Vegetable oil for a healthy diet. Useful properties of vegetable oil

21.08.2019 Soups

Vegetable fats play a large role in the full nutrition of humans. There are various types of oils for feedstock, manufacturing processes and consistency. Consider what vegetable fats are, their quality indicators, and how classification divides them.

According to the degree of purification, vegetable oils are classified into:

1. Unrefined - only mechanically cleaned. With this method, the beneficial properties of vegetable oils are maximally preserved, they acquire a taste and smell characteristic of the product from which they are obtained, and may have a precipitate. This is the most useful vegetable oil;

2. Hydrated - cleansed by sprayed hot water. It has a less pronounced odor, without sediment and is not cloudy;

3. Refined - neutralized by alkali after mechanical cleaning. Such a product is transparent, with a slight taste and smell;

4. Deodorized - cleaned with hot vapors under vacuum. This product is almost odorless, tasteless and colorless.

According to the method of squeezing the oil there are obtained:

With cold pressing - such oils have the greatest benefit for the body;

During hot pressing - when the raw material is heated before extraction, so that the oil contained in it is more liquid and is subject to extraction in a larger volume;

During extraction, the feed is treated with a solvent that extracts oil. The solvent is subsequently removed, but some small portion of it may remain in the final product, which may be harmful to the body.

Consistency classification of oils:

1. Solid, consisting of saturated fatty acids: coconut, cocoa butter, palm.

2. Liquid, consisting of unsaturated fatty acids:

With monounsaturated acids in the composition (olive, peanut);

With polyunsaturated fatty acids (sunflower, sesame, soy, rapeseed, corn, cotton, etc.).

The properties of vegetable oil depend on the method of preparation and the degree of its processing in production. An unrefined cold pressed product will bring more benefits to the body than a refined product obtained by extraction. The method of its production determines the quality indicators.

Which vegetable oil is better to buy for consumption depends on its beneficial properties and application. Consider the types of vegetable oils for raw materials, their use and benefits for the body.

The table below will help the buyer to understand vegetable oils, their properties and proper use.

Table - Types of vegetable oil: composition, properties and proper use

Type of vegetable oil Composition The properties Application
It contains a lot of linoleic acid, lecithin, vitamins A, D, E, K and F (a complex of useful unsaturated fatty acids) and omega-6 acids. Positive effect on the work of the cardiac, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract. Improves skin and hair condition. It is used for dressing salads (unrefined), for frying and baking (refined). Also used in the production of margarines, sauces and mayonnaise, canned food.
It contains a large amount of oleic acid, as well as fat-soluble vitamins, unsaturated acids, a small amount of omega-6 acids. Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol. It has a good effect on digestion, because it is absorbed better than other vegetable oils. Helps reduce weight. For dressing salads, sauces and frying. When heated, it does not form harmful carcinogens, like sunflower oil. Used in pharmacology and cosmetology.
Soybean Contains lecithin, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins E, K and choline. Contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. It is well absorbed by the body, strengthens the immune system, increases stress resistance, improves metabolism. It is used for frying, in the manufacture of sauces, in the food production of foods and baby food.
Corn A source of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6), beneficial phosphatides, biologically active substances (membrane components) and tocopherol. Regulates cholesterol metabolism, improves brain and heart function, relieves nervous tension. It is used for stewing, frying over low heat, dressing salads.
Sesame seeds It contains a lot of calcium compared to other oils, but not enough vitamin E and A. It contains a powerful antioxidant squalene and omega-6 fatty acids. Useful for digestive, cardiovascular, nervous systems, brain function. Positively affects the endocrine and female reproductive systems. Widely used in Indian and Asian cuisines, in production. Not suitable for frying, only for dressing ready meals.
It contains a large amount of Omega-3 (more than in all other vegetable fats) and Omega-6 fatty acids. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the digestive system, strengthens the immune system. For dressing ready meals, salads and cereals, not for frying.
Palm It consists mainly of saturated fatty acids, contains a large amount of vitamin A, as well as E, phytosterols, lecithin, squalene, omega-6 acid. It has antioxidant properties, improves skin and hair. It is widely used in many sectors of food production. It is suitable only for frying, as it is semi-solid when cold.
Mustard High content of biologically active substances: vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, a small amount of omega-3 and 6 acids, volatile, essential mustard oil. It has bactericidal and wound healing properties, improves the digestive system and blood composition, is useful for the female and children's body. For salad dressing, baking and frying, for preservation, as it is slowly oxidized.

In food laboratories, the assessment of the quality of vegetable oils includes a complex of studies of organoleptic (taste, color, smell, transparency) and physico-chemical parameters (density, color, melting and pour point, determination of the acid number of vegetable oil, peroxide and iodine, mass fraction of moisture )

For the average buyer, these complex laboratory tests are not available, so it is important to know some rules in order to buy quality vegetable oil.

1. Refined vegetable oil should be transparent, without visible impurities and sediment.

2. The color of the oil can vary from light to dark yellow and green, depending on the raw materials and the degree of purification.

3. There should be no foreign smell and taste, only appropriate to the product.

4. Look at production time and shelf life. You should not buy a product that has long been on a shelf in a store, even if it has a long shelf life.

5. Good vegetable oil cannot be cheap. But the high price does not guarantee anything. It is better to choose one manufacturer with good quality goods and always use it as food. A bona fide food supplier is concerned about the opinions of consumers.

6. The label should indicate information on compliance with GOST for vegetable oil. The presence of quality management systems in production (international standards ISO, QMS) may also be indicated.

