Quick appetizers for the arrival of guests. Guests on the doorstep or what you can quickly cook.

19.05.2019 Restaurant notes

Quick holiday table

Quick table festive

Recently, I had to assemble a festive table in haste. There was little time for cooking - only 2.5 hours + 1 more hour - for a quick run to the store for everything you need. I did it. It turned out very tasty, the guests were satisfied.

I will tell you how you can distribute time, manage to assemble a table and not be very tired. And what to cook for the guests whipped up.

What should be at hand

  • Good knives (sharp enough small and 1 large enough for me);
  • Cutting board (2 possible);
  • Grater (large and small);
  • Several bowls for cooking and mixing dishes;
  • Spices (which you usually use);
  • Apron;
  • Dishes for table setting (plates-forks-spoons-glasses-glasses-glasses and dishes for tea-coffee: cups-saucers-plates for cake-teaspoons), napkins, a jug for drinks (under compote, juice), a tablecloth.
  • Dishes for serving dishes to the table and tablespoons (for folding salads and other dishes);
  • Cookware (pots, pans, kettle).

In addition, the house needs clean hand towels, toilet paper, soap. Perhaps slippers, if you and your guests usually put them on.

I cooked on foreign territory. Therefore, I took with me: an apron, spices (dried basil) and a grater (all of a sudden there is no in the house). If you go to cook in a strange house and are not sure if there are convenient knives there, I advise you to definitely take your own, proven ones.

What can I buy in the store

We proceed from the fact that time is running out. Therefore, complex salads, for which you need to cook and cut many different ingredients or lay out somehow in a special way, do not suit us. They can be taken, but only ready-made. Yes, I know that ready-made salads are evil, but we have an urgent men's birthday. Here - either all from the culinary of the supermarket, or we still manage to cook some of the dishes ourselves, giving the table a home look.

With our own hands, we will only do what is being prepared quickly. The principle of distribution of forces is as follows:

  1. A few homemade quick and easy meals.
  2. A little ready-made meal (1-2 salads, 1 meat). This is to guarantee something to feed, if we do not have time to cook.
  3. Snacks - that will be a delicious addition to dishes or diversify the table, but does not require cooking (sausage, cheese, olives, cherry tomatoes, fruits, sweets and other snacks).

I write only what I choose for a particular birthdayfor 7-8 people. And you are guided by the situation.

Shopping list

Of the spices, I had only dried basil (in cutlets and cucumbers, but you can do without it). Check if there is salt at home. Otherwise - it must be added to the list.

Cooking Dishes

  • Choice of mayonnaise salads: – 700-800 g  - Olivier (almost a win-win option, most of the guests love him, we bought him). A herring under a fur coat is also an option, women love it. You can take any other delicious salad that you have already bought here and are confident in its quality.
  • Roasted / Roasted Meat: – by the piece, by the number of guests. We took the meat in French. Can be replaced or supplemented with chicken thighs or chicken legs (baked in the oven or on the grill). Choose something traditional, beautiful and fresh.
  • Vegetable salads - 400 g  (not all of them will be). Instead of vegetable salads, we bought 300-400 g of pickled mushrooms with onions. Options: coleslaw or sauerkraut, if you like spicy: Korean salads (seaweed, mushrooms, pork ears), Georgian cabbage (in large pieces in beetroot juice). Spicy and fresh diversifies the taste of guests.

Semi-finished products

  • Stuffing (we have delicious pork and beef, pork and chicken and chicken) - 700-800 g.

Canned food

  • Pickled cucumbers  (gherkins) - 1 can(not necessarily, we did not open, and there are so many). You can - pickled tomatoes;
  • Mushrooms (salty tastier than pickled) - 1 can. We didn’t buy, we managed with those from cooking;
  • Olives and olives1 can;
  • Pineapples - 1 can  (480 g). This is for a salad with cheese and garlic.

