What contains green tea. Harm and contraindications for drinking green tea

24.07.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Depending on the treatment, a green or black variety of the popular drink is obtained from the tea bush. Green tea is useful in the ability to quickly quench thirst, stimulate digestion, reduce fat deposits, have a restorative and tonic effect, improve and maintain a wonderful mood throughout the day. Drink is contraindicated and can be harmful if consumed excessively, improperly brewed.


All kinds of green tea are made from tea bush. For the preparation of some varieties, buds and young upper leaves are used, while others are ripe greens.

The tea bush is small - about a meter in diameter and a half meters high. The plant is whimsical, requires careful care. When creating favorable conditions, it grows rapidly, gives a yield of leaves twice a month.

Quality varieties are produced exclusively from the leaves of the first crop, in subsequent harvests less useful properties.

Green teas, which grow in China and Japan, bring maximum benefits to the body. They are inferior to the products of Ceylon, Java, India.

Compared to black tea, the green variety is obtained by more gentle processing, as a result, parts of the plant are preserved and more active compounds are released during brewing, therefore green tea is healthier.

Oxidative processes are stopped by treating the crop with steam for 2-3 minutes. As a result, the aroma of fresh leaves is eliminated, they become soft and lethargic, prepared for subsequent twisting. After steaming, the plant material is held in air for some time to eliminate excess moisture.

Twisting is performed on special equipment. The machine wrinkles and rolls up raw materials, which allows you to remove residual moisture and give the particles one form or another. At the end of the twisting procedure, the product takes on the familiar look.

It is believed that the more the tea leaves are twisted, the longer the beneficial properties of tea are preserved, the stronger it is brewed.

  • Almost non-twisted varieties are called "unchi". They look like grass.
  • Twisting across the fibers gives the product the appearance of flakes or balls, these are the so-called "pearl" varieties.
  • Twisting along the fibers turns the tea leaves into spirals or sticks.

The final stage is the final drying of the leaves, which allows to stabilize the aroma and nutrients. Removing moisture residues is done by drying or roasting:

  • during drying, the raw materials are not mixed. The finished product has a dark green color, soft taste.
  • during frying, the mass is constantly interfered, it becomes bright green, with a rich aroma and wonderful taste.

The finished product better retains its beneficial properties in opaque sealed packaging, but not in film.

Depending on the size of the tea leaves, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • large-leaved, distinguished by quality and high cost;
  • small-leaved, more affordable, but less tasty and aromatic;
  • powder, it is used together with tea leaves, it is in demand among gourmets. To brew, the powder is placed in a cup, poured with hot water, beat until foam.


A green drink is useful for invigorating and stimulating properties due to caffeine. In “tea” terminology, this purine alkaloid and at the same time a psychostimulant is called thein. Thus, caffeine and thein are identical.

Tea contains catechins, tannins, and strong antioxidants. Tannin, an isomer of one of the kakhetins, is useful for inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Varieties of green tea are useful oncoprotective properties, due to the epigallocatechin gallate included in their composition.

Animal experiments have confirmed that this type of catechin destroys free radicals, prevents cell damage, and reduces the size of tumors.

The combination of thein and tannin forms caffeine tannate, which gives the tea its characteristic taste and aroma, and slows down the absorption of caffeine. Therefore, in comparison with coffee, it has a softer invigorating effect.

Due to the gentle processing of plant materials in green tea varieties, thein content is higher than in the black variety. Its highest concentration is in young leaves and buds. In mature leaves, thein and tannins are less.

The green drink contains vitamins A, groups B, P, PP, K, C, they are stored almost in full after technological processing.

Green tea is useful in high content of vitamin P (routine), which helps in strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes metabolic processes, is important for biochemical cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.

Trace elements are represented by copper, potassium.

The composition includes up to 20 percent of tannins, essential oils, flavonoids.

In combination with caffeine, theophylline, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, these substances are useful tonic, stimulating effect on various body systems, improve heart function, the state of the vascular walls, brain nutrition, support normal blood coagulation.

Green tea is useful in its high content of antioxidants, so its regular use is a means of preventing the development of tumors.

The drink has a fat burning effect that is used in weight loss and weight loss programs.

What is green tea good for?

For greater benefit, green teas are brewed and drunk with. Tea tannin prevents the absorption of trace elements, vitamin C, which is part of the lemon, neutralizes the effect of tannin.

Research has confirmed that green tea lowers bad cholesterol.

Green tea does not cause allergic reactions.

How to make green tea

It will require clean, soft water, which should not be brought to a boil - boiling water affects the taste, aroma and beneficial properties of the drink. Insist not for long, 3-4 minutes.

