food, knead the fish. Chop green onions.

We form our salad:

  • canned food
  • proteins
  • carrot
  • yolk

When composing layers, we coat each product with mayonnaise. You can add a little salt to the salad. But I don’t salt, because the mayonnaise is already salty. But that's up to you. Serve the salad without disturbing the beauty of the layers.

Mimosa salad with butter

There is one more interesting recipe preparing this famous dish- with butter. Of course, this is far from dietary option but for some he is a favorite.

As you can see, making "Mimosa" is not difficult at all. And almost every housewife has ingredients for it. The salad can be prepared to complement your meal. Or submit as independent dish for dinner. Please your household with Mimosa salad !!!

Of all the varieties of festive dishes, salad snacks are the most popular in our country. Today we will cook mimosa salad with saury - a dish that has so firmly entered our traditional menu that without it it is difficult to imagine any feast. This one delicious salad there are many variations, but still the most successful is classic recipe, which we will consider in particular in detail.

Features of cooking mimosa from canned saury

If you have tried to make a mimosa salad on your own at least once, then you probably know that canned fish are traditionally used to make this salad snack. It is this ingredient that carries the most important flavoring accent, and therefore the success of the entire snack as a whole largely depends on its quality and aroma.

Tinned saury, in this regard, is one of the most best options... However, do not forget that other ingredients play an important role in the taste of the final treat.

  • Most often, potatoes are not put into mimosa with saury at all - its taste somewhat drowns out the aroma of this fish. If, nevertheless, potatoes are included in the recipe, then they are boiled strictly without the peel.
  • Butter, which is often found in mimosas, is not used in this type of salad. The fact is that canned saury already comes with oil, and an additional addition butter fat will make the salad too heavy.

  • It is best to choose light mayonnaise, or make your own low-fat sauce. So you will reduce the calorie content of the dish and make it less harmful to the figure.
  • If you have a need to concoct dietary mimosa with saury, then exclude mayonnaise, potatoes and most of the yolks from the recipe. Thus, the amount of carbohydrates in the salad will decrease, and, consequently, its calorie content.
  • Onion for cold appetizer with saury it is best to use salad or red. These varieties of vegetables have almost no bitterness and have pleasant taste... If you use onions, then after cutting, soak them in boiling water for 10-15 minutes to get rid of the bitterness.

How to arrange the layers correctly when preparing the classic mimosa with saury

Many culinary experts believe that the most important moment in the preparation of any mimosa is the arrangement of its layers. In fact, this is not as important as it might seem at first glance.

Observance of the order of layers primarily affects the beauty of the salad, and not its taste.

However, there is an order that is considered to be classical.

  • The first layer is almost always saury. It is pre-kneaded with a fork to achieve a more delicate and uniform consistency.
  • Next, chopped onion is laid out.
  • The next layer is usually grated egg whites.
  • In the upper part, grated carrots are traditionally placed, and then potatoes.
  • The very top of the salad is decorated with grated egg yolk.

Since grated boiled potatoes can hardly be called juicy, it is sometimes transferred to the very bottom of the salad. Top saury with vegetable oil moisturizes it, and therefore the dish as a whole turns out to be both tender and not very greasy.

The preparation of this type of salad is so easy that you don't even need to study any video instructions.

The process itself takes only half an hour of free time, and therefore the preparation of such a salad may well be a way out of a situation when you urgently need to set the table.


  • Potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Salad or red onion - ½-1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Canned saury in oil - 1 can;
  • Mayonnaise "Light" - for lubrication;
  • Zelenushka is a bunch.

How to quickly and easily prepare a mimosa salad with saury with your own hands step by step

  1. First, we wash the chicken eggs under running water with soap or detergent... We put them in a small saucepan, fill with cool water, which we salt abundantly and put on high heat.
  2. After the water boils, we reduce the strength of the fire and detect it for 10 minutes - during this time our testicles will boil well, but their yolk will not darken.
  3. We move the finished eggs into a container with cold water and leave to cool.
  4. In parallel with this, I wash the vegetables and peel them off.
  5. We send potatoes and carrots to boil in a little water until soft. You can immediately add a little salt to the water, so as not to use salt in the salad.
  6. Grate boiled vegetables on a medium grater. We do the same with the cooled testicles, however, grind the protein and yolk parts separately.
  7. Knead the canned fish with a fork. There is no need to drain the oil, so our salad will be even more fragrant.
  8. Remove the peel from the onion, and then chop it quite finely.
  9. After we have prepared all the ingredients, we proceed to the assembly of our mimosa. Put the fish in the first layer in a salad bowl.
  10. Sprinkle it with chopped onion and apply a small amount mayonnaise sauce above.
  11. Now it's the turn of the grated squirrels. We also lightly grease them with mayonnaise.
  12. The last are the layers of carrots and potatoes, it is recommended to coat them with mayonnaise dressing properly.
  13. Fill the very top of the salad with egg yolks and chopped green leaves.

