How to pickle tuna fish with m. The tricks of cooking fresh tuna: choose the fish

21.04.2019 Grill menu

   Tuna contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 acids, which are vital for the full-fledged work of the brain and the prevention of malignant tumors.

Compared to other fish, a representative of the mackerel family of tuna is strongly distinguished by an impressive weight, sometimes reaching 600 kg, and unique useful properties. Tuna fish contains the highest amount of protein in fish.

Tuna are almost always in motion, so they have well developed muscles. In many respects due to this peculiarity of taste, tuna is not similar to any other fish.
   Although technically it relates to fish, according to its taste characteristics it is often placed on a par with meat. On the cut, the tuna is also not very different from the same beef, for which it was nicknamed the "sea chicken".

Tuna dishes are good for the heart, blood vessels, joints, nervous system, eyesight and immunity. True, in the preparation of this fish is somewhat capricious, because in its fresh form its meat is too dense and layered.
   Today we will talk about how to properly cook tuna, so that he liked both children and adults.

The tricks of cooking fresh tuna: choose the fish

Fresh tuna fillet always has a dark red color that should be uniform, so carefully inspect the fish when you buy it. You should be alerted by brown spots and uneven coloring, which indicate that the tuna is most likely not fresh.

If you buy a whole carcass, it should weigh no more than 2 kg, have a light shade, intact fins and the smell of the ocean.

Tuna dries quickly and is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, so try to use it immediately, without delay.
   If you are cooking tuna for children, then keep in mind that the most delicious, tender and fatty part of the fish is in the abdomen area.

Splitting tuna

If the fish is frozen, it is thawed at room temperature.
Then we will prepare the workspace, as cleaning fish from scales is a rather dirty job. In this regard, it is best to do it on a newspaper or by wrapping a chopping board with thick polyethylene. Many housewives prefer to clean the fish right in the sink. In short, select the option that best suits you.

For cleaning, we need a knife or a special fish scaler. Take a napkin in your left hand and grab the fish's tail very tightly with it. This is necessary so that the fish do not slip out of your fingers.
   Next, with the blunt side of the knife blade, holding it at a right angle to the carcass, with progressive movements towards the fish's head, scrape the scales. This must be done quite energetically, repeating the action several times in the same place in order to remove the scales completely.
   Then turn the tuna on the other side and repeat the procedure. After all the scales have been removed, thoroughly wash the fish in water and place it on a clean cutting board.
   With a sharp knife, carefully cut the belly of the carcass and remove all the insides, remove the gills, cut off the fins. After re-wash the carcass inside and out.

This is how experts do it. For example, Japanese cutting tuna. Works traditional knife "Deba" :).

Well, in this video the process is simpler (IMHO). You can use the usual sharp knife, which is in the arsenal of any hostess.

Tuna meat is suitable for cooking a large number of dishes with different technological processes. It is equally good in boiled and stewed form, it is fried and stewed, added to various salads.

Another common cooking method for tuna meat is to boil it. Boiled tuna is used to prepare various salads, thereby betraying them with an exquisite and unique taste.

Boil tuna fish

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt, bay leaf, black pepper and chopped onions, all the ingredients must be boiled for two minutes.
   Next, in a boiling broth, lower the fresh tuna meat and cook for 10-12 minutes. Then we take out meat, we cool and further we use

Tuna marinating is a way to make it juicier.

Fresh carcass must gut in the usual way - to separate the head and tail, remove the fins, cut the abdomen, release it from the entrails, remove the skin, and then make a longitudinal incision on the back and carefully separate the meat from the bones, which are usually few.

Cutting the fillet into pieces can be marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, olive or sesame oil, honey, lemon or orange juice with any spices that you like.

Sometimes red wine, vinegar, garlic, dried herbs and grated fresh ginger are used as marinades,  which gives the fish a fresh aroma and savory taste.

Marinating should be from 30 minutes to 2 hours - depending on how much time you have on cooking, but know that the longer the tuna marinates, the softer and juicier it turns out.

How to fry tuna

If soy sauce is included in the marinade, then the fish can not be salted, in all other cases, you should rub the fillet pieces with salt and pepper.

The fish, which did not pass the marinating stage, should rest for half an hour, only then it can be fried in hot vegetable or butter for 2-3 minutes on each side - to a beautiful golden crust.
   Tuna slices should be no thicker than 3 cm, so that the fish is well steamed.