Green tea is drunk very hot, carefully taking small sips, savoring and enjoying, diluting it with cold water reduces the benefits. The addition of sugar is allowed, but it is much more pleasant to enjoy the natural taste and aroma of the drink.

One serving of a high-quality grade can withstand several brews, so it is better to use a small kettle.

The recipe for proper brewing of green tea:

  • Rinse the teapot with boiling water.
  • Place the tea leaves at the rate of 1 tsp. on a glass.
  • Pour hot boiled water 80-85C.
  • After a couple of minutes, pour the finished tea into the so-called "chahai", a fairly roomy dish, from which it is then poured into cups.
  • Pour hot water into the teapot again, insist for 30 seconds longer, pour the finished drink into the chahai.

Quality varieties of green tea retain their beneficial properties even after 7-10 brewing cycles. Dishes should not be metal or plastic, the best material is clay.

Another simpler recipe that uses a bowl and teapot:

  • Pour tea leaves with hot water, as in the previous recipe
  • After two minutes, pour the drink into the bowl, then back into the kettle.
  • Repeat several times so that the tea mixes, cools down a bit, "breathes".
  • After the tea has been infused for a while in the kettle, you can drink it.

The drink should not be bitter, otherwise it is a sign of over-brewing.

It is believed that tea in 2 minutes after brewing has an invigorating effect, after 5 minutes - soothing. During the day, do not consume more than 5-6 cups.

Green tea raises or lowers blood pressure

As you know, the terms arterial hypertension and arterial hypertension are considered synonymous. Although, to be precise, "hypertension" means an increase in vascular tone, and "hypertension" means "increased pressure in the system."

The increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg not always associated with increased vascular tone. High values \u200b\u200bcan be observed with their usual and even reduced tone due to an increase due to various reasons of cardiac output.

Therefore, discussions about the benefits of green tea varieties to lower or increase pressure continue.

According to one point of view, there is no change in indicators. The caffeine that is part of stimulates cardiac activity, which initially increases blood pressure. At the same time, the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the narrowing or expansion of blood vessels, gives the command to reduce tone, as a result of which the indicators quickly return to normal.

Studies have found that a green drink is useful in its ability to thin the blood, it becomes more fluid. As a result, the load on the heart muscle is significantly reduced, pressure indicators are normalized, and the risk of stroke decreases.

Other studies with varying degrees of confidence confirm the benefits of green tea to reduce the level of "bad", strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels due to the high content of tannins in it. The best effect is achieved by consuming high-quality varieties made from upper young leaves.

Green tea varieties are useful as a diuretic, so they are used in the treatment of cardiovascular or renal diseases, and reducing swelling.

The results obtained allow us to recommend a healthy drink to all healthy people to reduce the risk of hypertension, as well as in the initial stage of this disease. Many patients note a normalization or a noticeable decrease in indicators, an improvement in their condition. But to talk about the complete cure of the disease in this way is not necessary.

To draw a more definite conclusion about the benefits of green tea for regular use, additional years of research are required.

Slimming green tea

Having decided to lose 2-3 kilograms, it is useful to consume a green drink several times a day. To diversify the taste helps a slice of lemon, 1-2 dried fruit, mint leaf.

In a simple one-day diet, a weight loss recipe is based on taking 2-2.5 liters of milk during the day:

  • Brew a glass of milk 1 tsp. green tea or make tea in the usual way and drink it with milk.

The resulting diuretic effect helps to quickly get rid of one or two kilograms.

Healthy green tea should be included in any low-calorie diet lasting from 7 to 10 days:

  • Brew and consume 5-6 times a day an hour before meals or an hour or two after meals, once a day - with milk.

Include fruits, vegetables, berries, dairy products, lean meat, fish in the diet. To completely refuse sugar, replace it with a small amount of honey. In a day or two, cook buckwheat porridge.

Due to its high caffeine content, tea should not be taken before bedtime to avoid insomnia.

Following dietary restrictions is relatively easy to carry, as lowering does not cause severe discomfort.

Harm and contraindications

Green tea can be harmful to health with tachycardia, irritability, and insomnia.

With hypotension, excessive consumption of the drink can further reduce pressure, lead to a fainting state.

The abuse of green tea or its complete replacement of water can be harmful, cause pathological changes in the liver and kidneys due to poisoning by polyphenolic compounds, of which catechins are a representative.

Due to its tannins, low-brewed tea has an antiseptic effect and helps to heal ulcers. But an overly strong drink causes intensive secretion of gastric juice, increases acidity, therefore it is contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, and in case of diseases of the stomach it can become a cause.

It is worth refusing to take strong tea in case of atherosclerosis or hypertension.