Vegetables fruits

  • Cherry Tomatoes (Fresh) - 500 g (packaging). Put a whole sprig on the table. They are very well eaten between cases, like grapes (you can take and / or grapes - both on a salty and on a sweet table). Choose those cherry that sit tight on a branch, they are fresh (those that have fallen off are long standing).
  • Fresh cucumbers - 5-8 pieces  (medium size). This is for fast salted cucumbers;
  • Potato - 2-2.5 kg  (whole cellophane bag);
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Onion - 2 heads  (in salad and cutlets);
  • Dill - a bunch.
  • Tangerines, grapes, any seasonal fruit and berries. We had 1 kg of tangerines.

Sausage, cheese, minced meat, fish, eggs

  • Cooked sausage (doctor's) - 0,5   a small loaf;
  • Sausage Boyarskaya  (like ham) - 0,5   a small loaf;
  • Cheese Black Prince  (Belarusian) - 250 g. The taste is good, traditional;
  • Cheese (some ordinary, such as Russian, in a salad) - 100 g;
  • Cream cheese (Friendship or Orbit) - 1 piece;
  • Eggs - 1 ten  (large);
  • Herring in oil - 1 package;
  • Mayonnaise (The mistress’s dream turned out to be quite normal) - 1   small package (200 ml);
  • Vegetable oil for frying  (you need a little, maybe at home you have a quarter of a bottle).

The drinks

Remember that you always want to drink at a plentiful table and 1 cup of compote or juice will not be enough for the guest (consider that everyone will drink 2-3 glasses).

  • Alcoholic drinks: wine, martini, vodka - what you love. We have 1 bottle each: white and red wine (dry and semi-sweet), martini bianco. We drank a little, but everyone had a choice. Focus on your company.
  • The juice - 2-4 liters  (orange, grapefruit, apple, multifruit, tomato) - what you love. You can - a three-liter jar of homemade compote.
  • Mineralka - 2 bottles  1.5 liters each.
  • Tea - packaging. Perhaps coffee (we dispensed with ordinary tea Ahmad);
  • Sugar - packaging  lump (refined) or 0.5 kg of ordinary loose.

Hercules or semolina  - he lies right there (you will need a couple of handfuls of meatballs). I took a package of hercules, then from the remnants of the owners the porridge will be cooked.


  • Cake - 1 piece  (we had 800 g honey-sour cream, the most common, similar to homemade).
  • Candies - 500 g. I bought by weight, 3 species - Gulliver (funny, big), Bear (good) and some ordinary ones. You can just box or dispense with sweets.


Take everything in the cut, remember that we have no time.

  • Black or custard - 1 loaf / loaf;
  • White bread or loaf - 1 piece.

What dishes were on the table (menu)

  • Cutlets (cooked) - 12-14 pieces left (depending on size);
  • French meat - 7 pieces;
  • Olivier salad - a large salad bowl;
  • Salad Pineapples with cheese and garlic (cooked) - 1 medium salad bowl;
  • Stuffed eggs - 2 plates, a Jewish salad of processed cheese with garlic (cooked);
  • Slicing (2 kinds of sausage and cheese) - 2 plates;
  • Olives and olives;
  • Herring with onions;
  • Pickled champignons;
  • Mashed potatoes). She did it with olive oil, there was no cream or sour cream-milk at home. It turned out delicious.
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Salted cucumber wedges;
  • Tomatoes in Korean (pre-cooked).


In the process, you need to set the table - entrust it to someone from home or run yourself in between cooking. Put the table, cover with a tablecloth, arrange the plates, lay out the napkins (put additional ones in the napkin holder), forks. Put glasses and glasses. Transfer drinks to the table. Put bread on a plate (cover with a napkin or also put it in a bag for now).

  • Assemble the table: gradually lay out all the prepared dishes in salad bowls and plates and transfer to the table. You can immediately put the bowls with olives and olives (do not spoil); pickled tomato cucumbers; put the herring in the herring, add the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin semicircles (half of the stuffed eggs remained). Just the cutlets will have already arrived, the potatoes will be boiled (drain the water, salt, add oil, ceil). I also sliced \u200b\u200ba lemon for tea (I sprinkled slices of sugar to make it tastier, but - whoever loves). Get salads and slices from the refrigerator right before the guests arrive, so as not to spoil.

Everything! Enjoy your meal!

Quick festive table whipped up.

