How to cook poached egg at home in cling film, bag, slow cooker and microwave with vinegar and without vinegar? Recipe for salad, soup, sandwich, poached egg broth. Poached egg in cling film - recipe

08.08.2019 Dishes for children

Eggs are regulars on our table. But, unfortunately, the menu is often fried or boiled eggs, while from such a simple product you can cook a refined poached egg - a real pleasure for a gourmet.

Remember the famous Disco Crash song about eggs? And the guys were right - this is an indispensable product in our diet. Tasty, healthy.

And how many dishes can you cook with an egg   - uncountable amount. This product is also interesting as an independent dish and there are many options for its preparation. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled egg, poached, Benedict. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what is a poached egg   and with what to eat it.

What is a poached egg?

A beautiful name hides an equally beautiful and delicate dish. Poached eggs came to us from France, where in a short period of time they gained popularity both among the nobility and among ordinary people. The simplicity of cooking and the minimum time spent are the main advantages of this dish.

Poached egg is an incredibly tender product that can be an independent dish or wonderfully complement other

We think poached egg is the perfect breakfast. But the inhabitants of France are used to adding it to sandwiches and lunch snacks. In French, the name of this dish sounds like "scalded with boiling water eggs." We can hear another name - eggs in a bag. That's just for their preparation no bag is needed. Just beat the egg in boiling water and wait a couple of minutes   - and voila, the delicate delicacy is ready.

Perhaps the name "in the bag" is associated with the appearance of the eggs cooked using this technology. Delicate petals of protein envelop the yolk like a pouch. And in this bag, the creamy consistency of the yolk. So it turns out: a bag of protein is completely cooked, and the yolk is just a little grabbed. Before serving the protein is slightly incised so that the yolk leaks out   from this kind of bag.

Video: How to cook poached egg?

What is the difference between a poached egg and a Benedict egg?

One of the legends of the origin of eggs Benedict   states that they were cooked by accident. Once in a French hotel a guest stayed by the name of Benedict stayed.

The day before he had a good walk in a local restaurant. And in the early morning he ordered for himself to overcome an unpleasant hangover hearty breakfast including toast with butter, ham, eggs and hollandaise sauce. This marked the beginning of the journey of the Benedict eggs throughout Europe.

  Benedict egg is a poached egg with a delicious addition in the form of ham, bread and sauce

There is another legend, this time originally from America. In a restaurant in New York, regular visitors, a couple named Benedict, wanted to eat something new. And then the chef of this restaurant made poached egg, put it on a toast with ham and topped with hollandaise sauce.

So what is the difference between poached eggs and Benedict? Only in additional ingredients. This dish is based on poached egg, only to it toasts with ham and necessarily hollandaise sauce are added.

Video: Benedict Egg Recipe

How to cook poached egg at home?

There are several ways to cook this wonderful dish. But for all recipes the main thing is that the egg is fresh. But real gourmets say that poached egg is just delicious, just laid chicken. So, here are some ways to make eggs in a pouch.

Method number 1

  1. Wash the egg thoroughly.. Prepare a slotted spoon, plate and vinegar
  2. Bring the water to a boil, but it should not boil much
  3. Add a little vinegar, about a spoon
  4. Break the egg gently onto a plate so that the yolk remains intact
  5. Stir the water well with a spoon or whisk and slowly lower the egg
  6. After one and a half to two minutes, get out and prepare for serving

Method number 2

  1. Grease food wrap with any oil
  2. Let the water boil
  3. Break the egg into a film and tie a bag
  4. We lower our creation in water so that it boils no more than four minutes
  5. We get it out, let it cool down a bit, and cut the film

How to cook poached eggs

Opinions regarding the time of cooking poached eggs in cooks are often divergent. In different recipes you can find a different number of minutes. But basically it’s said everywhere that optimal cooking time is 2-3 minutes.

Do not cook poached eggs for too long, otherwise the yolk will be boiled too and you get an ordinary egg, cooked without shell

But experts say that the most correct way is to boil an egg in boiling water for one minute, and then it should walk in hot water for at least ten minutes.

Poached egg cookware

There are several devices that can easily cope with this dish and make beautifully shaped egg. Of course, if you are a master professional, then it will not be difficult for you to cook such an egg without any adaptations. And with various tricks to make this process more enjoyable.