When green tea is useful for toxicosis, but it can be harmful due to increased muscle tone, heart rate.

In order not to disturb the child’s sleep, a nursing mother should not drink green tea at night.

  Changed: 02/09/2019

Everyone is familiar with such a tonic and refreshing drink, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many who consume it. The attitude to this gift of nature is often contradictory, but it is impossible to deny the beneficial properties of green tea. Some put the leaflets on a par with drugs, and some consider its consumption only to follow the newfangled trend of a healthy lifestyle. These debates have been going on since green tea appeared in ancient China. So what is the use of a wonderful drink, and what harm can it bring to the human body?

Main components

This drink is deservedly considered one of the most loved by many drinks. The leaves of the camellia tea shrub, first brewed in ancient China, began to be called green tea and gained worldwide recognition. Today, the consumption of this green invigorating tea is only increasing, and its scope is becoming wider. This marvelous drink is useful for both men and women. Today, the benefits of green tea are highly valued in cosmetology and medicine; they are also used in pharmaceuticals. So why does green tea owe its healing properties and are there any contraindications to its use?

Tea bush has an unusual ability to absorb substances from the soil that are beneficial to the human body and synthesize them. Moreover, the chemical properties of a fresh leaf of tea and dried differ significantly. Dry tea leaf has a more intricate chemical composition. To understand it, you need to consider a simple tea leaf from the point of view of science, and find out which of its components have a good effect on the human body and which can be harmful.

The usefulness of green tea is the tannins contained in its composition.   A special place among them is occupied by tannin, it is to this substance that this type of tea owes its unusual taste. Useful is a delicious drink and thanks to the essential oils contained in it. Essential oils in the composition of tea give each its variety a unique taste and aroma, and have a great influence on the quality of tea.

In addition to the listed elements, the beneficial properties of this refreshing drink are increased due to the invigorating caffeine alkaloid contained in its composition, in another way theine. This component is also found in large quantities in coffee. But in green tea, the action has a different character, it is softer, does not excite the nervous system and gently acts on the cardiovascular system.

Pectins in tea contribute to the breakdown of fats, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

This drink is useful in case of poisoning, in its power to overcome many intestinal infections. The absorbent property of green tea is able to free the body from harmful toxins. This healthy tea relieves toxins and salts of our kidneys, thanks to the diuretic effect, thereby reducing the possibility of stone formation in the bladder and kidneys.

Today, people everywhere are exposed to the most harmful factors - this is solar radiation, radiation, radiation from televisions, mobile phones, poor ecology. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid them, but to help the body cope with them is quite real. For example, studies have shown that daily consumption of tea can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women by up to 90% and other types of cancer by 60%. For men, the benefit of regular consumption of this invigorating drink is to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by almost half. The benefits of green tea for men also have a beneficial effect on potency. Green tea contains zinc, which is useful for the production of testosterone - the most important sex hormone in men. Therefore, the inclusion of green tea in the daily diet is necessary for men.

This tea helps to expand the vessels of the brain, nourishes it with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Thanks to these properties, an invigorating drink is useful in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. It is impossible to list all the benefits of this kind of tea. Moreover, the healing properties of this favorite drink are not fully understood. This healthy tea acts comprehensively on the whole body, refreshes and tones, gives good health and vitality. But still doubts whether green tea can harm and whether there are contraindications to its use remain.


As the saying goes, the medal has two sides. The same can be said of green tea. Let's try to find out what is harmful green tea?

Caffeine contained in tea can play a poor role. With the large use of this tea, the invigorating properties of caffeine can cause insomnia, restless sleep and irritability, and a rapid heartbeat. In addition, the harm of caffeine is that it can be addictive and the body will require constant consumption. Therefore, even in the use of such a useful product as green tea, you need to know the measure, otherwise it will become harmful.

The harm of green tea can occur when it is used by people with gastritis, a stomach ulcer, since it can irritate the mucous membrane and cause painful sensations when brewed. There are contraindications to the use of strong tea for people suffering from kidney stones and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is green tea harmful to men and are there contraindications, and what is its effect on the female body? It is believed that there is harm to green tea for men's health, but this statement is true only with an overdose of tea. And with moderate consumption, this tea is useful for both men and women. For the latter, it is still dear to its anti-aging properties.

To fully enjoy the taste and valuable properties of this valuable product, you should drink it no later than 15 minutes after brewing. Excessive tea is harmful to both men and women. It is contraindicated for those suffering from gout, hypertension and patients with glaucoma, since long infusion of tea leads to an increase in its composition of caffeine.

