Ground red pepper. Useful properties, use, contraindications

09.10.2019 Healthy eating

This product is widely used in everyday life, cooking, cosmetology and in some other areas. What are its properties? Is it really useful or harmful? About it - further.


This product is widely used as a spice. Many may be surprised, but there are several of its species that are brought from all over the world: India, East Asia, America. Depending on the country in which the pepper was grown, it has different taste properties: some of them have a high level of sharpness, and some are more burning, which is noticeable when you first touch the ground seasoning.

In Russia, this product settled for a long time - in the 16th century. Even then it was brought by merchants and, due to its high cost, was used only by wealthy people. Later it began to be grown in the areas of the Krasnodar Territory and the Volga region - these are the lands that are currently considered the most suitable for breeding this crop.


Red pepper has useful properties due to the presence of trace elements and minerals in its composition, which have a definite effect on the human body. So, in the composition of each peppercorn there is a considerable content of carotene, which ensures its red color. In addition, experts highlight the high content in the structure of such a product of vitamins of groups B, C and A. In addition to all this, in the structure of pepper you can observe such components as proteins and sugar, as well as a high content of essential oils, which are often used in medicine and cosmetology.

In addition to all this, among the useful components you can find such names as phosphorus, sodium, as well as selenium and zinc, which have the most beneficial effect on various systems of human organs. In addition to vitamins and trace elements, red hot pepper contains several types of fatty acids: oleic, capric, palmitoleic, myristic, and lauric. In addition, this fresh seasoning has a small content of Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Beneficial features

It is considered a very useful component, especially if used correctly in cooking. This seasoning is able to arouse appetite, which improves the digestive system of the body. In addition, it favorably affects the pancreas, stimulating it to produce vital enzymes.

Some doctors have noticed the beneficial properties of red hot pepper, which are aimed at the work of the heart and blood vessels. According to the results of many studies, people who regularly eat red pepper do not have vision problems. However, this feature applies only to those people who use capsicum red chili peppers - lovers of using it in its ground form as a seasoning may not flatter themselves. Often such a product is used to prevent and treat arthritis and rheumatism.

Negative properties

As you know, even the most useful products with excessive or improper use can be harmful. The same rule applies to pepper. A separate risk zone, which should be paid attention to all fans of such a product, is the gastrointestinal tract, since it is in this part of the body that it has the most active effect. Recipes with chili peppers are not suitable for cooking for those people who suffer from diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, intestines, or other diseases associated with the digestive system. Avoid adding it also to those who suffer from liver diseases, as well as diabetes.

Such a product is contraindicated in pronounced allergies. Its enzymes can only exacerbate the manifestations of such a disease.

Cooking Application

Most often ground pepper is used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes. Many experts recommend that you add it to food, which is characterized by the difficult process of digestion, in particular, in meat dishes. Nutritionists, in turn, note the low calorie content of pepper and its positive effect on metabolism.

A spice such as red hot pepper is widely used in cooking in combination with other spices and spices. Many chefs recommend combining it with nutmeg or chocolate. The spice added in the correct proportion can give the finished sauce not only an original flavor, but also a noble red tint.

In its pure form, the vegetable can be pickled or added to alcoholic home infusions.

Application in cosmetology

A large number of cosmetologists also pay attention to the benefits and harms of red pepper. In particular, the essential oils of this product are used to make anti-cellulite cream or as part of warming cosmetics. The product shows an excellent effect in the process of burning body fat - which is why it is often used for body wraps.

The positive properties of such a product for hair loss have long been known. In the event that there is such a problem, it is enough to periodically rub pepper tincture into the scalp. As practice shows, as a result of this application, the hair will not only become stronger, they will look healthier, and their growth will also noticeably accelerate.

Hand and nail masks, which contain pepper or its extracts, also have a positive effect. As a result of their regular use, a significant strengthening of the nail plate, as well as its growth, will be noticeable. In addition, this procedure helps to prevent the appearance and development of the fungus.

Medical use

Knowing the benefits and harms of red pepper, you can widely use it in medicine. This product is incredibly useful in this area due to its burning properties.