7. Examine the label carefully. Often there is falsification of vegetable oil: a mixture of other fats is sold under the guise of sunflower oil. The type of oil and its grade should be clearly indicated on the labeling, and not just the inscription “vegetable oil”.

How to store vegetable oil

If you choose it in the store, it is worth remembering that the most useful will be unrefined. Which unrefined sunflower oil is better? Cold pressed. It is in such a product that has not undergone thermal and chemical processing that vitamins and biologically active substances are better preserved. The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil are high in phospholipids, antioxidants, and beta-carotene.

Any vegetable oil is subject to oxidation in the light, so it must be stored in a dark place. The temperature is optimal from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius without sudden changes in temperature. Crude oils should be stored in the refrigerator. It is better to use a glass container with a narrow neck, but not metal.

The shelf life of vegetable oil can be long - up to 2 years, subject to the temperature and the absence of light. An open bottle should be used within a month.

There are many types of engine oils and sometimes it’s not easy to choose the right one. But for a specific ICE, automotive oil is required that meets the requirements of the automaker. We will talk about the parameters that affect the classification below.


Application Differences

The classification according to the scope described above has 3 types (diesel, gasoline, turbocharged).

However, the recent trend has led to the emergence of a subgroup of proper types of oils. This is due to the mass production of turbocharged engines (gasoline, diesel).

This classification of engine oil distinguishes between compounds that have different additives. They create conditions for the effective operation of oil on engines with a certain type of fuel. These additives prevent the thickening and foaming of the oil composition in turbo engines. The corresponding indicator is specified in the regulation of the international standard API (developed by the American Petroleum Institute in 1947).

Two letters in Latin after the name of the standard indicate oil for a certain type of motor:

  • letter S (“Service”) - gasoline engines;
  • C ("Commercial") - diesel.

The second letter after the data is responsible for the presence of a turbine, and also indicates the period of time for the production of power units - oil is intended for them.

Even in diesel oils, the number 2 or 4 is present, denoting a two / four-stroke engine.

Universal engine oil is used on gasoline, and diesel - classification in this situation has a double standard. Example: SF / CC, SG / CD and so on.

API Explanations (Petrol)

API classification with a few explanations:

Gasoline car engines:

  • SC - development of cars (engines) until 1964;
  • SD - until 1964-68;
  • SE - until 1969-72;
  • SF - until 1973-88;
  • SG - until 1989-94 (severe operating conditions);
  • SH - until 1995-96 (severe operating conditions);
  • SJ - until 1997-2000 (modernized energy-saving properties);
  • SL - until 2001-03 (long service life);
  • SM - cars (motors) since 2004;
  • SL +: enhanced resistance to oxidation.

Before you add another brand of oil to the engine, you should know: the API indicator is used exclusively on an increasing basis. The class is not recommended to change over two levels.

Example: SH engine oil was previously used, then the next brand will be SJ, because the oil composition of the class above is enriched with all the additives of the previous one.

API Explanations (diesel)

Classification for diesel power plants:

  • CB - machines (motors) designed before 1961 (high sulfur concentration);
  • CC - until 1983 (severe operating conditions);
  • CD - until 1990 (fuel contains large quantities of H2SO4; harsh operating conditions);
  • CE - until 1990 (turbocharging);
  • CF - before / from 90 years, (turbocharging);
  • CG-4 - before / from 94 years (turbocharging);
  • CH-4 - up to / from 98 years (high standards for the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere; for the US market);
  • CI-4 - turbocharged machines (power units) with an EGR valve;
  • CI-4 + (plus) - identical to the previous one (+ adaptation to high US environmental standards).

Grouping by viscosity / temperature properties

Currently, the international standard type SAE is widely used for most oil formulations. SAE regulates the density of the oil, which affects the choice of engine oil.

Oil for the engine, basically, has universal qualities: summer and winter operation. This type of oil (SAE standard) has the designation: number-Latin letter-number.

Example: 10W-40 Oil Composition

W - adaptation to low temperatures (winter).

10 - extreme negative temperature at which the preservation of all of its properties in its original form by oil is guaranteed.

40 - maximum positive temperature, guaranteeing the preservation of the beneficial properties of the oil composition.

These numbers are indicators of viscosity: low / high temperature conditions.

If the oil is intended for use in summer, there is a marking “SAE 30”. The figure is a designation of the maximum permissible temperature regime at which there is a guarantee of preservation of properties.

Viscosity (negative temperatures)

The temperature limits are as follows:

  • 0W - engine oil is operated at low temperatures up to -35 degrees Celsius;
  • 5W - up to -30 ° C;
  • 10W - up to -25o C;
  • 15W - up to -20o C;
  • 20W - up to -15o C.

Viscosity (high temperatures)

The boundaries are as follows:

  • 30 - use of oil up to + 25 / 30o C;
  • 40 - up to + 40o C;
  • 50 - up to + 50o C;
  • 60 - over 50o C.

Conclusion: the lowest digit corresponds to liquid oil; the highest is thick. 10W-30 engine oil should be used at temperature conditions: -20 / + 25 degrees.

ACEA standard

This classification is common in Europe. The abbreviation stands for the name of the organizational structure of the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers. The standard was introduced in 1996.

ACEA implies Euro-standards for physical and chemical research. However, from 01/03/1998, the classification has been revised, as a result of which other standards have been introduced, effective from 01/03/00, on the basis of this, the full name is ACEA-98.

