Citric acid beneficial properties. Citric acid - benefits and harm to the human body

Lemon acid  Is an organic compound that is naturally found in citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, in berries and some vegetables, such as tomatoes. This substance is not the last in the metabolism of all living things.

Citric acid is the main ingredient in the food industry. This relatively weak acid has a pronounced sour taste, adds a twist to any product and is easy to create on an industrial scale.

Useful properties and scopes of citric acid

Citric acid is a naturally occurring substance that has a wide range of uses. It is used as a flavoring additive, and is easy to use and store.

Benefit for health:

  • Lemon acid prevents the appearance of new kidney stones, and also exterminates already formed stones. The more citric acid in the urine, the better the protection against kidney stones. Acid has alkalizing properties, breaking down minerals that contribute to the formation of stones.
  • Active substances  in this product they act as antioxidants, neutralizing the free radicals present in the body. Acid cleanses the body of harmful elements, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Once in the body, citric acid reduces the level of acidity in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of metabolic acidosis, which can lead to a number of serious problems.
  • Mouth rinse  Using citric acid diluted in water relieves the symptoms of a sore throat.
  • Nutrients  In acid, they are excellent for improving digestion and increasing metabolism.

This substance is a commonly used ingredient in the food industry. As part of the products, citric acid is designated as E330-E333.

Benefit in food Industry:

  • Flavor enhancer.  Citric acid is used in the food industry mainly as a piquant "sourness"; it is also added to carbonated drinks or used in powdered form in the manufacture of sweets to give them a natural fruity aroma.
  • Food preservative. Citric acid is a natural preservative for food, as it copes with the destruction of bacteria, fungus and mold. Increased acidity lowers the pH of products, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi and subsequently increasing shelf life. Acid is also used in canned foods to preserve flavor and prevent spoilage of canned foods.
  • Vitamin C Supplement  Citric acid is widely used in the production of pharmaceuticals.
  • Marinade for meat.  This substance is used for marinating meat, since the proteins in the meat are easily softened in acid, and the meat becomes tender.
  • Wine production.  Citric acid is added to wine to improve taste and reduce acidity.

The antioxidant properties of citric acid have made this substance popular among manufacturers of quality cosmetics.

Benefit in beauty industry:

  • Citric acid is added to numerous skin care products so that the pH level of creams and gels matches the natural pH level of our skin.
  • Due to the antioxidant properties of citric acid, products based on it have an anti-aging effect. Citric acid rejuvenates the skin, exfoliates old cells and provokes the growth of new ones.
  • Citric acid rarely causes an allergic reaction, even in those with sensitive skin.
  • This substance also reduces skin pigmentation, in addition, manifesting itself in the fight against acne.

What citric acid and its chemical composition are made of

Citric acid was first bred from citrus fruit. But this technique was ineffective, since the resulting product was produced in small quantities. Today, specific strains of molds are used to create citric acid. Aspergillus.

Mostly in this product are vitamins and minerals - phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur.

Citric acid has a low level of toxicity, it is easily soluble in water, and when heated, it decomposes into water and carbon dioxide.

High Citric Acid Products

Citric acid can be found in stores in liquid or powder form. But still, this substance is absorbed better if the body receives it from natural products.


Citric acid is most often found in various citrus fruits and nectars. But many, confusing citric acid with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), mistakenly believe that these products contain the most of this substance.

The greatest amount of this substance is found in tomatoes, some varieties of pepper and artichokes, and the rest of the vegetables can not boast of the presence of citric acid in its composition.

Sour pineapple and apricots are champions for the presence of citric acid in the composition. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get it from the rest of the fruits.

All berries, except, also contain citric acid, in particular strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and cranberries.

Bakery products

Sourdough rye bread contains citric acid. It is added for flavoring or obtained as a by-product of the fermentation process.

Dairy products

Citric acid is sometimes used in cheese making as an emulsifying agent and to improve the texture of the final product.

Dried fruits and candied fruits

By tradition, they are considered a concentrated source of a certain type of substance, but not citric acid. In contains almost three times more of this compound than in those that have passed the dehydrogenation process.

Product The content of citric acid in mg per 100 g of product
Wild strawberry60
A pineapple11
Rye bread0,4

The use of citric acid for weight loss

According to science, citric acid contains antioxidants that not only cleanse the body of free radicals, but also increase metabolism, burning more fat. Once in the body, citric acid increases the metabolic rate, using not fats as energy.