A slice of pepper will be an excellent tool for bringing a person to feelings in case of fainting - it must be put under the tongue. Rubbing their feet, you can save a person from hypothermia of the feet, and wiping with the development of inflammatory processes or flu will immediately prevent the progression of ailments.

Hot pepper has excellent antipyretic properties that can be used at the very beginning of the development of infection in the body. In order to prevent its spread, mix ground seasoning with honey in a 1: 1 ratio and eat one teaspoon three times a day. In order for the mass to have a more pleasant taste, it can be mixed with milk.

In medicine, pepper plasters are widely used, which can be purchased at pharmacies in any city. They are prescribed for arthritis, rheumatic pains, as well as for muscle and joint diseases. Special attention is also paid to plasters, which are prescribed for colds - they are glued to the throat and chest. If necessary, such a tool can be prepared independently: for this, you need to grind the slightly dried fruits of the vegetable and, rewinding the mass with gauze, attach it to the sore spot.

The use of red pepper for other purposes

Little is known of the results of some observations of scientists, which also indicate the benefits of red pepper in any form. So, they note that this product perfectly lifts the mood for those who use it regularly, even in small portions. In addition, not so long ago, well-known oncologists conducted a study in which it was established that such a product prevents cell mutation, thereby preventing the formation of cancerous tumors. Of course, in the modern world, when tumor diseases began to occur quite often, this discovery plays an important role.

Hazards of external use

How to use red pepper for external use correctly? Indeed, many are aware of its irritating and burning properties. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the skin on which the composition with such an ingredient will be applied does not have a high level of irritability and there is no damage in the form of wounds or scratches. Also, the use of such a component is not recommended for those people who experience problems with veins, and those whose skin is prone to allergic reactions.

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of red pepper, many lovers of the use of this product by external use give some advice in case you still get a skin burn. If this happens, it is enough to lubricate the damaged area with vegetable oil, after rinsing the area with plain water. Thus, you can reduce pain, as well as accelerate the process of regeneration of skin cells.

How to store

In order that red pepper does not lose its properties, it is necessary to organize the correct storage for it. So, the best conditions for fresh leguminous vegetables can be arranged in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped it in a plastic wrap or plastic bag. In this form, it can be stored for no more than one week - otherwise it will begin to fade and, as a result, lose its priceless properties. In order to increase the shelf life, you can pre-treat the vegetable pods with vegetable oil or vinegar - in this form it will stay fresh for one month.

It is not recommended to store ground pepper for a long period - it quickly loses its properties: for example, after two or three days it will be unsuitable for treatment. If you want to keep the product dried, it is best to bind it and hang it in a dark and dry place.

How to choose the right pepper

When purchasing pepper in the market or in the store, you need to pay attention to its appearance - it is he who talks about how useful the product will be.

In the event that you need to buy a fresh vegetable, you should give preference to red pods - the brighter their color, the more vitamins they contain. In appearance, it should be smooth and shiny, and very elastic to the touch - this indicates the freshness of the vegetable.

In the event that dried pepper is purchased, you must also pay attention to color. The ideal pepper will be dark red, with a uniform color. In the event that the fruit has orange patches, you should avoid buying it, as this indicates harmful bacteria that settled in it during the drying process - such a spice is unsuitable for food. The dried pepper must have an ideal surface, there can be no cracks on it - their presence indicates the loss of nutrients.

For pregnant women and children

Most doctors do not recommend pregnant women to eat red pepper in any form. According to them, this product may adversely affect the development of the fetus. In addition, a woman, eating even a small amount of red pepper during pregnancy, runs the risk of heartburn, which can cause only discomfort. During breastfeeding, the use of such a product is also not recommended. This is due to the fact that through breast milk the components that make up the pepper enter the stomach of a young child and cause heartburn, as well as more serious diseases of the digestive system. Pediatricians generally do not recommend giving spicy foods and dishes to a baby - they negatively affect the gastric mucosa, as well as overall health.

For the first time, pepper information can be found in ancient manuscripts. Indians still use a lot of spices in their kitchen. Mexico is considered the birthplace of wild capsicum. He is from the nightshade family. Wild paprika is still in Central and South America.

Distribution history

In the 15th century, when Columbus discovered America, the world gradually learned about this seasoning, which was very loved in South America. The Indians did not salt the meat, but pepper it. They seasoned them with food and drinks. The natives believed that the god of fire was in these pods.

