Boiled tuna recipes. Fresh tuna: the subtleties of cooking and serving.

11.05.2019 Fish dishes

Tuna - a tasty and easy to cook fish with which you can make a lot mouth-watering dishes. In this article, we will talk about ways to cook tuna steaks.

Tuna - big fish, so it’s great for making steaks, like salmon or sturgeon. Among the culinary experts, there is even a second name for this fish, popular all over the world, - "sea veal". There are no difficulties in making delicious tuna, because it is tasty enough in itself and various additions  only emphasize, complement its taste with certain notes. In this article, we will talk about ways to cook tuna steaks for those who love this fish.

Tuna - fish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. She is considered diet product  and nutritionists recommend eating it with increased body weight. Also with regular use  tuna contributes to the normalization of the brain and heart, acts as a prevention of visual impairment, prevents the onset and development oncological diseases. As part of tuna, there are beneficial acids  Omega-3 minerals such as selenium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids and vitamins. The calorie content of tuna per 100 g of fish is only about 140 kcal.

This fish should not be eaten only in case of an allergy to it, in case of kidney failure, pregnancy and during breastfeeding, it should be eaten with care, not exceeding the norm of daily consumption.

Very easy to cook delicious steaks  tuna, just having previously stood the fish in a marinade with herbs and spices.

Recipe One: Tuna Steaks with Provencal Herbs


It will take: 4 tuna steaks, 2 tsp. Provencal herbs, 1 tsp olive oil, by ¼ tsp black pepper and salt, lemon wedges.

How to cook tuna steaks with provencal herbs. Mix provencal herbs, black pepper and salt, oil the fish and grate the mixture. Put the steaks on a hot pan and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until cooked and browned. When serving, garnish the steaks with lemon slices and lettuce.

Recipe Two: Moroccan Tuna Steaks

You will need: 800 g of tuna, 150 g of vegetable / olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tsp ground paprika, chopped parsley or coriander.

How to cook Moroccan tuna steaks. Puree parsley and garlic, adding lemon juice and paprika, using a blender, gradually pouring olive oil into a thin stream. Pour steaks 2/3 of the cooked sauce and cover cling film, remove for half an hour for pickling in the cold. Remove excess marinade from the fish, salt and fry in a pan with hot oil on one side for 4 minutes and then another 2 minutes on the other. When serving, pour steaks with the remaining sauce, serve with a side dish of vegetables.

The first two recipes are very simple ways  cooking tuna steaks. Next - recipes with a little big amount  ingredients, with additional ingredients.

Recipe Three: Tuna Steaks with Cheese and Vegetable Garnish


You will need: 450 g of tuna (4 steaks), 120 g of cheese, ¼ cup of chopped green onions and lemon juice, vegetable oil, flour, salt, pepper, side dish - 2 tomatoes and potatoes, lettuce, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to cook tuna steaks with cheese and vegetables. Grate steaks with pepper, salt, pour lemon juice, leave for 5 minutes, then dry paper towel  and powder with flour on both sides, fry until brown on both sides in a frying pan with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese, chopped green onions, under the lid, bring to the melting of the cheese over medium heat, then lay on plates. Cut potatoes into 8 mm thick circles, boil so that they do not break. Cut tomatoes into circles, heat oil in a frying pan, fry potatoes and tomatoes, pepper and salt them until the potatoes are browned. Garnish steaks with vegetables, decorating plates with lettuce.

Recipe Four: Tuna Steaks with Champignons

You will need: 500 g of champignons, 200 g of cherry tomatoes, 150 g of arugula or other herbs, 4 tuna steaks, 2 onions, 1 clove of garlic, 14 tbsp. olive oil, 4 tbsp. red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons broth / red wine, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. mustard and honey, black ground pepper, salt, greens.

How to cook tuna steaks with mushrooms. Rinse tomatoes and arugula, chop and put in plates. Cut the champignons in half, chop the onion rings, chop finely the garlic. Beat wine with honey, mustard and vinegar, adding 6 tbsp. olive oil, pepper and salt. Fry mushrooms with onions at 4 tbsp. oil for 5min, then add the garlic. Rinse and dry the steaks, put in a separate pan and fry for 4 minutes on each side, salt, pepper and water with lemon juice. Put cooked steaks and mushrooms with onions on a salad in plates, pour over the prepared sauce and serve.

Since ancient times, Japan has been considered the number one fish, and for it, shops even make counters separate from other types of fish. We often eat this fish in the form of canned food, but this is not a reason to refuse other options for dishes from it, try to cook delicious steaks according to the proposed recipes, and they will surely appeal to all fish lovers!

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Tuna, a mackerel fish, is called sea gold because it nutritional value  very high, and in taste and protein content it resembles veal. Tuna contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for the full functioning of the brain and the prevention of malignant tumors. Tuna dishes are good for the heart, blood vessels, joints, nervous system, vision and immunity. True, in cooking this fish is somewhat capricious, because in fresh  her meat is too dense and layered. Today we’ll talk about how to properly cook tuna so that both children and adults like it.