Such a reaction occurs only when citric acid from the above products enters the body. It is not for nothing that citrus fruits are attributed to fat-burning foods. Citric acid paired with vitamin C  prevents excess grams from being deposited.

Citric acid is an effective product for those who want to lose weight, but it should be taken carefully.

The daily norm of the substance

In order that citric acid does not cause side effects, it is necessary to follow the rules of use:

  • daily rate - no more than 5 g (approximately tsp. without a slide);
  • reception divided into 3 parts;
  • take half an hour before the main meal;
  • consume citric acid should be thoroughly dissolved in water.

For medicinal purposes, citric acid itself will be effective only with a balanced diet, and in an attempt to lose weight - sports and moderate appetite.


A clear craving for acidic foods indicates a small amount of this substance in the body. A lack of citric acid causes alkalization of the internal environment - a favorable environment appears for the growth of cancer cells and the appearance of kidney stones.


It is hard to imagine that dietary healthy fruits can be harmful. However, any foods and drinks that are high in citric acid harm teeth  over time. During frequent exposure to teeth with citric acid, enamel erosion occurs, which leads to its destruction.

Most common overdose symptoms  citric acid: cramping or abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, excessive sweating and swelling, pain in the stomach. In rare cases, yellowness of the skin or eyeball may occur.

Other common symptoms of overabundance are more severe:
  • stool with blood;
  • frequent urination;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • nervousness and anxiety.
  Fatigue, weakness and weight gain indicate overdose. In general, the reaction to consuming citric acid is similar to an overdose of vitamin C.

Interoperability and Compatibility

The properties of citric acid improve if you dissolve the powder in green tea or add honey to the drink.

If you are already taking medication for kidney stones, vitamins or dietary supplements for weight loss, the effect of citric acid will be unnecessary or may harm health.

There is no limit to the flexibility and usefulness of this product. Citric acid is equally good for losing weight, healing or renewing the body.

Have you already tried the effect of citric acid in losing weight? If not, then after reading the article there was a desire to do this? What face masks, which include citric acid, are you aware of?

What is citric acid for? The benefits and harms, the purpose of this product, as well as its properties will be presented in this article. In addition, we will tell you about how you can replace the ingredient in question, how it should be dissolved and so on.

general information

What is citric acid? The benefits and harms of this ingredient are few known. But, before telling you what properties this product has, you should tell in detail about its features.

Represents white which perfectly dissolves in ethyl alcohol and water. The esters of this ingredient are called citrates. By its effect, such a substance belongs to natural antioxidants.

Origin history

For the first time, citric acid was isolated from the juice of unripe lemons at the end of the 18th century. Today, most experts claim that this component is found in almost all food products, and is also part of a huge number of berries. By the way, citric acid was found even in needles and shag.

Scope of application

What is citric acid used for, the benefits and harms of which will be presented a bit further? This product is actively used in the food industry. It is used as a good acidifier. However, some housewives use acid for domestic purposes. For example, thanks to it, you can quickly soften hard water, as well as clean dishes and plumbing from pollution.

What else is citric acid used for? Recipes using this product are known to many culinary specialists. This additive is often used to prepare various sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, jelly, canned food, jams, as well as confectionery and other products.

It can not be said that citric acid is an excellent preservative. It is used to increase the shelf life of many products (fish, vegetables, winter salads, meat, mushrooms, etc.).

It should also be noted that this product is used not only to improve the taste of certain dishes. After all, citric acid is able to change the structure of some products. For example, it is often added to it. As a result, the dairy product becomes elastic and is easier to spread on toast. In this case, the caloric content of citric acid is zero.

Citric acid: benefits and harms of the product

We will talk about the dangers of this product just below. As for the benefits, it is a lot in citric acid. In the process of cellular respiration, this substance is an integral part. This fact is due to the fact that citric acid has antioxidant and bactericidal properties.

The benefit of the product in question is not in doubt, as it stimulates cell renewal, increases the elasticity of the skin and reduces deep wrinkles.

Many women are known for the sex. For the skin, this fruit can play the role of natural peeling. After all, it well cleanses all integuments, evening complexion and masking existing defects.

