All about sesame oil. Sesame oil: the benefits and harm, how to take, contraindications

21.04.2019 Grill menu

The discovery of the sesame tree "sesame" dates back to ancient times in the ancient centuries to the East and Central Asia. Even then, the seeds were so highly valued that they called the food of the gods and the elixir of immortality. Today sesame oil is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, pharmacology, perfumery and traditional medicine. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of sesame oil.

Many years have passed since the time when mankind discovered the healing properties of sesame, but so far it is considered a source of health and longevity. In eastern countries, it is added to almost every dish, but it is grown in order to produce sesame oil from sesame seeds, which is in great demand in various industries. The chemical composition of the oil is saturated with the necessary elements for the human body.

Sesame oil is an absolutely natural product of plant origin.. It is saturated with fats and fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, etc.), restoring capillaries and improving hemodynamics at the cellular level. In 100 g of the product there is a daily rate of calcium, as well as a lot of iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. It contains a mass of vital substances and vitamins, including vitamin E, which is added to all expensive means for rejuvenation and cell regeneration.

Sesame oil is the strongest antioxidant that binds free radicals, which gives an excellent effect of restoring all functions in the body - both external and internal. Saturation with phytosterols and phospholipids provides protection from the harmful effects of the environment and nourishes with beneficial substances. Minerals are responsible for enhancing metabolic processes and repairing cells.

  Sesame oil is light yellow with a pleasant aroma of walnut.

Hair application

For external use, it is recommended to use the composition obtained by cold pressing, the product must be undeodorized and unrefined. This is an ideal tool for the prevention and treatment of hair, which fights with almost any problems of weakened curls.

  • with increased fat and dandruff as an excellent cleansing, preventing oily seborrhea and removing oily shine, regulates metabolic processes and has an antibacterial effect;
  • when dry, the oil provides intensive hydration;
  • with split ends and brittleness, regular use of the oil is recommended;
  • for restoration after frequent dyeing, chemical perm and other various injuries;
  • for growth and hair loss: oil activates metabolic processes, strengthening the hair follicles;
  • for protection from external harmful factors: sunlight, chlorinated water, hair dryer, irons, etc.

  The most useful for external use is black sesame oil

How to apply

Important! Before the procedure, sesame oil should be heated in a water bath to room temperature.

  • For root treatment, massage the scalp with fingertips for 5–10 minutes with warm oil, leave for half an hour, then rinse.
  • For the treatment of curls, it is better to use a wooden comb, soak its ends in oil and comb it over the entire length, this should be done several times a day, not rinse.
  • For the treatment of tips with similar use, soak the ends several times a day with warm oil.

With regular use, many problems will disappear, and you will be proud of the beauty of the shiny silky curls! The product combines perfectly with other components, so many add it to the composition of various masks.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Eyebrows and eyelashes need care as well as hair. The constant use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes, frequent staining, extension and curling of eyelashes lead to disappointing results. Sesame oil is just a godsend for restoring and growing new cilia instead of "fallen in battle."

Twice a day, with a cotton swab or brush, gently apply the oil to the eyelashes, try not to get in your eyes, you can leave it at night. It is advisable to temporarily stop using eye makeup. Just two weeks later you will notice the result. The effect of thick long eyelashes will return you comfort and good mood! Ideally combined with other oils: almond, castor, burdock, apricot, etc. In the proportions of 1: 1, the oils are mixed in a separate bottle.

  It should be remembered that the masks are necessary necessarily regular, one-two procedures will not be confused

For youth and freshness of the skin

Sesame oil is a universal product, therefore it is recommended to use it by any available means:

  • apply it in its pure form instead of cream (for the night) or mix it with your creams in any proportions (it is selected individually using the sample method);
  • it is recommended to mix with all face products that you use (milk, lotion, tonic, etc.);
  • with dryness and wrinkles under the eyes soak several times a day with warm oil;
  • combine with other oils for making creams, masks, etc.

1. First of all, sesame oil is recommended for dryness, coarseness and flabbiness of fading skin of the face. It nourishes, perfectly moisturizes, softens coarse layers and fights peeling. Daily wiping with a cotton pad dipped in warm oil, under makeup and overnight, will be of great help to your skin.

2. Sesame oil is ideal for the area around the eyes. In these areas, the most sensitive and delicate skin that requires separate care. A similar treatment with a warm agent around the eyes will help to remove eyelid swelling and bags under the eyes, smoothing the crow's feet. Can be used to remove makeup.

