What to do with a lot of black currant. Delicious blackcurrant desserts: simple recipes

13.05.2019 Meat Dishes

Black currant contains a large amount of vitamin C. When the berries ripen on the bushes, the housewives question what can be prepared from juicy black berries, except.

Well then, let's figure it out. From it you can cook - toppings for pies, decorate a cake or make a dessert. For the winter you can roll up, jams, delicious wine or freeze. I’ll tell you what other recipes I prepare for my family.

In winter, you can boil a delicious jelly from jam.

  • 1 liter of water
  • Half a glass of jam
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of starch
  • Sugar to taste

How to cook?

  • Jam bred in water, heat and filter through cheesecloth or sieve. We put on fire and heat, if necessary, add sugar.
  • Separately, we dilute starch in a glass of water and pour it into a saucepan with a thin stream with constant stirring. Do not let the water boil violently, otherwise the jelly may become cloudy. As soon as the liquid thickens - turn off and cool.

A simple recipe for blackcurrant wine without yeast

I promised to tell you about Spotkach. Is it wine or liquor, I don’t know how to name it exactly. The consistency turns out to be very thick, like jelly, and when you drink, gelled traces remain on the walls of the glass. The first time I was treated to this drink. I liked it - delicious, almost no alcohol is felt, it is drunk like compote. In the head - clearly. But no wonder the name Spotkach - getting up from a chair, I got tangled up in my legs. Really. They became heavy and cottony.

So, I tell the recipe.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of black currant
  • Three and a half glasses of water
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 750 grams of vodka or alcohol diluted to vodka

How to cook:

  • Drive currants through a meat grinder;
  • Squeeze juice through cheesecloth or sieve;
  • Mix sugar with water and make syrup;
  • Add juice to it;
  • Pour vodka into a hot or warm syrup with juice and bring to 90 degrees;
  • Bottled;
  • No need to sterilize;
  • You can store in the refrigerator.
  • I have it stored in a cupboard in the kitchen, so as not to be seen. Otherwise, they will drink it right away.

Blackcurrant compote

Compote for the winter is prepared as easy as shelling pears. I do in three-liter jars.

  • I put berries in about a little less than half a can;
  • I pre-prepare the berries, as well as for jam;
  • I fill it with hot water, cover it with a lid and leave it for 2 - 3 minutes;
  • Then I drain the water, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil;
  • Pour syrup into a jar and cork;
  • I flip it over the lid and wrap it in a blanket until it cools.

Seedless Blackcurrant Jam

This recipe takes time, but it's worth it. We prepare the berry, as usual.

  • Scroll currants through a meat grinder;
  • Wipe the mass through a sieve;
  • We put the resulting currant puree on the fire and add sugar;
  • Better to do in the evening. Boil for 8 - 10 minutes and leave until morning;
  • Then in the morning we set again on fire for 10 - 15 minutes and cool until evening;
  • In the evening we heat for 15 minutes;
  • We shift to prepared banks; jam, cover and cool inverted under the covers until morning.

Blackcurrant Jelly

I prepared jelly for this recipe while my daughter was small. Then I became too lazy to mess around, and I safely forgot about him.

For jelly, squeeze the juice from the berries. There are several ways to do this:

  • Scroll the berries through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or sieve;
  • Use a juicer, but provided that it is intended for small fruits;
  • Punch in a blender and also use a sieve or gauze to separate the juice from the cake.
  • I did so, scrolled through a meat grinder and added hot water (2 liters of juice about half a glass of water). Then put on fire, warmed up and passed through a sieve.
  • Cake can be used to make compote or another option, dried and brewed as tea or added to tea. It turns out very tasty - an unforgettable summer aroma of black currant.
  • Add sugar to the resulting juice and boil for 10-15 minutes after boiling. Sugar is taken at the rate of half a kilo for each liter of juice.
  • We lay out on the banks hot and leave to cool.

How to freeze a berry

In frozen berries, nutrients are retained to the maximum. And there are many cooking options. Berry can be used for stewed fruit, jam, filling for pies, tinted cream for cakes or used for dessert.

I usually use two options.

Recipe number 1

  • Sort, wash and dry the berry. It is better to choose large fruits without damage.
  • Then put them in containers in one layer or on a baking sheet and put in the freezer until completely frozen. And then I lay out on portioned packets. Use for fruit drinks or toppings for pies.

Recipe number 2

I like the second option more. Of course, it is time consuming in the process of preparing for freezing. But then he more than makes up for the time invested in him.