We remove our delicious mimosa with saury in the refrigerator and let it brew there for half an hour or an hour.

The classic step-by-step recipe for delicious mimosa with saury and cheese


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • 2 medium root vegetables + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - 200 ml + -
  • Canned saury in oil- 1 bank + -
  • Green onions - bunch + -

How is mimosa with saury made according to the classic recipe at home

  1. We send carrots to cook in their uniforms, but first they should be well washed from any dirt.
  2. Cook eggs in a standard way, observing all the rules so as not to spoil the color of the yolk.
  3. We clean the onion, chop a quarter with rings or just very finely and fill it with boiling water in a small bowl for 15 minutes. The water can then be drained off.
  4. We rub the cheese curd on a coarse grater, and mash the saury well with a fork right in a jar or in a suitable deep bowl. We drain most of the oil so as not to overload our salad.
  5. Put saury in a deep transparent bowl first, then the scalded onions.
  6. Cover everything lightly with mayonnaise and add grated egg whites. We rub a piece of our cheese here.
  7. At the end, rub the carrots on a fine grater, lightly tamp the contents of the bowl and pour mayonnaise for the last time.
  8. Fill our mimosa with grated yolk on top.
  9. Rinse the green onion under running water and cut into small rings, sprinkle with it ready salad, after which we put the bowl in the refrigerator for an hour.

Quite often in the composition of mimosa, cooked the traditional way, some edits and replacements are made. So, potatoes are perfectly replaced by rice, and carrots - by an apple.


  • Rice - ½ cup;
  • Hard or semi-hard cheese - 250 g;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Red onion - ½-1 head;
  • Light mayonnaise - 200 ml;
  • Eggs the highest category- 4 things.;
  • Canned saury in oil - 1 can.

Cooking unusual homemade mimosa with canned saury and apples

  1. First, let's prepare our rice. To begin with, it should be thoroughly rinsed until the flowing water becomes transparent.
  2. Now we pour a glass into a saucepan pure water, add some salt and bring to a boil, then add rice. Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  3. We will boil the eggs in the same way as we did in the previous recipes.
  4. Peel the apple and remove the seeds.
  5. The onion should be removed from the husk and cut into thin half rings.
  6. Three cheese on a coarse grater and do the same with the eggs.
  7. We mumble saury with a fork, do not drain the oil.
  8. At the bottom of the salad bowl, first put the rice - it will absorb the oil from the canned food, then we put the fish.
  9. Grease with sauce, put onion and grated apple.
  10. More mayonnaise, grated egg whites and cheese.
  11. Lubricate the surface of the cheese just a little with mayonnaise dressing and finish everything with yolks.

A similar mimosa salad with saury and apples is extremely different. delicate taste and consistency. Particularly successful flavor combination it turns out if you use not sugary apples, but slightly sour ones - this will refresh the taste picture of the snack and make it especially original.

Many are known today delicious variations salad "Mimosa" with saury. Among them are snacks with the addition of cheese, fresh or pickled cucumber, carrots and even fruit. The hostess can only choose among them the most interesting option for herself.

Classic salad "Mimosa" with saury

A proven recipe includes a minimal list of ingredients. Products: 3 pcs. chicken eggs (hard-boiled), half onion, a standard jar of saury in oil, 2 potato tubers, carrots, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Boil potatoes and carrots until soft. After that, the vegetables are peeled, cooled and rubbed on a coarse grater. Similarly, you need to grind the eggs, having previously divided them into components. It is better to rub the yolk as finely as possible.
  2. The fish gets rid of bones and liquid, kneading with a fork.
  3. The onion is cut into cubes, poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  4. Prepared products are laid out in layers: canned food - onions - proteins - carrots - potatoes - yolks.
  5. Some of them are optionally salted and coated with mayonnaise.

The appetizer is prepared with fresh parsley.

With the addition of cheese

The treat turns out to be especially tasty if you add to it hard cheese... Ingredients: a jar of saury in oil, onion, 3 chicken eggs (hard boiled), boiled carrot, 2 boiled potatoes, 80 g of cheese, salt, mayonnaise, 4 large spoons of vinegar.

  1. First of all, the onion cubes are marinated in a 1/1 mixture of vinegar and water. The vegetable should be in the liquid for 12-15 minutes.
  2. All pre-cooked ingredients are cooled and rubbed on a grater. Hard cheese is shredded in the same way.
  3. Saury is peeled, choked with a fork, and then mixed with pickled onions.
  4. Layers of snacks are laid out in next order: cheese - fish and onions - carrots - potatoes - eggs.

Mimosa salad with saury and cheese is salted to taste and coated with mayonnaise.

Cooking recipe with rice

Instead of saury for this recipe, you can take sardines in oil. This will not affect the taste of the finished treat. Ingredients: 220 g rice, 4 pcs. chicken eggs, 2 small carrots, onion, pickled cucumber, 2 small. tablespoons of onions, a pinch of sugar, mayonnaise, salt, 2 large spoons of water.