The beneficial properties of lemon and citric acid are obvious, as it promotes the rapid elimination of toxic substances through the pores. That is why such a substance is almost always added to various rinses and creams.

Harm and contraindications of citric acid

Undoubtedly, citric acid is very beneficial for the body. However, like any product, this substance has its contraindications. The harm of citric acid is that it negatively affects the condition of the teeth. With excessive use of this product there is a high probability of caries. Therefore, experts recommend including citric acid in their diet in moderation.

What other harm can the citric acid solution do? Taking this substance inside, you must remember about its strict dosage. After all, too large quantities of the product can cause severe irritation of the gastric mucosa. As a result of such exposure, erosion and an ulcer are formed in humans.

What can be replaced?

If you were not able to purchase this substance in the store, then it can be easily found a replacement. For example, in the food industry, instead of citric acid, they often use the usual one. Indeed, it is he who represents the natural source of this product.

When preserving vegetables, mushrooms, fish and other ingredients, citric acid can easily be replaced with table vinegar.

How to dissolve correctly? Product price

Citric acid is a powdered food product that is freely available in all stores. It is packaged in packages of different volumes and can cost from 20 to 30 Russian rubles per 50 grams.

If a culinary recipe indicates a certain amount of citric acid, then before adding the powder to the dish, it is recommended to dissolve it. As a rule, ordinary drinking water is used for this. The resulting solution is introduced into a cream, sauce or dough. By the way, in the case of the last use, citric acid is used for a reason, but to extinguish table soda. If the powder substance is properly diluted, then at the output you can get very magnificent, tasty and aromatic pastries.

It is difficult to find a mistress who would not have a few bags of citric acid in stock. This is a universal substance that is widely used in cooking, especially during harvesting. Citric acid not only enhances the taste of products, but also extends the shelf life, so this supplement is included in the recipes of almost all methods of salting and pickling vegetables.

Some mistakenly believe that citric acid is made from lemons. In fact, this is not so, although it is found in the pulp and juice of many fruits. Like any food product (in this case, a food supplement), citric acid can be beneficial to the body or, conversely, detrimental to health, so it is important to know what properties the substance has and how to use it correctly.


For the liver

Not everyone knows that citric acid is an excellent cleanser for liver cells. After entering the body, the additive stimulates the formation of bile, with which toxins, poisons and other harmful substances are eliminated from the liver, which accumulate in the body and impede its work.

Advice!To improve the functioning of the liver, it is recommended in the morning to drink a glass of warm water (you can room temperature) with the addition of a pinch of citric acid. You can add a little honey or a few mint leaves to the drink - such a composition will not only help cleanse the liver of toxins, but also improve well-being, as well as give strength and increase performance.

For the pancreas

Citric acid is an excellent tool for the prevention of hypoglycemic crises, as it perfectly binds sugars and helps regulate their amount in the blood. With regular use, you can significantly reduce the risks of glycemic surges: for this you need to drink 50 ml of water mixed with a pinch of citric acid before each meal.

For weight loss

Sweet tooth, obese, the supplement will help control cravings for sweets. This is especially important for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. If overweight is the result of heavy consumption of sweets and rich pastries, citric acid will help overcome addiction and adjust weight. In this case, you need to take it the same way as for the treatment of diabetes.

To fight a hangover

Citric acid is indispensable in case of a hangover syndrome and the use of high doses of alcohol. One glass of water with the addition of citric acid acts no worse than advertised medications to eliminate intoxication caused by alcoholic vapors. After 10-15 minutes after consumption, the following therapeutic effect is observed in a person:

  • headache is reduced;
  • the gag reflex disappears;
  • nausea subsides;
  • overall well-being improves.

Advice!  If a feast with the intake of “strong” drinks cannot be avoided, it is recommended to drink a glass of “lemon water” half an hour before drinking. Such a measure will help reduce the appearance of intoxication and prevent the occurrence of a hangover syndrome (provided that a certain measure is nevertheless observed).