  For cooking poached eggs often use "arable land"

So, some culinary specialists use in this process oiled parchmentcling film or plastic bag. For those who love all sorts of kitchen stuff specially came up with arable land. It resembles a slotted spoon that follows the contours of an egg. The people lovingly nicknamed her "hedgehog."

You can also make perfect even eggs apply a sievethrough which the protein is passed in order to achieve a uniform consistency.

But in Japan invented su technologythanks to which you can cook inshell poached eggs. With the help of a vacuum container, where a constant temperature is maintained, such eggs remain fresh for a long time.

  If you don’t have a special device, then do not despair - and without it you can cook poached eggs

By the way, the Japanese go for a vacation to the hot springs without fail with a basket of eggs. They lower them into the hot elements and get amazing poached eggs. What is not a useful device that nature itself gave ?!

Poached egg recipe in a slow cooker

In order to cook poached egg in a slow cooker   we will need silicone molds that are used to make cupcakes.

  1. Lubricate the molds with butter and set in the form of multi
  2. In each cell we place one egg without shell
  3. Pour 2 cups of hot water into the slow cooker
  4. We cover the molds with foil so that condensation does not stand out
  5. Set the mode to “Steam”. 4-5 minutes will be enough
  6. Then we get the molds and let them cool a little

Poached eggs are ready. Can be served.

How to cook poached egg in a bag?

This method was invented by the Spanish chef Azarque. He was of the opinion that, since poached eggs are shellless, it means that it needs to be replaced with something that is equivalent in structure.

  1. We take the usual plastic bag and grease it inside with oil
  2. Gently break the egg into it so that the yolk remained intact
  3. We tighten the edges of the bag with an elastic band. This should be done as close to the egg as possible. In this case, he will have a chance to maintain his form.
  4. Cook in boiling water for 4 minutes. The main thing that the bag did not touch the bottom or walls of the container

This cooking method cannot be called ideal, because, despite the presence of fat on the walls of the bag, the egg still sticks slightly. And it is very important to get it without damaging it.

Poached Egg Recipe With Vinegar

Some cooks cook poached egg without vinegar. But it is believed that this ingredient contributes to the fact that the protein folds faster and takes on a more regular and attractive shape.

Many chefs really use this trick in the cooking process. But here it's important not to overdo it with vinegarsince the egg can become sour. therefore per liter of water should use no more than one tablespoon.

And the recipe itself is as follows:

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Gently break an egg into a cup or bowl
  3. When the water boils, add a little salt and vinegar to it
  4. Carefully pour the egg into the water and simmer for four minutes over low heat

To make a poached egg close to perfect, use a whisk in boiling water make a funnel and pour the egg in there already.

Poached egg without vinegar: recipe

Can cook poached egg without using vinegar. To do this, be sure to take fresh egg, preferably well chilled. When you dip in boiling water, avoid the egg "hit" on the surface. AND the water layer must be at least one centimeter.

In order to cook delicious and beautiful poached eggs, you need to know a few tricks:

  1. First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the freshness of the egg. The fact is that this dish will not work out of stale eggs. Protein keeps its shape well only in the first few days. You can check the freshness with water. We lower the egg and observe: if it gets to the blunt end, then you can doubt its freshness. And if it lies on its side, then you can safely use it for cooking
  2. To make a poached egg look attractive, use large, or better, homemade eggs, in which the yolk has a saturated color
  3. For cooking, it is best to use slightly boiling water. Steam should flow from it, and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the tank
  4. If you want to receive perfectly flat poached egg surface, it is recommended to strain protein through a sieveso that it acquires a uniform consistency

Poached Egg Salad

Tender poached eggs can be used in a large number of dishes. Salads with their addition acquire a unique, incomparable taste. Here are some recipes for making such salads.

  Light salad with poached eggs - a gourmet treat

Recipe number 1

This salad combines interesting textures: crispy crackers, springy lettuce leaves and tender poached eggs. Such the combination is very lively and unusual. A light salad is perfect for a summer snack:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes. You can take rye or white bread - to your taste
  2. In a pan, heat the oil, add the chopped chili there. Then put bread cubes in butter and fry them well
  3. While the bread is fried, prepare poached eggs
  4. Lay out lettuce leaves on plates. Top them with hot crackers
  5. We are preparing a gas station. Add finely chopped garlic to olive oil and fry for about a minute in a hot pan
  6. Pour over the salad with warm sauce and put poached eggs on top