3. Sesame oil perfectly smoothes the skin of the face, eliminates pigmentation and traces of acne.

It is interesting! Magnesium in the composition of sesame oil is an anti-stress and tonic element that promotes relaxation of the facial muscles. If you apply oil for the night, then in the morning you will see a fresh and rested face in the mirror.

  Sesame oil is an excellent anti-aging agent

Unique properties for body skin

Sesame oil is actively used for massages in spas. It is great for joint pain and other chronic problems. Massage with oil relieves tension in the muscles, activates vital energy, it is an excellent antibacterial and antifungal agent that helps to fight the most common skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and others. Oil is a hypoallergenic product, it relieves irritation and inflammation, it fights edema well, but the most valuable thing for which women love it: sesame oil is considered a strong fat burning remedy.

It is often used for massages that promote weight loss and eliminate cellulite.   It is believed that if you daily apply oil to the zone of stretch marks, then you can completely get rid of them. Practice shows that this is possible, if only we are not dealing with a chronic problem, which is more than a year old. In any case, the use of body oil in its pure form or diluted with your body milk will give a good result: the skin will gain elasticity, smooth out, and a pleasant shade will be pleasing to the eye.

How to take beauty teeth

Sesame oil is recommended for effective prevention of various problems of the teeth and gums (caries, etc.), as well as a firming agent. It is enough to rinse your mouth with oil. If you have a toothache, try rubbing oil into the gums - this will help reduce or completely eliminate pain.

It is interesting! Sesame oil is considered a strong antioxidant, thanks to which it can be stored for up to nine years.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Practice has shown that the use of sesame oil for the treatment of various diseases has a beneficial effect on the human body. In the treatises of the famous Avicenna, the healing power of sesame is mentioned. Many years have passed, but sesame-based recipes continue to be successfully applied in traditional medicine. The effectiveness of such treatment is confirmed by practice and optimistic reviews. Consider the most common use cases.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

  With increased blood coagulability, internal use is contraindicated

Bioactive substances contained in sesame oil have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and lowering cholesterol. With regular consumption improves blood circulation and composition. Oil is just a lifeline for people suffering from anemia and low blood clotting. Miraculous liquid prevents spasms of cerebral vessels, treats hypertension, helps with heart attacks, strokes, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, etc. In order to prevent enough to take 1 tsp. per day, in order to treat 3 tsp. daily.

Useful properties for constipation, gastritis, gastric ulcer

Sesame oil has a slight laxative effect, well helps with constipation, cleansing and moisturizing the intestines. It perfectly helps with all sorts of colitis, gastritis, treats ulcers and a lot of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Saturation with phospholipids and phytosterols leads to stimulation of the biliary tract processes, normalizing the functioning of the liver. Also, the tool is recommended for the treatment of dyskinesia, with hepatitis of various nature and as an anthelmintic. This is an indispensable aid in the treatment of urinary tract.

For the nervous system

  Perfectly help to raise the mood as well smells oils of bergamot, orange, pine or lemon balm

Sesame oil activates the brain and eliminates neurological disorders. This is an excellent anti-stress agent, which is often used as an antidepressant, normalizing mood. Practice shows that drinking oil improves memory and promotes concentration. With regular use of sesame oil, you can not worry that you will be subject to apathy and depressive states, you can completely get rid of insomnia and fatigue.

With joint diseases

It can be added that it is widely used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system: for various kinds of arthritis, rheumatic problems, articular inflammations. As in the previous cases, small, rich in calcium and other minerals, is ingested.

For women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the female body especially needs an enhanced vitamin complex and sufficient intake of bioactive substances so that they are enough for the mother and the future baby. Sesame oil fully compensates for this disadvantage, providing mommy with energy and helping the child to develop. In the postpartum period, it will support a weakened mother's body, in the short term by restoring the required amount of bioactive elements.

  It should be remembered that a pregnant woman should consult with a doctor about whether to use the oil while in the position, especially inside

Sesame has the ability to improve the composition of milk and enhance lactation. During menstruation and menopause, it will help eliminate discomfort and pain. This elixir of health perfectly strengthens the child’s immune system, providing the child’s body with all the necessary trace elements.

Important! Regular consumption of sesame oil hinders the development of oncology, it perfectly removes slags, radionuclides, toxins and heavy metal salts.

Contraindications and potential harm

Contraindications for external use of oil is possible individual intolerance to the product. It is necessary to consult a doctor in the presence of chronic diseases, hemophilia, thrombophlebitis and an allergic reaction to the product. To make sure you do a test, put a few drops of the product on the back of your wrist and leave for a couple of hours. If there is no itching, redness and other unpleasant manifestations, you can safely try all the advantages of this unique tool.