Eggs can also be stuffed with liverwurst, which can be mashed with a fork along with the yolk. In this stuffing, you can drip a little mayonnaise and add finely chopped onions (either fresh or fried)

Recipes of dishes prepared for the holiday

A more detailed description of the cooking method with a photo, otherwise I suddenly told something incomprehensibly.

  Evening. You have a rest after a working day on your favorite sofa with a TV remote control and a cup of fragrant tea.

Tink tink  Guests have arrived! With cake and good mood. Celebration? Of course, a holiday!  After all, only the closest friends come like that. Those for whom the most important thing is communication with you, and not an ideal feast by all the rules, but some quick meal  still needed.

Each mistress has a different understanding. "Quick recipe". Someone barely has time to unfold a dried piece of cheese, and some sorceresses manage to cook a hodgepodge while guests wash their hands.

The call to use what is in your refrigerator can also be interpreted in different ways.  Why do I need a quick recipe for a salad that includes quinoa (such cereals), rice vinegar, sesame oil and chilled king prawns? If the latter appear in my refrigerator, then they will certainly not wait for random guests.

I did in some way "Reminder sheet" those snacks that can be prepared in a few minutes, listening to the latest news from friends. It does not make sense to describe these quick recipes in detail - they are too simple and familiar to any adult.

Guests on the doorstep: quick food recipes

At the end of the article I will do a list of products with a long shelf life that are simply required to be in the refrigeratorwhen an unexpected guest crosses the threshold of your home.

So. Here is my "reminder"
(click on the links, many quick recipes will open :-)):

1.   With melted cheese, you can eat everything.  When guests are on the doorstep, recipes of fast dishes are remembered with great difficulty, so hot sandwiches are a real salvation for such an occasion. The only unchanged ingredient is cheese, so you need to always have some kind of hard variety in an impenetrable shell (such as Olterman) with a shelf life of up to 8 months. On bread of any freshness, put slices of boiled chicken or meat, slices of sausages or sausages, slices of tomato or just ketchup, thin rings of onions or pickles. You can parsley dill for beauty. Three cheese on top, and put in the microwave for one and a half minutes.

Cheese can be eaten in its original form.

2. "Italian Dinner."  Perhaps this is the leader among quick recipes and the rest of humanity. A pack of quality spaghetti and a factory spin with vegetable sauce. Do not digest pasta, do not overheat gravy. Sprinkle with fresh herbs. Everything! Beautiful plates, tablecloths, candles, napkins. Glasses of red wine. Oh…

3. "Russian vodka, herring brown bread."  It is also an option. Herring happens in iron banks. Let lies in the bins for such a case. You can put lightly salted trout on fresh butter. Or red caviar. For a leisurely conversation, and young potatoes quickly boil. And if you have a piece of slightly salted salmon in the refrigerator, hid ...

4. “In the morning - scrambled eggs, in the afternoon - scrambled eggs, at night - scrambled eggs”. Here it’s how the fantasy breaks out. You can simply put several eggs on the halves of boiled eggs, you can mix the yolks with cod liver. Omelet with herbs, with tomatoes and onions, with cheese, ham, with green beans (or with other deep-frozen vegetables), etc. Just fried, after all. The main thing is beautiful, fast and satisfying. Another option - let the omelet become "Envelope"  for the cheese, ham and vegetables that you have. Here is a photo.

5. Snacks from frozen puff pastry. This quick recipe needs some skill. Rehearse a little, so as not to experiment with guests. The fillings can be salty and sweet. The dough defrosts very quickly. Make, for example, small triangles with cheese. 20-25 minutes in the oven, and you will have wonderful.

6. Shrimp like sweets.  A pack of frozen shrimp in the freezer never hurts. If you don’t feel like messing around, just boil with well salted water and spices. And if after short cooking they are fried in tomato-garlic sauce ... Guests are always delighted with such a quick recipe.

If your guest is going to come alone, and even in a romantic mood ... Here is a very quick and simple one (this vegetable is now in any vegetable stall, not more exotic than radish).