  Poached egg goes well with many products, so your fantasy recipe can tell

Recipe number 2

This salad must be eaten warm. It warms beautifully on cold winter evenings:

  1. We cut chicken liver into small cubes and fry in oil. Salt, pepper and set aside to cool
  2. We tear lettuce leaves with our hands in a plate. We cut small tomatoes into slices
  3. Sweet pepper cut into strips and sauté. You can also bake pepper in the oven.
  4. Cook poached eggs
  5. For dressing, mix olive oil, mustard and balsamic. You can add some honey
  6. We spread pepper, warm liver, poached egg on salad and tomatoes and pour over the finished sauce

There are a great many recipes of various dishes where poached egg is used. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

Poached Egg Soup

The famous Pokhlebkin described in his book the process of making poached egg soup. Today, there are tons of recipes using this ingredient.

Green cabbage soup with poached egg

  1. Cook the meat broth. If you want a vegetarian option, then just put the water in a boil
  2. Put chopped potatoes in salted water
  3. At this time, we are preparing a dressing of carrots and onions
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the chopped sorrel and the finished dressing
  5. Simmer five minutes
  6. Add tomato paste if desired
  7. When serving on each plate add poached egg one at a time   and sour cream

Garlic soup

This soup is classic french dish. Its creamy structure goes well with the tenderness of poached eggs. The recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Peel the garlic, crush it slightly and fry for a minute in olive oil
  2. Chopped peeled potatoes arbitrarily, put in a pan, add garlic and broth
  3. While the potatoes are being cooked, prepare poached egg in any way
  4. Whip the finished soup with a blender, then flavor it with cream and mix gently
  5. When serving soup in a bowl spread the poached egg and slightly cut it

How to cook cutlets inside with poached egg?

Want to surprise guests unusually interesting dish? Then take note of these unusual cutlets:

  1. First, cook poached eggs in the amount of four pieces
  2. Half a kilogram of minced meat, salt, pepper and beat well
  3. Divide the whole meat into four parts. From each ball we make a cake and put a poached egg on it
  4. Gently form the cutlet, roll in the egg and breadcrumbs and fry
  5. When serving, you can cut the patty so that the yolk flows out

Poached egg, what to serve

Poached eggs can be a separate dish. They can be eaten, for example, for breakfast with toast and coffee. But why not dream and cook simple but original dishes?

For breakfast: Fry garlic in butter quickly, then put slices of bread in a pan and fry too. We spread the croutons on a plate, and in the pan we put the tomatoes cut into rings and lightly brown them. We spread on top of the croutons. Poached eggs are placed on an impromptu sandwich and slightly cut.

  Most traditionally poached eggs are served on a sandwich made of bread from bread in combination with vegetables and herbs.

For lunch: Fry pieces of ham, onion and garlic. Add cream to the pan, salt and pepper and simmer a little. Boil the pasta, pour it with the resulting sauce, and put a poached egg on top, cut it   and sprinkle cilantro on the dish.

For dinner: In butter, lightly stir the asparagus, then put it on the dish. Pour a little lemon juice, add salt and pepper. Spread the finished poached egg on top, slightly cut   and sprinkle the finished dish with Parmesan chips.

Calorie poached eggs

By caloric content, a poached egg is no different from a boiled egg. One hundred grams of the product contains 143 calories. But the chemical and vitamin composition is really rich.

Interesting that poached eggs can act as an antidepressant and cheer up. And they have a positive effect on metabolic processes and are beneficial for the liver.

Sandwich with poached egg

Here, every cook has room for imagination. There are countless variations of sandwiches. Everyone cooks this quick dish to their taste. You can use ordinary bread, you can fry it and make croutons or toasts.

  A poached egg sandwich is a fast food, but not a boring everyday snack

The selection of additional ingredients is also very rich. These are various vegetables and greens. You can make a vegetarian option, or you can add ham or pieces of meat. For lovers of fish, slightly salted fish slices are perfect.

Pick sauces also to your taste. Someone likes sharper, someone does not imagine a sandwich without mayonnaise, and someone prefers tomato dressings.

But the main “highlight of the program”, of course, is a poached egg. Just place it gently on top of your sandwich, slightly cut it and enjoy the unique taste.