When choosing sesame oil, refer to the annotation. Storage does not require special conditions, it is desirable to observe the temperature from +10 to +25 degrees. Try to use the opened packaging within half a year.

Various fatty acids - the main thing that requires analysis in any fat. In the reference infographics below, we collected basic information about important nutrients per 100 grams of product:

The most useful light sesame oil, which is squeezed out of raw seeds in a cold way. It is distinguished by bright taste and pleasant aroma.

Dark analogue is obtained from roasted raw materials, the main use is exotic cooking.

Omega-6 harmful excess

A bit of history. Since the 80s of the last century, scientists have argued that for active longevity, we need to strictly reduce animal fats, including replacing them with vegetable fats. From the modification of the diet waited for a victory over the rapidly growing vascular atherosclerosis.

What really happened? By limiting animal fats, we showed a greedy interest in oils from various seeds and plants. Along with an increase in their consumption, too much omega-6 fatty acids have appeared in our diet.

Why is it harmful? In excess amounts of omega-6 fatty acids support systemic inflammation in the tissues. And this is one of the leading causes of premature aging and destructive age-related pathologies (heart attack, stroke, oncology and senile dementia).

For nearly half a century, few have made allowances for the most important facts:

  • Not every vegetable oil
      safe in composition essential fatty acids.
  • Harmonious ratio of omega-3 to omega-6
      should not exceed 1: 4.

In our current diet, this ratio reaches 1:20, or even more!

You can protect yourself from omega-6 excess if:

  1. Reduce foods where these fatty acids are many.
  2. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Now we will estimate sesame oil and its application inside:

  • It does not have a large amount of omega-3 (as opposed to flax seed colleagues), but a lot of omega-6 - up to 47%. However, according to the latest scientific data, a useful diet should be based on natural vegetable fats, in which omega-6 is not more than 30%.
  • Tangible presence of beneficial oleic acid (omega-9) and a small amount of phytoestrogens cannot be considered a sufficient advantage. Especially when there is a very popular olive oil. It oleic acid content reaches 80%, but there are no high concentrations of potentially dangerous omegas.

From here we immediately get several important answers to classic questions.

Is sesame oil daily beneficial?

And is it beneficial to completely replace them with the sunflower we are used to? There is no magic benefit in this replacement. Both products are supersaturated with potentially dangerous omega-6. By the way, this also applies to other popular relatives (corn, walnut, grape seed).

Of the most common alternatives, the most harmonious extra virgin olive oil. It should be used instead of sunflower in dishes without heat treatment. Also fit some exotic options: from peach pits, almond and peanut.

Is it good for children?

Let's remember what components enrich modern artificial mixtures for feeding.

Taurine, trace elements and omega-3. Those are the most beneficial essential fatty acids, which are so few in our diet. They reduce systemic inflammation and are actively involved in promoting the health of virtually all organs and systems.

But first of all - the brain and nervous system. Timely speech and communication, the development of an enormous amount of knowledge and skills in the first three years of life, strong immunity and a clear intestinal work. That is what worries parents.

One of the main nutritional factors for the successful development of a child is a scientifically proven balance of omega-3 and omega-6. It is not a sin to repeat that acceptable vegetable oils should contain no more than 30% of omega-6 fatty acids. Alas, this does not apply to the discussed fat. And this means that we will not get any great benefit from sesame oil in the diet of children.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Some modern studies associate speech delays and mental development in preschool children with a lack of omega-3 in mom's diet during gestation and lactation.

We are waiting for the baby and are looking for an effective replacement for sunflower oil? The best choice is to add cold-pressed olive oil from Spanish or Greek raw materials to salads and cooled dishes, and add a teaspoon of high-quality fish oil to the menu.

It is also important that sesame seed contains a lot of oxalates, which pass into the oil and create an additional load on the kidneys. This is especially true in the 3rd trimester and in chronic diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

Calcium Myth

Remains in the cake. Do not go over. Missing.  Choose any word you like. They all answer the question about "high calcium content" in sesame oil. Only sesame and sesame paste contain a lot of calcium.

We do not undertake to guess for what surprising reason this myth wanders according to the information on the bottles with the product. Consider this “alarm bell” when evaluating a manufacturer who writes something fabulous on the label - “Only 1 tablespoon covers the daily need for calcium,” “Useful for fractures, pregnant women, children, postmenopausal,” etc.

Sesame oil in Ayurveda

In the east, sesame is called "sesame", and butter - sesame. Today it is widely used in India, Japan and China. Among Ayurvedic recipes, we constantly meet tips on how to drink sesame oil to treat digestive organs, to ease cough in lung diseases and to stabilize the balance in sex hormones.

