Chum salmon steaks recipes. How to pickle chum in different ways

13.04.2019 Fish dishes

How to pickle chum salmon?  This question is asked by many people. After all, the presence on the festive table of salted red fish is a tradition of our Russian feast. On holidays, inexpensive fish varieties are in particular demand from our population, for example, such fish is chum. It has a pleasant taste and very tender meat.
  Salty chum salmon is one of the delicious and wonderful dishes that you can easily cook in your own home. At the same time, you can salt the salmon both frozen and fresh. And I assure you, it will come out no worse than the store. The main thing when salting any fish, not only chum salmon - is full compliance with the instructions for salting the fish.

Just imagine how for breakfast or for dinner you will serve boiled potatoes with red fish to the table, which you also salted. And how the guests who have tasted the salted chum salmon at your festive feast will be amazed!

Purchase chum salting.

Salting chum salmon is still quite simple, even at home. But for salting, first, all the same, you must also choose the right fish.
  In order that after salting, your fish was tasty, it, of course, must be bought by you fresh. To do this, go to the supermarket or to the market nearest to your home for a fresh one (you can also buy frozen, but not yet defrosted) and a whole carcass of your favorite red fish, for example, salmon, trout, chum or pink salmon. The main thing with this - do not take the fish butchered, without fins or head: all this work on cutting the fish do better at home yourself. Well, you made your purchase and are the happy owner of fresh or freshly frozen red fish.

Preparation for salting chum salmon.

If you have purchased frozen chum salmon, then put it on for a few hours to defrost, but just do not try to shove it in the microwave oven in any case - all this should happen naturally. In the meantime, while the chum salmon will defrost, prepare everything you need for salting the fish: a cutting knife and oppression, a mixture for salting and cooking scissors, a container for salting the fish. Under the container for salting chum salmon, you can use plastic containers as well as use enamelware. Do not use metal dishes better, as salted fish will then acquire a characteristic metallic taste.

Knife for gutting fish, take the best sharp and medium-sized, but to remove the fins is better to use cooking scissors.

Perhaps the most important point in salting the red (and indeed any) fish is the preparation for salting a special mixture. To do this, take coarse salt (it, unlike finely ground salt, better absorbs excess moisture and, thus, allows the keta to salt "in its own juice." Also take sugar. Take it in 3: 1 ratios (take salt 3 parts and sugar 1 part). Prepare the cuts for the cuts, taking into account that 1 kg of fish requires about 3 spoons of this mixture. You can weigh your fish for this, but usually all this is done by eye. Of course, the fish will not take in excess salt but based on my own experience I will tell you - it’s better not to overdo it with salt e did.

When salting chum, you can use as additional ingredients, but this is up to you, bay leaves (take 3-4 bay leaves on the chick carcass), black allspice (take 5-6 peas) or you can use special spices for cooking fish , the blessing they freely are on sale in grocery stores. In this case, the main thing with spices is not to overdo it.

For yoke, you can use the usual two-or three-liter jars filled with water.

Cutting chum.

After we prepared the pickling mix, it was time to start cutting the chum. First of all, with a sharp knife, cut off the fish's head. Fish head in the future you can use to prepare a tasty fish soup. Cut off using cooking scissors, fish fins and then cut along the fish belly and remove all the insides there.
If you have acquired a female chum, it is possible that you may be lucky enough to find caviar in its insides. If this is so, then gently remove it and, after being treated with boiling water for disinfection, place in salted warm water (based on half a liter of salt water 2 tablespoons) for about 8-9 minutes. And if milks will be inside (in the male), then wipe them gently from all residues of fish giblets and salt them together with the fish carcass. Milk at the same time, pre-wipe a little prepared mixture for pickling.

But let's go back to our fish. Remove all the insides of the fish through the cut belly. Cut the carcass to the right and left of the spine, using scissors for this, as if separating the ridge of fish from other bones. After all this, you should have a fish carcass with a small set of bones, which you will need to remove in a neat way. This is usually done with the help of hands, they are removed pretty easily. You can cut a whale carcass in this way, but without any bones, heads and viscera, you can cut it into two parts, if it is large. But you can leave a small sized chum salmon as it is.