Other useful properties

This is not the whole list of useful properties that are rich in citric acid. Experts recommend using this supplement to combat some chronic ailments. The product has the following beneficial properties:

  • cleanses blood and blood vessels and arteries from harmful cholesterol (prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques);
  • improves digestive processes;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • helps cleanse the skin from acne, acne, boils and other purulent rashes;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • has a moderate diuretic effect, helps get rid of edema;
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • destroys microbes and bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps maintain elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Advice!People with bad breath are recommended to rinse their mouth with a strong solution of citric acid (half a spoon in a glass of water). This procedure will help maintain fresh breath and improve the condition of the oral cavity.

Despite all the useful properties, not everyone can use this supplement, since citric acid has not only useful properties, but can also cause significant harm to the body.

Harm and contraindications

Citric acid can not be consumed by people with diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcer), as well as with severe heartburn, since the supplement will only increase the clinical symptoms of the disease. If there are injuries, ulcers and other inflammatory rashes in the oral cavity, it is better to refuse to take citric acid.

Some dentists believe that industrial citric acid adversely affects dental health and tooth enamel condition. To avoid loosening of tissues, do not use citric acid products for more than 2-3 weeks in a row.

A small percentage of the world's population is allergic to citric acid, but this situation is extremely rare (less than 1% of cases).

Citric Acid and Cancer

Some doctors do not recommend the use of citric acid in cooking, as it is believed that this supplement can provoke the growth of cancer cells and the formation of malignant tumors. Research on this topic is still being conducted, but so far there is no official confirmation of this theory. In any case, experts do not recommend consuming citric acid frequently or in large quantities. Before using any prescription for the treatment of any disease, you must consult a doctor.

Chemical composition

Citric acid is a white crystals with a characteristic acidic taste. The product belongs to natural antioxidants and is highly soluble in liquids based on water and ethyl alcohol. The calorie content of the additive is practically zero - only 1 kcal per 100 g. There are no nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) in the composition.

How to choose and store?

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the consistency and structure of the product. To do this, take a bag of powder in your hands and carefully probe it. If lumps are caught, it means that the product was stored at high humidity. Such an additive will not cause much harm, but it certainly will not add any benefit to the body.

Citric acid should be stored in its original packaging within the expiration date indicated on the bag. Usually it is 12 months (the product, packaged in large bags, can be stored for 2 years at an air humidity of not more than 70%).

Domestic use

  • To remove scale and kill molds and bacteria inside the washing machine, it is necessary to start the wash with the maximum duration (usually the “Cotton” or “Antibacterial” modes) and add 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of citric acid to the drum.
  • To remove wine stains from cotton fabrics, you can use slurry of citric acid and soda. To prepare it, you need to mix the substances in a ratio of 1: 2 and add a few drops of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave for several minutes, then wash the item in the usual way.
  • 10 g of citric acid will help remove scale from the surface of the kettle. You just need to fill the additive in a teapot with water and boil (you can 2-3 times). After the procedure, the kettle should be rinsed with cold water.
  • To wash rust stains in the toilet or sink, you can use this solution: pour a bag of citric acid with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour places with rust and leave for another 10 minutes, then wipe the surface with any cleaning agent. By the way, you can achieve crystal whiteness of the toilet in another way: pour almost a glass of acid into the toilet and leave it overnight. In the morning, wipe the surface and rinse with water.

Citric acid is a universal supplement that can be used both in cooking and in everyday life. To ensure that its use is safe, you should consult a specialist about possible contraindications.

Let's talk about citric acid today. Why about her? And because the morning was like this: I wanted tea with lemon, and the farm only had beautiful packs with the inscription “Citric acid”. So the questions arose: what is it made of and can it be added to tea without health consequences? So, citric acid: harm and benefit.

The composition of citric acid and the scope

We take one such beautiful pack of citric acid, open it and see a white, odorless crystalline powder. We taste it - sourly, it does not knit in the mouth. Many are interested in whether citric acid dissolves in water or not. Let's get it right.

Citric acid is a chemical substance consisting of three elements: carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). If it is heated to 175 degrees, it will decompose into water and carbon dioxide. Accordingly, citric acid is highly soluble in water.

A separate substance, it was isolated by the Swedish chemist Scheele back in 1874. Her scientist obtained from the unripe fruits of the lemon tree. In addition to these exotic fruits, acid can be found in many other plants. But lemongrass can only be compared with lemons in terms of acid content. While chemical production was developing, citric acid was produced from biomass of shag and lemon. Now it is a synthesis product from saccharides and a higher mold fungus strain.