This knowledge conflicts with the findings of modern science about the lack of special benefits in the daily use of sesame oil. To believe and on what logic to rely on is the personal choice of each.

Constipation with constipation

Out of curiosity, let's sort out the most popular advice to drink sesame oil on an empty stomach - as a way to say goodbye to constipation and to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

Substitution of concepts comes to the fore. Any fatty product taken on an empty stomach, especially with a glass of acidified water of contrast temperature, activates the flow of bile. Which in turn enhances peristalsis and starts a regular cleaning process. Sesame oil has no particular advantages in this ordinary physiological reaction to the intake of fats and liquids on an empty stomach.

Massage for lung pathology

According to the version of eastern healers in case of lung diseases, oil massage is useful:

  • With the heated oil, rub the patient's chest, dress it warmly and place it in a drainage position for 5-15 minutes. After coughing, you can once again make a light massage with the rest of the product, wrap up and put a person to sleep - with a high headboard.

It is difficult to argue that it works more actively in the described scheme, but it greatly facilitates the discharge of sputum.

Favorable application in cosmetology

The undeniable advantage of the hero of our article is the ability to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation due to sesamol. It is used in the production of natural cosmetics in the composition of sunscreens. The sun protection recipe available to everyone is to apply sesame oil on the skin of the body during sunbathing.

  Basic action on the skin

It is in cosmetology that sesame oil maximally reveals its best sides:

  • It nourishes, softens and moisturizes;
  • Deeply penetrates, but does not clog pores;
  • Helps in cell regeneration;
  • Spurs cleansing processes;
  • Normalizes the sebaceous glands.

All components work for the benefit of the skin - vitamin E, fatty acids, lignans.

Recipes for the face

At home, for all products we take light sesame oil, obtained by cold pressing.

  • Cleansing oily skin:  2 tbsp. spoons of turmeric and sesame oil rubbed into a homogeneous slurry. We use as a cleansing gel - on the face, neck, decollete, shoulders and upper back, where sebaceous gland inflammation often develops. We mass, we give to dry up to 10 minutes, we delete with warm water, we rinse cool.
  • Cellulite 1 and 2 stages:  actively massage the legs and the area of \u200b\u200buneven skin on the thighs and buttocks with a dry massage brush. We direct the movement on the return current of lymph: from below - upwards, from the periphery - to the center. At the end of the massage, apply sesame oil heated in a water bath. Repeat 2 p / day in the morning and at night up to 4 weeks continuously.
  • Dry skin nutrition:mix butter and cocoa powder in equal proportions. Apply as a face mask for 15-20 minutes to 4 p / week.
  • Maximum nutrition of fading skin:  combine 3 oils in equal proportions - sesame, almond, avocado. Apply as a mask in the evenings, putting on face and neck for 30 minutes. Do not wash off, but only soak before bedtime. In the same composition, you can replace additional ingredients, attracting other oils (rosehip, cocoa, olive). We conduct a course of at least 1 month, the frequency of oil procedures - up to 5 per week.
  • Removal of daily makeup. Wipe excess fat with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, rinse your face with cool water and gently soak the skin with a soft towel.
  • Night meals for all skin types:  apply on the face along the massage lines, covering the area under the eyes. We hold, without getting wet, 30 minutes. If the skin feels too oily, gently soak up and go to bed.
  • Refreshing mask for normal skin:mix dry ginger powder (1 tsp), powdered sugar (1 tsp) and sesame oil (1 tbsp). Apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with warm water, rinse with cool.

Recipes for hair

  • Mask for dry and colored hair:  with gentle pressure, massage the skin along partings, distribute it from root to tip, wrap it in cellophane under a warm cap. Hold for 2 hours, rinse with shampoo water. We make a mask from 2 times a week for a month. The beneficial effects are especially noticeable on dull damaged hair.
  • Universal hair mask:  The principle of wrapping is described above. We use sesame oil as a base and enrich it with other ideal ingredients for silky and shiny hair: olive, burdock and corn - for general healing, castor - for problems with dandruff.


  1. Individual intolerance to sesame components.
  2. Allergy sufferers should always perform a daily test before using externally.
  3. The high content of oxalates is a direct contraindication for people with kidney disease, in conditions of limited drinking and heavy physical exertion.

A critical combination is oxalates and oxalic acid. Never fill up with sesame oil salads from vegetables of a green shade, with abundance of leaf greens, beet and citrus.

It is worth remembering that a low-oxalate diet is often indicated in certain general conditions:

  • Delayed speech and mental development in childhood;
  • Second and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Undergoing kidney surgery;
  • Elderly people after 60 years;
  • When you use certain drugs (groprinosin, aspirin).