A few tricks that neutralize the harm of green tea and reduce contraindications to its use:

  • do not drink green tea on an empty stomach;
  • green tea should be discarded before meals, so as not to reduce the palatability of the meal;
  • you do not need to drink this drink immediately after eating, it will slow down the digestion process and become harmful to the digestive tract;
  • you can not drink very hot, cold and strong tea;
  • never drink medicine with tea; their structure can be harmed.

Green tea is an excellent remedy for many ailments, the main thing is not to abuse it, so as not to harm the body.

Proper cooking

So, having dealt with the useful and not very properties of this drink, you need to give credit to the rules of its brewing. For the result to be a high-quality and truly most healing drink, and not harmful, when preparing it, you need to take into account some nuances so that the entire aroma, taste and benefits of this drink are fully disclosed.

Brewing Stages

  • we take a dry and warm teapot (the teapot can be made of glass, porcelain);
  • we fall asleep tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup;
  • pour tea with water, but not to the edge of the teapot, leave a couple of centimeters to the top;
  • water temperature should be between 70-85 degrees;
  • finer grades of tea need to be filled with water of lower temperature, but to extend the brewing time;
  • after brewing tea, it is necessary to cover the teapot with a napkin and close the spout of the teapot so as not to lose the aroma of tea and prevent essential oils from evaporating;
  • after 3-6 minutes, pour the tea into cups.

Tea made with love, taking into account all the subtleties of its preparation, will present true pleasure and delight with its taste and aroma.


Green tea is a centuries-old drink that continues to win the hearts of fans to this day. There will always be both supporters and opponents of this healing elixir. Yes, if used improperly, any product can harm the body, so be careful and adhere to the recommended dosages. Only in this case you can not only enjoy aromatic tea, but also absorb all the beneficial properties.

Drinking tea is always appropriate, it warms well in the cold season and perfectly quenches thirst in the heat. A properly prepared drink can fight ailments. You should know what effect green tea has on the body - the benefits and harms of the substances that make up the product, when it is necessary to consume an aromatic drink, and under what circumstances it is advisable to refuse it and how to brew tea leaves.

What is green tea?

The product is a dried leaf of an evergreen shrub that is grown for industrial purposes in China, Japan, India, on the island of Java. Fresh leaves are oval. The same raw materials are used to produce green and black tea, but there are differences in the technology for their manufacture. Dried black leaves are obtained after deep fermentation (oxidation).

The green tea production process is characterized by its gentle technology. Stop the oxidizing processes helps steam, which 2-3 minutes process fresh leaves. Then moisture is removed - crumpled and twisted into flakes, balls (pearls) or spirals, and then dried until tender to stabilize the aroma, taste and useful properties of the product. For elite varieties, the first harvest is used.


The use of special technology allows you to get a high-quality tea product, which is characterized by a wide variety of chemical composition:

  1. Among organic compounds, tannins stand out, which affect the taste of the drink. A bouquet of aroma is provided by a combination of essential oils. Alkaloids (thein), catechins (tannin), amino acids have a beneficial effect on health.
  2. The beneficial elements included in the composition have a positive effect on life processes: calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, copper.
  3. Tea leaves are rich in vitamins of groups A, C, E, K, P, which improve metabolic processes.

The benefits of green tea

What properties does green tea have - the benefits and harms of the chemical composition of the product for the body? Due to the content of useful components, a unique drink is characterized by the ability to:

  1. Stimulate the digestion process.
  2. Perform the role of a prophylactic in the fight against tooth decay due to fluoride content.
  3. To have the effect of a drug is to fight cancer, as it is an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of tannins, catechins and tannins. They bind to third-party proteins, heavy metals, free radicals and remove them from the body without damaging healthy cells. Reduce the risk of developing cancer, vitamin C and zinc.
  4. Improve the condition of nails, hair, accelerate the healing process due to the presence of zinc.
  5. Stimulate the work of the nervous system. Vitamin P, calcium, phosphorus are necessary for normal brain activity, thein acts as a stimulant.
  6. Improve human performance - the product contains caffeine (thein). Caffeine alkaloid is in a bound state with tea tannin, therefore it has an exciting effect on the body, but is milder than caffeine.
  7. Reduce the risk of thyroid disease due to the presence of iodine.
  8. To have an antimicrobial effect. This property is provided by the contained catechins. Tannin helps to heal ulcers, but tea leaves should be weak.
  9. Flush toxins. Thanks to its cleansing properties, the product increases the body's immunity, reduces the risk of any disease.
  10. To have a diuretic effect, to reduce swelling of tissues.
  11. Reduce the risk of developing eye disease due to its vitamin A and C.
  12. Maintain smooth muscle in good condition. This property ensures the presence of zinc.
  13. Facilitate the treatment of inflammatory processes due to the content of copper.
  14. Help with toxicosis and motion sickness. In these cases, it is recommended to chew dry leaves.
  15. Increase the acidity of the stomach, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