Columbus brought pepper as a gift to the king and queen. The value of spices in those days was more than the value of diamonds and gold. From that moment, pepper began to gradually conquer Europe.

At first, like potatoes, it was grown by aristocrats for decoration.

In Europe he was called "paprika." In the 16th century, under the name “Spanish pepper”, it came to Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and South Germany.

During the Turkish occupation, paprika was introduced and became a favorite in Croatia and Hungary.

According to legend, in the 17th century, in Budapest, Turkish pasha imprisoned a Hungarian beauty in his harem, where there was an exotic garden with beautiful plants. The servants used its dried fruits as a seasoning. The girl secretly passed the seeds to her beloved, asking them to plant them. A year later, pepper grew in everyone in the city. This spice is very fond of the Hungarians.

Red pepper came to Russia in the 18th century, it was called Turkish. Spice was delivered to Moscow through the Caspian from Persia and India.

There are many varieties of red pepper. It grows in hot countries:

  • in India;
  • countries of East and Central Asia;
  • in Moldova, in Ukraine;
  • in Russia, it grows in the Lower Volga region and in the Krasnodar Territory.

Pepper has many names:

  • paprika;
  • mexican;
  • spanish;
  • turkish;
  • magyar.

In ancient times, spices were a symbol of wealth. Once the Portuguese at one point the whole country turned into rich, delivering a ship with spices to the country. Now the production and consumption of spices has increased many times.

Varieties of Red Pepper

Red Capsicum: Composition and Properties

Its fruits are often red, but there are also yellow, orange, and other colors. Brighter color has the strongest taste. Pods in the shape of a cone, five to fifteen centimeters long.

Hot peppers contain a lot of capsaicin alkaloid. It is its main component and gives the pepper pungency and spice.


  • "Cleans" the vessels;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • possesses;
  • protects against cancer;
  • prevents thrombosis.

It is useful for:

  • chronic runny nose;
  • migraine.

Many more properties of pepper help humanity.

  1. In people with reduced acidity - red pepper stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  2. Prevents intestinal infections. Therefore, in countries where unsanitary conditions reign, a "fire-breathing" kitchen helps.
  3. In addition, capsaicin burns fats, stimulates metabolism.
  4. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of pepper have long been known:
  • since ancient times tincture of pepper has been treated for "lumbago";
  • rub the chest when coughing.

Pepper infusion is used externally and internally.

Ancient methods were adopted by the pharmacy. Now they use a lot of hot pepper preparations:

  • ointments;
  • patches;
  • gels;
  • pills
  • and nasal sprays.

In addition to capsaicin, pepper contains:

  • capsorubin;
  • carotenoids;
  • carotenes;
  • capsatin;
  • vitamins P, A, B 1,2 and C;
  • sugar and others

Red pepper:

  • activates the immune system;
  • increases stamina;
  • fights cancer cells.

  It helps with:

  • diabetes
  • increase in pressure;
  • arthritis;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • a cold.

The use of red pepper with other herbs enhances their effect.

Essential oil gives the pepper a special aroma.

Sweet pepper is another kind of red pepper.

  Paprika  - contains much less capsaicin. It is his red varieties that are most rich in vitamin C.

Like other nightshade, it is rich in vitamins E, B, PP, beta - carotene. Also included:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • other trace elements.

Cayenne pepper

Named for the trading city of Cayenne.

This is hot pepper, chili pepper, it is also called Indian, Brazilian. He is also from nightshade. This is a classic spice. Its homeland is the island of Java and South India. Now it is also growing in:

  • India
  • Thailand;
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam
  • Colombia
  • Brazil.

Refers to the most burning peppers. His sharpness is characterized by the expression "tear your throat."

In countries where cayenne pepper grows, it is used fresh and dried. Ground “chili” is sent for export.

Powder is prepared from sun-dried fruit, which is ground and carefully packed to avoid weathering.

This spice is used in cooking:

  • in the production of sausages;
  • canning various products.

Cayenne pepper is also used by housewives.

The composition is similar to other species.

His tinctures are prescribed for:

  • arousal of appetite;
  • digestion improvement;
  • like an antiseptic.