From the video below you will learn simple and effective recipes for how to apply sesame oil to skin care - for severe dryness, after 40 years and during pregnancy from stretch marks:

   If you want to treat yourself to a protein salad with a bright sesame flavor, then pay attention to the recipe from the video below. Dietary squids with a doubtfully useful sauce made from mayonnaise, ketchup and sesame oil can be used on holidays.

In our opinion, if we are not going to run cross to our 100th anniversary, then 20% of the diet can be dedicated to indulging the gourmet quest - without looking at the ideal utility.

   We will be glad if the information provided clarified for you the main issues, what are the benefits and harms of sesame oil, how to take it most effectively and what method for beauty and health to test in the near future.

Thank you for the article (4)

Today's talk about the beneficial properties of sesame oil and contraindications for its use in traditional medicine and cooking.

Sesame (sesame) oil and the plant itself originally appeared in the East. India and Africa are competing for the right to be called its homeland, but now sesame is supplied not only from there, but also from: China, Korea, and the Transcaucasian regions.

Ayurveda considers this product the best oil. And by the way, the most ancient, which only learned to produce people.

However, it is the Indian plant variety that remains the most popular due to the highest percentage of oil content.

As the basis for the oil are raw in a mixture of four colors: yellow, red, brown, black.

The degree of maturity and aroma of the seed is determined by the change in tone from light to dark. In addition to making butter, sesame seeds can also be fried and added to food. Their shelf life is only 1 year, after that they deteriorate and acquire a rancid taste. Products from sesame retain freshness for up to 2 years. And the oil and the longer.

The composition of sesame oil

It is better not to heat treat it and not to add it to hot dishes - it can only preserve the greatest amount of nutrients until its temperature exceeds 25 degrees.

Existing refined sesame oil does not justify itself at all, why pay a lot of money for tasteless and practically useless oil, although it can be replaced with other, much cheaper vegetable analogues.

Sesame seeds contain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Since ancient times, they are used as seasoning, additions to baking or an ingredient for making butter.

For cold pressing, fresh or roasted sesame is used. In the first case, the oil turns out to be lighter and with a less pronounced aroma than in the second variant.

Roasted seeds give the mass a dark color, and its smell differs in slightly bitter notes. Oil, like sesame, is used as a culinary additive or in traditional medicine recipes.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of sesame oil were discovered during the time of the pharaohs. Even then it was used in medicine, cosmetology, and even perfumery. Some recipes have survived to the present day, and are widely used by nutritionists, doctors, cosmetologists and representatives of alternative medicine.

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails, hair, internal systems of the body and its condition as a whole. Oil can be used for both medicinal purposes and as a prophylactic agent.

The benefits of sesame oil for the human body:

  • due to the content of lignans, the oil is involved in the process of preventing cancer (in the presence of tumors, the rehabilitation process is facilitated);
  • regulation of lipid metabolism in the body (the property is used for weight loss);
  • normalizes the functioning of the internal systems of the body;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes (external and internal);
  • strengthening the immune system (,);
  • normalization of gastric acidity;
  • reducing harmful cholesterol;
  • stabilization of digestion and metabolism;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • normalization of the health of the lungs and the respiratory system as a whole;
  • improve brain performance;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • stabilization of the blood circulation process;
  • accelerating the process of excretion of bile:
  • helps to cope with strong pain during menstruation;
  • helps eliminate the risk of overeating (oil nourishes the body and prevents the rapid emergence of feelings of hunger);
  • normalization of hormonal background;
  • slows the aging process;
  • beneficial effects on the central nervous system.

Nutritional value and calorie

Sesame oil contains not only calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron, but also some amino acids that are vital for the body, but they cannot produce by themselves.

Such substances include stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and other acids. This oil is considered an effective natural antioxidant.

The oil from sesame includes Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, useful macronutrients and vitamins of different groups. A distinctive feature is the presence of lignans.

Thanks to these components, after heat treatment, the seeds do not lose their beneficial properties and retain their composition practically unchanged.

Sesame oil is a fairly high-calorie ingredients. 100 g contains almost 899 Kcal. In such quantity it is not used. To facilitate the process of counting calories, you can focus on the fact that in a teaspoon of the substance will be approximately 5 g (or 45 Kcal), and in a tablespoon - 16 g (or 152 Kcal).

Energy value of sesame oil (per 100 g):

  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 99.9 g;
  • proteins - 0 g

Nutritional value of sesame oil:

  • saturated fatty acids - 14.2 g;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - 42.5 g

Are there any harm and contraindications?

