Peanuts kcal. The benefits of regular use of peanuts

23.04.2019 Buffet table

Although peanuts are called nuts, nevertheless, it belongs to the legume family. But even here it was not without oddities - after all, this fruit grows underground, that's why they call it “peanut”.

All nuts are very high in calories, and ground - is no exception. Although the calorie content is in last place. But in his family of legumes, he occupies the top line in the calorie scale.

Is it worth eating peanuts, wanting to lose weight?

On the one hand, eating nuts accelerates the appearance of a feeling of fullness. This is due to the very high amount of proteins contained in it. This feature of the product is successfully used by nutritionists in the preparation of weight loss programs. Especially popular such diets, regardless of how many calories in peanuts, are used by models and stars of show business.

In fact, the calorie content of raw peanuts is 548 kcal per 100 grams of product. For comparison: 100 g boiled beef - 110 kcal, boiled pike contains only 30 kcal, and pasta made from durum wheat - 153 kcal.

The comparisons are impressive, especially since the calorie content of roasted peanuts is even higher - as much as 626 kcal per 100 g of product. Why then do nutritionists include it in the diet of their clients?

Any diet should not only be low-calorie, but also contain a complete set of necessary nutrients. Peanuts, on the other hand, are simply a source of easily digestible proteins and vitamins. Of the 13 vitamins necessary for vital activity, there are 6 in these tasty legumes. And the amount of protein is such that they are able to fully replace meat - the source of animal proteins. Moreover, the nut protein is of plant origin, therefore, it is easier to digest by the body. In addition, in the light of the fight against cholesterol, this fruit is simply a find - there is no cholesterol in it at all.

How is peanut useful?

Peanuts - besides being a tasty, also very useful product:

  1. It contains a large amount of folic acid, which promotes active cell renewal.
  2. Its fats are a weak choleretic agent and have a beneficial effect on the body during peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  3. The fetus serves as an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, and as a result, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system in general, attention and memory in particular.
  4. Peanuts provoke enhanced platelet formation, which leads to an increase in blood clotting.
  5. It is shown with restorative diets in cases of severe chronic diseases and large weight loss - this is where the calorie content of peanuts will only benefit.

How to eat?

Raw peanuts have a pronounced taste of beans and are usually not consumed. Most often, it is fried - and here gourmets have a place to roam. Walnut is fried with salt - which is appreciated by beer lovers, although the calorie content of salted peanuts is very significant - 611.5 kcal per 100 g.

A delicious dessert is a nutlet, fried in a glaze - it can be just sugar, chocolate or sesame-honey mixture. Peanuts are used as an original additive in confectionery and bakery products, added to chocolate, candy and halvah. A valuable product is the oil extracted from it - it is used both in medicine and in industry.

Hazards when used

Unfortunately, the so beloved peanut is a powerful allergy provocateur: it contains about 30 allergens. Effects on the body subject to allergies can range from mild allergic scabies to angioedema.

Inconsistency in the use of so loved by all the peanuts, can lead to the emergence of excess weight and obesity - after all, everything is good in moderation.

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Peanuts are one of the most beloved and popular nuts in the world. To the nuts it belongs purely conditionally, in fact, peanuts belong to the legume family. His homeland is considered to be South America. Currently, peanuts are growing on almost all continents in a suitable climate. The nut itself is located inside the cocoon or bean. The fruits ripen underground, in connection with which the peanut has the second name - “peanut”.

Peanuts are a valuable source of many important trace elements and vitamins, yielding only soy among legumes. Almost half of the nut consists of butter, a third - of protein and a tenth part is given to carbohydrates. Peanuts are rich in organic acids, vitamins and B, as well as, PP, biotin, pantothenic and folic acid. Importantly, peanuts do not contain cholesterol.

Beneficial features

Due to the content of magnesium in peanuts, it contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also regulates metabolic processes in the body. The use of nuts in reasonable doses is useful for people suffering from diabetes, as it supports the optimal amount of sugar in the blood. The trace elements contained in peanuts and vitamins help strengthen the human immune system.