7. Quick salads.  You will find a huge number of recipes on the Internet, it is difficult to advise something specific. Better decide what exactly you will cook in an emergency. Let the canned fish, crab or cod liver, champignons in their own juice, green peas, sweet corn, etc. In the refrigerator - crab sticks, ham, feta cheese, mayonnaise, some vegetables.

Just in case, here's a cheat sheet:.

8. Hearty hot dessert.  This is my weakness ... Dumplings with cherries and sour cream for tea ... If you had the patience to stick in advance and freeze, you are a hero of our time. You can also find a decent option in the store. After all, there is nothing inside these dumplings except cherries and sugar.

9. Pita bread stuffed.  Personally, I like the hot option. I wrap brynza, tomatoes, diced and greens in sheets of Armenian pita bread. Fry on a dry frying pan on both sides. Someone lubricates with butter, someone likes crispy pita bread with hot filling. .

10. For the most helpless.  It also happens - guests are on the doorstep, recipes for quick meals cause panic or a sharp attack of laziness. Hang on the refrigerator the phones of trusted suppliers of pizza, sushi and Ossetian pies. Not always fast and tasty, but guests will not stay hungry.

Now the promised list of products for cooking quick recipes.

Grab some of the above in the store, and the “guest on the doorstep” situation will no longer scare you.

  • Juices, mineral water with gas, good white and red wine, liqueurs.

“Wait. We’ll be with you in half an hour! ”- beloved friends, as always, they announced their arrival at the last moment, and you, as if evil, are empty in the refrigerator. Well, it’s not entirely empty, of course, but, let’s say so - there are very few products. What to do? Run to the store? Order pizza at home? And let's better try to set the table with a minimum set of products! So, we comprehend the secrets of the self-assembled tablecloth and prepare simple snacks from what is.


If you fry slices of black or white bread and rub them with garlic, and put tomato slices on top, you get tasty and satisfying sandwiches. You can also pour croutons with mayonnaise and sprinkle them with herbs.


If you have vegetables, do not rush to make a salad out of them. A plate of salad will look poor on the table, but if you cut the vegetables (cucumber, tomato, pepper, etc.) nicely into circles, put them on a larger dish, salt and decorate with at least one sprig of parsley - it will already be beautiful and festive.

The simplest salad can be made from white cabbage. Cut it into thin strips, carefully remember with your hands that the cabbage let the juice, salt and add a little vegetable oil.

In addition, cabbage can be very quickly put out. Pour a small amount of water into the pan, salt. When the water begins to boil, pour the cabbage chopped into strips. In a pan, fry the carrots with onions and fry, add to the cabbage. Stewing cabbage is short-lived, but great as an appetizer.

If you have a zucchini, then you can very quickly prepare a whole plate of snacks for the arrival of the guests. Peel it, cut into rings. Roll the rings in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Do not forget to salt. The dish is ready! A good and simple recipe:


If you have a small piece of cheese, do not cut it into slices and spread on the plate some 5 unfortunate pieces. Better grate it and sprinkle it with slices of bread, send sandwiches for 1-2 minutes in a microwave or oven. You get delicious cheese sandwiches that you can decorate with a little ketchup.

Well, if in addition to cheese, there was also a slice of sausage in the refrigerator, rub it as well as cheese on a grater, mix with grated cheese, sprinkle with this mixture slices of bread and also hold for a couple of minutes in the oven or microwave - you will get even more delicious and satisfying sandwiches, which are perfect as a snack.


Cut them into circles, fry in a pan, beat in 1-2 eggs. Put the finished dish on a plate. Top with green onions or garnish with finely chopped onion rings.


Cook hard-boiled eggs. Cut them into halves. Lay on a dish. Pour the mayonnaise over the net. Sprinkle any greens or canned green peas on top.

Fry the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin rings in a pan (you can also add tomatoes or pepper), then pour a couple of beaten eggs into the pan. The appetizer, although not delicious, is tasty and the table is not empty.


They say that if there is potato in the house, then the house is full of food. It is difficult to argue with this, because from this root crop you can cook a lot of dishes. What is the easiest way to prepare for the arrival of guests so that it is fast? Cut potatoes into circles and fry. When serving, you can lay fried potatoes on the center of the dish, and lay the vegetables at the edges. With such an appetizer, you can do without even meat products.