For women

The product is considered a drink of longevity. The benefits of green tea for women are as follows:

  1. Cooked masks based on tea leaves tea leaves or frozen green tea extract perfectly tone the skin of the face, increase its elasticity, tighten and smooth the contour well.
  2. As a means of stimulating metabolic processes and cleansing the body, improving the digestive tract, the aromatic drink promotes weight loss.
  3. The drink is able to improve the general condition of a woman in the menopause, it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic in the fight against breast cancer.

For men

What is green tea good for men? The drink contains manganese, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and musculoskeletal system, with its participation the hormone testosterone is produced. The stimulating effect of caffeine when drinking strong tea improves the body's working capacity and resistance to stress. The presence of antioxidants makes green tea a valuable tool for normalizing blood pressure and preventing prostate cancer.

For the liver

The cleaning properties of the drink with moderate consumption positively affect the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, vitamins P and C contribute to the improvement of their activity. It should be noted that the product includes polyphenols. With excessive use of the drink, significant amounts of these substances can destructively affect the liver.

For kidney

The benefits of green tea for the body are achieved with proper brewing of leaves and drinking. It plays the role of an adsorbent of toxins - removes them from the body and helps cleanse the kidneys. At the same time, the polyphenols contained in tea leaves can harm the kidneys. They contribute to the formation of purines. This leads to kidney stones if you abuse green tea.

For vessels

Proper use of the drink can improve the state of the cardiovascular system. These beneficial properties of green tea are provided through the following processes:

  1. Vitamin C dilutes the blood, facilitates its movement through the vessels and reduces blood pressure.
  2. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle.
  3. Vitamin P increases vascular tone, and tannins strengthen them. Antioxidants stimulate metabolic processes, prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the capillaries. All these processes normalize the pressure, so a cup of tea is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary disease, hypertension.

Is green tea with milk healthy?

Opinions about the usefulness of tea with milk are controversial. It is believed that with this combination, tea helps the body absorb the beneficial substances of milk. It is recommended to drink: with depletion of the central nervous system, lactating women to increase lactation. There is an opposite opinion that milk neutralizes the beneficial effect of tea antioxidants (catechins).

How often can I drink green tea

The benefits and harms of green tea for the body depend on the quality of the product, the method of brewing and the frequency of use. To obtain the effect of drinking a drink, the following conditions must be observed:

  • buy a fresh and high-quality product;
  • you need to brew tea leaves with clean water, heated to 60-90 degrees;
  • do not drink a cup of tea on an empty stomach in the evening;
  • do not combine the use of a drink and alcohol;
  • do not drink medicine;
  • do not drink too strong or hot drink.

The harm of green tea

Do I need to drink green tea often - what benefits and harm will the regular use of a strong drink bring? The product becomes useful only with moderate use. Keep in mind:


How it is grown and what properties it has. But this tea gained such popularity not by chance. The rich composition of the tea leaf, the features of its production make it a very valuable product.

What is contained in tea

Looking at a green tea leaf, it is hard to believe that it contains more than 2000 chemical constituents. Most are good for human health. The components of tea can affect the state of the body. Not without reason in China, the birthplace of this drink, for several centuries it was used only as a remedy. He entered the daily diet much later. Consider the chemical green "under the microscope" to understand what elements make the drink so useful.

Green tea does not undergo the fermentation process, so all the healing substances that could be destroyed by oxidation remain in the tea. The main chemical elements that are in the tea leaf include:

  • catechins
  • theanine;
  • amino acids
  • vitamins
  • caffeine,
  • essential oils,
  • minerals.

Sweetness and taste are given to the drink by amino acids and theanine, bitterness by caffeine, and astringency by catechins. The taste of tea can determine which substances in a particular variety are more.

Catechins - what is it

Strong polyphenols and flavonoids belong to this group of substances. They are powerful antioxidants that are characteristic of weakly fermented teas. Studies conducted by scientists have shown that tea’s catechins owe its protective properties. There are four components of tea catechin: EGCG, EC, EGC, ECg. Epigallocatechin gallate is considered the strongest. It is almost a hundred times greater than the power of vitamins E, C and β-carotene.

One cup of green tea is much healthier than broccoli, carrots, spinach, apples, because it contains up to 40 mg of polyphenols. Catechins easily adhere to proteins, preventing viruses from destroying cells. They are also able to counteract toxins.