  1. Berries are prepared as usual. I will not repeat myself;
  2. Grind in a meat grinder or blender. Depends on the number of processed berries;
  3. Then I take small containers, about 350 grams - enough for a serving;
  4. I put the ground mass there and add a tablespoon of granulated sugar, mix and put in the freezer. All.

Blackcurrant leaves for tea

I really like tea with mint and currant leaf. At the cottage it is a wonderful rest for the soul. But in winter, I want to enjoy the pleasant aroma of summer. Therefore, I prefer to harvest currant leaves for the winter. I choose young tender leaves, wash and dry. Then I dry to the desired state in a cool place. I have a hayloft - that's where I dry my leaves.

And you can bring leaf fermentation. How to do it?

  • We collect leaves, spread them out in a thin layer on cotton cloth and dry them for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-24 degrees;
  • Sent for a day in the freezer. Then they are easier to twist;
  • We put together four leaves and twist into a roll;
  • Then rub in the hands. They give off some moisture;
  • We put all the rolls in a cup, cover with a saucer and a damp cloth on top. Hold for 6 to 7 hours. We constantly moisten the fabric;
  • The resulting rolls are cut into pieces of 1 -1.5 cm;
  • We put in an electric dryer, if not, then in the oven. The door is ajar. 170 degrees for half an hour;
  • We lay out on the banks.

I add a currant leaf to black tea and treat guests and my loved ones.

In Russia, black currants are very fond of. Since the eleventh century, this culture has been grown in Novgorod and Pskov monasteries. And from the XV-XVI centuries, the healing properties of berries become known everywhere.

Black sweet and sour berries are a real storehouse of vitamins. Currants are especially rich in vitamins C, B, P, E, K. They contain minerals, including potassium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, as well as organic, tannins and much more. Regular consumption of berries enhances immunity, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Currant has a mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Doctors recommend preparing decoctions and infusions for disorders of the stomach and intestines. Currant is useful for people suffering from hepatitis, anemia, infectious diseases, tuberculosis. Berries must be included in the diet for kidney failure and hypertension.

Moreover, all the valuable properties and healing qualities are preserved in frozen berries. Therefore, freezing 2-3 trays of currant in the season is a very good idea. Let's remember today how to freeze berries properly for the future, and also find out what can be prepared from them.

How to freeze currants for the winter?

The most important thing with the right technology of freezing is not to wash the berries before this! Therefore, simply carefully sort the collected currants, remove the leaves, twigs, and other rubbish. Ponytails are optional. Now lay the berries evenly on a tray, place in the freezer for 24 hours. Then take out the tray, transfer the frozen berries into small trays with a lid, place them in the freezer again. If there is not enough space in the freezer, you can put the berries in plastic bags, tighten the bag tightly, removing air from it.

Now let's see what can be prepared from frozen berries:

Currant Jelly

Take a portion of berries from the freezer, transfer to a bowl, wait until the juice is let out. Now drain the juice and put it in the refrigerator. Dip the berries in boiling water (1 incomplete glass per 1 liter of water), cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, drain part of the broth into a cup, where dissolve 1 tbsp. l starch. Put sugar in the made broth (to taste), mix, continue cooking for another 5-8 minutes, until the sugar dissolves.

After that, immediately pour in a thin stream part of the broth with starch, constantly stirring with a spoon, boil, remove from heat. Now pour currant juice into the jelly, mix. You can drink jelly hot. It is very cool. Just pour the thick cooled jelly into a cup, lay 2 tbsp on top. l cream ice cream or garnish with whipped cream.

French cuisine dessert

This interesting, very tasty and unusual dish can be prepared at home and please your loved one with an exquisite breakfast or dinner.

For cooking, we need: 200 g of fresh or frozen berries, 3 chilled, raw egg whites, 0.5 l of cream, 2 tbsp. l sugar, 2 tbsp. l powdered sugar, 100 ml blackcurrant liquor (sold in the store).
For the sauce: 1 cup frozen berries, juice of 1 lemon, a little water.

How to cook:

Put the berries in a bowl (let them thaw frozen), cover with sugar, let them give juice. Stir, put on very low heat so that they heat up, but do not boil.
Combine raw squirrels together, beat them with a blender. Continuing to whisk, pour in a little warmed currants.

Now in another bowl combine the cream, liquor, icing sugar, also beat with a blender. Now combine both mixtures, mix with a wooden spoon.

