Coffee with ginger. Recipe

23.09.2019 Soups

Coffee with ginger - the drink is not only tasty and unusual, but also healthy. In addition, there are so many recipes for its preparation that it is not difficult to choose the one that you like. This is probably why the number of fans of ginger coffee is constantly growing.

Benefit and harm

The useful and harmful properties of coffee with ginger are dictated by the features of the main ingredients: coffee and ginger. The benefits and dangers of coffee, scientists have not come to a consensus, however, almost every year, researchers discover more and more new qualities of this product. In particular, they claim that it is useful for the prevention of cancer and female diseases, a positive effect on brain function, and a rejuvenating effect. In particular, the antioxidant properties of coffee, especially green, which also contributes to weight loss, are widely known.

However, the harm of this drink is widely known. It is mainly dangerous for hypertensive patients, as it contributes to an increase in blood pressure. It is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, the elderly and children.

If the benefits and harms of coffee are controversial, then the beneficial properties of ginger are not in doubt:

Due to its properties, coffee with ginger is useful:

  1. To counteract viral diseases, the rapid recovery of the body after an illness.
  2. To improve digestion and the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. For the prevention of cholecystitis.
  4. For weight loss.
  5. For cheerfulness and good mood.

However, not everyone can drink this drink, at least in large quantities. In particular, it is not recommended:

  • pregnant women;
  • to old people;
  • children
  • people with heart and vascular diseases;
  • suffering from peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as prone to diarrhea.

However, even healthy people should not abuse coffee with ginger, although the drink is so tasty that limiting its use is not easy.

Coffee with ginger will turn out tastier if you follow the advice of those who have long made friends with this drink.

  • Powdered ginger can be used to make coffee, but because of it, the drink will come out more piquant and less useful. Fresh ginger should be preferred. To do this, a piece of root (not more than 2 cm per serving) is rubbed and immediately used to make coffee.
  • The taste of the drink will be harmonious only if the coffee is brewed with ginger, and not add spice to an already prepared drink.
  • Instant coffee can never replace natural.

A simple recipe for coffee with ginger

  • ginger root - 2 cm .;
  • ground coffee - 6-7 g;
  • sugar (optional) - 5 g;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash, peel, grate ginger.
  2. Put ginger in a turk. Pour coffee and sugar there. Fill with water.
  3. Put the Turk on low heat and bring its contents to a boil.

It remains to let the drink settle and carefully, so as not to disturb the sediment, pour it into cups.

Indian style ginger coffee

  • ground coffee - 6 g;
  • fresh basil - 3 leaves;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • ground coriander - on the tip of a knife;
  • ginger root - 2 cm;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh ginger root grate.
  2. Grind pepper with coffee in a coffee grinder.
  3. Put ginger on the bottom of the Turks, fill it with water and bring it to a boil.
  4. Add coffee with pepper and basil leaves, stir and return to the fire.
  5. After the drink begins to boil, remove the Turk from the heat. Wait a couple of minutes and return to the fire. After the next rise in foam, remove from the heat completely.
  6. Then strain the drink and serve hot.

Such a drink will warm well in cloudy weather. His taste will appeal to those who love everything juicy and unusual. The aroma of coffee with ginger and allspice is rich and harmonious.

Coffee with Ginger, Chocolate and Pepper

  • ground coffee - 10 g;
  • dark chocolate - 80 g;
  • dried ginger (in powder) - 2-3 g;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • cardamom (ground) - 2 g;
  • salt - pinch;
  • chili peppers - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix coffee with spices and pour into Turku.
  2. Grate the ginger root and put it in the same container.
  3. Pour ginger coffee with water.
  4. Bring the drink to a boil over low heat, let stand for a couple of minutes, bring to a boil again. Repeat this twice.
  5. Let the drink stand a little and pour it into the cups.
  6. Finely grate chilled chocolate, pour coffee into it. Before serving, let the drink stand for a while to melt the chocolate.

Coffee with ginger according to this recipe has a spicy, but harmonious taste. Especially it will appeal to those who are looking for new shades of gastronomic sensations.