The European standard bears a strong resemblance to the international - API. However, ACEA is more demanding in a number of ways:

  • a gasoline / diesel engine is indicated by letter symbols - A or B. Class A implies three degrees of application, class B - four;
  • a lorry (diesel power plant) and operated in harsh conditions is indicated by the letter "E". Four degrees of application.

The numerical value following the letter indicates the requirements of the standard: high numbers correspond to more stringent requirements.

Total: ACEA standard A3 / B3 engine oil is similar in properties, SL / CF parameters (API). However, the European classification implies the use of special classes of oils. The reason is the mass production in the Old World of cars with small turbocharged engines that experience high loads. Such automobile oil compositions should carry, in addition to the main function, also the protection of ICE elements, as well as with a minimum degree of viscosity in order to:

  • reduction of power friction losses;
  • improving environmental performance.

Based on this, A5 / B5 (ACEA) engine oil is preferable in a number of respects than SM / CI-4 (API).

Composition change

ACEA classification can undergo reforms, starting from a specific car brand. This is due to various technologies used in their engines by European automakers.

Therefore, for a certain type of power unit developed by an automobile manufacturer, it is necessary to use more precise requirements that are provided for by classification.

Example: cars with modern power plants (BMW, VW Group) are equipped with advanced electronic systems. They comply with the ACEA standard and require a special oil composition.

The freight transport segment (diesel power plant) has leaders in the form of Scania, MAN, Volvo - these cars also meet the standards and set the bar for the best oils. The elite class cars are traditionally led by Mercedes-Benz.

ISLAC standard

American car manufacturers along with Japanese have their own standard and classification - ISLAC. It is almost completely identical to the international API, so you can choose both.

Marking for gasoline engines:

  • GL-2 (ISLAC) \u003d SJ (API);
  • GL-3 (ISLAC) \u003d SL (API) respectively, and so on.

The JASO DX-1 group is singled out separately - these are Japanese cars with turbo-diesel power plants that comply with the ISLAC standard. This marking is also suitable for modern engines with high environmental standards and equipped with turbocharging.

GOST Standards

GOST classification was used in the USSR, as well as in allied countries, where Soviet-style equipment was used. Standards include viscosity / temperature properties, application. API classification within GOST is indicated by Russian letters. A specific letter is responsible for a specific class and type of power unit.

Similarly with SAE. Only instead of the letter “W” (winter) is the Russian “Z” written.

Choose wisely

In order to correctly choose engine oil, in addition to the marking / temperature criteria for operating the car, you need to adhere to additional criteria:

  • for a new motor that does not work out a quarter of the declared resource, one must choose oil 5W30 / 10W30 (SAE);
  • an engine with an average accumulated resource (25-75%) is more loyal. For it, you can choose engine oil type 15W40 / 5W30 / 10W30 - winter operation. Universal operation: 5W40;
  • worked resource - 75% or more. It is recommended to choose 15W40 / 20W40 (SAE) - summer. Winter operation: 5W40 / SAE 10W40 (SAE). Universal: 5W40 (SAE).

And remember: pour oil into the engine only from a trusted manufacturer - this way the engine will last a long time and will not cause trouble.

Sunflower and olive,corn and peanut, sesame and pumpkin, mustard and hazelnuts ... Do you know much about these types of vegetable oil? And have you tried everything?

Until recently, I myself did not know about the existence of many oils, until my mother brought me peanut butter and pumpkin seed oil. She turned out to be right - it is useful and extremely tasty!

Slender girl needs to know that frying in oil is harmful.  When heated, many oils completely lose their healing properties, and some even become dangerous. They oxidize and release very harmful substances, the neutralization of which consumes a lot of energy, which negatively affects the liver. Oncologists have found that repeated heating of fat (for example, in deep fat, in a pan) leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances in the oil, which provoke the appearance of tumors in the body.

But adding vegetable oils to salads and ready meals as a sauce or dressing is not only useful, but also incredibly tasty! In this case, the oil retains all its unique properties, because each of them has its own characteristics, its own "highlight"!

Vegetable oil is essential for our body

Oil is essential for our body to function properly, as it contains various vitamins and essential fatty acids.

But this is not all the advantages of vegetable oils - it also strengthens the immune system and heals. Nutritionists advise eating up to 50 g of unsaturated fats daily: only then will our nutrition be balanced.

Each of the vegetable oils has its own unique features,therefore, trying different varieties, you will make your dishes delicious, and the food healthy.

Some vegetable oils control cholesterol, others will be a great alternative to butter for home baking.

The cost of vegetable oils

Most of the oils are expensive.. The most inexpensive natural vegetable oils are sunflower, olive, grape seed oil, linseed and mustard. The most expensive are pine nut oil, almond, pistachio, hazelnut. This oil is suitable for a gift to those who monitor their health.

It is profitable to buy oil for 2. For example, my mother and I buy and divide by 2: you do not overpay for a bottle.

Sunflower oil "Homemade Ukrainian" 0.5 liter 147
Flaxseed oil (Dial-Export) 0.5 liter 152
Soybean oil 0.5 liter 175
Corn oil 0.5 liter 269
Mustard oil 0.5 liter 290
Olitalia Grape Seed Oil 1 liter 310
Peanut Butter (Dial-Export) 0.5 liter 360
Beaufor Walnut Oil 0.5 liter 385
Hazelnut oil "Beaufor" 0.5 liter 430
Pumpkin seed oil "Pelzmann" 0.5 liter 415
Almond butter "Beaufor" 0.5 liter 530
Pistachio oil "Beaufor" 0.5 liter 670
Cedar Oil (Dial-Export) 0.5 liter 1200

Vegetable oils their properties (benefits)

Sunflower oil

The main source of vitamin E, which protects against atherosclerosis. Contains Vitamin F Essential for Cells liver, blood vessels and nerve fibers.Perfect for frying, stewing, salad dressing.