Chum salting

Ketu prepared and cut. Now you can begin to salting it. This process is not so complicated as it may seem to you at first glance. The main thing here - is to comply with the measures when using pickling mixture. And if it still happens that after salting the chum will turn out to be somewhat salty - it doesn't matter. You can always bring it to the desired condition. Just soak it in water for a while.

Composition for salting chum:

Chicken carcass - 1 pc.

Salt large -3 tsp

Sugar - 1, 5 teaspoons

Garlic and black peppercorns - to your taste

Bay leaf

Refined vegetable oil

After cutting the chum salmon you will have a fish-covered carcass.

Open it and sprinkle evenly with cooked pickle mixture. Black peas allspice, garlic cloves and bay leaves lay directly when laying chum in a container for salting. Cover the laid fish with a yoke and leave in a warm place for two to three hours, for example in the kitchen, and then put in a cold place.

After a day our chum salmon will be salted and you can bring it to your table.
Tips for salting chum salmon and other red fish.

Before salting the chum salmon, read useful tips that you may find useful in the process of work:

do not use aluminum or iron utensils for salting;
  spices for salting fish, use in moderation, otherwise they simply kill the taste of the keta itself;
  for salting fish, make large chunks, it will be easier to cut them before serving;
  ridge, fins, head can be used for cooking soup (they do not have to be thrown away);
  The yoke used when salting the chum salmon will contribute to its even and quick salting.

When salting chum salmon or pink salmon do not get as fat as trout or salmon. That is why, when salting them, they are slightly flavored with olive or vegetable oil.

Useful properties of chum salmon.

Despite the fact that keta contains a certain amount of fat, it can be safely attributed to dietary products. Calorie chum  - is only 127 kcal per 100 grams of product. And this is taking into account the fact that most of it comes from substances that are very useful for our body. But the caloric content of such a product as “Salmon keta” per 100 grams of product is 184 calories. Chum salmon fish contain a large amount of protein, which undoubtedly leads to a fairly rapid saturation of the human body. When you include chum salmon in your diet, you will avoid overeating and balance your diet. The beneficial properties of chum salmon are complemented by the fact that the fats contained in this fish, which are easily absorbed by our body, are well reflected in the condition of nails, hair and skin.

What keta is useful yet? There is an opinion that with the regular consumption of this fish for food, it is possible to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. Also, its composition has useful properties for the normalization of the biliary tract and the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the normal functioning of an organ such as the liver.

Take a look video recipe How to pickle salmon.

Recipes: how to pickle chum salmon at home. Photos from

Keta belongs to the Pacific salmon genus, this sea fish is quite large in size and is one of the most widespread representatives of its kind, which makes it an object of widespread fishing and a frequent guest on the tables of people all over the world, especially residents of the northern regions from Russia to Canada. Chum salmon meat is red, tender, has a pleasant taste, is suitable for frying, smoking, but when salted, if you follow the procedure incorrectly, it may be too dry and harsh. A properly salted chum salmon will be as tasty as salmon or salmon.

Knowing how to pickle chum salmon at home, you can provide yourself with a delicious dish at a reasonable price and in a fairly short time. In this matter, it is important to choose the right fish, to be able to properly cut it and choose the most suitable recipe.

Selection of ingredients, meat

For salting red fish, you need to choose the right ingredients - the fish itself, salt, sugar and spices.

When choosing chum salmon, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the need to purchase the whole carcass - immediately dispose of the cut up options, the fish without the head of the tail and fins, especially the already split, will be too dry when salted, will lose a significant portion of its taste and will not exactly decorate the holiday table.

The ideal option for most connoisseurs is to buy live chum on the market or in the store. This approach ensures that the meat will be fresh, will not lose its beneficial properties and will be convenient for any cooking technology. You can also buy chilled or fresh-frozen product, but again - a whole.

Some prefer frozen fish - meat after defrosting becomes softer and more tender, but has almost no beneficial properties. In any case, you can immediately sweep away any variant of the product that has been re-frozen. Neither useful properties, nor convenience in the preparation of twice frozen fish will not have.

What spices are perfect with keta?

Meat of red fish has a useful property - it perceives exactly that amount of salt, which is necessary for weak salting, it can be salted only with the use of strong brine.