As you can see, pure chemistry, having nothing to do with lemons, except for a sour taste. Therefore, there can be no talk of any vitamins or minerals when added to tea. But it is not all that bad. Due to its bactericidal properties and ability to regulate acidity, citric acid has been widely used in the food industry and pharmaceuticals. Here it is better known as additive E330.

You can find citric acid in many juices and pastries. As a preservative, it is used in the production of oil and fat products. For medical purposes, it is included in the composition of drugs to improve energy metabolism. The cosmetics industry is not without this component: citric acid is found in lotions, creams, shampoos to regulate the pH level.

Read also:

  • Water with lemon on an empty stomach - benefits and harms, reviews about a drink for weight loss

If we are talking about cosmetics, let's dwell on a procedure such as shugaring with citric acid. Shugaring - Persian hair removal using a special composition based on sugar syrup. Why persian? Because this sweet hair removal from the body was invented in the East by Persian beauty queens who lived more than one hundred years ago.

Shugaring, in principle, is the same as waxing, only with less painful sensations and the skin after the procedure is more tender. We can distinguish the following benefits of shugaring:

  • it is a simple and inexpensive procedure that you can carry out at home without spending money on trips to salons;
  • shugaring absolutely eliminates irritations, burns, cuts, bruises;
  • sweet hair removal is almost hypoallergenic;
  • there is no risk of hair ingrowth.

Shugaring Procedure


  • sugar - 60 g;
  • warm water - 2 tsp;
  • citric acid - 16 g.


  1. We mix sugar with water in a metal bowl until a porridge-like consistency is formed.
  2. We put it on a slow fire, stir while cooking.
  3. When the mixture begins to acquire the color of caramel, drop a small amount into a container of cold water, and if the drop hardens, the syrup is ready.
  4. Add citric acid to the syrup, continuing to stir. When the mass becomes clear amber, remove the syrup from the stove.
  5. Let it cool to 20-25 degrees.


  1. Take the cooled caramel in your hand and knead like plasticine until it becomes dull.
  2. Apply the composition on the surface of the skin against hair growth.
  3. Sharply separate the smeared mass from the body against hair growth.
  4. The frozen mixture can be heated by placing the dishes with caramel in boiling water.

Throughout this process, citric acid acts as a natural peeling, cleansing the skin and giving it a silky feel.

Citric acid: harm and benefits

Citric acid improves metabolic processes and affects the body in this way:

  • contributes to the removal of harmful salts, toxins, toxic substances;
  • improves digestive processes;
  • strengthens the body's resistance to viruses;
  • has antitumor qualities;
  • relieves a hangover syndrome, helping to cleanse the body;
  • takes an active part in the saturation of cells with oxygen due to antioxidant qualities;
  • it stimulates the renewal of cell epithelium, improving skin elasticity, removing wrinkles and smoothing the complexion of the face.

Citric acid is also useful in weight loss diets. It reduces carbohydrate content. Compensating for the lack of energy, the body begins to burn internal fats, and we, accordingly, lose weight. Dissolving in water, the acid is well absorbed. Its nutritional value is 1 Kcal.

Citric acid should be consumed sparingly. Excessive amounts in the body irritate the gastric mucosa and cause pain. It negatively affects dental health and often causes tooth decay.

What replace citric acid?

If in doubt about using citric acid, try replacing it:

  • for preservation, a lemon can be replaced with apple or wine vinegar, as well as cranberry or redcurrant juice;
  • for culinary recipes, lemon juice is best;
  • acetic acid and baking soda can be used to descale dishes.

Judging by the name of this substance, it is squeezed out of a lemon and then processed. That is what a simple layman thinks when he gets acquainted with citric acid. However, this is not at all true. The main production method is sugar-based synthesis using special mushrooms. But today we are not talking about the origin of the name or how it is made. We will tell you what the health benefits and harms of citric acid are.

general information

You should know a little more about citric acid, as it is a very specific synthesized product. It is contained in most of the food that you buy in stores every day. We take it daily, so many are concerned about the question of how harmful or beneficial it is for our body. We will understand how it acts on the human body.

The properties

Modern medicine has proven that citric acid is one of the best natural antioxidants.  The toxicity level of this substance is extremely small, which allows it to be added to food with almost no restrictions.