Coffee with Ginger and Whipped Cream

  • ground coffee - 5 g;
  • water - 0.2 l;
  • ginger root - 2 cm;
  • whipped cream - 50 g;
  • chocolate or caramel syrup - 30 ml;
  • sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate ginger and pour 50 ml of boiling water.
  2. Ground coffee pour 150 ml of cool water and put on fire. Heat on a low intensity flame until the drink begins to boil.
  3. Strain the coffee, pour it hot into a large glass or cup.
  4. Strain the ginger water, pour it into the coffee.
  5. Pour syrup into a thin stream.
  6. Without stirring, garnish the coffee drink with whipped cream.

Sugar for a drink prepared according to this recipe is served separately, in addition, it turns out to be quite sweet without it.

Coffee with ginger is multifaceted. You can cook it according to different recipes, and each time you will be able to get a unique taste. In addition, it will not only give pleasure, but also bring benefits (with moderate use).

Ginger is one of the most popular spices used in making coffee. Exotic root gives a tart refreshing taste and helps to enhance metabolism in the body. At home, it is possible to cook a wide variety of recipes. To do this, it is enough to have only a Turk or a coffee pot.

How to brew?

For brewing, you need soft, purified water and about 7-9 grams of freshly ground arabica (pure or mixed with Asian robusta). Ginger root (literally a few grams of weight) is rubbed (without skin) and added to the Turku along with the rest of the ingredients. When brewing, he gives all his useful substances and fills the coffee with a new taste and aroma.

The main ingredients:

  • freshly ground coffee (2-3 tablespoons);
  • purified water (up to 50 ml);
  • ginger root;
  • milk mixture (up to 30 ml);
  • spices (cloves, cardamom, etc.).

Do not throw pickled ginger in coffee, which is often served in Japanese restaurants - only fresh root. Brewing coffee in the usual way in a Turk or a French press, pour it into cups, and remove the ginger. Such coffee goes well with whipped milk foam, as milk softens the harsh taste of seasoning.

You can not add cream, replacing them, for example, with spices - cinnamon, cloves or cardamom. Oriental spices, like ginger root, have useful properties - they increase metabolism, improve blood circulation and normalize the state of the nervous system.

Benefit for health

Ginger - product number 1 for weight loss. It accelerates metabolism, warms up in the cold season and successfully fights colds and infections. If you need to quickly cheer up and start complex work, then you can’t imagine anything better than seasoned coffee. It is a natural stimulant, harmless, cheap and very effective.

How to drink?

Coffee is drunk in large and small cups or glasses. It all depends on which cooking recipe you choose. For example, cold coffee is always drunk in glasses or special glasses. Decorate the drink with star anise, cinnamon and other spices and sweets.

Recipe Options:

1. With green coffee.

2. With ice (there will be cold coffee).

3. With milk (ginger latte).

4. With spices (cloves, etc.).

5. With honey.

Ginger goes well with natural honey and any spices (except for pepper). In the hot season, cold coffee with ginger flavor is appropriate, having previously cooled the brewed drink and adding 2-3 large ice cubes to it. Cold coffee invigorates and is very refreshing; it is not for nothing that ginger cocktails and beer are very popular in the West.

If you add green coffee to the Turk, then you can achieve the effect of weight loss. Both ginger root and coffee beans help burn fat in the body.

If you do not know how to make coffee with ginger, then reviews and photos on the Internet will help you decide on a recipe. This is one of the most popular drinks in any of the coffee houses, but only at home can you correctly determine the proportions of mixing seasonings, experiment with the choice of seasonings and make your coffee truly original.

What is included in coffee with ginger?

Cooking options

There are many ways to make coffee with a tart root. The easiest: brew a drink c. In the line of sales of coffee manufacturers there are, Americano and cappuccino, namely they are needed to create the composition. After ordering a set of capsules, simply load one of them into the machine and press the button. Extraction will begin in 25 seconds. After that, add ginger root (for a while) and whipped cream to the finished drink. After the coffee has a new taste, the root can be thrown away so that it does not interfere with the drink.

Some manufacturers offer consumers and capsules with ginger coffee, but this happens quite rarely. If you are striving for a classic coffee with ginger, one that is brewed in the East, then it is better to make it yourself using any of the above easy methods.

You may also be interested in other popular recipes for making coffee.