  • When choosing salt, you should prefer stone or coarse grinding, such salt will most conveniently interact with excess liquid from the body of the fish, giving an excellent, well-controlled result.
  • Sugar is the second most important ingredient of the process, it is necessary to select also in the variant of large grains, preference should be given to ordinary granulated sugar. If you wish, you can take coarse cane sugar, but to completely sweep away the options are finely ground sugar or very sweet options.
  • Spices - traditionally together with sugar and salt, peppercorns, chopped bay leaves and dried parsley are used. You can also use cumin, coriander, ground pepper of various types, certain spices for fish, the main thing is to observe moderation - it is important to preserve the natural taste of the fish, only emphasizing its aromatic additives.

Studying recipes for salting chum salmon at home with a photo, you should pay attention to the location of the spices on the fish - usually experts try to distribute them as evenly as possible across the entire surface of the piece. As additional ingredients can be used brandy, vodka, vegetable oil, to impart a special piquancy to the taste of the dish, for brines used water and vinegar.

Material preparation

The fish - fresh or frozen, will need to be independently properly cut.

  1. The first point is to separate the head from the carcass, it can be thrown away or put aside for other culinary purposes (cooking soup or soup).
  2. A sharp knife or large scissors need to strip the carcass of the fins without touching the meat.
  3. Then the body must be gutted, making an incision from the head to the tail and removing the insides with a hand or a special knife.
  4. Finally, the carcass is incised to the left and right of the spine, and then removed from the bones, thus completing the filming process. It should make one large piece of fillet, especially large chum salmon can be divided into two or more pieces for convenience. Some recipes suggest not to remove the bones before salting - this improves the taste of the dish, but this is a matter of preference.
  5. Also, if desired, the fish can be cleared of scales, and the fillets can be separated from the skin, but here again, only the moment of personal predilections is present, this procedure does not particularly affect the taste of the dish.
If the fish was frozen before cutting, it should be allowed to defrost naturally, an attempt to speed up the process with hot water, an oven or using a microwave oven will ruin the taste of the fish very much.

Chum salmon in brine

Almost every family knows how to pickle chum salmon at home in brine - this method of cooking has been traditional for Russia for more than a century. Brine allows you to better control the softness and degree of salting of the product, depending on the desired result.

Chum salmon in brine will require

  • kilogram of prepared chum fillet;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • ground black pepper, allspice pepper to taste;
  • two tablespoons of crushed bay leaf;
  • water.


  • fillet is prepared without scales, but not separated from the skin;
  • half a liter-liter of water is brought to a boil in a small saucepan;
  • spices are added to boiling water (bay leaf, ground pepper and peas), mixed, boiled over low heat for five to seven minutes;
  • the finished brine is cooled naturally to room temperature;
  • the prepared fillet fits into a large container - better glass or enameled, unprotected iron surface can transfer a metallic taste to the dish. In the tank the fillet is poured with ready-made brine at room temperature;
  • the container is covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator (medium or vegetable compartment) for a period of 10-15 hours;
  • ready fish can be separated from the skin, cut into slices and serve.

Quick recipe

Knowing how to pickle chum salmon at home quickly, you can have time to prepare an elegant treat, even for unexpected guests, or treat yourself to a tasty dish without a long wait. Of course, quick pickling can be rude and not so gentle, but it will not greatly affect the taste of the finished dish, and it will have to wait a lot less.

Quick salting will require

  • kilogram of prepared fillet;
  • a teaspoon of peppercorns;
  • three or four tablespoons of salt;
  • two bay leaves;
  • vegetable (olive or salad sunflower) oil - 30-70 grams;
  • onion head;
  • six or nine per cent vinegar.


  • the prepared fillet without skin is cut into small slices and folded into glass, plastic or enameled ware;
  • in another container, brine is prepared from three to four tablespoons of salt mixed with half liter-liter of cold water;
  • the fish is poured with the resulting brine, covered with a lid and a yoke on top (a weight or a can of water, another heavy object;
  • fillet under pressure is left at room temperature for one and a half to two hours;
  • after the passage of time the water is drained, the dishes are freed from the yoke;
  • water and vinegar are mixed separately - a spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water, the fish is poured with the mixture in their dishes, aged for up to ten minutes. After the time the mixture is poured, the fish remains;
  • fresh onions cut into rings;
  • onions are laid out in separate dishes with rings and mixed with spices (pepper, bay leaf), and oil;
  • chunks of fillet are added to the mixture of onion, oil and spices, everything is mixed again, left for a period of 10-20 minutes;
  • after the expiration of the keta, quick salting is ready.