Poached egg - this dish came to us from French cuisine. This egg is perfect for a light and tasty breakfast. It can be served on croutons. Also, such poached eggs are used in so many dishes as a supplement. In fact, this is a boiled egg, but it is cooked without a shell and the yolk must remain liquid. These are the most important features of such a dish. There are several methods for preparing such a dish, but I want to introduce you to the simplest and easiest recipe - a poached egg in a cling film or bag. This method ensures that the French sophistication you get the first time. We will prepare a poached egg using a baking sleeve, a cling film or a regular bag, which we will tie with a thread. Of course, it is better to use special food materials. The dish is very tasty. I definitely recommend trying to cook a poached egg in this way!

Ingredients for cooking poached eggs in a cling film or bag:

  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for lubrication
  • Water - for cooking
  • Parsley or dill greens - optional
  • In addition, you need a baking sleeve (cling film) and a thread

How to cook a poached egg in a cling film:

1) Take a small bowl, put a baking sleeve cut into it to make a square. Lubricate the part of the film from the sleeve, which is inside the bowl, with a little vegetable oil.

2) Then we drive the first egg into the bowl. We will cook the eggs one at a time.

3) Now you need to tie the sleeve so that the egg in it was like in a bag. You can tie with an ordinary thread.

4) Water should boil. Place the egg in the water so that it completely covers it. Cook eggs in boiling water for three minutes.

5) The last stage is the most difficult. You need to very carefully remove the egg from the film. If we had not lubricated the film with vegetable oil, then it would be very difficult to do. We shift the egg to a plate, salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

A poached egg is an egg cooked without shell in hot water. Its protein is hard enough, while the yolk is soft and creamy. However, if you do not observe several important rules, then instead of a dense poached egg you will get a shapeless mass.

5 secrets of a perfect poached egg

  1. Take only fresh eggs. The protein of an old egg in hot water does not clutch around the yolk, but spreads out.
  2. The egg should be at room temperature.
  3. To improve protein coagulation, pour a little lemon juice or vinegar into a container of water. White vinegar is best used, but apple or regular table vinegar is an alternative.
  4. To prevent the egg from being damaged, break it into a bowl before transferring it to the cooking container.
  5. Do not cook more than two or three eggs in one bowl. First, they can stick to each other. Secondly, due to the large number of eggs in the container, the temperature will decrease, which will affect the cooking time and the final result.

How to cook poached egg

1. In a pan without special appliances

Pour 5-7 cm of water into a saucepan and heat.

The water in the pan should be hot, but not very boiling, with only a few bubbles. In the bubbling liquid, the egg simply breaks up.

Add some salt, pepper and vinegar. Spices are optional at this stage, you can sprinkle them with an already prepared egg.

Then use a whisk to make a funnel in the pan: in such a whirlpool, the protein and yolk will not spread. Dip the egg into the pan, not into the funnel itself, but closer to the wall. If you want the yolk to be very liquid, cook the egg for 1.5–2 minutes. To make it thicker, cook for about 4 minutes.

Carefully remove the egg with a slotted spoon, transfer to a paper towel folded into several layers and pat it lightly.

2. In a pan using a bag or cling film

Pour a tablespoon of water into each compartment and carefully lay one egg in them. Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 12-15 minutes. The shorter the cooking time, the more liquid the yolk will turn out.

5. In the microwave

For cooking poached eggs, there are even special molds. However, this can easily be done in a regular mug or bowl with a wide bottom.

Fill it halfway with water, add vinegar and break the egg there. Cover the mug with a saucer and put in the microwave at full power for a minute. If the egg seems too thin, cook it for another 15 seconds.

6. In the slow cooker

You will need silicone or other heat-resistant containers. For example, cupcake tins or small glass bowls. Lubricate them with liquid oil and break one egg at a time. You can season with spices.

Pour 1-2 cups of hot water into the cavity of the multicooker, install the grate and put the molds on it. Close the slow cooker, set to “Steam” and cook the eggs for 2 minutes. Then open the lid and cook for about 2 minutes.

Bonus: how to cook poached eggs breaded


  • 4–5 eggs;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1-2 cloves of minced garlic;
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 g of flour;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Pre-boil 3-4 poached eggs in any way convenient for you. Beat 1 raw egg in one bowl. In another bowl, combine crackers, peppers, garlic and salt. Roll poached eggs first in flour, then dip in a bowl with an egg and finally roll in a mixture of crackers.

Put eggs in a pan with warmed butter. The oil should completely cover the eggs. Fry them for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

How often do housewives encounter the problem of spreading protein in boiling water while preparing poached eggs! But all the problems can be avoided if you apply a brilliant device invented by French chefs. In the article, we will tell curious readers how to cook a neat poached egg in cling film, share the intricacies of the recipe and the options for serving the table.