The easiest option is to boil the potatoes. Only boiled potatoes in themselves, of course, are not loved by everyone, and it is too simple - not for guests. To add originality to the dish, boil potatoes and one egg in different pots. Once ready, put the potatoes on a dish, pour a little mayonnaise on it, and sprinkle finely grated egg yolk on top.

Another interesting option is to fry boiled potatoes in butter. The potato turns out - like from the oven, with a golden brown.

If, in addition to potatoes, you have carrots and onions, your guests will definitely not leave you hungry! Even without meat and sausages and other vegetables, you feed your guests a delicious and satisfying meal alone. Cut the potatoes and carrots into strips and fry in vegetable oil, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt and add finely chopped onions. Put on a beautiful large dish. You can also make sauce for such potatoes. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup, sprinkle with herbs, pour into a beautiful bowl and place on the table. A delicious vegetable dish with sauce - and you have something to meet friends.

Well, if your friends are in the habit of always coming unexpectedly

  • Frozen pizza basics.  Of these, you can quickly cook several types of pizza - vegetable, with sausage, with mushrooms
  • Pita.  You can make rolls with different types of fillings: with cheese, with mayonnaise, with sausage or sausages, etc.
  • Frozen vegetable mix. In order to prepare a vegetable dish, you only need to fry the chopped vegetables in a pan.
  • In general, any frozen convenience foods.   Cutlets, spring rolls, etc.Of course, you should not get carried away with such dishes, but when they meet unexpected guests, they really help out
  • Salads for a long shelf life.  Korean carrots, sauerkraut and eggplant in buckets, olivier and crab stick salad in vacuum packaging - all these snacks can be stored in your refrigerator for more than a month and you will never be in an uncomfortable position in front of the guests.

You did not wait, and they are already on the threshold of your house? Calm, only calm, everything is in your hands! You will be in time, and no one will be able to reproach you for not hospitality. So, while the guests have fun watching your photo album, for the deal ...

Pilaf with sausages

Here's a quick recipe for pilaf - you can say pilaf raiding.

Twenty minutes are enough to cook it. Finely chopped boiled sausage or sausages, fry with onions and carrots, pour two glasses of water, add a glass of rice. Stew until rice is cooked.

Meat "The highest score"

Any meat, it can even be taken from the freezer, cut into strips, put in a pan, add any fat, onion rings, fry, put pickles, cut into strips. Simmer for a few minutes. You can pour sour cream on the dish, but this is not necessary. This dish is prepared for no more than twenty minutes.

Chicken legs in the oven "Uninvited guests"

Cut chicken legs into two each, grate with grated garlic, salt, pepper, sprinkle with cloves and ground.
  Grease a baking sheet with butter, put chicken legs on it and fry in the oven until golden brown. Then remove the legs from the oven and pour them with lemon juice or

diluted with citric acid.

Chop onion rings, slices of tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cream cheese on top and put in the oven again.

Once the cheese has melted, remove the chicken from the oven.

Fish fillet

Do not like meat, then you can cook fish.

Soak a pound of fish fillet for five minutes in salt water. Having taken out, let the water drain, put the pieces of fish on a greased parchment, lay a layer of oil with pepper on top, on it - a layer of grated carrots with onions. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice (you can take diluted citric acid) and sprinkle with herbs. Tie parchment bags with string or twine and lower them into a pot of boiling water for fifteen minutes.

Fried eggs

Tasty and original appetizer - fried carrots with eggs.

Boil half a kilogram of carrots in salted water, then grate on a coarse grater or simply chop finely with a knife. Slightly fry the carrots in butter, add three beaten eggs, salt, pepper and fry again like an omelet.

Cucumbers with a surprise

Cut small cucumbers lengthwise into two parts, remove the pulp. Cut the core and mix with finely chopped tomato. You can add a little finely

chopped greens and season with mayonnaise. Mix well and add salt. Transfer the finished mixture to one half of the cucumber and cover with the other. And you can not cover, and make "boats" from cucumbers

Salad "Tender"

And how do you like this salad: cut the onion in half rings, put on a plate. Grate two apples and lay on top onion.

