How to open champagne without a corkscrew? How to open champagne: we make it simple and beautiful.

09.10.2019 Salads

The discovery of champagne is a science. During home feasts, the bottle is often uncorked with a loud “broads” and escaping foam. The waiters in the restaurant make it much quieter: you can hear only light cotton and notice a slight smoke. According to etiquette, just such an option is considered correct.

Before opening the bottle, the drink must be properly prepared. Four tips will help you get the job done easily, even if this is your first time doing it.

  1. Cool the drink. This will greatly improve its taste and reduce the amount of gas. The best and fastest way is to use a special bucket (cooler). Water is poured into the bottom, and sprinkled with ice cubes on top of the bottle. This method will allow you to cool the drink in 30-40 minutes. You can resort to the help of a refrigerator. But in this case, about six hours will be spent on high-quality cooling. Do not put sparkling in the freezer. So champagne loses its pleasant taste, and the amount of gas is reduced so much that the drink completely loses its characteristic bubbles.
  2. Prepare a napkin. A chilled bottle, in contact with the warm air in the room, must fog up. It becomes difficult to hold such a vessel in hands, and in combination with pressure escaping from the bottle, it is completely impossible. Therefore, to prevent champagne from slipping out of hands, it is recommended to wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin, closing the label.
  3. Don't shake the bottle. If you are going to open champagne in the usual classical way, then do not shake the drink. This will lead to an excessive increase in gas. In this case, no matter how hard you try, the cork will leave the neck loudly, and the foamed liquid, like an avalanche, will burst out of the bottle.
  4. Tilt the bottle. At the time of opening, the champagne is tilted at an angle of 40 °. If you hold the bottle upright, then all the pressure force will concentrate in the neck. To redistribute it, and thereby reduce it in a traffic jam, it is recommended to tilt the vessel. So you can control the process. At the same time, carefully inspect the place where the cork will fly if you do not hold it. Never direct the drink at people or animals! It is advisable to eliminate the risk of the cork getting into valuable objects.

If you want to speed up the process of cooling the champagne, then add a couple of tablespoons of table salt to the cooler with ice. And do not forget about the water. Having poured only ice into the bucket, you will increase the cooling time several times.

5 methods

There are several ways to open champagne. Of course, in official circles only one is recognized, soundless, which testifies to the good tone of the opener. But this does not mean that other methods are not worthy of attention. What if you want to feel like a hussar? Or make a lasting impression on others?

There is a special corkscrew for opening champagne. This mechanism allows you to easily and safely uncork the bottle. Do not use an ordinary corkscrew for such a procedure, it can be very dangerous. By spinning the corkscrew into the cork, you involuntarily push it inside. And this creates additional pressure, which will lead to rupture of the bottle.


Features This method of opening a drink is used in official circles. That's right, silently uncork sparkling in restaurants. It’s necessary to calm down. Most often, the bottle slips out of trembling hands, the cork flies out with a bullet during a fright, and guests are poured with a sparkling drink. Therefore, pull yourself together and confidently proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a bottle. Wrap champagne with a towel and gently grab a bottle.
  2. Remove the foil. Find a special tongue and gently pull on it. If you cannot find it, use a knife and carefully pry off the foil. This can be done anywhere. Now remove the formed foil cap.
  3. Unwind the Muscle. In front of your eyes is a wire clip called a mousle. It protects the cork from premature departure during storage or transportation of the drink. Carefully untwist a clamp. In this case, the cork must be held with the thumb. This will prevent an unwanted shot.
  4. Use a towel. Cover the neck with a towel, leaving a small “margin” for the cork to exit freely. In this case, the latter does not exactly catapult in an unpredictable direction. If you are dealing with a plastic stopper, then hold it as carefully as possible. Drinks clogged with plastic contain a lot of carbon dioxide, respectively, and the pressure in such a vessel is stronger.
  5. Unscrew the cork. After tilting the bottle, carefully unscrew the cork. Initially, it will go badly. But after a while you will feel how you are moving forward. This works the gas pressure in the bottle. Continue to control the exit of the cork and remember that it will be held back by the “pocket” formed from the towel.

When the cork is completely out of the neck, you will hear a very quiet pop. Now remove the towel and pour a sparkling drink into the glasses with a straight face.


Features Usually men open the champagne. But there are situations when girls have to do it. For example, at a bachelorette party. Young ladies should open the bottle elegantly and without a shot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Put the bottle on the table. It is unlikely that you can hold it in your hand, and even wrapped in a towel.
  2. Prepare the cork. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil. Then gently unwind the muselet.
  3. Apply a napkin. Wrap the bottle and hold it tightly immediately under the neck.
  4. Unscrew the cork. Now cover the cork with a towel and gently twist it.
  5. Remove gas. When you feel that the cork is almost completely out, hold it in this position for a few seconds. This will allow excess gas to escape from the vessel.


Features This method is suitable if you want to open champagne with a loud bang and a foaming stream flying up to the very skies. It is this discovery that is associated with triumph. But the method is quite dangerous. Therefore, before embarking on a theatrical action, remember the main conditions. Such opening of champagne is prohibited indoors. Be sure to take into account the trajectory - in this zone there should be no people, electrical appliances.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare champagne. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil and remove the retainer-muzle. Do this very carefully, holding the cork with your palm.
  2. Shake the bottle. This method of discovery implies a departure from some of the above rules. And if it was forbidden to shake the bottle for a silent opening, now you can thoroughly shake it. But it is necessary to firmly hold the cork with your palm!
  3. Let the cork break free. Point the bottle to a pre-selected safe location. Take out your palm and let the cork popping out with a loud pop.