Pepper should be consumed sparingly. It is capable of causing burns to the gastric mucosa.

Apply it in home cooking. As a spice it is used fresh, dried or ground. In order not to get too bitter, pepper can not be heated for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to add it to the dish a couple of minutes before readiness.

You need to evaluate the already cooled dish, because the taste of hot is deceptive. After contact with pepper, wash your hands well.

Outwardly, “chilli” is used for grinding. It is a component of a pepper patch.

Pepper Characteristics

Peppers of different types have different hotness, due to the presence in the chemical composition of burning substances.

  1. The pungent taste of capsicum provides capsaicin.
  2. Paprika has the mildest taste among peppers.
  3. Cayenne pepper is hotter than chilli. It is able to burn mucous membranes even with moderate use. There is a scale for the degree of cayenne pepper burning, where it is rated from one to one hundred and twenty points.

Cayenne pepper has a spicy - bitter aroma, other red peppers almost do not have it.

Mexican varieties of chilli and tabasco peppers. the next in hotness.

A drink of the Aztecs chocolatl, consisting of cocoa beans and vanilla, necessarily contained the addition of capsicum. This treat of the Indians was scorching, and not sweet, as it is now.

Red pepper is used in the preparation of:

  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • rice dishes.

Spice can be combined with garlic, coriander, bay leaf and basil.

The healing properties of pepper

In folk recipes, peppers are often placed in liquid dishes to achieve a diaphoretic effect. After their use, patients are covered with a blanket for one and a half, or four hours, all night.

Such treatment is used for:

  •   and muscles;
  • high temperature;
  • fatigue after a heavy load
  • to stimulate appetite.
  • As an external remedy, fresh pepper is applied to places of damage:
  • to the felon;
  • sore muscle.

You can crush dry pepper and grease painful surfaces with this powder, diluted in warm water.

After lubricating with pepper, irritation occurs on the skin: and swelling. After that, the joint and muscle pains decrease or go away.

Alcoholic extract with red pepper, which stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and bile, is used to improve digestion.

Prescribe ten to twenty drops of tincture before meals, as a bitterness that increases appetite.

It also has a bactericidal effect, is useful for the treatment of acute intestinal and gastric disorders.

Ointment from a mixture of tinctures of red pepper with sunflower oil, is used for:

  • rheumatism;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis.

First, the surface treated with pepper infusion begins to bake. But the blood flow gradually increases, the pain decreases or disappears.

  Sweet varieties of red pepper have a beneficial effect on blood vessels:

  • reduce thrombosis;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Sweet pepper options for some conditions

  Inflammation of the lacrimal sac

  1. Squeeze 100 - 200 ml of sweet pepper juice from ripe fruit. Stir with 1 tbsp. l honey.
  2. Take in 30 minutes. before meals 3 r / day.

With anemia, hypovitaminosis, bloating, weakness, poor appetite:

  • consume fresh bell peppers in a vegetable salad 2 r / day.

Pepper in cosmetics

Pepper is used in cosmetics as an antibacterial agent for treating problem skin. It has many substances that stimulate blood circulation, which makes it look healthy.

Pepper add:

  • in anti-cellulite creams;
  • masks for hair and skin.

Paprika - a mixture of dry red peppers. This is a warming spice.

In cosmetology using paprika produce:

  • hair strengthening products;
  • face masks;
  • used for violation of nail growth.

In cosmetology, “chili” is also used:

  • included in masks that stimulate hair growth;
  • included as a component of toothpaste for the treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Cosmetic soap with a spicy odor based on pepper and nutmeg essential oil has a warming effect, enhances microcirculation and improves skin tone.


  1. You can not take a lot of pepper, since the powder from red burning varieties will strongly burn the mucous membranes and cause:
  • lacrimation
  • sneezing
  • respiratory failure;
  • swelling of the face.
  1. After contact with fresh pepper (grinding, etc.), you need to wash your hands well with running water, and when working with dry pepper, you need to protect your nose, mouth, eyes well.
  2. With hemorrhoids, the use of hot pepper can provoke severe itching in the anus, bleeding.
  3. Do not use bitter varieties of red pepper with:
  • lesions of the stomach and intestines, especially with ulcers;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • jade and nephrosis;
  1. It is contraindicated to take sweet varieties of pepper with insomnia, nervous irritability.
  2. Do not use if you are allergic to pepper.

