How to decorate boiled beef tongue. How to cook boiled beef tongue: the best recipes

06.05.2019 Desserts and cakes

When you go to the store or to the market, arm yourself with our advice and then you will not be disappointed in your purchase. The product must have an even color, not have dark spots (it is necessary to distinguish between spots of stale goods and spots of natural color) and also a windy crust. It should also be remembered that the larger the tongue, the older the animal was, such a product will take longer to cook. Yes and nutrients there is much more in the tongue in a young animal.

Step two - preliminary preparation

Soak large quantities of offal half an hour before cooking cold water, this process will help us in the future to easily wash off all the dirt. Then, if necessary, scrape off any dirt, blood with a knife and rinse again with water.

Step three - how to boil your tongue

There are several cooking methods. If you are preparing a delicacy for slicing, then use the following recipe.

Put the prepared offal in the pan, pour hot water and place on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove intermittent foam. Then drain the water, pour in a fresh portion of hot water and cook the tongue until tender. Why did we drain the water? Because at the beginning of cooking, everyone leaves the meat unpleasant odors, we drain this broth.

How much to cook beef tongue

It all depends on the age of the animal, the younger it was, the shorter the cooking time will be. So, in order to cook the tongues of a young animal until cooked, you will need from 1 to 1.5 hours. In other cases, longer.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, various roots can be added to the broth ( onion, carrots, parsley, etc.), you can also use fresh herbs, but do not rush to chop it, use petioles that can be tied with a thread. Do not forget about the spices ( bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves, etc.), thereby giving gourmet meat even more aroma, taste and benefit.

Let's say the following about salt, it must be added shortly before the end of the cooking process.

For salads or aspic, some housewives use the following method. The offal prepared in advance is laid out in boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes. After it is extracted and cleaned. Then it is transferred to new water and cooked until tender.

The method is not fundamentally different from the first. The thing is that in a purified form, the tongue absorbs more of the aroma of herbs, roots, spices and salt, i.e. becomes more aromatic. But take note, boiling in a purified form, it will lose more vitamins and nutrients.

How to cook your tongue in a multicooker or pressure cooker

You can also cook beef tongue in a slow cooker. To do this, put the prepared product in a bowl and pour cold water, select the cooking program "Stewing" and set the time to 2.5 - 3 hours depending on the size of the main ingredient. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add a fragrant set of spices, herbs, salt.

For owners of a multicooker - pressure cooker, the cooking time is reduced significantly, the tongue in such a unit will be ready in 40-50 minutes. But there is a little nuancesince in the process, you will not be able to open the lid due to the built-up pressure, then all the ingredients are added at the beginning of cooking.

Step four - how to clean your tongue

Few people know that while the tongue is hot, it cleans very well. The only disadvantage is that it is hot.

If you have difficulties with this, put the finished tongue in cold water for 5 to 8 minutes. This will help you to easily remove the skin from it without spoiling the appearance.

So, before you are several simple ways cooking beef or veal delicacy. And how to submit or further use boiled tongue - your imagination will tell you.

I would like to add that ready-made languages \u200b\u200bcan be stored by wrapping in cling film no more than four days in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

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Beef tongue is a universal product, it can be used to prepare a lot of various dishes - snacks, salads, hot, it can even be eaten instead of sausage with sandwiches. To delicious food made of beef tongue delighted you and your family, we will tell you about the intricacies and nuances of its preparation. Not every housewife takes on the preparation of beef tongue, and this is because the process of cooking it at first glance may seem very complicated. You should not be afraid - even a novice cook will be able to cook a beef tongue deliciously, and we will tell you how it is done. For salads, as well as many other dishes - aspic, soups, pies, the tongue must first be boiled. Therefore, first of all, you should master the science correct cooking beef tongue.

