Eggplant in sweet and sour sauce for the winter. The best recipe for eggplants - yum fingers

17.05.2019 Egg dishes

Eggplants behave well in various blanks, so they are often prepared for the winter. Eggplant blanks are perfectly stored and will help you out in the winter more than once.

  What can be done from the "blue"? Yes, a lot of things - all the recipes in which you can use the eggplant, list is simply not realistic. If you wish, you can prepare salted eggplants, make them caviar - it tastes very much like a mushroom, and various snack salads have also recommended themselves well.

Many people note that the taste of eggplant blanks is unusual, reminiscent of a mushroom and in its own way original. It is not like any other, and in order to evaluate it, you need to try winter eggplant blanks.

The best eggplant recipe for the winter - you will lick your fingers

  One of the best recipes for preparing eggplants for the winter is, I think, the “blue ones” combined with vegetables and poured with tomato sauce. It turns out very tasty.


  • eggplant - 460 grams;
  • meaty tomatoes - 250 grams;
  • sweet pepper - 280 grams;
  • onion turnip - 260 grams;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - 40 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • sugar - 20 grams;
  • tomato sauce - 360 ml;
  • vinegar - 45 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • paprika and other spices - to taste.


  1. First, let's prepare vegetables. They need to rinse under running water and drain on a towel.
  2. Eggplant must be cut in half, pre-cut tails. Now we cut each piece across in the form of large sticks.

It is not necessary to grind here, because in the end you will get not a beautiful vegetable snack, but ordinary eggplant caviar.

  1. Cut tomatoes into four parts.

For harvesting it is desirable to pick up those that are stronger. Well suited grade "cream."

  1. Peppers, too, cut in half, remove the seed box and be sure to cut the white partitions. They give a slight bitterness - not everyone likes it. Then we cut the peppers into thick strips, about the same thickness as the eggplants.
  2. We clean the onions from the superficial scales and cut them into large half-rings. After that, disassemble it with your hands.
  3. We take a stewpan with high sides and pour oil into it.
  4. Put all the prepared vegetables in it and mix gently. Turn on a little heat and fry the vegetable mixture for about 10 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will roast, and they form an appetizing crust. The main thing is to make sure that they are not burnt.
  5. It's time to salt and sweeten the future billet. You can also put garlic and spices. Here you can focus on your taste.
  6. Add tomato sauce, mix everything and simmer the eggplants with vegetables for another 20 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking - for 5 - 7 minutes - pour in vinegar.
  7. After the 20 minutes have been set to end, we lay out the finished vegetable mixture in pre-sterilized jars and roll it under iron lids, ensuring complete tightness.

Banks necessarily turn upside down, i.e. we put them on covers and we warm. You can put them on a warm blanket, and then they also wrap them. In this form, the workpiece must stand for a day. After that, eggplants can be stored for storage in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Cooking eggplants for the winter circles with garlic - appetizer "Spark"

  Another option for spicy eggplant appetizers for the winter, known as "Spark".

Ingredients (for seven jars of 500 ml):

  • blue ones - 3 kg;
  • sweet pepper, 1 kg;
  • garlic pulp - 200 grams;
  • chilli pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 125 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 170 grams;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - will be used only for frying.


  1. Eggplant can be used in any variety, as long as they are not over-ripe. We need strong vegetables. We wash them and cut them into 1 cm thick circles. This is an important point, because if you cut them thinner, then when frying, the eggplants will fall apart.

  1. In this recipe it is not necessary to fill them with salt. The appetizer is quite spicy, and the bitterness typical of eggplants will not be felt.
  2. Fry circles in vegetable oil. To speed up the process, you can use several pans at once.

  1. Eggplants love butter and absorb it like a sponge, so you will need to periodically pour it into the pan.
  2. Pepper wash, peel and mince along with cloves of garlic and hot peppers. At this stage, you can control the burning of the finished snack - everything will depend on how much chili you put.
  3. We shift the pepper mass into the pan, pour in the oil, vinegar, put the sugar and salt. Cook our pot with minimal heat from boiling for about 15 minutes.

