The recipe for tuna steaks. Fried tuna in a pan recipe

03.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Based on my experience in cooking fish dishes, I can say that fried tuna in soy sauce is perhaps the best recipe for this delicious fish. It is so simple that I didn’t take step-by-step photos, everything is very clear there: you need to season the tuna steak with spices, salt, pour soy sauce and let stand for half an hour. Then fry in oil. Or make another tuna marinade based on soy sauce, for example, with the addition of ginger, lime - it will also be delicious. It is better to fry tuna in a frying pan, on medium-high heat, using good refined oil.

Fried tuna, recipe with photo


  • Fresh tuna - 2 steaks of 200-250 g each;
  • small salt - 0.5 tsp. for one steak (salt to taste);
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l;
  • black pepper peas - 1 tsp;
  • any vegetable oil for frying - 4 tbsp. l

How to fry tuna in a pan

Rinse fish steaks under running cold water. If a dark film remains in the abdominal part, remove it.

Salt on both sides. This fish has no characteristic fish taste and smell, so it is recommended to salt it moderately so as not to interrupt the delicate taste of meat. Leave to pour out for five minutes.

Grind peppercorns in a mortar. Sprinkle steaks by rubbing pepper with your hands.

Before frying tuna in a pan, the fish must be marinated in the sauce, it will turn out juicier. Pour each steak with soy sauce on both sides. Fold one on top of another, cover and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes. This time can be used to prepare a side dish or vegetable salad. From the side dishes, fried tuna is served with rice, potatoes of all kinds (baked, boiled, mashed, fried), steamed vegetables or stewed in a pan.

Pour oil into the pan with a layer of about 1.5 cm. Heat it, throw a small piece of bread to check the temperature. As soon as the butter starts to bubble around the piece, remove the fried bread and put the steaks not close to each other, the butter should be on all sides.

Now the main secret is how to fry tuna tasty. You need to make the fire stronger than average and quickly fry the tuna steak on both sides. By sealing the fish in this way, we will prevent the loss of juice, steaks will remain juicy inside, with a golden brown crust on the outside. Continue frying over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side.

Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let the fish reach the readiness. In 8-10 minutes everything will be ready. With this preparation, the medallions will completely fry inside, but will not dry out. I hope that my detailed recipe for fried tuna will help you cook this fish tasty and unusual.

The perfect tuna steak is very simple. After all, what could be simpler than a rapidly fried piece of fish with an appetizing, slightly brittle crust, under which lies a gut that is barely touched by heat, already easily diverging into fibers, but still pinkish and juicy? This degree of roasting is easiest to achieve if the direct heat of which quickly seals the steak from the outside, but penetrates much more slowly inside. It is more difficult to make a tuna steak in an ordinary frying pan, but it is also possible if you are properly prepared for the surprises that tuna can toss during frying.

If you managed to catch the same, perfect roast tuna steak, I congratulate you: you just prepared, perhaps one of the most delicious dishes in your life. To surprise you again (but on the good side), tuna will hardly need anything other than salt and pepper (although a slice of lemon and a glass of white will not be superfluous on this holiday either). And if you want to be surprised for the third time - prepare the simple five-minute sauce of lemon, capers and cilantro, the spicy aroma of which is so suitable for tuna steak.

Tuna steak


5 minutes


2 servings

2 tuna steaks


for sauce:

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp capers

several branches of cilantro

1 green onion feather

if desired - 1 tsp. sesame paste

An ideal tuna steak is a fast-fried piece of fish with a delicious crust, which hides underneath a warm, slightly pinkish and pinkish juicy.
Alexey Onegin

Most likely, you got a tuna steak frozen. In this case, transfer the steaks from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator a day before cooking, so that the fish can delicately defrost, losing a minimum of juice. After this, generously salt the tuna steaks on both sides and leave for 30-40 minutes: during this time, the salt will have time to mix with the moisture protruding on the surface of the fish, turn into a solution and, under the influence of osmosis, soak into the steaks, evenly salting them throughout the thickness. Rinse the fish quickly in running water and pat dry with paper towels.

Why is it sometimes difficult to achieve a golden crust when frying fish or meat? The fact is that the Maillard reaction responsible for it starts at a temperature above 140 degrees, but until the moisture that is present on the surface of the products evaporates, its temperature cannot rise above 100 degrees. So, the fish should be as dry as possible in order to quickly go through this stage and have time to fry before it irrevocably dries inside. Therefore, do not spare paper towels - before you go to the pan, the tuna steak should be completely dry.

Put the frying pan with a non-stick coating on a strong fire, pour in a little vegetable oil, and when it warms up, add a spoonful of butter - it will help the fish quickly get a golden crust, because when you fry tuna steaks, it takes literally seconds. Butter first bubbles up, then melts and mixes with vegetable oil - and at this point you need to put tuna steaks in a pan. Fry them for 40 seconds on one side, turn them over and fry for another 40 seconds on the other, then transfer them to paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Serve the steaks with a slice of lemon or sauce that can be cooked before you start grilling a tuna steak. To do this, mix olive oil, lemon juice, chopped cilantro and leaves, as well as thinly chopped green onions. If you have a secret ingredient, sesame - tahini, urbech or just sesame seeds crushed in a mortar - you can also knead it in a sauce for a thicker consistency and an interesting “Asian” flavor, the source of which is unlikely to be guessed by the uninitiated. However, tuna sauce will be very good without this secret.