Often this dish is served for breakfast or dinner, but you can decorate with curly bags and the main dish for lunch. Making a poached egg in cling film is quite simple, you just need to buy everything you need - a roll of thin film, large chicken eggs, vegetable oil (some use olive). Boil eggs in a small pan.

Calorie content

If you follow a diet for illness or for weight loss, then this dish just needs to be included in the daily menu. Poached eggs in the food film can be eaten by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract who cannot be fried omelet or fried eggs. If we consider the calorie content of the dish, then for 100 grams of weight, only 181 kcal. Moreover, it includes:

  • 12 grams of protein;
  • 14 - fat;
  • carbohydrates - only 1 gram.

How to make poached egg

To make a neat boiled egg with a liquid center, which, when cut, effectively flows onto a piece of rye bread toasted in a toaster, you need to select large copies of eggs with a bright orange yolk. The best option is to buy homemade or farm eggs.

Depending on the number of poached eggs in the food film, squares of thin polyethylene are cut. The optimum size is 15 cm x 15 cm. The plastic wrap is placed on the board and greased with oil using a cooking brush. This procedure is necessary so that the boiled egg does not deform when removed from the bag and the yolk does not leave its bag prematurely.

Then you need to take a small bowl or bowl and lay the film on top of it, making a recess for the egg with your hands. The photo above shows how the cooking process looks. An egg is gently poured into the recess, and the edges are tied tightly so that there is no excess air inside. You can tie the ends of the film in different ways: a simple bundle, thread, wire in the shell.

If desired, salt the egg before tying the film; you can add black pepper or other spices.


A poached egg in a cling film is prepared from 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the desired hardness of the yolk. First boil water in a pan, then make the fire quieter and slowly lower the tied bags into the water.

When the eggs are boiled, remove them from the water and carefully peel off the film by cutting the bundle with scissors. The dish looks spectacular if the yolk is not completely hidden in the white part of the egg, but is visible from the outside. Some chefs boil eggs by tying bags of film on a stick. Water is poured into the pan a little, and the bags are not completely recessed. The photo above shows how this preparation looks.

How to serve the dish on the table

A traditional option for poached egg is considered to be located on a slightly dried or toasted piece of rye bread. Sprinkle such a sandwich on top with finely chopped greens. But the options for serving dishes are much greater.

We list some of them:

  1. Put slices of salted salmon on a hot toast, lay the egg on top and pour the sauce with mayonnaise, mustard seeds and lemon juice in proportions 2: 1: 1.
  2. Lyon salad - pour on a plate salad, torn by hand, small cubes of dried bread, fried on both sides and dried on a napkin bacon, thin slices of shallots. Lay the boiled egg in the film on top and pour the sauce over everything. It contains olive oil and wine vinegar in equal proportions (1 tbsp.), Dijon mustard - on the tip of a spoon, salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cook with pleasure and delight your loved ones with new recipes!


Differently boiled eggs differ in the degree of hardening of the yolk.

Boiled eggs (with cold water)

Wash the eggs and put in a boil in such an amount of cold water so that it only covers them.
   Cooking time after the water boils:
   soft-boiled eggs - 3 min.
   eggs in a bag - 4-5 minutes (depending on size)
   hard-boiled eggs - 7-8 minutes.
When laying eggs in cold water, it is difficult to determine the right cooking time, as it greatly depends on the heating rate.
   So you can cook hard-boiled eggs, because when laying in cold water, the shell bursts less often.

NOTE.   It should be noted that with a significant increase in altitude above sea level, both atmospheric pressure and the boiling point of water decrease. In this case, the cooking time is slightly increased.
   You can increase the boiling point of water by adding b about more salt.

Boiled eggs (with boiling water)

Gently lay eggs in boiling salt water, avoiding hitting the bottom of the dishes.
   After boiling, cook depending on the size of the egg:
   soft-boiled - 2-4 minutes (to taste),
   in a bag - 4.5-5.5 minutes,
   hard boiled - 8-10 minutes.
   Remove the finished eggs and immediately put them in cold water to make it easier to remove the shell.
   So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, the shell can be slightly pierced with a needle from both ends.

Soft-boiled egg.

Soft-boiled egg.

Soft-boiled egg is usually served with fried croutons.