Sesame oil, like any other ingredient, should be used in accordance with the recommendations. Excessive introduction of it into the diet or the use of an external method may cause harm to the body.

For example, sesame oil has a mild laxative effect, and diarrhea can be a negative consequence. Too frequent use of masks and ointments based on it leads to skin irritation or an allergic reaction.

Sesame oil can not be taken by any means, if there are the following factors:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins (read the article on how to treat varicose veins in the legs);
  • increased level of blood clotting;
  • idiosyncrasy sesame.

Sesame oil should not be used simultaneously with aspirin. It is not recommended to introduce it into the diet if foods with a high content of oxalic acid were used. This factor is primarily due to the increased level of calcium in the oil.

The compatibility of these substances can lead to a violation of the genitourinary system. In addition, sesame oil in no case can not be heated or boiled over a fire. After such a procedure, it not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes dangerous for the body.

Application Methods

Daily consumption of sesame oil should not exceed one tablespoon. Otherwise, the expected effect will not occur, and a side effect will be a negative factor.

Oil on the basis of sesame seeds should be consumed. For daily use, it is not suitable because of the high concentration of the components.

Before using any technique, it is important to conduct a sensitivity test.  A drop of oil is rubbed into the wrist area. If there is no redness, you can proceed to the procedure.

In folk medicine

  • from or gastritis (three times a day, the oil is taken internally in 1/3 tablespoon, the procedure must be carried out strictly before meals);
  • at  (a small amount of oil should be rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples with massage movements no more than three times a day);
  • for oral diseases  (oil should be held for several minutes in the mouth, the procedure should be carried out three times a day until the symptoms of the existing disease disappear);
  • at  (a small amount of oil slightly heated in a water bath should be rubbed into the chest area or taken no more than three times a day, 1/3 tablespoon to speed up sputum separation).

In cosmetology

  • use as a face cream  (sesame oil should be used to treat the areas around the eyes, face skin or problem areas, the substance has a healing and rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use it once a day in the morning or before bedtime);
  • addition to ready-made creams  (a small amount of sesame-based oil can be added to the finished cream, selected according to the skin type, due to the additional ingredient, the effect of the cream will increase);
  • for hair  (pure oil is rubbed into the hair, and then washed off with regular shampoo, the procedure can be carried out several times a week, making the hair more shiny, healthy, stop falling out and split);
  • for nails  (cuticle and nails are smeared daily with sesame oil, the effect of application will be to strengthen the nail plate and improve the appearance of the skin on the fingers);
  • for massage  (doing massage with sesame oil, you can achieve not only the improvement of the skin, but also get rid of problems such as stretch marks, cellulite or small scars).


  • sesame oil on an empty stomach  (a tablespoon of oil should be washed down with a glass of water, a feeling of saturation will arise, and the useful components of the substance will help to remove excess fluid from the body)
  • massage problem areas  (oil can be mixed with other components, with a mixture to massage problem areas daily).

Sesame oil in any recipe is used in accordance with certain rules. You can not add it to hot dishes (soups or main dishes). Otherwise, the taste of the products may be spoiled, and the oil will not benefit the body.

Lose weight, using only sesame oil, will not work. In this case, you must comply with a certain diet and exercise.

If you had to go through stress or feel excessive irritability, then you need to rub a small amount of the substance into the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples. The body get a surge of strength and will return to normal tone.

We also offer you to watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Summary of the article

Sesame oil, or sesame oil, has been known to mankind since the times of ancient Egypt. At that time it was used for healing, and today, after numerous studies have shed light on previously unexplored properties, the product is used not only in popular health, but also in cooking and cosmetology. What are the useful features of sesame oil?

How rich is sesame oil

If you look at the composition of sesame oil, you can find the following elements:

    • Vitamins- among them are E, D, A, B1, B2, C, as well as B3;
    • large group minerals- phosphorus, manganese, calcium, silicon, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, nickel, iron;
    • antioxidants, among which sesamoland squalenereducing harmful cholesterol;
    • lignans- unique substances that suppress the activity of cancer cells;
      fatty acid: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 - control the "bad"
    • cholesterol, thin the blood, improve memory and attention, fight inflammation and prolong youth;
    • phytosterols- elements that support the immune system, improve skin condition and normalize the function of the endocrine system;
    • phospholipids(in particular, lecithin) and sitosterol- substances responsible for brain and liver activity, restoring the nervous and vascular systems.

Summing up, it can be concluded that sesame oil has a beneficial effect on a variety of organs and body systems. In particular, it increases disease resistance, strengthens the heart, cleans blood vessels and improves blood quality.