How to cook beef tongue properly:

So, before cooking, it is better to soak the tongue in water for at least half an hour, so that it is easier to clean it from dirt. After soaking with a knife, scrape off mucus, grease, dirt, blood from the tongue, leaving the skin clean, then rinse well under cold water. Next, you need to pour cold water into the pan, bring it to a boil and put your tongue. When boiling, the tongue increases in size, so if it is large, it is best to cut it in half. Boil the tongue until the water boils again, remove the foam, cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water. Next, put the tongue back in boiling water and let it boil, then cook the tongue until tender. Submerging the tongue in boiling water, not cold water, will make it more juicy and tender. The answer to the question of how much to cook beef tongue depends on the weight, size, age of the cow, as a rule, it is not less than 2 and not more than 4 hours. You can check the readiness as follows: after 2 hours of cooking, pierce the tongue with a fork - if clear juice is released, it is ready, and if it is unclear, boil the tongue until the juice becomes transparent. To boiled tongue was not tough, salt it only at the end of cooking, together with salt, you can add bay leaves, peas and peeled carrots to the water - this will make the tongue more fragrant. After cooking, the finished tongue is removed from the liquid and transferred to a container with cold water for 2-3 minutes. A very important stage is the removal of the skin from the tongue, it is immersion in cold water that will make it easier to cope with this task. Some housewives prefer to salt the tongue only after cleansing: for this, the finished peeled tongue is again put into the broth where it was boiled, everything is salted and seasoned, the tongue is boiled for about 15 minutes more. The resulting broth can be used for aspic. By the way, carrots, onions, spices and herbs are put into the broth peeled, but not chopped - whole, so the broth and tongue will be more aromatic. If you cook soup in this broth, then you need to use new, fresh roots for it, and those on which the broth was cooked should be thrown away. With boiled beef tongue, you can cook a lot of dishes. By the way, this is a very useful, dietary and light product - it is recommended to eat it for pregnant and lactating women, patients with anemia, after operations, and also for small children. They make a lot of snacks, salads, hot from the tongue, and they just eat it as cold cuts (cut the boiled tongue like a sausage, wrap in foil and store in the refrigerator). Here are the most interesting and delicious recipes beef tongue dishes.

Beef tongue salad with mushrooms and prunes

You will need: 300 g of boiled beef tongue, 250 g of mushrooms (or other fresh mushrooms), 50 g each prune, fried hazelnuts, 1 onion, mayonnaise, black pepper, salt. How to make beef tongue salad. Finely chop the mushrooms and onion, fry together until the liquid evaporates. Cut the boiled tongue into strips, mix with chopped prunes, chopped nuts, mushrooms and onions, pepper and salt, and season with mayonnaise. Chill the tongue salad before serving.

Beef tongue aspic

You will need: broth, boiled tongue, boiled carrots, boiled egg, canned green peas, parsley, dill, gelatin. Making aspic from the tongue is easy. Strain and cool the broth, which remained after boiling the tongue, add gelatin and leave for an hour, then heat it without boiling until the gelatin dissolves. Tongue, boiled carrots and cut the egg into pieces desired shape, put in molds along with herbs and peas, pour over chilled broth and remove until completely solidified in the cold.

Beef tongue, baked with mushrooms, "under a fur coat"

You will need: 600 g of boiled tongue, 200 g of mushrooms, 200 g of cheese, 50 ml of cream, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 onion, spices, salt. Cooking beef tongue baked with mushrooms. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, fry them together in oil until the liquid is completely evaporated, add flour mixed with sour cream, salt, season with spices, warm until thickened. Cut the boiled tongue into slices about 1-1.5 cm thick, put on a baking sheet covered with paper, put the prepared mushroom mixture on top, cover with tomato circles, and top with cheese plastics. Bake the tongue under a fur coat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. And also, the beef tongue can be salted or pickled.

Salty beef tongue

You will need: 1 beef tongue, 2 tbsp. coarse salt with a slide, seasonings and spices to taste. How to salt your tongue. Rinse and peel the tongue with a knife, dry, rub with spices and salt, put in a bag, leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 6-7 days, periodically shake the bag. After the expiration of the time, put the tongue in a saucepan, pour in water, put spices and roots to taste, boil until tender, then pour over ice water, peel, put in broth again and warm up.

Asian pickled tongue recipe

You will need: 600-700 g of boiled beef tongue, 2 tbsp. sesame seeds, 1 bell pepper, spicy pepper, garlic, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp each vinegar and honey ground ginger, salt. How to pickle your tongue. Chop the garlic, fry in 2 tablespoons. butter, add hot pepper, put the tongue, cut it into strips, add sesame seeds and warm. Stir vinegar with honey and soy sauce, pour the marinade to the meat, add spices, mix, remove immediately from the heat, put in a bowl, add sweet pepper cut into strips, mix, sprinkle with herbs. You can serve such a tongue hot and cold.