Grate one hundred grams of cheese, chop two boiled eggs and, salt, mix with cheese. This layer is put on the first two and filled with mayonnaise. The salad should be eaten without stirring.

Pie with apples "Minute"

There is strength and desire - then bake an apple pie "Minute".

It cooks really fast, and it's really delicious. Take three eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the whites with half a glass of sugar until a steaming foam. Do the same with the yolks - beat them with half a glass of sugar.

Gently mix the proteins and yolks, add a glass of flour (sift without fail). Put chopped peeled apples on a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Pour them with dough and bake until cooked.

Raisin cupcake

But not a complicated recipe for cake in English.

Grind a glass of sugar with one hundred grams of butter, add two whipped

eggs, half a glass of kefir or yogurt, a little slaked soda - you need to take less than half a teaspoon, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a glass of raisins, flour (so that the dough is a little thicker than the pancakes).

If there is an opportunity and there is a desire, you can add a glass of nuts. Put the dough in a mold and bake. Sprinkle icing sugar on top of the cake or grease with sour cream, whipped with sugar.

Lavash appetizer with vegetables


2 thin pita bread
2 pickles
300 g cabbage
1 small onion
1 medium carrot
4 tbsp vegetable oil
mayonnaise to taste

Let the cabbage on the grater. We peel the carrots and grate the Korean carrots. We let the pickles directly with the skin on it - after such a grater, it does not seem stiff. We cut the onion. Scatter it with boiling water and pour the water right after 2-3 minutes - so the bitterness will go away, and the crunch will It will remain! Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, onions, season with mayonnaise (not very much here). On the first pita bread we spread half the filling, add a little more mayonnaise (when folding the roll, it spreads as it should) and add.

We turn into a roll. By and large, it can already be simply chopped and eaten. But there is a much better option! Heat the pan over high heat

with a little vegetable oil. After a couple of minutes, put the rolls “seam” down. Fry on each side also over high heat for two minutes straight. During this time, pita bread will acquire an appetizing appearance and a wonderful taste, and the vegetables in the filling will not have time to stew and remain crispy. Feed your family and guests who come with pleasure.

And one more recipe from Valentina 58. The recipe for a quick and tasty pie, which can be just for tea and a glass, without any second and snacks:

Cabbage pie

We will need:

3 tbsp. l mayonnaise

5 tablespoons. sour cream

7 tbsp. spoons. flour

1 bunch of dill

Sunflower oil

1 teaspoon of salt and baking powder


Cut cabbage, add dill and put in a mold greased with plenty of oil.

Make fill:

Eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, salt and baking powder - beat, pour the cake and put in the oven 180 degrees. Rescued repeatedly, honestly!

Have a good time!

Sometimes a situation happens that there is no time to prepare a tasty and rich feast. And the holiday is approaching, and the guests are literally “on the doorstep”. What to do? First off, no need to panic. After all, the main thing is the warmth with which you will meet your guests. Prepare entertainment and hanging out ideas. Secondly, stock up on quick and easy recipes. They will save the situation more than once when a gala dinner needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Original and quick recipes for appetizers for the festive table

Snacks should be on every festive table. They are not only a food product, but also a beautiful decor. A skilled housewife will be able to serve even plain snacks with chic.

  • Snack - canapes. Canapes sticks will be just a great table decoration. Another plus is that the appetizer is portioned, it is easy to take and eat. For cooking canapes, you can use almost any product. The composition of some snacks - canapes: cheese, olive, peeled shrimp; a cube of sausage, a cube of cheese, a cube of smoked meat; cracker, cream cheese, olive. Canapes can be sweet, then they can be served during tea drinking or drinking wine. For example, you can build canapes of grapes, pineapple and banana. A banana should be sprinkled with lemon juice so that it does not turn black. For canapes, you need to use solid elastic products that can stay on the skewer
  • Stuffed eggs. Another easy and cheap way to cook a snack. Eggs can be stuffed with processed cheese and mayonnaise, cod liver and fish caviar. Also, an egg snack is easy to turn into funny figures that will decorate any table
  • Lavash roll. Get thin pita bread at the bread stall. Put the stuffing in it, like a shawarma. And cut into portions. The filling can be vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions. Also, add meat or crab sticks, cheese and sauce. This appetizer is very hearty and easy to prepare.
  • A light snack of tomato. Everyone has known such an appetizer since childhood. Tomatoes are cut into thin rings, greased with garlic sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Then decorate with chopped herbs
  • Meat and cheese slices. If there is absolutely no time for cooking, make meat and cheese slices. Show your imagination when decorating a dish
  • Pickled mushrooms, herring and other prepared salted foods can also serve as appetizers.