Served soft-boiled egg with oiled croutons.

Served soft-boiled egg with croutons fried in oil.

Scrambled eggs

Dip the washed eggs in boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes. You can weld them differently. Put eggs in a pan and pour boiling water so that water covers them.
   After 10 minutes, drain the water, pour boiling water again and after 2-3 minutes remove the eggs.
The protein of the egg cooked in this way does not harden, thickens into a tender white mass, the yolk remains semi-liquid.
   Soft-boiled eggs serve only hot.

Eggs in the bag.

Eggs in the bag

Boil eggs in the same way as soft-boiled, but the cooking time is 5-6 minutes. After cooking, pour them with cold water and serve hot on the table.
   Eggs in a bag can be served with various side dishes and sauces.

Hard boiled eggs.

Sliced \u200b\u200bhard boiled egg.
   On the left in the photo is a properly boiled egg. The yolk retains a bright color, on its surface there is no greenish color.
   On the right is a digested egg. If the egg is digested (cooking for more than 10-12 minutes), the protein becomes too dense, and the yolk loses taste, on the surface it acquires a greenish tint and a rubber-like, poorly chewing texture.

Hard boiled eggs

Dip the eggs in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. With longer cooking, the protein becomes too hard and the bright yellow color of the yolk disappears.
   Immerse boiled eggs immediately in cold water to make it easier to remove the shell.
   Serve eggs in shells hot or cold.

Poached eggs (boiled in a "bag" without shell).

Graduation eggs

Ingredients : 2 eggs, 1 cup of bone broth (sludge of nonfat broth, or salted water), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 g butter, 1 tbsp. flour, salt, ground sweet red pepper, dill, 1/2 teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of sugar.


Bring the broth to a boil, add vinegar and salt. Gently release the eggs (one at a time) into the slightly boiling broth and cook them until the protein turns white. Then put a slotted spoon on a heated and oiled dish.
   Form a ball from half the amount of butter and flour and dip into a boiling broth. Boil the resulting sauce, remove from heat and add salt, red pepper, mustard, garlic and dill to taste.
   Heat the remaining amount of oil (but do not fry), color with a little red pepper (or mashed tomato) and pour on eggs.
   Serve the sauce separately in the gravy boat.
   Instead of sauce, eggs can be served with whipped sour milk, seasoned to taste with garlic, dill, salt and vegetable oil (eggs in Bulgarian), grated cheese, tomato juice.

Poached egg (cooked without shell)

A poached egg is an egg boiled without shell in a bag. Such an egg is often used in sandwiches and salads. It can also be served separately with the sauce.

Ingredients :
   - 1 egg
   - 1 tsp salt
   - 4 tsp 6% vinegar


The egg should be as fresh as possible, preferably not older than 1 week. In older eggs, the protein breaks during cooking, while in fresh eggs it hardens compactly near the yolk, forming a napkin. (By the way, this is a way to determine the "stale" egg.)
   Pour 1-1.5 liters of water into a low saucepan or stewpan. Salt and pour vinegar. Bring the water to a boil. (Salt is needed to give an egg a taste, but it reduces the gloss of the protein and makes it more dull. Vinegar is needed when using a not-so-fresh egg - it reduces the spread of protein. If you cook an egg according to the classical recipe, then you do not need to add anything to the water. And also instead of water, you can use broth, milk, wine, etc.)

Chop the eggshell and gently release it into a small bowl.
   Reduce the fire under the pan to the minimum. Strong boiling will destroy liquid protein.
   Bring the bowl as close to the water as possible and, gently tilting, let the egg slip into the water.

Immediately check if the egg has stuck to the bottom. To do this, carefully push it with a spoon - if the egg floats, then everything is fine, if it is welded, then carefully separate it from the bottom.

Boil the egg on the quietest fire for 1 to 4 minutes, depending on the desired density of the yolk.
   The protein in the finished poached egg should completely harden.
   Remove the egg from the pan with a slotted spoon.

If the squirrel nevertheless spills into rags, cut off these edges.
   A poached egg should be served immediately until it is airy.
   If eggs need to be prepared in advance, they should be stored in cold water so that they do not dry out. And before serving, warm them up a little, lowering them into hot water.

Sandwich with poached egg.

Poached egg on a slice of bun, topped with mayonnaise or thick sour cream with seasoning.

Serving of poached eggs on a portioned plate with a slice of salted fish and bread.