  1. Banks in which you will lay out the workpiece, you need to sterilize in advance. To do this, use the oven - put the banks in it and set the temperature at 110 ° C. 10 minutes is enough after the oven warms up. Covers boil separately.
  2. Put a little sauce on the bottom of a slightly cooled jar, then a layer of eggplants and again the sauce. We alternate layers, filling the jar approximately to the level of the hangers. If you make it complete, then during sterilization the sauce will spill out.

Pollitrovye banks need to be sterilized for 30 minutes, and liter for half an hour. Then roll up the snack and leave to cool, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Before serving, eggplants need to be thoroughly cooled in the refrigerator.

Eggplant for the winter like mushrooms - a recipe without sterilization

  Fried eggplants taste like mushrooms to your taste. Especially if you add garlic to them while cooking.


  • eggplants - two kilograms;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • salt;
  • fresh parsley;
  • refined vegetable oil.

For the marinade:

  • water - 160 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 160 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 160 ml.

Start cooking:

  1. Eggplants need to wash and cut off their tips. Then we will cut them into cubes of small size - approximately 2x2 cm.

To remove the characteristic bitterness from eggplants, put the prepared vegetable into a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Stir and let stand for about an hour.

  1. Onions need to be cleaned and cut into half rings, and chop the parsley.
  2. We assume that an hour has passed. Eggplants are washed under running water, laid out in a colander. This will save them from salt. We let the vegetables drain.
  3. In a pan or sauté pan, heat the butter and fry the eggplants on it until crusted. Let them redden and be beautiful.
  4. Fold the fried eggplants in pre-sterilized jars, slightly tamping them.
  5. Now you need to prepare the fill. Water should be boiled, pour vinegar and vegetable oil. Bring to the boil again and pour over the eggplants. Immediately capped and warmed.

Eggplant to taste is no different from mushrooms. Before serving, you need to put chopped garlic or onions - whoever he likes - and pour it with vegetable oil "with a smell." And then you can't tell them from mushrooms.

If you are afraid that the billet will not “stand”, you can sterilize the banks. For pollitrovok it is 10 minutes, and for liter - 15 minutes.

Teschin language of eggplant for the winter

The mother-in-law tongue is an excellent eggplant appetizer, which is now time to cook. The blue ones are already in full swing and ready to collect. If you like more sharp blanks, this eggplant recipe is for you.

Ingredients (for 8 cans with a volume of 500 ml):

  • 4 kg of medium-sized eggplants;
  • kilogram of fleshy tomatoes and sweet (already fully ripe) bell peppers;
  • a glass of finely grated garlic;
  • chili pepper;
  • a glass of vinegar (9%);
  • vegetable oil;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • tablespoon of salt.


  1. Rinse the eggplants and cut the tails. Now they need to be cut into thin longitudinal plates. Thoroughly sprinkle with salt and leave for an hour and a half for all bitterness to come out of them.
  2. At this time, will make the sauce, which will be used for pouring.
  3. Under the cooking scheme, it resembles adjika. We wash tomatoes, peel the onions, remove the grains and white partitions from the sweet pepper. We skip the workpieces through the meat grinder, adding hot peppers to the vegetable mixture. From it it is necessary to remove the seeds. Otherwise, get a real dragon fill!
  1. Shift the resulting mixture into the pan. Salt it and sweeten. Immediately pour vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. We set aside.
  2. Eggplants are washed with salt and fried on each side until golden brown.
  3. Now will be engaged in packaging snacks. At the bottom of the sterilized jar, pour a spoonful of hot sauce and place fried eggplants on it. Lightly press down and pour the sauce again. Repeat the layers to fill the jar, which then roll up under the lid.

We turn the billet upside down and wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely.

Bon appetit and up to new recipes!

In the season of ripening vegetables, eggplant is very popular. They are perfectly combined with all vegetables and meat, good with garlic and greens.

It is not used for food, but Russia fell in love with this overseas vegetable and learned how to cook a lot of delicious dishes from it.