This chic luxury by-product is even somehow hard to call a by-product. Such an expressive taste, delicate consistency (of a properly prepared tongue) leaves few people indifferent. Although some argue that it is difficult to spoil the tongue, unfortunately, more than once I had to taste dry and tough something, with a dull taste, even under a generous layer of jellied meat ...

So, so that the result is always pleasing:

1) Pre-soak your tongue in saline as described below. You can choose spices and herbs to taste. It is better to season the tongue when soaking, then the aroma of spices and herbs will penetrate deeper.

2) Never let the water boil while boiling! This will make the tongue hard and the broth cloudy.

3) Allow the tongue to cook longer, if you are not sure about readiness, cook for another 15 minutes. The main signs of readiness: the tongue is easy to pierce with a knife and the skin of the tongue comes off easily.

4) Brush your tongue right away while it is still hot. Then, when it cools down, it will be necessary to tear off the skin with "teeth".

That's probably all. As you can see, everything is very simple.

When I cook the tongue, the thinner, more beautiful part I always leave for serving in the form of slicing with different sauces... And from the thick part I prepare salads (the salad recipe will be coming soon), and I will definitely cook rich soup from scraps of tongue with horseradish, on a decoction of the tongue (there will also be a recipe). This soup is always very much for me. And I will tell you that he is, that there is something to expect ;-).


  • 1 beef tongue

For brine for every liter of water:

  • 45 grams of salt
  • 1/2 lemon zest, yellow part only
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 teeth garlic, peel, crush with a knife
  • 2 berries juniper (can be missed)
  • 2 peas allspice

For boiling:

  • 1 large carrots, peel, chop coarsely
  • 1 horseradish root, peel, coarsely chop
  • 2 onions, peel, cut each into 4 pieces
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 1 bay leaf
Tongue soak: 8 hours Cooking time: 3 hours Total cooking time: 11 hours

1) Wash the tongue with cold running water. Defrost if frozen.

2) Prepare the brine. Put the tongue in not a large pot, and measure out the amount of water needed so that the tongue is completely covered with water. 2 liters was enough for me. Take out the tongue, put aside. Put all the ingredients for the brine in the measured water, in the amount corresponding to the amount of water. Bring the brine to a boil and cool completely.

3) Place the tongue in the cooled brine and leave for 8-10 hours (overnight).

4) The next day, remove the tongue and brine, rinse well under cold running water. Place in a clean saucepan, pour water to the top and add all the ingredients for boiling. DO NOT DRAIN! To put on medium fire, bring to a boil and immediately reduce heat to low. Cook for 2-3 hours. Depending on the size of the tongue. The finished tongue is easy to pierce.

5) Remove the tongue, and save the broth for the soup. (Recipe for Tongue Soup will be published shortly.) Immediately, rinse the tongue under cold running water to cool slightly and while the offal is still warm, remove the tough skin from the surface of the tongue, starting from the thick base.

Beef tongue is a delicious, tender, nutritious delicacy that is used as independent dish - in the form of a favorite snack of many, present on almost every festive tableserved with horseradish or mustard, as well as in many salads and other snacks. It is sold, as a rule, fresh or frozen.

Compared to other similar by-products, for example pork or lamb, beef, the recipe for which we will consider in this article, has a greater nutritional value... Language is considered dietary meal, which is recommended in many common diets followed by various diseases... For example, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of iron and protein, the use of the tongue is necessary in case of anemia, as well as in the recovery period after surgery. In addition, it is recommended for the nutrition of lactating and pregnant women and children who especially need an enhanced replenishment of these essential elements for the body. A large number of B vitamins and zinc also add value to the beef tongue. 100 grams of the product contains daily rate vitamin B12 and 40% daily rate zinc. And, of course, this is not all of him. beneficial features, but this is already enough to understand how useful it is to include this delicious product in the menu.

Recipe: Boiled Beef Tongue

To get started, you need a tongue and water. Pour into a saucepan required amount water and put it on fire. The Boiled recipe begins with the preparation of the main product - the tongue. It must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Excessive zeal is not necessary - the layer covering it will be completely removed after the end of cooking.