Peanuts are a great antioxidant. Eating a nut helps prevent or reduce the risk of various tumors, including malignant ones. The high content of iron in the nut improves the composition of human blood, increases hemoglobin levels. Substances contained in nuts increase blood clotting, therefore, hemophilia should be eaten regularly.

Folic acid is indispensable for pregnant women, it is precisely this that prevents the occurrence of various pathologies in the fetus.


Many people like to eat peanuts as a separate dish. Popular roasted peanuts with salt. From it prepare various snacks, add to salads, confectionery. Everyone knows the benefits and excellent taste of peanut butter. In the US, a peanut butter product is very popular. Due to its high calorie content, pasta should be restricted in use, ideal for breakfast.

Peanuts can be added to any dish, including soups, pasta, fish. Grated peanuts will decorate any dessert.

Many believe that when frying the beneficial properties of peanuts weaken. However, it is not. On the contrary, the amount of polyphenols increases during frying.

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Peanuts are a type of high calorie nut. This makes it a very nutritious product. Biologically, it does not apply to nuts, but to legumes. Bean is made into peanut paste (a type of dessert), starch flour, added to margarine, chocolate. Due to the high caloric content of nuts, peanuts make an emulsion, which is the basis of parenteral nutrition. It is administered intravenously bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and is used for patients who are not able to feed on their own. Nuts are an ingredient in many culinary dishes, as well as an independent product that adults and children love to feast on. For those who are watching for weight, it is important to know how many calories are in peanuts.

In contact with

To find out how many calories are in peanuts, you need to refer to the reference tables or package directions. In the tables, it is customary to place peanuts in the “Nuts” section, and not “Legumes”. They provide the caloric content of peanuts per 100 grams. The energy value of the product depends on the form in which it is used. So, raw, roasted, salted walnuts peanuts have different calories per 100 grams.

Raw nuts

The easiest way to know how many calories in a particular raw peanuts, if you look at the package. This will be accurate information. Nutritional tables give the variation of peanut calories per 100 g from 440 to 630 kcal. It depends on the variety and storage conditions. Often there is an indicator of caloric content of raw peanuts - 551 kcal. Sometimes there are two indicators in the tables - peanuts (551 kcal) and dried peanuts (611 kcal).

If you compare the product with other nuts, it turns out that it is inferior to pecans (861 kcal), hazelnuts (703-707 kcal), American nuts (703 kcal), hazelnut (656 kcal), almonds (640-694 kcal). Since peanuts are not the most high-calorie kind of nuts, it is chosen for weight loss.


Those who like rich taste, but cares about excess weight, are interested in how many calories in roasted peanuts. Raw peanuts resemble the taste of beans, so the use of roasted nuts is much more popular. They do not lose many useful qualities when frying, and some gain. For example, the amount of antioxidants and polyphenols increases. The latter improve vascular tone, prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Roasted Peanuts with Salt

The difficulty of comparing the caloric content of roasted and raw peanuts in a significant difference of values ​​in different reference books. It will be correct to compare data from one source. For example, if the table indicates 551 kcal for raw peanuts, then for blanched the value rises to 580 kcal. When analyzing different sources, an increase in energy value of about 3-5% can be noted. Knowing how many calories in raw peanuts, you can count calories. It should be borne in mind that when roasting in oil, the caloric content depends on its quantity and grade. It can reach 630 kcal. For weight loss, it is better to choose raw or hot peanuts in the oven.

In salt product

Fans of bright taste prefer nuts, calcined with salt. Especially this dish is popular for beer. Reference data on the caloric content of salted peanuts reported 580 kcal. According to other data, the energy value reaches 611 kcal. Salted nuts are prepared by roasting on a baking sheet with salt or roasting in salted oil. In the second case, the calorie content is higher.

BJU: nutritional value

BJU peanuts means the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The composition of the nuts is up to 50% of the oil, i.e. fat It consists of fatty acid glycerates. Beans contain up to 35% protein. Raw foodists and vegetarians use peanuts to replenish their body needs. Proteins are well digested and give a long feeling of satiety. A high protein content makes peanuts an undesirable product for people allergic to proteins.

BZHU 100 g of product:

  • fat - 45-50 g;
  • proteins - 26-29 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9-19 g.