  How to cook a salad for a festive dinner quickly?

In order not to delay the preparation time on the day of dinner, prepare all the ingredients in advance. Boil vegetables and eggs and cool, leave in the refrigerator. On the day of the gala dinner you just have to cut everything and season with sauce.

  • Crab stick salad. We need: rice, eggs, crab sticks, canned corn, pickled onions, mayonnaise, salt. Pre-boil the rice and cool. Cut crab sticks, boiled eggs and pickled onions into small cubes. Then mix them with rice, corn and season with mayonnaise. Salt to taste. Garnish the salad before serving.
  • Beetroot salad. Such a salad is not only extremely tasty, but also healthy. We need: boiled beets, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream, salt. Boil beets and three on a coarse grater. We mix the beets with mayonnaise, crushed nuts, squeeze the garlic into the salad, salt it and mix thoroughly. Done
  • Salad with crackers. We need: white unsalted crackers in the form of cubes, smoked ham, canned corn, Beijing cabbage. As a dressing, you can optionally use mayonnaise or olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with sauce. Attention! Crackers soak quickly. They need to be added only before serving.

A recipe for a quick cake with condensed milk for a festive dinner

  • To prepare a super fast cake, you need to prepare purchased cakes. It remains to decide on the choice of cream
  • The easiest and most delicious cream is based on condensed milk. There are several recipes using boiled and regular condensed milk.
  • Recipe 1. Take butter and condensed milk (50 to 50). We soften the oil and mix it thoroughly with condenser with a mixer. Cream turns nutritious and oily
  • Recipe 2. For this cream we need: condensed milk, sour cream, a little butter, vanilla sugar. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

How to cook a quick cake in the microwave?

A microwave is a wand - a lifesaver for any housewife. If it is, then making even a quick cake with it will not be difficult.

  • The recipe for the cake is called Quick Chocolate Cake. Depending on the creams, the recipe is easy to change at your discretion and to your personal tastes.
  • For the test we will need: a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, 50 grams of butter, a baking powder or soda, a glass of milk, sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and flour (about 2 glasses)
  • Cook the dough is elementary. Mix all the ingredients until smooth. Then pour the dough into a greased form for the microwave. A heat-resistant glass mold is perfect. Put the cake in the microwave 900 W power for 7 minutes
  • Cool the cake a little and take it out of the mold. We are waiting for complete cooling. Cooking cream at this time
  • We need sour cream, a bar of dark chocolate, a thickener for sour cream and powdered sugar. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and whisk all the ingredients thoroughly with a mixer.
  • Cut the crust in half. We generously grease the cream between the parts of the dough and the top of our cake. Garnish with grated chocolate, nuts or cocoa. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe for a quick and tasty puff pastry Napoleon's cake

The classic recipe for Napoleon is long and tiring. Guests will not even suspect substitutions if you cook this cake according to a different, simpler recipe.