Connoisseurs of a noble drink do not get tired of experimenting and coming up with new recipes for its preparation. A popular way is to add spices that change the usual taste of a coffee drink and have an additional effect on the human body. One popular recipe is coffee with ginger. The benefits and harms of its components are actively discussed by connoisseurs and lovers of the drink.

What is the use of coffee and ginger?

People learned how to brew coffee with spices many centuries ago. In this sense, the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining coffee beans with ginger is not new. However, these products have become available to residents of the northern countries relatively recently. This explains the steady interest in various additives that change the usual classic taste of the drink. Moreover, in this combination it combines the beneficial properties of coffee beans and ginger. Due to this, the effect of components on the human body is enhanced.

These properties determine the health benefits of the drink and make it popular among those who want to increase vitality, get rid of extra pounds and just relax with a cup of delicious coffee.

On a note! Since ancient times, ginger has been used for medicinal purposes, including for treating patients during the plague epidemic.

Is the slimming drink effective?

Among those who are fighting for beauty and health, there is an opinion that green coffee is an effective way to lose weight. However, its taste and cooking features are criticized by people who are accustomed to the traditional taste of coffee. Firstly, the pleasant taste of black ginger coffee remains unchanged. This factor is important for those who are on a diet and are forced to limit themselves in the use of many products. Secondly, the combination of the properties of coffee beans and ginger stimulates the body's metabolic processes and the removal of toxins. Thus, in combination with diet and physical activity, drinking your favorite drink allows you to achieve the desired results in the fight against excess weight.

On a note! Even in ancient times, people came to the conclusion that a reasonable measure should be observed in the use of products. The same principle applies to ginger coffee, since large doses of this drink can lead to negative consequences for the body. In addition, to avoid digestive problems, green coffee should not be taken after meals.

  Those wishing to lose weight should choose green coffee with ginger as a drink

A little about the dangers of ginger coffee and contraindications to its use

However, in addition to its positive properties, any product has contraindications. It should be remembered that a spicy drink is not recommended to be consumed:

  1. pregnant and lactating women;
  2. people prone to high blood pressure;
  3. patients with cardiovascular disease;
  4. people suffering from ailments of the gastrointestinal tract (especially during an exacerbation of the disease).

Doctors urging people with these diseases not to risk their health and stop drinking ginger coffee.

The secrets of making ginger coffee

There are no special secrets for making coffee with ginger. Traditionally, to get a tasty drink, it is recommended to grind the grains before the cooking process. It is preferable to use not a dried seasoning, but a fresh ginger root. Dry powder has a mild aroma and a burning taste. Fresh ginger, on the contrary, preserves the aroma and gives the drink a pronounced taste without undue bitterness.

Which coffee to choose - black or green?

The choice of coffee, however, its varieties, the degree of grinding and recipes is a matter of taste and habit. It is noteworthy that green coffee is less susceptible to grinding than black. Elastic and moist green grains are almost impossible to grind into powder. And this does not improve the taste of the drink. Therefore, you should choose a product based on your own ideas about the taste and benefits of the product.

On a note! It should be remembered that in order to achieve the desired effect, the use of the “right” coffee must be combined with the principles of a healthy diet and physical activity.

  Each species has its own advantages.

Ginger Root Coffee Recipes

At first glance, it seems that making coffee with ginger is a simple task and does not require imagination. However, the recipes for its preparation are countless. After all, every true connoisseur of this drink knows that its taste depends not only on the ingredients, but also on the preparation technology. Here the creative approach of coffee lovers to the process of preparing a favorite drink is manifested.

Indian recipe

When the soul asks for exotic and aromatic coffee, it is best to brew it according to this recipe. Essential Ingredients: 2 tsp ground coffee beans, 1 tsp prepared ginger, with a small pinch of nutmeg and cardamom, 3 cloves, 2-3 mint leaves, 1 glass of water, milk and sugar (optional).

  1. Boil water in a Turk.
  2. Add spices to it, darken over low heat for no more than 1 min.
  3. Add ground grains.
  4. Cook until the “cap” appears.
  5. Remove from fire. Add sugar and milk if desired.

Cinnamon Recipe

Cinnamon lovers will definitely enjoy this recipe. Necessary components: 150 ml of water, 2 cinnamon sticks, grated ginger root, 2 tsp. ground coffee beans, 1 tsp Sahara.