The scatter of data is indicated by different sources. The composition of nuts is balanced, which allows you to include them in a healthy diet in moderate doses. and

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Fans of diets are wondering if you can eat peanuts for weight loss. On the one hand, it is a high-calorie product, which means it contributes to weight gain. On the other hand, nuts contain nourishing proteins and fats, so a small handful of them gives a feeling of saturation for a long time. Such a portion can weigh 30-40 grams, which means that its caloric content does not exceed 200 kcal.

Fiber, which is part of the beans, contributes to the normal evacuation of feces. This factor also makes peanuts attractive when losing weight. The product contains vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, therefore with a small dose the body receives the necessary set of components. It is better to eat raw or oven-baked nuts. Peanuts in the glaze and chocolate, as well as roasted salted - no need to use for weight loss.

Reviews on the use of diet

Women practicing diets, give good feedback on the use of weight loss with peanuts. Replacing meals with a handful of nuts and juices during the day allows you to lose weight by 3 kg in 3 days. Longer to practice it should not be, because peanuts contain allergens and are heavy for the liver. 200 grams of nuts per day and 2-3 liters of juice are enough. Raw beans are less tasty. Many women choose red-hot fruit, but without salt, because salt holds water. Diet tolerated easily, because provides a feeling of satiety and vigorous condition. Girls with anemia noted an increase in hemoglobin in the blood, after such a diet. Some women do not completely exclude breakfast and lunch, but between main meals snacks are replaced by a handful of nuts.

According to Dr. Shatalova, raw peanuts should not be eaten, although it has fewer calories. It contains protease inhibitors and makes digestion difficult. It can be eaten only after heat treatment and in small doses.

It is important that the product is fresh without mold. It is not visible to the eye, so some women wash the peanuts with water and low-color potassium permanganate and then ignite them.

Fans of the peanut diet recommend cleaning the husks and not drinking down on the nuts eaten. Drink better after 3 hours. In order to keep within the daily calorie intake, supporters of the diet determine how many calories in peanuts are in the reference tables and keep a food diary.

When is it better to use - in the morning or in the evening?

On the question of whether you can eat peanuts in the evening while losing weight, you can answer that the whole thing is in quantity. Several pieces can be eaten without problems. A large amount of high-calorie food before bedtime will be deposited in body fat. High-energy foods require follow-up and physical activity. In peanuts enough carbohydrates and fats, which are deposited in the depot with an excess.

Benefits and harm for women

The peculiarity of the effects of nuts on the body for women is that they contribute to the production of sex hormones, therefore they are useful for infertility and during menopause. Biotin in the composition of the product prolongs youth, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss.

Peanuts - one of the leaders among the products in terms of tryptophan content (after caviar and cheese). From it produces the "hormone of happiness" "serotonin. It helps to cope with depression, sleep disorder, fear and tension, helps reduce premenstrual syndrome.

Since peanuts are a highly allergenic product, they should not be abused during pregnancy, this can make an infant prone to allergies. For the same reason, it should be avoided during the breastfeeding period. The product tends to thicken the blood, so for women with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, women should limit the amount of nuts eaten.

The benefits and harms for losing weight on peanuts for women are discussed above. If there are no contraindications and allergies, then you can lose weight with peanuts without abusing the amount of the product and the duration of the diet.

What is included in the composition?

Peanuts, in addition to high calorie and balanced BJU, has a composition rich in vitamins and trace elements. For example, it is rich in Ca, Na, Zn, Mg, K, Fe, vitamins C, PP, E, B-groups. Especially a lot of folic acid (B9). Studies have confirmed that there are many antioxidants in the fruits that inhibit aging and that there is no cholesterol at all.

In the fatty component of the product is a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6 and 9, glycerate of a large list of acids. It also contains a large proportion of starch, sugars and fiber.

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Calorie comparison of peanuts with other products:


  1. Having considered the question of whether peanuts are high in calories, it can be concluded that they are high in calories, but less than some other types of nuts.
  2. The product, due to the high concentration of proteins, is capable of providing a feeling of saturation for a long time in a small dose, giving a feeling of cheerfulness and good mood. This fact makes it a component of the peanut diet, but it should not be used for a long time, and it is advisable to limit daily consumption due to the peanut calories.
  3. This natural pantry is rich in vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, and other beneficial ingredients. Due to the presence of substances that weight the digestion, it is preferable to eat nuts after heat treatment.
  4. People who are prone to protein allergies should abandon the product.