Many of us, women and especially men, prefer to pepper dishes. And this despite the fact that the hostess has already added all the spices to taste so that their combination emphasizes the taste of the dish. What is it? Inattention on the part of the spouse or poor culinary abilities of the spouse? Neither one nor the other. Men instinctively, without even realizing it, add micro-grains of health and longevity to themselves, the source of which is red pepper. The benefits and harms of it have long been studied by experts, and it is unnecessary to talk about taste.

Remember Ukrainian borsch and an indispensable pod of red pepper on a plate. You can’t bite him - Moscow will be visible. It is only necessary to dip and the taste of borsch will become even more intense. Although not all varieties of red pepper are the same hot. There are less spicy and even sweet. What does it depend on? How to use such a gift of God and who should not eat it?

What is rich in red pepper?

Red pepper is a storehouse of many vitamins and other substances. There is either vitamin C (moreover, its content exceeds the amount in lemon), vitamin E, K, group B and PP. And in such a small pod you can find iron and potassium, chlorine and calcium, sulfur and sodium, silicon, phosphorus, sugar, and nitrogen-containing substances.

But the main thing in it is not vitamins and not all sorts of other usefulnesses. We love this vegetable, this spice because of its taste - spicy, burning, piercing a tear, even from the most courageous man. However, not every pod is equally bitter. Pepper contains capsaicin, which gives this taste. The more capsaicin in the pepper, the burning its taste. The label on the pepper is not pasted, whether it is sharp or sweet, so it can only be determined by taste or smell (some people can). And you can determine the taste of red pepper? Calorie content of 100 g of product is 40 kcal. So, one pod weighing up to 50 g corresponds to 18-20 kcal.

What is the use of red pepper?

Like all hot spices or vegetables, red pepper stimulates digestion. It is eaten by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And scientists found lycopene in the composition of pepper - a substance that prevents cancer cells from developing.

If it is so useful, is it possible to eat it uncontrollably? First you try, without blinking an eye, to chew the whole pod - this is not a bunch with a spicy aroma and not a little honey with its sweet and sour refreshing taste. But if the stomach hurts or an ulcer, gastritis has opened, it is better to avoid such an acute seasoning or at least enjoy it in small doses.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists agree that red pepper changes the person’s internal and external condition for the better. So, it is included in the diet of those who declared the fight against excess weight. Men who do not want to go bald regularly eat pepper, season them with food (dosed). And women who also love peppercorn in borscht notice that they are prettier and even younger. So much for the lady with the pepper.

Women are advised to season the dishes with red pepper if they wish to normalize their menstrual cycle and ovarian function. However, this must be done before the start of the cycle, and not during it. Directly during critical days, on the contrary, it is necessary to limit the spicy, smoked, burning, salty and fatty, to minimize spasms.

These are all the properties of hot pepper. But it can be sweet due to the fact that there is practically no capsaicin in it. And what is the use of red sweet pepper, which in a crushed form is called paprika? It relieves insomnia, treats depression, drives away stress, wakes up the body's immune forces and strengthens memory. And after a certain time (if you regularly pepper the dishes) anemia disappears, vitamin deficiency disappears, the bloodstream becomes thinner, the pressure is lower - then life will not begin, but a fairy tale.

How to use red pepper in cosmetology?

One proverb says: “What got into your mouth is good.” If any product is useful for oral administration, it can be beneficial if added to masks, creams, or any other cosmetic procedures. So let's give pepper to our body (in the truest sense of the word).

What is the use of red hot pepper in cosmetology?

Hair Benefits

Capsaicin, aka acute, is irritating not only to the stomach. Red pepper is useful for hair growth. The bottom line is that capsaicin, due to its severity, opens up the pores of the scalp and, penetrating inside, excites hair follicles. Those awakening from hibernation begin to become more active. And at the same time, dandruff will disappear. The same thing happens with the nails.

Tincture of red pepper (one part of pepper and 10 parts of medical alcohol) is added to other ingredients and used as a hair mask. Most often they add honey, any vegetable oil, yolk or a whole egg, kefir, vitamins. It all depends on the preferences and the effect that you want to achieve. Tincture is prepared for at least a week.