Salted chum salmon can be an excellent dish for serving to a festive table for sandwiches, for eating slices, as an element of salad or for complex dishes. Ketu can also be prepared without brine, using deboning in coarse salt with sugar and then keeping it under pressure for two to three hours at room temperature, and then one day in the general compartment of the refrigerator. Any recipe for salting red fish, if it was properly observed, will result in a tasty, nutritious, pleasant and healthy dish better than shopping counterparts.

It is a very popular snack on festive and casual tables. In the shops you can find a variety of different types: salmon, trout, pink salmon. One of the available and tasty varieties of fish is chum. It will be a good alternative to expensive trout and chum salmon, we will tell in this article. We offer to get acquainted with the recipes.

How to salt salmon in the home: the first way

Ingredients Required:

  • fillet of chum salmon (or whole carcass) in the amount of 2 kg;
  • lemon juice, laurel, salt, sugar, dill, ground white pepper.

Cooking technology

In a bowl, mix half a glass of salt with one teaspoon of ground. Prepared (cleaned, gutted) fish, rub with this mixture. Use a plastic container or container. Place dill sprigs and a couple of bay leaves on the bottom. Then put the piece of fish down with the sandpaper. Pulp pour lemon juice, put another dill and laurel. Put the next piece of fish on the contrary - skin up. So lay out until all the fish is over. Do not forget to sprinkle each piece with lemon and shift it with leafs of bay leaf. Put the fish under the oppression, clean in the cold for a couple of days. During this time, the keta is soaked in marinade. Excess salt when serving can be shaken off or removed with a napkin. Do not rinse the fish under water - it can ruin its taste.

How to salt salmon in brine: the second way

This method of salting is ideal for chum salmon and pink salmon. It gives extra juiciness to the fish. What do you need:

  • 8 tbsp. l salt and sugar;
  • a couple of fresh lemons;
  • dried basil, black pepper, nutmeg, curry and olive oil.

Fill the fillet or prepared fish slices in layers in a suitable plastic container. Sprinkle each of the slices with salt and spices, shift with lemon slices. Do not overdo it with curry and pepper - they need very little for each piece (at the tip of the knife). It is possible to chop the peas into a container to fill the container. Pour the fish into the container with boiled water (room temperature). Water should completely close the chum salmon. Then cover the container with a lid and put it in the fridge for a day.

After salmon salmon, remove it from the brine, cut into thin pieces with a knife and place in a bowl with a lid. Fill the chum salmon with olive oil. So the salty fillet will not dry out and will remain juicy for a long time.

How to pickle chum salmon at home: the way  third

Ingredients Required:

  • fish fillet (or prepared pieces of chum with bones) in the amount of 2 kg;
  • salt in the amount of 8 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper, peppercorns and ground black pepper.

How to pickle chum in the home: technology

This recipe is popular in the Murmansk region. There, as you know, an abundance of red fish and salt it in the traditional way. First you need to cook brine. Boil 1.5 liters of water on the stove, adding pepper, lavrushka, ground pepper and peas, salt. Hold the marinade on the fire for 10 minutes, then cool. Put the prepared fish in a container and fill it with cooled brine. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 14 hours. After the pickle is poured, the fish is cut into pieces. In order to keep it longer, it should be filled with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Chum salmon is a tasty and nutritious fish of the salmon family. Contains a large amount of nutrients and minerals. To salt a chum salmon at home quickly and tasty, it is not necessary to have on hand a variety of products and ingredients, and in the supply - a large amount of time.

There are quick dry salting recipes based on salt and sugar. Minimum time and maximum natural taste. If desired, the hostess can prepare brine or spicy marinade, make the preparation for the winter.