Olive oil

Improves heart function.The highest quality oil is the first extraction (or cold extraction). Suitable for fast cooking and salad dressing. The ideal temperature for frying is 180 ° C.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Raises the level of good cholesterol,  rich in zinc, stimulating the immune system. Suitable for dressing appetizers, meat, but it is better to do this at the end of cooking, the oil does not withstand heat.

Coconut Vegetable Oil

This oil is rich in lauric acid, which enhances metabolism.  90% composed of saturated fats and very high in calories. It retains its properties even at very high temperatures. Ideal for baking.

Peanut vegetable oil

Lowers bad cholesterol.  Thanks to its excellent heat-resistant qualities and delicate aroma, refined oil is recommended for deep-fried cooking.

Linseed oil

One of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids  (60%), which protect the heart and blood vessels, improves kidney function, helps get rid of constipation. Used for making sauces, salad dressings.

Rice oil

Rice bran oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (A, PP, E, B) and antioxidants: gamma oryzanol, squalene (necessary for the normal functioning of the skin) and ferulic acid.

Its use contributes to more effective cholesterol lowering  in blood plasma compared with other vegetable oils. Withstands temperatures up to 254 ° C. Makes food less oily.

Sesame oil

Truffle oil

It is received not by extraction, but insisting truffles in olive or grape oil. This oil is used to flavor dishes, in the preparation of pasta or risotto. Does not withstand heat treatment.

Walnut oil

It contains vitamins A, E, C, B, macro- and microelements (zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). Necessary for the elderly.  Indispensable for marinades, salad dressing, fish.

Cedar oil

Rich in fatty acidsvitamins, macro - and microelements. Indispensable for tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, stomach problems. Advised as a dressing for dishes.

Grape seed oil

Rich in vitamins, trace elements, tannins. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.Withstands high temperatures without changing the taste and smell. A great addition to salads, marinades.

Soybean vegetable oil

This valuable edible oil is a champion among vegetable oils in the content of beneficial trace elements. Soy is the only plant capable of replacing animal proteins.

It is used for salads, cold vegetable and meat dishes, dishes with potatoes. Meat and fish fried in soybean oil are very tasty and juicy.

A valuable component extracted from soybean seeds along with fatty oil is lecithin. It is the main nutrition of the entire nervous system, is the most important building material for the brain, lowers cholesterol and the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, improves liver and kidney function.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil a few centuries ago could be tasted only at the royal court,  in those days it was called the "imperial delicacy." Mustard oil contains absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins, it has a specific aroma and spicy taste, is perfect for dressing salads, emphasizes the taste of vegetables.

In addition, salads with this dressing remain fresh longer. Any bakery in which this product is present turns out to be magnificent and does not stale for a long time.

Corn oil

This oil is made using specially vitamin-saving technology from corn germ. Ideal for frying, stewing meat, fish and vegetables, baking, dressing salads and canning.

Corn oil is considered a dietary product and is ideal for baby food.

This oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, PP, K3, provitamins A. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (OMEGA-6 and OMEGA-3), contained in corn oil, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and favors the elimination of excess cholesterol from the body.

By the amount of vitamin E, corn oil is almost 2 times superior to olive oil.

Corn oil helps eliminate fermentation processes in the intestines, reduces blood cholesterol, relaxes the tone of smooth muscles of the gallbladder, stimulates the secretion of bile, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves brain function.

Hazelnut vegetable oil

For the first time, oil was obtained in France - the gourmet country, since then it began to gain fame and popularity in other countries and even on other continents. About how useful hazelnut oil can be talked continuously for a very long time.

It is this vitamin that helps prevent heart disease and cancer.. It supports the immune system and is involved in an important process of human DNA repair. Therefore, it is useful to use hazelnut oil as a prophylactic with a predisposition to such diseases.

Oil will add a refined taste to any dish. Using oil will give baking a light nutty flavor and a delicate taste, and if you season them with fish, its taste will be simply unforgettable. Ready-made meals are seasoned with hazelnut oil, thus preserving its beneficial properties.

Pistachio oil

Pistachio oil- This is an excellent nutrient for significant physical and mental stress and after serious illness. Due to their high nutritional value and value, they are used in the nutrition of malnourished patients. Surprisingly delicious pale green nucleoli have a beneficial effect on the brain, with regular use in food they reduce the predisposition to heart disease, tone up and improve mood.

Useful for decreased liver function, open up blockages in the liver, help in the treatment of jaundice, as a painkiller for liver and stomach colitis. It is used to treat anemia, it is useful for breast diseases, for coughing, it is used as an anti-tuberculosis drug. They have an invigorating, tonic and restorative effect. It is useful for people suffering from arterial hypertension, chronic anemia, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis. The property of pistachios to increase potency is described.

Walnut oil

It has immunomodulatory, bactericidal, antitumor, regenerating properties. It is used in preventive doses, usually in small quantities (from a few drops for children to a teaspoon for adults) before meals.

Therapeutic effect of oil  It also manifests itself in cases where the use of nuts directly is contraindicated. For example, with colds, bronchitis, some stomach diseases, you can’t eat nuts. But oil is not only possible, but also necessary! It is used in cooking, for preventive purposes, for medicinal purposes, and even for cosmetic purposes.