The subtleties of cooking fresh tuna: choose fish

Fresh fillet always has a dark red color, which should be uniform, so carefully inspect the fish when buying. You should be wary of brown spots and uneven coloring, which indicate that tuna is most likely not fresh. If you buy a whole carcass, it should weigh no more than 2 kg, have a light shade, undamaged fins and the smell of the ocean. Tuna quickly dries and is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, so try to use it immediately, without delay. If you are preparing tuna for children, then keep in mind that the most delicious, tender and greasy part of the fish is in the abdomen.

Marinating tuna - a way to make it juicier

Fresh carcass must be gutted in the usual way - separate the head and tail, remove the fins, cut the abdomen, free it from the insides, remove the skin, and then make a longitudinal section on the back and carefully separate the meat from the bones, which are usually few. Cutting the fillet into pieces, you can marinate it in a mixture of soy sauce, olive or sesame oilhoney, lemon or orange juice  with any spices you like. Sometimes red wine, vinegar, garlic, dried herbs and grated are used as marinade fresh gingerwhich gives the fish a fresh aroma and spicy taste. Pickle should be from 30 minutes to 2 hours - depending on how much time you have to cook, but know that the longer it is pickled, the softer and juicier it turns out.

How to fry tuna

If the marinade is soy sauce, then the fish can not be salted, in all other cases, grate fillet pieces with salt and pepper. Fish that has not passed the marinating stage should be laid for half an hour, only then can it be fried in a hot vegetable or butter  2-3 minutes on each side - until beautiful golden crust. The pieces should be no thicker than 3 cm so that the fish is steamed well. To determine the readiness, pierce the fish with a fork, and if it is slightly stratified on the outside, and inside is light pink, then the tuna is ready. Before frying, steaks can be breaded in whipped proteins mixed with sesame seeds, coriander and any spices. Protein mass  it is better to apply to the fish with a culinary brush and only then roll in ground spices.

Other ways to cook tuna

In European and asian cuisine  exists various recipes  cooking tuna, and empirically you can choose the dishes that take root in your family. Tuna baked in the oven or on the grill turns out to be very tasty, and if you have not marinated it before, it is recommended to grease the pieces with vegetable oil, and then grate with salt and spices. Fish is cooked in the oven, heated to 180–220 ° С, 7–10 minutes, in foil - 15 minutes. It is important not to overdo the fish in a frying pan or in the oven, so as not to dry out, otherwise it will be hard and tasteless. A win-win  - braised tuna, which is first lightly fried with onions in a pan in vegetable oiland then stewed in lemon juice or lime juice for 10-15 minutes. You can cook in a slow cooker, air grill and microwave, the time is determined individually, although it usually lasts 20-30 minutes. For salads, tuna is boiled in salt water with bay leaf, black pepper and ringlets onions  for 10 minutes.

How to serve tuna

This one does not lose her valuable properties  and when canning, so canned tuna can be safely used for cooking. Industry produces canned tuna  in oil and in own juice, which is considered easier for the stomach, in addition, fish canned in this way, better preserves beneficial features. When choosing canned food, make sure that the can is not damaged or swollen, and be sure to check the expiration date. The most delicious fish is canned three months ago, but keep in mind that an open can of canned food cannot be stored for more than a day. You can cook from tuna in your own juice mouth-watering soups, salads, pastes and sauces with the addition of olives, capers, tomatoes and oregano.

Tuna is the perfect fish for home menu, because it is easy to prepare, quickly saturates, looks beautiful and is very healthy. Many recipes are suitable for everyday dinner with your family, and more complicated dishes  can cook for holiday table. You will definitely enjoy it - both from cooking tuna and from tasting it, and any of which will certainly become your signature homemade dish. Enjoy delicious, aromatic, healthy fish  and make your family happy!

Tuna - a very convenient fish, large, few seeds, the taste is excellent, it remains only to find out how to cook tuna. In many countries, they will tell you how to cook tasty tuna. In Japan, you will be offered tuna rolls, in Russia - tuna pie, in Italy you will find pasta with tuna, spaghetti with tuna or other pasta with tuna, pizza with tuna on your table. You can find tuna recipes in Thailand and Norway. Cooking tuna depends on how it came to you. There is tuna in the jar, canned tuna, the recipes will be the same here, and there is frozen tuna and frozen tuna dishes. First, consider canned tuna dishes. In the form of canned food, tuna is completely ready for use and this greatly simplifies tuna dishes. A canned tuna pasta recipe, tuna pita roll, canned tuna sandwiches, tuna sandwiches and lettuce, tuna sandwich, canned tuna soup recipe - this is just a short list of what to cook with canned tuna. And of course tuna  in its own juice is great for many salads. One of the salads tokens is that they must be beautiful. A salad to which tuna will be added is no exception, a photo recipe will show you how to make such a salad refined and festive.