The so-called "peanut" - peanuts - in fact, belongs to the legume family. At the same time, more than any true nut, it is rich in plant proteins and a special substance - niacin, which has the ability to heal brain tissue.

How many calories in peanuts

Peanuts - a valuable nutritious product and oilseeds, used as raw materials in various branches of medicine and industry. The calorie content of peanuts is about 550 kcal per 100 g of product, while it contains 26.3 g of protein, 46 g of fat, 9.9 g of carbohydrates and 7.7 g of fiber. Peanuts are extremely beneficial for the renewal and growth of cells and tissues.

It is used as a mild choleretic agent and, despite the high caloric content of peanuts, valued as a product that normalizes blood cholesterol. It also has a beneficial effect on libido and potency, helps to concentrate attention, improves memory, and is recommended for fatigue and insomnia.

Despite the caloric content of peanuts, it is extremely popular all over the world. Brazil is considered its birthplace, and it ranks second in the world among crops. Even during the time of the Incas in the territory of modern Peru, they cultivated this annual culture. Almost half of the peanuts consists of vegetable fats (with more than 8% of the product are saturated fatty acids) and 30% of proteins.

In addition, peanuts are rich in vitamin PP (B3) or nicotinic acid (14 mg per 100 g of the product), which is an anti-pellaic factor and protects against dementia (dementia, Alzheimer's disease), intestinal disorders and skin inflammations. Valuable properties of the product appear when it is properly prepared, that is, roasted without oil or other food additives.

Peanuts: calories, composition and valuable properties

Despite the high caloric content of peanuts, healthy fats in its composition contribute to weight loss. According to its valuable properties, peanut butter is almost as good as olive oil. At the same time, the caloric content of peanuts should be taken into account and not exceed the maximum daily dose of nuts - no more than 50 g. 100 g of peanuts contain the following amount of nutrients:

  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 14 mg;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.74 mg;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.11 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 1,767 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.348 mg;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 240 mcg;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 5.3 mg;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - 10.1 mg;
  • Niacin - 18.9 mg;
  • Choline - 52.5 mg;
  • Calcium - 76 mg;
  • Magnesium - 182 mg;
  • Sodium - 23 mg;
  • Potassium - 658 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 350 mg;
  • Iron - 5 mg;
  • Zinc - 3.27 mg;
  • Copper - 1144 mcg;
  • Manganese - 1,934 mg;
  • Selenium - 7.2 mcg.

Peanuts are rich in antioxidants (polyphenols), which prevent the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and protect against premature aging. Despite the caloric content of peanuts, the inclusion of the product in various diets for weight loss is based on the feeling of satiety that it gives. Vegetable proteins in peanut are balanced in terms of the essential and essential amino acids that make up them, so they are well absorbed in the digestive process.

Among other things, peanuts tend to have a hepatoprotective effect, it contributes to normal blood formation and renewal of epithelial cells, including vascular, improves memory, attention and hearing.

Excessive use of peanuts is fraught with negative consequences. First of all, this leads to a rapid increase in body weight. Also marked digestive disorders and allergic reactions (itching, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, angioedema, and even anaphylactic shock). Given the calorie richness of peanuts, it is indicated in the diet for severe diseases and exhaustion.

Peanuts have long been considered a nut, which has great benefits. It serves as an agricultural crop, which ranks second among the legume family. In addition, it is grown on plantations in many countries around the world. As for the peanut calorie content, it is the calories that make it very nutritious, so it is in demand in the industrial and medical fields.

Most likely, few people were interested in how many calories in peanuts, because usually, they just like to eat sweets. Peanut caloric content per 100 grams of which is about 550 kcal - a very nutritious product. This product contains 42% of oil, from 20% to 30% of protein, and also 13% of carbohydrates. In addition, it is rich in mineral and vitamin complexes, and also has a large number of trace elements that are necessary for the human body. Of the vitamins it contains: groups B, A, D and E. Also, it is rich in copper, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The great advantage of this nut is that it does not contain heavy fats. This makes it indispensable for baking, adding to restaurant dishes and making snacks. In addition, it is used in most national cuisines of the world for the preparation of desserts.