Non-calorie vegetable, contains a lot of fiber, pectin, there are vitamins and mineral. With regular use of eggplant in food, the level of cholesterol and sugar decreases, digestion, work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys improves.

In the midst of the vegetable season, eggplants can be fried, steamed, grilled or baked in the oven.

Baked eggplant - the perfect diet product, it will be useful in the fight against obesity. In future - and marinate.

Eggplant Sweet Sauce Recipes

Chinese Eggplant

A popular dish that is necessarily present in the menu of Chinese restaurants. You can prepare a dish with a Chinese touch at home. All products are available, and cooking is simple. Would need:

Eggplant -4 pcs.

Sweet pepper - 4 pcs.

Granulated sugar - 80 g

Starch - 80 g

Sunflower oil -60g.

Wine vinegar - 150 ml.

Soy sauce - 80 ml.

Water - 400 ml.

Ginger -6 g.

Garlic -6 cloves.

Add salt to taste.

1. Wash the eggplants and cut them into cubes, approximately 1 centimeter thick.

2. Put in a wide dish, cover with salt and add water. After half an hour bitterness will leave the eggplant.

3. Then squeeze out excess moisture from vegetables and dry on a towel. Transfer the eggplants back into the bowl and sprinkle with starch. Stir to cover all the pieces.

4. Heat oil in a cauldron and put eggplants in it. Stir fry the eggplants until golden brown. Shift into deep dish.

5. Free the Bulgarian pepper from the seeds and cut into wide straws. Fry in the same cauldron for a couple of minutes and send to the eggplants.

6. Pour soy sauce, water and vinegar into the cauldron. Instead of rice and wine vinegar, you can use dry wine. Put dried ginger and salt. Bring sauce to a boil and put vegetables into it. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly, add minced garlic and turn off the heat.

Wonderful fragrant sweet and sour eggplants are ready. Enjoy and delight guests and households.

Eggplant Winter Harvesting

Cook the eggplants in a sweet sauce for the winter.

Take 10 eggplants, onions and tomatoes,

sunflower oil, vinegar and sugar - 1 glass each,

tomato juice - 2 glasses and salt 3 tablespoons.

1. Wash and prepare all vegetables. Eggplant cut into half rings. Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes - diced. Chop onion thinner. Put in a thick-walled pot or cauldron.

2. Mix together tomato juice, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and sugar and pour over the vegetables.

3. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

4. During this time, you can sterilize jars and lids.

5. Ready to pack up the snack on banks, close. As usual, flip and warm.

Fragrant eggplants in a sweet sauce are perfect for any second meal and will be a good addition to the winter diet. Enjoy your meal!

Do you think that would make such a delicious eggplant? Pay attention to a very simple recipe for cooking these vegetables in a very tasty sauce. It will take very little time to cook, but the result will be chic - such   Eggplants are delicious as with the heat of the heat, and cold, especially the next day. So cook a lot at once, because it is so tasty!

Chinese eggplant recipe with savory sweet and sour sauce

A wok griddle, kitchen scales, a knife, a spatula, a grater, a colander, a cutting board, a bowl.

  • Choose medium size eggplants,  free from damage, stains and other defects. It is not necessary to eat over-ripe eggplants - they contain the substance solanine, which, when consumed in large quantities, causes poisoning.
  • Greens must be freshsaturated bright color. Rinse well before use.
  • When buying soy sauce, always read its composition.  - there should not be flavor enhancers, flavors and colors.
  • High-quality, natural wine vinegar is sold in glass containers  and should have a small residue.

For the first time, eggplants were written in writing in 544 in one of the most ancient treatises on agriculture from the time of the Chinese Northern Dynasty. Over the past century since the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom a lot have succeeded in growing eggplants. In 2010, the harvest of "blue" in China amounted to more than 24 million tons.

Step by Step Cooking

  1. Peel ginger root and rub it on a fine grater. He will need us in the number of tablespoons.
  2. A small bunch of green onions are thoroughly washed, dried and finely chopped.