Macadamia Aussie Butter

Macadamia Nut Oil  eat for cooking hot dishes, for frying and for dressing salads. And also they use 1 tablespoon a day on an empty stomach as a source of fat, for tonsillitis, headaches, migraines, arthritis and an increased tendency to tumor diseases.

Macadamia- A storehouse of valuable nutrients. This nut helps to remove cholesterol from the body, it is a source of calcium and other minerals. It is low in carbohydrates, but relatively high in fat. According to scientists, the regular use of these nuts butter reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and even contributes to weight loss.

All oils have their own alluring aroma.. Any bread with peanut butter will be magical, any salads and vegetables with oil of pumpkin seeds or pine nuts will become piquant. The ideal option is to steam, and then spray the food with oil.

Vegetable oils can be bought at a large supermarket or online store. I look forward to trying hazelnuts and pistachio oil and I wish you so!

Many will object and say that it is expensive.

But my position is this: never spare money for food and then you will not need to spend money on expensive medicines.

To save on your health is short-sighted and unreasonable, health is not a gift of nature, it is the result of our care.

Coconut oil Hemp oil Sesame oil Linseed oil Almond oil Sea buckthorn oil Olive oil Sunflower oil Milk thistle Camelina oil Soybean oil Pumpkin seed oil Black cumin oil

Benefits of Vegetable Oil

Fats play an important role in the life of the body, they are the main structural components of cell membranes, serve as the main source of energy, form a reserve of energy material, protect internal organs from hypothermia. When the body is dehydrated, adipose tissue serves as an internal source of water.

Natural unrefined vegetable oil of the first cold pressing has unique beneficial properties. Cold-pressed vegetable oils retain all valuable biologically active substances: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Vegetable oil is used not only for food and cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Vegetable oil enriches our diet with valuable unsaturated fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in our body, without which the formation of new cells and the normal functioning of the nervous, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems are impossible. Many vegetable oils are rich in tocopherols (vitamin E) - natural antioxidants that participate in the processes of cell renewal and regeneration, heal and rejuvenate the body.

Vegetable oil supplies us with energy, nourishes brain cells, maintains vascular strength and elasticity, improves blood composition, prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, prevents the development of cancer cells, activates smooth muscle fibers and protects the gastric mucosa, stimulates the formation and separation of bile, improves hormonal background, reduces inflammation, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, relieves constipation, improves skin condition, strengthens teeth, hair and nails.

Of particular value is the polyunsaturated linolenic acid Omega-3, which is getting less and less into our body with food. The diet of most people consists of saturated fatty acids, which increase blood cholesterol. The consumption of linolenic acid has a positive effect on human health. Omega-3 has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, obesity, chronic allergic and inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer's disease, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, some oncological diseases, prevents the development of cardiac arrhythmias and dysbiosis. The essential linolenic acid is essential for the growth and proper development of the brain in children, the organ of vision, the sex glands, kidneys, skin, hair and nails.

On many sites, information is often found that oils contain many vitamins and minerals, but this is not so, since oil is fat and the main value is unsaturated fatty acids. Do not confuse the oil and the cultures from which the oil is squeezed. The main vitamin contained in some oils is Vitamin E, other vitamins may be present, but in very small quantities.

Comparative table of vegetable oils for the content of Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and vitamin E per 100 g of oil

Vitamin E mg Omega 3 % Omega 6 % Omega 9 %
  Cedar oil 55 Linseed oil 53.3 Grape seed oil 69.6 Sunflower oil 82.6
  Sunflower oil 41.08 Camelina oil 38 Milk thistle 62 Olive oil 71.2
  Camelina oil 40 Hemp oil 21.5 Walnut oil 52.9 Almond oil 69.4
  Almond oil 39.2 Pumpkin seed oil 14 Cedar oil 46.2 Peanut butter 44.8
  Grape seed oil 28.8 Walnut oil 10.4 Black cumin oil 42.7 Sesame oil 39.3
Peanut butter 15.6 Mustard oil 5.8 Sesame oil 41.3 Cocoa butter 32.6
Olive oil 14.35 Soybean oil 5.1 Pumpkin seed oil 39 Pumpkin seed oil 32
Soybean oil 8.18 Black cumin oil 1 Peanut butter 32 Cedar oil 25.2

Cold pressed vegetable oil

The production of healing vegetable oil

Natural vegetable oil is a chemically active substance that interacts with air, light and metal. During this interaction, many beneficial substances are destroyed in oil. Ideally, the first cold pressed oil should not come into contact with the metal, immediately after the extraction it should be placed in a glass dish and protected from sunlight, otherwise it will become ordinary edible oil.

Oak cold press

How to consume vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are high in calories, so any vegetable oil should not be consumed in large quantities. Enough 1-2 tablespoons of oil daily or several times a week.

Most unrefined vegetable oils cannot be used for frying. Use ghee ghee and unrefined sunflower oil for frying.

Why you can fry in cold pressed sunflower oil

Where did the slogans about the fact that you can not use cold-pressed sunflower oil for frying come from? After all, this is an advertising campaign for refined sunflower oil! And all because producing refined oil is much cheaper and faster than unrefined. Think about it, because before there were no technologies for the production of refined oil, and our grandmothers used natural sunflower oil with a smell. And refined oil is a surrogate in which after so many stages of processing there is nothing useful for the body. Moreover, it is produced with the help of petroleum products, which are not completely removed during oil cleaning, and we use them together with oil. Eating refined sunflower oil is bad for your health!