For light snacks, peanuts are roasted, after which the calorie content of roasted peanuts increases to 626 kcal, so peanut snacks have become very popular among buyers. As for desserts, there is no doubt that this product is combined with butter creams, chocolate, waffles, and other ingredients.

If you eat a handful of peanuts every day as a lunch (this is usually the average time between breakfast and lunch), then it will help to eliminate the feeling of hunger. It will allow not to eat a lot of food during the lunch break, remove the feeling of overeating, and give the body a good feeling.

With the help of roasted peanuts, you can easily replace any dessert and calm your appetite for a long time. Despite how many calories in roasted peanuts, it is recommended for people who are on a diet to eat as an energy food and nutritional ingredient.

The calories of peanuts poured with chocolate, which is a popular dessert, for both children and adults, is about 430 calories per 100 grams, and the calorie content of salted peanuts per 100 grams is 598 kcal, which makes it an excellent snack for beer fans.

The calories in peanuts are one of the most important indicators of this food product, but in addition, you should pay attention to:

  • the amount of carbohydrates - 9 grams of 100 grams of the product;
  • fiber - 8% by weight;
  • 45 grams of 100 - vegetable fats;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides - 40% by weight of nuts.

The use of peanuts in the production and its benefits

551 kcal of peanuts is a fairly large indicator, so this product has gained immense popularity among:

  • confectioners;
  • beer snack manufacturers;
  • oil producers;
  • as feed for livestock.

Vitamin B complex groups, which it contains are very useful and are important for internal organs. The body uses them to properly metabolize, break down carbohydrates and fats, and this in turn improves ATP synthesis and leads to the release of a sufficient amount of energy.

As for the producers of beer snacks, they add cheese, bacon and salt to peanuts - this affects the calorie content of the beans. How many calories in peanuts are raw or how many calories are in salted peanuts is indicated by the manufacturer on each package of the goods and you can easily check all the indicators.

When added to food spices containing peanuts - you will improve the work of the nervous system and the productivity of the brain. The high calorie content of raw peanuts and beneficial trace elements, has a beneficial effect on overall well-being:

  • pass severe migraines and dizziness;
  • sleep improves;
  • stress and depression are more easily suppressed.

The beneficial properties of peanuts

The beneficial properties of peanuts can fight depression, and a high concentration of vitamin B slows aging, prolongs your youth and prevents the development of cancer.

Given the great benefits to the body, it does not matter at all how much peanuts cost, as long as it is present in the diet, improves well-being and struggles with the aging process of the body.

It is worth summing up the caloric content of peanuts in several examples, because for people who follow the diet, it is important to know how many calories in roasted peanuts or how much calorie in dried peanuts:

  • dried peanuts - 611 kcal per 100 g of the product;
  • calorie sorbet with crushed peanuts - 447 kcal;
  • raw product type - 551 calories;
  • roasted peanuts - 626 kcal.

These examples allow you to find out how many calories in a peanut with a peanut, in its pure form or after, frying, and will provide an opportunity to make a table of calories for daily food.

Many people prefer replacing peanuts with hazelnuts, but if you value less high-calorie foods, then you should know where there are more calories in hazelnuts or peanuts. For comparison: raw peanuts contain 551 kcal, and hazelnuts - 628 calories.

What danger can a product bring?

The calorie content and benefits of peanuts are important for the human body, but the harm from peanuts also occurs. People who are obese should minimize the use of this product because of its high nutritional value and allergenicity.

Many people have an allergic reaction to peanuts and products that contain it. The reaction causes scabies, puffiness, nausea and vomiting, in rare cases anaphylactic pre-shock or shock can occur. Peanuts are hard food for digestion, so it is used in food in a certain amount.

Excessive use of the product in the diet may well disrupt the metabolic process and adversely affect the health of the body as a whole.

Peanut Calories: Video