Rub tincture into the skin is not worth it. Apply it with a cotton swab with riveting movements. Peppercorns themselves will find their way to the hair follicles and cause a flow of blood to the scalp. Just work in gloves, otherwise the oven will not be the scalp, but the skin of the hands.

See how much benefit red pepper for hair will bring: they will grow faster, become stronger. This method will appeal to men - who knows, maybe bald patches will disappear if you are not lazy and make a mask three times a week for all three months.

Get rid of cellulite

You can get rid of cellulite by adding tincture or ground pepper to the tip of a knife in massage creams and rubbing the mixture into the places where we found cellulite. A little care, of course, but it will work.

Losing weight with red pepper

Excess weight is excess fat that needs to be broken in some way - we’ll leave liposuction as a last resort. It will be much more pleasant and more useful to make various wraps. Just remember that red pepper is an active comrade and you can’t endure too much of it even on your body, even for your own good.

  • Coffee scrub with pepper. Infusion of red pepper should be mixed with ground coffee, add vegetable oil, so that the mixture is better applied.
  • Honey pepper wrap. In honey add ground red pepper on the tip of the knife.
  • Mustard wrap with honey and red pepper. Combine dry or ordinary Russian with honey and add a little red pepper.
  • Mask of cinnamon and red pepper. Mix cinnamon with red pepper on the tip of the knife and add vegetable oil for viscosity.

These mixtures are applied with a brush to the stomach, hips, back and are wrapped with cling film. Then under the covers and watch something fun. Start baking? Go rinse under a contrast shower. Next time sit a little longer. Do not forget to smear the body after the shower with a calming lotion.

But if your skin is sensitive, then wraps are best eliminated. Enough massage with one of the above mixtures.

Red pepper is a burning vegetable and this sharpness is felt even on the hands. Is it possible to get rid of it?

  • If at dinner you grabbed too much pepper, do not drink it with water, lemonade or compote. A glass of milk, sour cream, yogurt will help better. At worst, bite off and hold ice cream in your mouth.
  • Instead of dairy products, boiled potatoes, white bread will help, or - they have starch that soothes the burning sensation.
  • Moisten the baking lips with serum, kefir or grease with fatty oil: vegetable or cream.
  • Bake your hands? Lubricate or with melted butter. After a couple of minutes, wash them with soap.
  • Instead of oil, you can use liquid soap and soda - the effect will be the same.
  • You have forgotten and rubbed your eyelid with your hands! It seems that the eyes will flow out now. No panic! We wash ourselves with milk, then we take tampons or cotton wool, moisten in milk, yogurt and make compresses.

We eat red pepper

For lovers of spicy we have prepared a recipe for classic Georgian spicy adjika.

  • Rinse and remove 2 kg and 5 hot peppers from seeds. Hot peppers can be taken even more if you like or caught a softer variety.
  • Scroll peppers and a glass of peeled into a meat grinder or food processor.
  • Add salt (2 tbsp), sugar (8 tbsp), (250 g) and suneli hop (100 g). So that adjika does not deteriorate for a long time, vinegar (100 g per volume) or citric acid (1 tsp) diluted in 0.5 cup is added.
  • Mix everything and give a little rest.
  • Then put in jars and hide in the refrigerator.

And in the Middle Kingdom culinary specialists prepare a Hunan fish head dish. It is stuffed with ginger, chili pepper and Tatar onion. Prepare the dish for a couple. The aroma of the cafe spreads so that it is impossible to resist the order. The taste of the dish is surprisingly fresh, island-salty, and the fish meat is light, lean and very tender.

The birthplace of chili peppers is America. It is no coincidence that there is a state with that name.

Why do you think Indians are often represented with a necklace of chili peppers on the neck? There is a legend about how the Indians got rid of the conquistadors? They made bonfires and, when the fire went out, put crushed pepper on the coals. Pepper from the heat emitted essential oils with a pungent aroma and smoke. The conquistadors, almost suffocating, fled. The Indians were saved.