Place your tongue in hot water. It will be useful to place onions, carrots, celery in a saucepan. The boiling tongue will gladly absorb their aroma, acquiring an amazing shade of taste. All these spices need to be washed and cleaned, but finely chopped is absolutely unnecessary. You just need to peel the onions and place them in the broth, cut the carrots into large pieces.

Bring water to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to medium and let it simmer for a long time. Cooking time for beef tongue is 2.5-3 hours. The recipe is also suitable for cooking a more tender, veal, tongue, but the cooking time will be reduced to about 2 hours. Readiness should be checked, as in cooking meat, by piercing the tip of the tongue with a fork. When the tongue is ready, the fork will easily pierce it. About 30 minutes before the end, salt water to taste and add peppercorns and bay leaf to it.

When there is no doubt about the degree of readiness, turn off the heat, take the prepared tongue out of the water and place it in a bowl filled with cold water. After the tongue has been in this position for a while, the skin covering it will easily come off if you pry it off with a knife. Clean your tongue completely and place it back in the aromatic brothin which it was cooked.

That's the whole recipe! The boiled beef tongue is completely ready. Now you can chill it and cut it into slices, serve it as a stand-alone snack, or start preparing a dish that will contain it.

This delicacy is not difficult to prepare if you stick to certain rules... First of all, it must be soaked in large saucepan or in a bowl of water for half an hour. This must be done so that it can be much easier to clean from dirt. Clean the tongue with a knife, scraping off fat, mucus, dirt and baked blood in the skin surface. Then it must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water. After such preparation, you can and boil beef tongue.

To do this, pour cold water into a large saucepan, dip the whole prepared product into it. If he's enough big size, it can be cut in half beforehand. The tongue tends to increase in size during the cooking process. After boiling water, you need to remove the foam, let it boil for fifteen minutes and drain the water.

Wash the pot well, fill it with clean cold water, put your tongue in and let the water boil again. Carefully remove the resulting foam and continue to cook over low heat for several hours. It will depend on its size, weight, age of the cow, how much is cooked And you should not confuse it with veal tongue, because both in terms of preparation and taste they differ.

Preparing beef delicacy from two to four hours, salt is added only at the end of cooking, otherwise it will turn out harsh. Then you can add peeled carrots, peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth. After two hours of boiling, you can try to pierce your tongue with a fork. If a cloudy juice flows out, then you need to continue to cook it, and if the juice is transparent, you can remove your tongue from the pan and put it in a bowl with cold running water for a couple of minutes.

Little to know how to cook beef tongue, it is necessary to properly remove the skin from it, while not getting burned yourself and not tearing it off in pieces. If the beef tongue has boiled well, then by dousing it with cold water, you can easily remove the skin from it. It is most convenient to store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator in food foil.

Do I need to have some specific knowledge of the hostess, how to cook beef tongue to use it later for making salads or aspic? There is a small nuance. During the cooking process, the liquid is not salted at all. After removing the skin, the tongue is placed back in the broth in which it was boiled, salted and boiled for another fifteen minutes so that the salt is absorbed into the meat. Yes, and such a broth is already better ready for making aspic.

There is another way of cooking, how to cook beef tongueto use it as a slicer. In this case, to get more juicy and flavorful meat, it should be immersed in hot water, not cold. After boiling, drain the water immediately, replace it with a clean one, heat it and only then lower it into the pan. The tongue cooked in this way will form little foam, it will better retain all the juices and it will turn out to be softer and more delicate in taste.

There are small culinary finds, so you need to know how to cook beef tongueto use the broth for soups afterwards. Practice has shown that during the cooking process, you need to add herbs, aromatic spices, onions, carrots to the broth as a whole, without chopping anything. In this case, the liquid will absorb their aroma, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the broth. All herbs and vegetables should be thrown away, and fresh ones should be used to make the soup.

Boiled tongue contains a lot of protein, iron, therefore it is often used as diet food with anemia, especially in pregnant women, young children and debilitated postoperative patients. Its meat is dietary light product, healthy and tasty at the same time.

A boiled delicacy is used in the form of slicing, it is included in salads. Beef tongue is used in jellied dishes, they take it for cooking julienne. Yes, it's just very tasty to use it with horseradish sauce and sour cream and green peas... It is very tasty to use it with mashed potatoes.