With respect to chemistry, the following properties take place:

  • when heated above 175 degrees Celsius, the substance decomposes into carbon dioxide and water;
  • mixes easily with other components;
  • easily soluble;
  • it decomposes quickly and does not pose a threat to the environment.

The specific composition of citric acid is different. It all depends on what products this substance was made from. Methods of obtaining mass. It can be made from shag, citrus fruits, needles, as well as various fruits. But modern manufacturers neglect these methods, citric acid is artificially synthesized from sugar using mushrooms.

We are used to the fact that the letter “E” followed by numbers is a horror for human health. This is not entirely true. There are certain groups of completely harmless substances with this label. Citric acid (E330) also belongs to them.

Scope of application

Citric acid is used in many fields.

  1. In cooking, this is an excellent supplement that gives the food a special aftertaste. In ordinary supermarkets, you can find this substance in mayonnaise, fruit jam, sauces, jellies, etc.
  2. Aromatization. The substance is used to improve the aroma of tea, various drinks, etc. It is also used to extend the shelf life of products. (Citric acid is not a preservative, since an increase in shelf life is achieved by stabilizing the pH level).
  3. Medicine is also one of the applications of this supplement. It is mainly used in drugs that take part in the citrate cycle.
  4. In cosmetology, citric acid is almost as often used as in cooking. It is added to special masks and used for wraps. Of course, in small quantities. It has some whitening effect on the skin, helping to combat birthmarks and freckles.  With this supplement, you can make an effective hair conditioner.

Now we are mostly talking about what citric acid means to us. What real health benefits can it bring? Is citric acid harmful to the body? Here are the main questions to answer.


To list all the benefits of using citric acid, one small article is not enough. Therefore, we will focus on water with citric acid. There are many points that you should try to remember in order to successfully apply them in the future.

  1. Improves the digestive system. Citric acid stimulates the production of gastric juice, so food will be digested faster. Experts recommend using it for slow metabolism.
  2. With the help of lemon and citric acid you can clean the liver, and it really is! This substance is an excellent stimulator of the liver. Thus, bile is secreted more intensively, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the entire digestive system. Just one glass of water or tea with citric acid in the morning, and your liver will be ready to work all day.
  3. Taking this supplement reduces the likelihood of various pustules on the skin (boils, acne, acne).
  4. Cope with the elimination and body toxins. It has a mild laxative effect and diuretic effect. Gradual cleansing of the body and improving the digestive system will lead to the fact that your body will work like a clock.
  5. For diabetics, this is the number one product. It allows you to remove excess sugar from the body.
  6. Cleanses the cardiovascular system.
  7. Lowers blood pressure, which is beneficial for hypertensive patients.
  8. Citric acid contains components that break down fats. Thus, with the help of this substance, you can fight excess weight. In addition, the normalization of metabolism contributes to the fact that the body gradually independently stabilizes body weight.
  9. Refreshes breath and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.
  10. It is also used in medicine in medicines that strengthen joints and connective tissue. With the regular use of this supplement, your tendons and ligaments will become stronger and stronger.
  11. Improves the immune system.
  12. Many people know that citric acid copes with a hangover syndrome. With intoxication, it is recommended to use it along with alternative drugs.

And these are not all useful properties. Do not forget about how useful this nutritional supplement is for domestic purposes. However, citric acid can be harmful to the body. Fortunately, the disadvantages of using this substance are much less than the advantages.

What harm can citric acid cause to the body?

Experts do not recommend the use of citric acid in some cases. Or take it strictly in dosage.

  1. Heartburn. In this state, the body reacts very sharply to any acid, including citric acid.
  2. Ulcer. A very dangerous condition in which any irritation of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to disastrous consequences.

Many note the negative effect of this supplement on tooth enamel. It is generally accepted that acid gradually corrodes it. Excessive use can lead to chipped teeth and tooth decay.

An allergy to citric acid is an extremely rare phenomenon, but it still occurs in our time.  In this case, its use is contraindicated. You will have to carefully monitor everything that you eat, as many foods contain this substance.

The use of citric acid always involves small doses. Exceeding the dosage can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn and even poisoning. Before you start cleansing the body with citric acid or a simple regular intake, you should consult with a qualified specialist.

Pretty much everything is useful. This rule applies to citric acid.