To determine readiness, pierce the fish with a fork, and if it stratifies slightly outside, and the inside is light pink, it means that the tuna is ready.

Before roasting, steaks can be breaded in whipped proteins mixed with sesame, coriander and any spices. Protein mass is best applied to the fish with a cooking brush and only then roll in ground spices.

When frying, do not forget that it is necessary to turn the meat regularly, as soon as the surface is lightly browned. And immediately remove from the pan, in this case, the tuna meat will be juicy and tender.

A perfectly roasted is considered a piece of meat, which on the cut in the middle should be light pink, and closer to the edges
   should be brown.

Other tuna cooking methods

In European and Asian cuisine, there are various recipes for cooking tuna, and empirically you can choose dishes that will take root in your family.
   It turns out very tasty tuna, baked in the oven or on the grill, and if you have not pickled it beforehand, it is recommended to smear the pieces with vegetable oil, and then rub it with salt and spices.

Preparing fish in the oven, heated to 180-220 ° C, 7-10 minutes, in foil - 15 minutes. It is important not to overdo the fish in the pan or in the oven, so as not to overdry, otherwise it will be hard and tasteless.

A win-win is stewed tuna, which is first lightly fried with onions in a frying pan in vegetable oil, and then stewed in lemon juice or lime juice for 10-15 minutes.

You can cook fish in a multicooker, aerogrill and microwave, the time is determined individually, although usually 20-30 minutes is enough.

How to serve tuna

As you can see, the tuna cooks quickly, but preferably before serving, slightly hold it in the pan under the lid, in the cooling oven or in the foil, so that it “ripens”, becomes softer and more tender.

Fish is served with vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, pasta, rice, cheese, capers and salad accompanied by garlic, cheese, cream, tomato or fruit sauce, pesto, teriyaki or aioli.

Tuna is combined with many products, so salads, sandwiches, pie filling, pizza, sushi, sashimi, meatballs, soups, casseroles, souffles and many other tasty dishes are made from it, using spices and herbs to taste.

Baked Tuna with Lemon

Always a great cooking option for tuna - roasting in foil: dry fish is tender and tasty.
   And the ingredients at least - and what a tasty fish it turns out!

I like the recipe for simplicity: wrapped in foil and after a while ready! You can not even add anything except spices. Although, if you wish, you can bake potatoes or vegetables, or even apples with fish, but if you are in a hurry, you have enough spices: salt and pepper, and water with lemon juice - it is wonderfully combined with sea fish.

Due to roasting in foil, tuna is cooked in its own juice, it turns out not dry, but similar to tasty canned food with the same name. And if canned food - the bank is small and expensive, then according to this recipe - a whole fish! Naturally, tasty, healthy, economical.


  • 1 fresh-frozen tuna;
  • Salt, ground pepper or pepper mixture - to taste;
  • Lemon juice from 0.5 lemon;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tablespoons.

How to cook tuna in own juice:

Clean and wash the fish, dry it with a napkin and put it on a sheet of baking foil, smeared with vegetable oil, so that the shiny side of the foil is on the outside and the matte side is on the inside.

Rub the fish with spices inside and out. I took salt and black pepper.
   A more refined option - sea food salt and a mixture of peppers.

Sprinkle tuna with lemon juice and wrap in foil.

We spread on a baking sheet or in the form, pour a little water on the bottom, and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes, depending on the size of the fish.

Served baked tuna with a side dish of boiled rice, fresh or baked vegetables, salad or potatoes.

Tuna Fish Recipes

Canned tuna meat is used to prepare a variety of dishes: appetizers, various types of salads and soups. Here is a complete list of canned tuna dishes.

In addition, it should be noted that the tuna meat in canned form does not lose nutrients, does not contain fat and salt, which is added to canned food as a flavor enhancer.

The industry produces canned tuna in oil and in its own juice, which is considered easier for the stomach, and fish, canned in this way, retains its beneficial properties better.
   When choosing canned food, make sure that the bank is not damaged or swollen, and be sure to check the expiration date.

Considered the most delicious fish, preserved three months ago,  but keep in mind that an open can of canned food cannot be stored for more than a day.
   Appetizing soups, salads, pates and sauces with the addition of olives, capers, tomatoes and oregano can be made from tuna in its own juice.