Serving poached eggs on a serving plate.

A poached egg cooked in the microwave.

Poached egg in the microwave

Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
   Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tsp.
   Water (boiling water) - 150-200 ml
   In a bowl suitable for a microwave, pour half a teaspoon of vinegar.
   Add 150-200 ml of water (if you want the finished egg to be completely covered with protein, add more water).
   Gently break the egg without damaging the yolk and release into a cup of water.
   Put the bowl with the egg in the microwave for 45 seconds at full power.
   Remove the finished egg with a slotted spoon, drain it, put it on a piece of bread.
   Can be served with hollandaise sauce or sour cream.

Unshelled egg boiled in cling film

We drive the egg into the film, tightly twist the ends of the film and tie it with a thread.

The result of boiling eggs in a film.

Eggs - poached "Sacks"

1. We need a cling film, for each egg we need to cut a rectangular piece of film (approximately 15x15 cm).

2. Lay the film on the board and grease with olive oil. Put the film on a small bowl, pour the egg into the recess (if you wish, you can immediately salt or leave the choice to the eater at the table).

3. Gather the ends of the film together, tie a knot or tie a thread.

Boil water in a saucepan, reduce the heat and lower the egg bags into the water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, depending on your desired consistency. Remove the bags with ready-made eggs from the water, carefully remove the cling film and lay out poached eggs on a saucer.

Hot salad with poached egg

Smoked chicken breast in a pan with butter. As an option: fry raw chicken breast in a pan with butter.
   Fry croutons in butter, cut into cubes.
   Peel the orange, cut some slices, clean them from partitions so that only the flesh remains.
   Lettuce on a plate lettuce or assorted arugula, Chinese cabbage, leaf lettuce in different colors.
   We put orange slices, hot croutons on the edges of the plate, in the center we put a spoon of canned pineapple diced.
   Then put the sliced \u200b\u200bhot chicken breast.
   Gently lay the hot on the pineapple cubes poached egg .
   Pour in pre-cooked hot creamy sauce with grain mustard   and citrus juice.
   On top, grate some Parmesan cheese on a coarse grater and serve it right away.
   Ingredients for the sauce: 1 tbsp. l flour, 20 g of butter, 200 ml of 20% cream, 50 ml of white dry wine.

   Sift the flour. Preheat the stewpan, reduce the heat to medium and dry the flour in the stewpan, stirring constantly, 1 min.
   Add butter to the flour and, stirring continuously, fry everything together for another 1 min.
   Pour the wine, mix until smooth and remove from heat.
   Preheat the cream without boiling. Slowly pour the hot cream into the saucepan with the fried flour and wine and, stirring constantly, bring to a thickening. Remove from heat.
   On 3 tbsp.spoons of creamy sauce add 1 tbsp. l finished mustard   and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of a mixture of lemon juice and orange.
   Beat well with a whisk and keep it hot.

Evening snack - an egg in a glass



Take 2.5 heads of garlic, divide it into cloves, peel.
   Put the peeled cloves in a small form in one layer, pour dry white wine so that it only covers the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180 gr. From about 30 minutes until soft.
   Then I knead the garlic with a spoon until pasta, add 1 tbsp. l freshly squeezed lemon juice and most importantly - which gives the whole flavor of the taste - 1 teaspoon of truffle oil.
   You can take oil with black or white truffle. With white, the taste and aroma is much thicker and richer.
   Try adding this paste not only to eggs, but, for example, to pasta.
   A very small amount of this garlic paste gives a wonderful taste and aroma!    Season with garlic paste, the recipe of which is described above (previous recipe).

  • Bacon - 8 slices
  • White vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Hot water - 2 tbsp. l
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Parsley / chives - to taste
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 8 pcs.


  • Fill the pan almost to the brim with water. Add vinegar. Bring the water to a boil, and then reduce the heat before throwing the eggs. However, just do not throw.
  • Carefully breaking the eggs so that the yolks remain intact, pour them into the water. Remove the pan from the heat, cover and hold for five minutes.
  • Carefully remove the eggs with a slotted spoon.
  • Fry the toasts and put on each a couple of slices of bacon.
  • Make the sauce: beat egg yolks with lemon juice.
  • Add warm melted butter.
  • Whisk a little more and add hot water. Salt and pepper. The sauce is ready!
  • Place poached eggs on toasts with bacon, pour sauce and garnish with herbs.