If you want to fry something, then use cold-pressed sunflower oil. The downside is that when heated, many useful substances are lost and some may not like that the products are saturated with the smell of sunflower oil. But it is better to use unrefined oil than refined health-damaging oil.

Of course, the best frying oil is ghee ghee. You can also fry in coconut, olive, soy, mustard oils. For example, Italians fry everything in extra virgin olive oil. The main thing is not to heat the oil to 100 ° C. It is enough to heat it until the first bubbles appear.

The three enemies of all vegetable oils are light, heat and air, which enhance the oxidation process, so do not store oil on the windowsill, near the hob, or in an open bottle.

How to store vegetable oil

Three enemies of all vegetable oils - light, heat and air.

Try to buy vegetable oils in small glass bottles, because after opening and contact with air, the shelf life of the oils decreases. It is recommended to use cold pressed oil for 1-4 months.

It is good to store oil in a container made of food steel, since during such storage the oil is protected from light.

Introduce different oils into your diet so that you do not use the same oil for a long time, but adhere to a varied diet.

To get the maximum benefit from the use of vegetable oils, you should buy unrefined oils obtained by cold pressing. The maximum of natural vitamins and minerals is found only in cold-pressed oil.

The vitamins listed on the packaging in refined oil of synthetic origin enrich the oil already purified from impurities.

Most unrefined vegetable oils are not suitable for frying. Vegetable oil should be added to the finished dishes.

How to choose vegetable oil

When buying vegetable oil, carefully read the label.

First of all, when buying vegetable oil, pay attention to the shelf life of the oil - the smaller it is, the more natural the oil.

Manufacturers often write loud statements to advertise their product and attract the attention of customers.

It is good if the label has the PCT badge or the phrase “Technical regulations for oil and fat products”. Even better, if the oil is certified in accordance with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001. This proves that the product has passed the certification procedure and meets safety and quality standards, including the content of pesticides, heavy metals and other environmental indicators. And the phrases “Natural”, “Increased ecological purity”, “Obtained in an environmentally friendly way” and similar expressions do not mean anything. In our country, the law allows you to write such statements on the label.

The phrase “oil without preservatives and colorings”, popular in our time, can be written on the label. Artificial dyes or preservatives are usually not added to vegetable oils, since most of them are water-soluble and do not mix with oil. Therefore, this phrase applies to all oils and does not make sense. The same applies to B vitamins. They are water soluble and cannot be found in pure vegetable fat.

Very often, manufacturers write “cholesterol free” on the label. The fact is that there is no cholesterol in any vegetable oil, since this substance is synthesized only in animals and humans. Therefore, this is another advertising move. Phytosterols are present in vegetable oil.

It is often written on refined oil that it contains fat-soluble vitamins A or E. This is pure deception, since refined oil does not contain natural fat-soluble vitamins - they, like most other useful substances, are removed during the refining process.

  • The precipitate formed during storage of cold pressed oil is not harmful to health and consists of minerals and phospholipids that are beneficial for the body.
  • Rancid vegetable oils are not suitable for human consumption, apart from some naturally occurring bitterness oils such as olive or linseed. Oxidized oils contain toxic compounds that can cause numerous diseases.
  • Do not use expired oils.
  • Since salt does not dissolve in vegetable oil, before adding fresh vegetables and greens to the salad, the dish is first salted, they wait until the vegetables give juice, and only then they are poured with oil.


Despite the many beneficial properties of vegetable oils, people with caution should be treated with:

  • stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder, as oils can cause stones to move and block ducts;
  • violations of the separation of bile;
  • recently performed gallbladder removal;
  • diarrhea of \u200b\u200bany origin, since oils have a laxative effect;
  • liver cell failure observed in cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Nevertheless, even in these cases, it is not necessary to completely eliminate vegetable oil from the diet, you should only limit its daily intake. A complete rejection of oils can cause serious hormonal disorders, disorders of the nervous system, hypovitaminosis and other malfunctions in the body.

Despite the fact that vegetable oil is one of the most high-calorie foods (it can contain up to 900 kilocalories per 100 grams), it has many useful properties and contains vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. Vegetable oil helps better digestion of most foods, so nutritionists insist on its mandatory presence in the diet.

In Russia, the most popular oils are sunflower and olive, but on the shelves of shops you can find many other types - corn, soy, sesame, pumpkin ... Which one to choose?

HELLO.RU  talks about the properties of the 10 most useful vegetable oils.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is the most common vegetable oil in the world, one of the national products of Greece, Italy and Spain. Since ancient times, it has been used for cooking, as well as in religious rites.

The "homeland" of this oil is Spain. 40 percent of all global supplies are made in Andalusia, and Madrid even has an International Olive Council, which oversees almost the entire world turnover of olive oil.

Why is this product paid so much attention? Scientists believe that because of its micronutrients, olive oil lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. In order for it to fully show its healing properties, when choosing, pay attention to the packaging. It should read “Extra virgin olive oil”. This means that no heat or chemical treatment was used in the oil production.

Olive Oil Improves Heart Health

New tests at the University of Glasgow have shown: regular consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of a heart attack in just six weeks.

Researchers studied the effects of olive oil on heart health in a group of 69 men and women who usually did not eat it. Volunteers were divided into two groups that consumed 20 ml of olive oil with a low or high percentage of phenolic compounds every day for a month and a half. Phenols are natural compounds that are responsible for the protective effect and are found in plants, including olives.