Calorie salty chum

Ketu consumed in different forms, but most housewives prefer to salt. Calorie salty chum is about 180-190 kilocalories per 100 grams. Special attention deserves a high protein content (about 24 g per 100 g).

How to dress a chum

  1. Separate the head and tail from the carcass. In the process of salting these parts are superfluous. The head can be used in the preparation of soup (other fish soup), to take as a base for the broth under aspic.
  2. I remove the fins with a sharp kitchen knife or large scissors. I perform the procedure carefully and unhurriedly so as not to damage the meat.
  3. Gut chum salmon by making an incision that goes from the head to the tail. The insides can be removed both by hand and with a special knife.
  4. I make incisions on the right and left side of the spine. I remove the bones. For convenience, you can use tweezers.
  5. Scales do not affect the taste of snacks, so you can not immediately clean.

Classic salting recipe


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Sugar - 50 g,
  • Salt - 100 g,
  • Bay leaf - 2 things,
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. I mix sugar, salt and ground pepper in dishes. I grind a bay leaf with a knife. Add to the rest of the ingredients.
  2. I clean the fish, cut into portions. I shift to a plate. I roll from all sides, not forgetting to turn over to evenly apply spices over the whole area of ​​the fish.
  3. I shift chum salmon into a clean deep plate. Tightly close the lid. I put it in the fridge for 24 hours, like salmon or pink salmon.
  4. After wrapping each piece in food film or plastic bag. I clean in the freezer from 48 to 72 hours.
  5. After the specified period the dish is ready.

Video recipe

The fastest and delicious recipe under the yoke


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Coarse salt - 3 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • Lemon - 1 piece,
  • Black pepper peas, bay leaf - to taste.


  1. Preparing fish for salting. I remove the bones, for convenience using tweezers, cut off the head, fins and tail.
  2. Cut into portions. To make the salmon quickly salted, I make parts no more than 2-2.5 cm. I put the pieces into a plate. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. I rub sugar and salt.
  4. I take a deep non-metallic dishes and spread fish. Add a bay leaf (can be broken into several pieces) and several black pepper peas.
  5. Above I put a heavy saucer as oppression.
  6. Lovers of salted fish enough to keep the product in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After chum salmon is ready to eat like a trout.

A lightly salted snack can be served on a table decorated with greenery, along with black olives and white wine. Enjoy your meal!

How to pickle salmon in brine


  • Fish - 1 kg,
  • Water - 1 liter,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Allspice - 5 peas,
  • Parsley and dill - on 1 bunch,
  • Bay leaf - 2 things,
  • Lemon - half fruit,
  • Dry cumin - half a teaspoon.


Helpful advice. The size of the pieces depends on the rate of salting. The larger the particles, the longer it will take to prepare a tasty snack.

  1. Pour water into the pot. I bring to a boil. Add spices.
  2. Turn off the stove. Leave the brine to cool to a temperature of 28-30 degrees.
  3. I am engaged in the preparation of fish for salting. Remove all excess parts. I cut into portioned particles of the same size.
  4. I put the pieces into a glass container (a large jar). My bunches of parsley and dill. Large cut, sprinkle on top.
  5. Pour the brine in the jar, cooled to the required temperature. Add lemon, cut into thin layers.
  6. I rearrange the jar for 60 minutes in a cool place. Then put it in the fridge for 8-12 hours. After a specified time, you can treat households and guests.

Video preparation

Juicy chum salmon slices in oil


  • Carcass fish - 1 piece,
  • Sugar - 40 g,
  • Salt - 80 g,
  • Black pepper - 6 peas,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • Vegetable refined oil - for salting.


  1. I cut the carcass. Carefully separate the filet part. I cut into portioned pieces and spread 1/2 part of the total volume into a deep container with a flat bottom.
  2. Add sugar to the dishes, black pepper peas. Salt I throw peeled garlic cloves and whole bay leaves. I use half the ingredients.
  3. I spread the second fish layer, then the remaining components.
  4. I pour vegetable oil into the dishes so that the fish disappears completely. I establish oppression (for example, a heavy saucer or plate).
  5. Leave at room temperature for 120-180 minutes. I clean the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Salting with a dry ambassador for the winter


  • Fish - 1 kg,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • Vodka - 3 large spoons.