It supports the work of the liver and gallbladder, reduces stress, drives away insomnia and helps to cope with high mental loads.

The product is especially beneficial for pregnant and lactating women (although it is worth consulting with a doctor), diabetics (mainly due to the high content of choline), those who experience acute calcium deficiency or suffer from memory impairment.

How to make butter at home

Not all housewives know that fragrant sesame oil can be made independently, however, provided that high-quality sesame seeds are selected. Sesame is heated on a dry hot frying pan for 3-4 minutes, and then poured over with odorless vegetable oil, so that it completely hides the seeds.

The composition languishes on the minimum fire for about an hour, from time to time it is necessary to stir. The finished sesame oil exudes a rich aroma, before using it is well filtered.

You can do a little differently - after light roasting (with constant stirring, to avoid burning), grind the sesame with a blender while still warm. Then it must be returned to the pan, this time with oil, and held on moderate heat for 6-7 minutes. The resulting mixture is placed in a glass bottle and kept in a dark place for a day.

On a note: both homemade and commercial sesame oil should be kept cool as far away from the light source as possible. The shelf life of the opened product is about six months, sealed sesame oil can retain useful properties up to 7-8 years.

How to use sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil is refinedand not refined. The latter is made from roasted sesame seeds, which gives the product a distinct aroma, rich, slightly sweetish taste with nutty notes and dark brown color.

For the preparation of fried dishes such a grade is not used; they are added to already prepared dishes directly at serving.

Refined oil is made from raw sesame seeds and has a pale yellow color. It is somewhat inferior in smell and taste, but it is quite good for filling salads, cereals, pasta and all kinds of snacks (it is undesirable to spice up hot food, when heated above 25 degrees, most of the nutrients are lost).

Sesame oil is often used for marinating meat and vegetables, preparing savory sauces and even some sweet dishes - mostly from the menu of Indian cuisine. Here are some recipes with his participation.

Marinade for meat

Sesame oil - 60 milliliters;
   garlic - 3 slices;
   onions - 200 grams;
   bay leaf - 2 pieces;
   chili pepper - 100 grams;
   granulated sugar - 30 grams;
   carnation - 2 buds;
   wine vinegar - 60 milliliters;
   ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
   Rosemary, thyme and salt - added to taste.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Put in a saucepan, throw a hot pepper, cut into strips and rid of seeds, as well as crushed garlic cloves. Pour the mixture with sugar and cinnamon, pour in oil and vinegar. Put a couple of laurel leaves, adjust the salt and spices to your liking.

Duration of marinating meat - 5-6 hours, the whole of this period, it should spend in the refrigerator.

Sauce for fish and meat salads

Grated ginger - a full tablespoon;
   sugar - 1 teaspoon;
   sesame oil - 35 milliliters;
   sesame seeds - 2 teaspoons;
   apple cider vinegar - 30 milliliters;
   black pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Preparation is quite simple - combine all the ingredients, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and whisk thoroughly.

Oriental Sauce

Rice Vinegar - 1 tables. spoon;
   sesame oil - half a teaspoon;
   Fresh cilantro - 2 cups;
   soy sauce - 15-20 milliliters;
   water - 60 milliliters;
   flakes of red pepper - one pinch;
   olive or sunflower oil - 35 milliliters.

Rinse and dry the cilantro leaves. Place in the bowl of the blender, add all other ingredients and grind to complete homogeneity. Especially harmoniously sauce combined with shrimp.

Salad dressing

White Sesame - 2 tablespoons;
   sesame oil - 70 milliliters;
   coconut milk - 5-6 table. spoons;
   finely grated orange peel - a small handful;
   Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 20-30 milliliters;
   salt - added to taste;
   maple syrup - 2.5-3 table. spoons.

Stir fragrant zest and sesame seeds. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt, cover with coconut milk and citrus fresh juice. Add maple syrup and a few spoons of sesame oil.

Stir thoroughly with a whisk; adjust the amount of salt if necessary. The dressing is ideal for salads based on vegetables, fruits and seafood.

The role of oil in folk health

Like other types of useful oils, in particular, sesame is used in its pure form on an empty stomach (but not more than 1 table. Spoon for reception): this way you can prevent many diseases, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, equalize blood pressure, strengthen bones and teeth, maintain body tone and youthful skin.

When used as a conditioner, the oil reduces tooth enamel sensitivitytreats gum disease , strengthens it helps them to fight fungus in the mouth . It can also shoot otitis if two or three drops are instilled into the diseased ear once a day, and to alleviate the condition laryngitis , if you periodically lubricate the throat.