Scientists have used a new diagnostic method to detect peptides in the urine that serve as markers of coronary artery disease. Analysis showed that both groups had an improvement in rates for the most common heart disease. Dr. Emilie Combet: “Regardless of the content of phenolic compounds, we found that the product has a positive effect on the heart. Any olive oil is good. ” The physician adds that "if a person replaces part of the fat with olive oil, this may have an even greater effect on reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."

2. Corn oil

Another oil popular in Russia is corn. It is characterized by a high content of vitamin E, which is two times more in it than in olive or sunflower oil. Vitamin E is useful for the endocrine system, pituitary, adrenal gland and thyroid gland. Another advantage of corn oil is its high burning point, that is, it will begin to smoke and burn only at a very high temperature.

Corn oil has almost no smell, taste or contraindications, therefore it is ideal for sauces, dressings, it is also good to add it to vegetable juices - carrot, for example, should be drunk only with cream or vegetable oil, since vitamin A is not absorbed in our body in pure form.

  Corn oil contains the following unsaturated fatty acids:

1. Arachidonic; 2. Linoleic; 3. Oleic; 4. Palmitic; 5. Stearin.


1. Vitamin F; 2. Vitamin PP; 3. Vitamin A; 4. Vitamin E; 5. Vitamin B1.

All unsaturated fatty acids that are present in corn oil are actively involved in metabolic processes in the body and in cholesterol metabolism. Their benefit is that if these substances enter the body, then they begin to interact closely with cholesterol. As a result, soluble compounds are formed. Thus, cholesterol will not harm the body, since it simply will not attach to the walls of blood vessels.

Corn oil has the main advantage over other vegetable oils - it contains a lot of vitamin E. And the benefits of this substance to the human body are simply invaluable. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from premature aging. It also protects body cells from possible mutations. This means that vitamin E protects the genetic code of cells. With regular use of corn oil, neither ionizing radiation, nor chemicals, nor the external environment can harm the body and damage its cells.

If corn oil is used correctly and often, the central nervous system, liver, and gastrointestinal tract function will improve. As already found out, it has antimutagenic properties. For this reason, it is recommended to use it for women to improve reproductive function. Also, this oil is often recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women, as it positively affects the embryonic development of the fetus.

If a person has muscle weakness, increased fatigue, depression, then he should definitely use corn oil. It will help improve metabolism, as well as strengthen the immune system. This oil also has beneficial effects on the endocrine glands.

Corn oil is indicated for people who have gallbladder problems. This is because this product has choleretic properties. It is very important to know that corn oil no longer affects the formation of bile, but rather its secretion.


2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed raw stigmas of corn insist in 2 cups boiling water for half an hour. Strain. For the purpose of prophylaxis, take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals in order to prevent it. The duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.


1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed stigmas brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons every 3 hours before meals. The same tool helps well with cholangitis, acute hepatitis, jaundice, enterocolitis and other diseases of the digestive tract or bladder.


Prepare a decoction of stigmas of ordinary corn. To do this, pour 1 dessert spoon of crushed raw materials in a sealed enameled bowl with a glass of hot water, boil for no more than 5 minutes, leave to cool and strain. Take 1 dessert spoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. This tool has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Corn oil is also used for allergic rhinitis, migraine, scaly eczema, asthma, granuloma of the edges of the eyelids, dry skin.

  The harm of corn oil

Corn oil has one interesting property - it can significantly enhance blood coagulation. For this reason, it must be used carefully. This is especially true for people who suffer from thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. And this is the only thing that can be said about the harm of corn oil. In general, it is a completely natural and healthy product for the body.

3. Walnut oil

A rather unusual vegetable oil that many of us are not used to eating is walnut oil. It contains a lot of useful elements: vitamins A, C, E, B, P, unsaturated fatty acids and various other trace elements. Walnut oil is rightfully an important component of many diets: it is easily absorbed and serves as a good source of energy. Its disadvantage is the short shelf life, after which it begins to acquire a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

In Georgian cuisine, meat and poultry dishes are prepared with him. Chefs do not recommend adding walnut oil immediately before cooking - its rich nutty taste disappears at high temperatures, so use it only as a dressing.

4. Sesame oil

Sesame oil is a traditional ingredient in Asian cuisine, and in Indian medicine it is used to massage and treat skin diseases. It has a pronounced taste resembling a nut. However, during production it is often diluted with other ingredients or subjected to heat treatment, so the oil from the counter of a regular supermarket will most likely not have an odor. Sesame oil is not famous for its rich vitamin composition, but it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which is useful for bones. It is stored for 9 years.

You can add sesame oil to a variety of dishes, most importantly, remember the difference between its two types: light oil is made from raw seeds, it is added to salads and vegetables, and dark oil is made from fried ones, it is ideal for noodles, wok and rice dishes.

The benefits and harms of sesame oil, as well as all its culinary advantages, depend entirely on its chemical composition.

It is believed that the chemical composition of sesame oil contains a lot of all sorts of micro and macro elements (especially calcium), vitamins and even proteins. So all this is sheer fiction! In fact, there is not even a hint of minerals and proteins in sesame oil. And of the vitamins, there is only vitamin E, and even then not in a "fabulous", but in a very modest amount: according to various sources - from 9 to 55% of the daily intake.

In all likelihood, this confusion is due to the fact that sesame oil is often called a sesame seed paste, which really contains all the same as whole seeds (with insignificant losses). Nothing but fatty acids, esters and vitamin E is converted to oil. Therefore, to the question: “How much calcium is in sesame oil?” There can only be one answer: there is no calcium in sesame oil at all. And hoping to cover the daily needs of the body in calcium with 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil (as some "experts" promise) is simply pointless.