  1. Perform all the necessary preparatory procedures with keto. I cut the filet fillet into 2 halves, remove the bone.
  2. I mix in a small plate salt, sugar and vodka until a homogeneous mass.
  3. I grease fish particles from all sides. I shift in a deep plate. From above I close a saucer or a cover. Leave for 2-3 hours on the kitchen table. Then put in the fridge for 24-36 hours. After the fish is ready to eat.
  4. For long storage I put it in the freezer.

Video recipe

Pre-fetch chum salmon from the freezer before serving. After thawing (in natural conditions, without the "water bath", microwave ovens and boiling water), proceed to the batch cutting. Decorate with greens and lemon wedges before serving.

How to salt salmon salmon


  • Keta - 800 g,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • Black pepper - 4 peas,
  • Coriander, bay leaf - to taste,
  • Cognac - 25 ml.


  1. I clean the fish. I remove the insides and cut off the extra external parts (in the ear).
  2. I mix salt and sugar in a separate dish. Wiping the mixture with chopped fillet particles. I spread in capacity. I sprinkle black pepper and coriander, add bay leaf.
  3. I sprinkle a small amount of cognac (20-25 ml) to make the fillet more tender to the taste. Close the plate.
  4. I put it in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Marinated pickle recipe


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon,
  • Onions - 3 heads,
  • Horseradish root - 30 g,
  • Water - 150 ml,
  • Olive oil - 2 large spoons.


  1. Clean the chum salmon. I remove the tail, head and fins. I clean the insides and bones. I cut into slices 2.5 cm high. I put it in a large pot.
  2. I clean onions and garlic. Onion cut into thin rings. I cut garlic into medium sized pieces. Horseradish grind on a grater with a small fraction.
  3. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Pour the chum salmon with this mixture. Put a tablespoon of vinegar. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon.
  5. Close the dish lid.
  6. Putting chunks into the refrigerator for 48 hours. After the allotted time, the fish can be served on the table.

Snack is great for sandwiches with butter, goes well with boiled potatoes.

How to salt caviar

Universal quick recipe

Fast salting technology After 2 hours, the product is ready for use.


  • Caviar - 150 g,
  • Salt - 30 g
  • Sugar - 15 g,
  • Black pepper - 3 peas,
  • Bay leaf - 1 thing.


  1. Spread caviar in a deep plate.
  2. Pour warm boiled water. I dissolve sugar and salt in the liquid. Pour caviar for 30-40 minutes.
  3. I take it out of the pickle with a tablespoon, letting the excess liquid drain. Gently dry with a kitchen towel.
  4. I shift the caviar to a plastic container. I add 1 bay leaf (crushed) and 3 black peppercorns.
  5. I close the container. I put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

After this period, you can use caviar caviar in the preparation of sandwiches with butter. For decoration, take a sprig of fresh greens. Eat on health!

Sugar Free Cooking Recipe


  • Caviar - 500 g,
  • Salt - 500 g,
  • Water - 1.5 l,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


Helpful advice. If you intend to store eggs for a long time in sterilized jars, keep them in brine longer. Normal caviar stored no more than 7-10 days.

  1. Gently wash the eggs in a colander. If the film is damaged, it is better to use salted water for this process (1.5 tablespoons of salt is enough for 1 liter). I delete the damaged eggs, the remains of a film, etc.
  2. I put the pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and dissolve the salt. Leave to cool.
  3. Pour the eggs for 60-80 minutes.
  4. I spawn caviar on a sieve. I am waiting for the brine to drain. Add vegetable oil (if desired, replace the olive).
  5. I spread caviar in glass containers (small-sized jars). From above I cover with parchment paper. I close the lids and clean in a cool place.

For long-term storage, use sterile glass jars with sterilized lids. It is desirable to store the blanks in the cellar.

Helpful advice. The main tasks of the oil are not to allow the eggs to stick to each other, to make the appearance more presentable. If desired, get around the recipe without this ingredient.

What is more delicious - chum salmon or pink salmon?

Pink salmon and chum salmon are fish of the salmon family. The second is characterized by larger size. The length of individuals reaches 0.8-1.1 meters. Pink salmon has more modest overall dimensions and lower weight.