  1. Put chopped arabica beans, cinnamon and sugar in a container.
  2. Pour boiling water.
  3. Add ginger there. Let it brew.
  4. Gently pour into a cup.

Honey Recipe

If you want to warm yourself, a coffee drink with honey will help you. For one serving of coffee you need: 150 ml of water, 10 g of arabica, 1 tsp. honey, ginger, cream (optional).

  1. Put grated and sugar mixed in sugar in a cezve.
  2. Pour in hot water, heat a little.
  3. Add chopped arabica beans and bring to a foam.
  4. Let it brew for two minutes.
  5. Add honey to the cup.

Whipped Cream Recipe

The gentle and spicy taste of a ginger drink with cream goes well with an intimate conversation or a good book.

Composition of the drink: 150 ml of water, 2 tsp. ground arabica, 1 tsp sugar, ¼ tsp prepared ginger, whipped cream, cognac if desired.

  1. Ginger pour boiling water, you can bring to a boil.
  2. Brew a classic coffee drink.
  3. Strain the ginger broth, combine with the contents of the Turks.
  4. Pour into a warm cup.
  5. Add sugar, garnish with cream.

Coffee with Ginger, Chocolate and Pepper

For lovers of thrills, a recipe for a drink with chocolate and pepper is suitable. For it you will need: 200 ml of water, 2 full tsp. arabica tea, 0.5 tsp prepared ginger, a pinch of chili pepper, salt to taste, a small bar of your favorite chocolate.

  1. Put the chocolate in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. Mix ground grains with spices, place in a Turk.
  3. Pour the mixture with water.
  4. Bring to the appearance of foam. Repeat the procedure a couple of times.
  5. Pour into cups.
  6. Quickly grate frozen chocolate and sprinkle it with a drink.

Arabic recipe with peaches

For the sweet tooth, an option with the following composition of ingredients will be interesting: 1 glass of water, 1 tsp. arabica powder, 0.25 tsp cinnamon, 0.5 tsp grated ginger, 0.5 tsp orange zest, 250 ml canned peaches, sugar.

  1. In the turkish place ground grains, peach syrup, sugar, ginger and cinnamon.
  2. Cook the contents of the turk until cooked.
  3. Grind peaches, mix with the resulting drink.
  4. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream and zest, if desired.

Recipe with clove and milk

Fans of not strong coffee will be interested in a recipe for a drink with spices and milk. For it you will need: 160 ml of water, 2 tsp. arabica tea, 3 buds of cloves, ½ tsp grated ginger, sugar.

  1. Pour water into a cezve.
  2. Add chopped grains, ginger, sugar, cloves to it.
  3. Cook until a “cap” of foam appears.
  4. Heat the milk, add to the drink.
  5. Let it brew for three minutes, then pour into a cup.

Cognac Recipes

It is permissible for those who are cold or tired to add cognac to the drink. For a fragrant warming drink, 1 tsp will be enough. alcohol. To do this, according to the usual recipe, make ginger coffee. Pour it through a strainer into a warm cup, then add sugar and cognac.

There is also a drink that supposedly reduces weight - green coffee. What are the other rules for choosing coffee for weight loss can be found.

How does it work?

A coffee drink contains many different substances that can maintain normal weight, prevent the excessive formation of fats and cholesterol, accelerate lipid metabolism, and increase the amount of energy used in the body. In addition, hot coffee helps break down accumulated fats and has a diuretic effect. If you add grated ginger to coffee, its positive effect increases significantly. The root of this plant, due to its “burning” properties, is able to accelerate the metabolic process, which is undoubtedly extremely valuable for people who want to get rid of excess kilograms and centimeters. Dietitians promise that using such a product, you can lose about 5 kg per month.

Which coffee to choose?

Of course, if you decide to try the action of coffee with ginger for weight loss by your own example, the recipe should consist only of natural ingredients: the grains should be natural, you should not drink a soluble drink. Do not buy coffee dry ready-made slimming mixes that contain many, sometimes unknown to you, ingredients. Reviews of people about such mixtures are not the most flattering, to lose weight, obviously, they do not help, because they contain a lot of "chemistry".