Tuna salads are very popular not only because of the excellent taste of this fish, but also because tuna is a low-calorie product.

Tuna and Tomato SaladIt is probably a classic for fish salads, especially when tuna is present.

The recipe is very simple - take a can of canned tuna (100 g), drain the liquid, disassemble the fish into pieces, removing the large bones.
   250 g of tomatoes cut into large cubes, after removing the seeds (this will make the salad less watery). If cherry tomatoes, then just cut each tomato in half.
   100 g of cucumbers cut into half rings, chop the same amount of pepper in small cubes.
   A few sprigs of basil, 1 clove of garlic and 3 leaves of Iceberg lettuce are finely chopped (Iceberg lettuce is used if desired).
   Mix all the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste, season the salad with a few spoons of olive or other vegetable oil and mix gently. Top the salad with pine nuts and basil leaves.

Tuna and avocado salad.Canned tuna and ripe avocado are a great duet: quick, tasty, healthy, dietary.


  • jar of canned tuna,
  • one large avocado
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs
  • one onion of red onion.

Avocado cut in half, remove the bone. Using a dessert spoon, cut a small hole in the avocado, forming peculiar bowls for the future salad.
Mix the pulp from avocado with chopped eggs and finely chopped red onions.
   Drain the oil from the jar of tuna, finely crush the fish with a fork and add to the salad, mix, season with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
   Fill an avocado bowl with tuna salad.

Tuna is an ideal fish for the home menu, because it is easy to prepare, quickly saturates, looks good and is very healthy. Many recipes are suitable for everyday dinner with your family, and more complex dishes can be prepared for the festive table.
   You will definitely enjoy it - both from cooking tuna and tasting it, and any of the recipes will certainly become your signature homemade dish. Enjoy tasty, aromatic, healthy fish and delight your loved ones!

Ps.  After cooking, you will definitely have dishes and cutlery that retain the smell of fish. To remove it, rinse it with water mixed with vinegar, then rinse with a sponge and detergent. In this case, you get clean dishes without fishy smell.

Let today and not Thursday, but I have a fish day.

I recently bought 4 fish at the bazaar - a magnificent striped tuna, bonito.
2 fishes went for pickling "under the herring", one - under the marinade and the last into the pie. Everything was done not in one day, and not even in one week. But I wanted to gather together.

Let's start with salting.
I already have a favorite recipe for marinating fish for herring that I have tried many times. Usually it is mackerel. But this time I salted tuna and did not regret it! Spices for this specially bought in Cheboksary. to try.
Salting tuna.  (or any other fish)

Fish cut - gut, cut fins, remove the head. Cut into pieces in 2-3 cm.

Put in a glass jar, peppered with spices and onion rings.
Boil half a liter of water with three tablespoons. salt table with a spoon of sugar, black peppercorns, bay leaves, coriander and cloves (2-4 things). Cool and pour the fish. For 12 hours, leave at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator. A couple of days is ready.

Tuna marinade.
Recipe from the brochure "Perfect picnick"

Tuna or carp
-75 g plums oils. Melt
-50 ml dry sherry
salt, black pepper

400 ml of water
-150 ml of wine vinegar (took the usual 7% d)
-150 ml of fish broth (cook from heads, tail)
-1 onion (but take more) Cut into thin ringlets
pepper white peas
- a spicy spoonful of spices all spice
-2-4 studs
-1 bay leaf
-2 tbsp. capers (chopped)
-2 pickled cucumber, cut into cubes
-120 ml of olive oil

Heat the oven to 180C.
I cut a ryu into pieces, put in a form and grease with melted butter. Sprinkle sherry and bake for 20-25 minutes. Cool it down.

In the meantime, prepare the marinade. Mix everything except capers, cucumbers and olive oil. Boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool slightly. Add capers, cucumbers, olive oil.
Pour marinade over fish, cover with foil or lid and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Is done.

Open fish pie with greens.

A recipe from Bon Appetit, but with my changes. They offered filling from canned saury. Something I do not want to smell the smell of baked canned fish. The last tuna was waiting for his turn in the freezer, and he went to work.

I have never used fish with red meats in cakes, only with white. The tuna in the pie tasted good and did not look like the usual taste of white fish fillet. Just do not feel sorry for greens and pepper!