Now put the resulting sweet berry mass in a mold for freezing products, decorate with whole berries of currant, put in the freezer for 5-6 hours.
Now prepare the sauce: Combine the frozen currants, lemon juice, a little water, whisk with a blender.

Gently remove the dessert from the mold, put on a beautiful plate, pour the sauce, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.

Open currant pie

For preparation we need: 1 cup of wheat flour, 100 g of softened butter, 100 g of granulated sugar, 1 whole raw egg, 3 raw yolks, 3 protein (individually), a pound of black currant (fresh or frozen), 2 tbsp. l chopped walnuts.

How to cook:

Pour the frozen currants into a bowl, let them thaw. Pour flour into a large bowl, beat in a raw egg, softened butter, knead shortbread dough. When it becomes uniform, smooth, form a kolobok out of it, cover with a napkin and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Now grind the prepared yolks with half of all the necessary sugar until white, pour the chopped nuts, gently mix. Combine the proteins with the remaining sugar, beat in a thick foam with a blender. Carefully combine both masses, add a little flour, mix, now put currants in the dough. You will get a berry biscuit dough.

Preheat the oven. Lubricate the cake pan with plenty of butter. Take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out not very thinly, lay out the form (bottom, walls), pour in the biscuit dough with currants. Put the pie in the oven, bake over medium heat until cooked. Let the finished cake cool slightly, carefully remove from the mold, place on a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Bon Appetit!

Still in Ancient Russia, wild-growing blackcurrant was necessarily harvested for future use and used for various ailments. Now we more believe in ready-made medicines from the pharmacy and even solve the problem of spring vitamin deficiency and high temperature with their help. And completely in vain. After all, blackcurrant growing in our gardens has a powerful healing effect due to its high content of vitamins, micro-, macrocells and other elements and can successfully replace multivitamins. And during a fever, blackcurrant will help lower body temperature, prevent atherosclerosis in old age, because it contains salicylic acid - a natural analogue of pharmacy aspirin. This plant can be medicinal in other cases, you can read about the beneficial properties of blackcurrant . Let's try and we use the magical power of the plant. The presented blackcurrant recipes will help strengthen immunity and be healthy.

Collection and harvesting of berries

The berries of blackcurrant are picked as they ripen. It is useful to use them fresh, but frozen or dried, they practically do not lose their healing properties.
Berries are dried in shady, well-ventilated places, spread out in a thin layer on clean paper. A good result is obtained when drying the currant berries in the dryers. The finished product does not stick and does not stick to the hands.
Berries are frozen in freezers, after washing and drying.
In addition to these elementary methods of harvesting, there are many culinary recipes that also allow you to maintain the beneficial properties of blackcurrant all winter.

Recipe. Blackcurrant mashed with sugar

Ripe berries are washed thoroughly, allowed to drain water, scrolled in a meat grinder and mixed with granulated sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, heated with stirring until sugar is completely dissolved and laid out hot in sterilized jars, rolled up. Store mashed currants in a cool place. This currant completely retains the smell, taste of fresh berries and the maximum amount of nutrients. Used for the preparation of vitamin and cold teas, compotes, added to pies.

Recipe. Blackcurrant jam (berry from berry)

To preserve the appearance and shape of the berries, they must be put in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drained into a separate bowl, then used to make a drink from currants. Separately, boil sugar syrup at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 kg of sugar. Carefully place the prepared berries there, cook together for no more than 5 minutes on low heat and immediately pour into sterile jars. Roll up.

Recipe. Blackcurrant jam (in three steps)

Pour the washed berries with sugar syrup, put on fire and bring to a boil. Switch off. Allow to stand for 3-4 hours. Repeat the procedure. Again let stand for 3-4 hours. The third time boil until tender (no more than 10 minutes), pour into banks and roll up. 2-3 tablespoons of this jam will help lower the temperature during fever better than fresh berries.

We recommend reading:
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Recipe. Blackcurrant Jelly

Quality is considered jelly, if it is homogeneous. To do this, slightly curdled blackcurrant berries are wiped through a sieve. Cake can be used for cooking, for example, compote. Sugar (to taste) must be added to the mashed mass and boil for no more than 5 minutes. Rubbing the berries takes some time, but the jelly turns out delicious, very beautiful in color, fragrant, like marmalade.

Recipe. Blackcurrant juice

The concentration of vitamins and all micro and macro elements in blackcurrant juice is extremely high, so you must drink it with diluted water. Get the juice by squeezing fresh berries, followed by boiling. Juice is poured hot into a sterilized container, tightly corked with lids.