  3. Chop the pepper into thin ringlets. It is better to remove the seeds from it, as they will make the dish too spicy.
  4. Eggplants (2 pcs.) We wash, remove the tails and cut vegetables into cubes, about one and a half centimeters thick.
  5. Fry them over high heat for 6-7 minutes, in a skillet with olive oil.
  6. We shift eggplants to a colander to remove excess fat.
  7. Pour 70-80 ml of soy sauce into a bowl and mix in it a half to two spoons of sugar, add the same wine vinegar and mix everything. Instead of sugar, you can take honey.
  8. Pepper, ginger, green onions and garlic fry for a couple of minutes in a well heated pan, into which we pre-pour a small amount of butter.

  9. Add the sauce and fry for a few minutes to allow the liquid to evaporate slightly. The dish is ready!

What eat such a dish

Chinese eggplant is a full-fledged independent dish, very tasty and satisfying. To him can be served cooked crumbly rice. Eggplants can also be eaten cold - they are even tastier. By the way, this is an excellent snack to many strong alcoholic drinks, which the male gender will appreciate.

Recipe video

If you like Chinese cuisine, be sure to cook eggplants in a sweet and sour sauce. To do everything correctly and not to make a mistake this video will help you.

Eggplants are low-calorie (only 28 kcal per 100g), contain a lot of fiber and, due to this, help to lose weight. They help to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body, thereby preventing atherosclerosis, improve heart function, due to the high content of potassium salts.

Eggplant Appetizer Recipe in Spicy Sweet and Sour Sauce

Time for preparing:  1 hour 40 min.
Servings: 2.
Calorie:  167 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and equipment:  wok pan, kitchen scales, knife, whisk, spatula, chopping board, bowl.


Medium Eggplant550-600g
Eggs (small)2 pcs.
Soy sauce4 tbsp. l
Sugar (preferably brown)1-2 tbsp. l
Garlicsmall head
Olive or sunflower oil100 ml
Ginger root15 g
Hot pepper (chili)1 PC.
Cilantro (greens)small bunch
Bell pepper1 PC.
Bulb1 PC.
Starch2.5 Art. l
Lime or Lemon Juice1-2 tbsp. l
Sesame oil2 tbsp. l
Sesame seeds (fried)1 tbsp. l
Water100 ml
Salt finetaste

Step by Step Cooking

  1. Eggplants (550-600 g) are washed, we cut off the tails, cut them into medium cubes and soak them for an hour in eggs. After that, they will not absorb the vegetable oil.

    If your eggplants are bitter, chop them up and first soak them in salted water for 20 minutes so that the bitterness comes out.

  2. Remove the vegetables from the bowl of eggs, sprinkle with two tablespoons of starch and mix. This will also help avoid absorbing excess oil.
  3. Fry the eggplants over high heat in a wok pan with butter. Fry in portions, stirring, until golden brown.
  4. We take them out on paper towels or napkins to remove excess fat.
  5. Bulgarian sweet pepper (1 pc.) Washed and cut into large cubes.
  6. Clean the onion, rinse and chop quite large as well.

  7. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, add 2 spoons of sesame oil, fry chili pepper, garlic and ginger for a few minutes.

  8. Put the Bulgarian pepper in the pan, mix and add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and sugar and 4 spoons of soy sauce.
  9. Dilute half a tablespoon of starch in a hundred milliliters of water, pour it into the pan. Mix and taste the dish. Add salt if necessary.
  10. Put the eggplants to the vegetables, mix, so that all the vegetables are completely covered with the sauce and roast a little in it.
  11. If the sauce is too thick, add some more water.
  12. Turn off the fire and add chopped cilantro. We shift the vegetables on a dish, sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds and serve.

Recipe video

You can easily cook Chinese eggplants if you watch this video. Pay attention to how all the vegetables are cut, and how long they need to fry.

  • Vegetables are better not to fry than overcook. In Chinese dishes, vegetables should be slightly crispy.
  • If you want to cook eggplants in a savory sweet and sour sauce for the winter, then lay the vegetables hot in sterilized jars, tightly close them with lids and leave the jars to cool, turning them upside down and wrapping a blanket. Such blanks should be stored in a refrigerator or other cool place, for example, in a cellar.