Scientists from the American National Cancer Institute have proven that catechins can cleanse the body of oxidizing agents before they harm cells and lead to tumors. The high antioxidant activity of catechins contained in green tea is very much appreciated. Nutritionists around the world use green tea in their programs. It is the best natural fat burner.

Catechins help with various diseases:

  • destroy free radicals;
  • eliminate inflammation of the gums, oral cavity;
  • inhibit aging;
  • improve bowel condition;
  • reduce cholesterol;
  • help with radiation exposure.

The beneficial properties of theanine

Theanine is an amino acid, as part of tea, it counteracts caffeine and creates a calming effect. In total, there are more than 20 types of amino acids in green tea, 60% of them consist of theanine. Japanese scientists have proven that theanine is an adversary of caffeine, it absorbs its excess, preventing it from entering the blood. Theanine does not cause drowsiness, although it has a calming effect.

This substance is considered a natural antidepressant, L-theanine strengthens the immune system, eliminates depression, reduces anxiety, relieves insomnia, restores nerve cells, helps the kidneys remove water.

The effect of caffeine on the body

Caffeine affects the nervous system, it enhances endurance, stimulates the brain. A cup of green tea contains up to 30 mg of caffeine. For comparison: about 100 mg of caffeine in the same cup of coffee. Thanks to caffeine, green tea affects a hangover, removing alcohol from the body. Tea made from young leaves contains more caffeine than old leaves, but also more theanine, which neutralizes the effect of caffeine. Caffeine has diuretic properties, drives away sleep, eliminates headache, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and accelerates blood circulation.

The action of minerals

Minerals are necessary for normal development, they activate enzyme systems, interact with vitamins, hormones. Green tea contains up to 7% of minerals, including phosphorus, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, zinc. Copper and zinc are elements for the formation of antioxidants. Minerals control the water balance, give strength to the skeleton, maintain balance in the body.

The effect of vitamins on the body

Green tea contains many vitamins of different groups. Each of them contributes to the common cause of improving the human body and maintaining it in excellent shape. Vitamin P is needed to protect cells, strengthen blood vessels. It helps to reduce pressure, normalize the function of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin A or carotene improves eyesight, strengthens the immune system, supports the condition of the hair, helps prevent aging. Scientists have discovered several types of carotene in tea leaves, of which β-carotene predominates.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine quickly relieves fatigue, improves mood, improves brain function. Necessary to improve metabolism. Since the supply of vitamin in the body must be constantly replenished, you need to drink several cups of green tea per day.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin improves skin condition, improves eyesight.

Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid lowers cholesterol, helps control sugar levels, and improves digestion. Niacin is essential in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It affects the synthesis of hormones and prevents colds.

Vitamin E or tocopherol helps in the fight against infertility, it is important for the heart, skin. It is also called the fertility vitamin. Acts as an antioxidant.

Vitamin F or fluoride helps relieve swelling, strengthens teeth, heals wounds. In green tea, its content exceeds 40-1900 ppm. In young buds it is less than in mature leaves.

Vitamin K strengthens the skeletal system, increases life expectancy, removes toxins from the liver, and has an antibacterial effect. Green tea leaves have a high concentration of vitamin, but when brewed, most of them disappear.

Vitamin U normalizes acidity, prevents obesity of the liver, controls cholesterol. In high-quality tea, this vitamin creates a special aroma reminiscent of dry seaweed.

Pectin action

Pectin is a dietary natural fiber that is necessary to stabilize the metabolism. In tea, its amount is not high, but it gives the drink saturation, improves intestinal motility, protects the body from harmful substances.

The beneficial properties of amino acids

Essential amino acids are involved in organic processes in the body. The chemical composition of tea includes: threonine, valine, phenylalanine, leucine and other amino acids. They improve metabolism, cope with fatigue, and maintain nitrogen balance.

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) activates the brain, increases respiratory capacity, lowers blood pressure, regulates appetite, and improves cerebral circulation. Contained in tea leaves processed immediately after harvest. High quality elite green tea is rich in this acid.

Even in antiquity, especially in eastern countries, tea was an important element of culture. This amazing drink was used as a medicine, which was attributed to magical properties. Today tea is drunk all over the world, preparing it according to different recipes, drinking hot, cold with lemon, milk and other additives. A huge number of varieties of the brewing product itself is also known - it is black, green and even ground tea. At the same time, the most popular and, according to many, the most beneficial is considered to be a green drink, which is described in more detail in this article.

What is in green tea and how many calories?

Surely almost everyone will agree with the statement that green tea is not only pleasant to taste, but also a very useful drink. The positive effect on the body of this product is determined by its rich chemical composition. This drink is a real treasure for man, because it contains a huge amount of all kinds of vitamins, minerals, acids and other organic compounds.