Harvesting leaves

The leaves of black currant are torn off from the branches only partially, so as not to harm the plant. Do this after picking berries. The raw materials are washed, laid out in a thin layer and dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place.
For some categories of patients with diabetes, salads with fresh blackcurrant leaves are very useful. For this purpose, only the youngest leaves from the tops of the shoots are suitable. Add no more than 3-5 leaves to the salad.

Recipe. Canned Blackcurrant Leaves

Some cooks recommend pickling or salting blackcurrant leaves. As such, they are great as a spicy seasoning for various dishes and salads. Large leaves are collected for preservation. They are washed, placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling water and kept for 5-10 minutes. Drained. The second time, pour boiling brine (per 1 liter of water, 300 g of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a little citric acid). Roll up. Store in a fairly cool place.
In addition, fresh currant leaves are added when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.

Some blackcurrant healing recipes

Recipe 1. Blackcurrant Teas
Use dried leaves, buds and berries. You can add dried raspberry leaves, lingonberries, rosehip berries to raw materials from blackcurrant. There is no strict proportion; all ingredients are put to taste. Brew better in a thermos. Drinking such tea is useful for colds, overwork, vitamin deficiency, insomnia, anemia, as a prophylactic in the off-season.

Recipe 2. Blackcurrant with scrofula, skin rashes
Prepare a decoction of leaves and branches of black currant at the rate of 300 grams of dry raw materials per 3 liters of boiling water. Insist half an hour. The resulting product is added to the bathing tank. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 3. Blackcurrant for stomatitis
An infusion of blackcurrant leaves is prepared at the rate of a spoonful of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. Insist half an hour. The solution is used to rinse the mouth after each meal and between meals.

Recipe 4. Blackcurrant for malignant and benign tumors
In the presence of these diseases it is very useful to eat blackcurrant berries daily in any quantity (if there are no negative reactions of the body).

Recipe 5. Blackcurrant for atherosclerosis, hypertension
Prepare an infusion of blackcurrant leaves. Use half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 6. Blackcurrant for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis, hemorrhoids
Prepare an infusion of berries and leaves of blackcurrant at the rate of one spoonful and one spoonful of other dry raw materials. Pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Drink half a glass often, 5-6 times a day.

Recipe 6. Blackcurrant for rheumatism
Prepare an infusion of currant leaves. Drink warm in a glass 2-3 times a day.

Recipe 7. Blackcurrant overweight
Mix a tablespoon of dry raw black currant, as many dry leaves of red grapes, two tablespoons of nettle. Pour boiling water, insist. Add the juice of half a lemon. Drink a glass of food before meals.

Infusions of blackcurrant leaves and buds in folk medicine are used to treat gout, arthrosis, diseases of the urinary system, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, headaches and toothaches, bronchitis, allergies and many other diseases.


Blackcurrant is still not always good. A contraindication to the use of blackcurrant may be an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity and gastric ulcer. You can not eat black currants and with increased blood coagulability. In the rest, blackcurrant practically has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance (allergic reactions). And yet it is undesirable to eat this product uncontrollably, remembering that everything is good in moderation. Excessive consumption of blackcurrant can cause nausea, frequent urination, malfunctioning heart rhythms, colic, irritability, blood clots. The use of certain drugs can also serve as a contraindication to the use of black currant. For example, the simultaneous use of the same aspirin can cause an overdose due to the content of salicylic acid in the currant.

Currant is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its berries contain vitamin A, D, E, K, P and a huge amount of vitamin C. Thanks to this, currant is an excellent tool for the prevention of infections and colds, and its use improves mood, relieves fatigue, and increases appetite. We offer you to take advantage of the new season of this berry and prepare delicious dishes with it according to the recipes below.


Saturating the body with vitamins is very simple if you treat yourself to a delicious and healthy smoothie. This recipe uses red and black currants, due to which the drink turned out to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, pale pink.

Ingredients:red currant - 200 g, black currant - 100 g, orange - 1 pc., yogurt - 250 g, ice - 100 g, banana - 2 pcs., honey - 2 tbsp.

Cooking:Grind berries and banana slices in a blender. Then add ice, freshly squeezed orange juice, yogurt, milk and honey. Mix all the smoothie ingredients in a blender once again. Serve immediately to the table.

Open currant pie

Enjoying a fragrant and delicate dessert is quite simple. You do not have to stand at the stove for a long time.