  • Brown sugar is better in recipes, but if you do not have it, then it is quite possible to take honey or regular sugar in the same amount.
  • Other vegetables can be used for roasting with eggplants. For example, zucchini, zucchini, green beans. You can also add pieces of fresh or canned pineapple, a bit of ketchup or tomato paste.

The ancient Greeks called eggplants "apples of rabies" and believed that their systematic use in food leads to clouding of reason.

Other cooking options

If you like Chinese cuisine, prepare other dishes, such as with sesame, or a very delicious chicken in a sweet and sour sauce. Like almost all dishes of traditional Chinese cuisine, these dishes are prepared quickly enough, and they will not take much of your time. But the result, of course, will please. And you can just cook savory and use it for meat and poultry dishes, as well as.

I am sure that once you have prepared this dish, you will become a big fan of it, however, like me. Write your feedback in the comments, as well as questions and comments on the recipe, if you have them. Let all you have, and you delicious dishes!

Eggplant is used for a variety of dishes. One of them is eggplant c. This option will especially appeal to fans of Chinese cuisine, but everyone else should try it, because it is very tasty. We give several options for the recipe for cooking eggplant.

Milking is best to use young vegetables. They have a more delicate structure and practically do not contain solanine. Therefore, they do not need to be soaked or sprinkled with salt to remove bitterness.

If the eggplants are “grown out”, then the preliminary processing is obligatory, otherwise the prepared dish will be bitter. Fruits are cut, sprinkled with salt and left for half an hour. Then drain the released juice, rinse and squeeze well. After that, you can fry the vegetables, and then simmer in the sauce.

To prepare the sauce can be used fresh tomatoes, tomato paste or sauce. To make the sauces necessary sweets, use sugar or honey.

Interesting facts: Eggplants contain a lot of useful substances, it is a large set of trace elements, including selenium, fiber, pectin. Eating eggplants prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Chinese eggplant in sweet and sour sauce

Lovers of exotic dishes will love Chinese-style sweet and sour sauce.

  • 2 eggplants;
  • 2 pods of Bulgarian pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • starch for fumes;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste.


  • 1 glass of water;
  • 15 gr. fresh ginger root;
  • 35 ml of soy sauce;
  • rice vinegar to taste;
  • 20 gr. honey
  • 1 tablespoon of starch.

Eggplants are washed and cut into cubes with a thickness of about one centimeter. Put the eggplants in a bowl. Sprinkle with eggplant salt and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then wash the eggplants, washing away the excess salt and squeeze well. Bulgarian pepper cleaned and rubbed straw.

Eggplant sticks sprinkled with starch (about 1 tablespoon), mix. Fry the eggplants in oil until rosy color. We shift the vegetables in a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. Then fry the pepper sliced ​​strips, mix it with eggplant.

See also: Cabbage Stew with Mushrooms and Meat - 7 Recipes

Prepare the sauce: mix the soy sauce with honey, add the grated ginger, pour in the rice vinegar. If there is no rice vinegar, you can take an apple. In warm water, stir the starch and mix with the rest of the sauce ingredients. Fill vegetables with cooked sauce and stew for 5 minutes, at the very end add garlic, grated on a fine grater.

Eggplant with meat

You can cook eggplants in sweet and sour sauce with meat. Dish get more satisfying.

  • 3 eggplants;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 pods of Bulgarian pepper;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 600 gr. pork pulp;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 8 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. starch;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%);
  • frying oil.

Cut the pork into cubes. Add raw egg whites and 4 spoons of soy sauce to the meat. Stir and leave the meat to marinate for 20 minutes.

Cut carrots into thin strips, peel seeds from Bulgarian pepper and cut into strips. Cut the garlic in half lengthwise. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the garlic on it for a minute, then remove and discard it.

Put carrots and paprika in a frying pan, fry for about five minutes, stirring. We shift the vegetables on a plate. Pieces of meat stir in a plastic bag, there we pour a spoonful of starch. We tie the top of the bag and shake it vigorously several times. We need starch on all sides to cover the pieces of pork.