  • We need: yeast-free puff pastry, flour, butter, egg, a glass of milk, lemon juice
  • Cooking “cakes” for the cake. We cut the dough into pieces and bake in the oven according to the recipe on the packaging. Do not worry if the cakes are a little broken.
  • At this time we cook custard: beat the egg, add a glass of flour and 2 tablespoons of flour, sugar to taste. We put on the fire and constantly interfere. We wait for the cream to thicken and turn it off, add lemon juice
  • Grind slices of baked puff pastry with your hands until large puff crumbs are obtained
  • Mix the dough with cream. We cover the form with cling film and put the cake in it. Leave in the fridge overnight
  • In the morning we take out the cake, free it from the film and decorate with the remnants of puff pastry. Napoleon is ready

Tasty and fast sandwiches on the festive table

  • Smoked trout sandwiches. For these sandwiches, you need smoked trout, a baguette of rye flour, butter, fresh cucumber and herbs. The sandwich turns out delicious, fragrant and springy bright
  • Sandwiches with feta cheese. We need: a white baguette, feta cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. Lettuce leaves need to be cut so that they match the size of the baguette pieces
  • Sandwiches with cream cheese appetizer. Preparing an appetizer: three melted cheese and an egg, mix with mayonnaise and garlic. Spread a snack on every slice of white bread.
  • Sandwiches with cream cheese and ham. Ham is cut into thin slices and laid on bread smeared with cream cheese. Sandwiches can be decorated with greens
  • Sandwiches with cod liver. Cod liver is kneaded with a fork, mixed with egg and mayonnaise. Decorate such sandwiches with a slice of tomato

Delicious and quick hot recipes for a festive dinner

There are some simple main courses that can saturate any company. The recipes for several of them are so quick that they take a minimum of time.

  • Potato with mushrooms in the microwave. Love French fries, but cook for a long time? Try modifying the recipe by replacing the meat with mushrooms. Cut the onion rings, mushrooms into slices and lay on the bottom of the pan. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin plates. Lay on top, salt and pepper. Top the dish with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Depending on the power of the microwave, bake the dish from 30 minutes to an hour
  • Pasta casserole. This dish will replace lasagna, which is an extremely long time to cook. Boil the pasta and fry the minced meat in a pan until cooked. Prepare the tomato sauce from the broth, tomato paste, a couple of spoons of flour and spices. Place a portion of pasta in a greased baking sheet, pour them with sauce. Lay the minced meat on top, pour over the sauce. The final layer is pasta. Layers may be more, at your discretion. Pour over the top layer with sauce, put pieces of butter on it and sprinkle evenly with cheese. Bake the dish in the oven, until a crispy cheese crust is formed
  • Potato "fan". For this dish you will need whole unpeeled potatoes, ham and hard cheese. We make a lot of deep transverse cuts in the potato. Insert a slice of cheese or ham into each of them. We bake the dish in the oven until the potatoes are ready. Serve the dish, decorating with greens.

Quick holiday meat dishes

And of course, not a single festive feast is complete without meat dishes. Consider a few simple recipes.

  • Baked chicken. Cooking chicken quickly, most of the time will be spent on baking. At night, marina chicken with salt, spices and garlic. Put in the refrigerator. Before baking, grease the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. Put in the oven over medium heat. Bake a little more than an hour until pink juice stops highlighting when pierced
  • Chicken wings in soy sauce. This dish is original and very tasty, it came to us from Asian cuisine. We need: chicken wings, fresh ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, spices and a little salt. Wings marinate in soy sauce, adding grated ginger and chopped garlic. Marinated wings can be baked or stewed
  • Portion meat baked in foil. Cooking pork in a large piece for a very long time, but baking portioned slices can be done quickly by decorating them and adding additional ingredients. On a piece of foil we lay the beaten-off piece of pork, sprinkle with spices and salt. Next, put fresh mushrooms, tomato slices and sprinkle with cheese. Gently wrap a piece. So do with each portion piece. Lay on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour

  • To make dinner fast, prepare the ingredients in advance
  • Do not experiment with new dishes before guests arrive. In the event that you fail, everyone will remain hungry, and the hostess will be upset
  • Pay proper attention to decorating dishes. Guests pay more attention to the appearance of the table.
  • Make one “crown dish” that you can cook and present it in the best light
  • Do not cook too much. It will only take extra effort and money
  • Make delicious drinks, cocktails. Remember to stock up with regular drinking water.
  • Take breaks between dishes, entertaining your guests. So the food will fit and guests will be able to feel the whole gamut of tastes
  • Remember that the main thing is the warm atmosphere at the table.

Video: How to decorate holiday dishes

Video: How to make a gala dinner