Who is contraindicated with ginger?

It is contraindicated to use a coffee drink with ginger, the following categories of people:

  • Children under 16 years old;
  • Women during lactation and pregnancy;
  • People suffering from cardiovascular and hypertensive diseases.

This group of people also includes persons suffering from insomnia, atherosclerosis, and those who have increased nervous irritability.

Recipes and methods for making coffee with ginger root for weight loss

Coffee with ginger, the first, easiest recipe

  1. Take a piece of peeled ginger root (about 2 * 2cm in size), grate on a fine grater;
  2. Put the grated mass in a Turk and cook in the usual way with ground coffee.

The second recipe for coffee with ginger

  1. Take two cloves, a piece of ginger (2 * 2cm), 2 tablespoons of coffee, pour 400 ml of water and boil;
  2. Remove from heat, pour 2 cups of boiling milk and let the drink brew.

A drink prepared according to this recipe can be consumed both cold and hot.

Recipe Three, Mediterranean

For him, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tablespoons of coffee, finely ground;
  2. Grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  4. Cocoa Powder - 1 teaspoon;
  5. Whole anise seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Orange zest - a pinch;
  7. 400 ml of water.

Mix and cook the above ingredients in the usual way in a saucepan.

The fourth recipe. Classic spiced coffee

Component components:

  1. Ground coffee - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Ginger root - 1 teaspoon (grated);
  3. 200 ml of water;
  4. Clove - 4 things;
  5. Cinnamon stick;
  6. Cardamom - 1pc (chopped);
  7. Nutmeg - 1pc (grated);
  8. Mint - 3 leaves;
  9. Milk - 200ml.

How to cook:

Boil water, add spices - cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg, mix. After that, add ginger and mint there. After two minutes, pour in coffee, boil for five minutes over low heat and add milk. When the mixture boils, remove it from the heat, close the lid and let it stand for 5 minutes.

Thanks to these recipes, you can not only enjoy a tasty and aromatic drink, but also get rid of a few extra pounds.

Products are now sold in our stores for every taste. We have long ceased to see outlandish dishes of foreign countries only in films, because all the components can be bought even in the smallest town and make your table so diverse that it will be beautiful, healthy, tasty and unusual. Morning coffee is also not a routine for a long time, because you have the opportunity to do it differently. How? Try a new recipe - coffee with ginger.

Morning rituals should not be routine

Why is this combination of products we chose? Well, firstly, it’s quite tasty and unusual, the drink is especially suitable for those who love aesthetics, individuality in everything. Secondly, you can get the components in any store, because ginger has become familiar to us, like tomatoes or cucumbers. Thirdly, you will be surprised by the new taste - it is astringent, aromatic drink. But the most important thing is not even this, but that, having prepared coffee with ginger, you can benefit your health. Which, we will tell further, as well as recipes.

Ginger coffee - we combine components for an excellent result

Ginger has not become outlandish for a long time. We can buy it even in the provincial place, while the product is not expensive. Now the housewives began to use it very, very often. Someone brews, cutting into thin rings in boiling water, and drinks a drink for immunity. Someone is losing weight on this product, someone is pickling with ginger and adding it as a spice. There are a lot of recipes, and coffee was no exception.

Important! Whatever the benefit of coffee with ginger, always remember that excessive drinking in any combination can be harmful to your health. Everything is useful in moderation and dosed.

Ginger has many beneficial substances in its composition. It is no secret to anyone that it can also beneficially affect our health, as well as medicinal herbs. It is used for treatment, and this is not the discovery of modern man. The root was used in various folk recipes in antiquity. He gives the useful substances in the composition to the liquid in which he is brewed, and it also acquires new useful properties. It is also worth noting that ginger, if you have not tried it, has a very unusual, pleasant, spicy and tart taste, while the root is dryer and sharper.

A few legends about ginger

Since ancient times, a plant with tuberous roots has been used by people. There are many different legends, myths and real stories about ginger. For example, it is believed that it was thanks to these unremarkable tubers that India and China circumvented many deadly epidemics. Notice, and this is in countries where a lot of people live, and the climate is hot. Moreover, in many countries of Asia, where the plant is home, ginger is officially included in the list of medicines of natural origin.