3 tablespoons sour cream
100 g margarine (took plum. Butter)
150 g of flour (I had to add a little more)
a quarter tsp soda, salt.

pitted fish fillet
green onions
pepper, salt

To fill
4 eggs
200 g sour cream
1 table.l. flour

Melt butter, mix with flour. Add sour cream, soda, salt and knead the dough. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

prepare the stuffing of fish, green onions, spices. Do not spare pepper.

Roll out the dough, put it into shape, form the sides. Put the stuffing, sprinkle with dill.

To fill slightly beat the eggs, add sour cream, flour. Pour the filling evenly and bake the cake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes. Temperature indicated in 180C.
After 30 minutes, I put on the cake decorations from the remaining dough. And dopela to readiness.

Baked cake today.

That's all. Bon appetit, my dear friends!

Tuna fish, the mackerel fish, is called sea gold because its nutritional value is very high, and to taste and protein content, it resembles veal. Tuna contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for the full operation of the brain and the prevention of malignant tumors. Tuna dishes are good for the heart, blood vessels, joints, nervous system, eyesight and immunity. True, in the preparation of this fish is somewhat capricious, because in its fresh form its meat is too dense and layered. Today we will talk about how to properly cook tuna, so that he liked both children and adults.

The tricks of cooking fresh tuna: choose the fish

Fresh fillets are always dark red in color, which should be homogeneous, so carefully inspect the fish when buying. You should be alerted by brown spots and uneven coloring, which indicate that the tuna is most likely not fresh. If you buy a whole carcass, it should weigh no more than 2 kg, have a light shade, intact fins and the smell of the ocean. Tuna dries quickly and is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, so try to use it immediately, without delay. If you are cooking tuna for children, then keep in mind that the most delicious, tender and fatty part of the fish is in the abdomen area.

Tuna marinating is a way to make it juicier.

Fresh carcass must gut in the usual way - to separate the head and tail, remove the fins, cut the abdomen, release it from the entrails, remove the skin, and then make a longitudinal incision on the back and carefully separate the meat from the bones, which are usually few. Cutting the fillet into pieces can be marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, olive or sesame oil, honey, lemon or orange juice with any spices that you like. Sometimes red wine, vinegar, garlic, dried herbs and grated fresh ginger are used as marinade, which gives the fish a fresh aroma and savory taste. Marinating should be from 30 minutes to 2 hours - depending on how much time you have on cooking, but know that the longer the marinated, the softer and juicier it turns out.

How to fry tuna

If soy sauce is included in the marinade, then the fish can not be salted, in all other cases, you should rub the fillet pieces with salt and pepper. A fish that has not passed the marinating stage should lie down for half an hour, only then it can be fried in hot vegetable or butter for 2–3 minutes on each side - to a beautiful golden crust. The pieces should be no thicker than 3 cm, so that the fish is well steamed. To determine readiness, pierce the fish with a fork, and if it stratifies slightly outside, and the inside is light pink, it means that the tuna is ready. Before roasting, steaks can be breaded in whipped proteins mixed with sesame, coriander and any spices. Protein mass is best applied to the fish with a cooking brush and only then roll in ground spices.

Other tuna cooking methods

In European and Asian cuisine, there are various recipes for cooking tuna, and empirically you can choose dishes that will take root in your family. It turns out very tasty tuna, baked in the oven or on the grill, and if you have not pickled it beforehand, it is recommended to smear the pieces with vegetable oil, and then rub it with salt and spices. The fish is cooked in an oven heated to 180–220 ° С, 7–10 minutes, in foil - 15 minutes. It is important not to overdo the fish in the pan or in the oven, so as not to overdry, otherwise it will be hard and tasteless. The safe option is braised tuna, which is first lightly fried with onions in a frying pan in vegetable oil, and then stewed in lemon juice or lime juice for 10–15 minutes. You can cook in a slow cooker, aerogrill and microwave, the time is determined individually, although usually 20-30 minutes is enough. For salads, tuna is boiled in salted water with bay leaf, black pepper and onion rings for 10 minutes.