Ingredients:  flour - 250 g, butter - 125 g, sugar - 50 g, boiled cold water - 8 tbsp., condensed milk - 100 ml, milk - 100 ml, starch - 1 tbsp., egg yolk - 1 pc. ., salt - a pinch, black currant - 200 g, red currant - 50 g.

Cooking:In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, and grated chilled butter. Hand grind all the ingredients into crumbs. Then pour in the water. Roll the resulting mass into a ball and put in the refrigerator for an hour. After this time, take out the dough and roll out a circle of such a size that it is enough to put it in a shape and make sides. Pour the previously washed and dried black currants onto the dough. Mix milk, condensed milk, yolk and starch thoroughly and pour the currants with the resulting mixture. Garnish the cake with redcurrant berries on top. Put the mold in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 30-35 minutes.

Blackcurrant Cookies

Spend a pleasant time with friends or relatives and organize a tea party. A delicious addition to tea or coffee is a delicious cookie with a vitamin berry.

Ingredients:black currant - 200 g, butter - 200 g, icing sugar - 100 g, flour - 250 g, walnuts - 40 g, hazelnuts - 40 g, corn starch - 40 g.

Cooking:  Rinse currants, sort and dry with a paper towel.

Dry the nuts in the oven and chop in a blender. Sift flour through a sieve and mix with starch. Beat butter with icing sugar. Gradually introduce currants and ground nuts. Mix well. Add flour with starch and knead smooth dough. After forming a sausage, wrap it in a film and send it to the freezer for an hour. After 40 minutes, turn on the oven 200 degrees. Then take out the frozen workpiece, cut the discs 5 mm thick and lay on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake cookies for about 15 minutes.

Redcurrant sauce

From red currant you can cook a stunning sweet and sour sauce. It is perfect for boiled chicken breast, pork and beef.

Ingredients:red currant - 1/2 cup, water - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1 tablespoon, butter - 50 g, allspice - 4 peas, cloves - 3 pcs., onions - 1 pc., mint - 1 sprig, salt.

Cooking: Heat oil in a saucepan. Wash and redcurrant. Then pour water to oil, pour sugar in and put currants, peppers, cloves, mint. Cook the sauce until the currant gives juice. Finely chop the onion, add it to the sauce and simmer again until the sauce thickens. At the end, salt it to taste.

Currant Jelly

Jelly from currants, especially black, is obtained of excellent quality, because these berries contain a large amount of pectin. Such a light and tasty dessert will be appreciated by both children and adults.

Ingredients:blackcurrant - 1 kg, water - 2 cups, sugar - 500 g.

Cooking:Pour the berries into the pan and pour water into it. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. After that, squeeze the juice from the berries and let it stand for 4 hours. Then filter through several layers of cheesecloth and set to simmer until the volume is reduced to 2/3 of the original. Do not forget to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Then, in two doses, add sugar and, stirring the berry mixture, bring to a boil. After the sugar has completely dissolved, cooking can be completed. Pour the finished jelly into molds and refrigerate.

Bon Appetit!

Good afternoon dear friends. Blackcurrant is considered a fountain of vitamins, a cocktail of useful elements that nature has presented to a person to maintain health. The berry is very tasty, well saves its useful qualities during storage, is able to support the body in conditions of winter or spring vitamin deficiency.

To do this, it canned, frozen, compotes, jam and during ripening. At the same time, they also grab and dry the leaves from the bush. How is blackcurrant harvested for the winter? Today we have many recipes for this.

In the long winter, excess natural medicine will not hurt. The article will be useful to those who love this wonderful berry and wish to enjoy its taste in the winter.

It is not known why this berry is so much appreciated, for its unique properties as a medicine or excellent taste. The ability to cure blackcurrant was revered in Russia since the 11th century, and from the 15th century the Pskov and Novgorod monasteries took note of the berries.

The berries are saturated with a huge, for a food product, amount of vitamin C valuable for a person, just 50 g of jam or fresh berries are enough to cover the daily requirement. And currant itself will begin to work and protect a person from atherosclerosis and anemia, raise immunity, cure kidney and upper respiratory tract diseases. Its folic acid protects against radiation, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of berries do not need advertising. Take antibiotics for treatment - an infusion of currant berries will increase their activity by a factor of ten. By combining currants with honey, you will get a good cure for hypertension.

Finally, you can go through the antiviral properties: it fights against pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery, staphylococcus, and treats diarrhea.