If we talk about mystical legends, that is, information that it was ginger in ancient times that was used to expel evil forces, demons. He was put in tombs. Some religious communities allowed only ginger root to be used as a spice. In the tombs discovered in China in our time, bags with ground root were found. They served as a defense against dark forces and cleansed the soul and body.

Original India, too, was not indifferent to ginger. Ancient legends contain many narratives of healing properties. Moreover, the description of the plant and its strength is in the Ramayana. For those who do not know, this is the sacred epic of India, which is still considered the truth. Of course, there are stories about the ginger root in Ayurveda.

These are far from all legends, but still today we will talk about an unusual drink - coffee with ginger. What is the benefit of this combination for our health, how to make it and who should not drink this type of coffee, we will also tell. So, move on to the next important and useful section.

Coffee with ginger. What is its benefit and harm to us?

Positive and healing power of the drink

A lot of information has already been said about coffee. Some consider it useful, while others are extremely harmful. Someone cannot go without a mug of morning coffee, considering it the beginning of a good day. One thing is for sure: good coffee beans will certainly benefit you, a quality drink will not hurt or harm, but remember, we have already said that everything is good in moderation.

It is interesting! Did you know that in the efforts of the east, and in China in particular, it is customary to hang not a horseshoe, mistletoe or other attributes on the door, namely the ginger root. He is also given on holidays to loved ones.

So, what is the use of coffee with ginger?

  • Improves digestion, is considered a powerful antimicrobial agent.
  • Of course, invigorates. You will feel a tone in a body, a surge of energy.
  • Ginger is often compared in terms of useful properties to garlic, while in coffee it gives up its substances, and these are amino acids, essential oils, trace elements.
  • An excellent tool for the prevention of colds, flu.
  • Has a warming effect.
  • It can help with motion sickness, motion sickness in the car, while flying in an airplane.
  • It is a stimulant of the immune system. Beneficial effect on the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces the risks of heart attack and stroke.
  • Helps with respiratory diseases.
  • It removes cholesterol and can help during allergies.
  • Coffee with ginger is drunk for toothaches and cramps.
  • It helps to drive out bile, relieve symptoms of nausea, is a diaphoretic.
  • It can help with constipation and become a prevention of hemorrhoids.
  • Cleanses the oral cavity, stimulates sexual desire. In the countries of the Middle East, men consider ginger an aphrodisiac. In combination with coffee, this is a powerful tool.
  • Promotes weight loss.

Here is such a healthy coffee with ginger, but remember that harm can also be.

Who should not ginger coffee?

It is better to refuse to take the drink to pregnant and lactating women. Coffee is also contraindicated for those who have bleeding, open severe wounds and inflammation on the skin. It is better not to drink to those who suffer from insomnia. You can not give a drink to children, people who suffer from acute diseases of the stomach and indigestion. Allergy sufferers also need to be careful. Of course, for those who suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, coffee with ginger is contraindicated. Well, we turn to coffee with ginger and its recipes.

Ginger coffee Recipes

  1. A spoonful of ground coffee, a crushed slice of ginger and a spoonful of sugar are poured with cold water in a Turk. Bring to a boil and turn off. The drink is ready.
  2. All the same components are also mixed with cinnamon, brought to a boil, insisted and drunk. This is a great option for coffee with ginger for weight loss, since cinnamon burns fat, you can also put lemon for the same purpose.
  3. A teaspoon of coffee, sugar to taste, chocolate syrup - 30 grams, cream and hot water - 50 grams each. Coffee is brought to a boil in a Turk, ginger is brewed with boiling water for half a spoon, filtered, after which everything is mixed and poured in syrup and cream, put sugar.
  4. Brew 4 cloves, 1 cardamom, cinnamon and walnut in a glass of boiling water. Here put grated ginger, a slice of 2 cm, and mint. Then pour into the Turku, pour a spoonful of coffee, boil. Next, add milk to taste or a whole glass, insist.
  5. 3 tablespoons of tea coffee, 1 cocoa and anise seeds, a little ginger, cinnamon and orange zest are placed in a Turku or other container. Pour water - 400 ml, bring to a boil and insist. Also a good coffee recipe with ginger and cinnamon for weight loss.

Here is a ginger coffee you can make. Have a nice time!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!