External application of oil (rubbing, lotions, compresses) results in the removal of inflammation, which is especially valuable in the treatment of mastitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sesame oil against respiratory ailments

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis and asthma, evening rubbing with warm sesame oil is practiced: it is heated in a water bath and distributed in the chest area. If the cough is wet, it should be intense, up to redness, rub the chest and back with a mixture of oil and regular table salt.

With a cold and antritis, the product will be a worthy replacement for pharmacy drops and sprays - just bury a couple drops in each nostril.

Dermatitis treatment

Combining sesame oil with aloe and grape juices (proportions - 2: 1: 1, respectively), you will get an excellent regenerating agent for atopic skin: just apply it on the affected areas several times a day. In parallel, it is necessary to take the oil inside, twice or three times a day on the eve of the meal.

The proposed scheme of action is effective against eczema and psoriasis, allows to accelerate the healing of burns, cuts and abrasions.

Getting rid of insomnia

If you suffer from sleep disorders, try rubbing slightly warmed sesame oil into your feet and feet every evening. It is also useful for them to lubricate the whiskey, which contributes to the speedy relaxation and relief of nervous tension.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology

Sesame oil perfectly cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves firmness and elasticity, eliminates early wrinkles, protects cells from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and rapidly changing temperatures.

Despite the fact that the product itself is quite oily, it can (and even should!) Be used in skin care with excess greasiness and acne: the oil remarkably removes dirt from the “clogged” pores, but only on condition that it is applied to thoroughly washed face.

The product is very useful to mix in everyday cosmetics - face and hand creams, as well as body lotions. Sesame oil brilliantly manifests itself in the elimination of stretch marks and cellulite, especially in combination with an energetic massage of problem areas.

Another type of massage strengthens the hair: if you rub warm oil into the scalp, your hair will become much stronger and stronger, dandruff will disappear, and a healthy glow will appear.

Sesame oil from stretch marks

Combining 30-40 mil. with 2 drops of lavender ether, the same amount of neroli oil and a drop of orange oil, you will get a great tool for a morning or evening massage after taking a shower. In order to enhance the effect, you can wrap yourself with plastic wrap and warm the problem areas for 30-40 minutes.

Essential oils can be alternated - rose hips, verbena, thyme, peppermint and cloves are also good in the fight against stretch marks.

Mask from the "crows feet"

Combine sesame oil with sour cream (milk product should be high fat), the optimal ratio is two to one. Spread the mixture in the area around the eyes, leave for twenty minutes. After rinsing, use a moisturizer for eyelids.

Toning face mask

Heat sesame oil to a slightly warm state - you will need only one tablespoon. Pour a teaspoon of ground and the same amount of powdered sugar, stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Apply the mass on the pre-cleansed skin in several layers, leave for a quarter of an hour.

Night lifting mask

You will need to combine a teaspoon of sesame oil, half a teaspoon of ground oil, as well as oil vitamins A, C, and E (one capsule each). Rub the mixture with massaging movements (the day before, do not forget to thoroughly clean the face). The mask produces a tightening effect, relieves clogged pores, suppresses inflammatory processes and fights rashes.

Moisturizing body mask

You will need to take slightly heated sesame oil (50 ml), gruel of finely grated cucumber (3 tablespoons), coconut oil (1 table. Spoon) and 10 drops of any essential oil of your choice (for example, grapefruit or rosemary). Mix everything well, apply to skin and rest for about half an hour. Remove residues with warm running water.

Recipes oil baths for nails

Half a cup of warm sesame oil + 5 drops of iodine tincture + 10 drops of liquid vitamin A. The duration of the session is 20 minutes, repeat in a weekly mode.

50 ml of sesame oil + 50 ml of apple cider vinegar. Dip your fingertips for ten minutes, do not rinse after the time has elapsed, but simply wipe with a napkin.

Tables. spoon of sesame oil (dissolved in warm water) + 2 table. spoons of fresh lemon juice. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, the nails are not only strengthened, but also bleached.

Sesame Oil Harm

Remember that sesame oil has a high calorie content - about 900 Kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be strictly metered: for adults, 3 teaspoons per day is optimal, adolescents are prescribed only one small spoon, 6-10-year-old children should be limited to half a teaspoon, and babies 1 to 3 years old should not be given more than 5 drops.

Important:  A clear symptom of an overdose or individual intolerance is the appearance of a rash on the skin.

Those who are suffering from varicose veins, chronic urinary tract ailments(cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis), people with allergic to  and predisposition to education blood clots.

Sesame oil should not be taken simultaneously with aspirinand preparations based on it, as well as with products containing a large amount oxalic acid  (tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers).

Video: The useful sesame oil