Currant leaves (harvesting for the winter)

When collecting currants, do not ignore its leaves. This is a real vitamin piggy bank.

For example, it is more saturated with vitamin C than the berries themselves. So ordinary tea from the leaves will replenish the supply of vitamins.

In order that subsequently the leaflets bring maximum benefit, it is advisable to observe separate rules when collecting them:

  • Collect leaves not with the berry, but earlier, when they just blossomed.
  • By time, the leaves are most saturated with vitamins in the morning: before the bright sun rises, but after the dew has dried.
  • If you do not have time to navigate in time, and you still do not have the collected leaves - it does not matter. It is not too late to tear them until the fall. Of course, they are no longer young, but they are well saturated with the aroma of currant, and the tea will be truly fragrant.
  • When choosing leaves for winter storage, discard crumpled, eaten and affected by diseases.
  • You can dry the leaves in several ways, an oven, a place under a tree, a veranda will do.
  • The main thing is to protect the leaves from direct sunlight during drying.
  • With a dryer, the question of where to dry the berries disappears by itself.

The resulting raw materials can be used in the winter instead, in order to emphasize the healing properties it is recommended to take with milk, honey. Currant leaves are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic and disinfectant.

Marinated currants

Put clean washed berries in jars, filling the distance to the shoulders. Pour in hot marinade. Sterilize for 3 minutes. Screw the lids, turn the jars over, keep warm until completely cool.

Marinade: per 1 liter of water, a glass of 9% vinegar, 800 g of sugar.

Recipe number 2 for diabetics

Prepare the berries according to the above written recipe, fill with water, sterilize for 5 minutes, roll and soak in heat, under a fur coat.

Recipe number 3

The easiest way. In a separate pan, cook blackcurrant, to which several tablespoons of juice or mashed berries are added. Pour sugar in half the weight of the currant. Cook for 5 minutes. Arrange in jars and roll up.

Blackcurrant without cooking

This jam recipe, which does not even need to be boiled, can be safely called a sweet summer, because the whole vitamin complex of currants remained intact, while maintaining the aroma of summer. The recipe itself:

  • Especially carefully sort the berries, leaving only whole, without defects. Rinse with water and allow time to drain to keep the berries dry.
  • Grind the black currants in a blender.
  • Combine the berries with the same amount of sugar by weight.
  • Stir thoroughly and wait to arrange in jars until sugar dissolves.
  • Spread jam over sterilized jars. It is stored in the refrigerator under plastic covers.

Five Minute Jam

Cooking is quick and easy, it takes only 5 minutes. The recipe for you:

  • Sort the berries well, remove the dented and defective ones. Pour them with water so that the last layer of berries is not covered with moisture on top.
  • Put the currants on a fire and bring to a light boil, so that only bubbles appear.
  • Add sugar to the jam by weight of the berries. That's it - the time report has gone. 5 minutes are left until the end of cooking.
  • Stir the jam while heating until the sugar sensation disappears.
  • Hot jam pour into sterile jars, the lids must be rolled up, turn the container over and wrap it in warm clothes.
  • You can get the cans only after they have cooled down.

How to freeze

Berry freezing is the easiest and cheapest option for harvesting berries for the winter. In addition, almost all vitamins are stored in currants.

  1. We wash the berries, let them dry, put them in sachets and put them in the freezer.
  2. Another freezing option is to break blackcurrant berries with mashed potatoes, add a little sugar (per 1 kg of berries - 100 g), stir more and put them in containers and in the freezer. I use small 250 gr with lids. Such jars are very convenient to store in the freezer. You get it in winter, and the berries are like fresh, fragrant.


It is difficult to imagine, but there are cases when the use of blackcurrant should be treated with caution.

Please note, in the presence of the following diseases, limit the use of blackcurrant, or control your well-being and do not abuse the product:

  • with thrombophlebitis and bleeding disorders, do not use black berries uncontrollably, they can cause thrombosis,
  • exclude currants from the diet of relatives who have only suffered a heart attack or stroke,
  • pay attention to reasonable berry intake for hepatitis, you can eat, but with caution,
  • limit berry intake in case of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Perhaps many of the properties of blackcurrant were familiar to you, and there are wonderful recipes in your piggy bank of home secrets. Be sure to share, blackcurrant deserves to become the most respected berry on the winter table.

Bon appetit and good mood! If the article was useful to you, share it with friends, click the buttons of social networks. Until we meet again on the pages of the site.