If we consider the fat composition of sesame oil, then we get the following picture:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids (mainly linoleic): about 42%
  • Omega-9 fatty acids (mainly oleic): about 40%
  • Saturated fatty acids (palmic, stearic, arachinic): about 14%
  • All other components, including lignans (not only fatty acids): about 4%

We have provided approximate values \u200b\u200bbecause the composition of each particular bottle of sesame oil depends on the fatty acid content of sesame seeds, which in turn depends on dozens of factors (soil, storage conditions, weather, etc.).

Calorie content of sesame oil: 899 kcal per 100 grams.

Clinically proven that sesame oil:

  • slows down the aging of body cells (especially for skin cells, hair and nails)
  • reduces pain during menstruation
  • improves blood coagulation (especially relevant for patients with hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombopenia, etc.)
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure and prevents cerebral spasms
  • lowers bad cholesterol (low density) and helps the body get rid of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels
  • enhances blood supply to all parts of the brain, thereby increasing its ability to memorize and reproduce information
  • helps recover from physical and mental stress
  • it has a mild laxative effect, cleans the human digestive system from toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals
  • stimulates the formation and release of bile
  • eliminates dysfunctions of the liver and pancreas, stimulates digestion, and also protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the negative effects of digestive juices and harmful substances that enter inside with food

On top of that, sesame oil increases the digestibility of vitamins that come with food. Therefore, with hypovitaminosis should eat more vegetable salads richly seasoned with sesame oil.

But what is useful sesame oil in terms of traditional medicine:

  • boosts immunity
  • helps treat lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis)
  • lowers blood sugar
  • strengthens teeth and gums, reduces pain and eliminates inflammation in the mouth

5. Pumpkin seed oil

One of the most expensive oils is pumpkin. The reason is the manual production method. Pumpkin oil has a dark green color (they make it not from pumpkins, but from seeds) and a characteristic sweet taste. Due to its beneficial composition (its most valuable element is vitamin F), it improves blood, kidney and bladder function.

Pumpkin oil is most popular in Austria, where it is mixed with vinegar and cider, making dressings for a variety of salads. In addition, it is added to marinades and sauces. Pumpkin oil, like walnut oil, can not be cooked, and dishes with it should be eaten immediately, otherwise they will become bitter and tasteless.

6. Soybean oil

Soybean oil contains various useful fatty acids - linoleic, oleic and others. However, it is characterized by another element - lecithin, whose share in oil is up to 30 percent. Lecithin is a phospholipid, the fundamental chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system and the activity of brain cells. It also serves as one of the main materials of the liver.

In industry, soybean oil is used to make margarine, mayonnaise, bread and coffee cream. They brought him to the West from China. Now this oil can be bought in many stores at a low price (it is much cheaper than a good olive).

7. Cedar oil

Another expensive oil is cedar. Once it was exported to England and other European countries, as one of the delicacies of Siberia. Russian healers called him "a cure for 100 diseases."

It was not by chance that the oil got such a reputation: there is only 3 times more vitamin F in it than in fish oil, therefore this product is sometimes called a vegetarian alternative to fish oil. In addition, cedar oil is rich in phosphatides, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), E and D. It is easily absorbed even by the most “capricious” stomach, so it can be safely added to dishes for people with gastritis or an ulcer. If you have serious gastrointestinal diseases, choose cold-pressed oil, which is rich in all of the above properties. The only drawback of the “Siberian” product is its high price.

8. Grape Seed Oil
  There are two types of grape seed oil: unrefined, which is used in cosmetology, and refined, for the preparation of dietary dishes. Due to its unique ability to enhance the aroma of other ingredients, grape seed oil is an excellent dressing for vegetable and fruit salads.

Studies by Australian scientists have proven that grape seed oil is good for the nervous system. In addition, it contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins.

Many girls use this product for cosmetic purposes: oil helps to make skin smooth and moisturized, eliminate dryness and even out complexion. It can be added to any home mask or applied in a thin layer to the face with a cotton pad.

Herbaceous plant, white mustard

9. Mustard oil

Mustard oil is the most controversial. In the mid-twentieth century, it was even banned in the USA, Canada and Europe due to the high content of erucic acid (it is typical for all oilseeds of the cruciferous family). However, years passed, and scientists failed to prove its negative influence.

In Russia, mustard oil became popular during the time of Catherine II. She ordered the cultivation of mustard on a par with other crops, although before that this plant was considered a weed.

Mustard oil is rich in biologically active substances: potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, D, E, B3, B6. It is used in French dishes and in Asian countries. However, you should be careful: if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before buying.

10. Peanut Butter

Peanuts - a product long known for its beneficial properties. For the Incas, he served as a sacrificial food: when a person died, along with him fellow tribesmen put a few nuts in the grave so that the soul of the deceased could find its way to heaven.

Peanut butter began to be made only in 1890. American nutritionists have tried to create a dietary herbal product that can compete in its nutritional value with meat, cheese or chicken eggs.

Today, the most popular is not liquid oil, but pasta. It has already become a traditional part of American cuisine. Sweet and hearty sandwiches for breakfast are made with peanut butter. In pasta, unlike butter, contains not only fats, but also a large amount of protein (this is the most protein-rich product in vegan cuisine). It should also be borne in mind that peanut butter and butter are very high in calories, so you should not get carried away with them if you are on a diet.

Text: Ekaterina Voronchikhina