"Mimosa" with saury is a variation of the popular classic salad, which is often prepared on the occasion of major holidays such as New Year, March 8. To puff salad insisted, it is enough to give him a "rest" for literally an hour. In addition to your fish choices, you can also change other ingredients, such as replacing potatoes with boiled rice, remove the cheese and add a layer of butter, only the most delicious.


  • 1 large potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 200 g canned saury
  • 1/2 onion
  • 3-4 sprigs of greens
  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 30 ml mayonnaise


1. Potatoes, carrots and chicken eggs you need to cook, and then sue. Potato

Pit and grate on a coarse grater.

2. Take a deep salad bowl or lay out the salad on a platter using a special ring. Put the grated potatoes in the first layer, tamp and brush with mayonnaise.

3. On a saucer, mash the canned saury with a fork. Peel the onions and finely chop half of them, mix with the fish.

4. Make a layer of fish and onion potatoes, tamp, do not grease with mayonnaise.

5. The next step is carrots - peel and grate on a coarse grater.

6. Place the carrots on top of the fish layer, tamp and brush with a little mayonnaise.

7. Peel and grate chicken eggs - yolks with whites. Mix them with mayonnaise for easier spreading on the carrot layer.

What salad with saury and egg do you know? Of course, Mimosa. Such a festive dish does not require expensive ingredients and a large number free time. That is why many housewives appreciate it. Today we will introduce you two different options making this popular salad.

Classic salad "Mimosa": recipe with saury

If you run your own household, then the presented dish can cost you a penny. After all, it only needs chicken eggs and vegetables. However, you still have to buy something.

So, the classic fishy one requires the use of products such as:

  • medium fat mayonnaise on quail egg- about 145 g;
  • only village eggs (needed with a bright yellow yolk) - 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • small carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • canned fish "Saira" - standard can;
  • non-bitter salad onion - 1 medium head;
  • hard cheese - about 125 g;
  • sea ​​salt - for boiling vegetables.

Canned fish processing

Mimosa salad (the recipe with saury is most popular among fans of this dish) should be started with processing canned fish... To do this, remove it from the jar and knead it with a fork along with the broth so that you have a homogeneous thick gruel.

By the way, it is advisable to purchase saury for such a salad from a Far Eastern manufacturer. Beware of counterfeits and substandard goods. If you still come across such a fish, then use it for cooking festive dish highly discouraged.

Preparing vegetables

A salad with saury and an egg called "Mimosa" is loved by many. After all, the presented dish turns out to be very tasty and tender.

Before forming it, you need to wash the potatoes and carrots using a brush, and then boil them in their uniforms in boiling salted water. The same is required to do with village eggs.

After heat treatment, the products must be cooled, and then peeled and proceeded to form the salad.

We form a beautiful festive dish

Saury and egg salad is quite easy and simple. To do this, you need to take a slightly deepened large plate, and then evenly distribute all the prepared fish mass over its surface. Further canned product sprinkle with a small amount of finely chopped onions. After that, lay the grated mashed potatoes and carrots on a plate in layers. Having alternately seasoned vegetables with medium-fat mayonnaise, it is also necessary to grate hard cheese with them. Likewise, having smeared these layers with white sauce, they should be evenly covered with crumbs made from egg yolk.

How should the "Mimosa" salad be served correctly on the festive table?

After the saury and egg salad is formed, it must be placed in refrigerator compartment for a few hours. This is necessary so that the layers of the dish are saturated with mayonnaise, become even more tender and tasty. Before serving such a salad, invited guests should definitely decorate it with fresh parsley petals.

Delicious salad with rice

Few people know that a salad like Mimosa can be prepared not only using potatoes, but also using rice groats... With her this dish becomes less high-calorie, but no less tasty.

So, to make a salad from canned fish"Saira", we need:

Preparing ingredients for salad

Preparing the salad from canned fish "Saira" should be done in stages. First you need to rinse long grain rice, and then boil it in salted water until crumbly, rinse thoroughly and remove all liquid. Next, you need to subject heat treatment fresh carrots and rustic eggs. After that, both components must be cooled and cleaned. As for canned fish, it should be removed from the jar and converted into a homogeneous porridge using big spoon... It is also required to finely chop the onion heads and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

We form a portioned dish

To decorate such a salad beautifully, you will need to purchase a molding ring in advance. It must be placed on a flat plate, and then alternately put boiled rice, finely grated carrots, chopped saury, onions, egg white and hard cheese. At the same time, one should not forget that each subsequent layer of products is required in mandatory grease with a little mayonnaise.

After the described steps, the molding ring must be carefully removed, leaving only a beautifully decorated salad on the plate. Further, on its surface (including on the sides), it is necessary to apply a mayonnaise mesh in a thin stream and sprinkle egg yolk grated. As a result, you should end up with a very beautiful bright yellow dish. It should be served only after aging in the refrigerator.

If you do not want to make "Mimosa" in separate portions, then you can carry out all the above actions with the help of an ordinary deep-seated plate of large diameter.