How to serve tuna

This one does not lose its valuable properties even when canning, therefore canned tuna can be safely used for cooking. The industry produces canned tuna in oil and in its own juice, which is considered easier for the stomach, and fish, canned in this way, retains its beneficial properties better. When choosing canned food, make sure that the bank is not damaged or swollen, and be sure to check the expiration date. The most delicious fish is canned three months ago, but keep in mind that an open jar of canned food cannot be stored for more than a day. Appetizing soups, salads, pates and sauces with the addition of olives, capers, tomatoes and oregano can be made from tuna in its own juice.

Tuna is an ideal fish for the home menu, because it is easy to prepare, quickly saturates, looks good and is very healthy. Many recipes are suitable for everyday dinner with your family, and more complex dishes can be prepared for the festive table. You will definitely get pleasure from both tuna cooking and tasting, and any of them will certainly become your signature homemade dish. Enjoy tasty, aromatic, healthy fish and delight your loved ones!

Tuna is a sea fish that contains a record amount of protein among all its relatives. Tuna contains all kinds of amino acids that the human body needs. Contains healthy fat omega-3, which is simply necessary for beautiful and healthy hair, nails and elastic skin. This fish is very useful, and fatty acids in the composition of tuna fish actively contribute to weight loss.

There are many ways to tasty and fast tuna. But, before cooking such fish, you need to learn how to correctly identify fresh and safe to eat tuna.

How to choose fresh fish

Tuna very quickly lose their appearance and deteriorate under improper storage conditions.

  • It is best to buy fresh fish or fish in a vacuum package.
  • The fish should smell nice, the smell should be fresh and the fish should not smell like fish oil.
  • In appearance, tuna fish should have a pleasant pink or dark red color, without mucus and fat; there should be no defects or damage on tuna steaks.
  • If you buy this fish as a whole, then pay attention to the eyes of the fish - they should not be turbid, the fish should be whole, without any damage.

Tuna storage

Tuna fillet should be cooked immediately, as soon as you opened the vacuumized packaging, otherwise the fish simply dries out and loses any appearance. If you bought the whole tuna, then there are a few tricks on how to store this fish:

  • fish should not be washed;
  • wipe the fish well with paper towels to remove excess moisture;
  • put the fish on a plate and tighten with food film, send it in the cold;
  • it is necessary to eat fish during the day or freeze.

Salted Tuna

Salted tuna meat is very tender and beautiful when served. Originally looks at different canapes and as a separate dish. Ingredients for marinade:

  • dry basil - 1 tsp
  • coriander - 1 tsp
  • black ground pepper - 1 tsp.
  • orange peel - 5 g
  • lemon peel - 5 g
  • rosemary - 10 g
  • sugar 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt 2 tbsp
  1. Drain tuna and roll in a mixture of salt and sugar.
  2. Wrap the fish with parchment, then a thick layer of foil and cling film. Send in the cold for a day.
  3. After 24 hours of salting tuna, wash the fish and prepare a mixture of spices and zest.
  4. Grate the spicy fish mixture.
  5. Tie the tuna meat with threads, wrap in cotton and hang in the cold for about a week or two for salting.
  6. Cut the tuna into thin slices and serve.

Moroccan tuna steak

Steaks from this fish come out very soft, juicy and elastic, but the marinade gives the fish a delicious taste. Ingredients:

  • tuna -750-800 g
  • olive oil - 100 ml.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • paprika - 1 tsp
  • parsley or cilantro - to taste.
  1. Mix all the components of the marinade, after passing through a press garlic and greens.
  2. Grate the 2/3 marinade fish and send under the food film in the refrigerator for 25 minutes.
  3. Fry tuna in a hot pan for about 3 minutes on both sides. Frying time depends on the thickness of the steak.
  4. Pour the fried steaks with the sauce that remained.

Nicoise Salad

Such a light, but very satisfying salad will be a great addition to any main dish. The nicoise is very easy to prepare, but it looks elegant and elegant. Ingredients:

  • iceberg - 1 bundle
  • cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs.
  • quail eggs - 8 pcs.
  • shallots - 2 pcs.
  • anchovies - 8 pcs.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • green beans - 200 g
  • tuna - 150 g
  • olives - 40 g
  • potatoes - 250 g


  • olive oil - 100 ml.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  1. Prepare the dressing and let it infuse for about 20 minutes.
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel them and cut into slices.
  3. Grate tuna with salt and fry on both sides. Let the meat cool and then cut into slices.
  4. Boil the beans for 8 minutes, then drain the excess liquid and pour the beans in cold water so that it does not lose its color.
  5. Boil eggs, peel and cut into quarters.
  6. Rub pepper with olive oil and bake in the oven until cooked. Then remove the skin and seeds, coarsely chop. Cut tomatoes into halves.
  7. Spread the lettuce leaves on top of all the other ingredients. Sprinkle the salad generously with dressing and serve.