  • As for the vitamin composition, many products can envy green tea, since it contains vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B3), C, E, K, P, etc. Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, is especially abundant in tea. and an immunostimulating agent. It should be noted that green tea is rich in minerals, among which you can find zinc, iodine, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc.
  • There is an opinion that green tea does not contain at all, which cannot be said about a black drink, caffeine, but everything is actually completely wrong. Green tea is a powerful source of caffeine and has the same exciting properties as coffee, but the drink has a milder effect on the nervous system. This is explained by the fact that in the composition of tea, in addition to caffeine, there are many other alkaloids, for example, tannin, which, together with caffeine, forms thein, which is more useful for the body.
  • It is also important that tea is rich in other useful substances, such as catechins, essential oils, amino acids, essential proteins, organic acids, tannins, etc. Moreover, the calorie content of this product is insignificant and amounts to about 5 kilocalories per 100 grams of tea.

Useful properties of tea for men and women

It was previously noted that green tea has great benefits for the human body, due to its rich component composition. This drink has specific properties that allow it to be used as a prophylactic and sometimes therapeutic agent for certain diseases. Scientists claim that drinking a cup of hot green tea in the morning can be stocked up with energy for the whole day, while reducing the effects of stress on the body and improving the barrier properties of the immune system.

What is useful tea with high blood pressure

The largest number of studies on the effect of green tea on the body was carried out in large exporting countries, mainly China, India and Japan. One of the main areas, the impact on which this product is great, is the cardiovascular system. Thus, it should be understood, green tea increases or decreases pressure and what is the physiology of the process.

It is necessary to start with the fact that all experiments were conducted on healthy people, for this reason it is difficult to say that a particular drink can normalize abnormal blood pressure. A specific tea indirectly affects the level of pressure, because after its use the overall picture does not actually change.

The peculiarity of the effect of the drink on the cardiovascular system is that the caffeine contained in tea accelerates the work of the heart, and accordingly increases the volume of liquid tissue passing through it. In this case, the enzymes of the drink act on the vasomotor center in the brain, due to which the vessels expand. Thus, changes in pressure practically do not occur.

Diabetes Benefits

Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease that is characterized by an increase in blood sugar. It is impossible to recover from this disease, since it is a chronic process caused by metabolic disorders. In diabetes, it is extremely important to pay attention to the consumed foods, as diet is the main way to control the level of sugar and, accordingly, well-being.

As for green tea, it would be ridiculous to say that it can be cured of a specific ailment, but this drink can serve a good service to a person with diabetes. The fact is that it is green tea that increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, and accordingly prevents the development of dangerous conditions with high sugar levels.

The healing properties of gastritis and pancreatitis

Gastritis and pancreatitis are quite complex diseases in which the main treatment method is diet. Nutrition in this case is a key tool for regulating metabolic processes, which directly affect the patient's condition with one of these diseases. It is also immediately necessary to note that green tea in the described situation is far from always possible.

Indeed, a particular drink has a positive effect on digestive processes, as it improves the production of digestive enzymes. Thus, drinking a cup of tea daily can improve the release of bile into the intestines, which is especially important for pancreatitis. As for gastritis, in this situation it is necessary to be careful, since the substances contained in both green and black tea increase the acidity of gastric juice and can aggravate the situation. For this reason, drinking green tea during an exacerbation of gastritis is not recommended.

Effect on the prostate

One of the most unpleasant diseases for the male body is prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland. This gland is responsible for the removal of ejaculate through the urinary canal and in case of inflammation, there is a violation of the urogenital function. This disease is quite difficult to treat and in most cases goes into a chronic form.

In the period of exacerbation of the disease should be especially careful about their own health, including diet. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, so the drink can reduce the risk of developing the described problem. However, most men do not know whether this drink is a diuretic or not, which should be considered first.

Due to the fact that tea has a pronounced diuretic effect, it should be discarded during an exacerbation of the disease. This information can also automatically answer the question of whether it is possible to drink green tea at night. Given all of the above, we can conclude that green tea can indeed be an excellent prophylactic against prostatitis, but you should not count on it in case of exacerbation of the disease.

How green tea affects weight loss

Sometimes you can come across dizzying information that green or some other tea can reduce weight, that is, lose weight. Such information should not be taken seriously, however, there is still some truth to this, albeit not substantial. The fact is that this drink allows you to literally cleanse the body of a large number of harmful substances that clog vessels, kidneys, intestines and interfere with the normal course of metabolic processes. If you drink green tea from time to time, then you can normalize the fluid exchange in the body, driving out excess water from it. Such an action of a fragrant drink can affect the figure - this effect has something in common with drying, that is, the acquisition of muscle relief.