Everything is ready - put the tuna steaks on plates, if desired, first cut them for a prettier serving. Season the tuna with freshly ground black pepper, pour over the sauce or just drizzle with lemon juice - and enjoy your meal!

We offer five completely different recipes for steaks that can be prepared from frozen tuna. Fresh-frozen fillet is thawed and cut into equal portions 2.5 cm thick. The weight of one fillet can be from 200 to 350 g.


The fillets are washed, dried, greased with olive oil. Season each serving with salt and pepper. The grill must be heated in advance, 15 minutes before the start of frying.

Spicy tuna with olives and garlic

For cooking stewed steaks, use a large pan. Heat the olive oil with thin slices of garlic. Cook the garlic until pale golden 15-20 minutes. Temporarily shift to a plate. Heat the pan over high heat, put thin rings of red onion, fry for 2 minutes. Add the prepared fillet with a size of 2-2.5 cm.

We add heat, quickly fry the fish, adding to it previously chopped basil, mint, oregano. We bring the taste of the dish with salt and pepper. Fry tuna for 2-3 minutes, shift. Return the garlic to the pan, add chopped peeled tomatoes, olives, dry red pepper. Stew the mixture for only one minute, pour the tuna and serve.

Here are some interesting tuna recipes. Share with loved ones, please guests and write your impressions in the comments!

The nutritional value of tuna has been known for a very long time. This fish from the mackerel family contains a complete set of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the prevention of tumors. The protein content in tuna is higher than in other fish.

In appearance and taste, the fish resembles meat, and due to the large amount of muscle tissue it turns out a very tasty steak with photos and step-by-step cooking are proposed in our article. Here we will present original versions from Jamie Oliver and Julia Vysotskaya.

The secrets of cooking tuna steaks

The following secrets will help you prepare a delicious tuna steak:

  1. The quality of the prepared dish largely depends on the freshness of the fish. The steak should have a bright pink uniform color. Brown spots on the fish may indicate that it is not fresh enough.
  2. To make tuna juicier, it is recommended to marinate the steak before cooking. For marinade, you can use soy sauce, olive or sesame oil, orange juice, honey, ginger, lemon juice and any spices.
  3. It takes 30 minutes to 2 hours to marinate tuna. The longer the fish pickles, the juicier it turns out.
  4. The optimal thickness of the steak is 2.5-3 cm. So the fish will retain its juiciness and will not turn out dry. A light pink color inside the steak and light brown around the edges - this is what a perfectly cooked tuna steak should look like. Recipes for cooking fish are aimed at preserving its juiciness and emphasizing taste. Their best options are presented below.

Baked tuna (steaks): recipes with photos

In the fish baked in the oven, the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is preserved. That is why it is recommended in this way to cook tuna. Recipes in the oven (thanks to them, any novice housewife can make a family happy with steaks) describe in detail the whole process from the moment of pickling to direct cooking. Below are three such recipes.

  1. To prepare the next dish, you need 4 fresh steaks of optimal thickness. To begin with, in a deep plate, a marinade is prepared from honey and lemon juice, soy sauce (3 tbsp. Each) and pepper. Thanks to soy sauce, salt is not added to the marinade. Steaks are laid out in a single layer, poured with marinade and covered with a lid for 20 minutes. Then the fish is laid out on the foil, poured with marinade and sealed. The cooking time in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, is 15 minutes in a closed foil and another 10 minutes after printing the sheet.
  2. Tuna cooked in the oven in foil is always juicy and tender. According to the recipe, the steaks are dried with a paper towel, rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper and spread on a sheet of foil greased with vegetable oil. Before baking, steaks are sprinkled with lemon juice. After that, each sheet of foil should be tightly sealed and lay the blanks on a baking sheet, after pouring a little water on it. The tuna in foil will be cooked in the oven for approximately 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  3. Steaks of tuna (800 g) are rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and (1/2 teaspoon each) and laid out in a baking dish. Steaks are sprinkled with chopped garlic (3 cloves) and poured with vegetable oil (120 ml). Further, the form is covered with a lid (or foil) and sent to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then the steaks turn over to the other side and continue to bake for another 10 minutes.

Grilled steak

For grilling, 4 dried steaks weighing 180 g each and 2 cm thick are rubbed with a clove of crushed garlic and salt. In a separate bowl, mix fresh basil, leek (1/4 cup each), black and hot pepper. Then the grill grate is greased with vegetable oil and each tuna steak is laid out on it in turn. Recipes on the grill require quick cooking of the fish, as in a pan, no more than 2.5 minutes on one and the other side. Otherwise, if the tuna is kept on fire, the steak may become too dry.