Put the meat in the starch in the same pan, on which the meat was fried, fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then we shift the meat on the plate to the vegetables.

Chop the eggplants into cubes, pour them with soy sauce and powder them with starch, mix. Fry the eggplant. It is very important not to overcook them, they must keep their shape. For the same reason, it is not recommended to stir eggplants too often.

For the sauce, dilute tomato paste in cold water, add the remaining soy sauce, sugar and vinegar. In the resulting sauce stir starch. Heat the sauce when it becomes hot, dip the meat and vegetables into the sauce, warm it up for a few minutes, preventing boiling. Give the dish a little brew and serve.

Potato Recipe

You can cook eggplant with, these vegetables are perfectly combined with each other and with a sweet and sour sauce.

  • 6 large potatoes;
  • 2 eggplants;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 cup of hot water;
  • ¼ part of lemon (for juice);
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • vegetable oil, preferably sesame;
  • ground hot pepper to taste.

Peel the potatoes, cut into thick circles or slices. Dip potatoes in salted boiling water and cook for exactly five minutes. Drain and cool potatoes.

See also: Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat - 7 quick recipes

Cooking pouring: in a glass of boiling water stir ketchup, add honey, pour juice, squeezed from a quarter of a lemon.

Peeled eggplants cut into small cubes. Peel the onions and garlic, finely chop them. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Fry the onion and garlic in butter for about five minutes. Then add eggplants, continue frying for another five minutes. Then add soy sauce, pepper and pour vegetables by pouring. Simmer all together for a quarter of an hour under the lid. Then add the potatoes and continue stewing until the potatoes are ready. The finished dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Ideal are eggplants cooked in a slow cooker.

1. Eggplants should be thoroughly washed under running water, dried, cut into large pieces. It is most convenient to cut each eggplant across into halves, and then each half along - into 3-4 parts (if the vegetables are large, you can cut into more parts). If the eggplant peel is too hard, it is advisable to remove it.
  2. Peel the carrots, wash them, dry them, and cut them into thin strips (or grate them on a special grater for cooking carrots in Korean).
  3. Bulgarian pepper washed, dried, cut into strips or strips. In order to make the salad look brighter and more appetizing, I recommend using pepper of different colors, for example, 1 green and 1 red.
  4. Peeled onions and garlic. Onion cut into half rings, cut garlic lengthwise, each clove into 2-3 plates.
  5. In a deep frying pan or saucepan, heat the sunflower oil. If you have a special pan - wok - then cook, of course, better in it.
  6. Put the sliced ​​eggplants in the pan with the heated sunflower oil. Stir fry the vegetables for 3-4 minutes. Using skimmers, remove the fried eggplants and place them on a plate.
  7. In the same butter, in which the eggplants were fried, pour in sugar, mix, lightly fry. Then put onions, fry for 1-2 minutes, carrots (also fry for 1-2 minutes). Add to the vegetable mixture ½ tsp. ground ginger (can be used fresh), ¼ tsp. nutmeg, Malayas seasoning to taste, ¼ tsp. vinegar and soy sauce.
  8. Stir the vegetable mixture, then put the Bulgarian pepper and garlic in the pan and mix again. Fry for another 1-2 minutes.
  9. Dissolve starch in a glass of water, stir well to avoid lumps.
10. Put the previously fried eggplants into the pan, pour the starch diluted in water, mix. As soon as the starch "grabs", remove the pan from the heat. Then you should try the food and add, if necessary, a little more vinegar or sugar (depending on which flavor you prefer: more sour or, conversely, more sweet).
  11. Arrange the salad in pre-prepared (sterilized) cans, cover and roll.
  12. Turn the cans with the blank upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Malasyan - is a traditional Chinese seasoning, which is one of the most popular in the Middle Kingdom. The seasoning includes almonds, allspice, anise, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, white pepper or a mixture of peppers, dried tangerine peel, tsogo (black cardamom) and other spices. You can easily purchase this product in the supermarket or simply add to the preparation of spices from the list above, which will be in your kitchen cabinet.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy your meal!