Ground red pepper  prepared from hot bitter pepper. Depending on the type of vegetable used, the spice may be different, and its severity can vary from mild to unbearable. The tropics of America are considered the historical homeland of vegetables and similar spices. Today, countries with a hot climate are engaged in the production of ground red pepper, as this is necessary for the proper drying of the vegetable.

The process of obtaining spices is simple. The pods are laid out in the sun and wait for all moisture to be removed. This will happen when the fruits become completely wrinkled and light. Then they are crushed to a powder state. If necessary, packaged and sent for sale. As you can see, no additional drugs or agents were used, so the spice is obtained as natural as possible.

How to choose and store?

When choosing red ground pepper, take into account the fact that the option that is received from the pods along with the seeds is considered to be the most qualitative and useful.  Due to this, the spice has an intense taste and color (red or orange-red) as in the photo. So buy whole, dried pods and chop them yourself. The fruits must be intact, without damage and stains. If you buy already ground red pepper, then keep in mind that high-quality vegetable is crushed heavily, so the powder should be coarse, rather than finely ground.

Store red ground pepper in a closed container so that the stickiness is not transmitted to other spices. The container should not be in contact with sunlight.

Beneficial features

The benefit of red pepper is its chemical composition. When using spices, the digestive tract improves, which in turn contributes to a better and faster digestion of food.  It also positively affects the activity of the pancreas. The beneficial effect of red pepper on the blood circulation is proved, as it cleanses the vessels and increases their elasticity.

Spice has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. Red pepper contains carotenoids that help improve vision.

You can use red ground pepper for weight loss, as it improves metabolism and activates the process of burning fat. The most important substance in the spice is capsaicin, which is responsible for hotness and provides a number of useful properties. It has been proven that with regular use of ground pepper, blood vessels are cleansed of cholesterol, which is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Due to the presence of a large number of B vitamins, the activity of the nervous system improves, which in turn helps to cope with insomnia, fatigue and stress. Burning spice tones the whole body.

Ground red pepper favorably affects the work of the intestines, which helps to improve the microflora and get rid of constipation. Destroys burning seasoning and harmful bacteria that are in the intestines. With regular use, you can get rid of colic and bloating. It is useful to use a burning spice for women, as it improves ovarian activity and normalizes the menstrual cycle. For men, ground pepper is also necessary, as it increases potency and has a positive effect on the prostate.

Capsaicin has been experimentally proven to help relieve headaches and postoperative pain. It has also been proven that ground red pepper has an antitumor effect.

Use in cosmetology

When using red ground pepper, you can notice an increase in hair growth, and also they become strong and shiny. In addition, the condition of nails improves, they become stronger. Ground hot pepper is used in anti-cellulite creams.

Red pepper benefits and treatment

Ground red pepper is popular in traditional medicine recipes. It is used externally to treat vascular problems.  In this case, the spice is used as compresses and pepper plasters. Special rubbing can be used to get rid of cough and other problems and bronchi and lungs. Ground pepper helps with rheumatism and arthritis as a warming agent.

Cooking use

Ground red pepper is a popular spice that is used to prepare a variety of dishes. Spice is best combined with meat, as it not only adds piquancy, but also contributes to better absorption. You can add hot pepper to the first and second courses, as well as to vegetables. In some countries, red pepper is used to make original desserts. The spice is placed in marinades, sauces and numerous dressings that are suitable for various products.

To maintain useful, taste and aromatic characteristics, adding red ground pepper costs 5 minutes. until the dishes are ready, and not on the plate itself. Combine some pepper, cinnamon and add them to coffee, as a result you will get a tonic drink. If you overdo it and put too much spice in the dish, then to get rid of burning you should not drink water, as it only increases the effect.  Neutralize the action of pepper dairy products.

Red pepper powder harm and contraindications

Red ground pepper can be harmful to people with gastrointestinal problems or inflammation. With gastritis and ulcers, spice is also prohibited. You should not use pepper in the presence of individual intolerance to the product. It is not recommended to use ground pepper with increased pressure, as well as during periods of extreme heat.  Pregnant women should give up spices.

Keep in mind that you took the spice with your hands, they should be washed thoroughly, since touching your eyes or other mucous membranes can cause serious irritation. You can not use red ground pepper during the period of menstruation, as this will increase pain.