The harm from drinking green tea to the body

Despite the fact that green tea has a huge number of fans and lovers around the world, and also has a huge number of useful properties, its use is not always useful. There is a huge amount of research according to which it is proved that green tea under certain conditions can be harmful to the body. Thus, drinking strong green tea in large quantities, you can encounter symptoms such as:

  • nausea, dizziness, and headaches;
  • tremor in the limbs;
  • pain during urination;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • discharge of gastric juice into the esophagus, etc.

Contraindications to the use of the drink

As already noted, green tea does not always have a positive effect on the body. There are specific conditions in which it is better to refrain from this drink. For this reason, we consider the main contraindications to the use of this variety of tea:

  • anemia, since with this ailment green tea interferes with the absorption of iron in the body;
  • kidney stones, since a drink can contribute to removing them from the body, which can be extremely dangerous;
  • neurological diseases, especially irritability, in which caffeine "like a red rag for a bull";
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, etc.

As for the common question regarding whether it is possible for pregnant women to have green tea, then not everything is clear. This drink contains a number of substances that are harmful in large quantities during pregnancy, but if you drink a cup of green tea from time to time, then nothing bad will happen. It is also better to avoid it during the first trimester, as green tea tone the uterus, increasing the risk of fetal rejection.

How to brew and drink green tea?

The process of brewing green tea is somewhat different about brewing black tea. You can treat a specific procedure differently and enjoy it differently. In some countries where the cult of tea is widespread, the brewing procedure has characteristic specific features and is some ritual or sacrament. At the same time, in order to prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you can not delve into the magical aspects of brewing green tea.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a container for brewing - this should be a teapot, which is closed by a lid. It should be rinsed with boiling water so that the dishes are heated, after which the tea itself is poured into it. The leaves should lie down in a teapot for some time and open under the influence of a steamed brewery. The dry mixture must be poured not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. After 3-4 minutes, the drink is ready and can be consumed, both in pure form and with additives, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Slimming Green Tea Recipes

Green tea is often used as an auxiliary tool to combat overweight. Some even purchase and use green tea extract tablets, but the most striking effect and pleasant taste will be a freshly brewed drink, the basic recipes of which are described below.

How to cook with milk

To create a delicious and original slimming drink, you need to prepare the tea and milk itself. It is necessary to start the cooking process by heating the milk, which must be taken in a volume of 0.5 liters. Milk should be heated to a temperature of 80 degrees, after which 2 teaspoons of green tea leaves should be introduced into it. The drink should be infused for ten minutes, and then the liquid mixture will need to be filtered. The resulting drink must be drunk during the day in small doses between meals.

With ginger

This drink consists of combining two products in parallel. First of all, it is necessary to brew green tea according to the instructions. Next, you need to prepare a fresh root of ginger 2 by 2 centimeters and grate it. Grated ginger should be mixed with 2 slices of lemon and pour the resulting mixture with a glass of water. The mass must be brought to a boil, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered, and then mixed with ready-made tea, after which a tasty and healthy remedy for excess weight is ready.

Jasmine Recipe

The process of making green tea with jasmine is very simple, because today you can find on sale a ready-made dry mixture of green tea leaves and jasmine. This composition should be prepared according to the instructions, pouring hot water and holding for 3-4 minutes. You can also add fresh jasmine flowers, dipping them in a pot for brewing at the same time as tea leaves.

Green Tea for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Today, there is a huge amount of debate about whether you can drink this drink during pregnancy and lactation, or not. As already noted, this is ambiguous, but there is evidence that the enzymes present in green tea impair the absorption of folic acid. As for breastfeeding, this drink contributes to the production of milk, so it is recommended to take it during impaired lactation.

Which tea is healthier - black or green?

It should be noted that tea itself is all green; there is no specifically black tea in nature. Black tea is obtained in the process of aging green leaves under certain conditions, for this reason it is difficult to say that black and green teas are largely different in their properties and composition. Also, a large number of people have a question whether tea bags are useful and whether leaf tea can be replaced. Bagged tea - in most cases, finely ground leaves, which is done so that the drink quickly brewed. This does not make it less useful, but it is difficult to say what is really in the bag, for this reason it is better to give preference to teas in the form of leaves.

Video about the benefits and harms of green tea

The benefits of green tea are extremely great for the body, which makes this drink virtually healing. The video proposed for viewing explains what the essence of the positive effect of green tea for a person is. At the same time, after reading the video, you can get a lot of valuable information regarding when and how to drink this amazing drink.