Experts consider chum meat and caviar to be more useful and valuable products containing more amounts of substances and minerals necessary for the human body. This applies to protein, vitamins D and PP, phosphorus. Caviar caviar is larger, has a pronounced color.

The taste of chum salmon is slightly higher than pink salmon (meat is softer at first, contains less fat), but a lot depends on the housewife’s culinary skills, cooking technology and ingredients used (for example, selected products, spices and seasonings, etc.).

  1. For salting it is better to take fresh-frozen chum salmon.
  2. It is not recommended to defrost fish quickly. Do not allow a sharp temperature drop (from the freezer directly into the microwave or warm water). Rybin must thaw in the refrigerator. Later it can be put on the kitchen table and left for several hours.
  3. When cooking, do not separate the skin from the fillet. Otherwise, chum slices will lose their shape. It is better to cut the filet just before serving a snack on the table.
  4. Metal dishes are not suitable for salting. Use enamel pans or bowls, glass jars.
  5. The following seasonings and spices are perfectly combined with fish: bay leaf, allspice peas, beet sugar, large salt (a special product for preservation and pickles), dried parsley, nutmeg, coriander, cumin.
  6. Do not add a large amount of spices and spices. This can completely interrupt the natural taste and flavor of the fish. Choose a combination of several spices.

This recipe for salting chum salmon is suitable for cooking any fairly oily red fish. Not only chum salmon, but salmon and coho salmon. But pink salmon is better not to cook - it may turn out dry.

Salting chum salmon at home can be done in three ways.

  • First, you can use the simplest pickling mix - salt and sugar.
  • Secondly, to the salt and sugar, you can add a little dry peel of any citrus. The most suitable is orange peel. However, lemon peel, grapefruit or mandarin rind works great.

Why do I need to add peel in pickling mixture? This helps to give the fish an aroma of freshness and eliminate fishy spirit that is unpleasant to many people.

  • Thirdly, salt chum salmon or any other red fish can be using spices. Get a real spicy ambassador.

What ingredients are needed?

It all depended on the way you chose salting.

Normal salting

For 1 kg of fish fillet on the skin, take 2 tablespoons of salt (not iodized) and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Salted Citrus

All the same, only it will be necessary to add a little dry citrus peel.

Spicy salting

To the specified amount of salt and sugar, add ½ teaspoon ground coriander, one 1 teaspoon mustard seed, one teaspoon dill seed. You can also add 1-2 bay leaves, finely smashing them. You get such a mixture for pickling.

How to salt salmon in the home. Cooking stages

Fish fillet thawed. If possible, do it slowly - in the cabin of the refrigerator. Not at room temperature.

When the fish has melted, wash it, clean and blot it with a paper towel if necessary.

We spread the fillet in a glass or enameled container. And sprinkle on both sides with a mixture for pickling. It is just sprinkle, not rubbing salt into the pulp.

If you use citrus zest for perfume, then put a few small pieces on the fish and under it.

If we are preparing spiced salted chum salmon, then we fill the fillet with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.

In total, the chum salmon will be salted for us 24 hours.

Originally put her skin down. After 12 hours, turn over. Then after 12 hours we turn it over again, etc.

No more manipulations with fish. Just turn over and that's it.

After two days, salted chum is ready.

Separate the flesh from the skin.

Mode in small pieces. And we eat with pleasure.

By the way, before you start salting the fish yourself, it is not bad to look at how real professionals do it.

How healthy is salmon salty in the home?

After all, it contains salt, sugar and fats. Is it possible to grow fat from it?

No you can not. And yes - it is useful.

  1. The presence of salt in the dish should not be afraid, as if that. We have salted fish. And, therefore, about any excess salt intake can not go.
  2. As for sugar, it enters the flesh of the fish in such an insignificantly small amount that it is also not capable of inflicting any negative effects on the body.
  3. And, finally, the most important thing - fats. There is a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in red sea fish. And it is the presence of these compounds that explains the benefits of this product. Especially if we have a wild fish. As in the farmer variants omega 3 acids are significantly less.

Growing fat from omega-3 fatty acids does not work. Since they lose weight from them. It is also impossible to cause any other harm to the health of these fatty compounds.