You can cook a lot of delicious restaurant dishes from home-made cuisine from tuna — fry like a steak with different types of marinades, prepare a salad, pickle, serve as fish pie or fry in various breading, from crackers to walnuts. The main rules of tuna cooking are to choose fresh fish and, of course, not to overdry its meat, because tuna is very easy to spoil with strong roasting. Experiment with different types of cooking such fish and you will definitely find your favorite option.

Mix salt with sugar in a 4: 1 ratio. This can be done directly on the table or a large cutting board. After that, roll in the mixture of prepared tuna fish, so that it is evenly covered with salt and sugar. Now wrap the semi-finished product in parchment paper, foil, food wrap, or simply tie it in a plastic bag. Then send in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then remove, wash and dry. Actually you can already eat.

Spiced Salted Tuna

If you want to get a more refined taste, you will have to wait a bit and complicate the previous method. Prepare a mixture of any chopped spices and lemon or orange zest. Thoroughly sprinkle already salted tuna, washed according to the above recipe, but washed up. Tie the meat with thread, wrapped in cotton fabric. Hang in a cool place for 1-2 weeks. Then cut and serve.

A quick way to salting tuna

To speed up the salting process, cut the prepared tuna fillet into 0.5 cm thick plates. Now for every 500 g of pulp add 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, 2 teaspoons of your favorite spices and 1 tablespoon of finely chopped basil. Now mix everything up. Then put in sterile glassware. Then pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add some boiled chilled water so that the tuna is completely covered. Put in the fridge from 8 to 24 hours. After serve.

Tuna tartar

this is a raw fish dish

What you need:

For 2 servings
  200 g tuna fillet
  ½ avocado
  6 green onions arrows
  3 tbsp. l sake (if not, you can do without it)
  3 tbsp. l lemon juice
  3 tbsp. l extra virgin olive oil
  2 tbsp. l soy sauce
  2 tbsp. l sesame oil
  1 tsp Sahara
  Big handful of arugula
  Salt and pepper to taste

What to do:

1. Clean tuna fillet from film, cut it into a knife into cubes 0.5 cm thick. Clean the avocado, cut into the same cubes. Finely chop the onion. Mix everything in a bowl, salt and pepper.

2. Preparing refueling. Pour in a separate bowl soy sauce, sake, lemon juice, olive oil, add sugar, salt, pepper and mix everything well.

3. Put the tuna in a bowl with the sauce. Mix everything well.

4. Lay out arugula on the plate. Fields her with sesame oil. Then put on it the seasoned tartar through a round shape (or just a hill).

Fried tuna

· Tuna (fresh) - 500 g

· Vegetable oil (odorless) - 1 tbsp. l

· Salt (to taste)

· Black pepper (ground, to taste)


1. Make a marinade by mixing in a deep bowl 10 ml of olive and a teaspoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of soy sauce, lemon juice, two finely chopped cloves of garlic, a pinch of black pepper and salt.

3.   Put the tuna slices in a bowl with sesame-garlic marinade and roll in it well from all sides. Leave the tuna to marinate for twenty to thirty minutes.

4.   In a small saucepan, boil the water, lightly salt it and throw the Brussels sprouts. Blanch for five to seven minutes, but not longer - otherwise the cabbage will lose color and taste. Throw in a colander and dry.

5.   Heat the grill pan on high heat. Put olive oil on it and put tuna steaks. Fry for five minutes on each side - until the crust appears, while inside the tuna should remain pink.

6. Chop the remaining garlic clove thoroughly with a sharp knife. Heat a small skillet over medium heat, add the remaining olive oil along with butter.

7.   Throw cabbage into the frying pan, mix, add chopped garlic and a couple of pinch of ground nutmeg. Mix again and fry until light golden hue.

8.   Put steaks on a plate with fried Brussels sprouts, lightly watered garlic-nutmeg butter from the top of a frying pan. And immediately serve.

Brussels sprouts tolerate frost well, so not in season - from the end of October to July - you can safely use frozen packs.