Ready fish should be transferred to a plate. Whip fat cream (1/4 cup), combine with mayonnaise and herbs with pepper. Pour steaks with sauce and serve.

Tuna steak in a pan: sesame recipe

Tuna in a pan can turn out to be no less juicy if you cook it in a tight breading of sesame seeds. Tuna steak, the recipes of which include frying fish in a pan, must be marinated before cooking for at least 30 minutes.

For marinating, dried steaks (500 g) are poured with a mixture of rice vinegar, soy sauce (3 tablespoons each) and sesame oil (1 tablespoon). After half an hour, they must be removed from the marinade, dried, breaded with sesame seeds on both sides and fried in a mixture of olive and sesame oils (2 tbsp each) for a couple of minutes on one and the other side. Ready tuna should retain a bright pink color inside and become light outside.

Jamie Oliver Tuna Steak

Famous English chef Jamie Oliver offers to cook tuna steak in a pan (regular or grill). Before frying, the author of the recipe rubs a fish 2 cm thick with a spicy mixture consisting of a pinch of salt and pepper, coriander (1 teaspoon), fennel (1/2 teaspoon). All spices are carefully ground in a mortar and rubbed into a tuna steak.

Recipes for cooking fish in a grill pan do not involve frying the steak in oil. Tuna is simply sprayed with olive oil on both sides, and the surface of the pan should be well heated and dry. The steak is fried in a pan for 1.5 minutes on both sides, transferred to a plate, once again sprinkled with oil and lemon juice. After that, tuna can be served on the table.

Steak from Julia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya cooks tuna steak on a pillow of beans and In the process of cooking, she first boils beans (200 g), adding tomato, onion and a celery stalk to the water. Then the water is drained, and the vegetables are thrown away. Next, prepare the pesto sauce from roasted pine nuts (a handful), lemon juice (1/2 pcs.), Finely grated parmesan (50 g), chopped garlic clove, a bunch of parsley and basil. All ingredients are crushed with olive oil (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) to a homogeneous consistency.

Also for the dish you need to grill strips of bacon (100 g) on \u200b\u200ba grill, then chop them and mix with beans and pesto sauce. Last of all, tuna is grilled and laid on top of a bean pillow with sauce.

The first recipe for making tuna, which I decided on, was the simplest - fried tuna in a pan. It turned out that cooking tuna is very easy! The fish turned out so delicious that we were ready to eat tuna for breakfast, lunch and dinner with anything and without anything! My personal opinion is that the less you conjure over this fish, the tastier it will turn out. Salt, fragrant black pepper, cooking oil - and the culinary masterpiece is ready!

At the expense of fresh tuna, there are different opinions. Someone thinks that this fish is dry and needs to be cooked with sauce, for some the tuna is the most delicious, barely fried, and someone else can eat raw tuna. We did not dare to eat raw food, although the fish was the freshest, only a couple of hours from the ocean. I don’t like fish of weak roasting, so it was decided to simply fry the first tuna in oil with pepper and salt. And so that the fried tuna would not turn out to be dry, the tuna steaks in the soya marinade were pre-marinated. For the first time we decided to play it safe - suddenly the tuna is really not very juicy and it needs sauce or marinade. I also added a little paprika, but this is not necessary, you can do with ground black pepper.

Fried tuna in a pan - recipe with photo

  • Tuna steaks - 2 pcs;
  • ground paprika - 2-3 pinches per steak;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp each. to the steak;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - to taste (I have 2 pinches per steak);
  • soy sauce (slightly salted) - 2 tbsp. l to the steak;
  • refined vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l (for frying fish).

Salmon tuna steaks and pepper with freshly ground black pepper. First sprinkle on one side and rub into meat, then turn over and also prepare the second side of the steak. Sprinkle lightly with ground paprika (if desired, this is not necessary).

Pour steaks with soy sauce, leave under a film or cover. Marinate the tuna for 10-15 minutes, but it can take longer, keep it for about half an hour. Just during this time, you can cut a vegetable salad or make a side dish for tuna - boil rice or potatoes (it is better to fry it for our taste).

Before the hot place of the cut of the fish carcass, I fasten with toothpicks, this can be seen in the photo. You just need to fix the edges of the fish steak so that you get a rounded piece. If this is not done, the taste of tuna will not get worse, but the fish will open, turn around and turn out not very neat. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Put tuna steaks in hot oil. Fry on the one hand for about 3-4 minutes, it all depends on the desired degree of frying the fish. Pry off with a spatula or two forks, turn over and fry on the other hand until fully cooked. You can fry for a minute or two, then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Tuna will reach readiness.

Serve the fried tuna in a pan as soon as you fry the fish (or hold for several minutes under the lid). Garnish for fish you can choose any - rice, vegetables, potatoes, lentils, vegetable stew and much more.

Our tuna fried in a pan was served without a side dish, with fresh tomatoes, herbs and a slice of lime.