Now we turn to the question of how to cook fresh-frozen tuna. Oven baked tuna, marinated tuna in the oven, fried tuna recipes, tuna recipes in a slow cooker and tuna tartare, tuna fillet with herbs and tuna steak - frozen tuna recipes are no less varied, and fresh-frozen tuna is even more useful. Recipes from frozen tuna will make you a little tinker with fish, but the result is worth it. Take at least tender and aromatic fillet  tuna, recipes for which you can choose to your taste: something traditional or exotic. The easiest way to cook tuna fillet is to bake it in the oven with mayonnaise. Other options for cooking tuna in the oven are baking it with vegetables, pasta. Finally, tuna can simply be fried deliciously. To do this, you only need to choose how to cook tuna in a pan. There are two options: tuna  grill in a pan, which is preferable, or in oil. If you suffer and don’t know how to cook tuna steak, and you have the opportunity - cook grilled tuna steak. In this case, it reveals its taste qualities  tuna. Cooking recipes fried tuna there are others, for example, deep-fried. So, stock up on tuna and choose a recipe, we are sure that you will succeed delicious tuna. Recipes with photos step by step action  for cooking tuna, will reveal all the secrets of cooking tuna.

Fry portioned tuna slices and steaks with a thickness of 1.5-2 centimeters on high heat for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  Fry pieces of tuna 2-2.5 centimeters thick over medium heat for 5 minutes on each side.

How to fry tuna

  Tuna - 3.5 kilograms
  Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
  Ground black pepper - a pinch
  Salt - a pinch

How to fry tuna
  1. Rinse the tuna thoroughly under running water and dry well with a towel.
  2. Cut the fish: scrape off the scales, cut off the head, open the belly and remove all the insides, including the films.
  3. Rinse the tuna again and dry thoroughly, cut off the fins and tail.
  4. Make the fillet - with a sharp knife, cut the fish along the ridge and remove the bones. Cut each half of the tuna fillet into 4 small pieces.
  5. Mix salt with pepper and lightly rub pieces of tuna with this mixture on all sides. Cover and let the tuna salt for 25 minutes.
  6. Lubricate the pan with 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. 7. Put the frying pan on a large fire, heat the oil and put the pieces of tuna with the skin down - in 1 layer it is not very tight. 8. Fry the tuna fillet first with the skin down and then with the skin up for 3 minutes. 9. When will appear golden crust, turn off the fire. 10. Put the fried tuna on a dish and let them “catch their breath” after frying 5 minutes before serving.

Fun Facts

- Calorie content  fried in tuna sauce - 230-250 kcal / 100 grams.

- Cost  tuna fillet - from 900 rubles / 1 kilogram (average for Moscow in June 2017).

Tuna entirely  they do not sell in Russia. This is due to the fact that tuna is huge in size - its length can reach 4.5 meters, and weight - several hundred kilograms.

Eating tuna is very useful  for health - this fish contains the highest amount of protein among fish, besides it contains all (!) amino acids necessary for humans.

- Shelf life  fried tuna - 1 day. Thawed tuna is not recommended to be re-frozen.

Tuna is considered a very expensive fish, because it lives only in the natural marine environment (grow in river conditions  fish will not work), another reason lies in its quantity, which with each fish season decreases in the seas around the world.

Fresh tuna  can give bitter smell, in order for the smell to disappear, you just need to hold the tuna in the air for 2 minutes, the smell will disappear.

Prepare the ingredients.

Rinse tuna fillet cold water  and dry well with paper towels.
  Cut the fillet into steaks, weighing about 150-200 g (the width of one steak is about 2 cm).
  Pat each steak with a paper towel.
  Grease the steak with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Frying on cast iron (!) grill pan.
  It is good to heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium or high heat, without oil.

Tip.  I reheated a cast-iron frying pan for about 15 minutes. Such a long heating allows the cast iron to warm up well and the steak does not stick to the pan, while leaving a characteristic mark for the grill on the fillet. The fillet is juicy and delicious.
Attention! Only a cast-iron pan can be heated strongly! Not every pan can withstand such a long heating. Therefore, if you do not cast-iron pan, warm it by oiling it with a silicone brush, so that the pan is hot enough, and the steak hissed when laid out.

Put the steak (if there are several steaks, leave a distance between them).

Cook over high heat for 2-4 minutes on one side (set a timer).
  Turn the steak over, reduce the heat and cook for another 2-4 minutes on the other side.

For 2 minutes, the steak is fried until medium-wide. The fillet is easily cut with a knife or fork, but remains pink in the middle.
  Cook the fillet for 4-6 minutes if you want a fully-fried steak.

Frying on non-stick pan.
  Pour 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil into the pan and heat the pan with oil over medium heat well.
  Put the steak seasoned with salt and pepper.

Tip.  The butter should be well warmed up and the steak should hiss when laid out. Hot oil seals the juices inside the fillet, and it turns out juicy.

Fry 3-5 minutes on one side.
  Then turn over and fry for 3-4 minutes on the other hand, to the desired degree of frying.
  The pan does not need to be covered during frying.

Ready to serve steak immediately to the table.
  Optionally, when serving, the steak can be sprinkled with lemon juice.
  Garnish served vegetable saladboiled vegetables ( green beans, broccoli, etc.), as well as boiled rice.

Good appetite!