It is advisable that the glasses be prepared in advance. As soon as the cork flies out, immediately start pouring a foaming drink. Otherwise, all champagne will turn into a fountain.


Features The hussar's way of discovery is another spectacular method. But it is the most complex and requires quite careful preparation. In this case, champagne is opened with a knife. Such a trick almost never works the first time. As a rule, only a fifth or sixth bottle can be opened with a knife. The hussar method requires strict adherence to safety regulations. If you are ready, then arm yourself with a large kitchen knife and you can proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare a bottle. Remove the foil from the cork and neck. Gently unwind the muselet and remove it.
  2. Take a bottle. Take champagne in your left hand and tilt it at an angle of 40-45 °. The cork can fly out on its own, so be sure to foresee that it does not harm anyone. Point the bottle in a direction in which there are no people, no valuable items.
  3. Mark the seams. Each bottle has longitudinal seams. Choose one of them. Take the knife so that the blunt end of the blade touches the neck. Draw a knife several times along the seam and visually select the area for impact.
  4. Cut off the neck. With a sharp, strong motion, strike the blunt surface of the blade at the selected location. But do not beat perpendicularly. Position the knife at an angle so that your punch is sliding. It should resemble chip removal. If the first time it was not possible to “open” the champagne, repeat the blow. And the neck with the cork must bounce.
  5. Drain the champagne. Following the neck of the bottle a sparkling drink will burst. It is very important that part of the fluid is sure to merge. This will eliminate small fragments from the "cut".

If you are very worried about the fragments, then do not finish the whole drink - leave one or two sips in the glass. Shards will not float in champagne. They will sink to the bottom.


Features They resort to the backup method only if something went wrong. The most common problem is a broken cork. Such a situation can even confuse a professional. After all, the rest of the cork cannot be pulled out of the bottle with bare hands. A method reminiscent of a "theater" will help here. Shake the bottle lightly. After a while, the cork itself will fly out of the neck. Avoid splashing the drink in this case will not work. You can apply another way. To do this, use the usual corkscrew.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Let out some gas. Do not forget that screwing the corkscrew can end very badly. In the best case, the cork will fly out with the nozzle. And at worst, the bottle will shatter into small pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to release part of the gas. To do this, take a medical syringe and carefully insert the needle into the cortical tube. You will immediately hear the hiss. The syringe itself is removed, and the needle is left in the cork.
  2. Screw in the corkscrew. Having let out part of the gas, you can start screwing the corkscrew. If there is no corkscrew, then resort to the help of an ordinary screw and pliers.
  3. Pull out the cork. Now gently pull the corkscrew. If the cork does not come out, then do not pull it with all its might. Abrupt movement can result in severe popping and neck rupture. Better try to loosen it from one side to the other. And then gently pull it out.

Terms and methods of storage

If you like to buy champagne in advance, it is important to remember a few simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of a “failure” during its opening. In addition, after the celebration, open bottles of an expensive drink may remain. Do not rush to throw it away. Save it on the second day is quite real.

Closed bottle

Proper storage of the drink, temperature conditions will save all the taste of sparkling. Follow these guidelines.

  • Dates. A drink corked with a cork can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture. And champagne with plastic is only 12 months old.
  • Temperature . It is recommended to store the drink at 5-18 ° C.
  • Position. The bottle should be horizontal. Otherwise, the crust will dry out and during opening the cork will break. And protect the drink from the sun. Even in 15 minutes, its rays can completely ruin the taste of sparkling.

Open bottle

  • Storage conditions. If the drink is not fully drunk, then you should not keep it on the table for a long time. It is necessary to tightly plug the neck with a stopper. And to protect the refrigerator from unpredictable shots, use the muzle. In this form, the bottle is put in the refrigerator.
  • Dates. Subject to all conditions, the drink will retain its palatability within one day. But it is about taste, not bubbles. Carbon dioxide may not be stored.

If you do not have time to plug and hide champagne in time in the refrigerator, it does not matter. Of course, you should not drink such a drink. But this wine is perfect for pickling meat or making sauces.

Strictly observe safety precautions. Do not pull the cork with your teeth! Never bend over a bottle. Even if it seems to you that the cork sits tightly in the neck and does not want to go out.

1. Refrigerate champagne to 6–8 ° C. This will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also allow it not to splash when the cork flies out.

2. If you expect to open the champagne gently, and not shoot the cork at the ceiling, it is better not to shake it.

3. Wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin. This must be done so that the wet container does not slip out of the hands. And so that the cork does not fly off in an unknown direction, cover the neck itself with a towel: it will end up in a pocket of fabric as soon as it comes out.

4. Remove the foil from the neck.

5. Position the bottle at a 45-degree angle so that the bottom rests on a hard surface, in your stomach, thigh, or inside of the palm of your hand.

6. Remove the wire by holding the cork with your finger so that it does not open ahead of time. The wire can not be removed completely, but only loosened.

7. Gently turn the bottle (not the cork!), Gradually pulling out the cork.

8. As soon as you feel that the pressure inside the bottle begins to push out the cork, pry it with your thumb and gently pull it out.

9. If you get a particularly stubborn bottle, you can try to hold its neck under hot water for 3-5 minutes. This will help move carbon dioxide inside the vessel to the cork and push it out.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

This method is suitable if the wooden cork is broken. If it is intact, you need to cut off its upper part according to the level of the neck. The corkscrew is screwed into the remains of the cork and removed in the same way as from the usual. At the same time, champagne wrapped in a towel should be held tightly in your hand so that it does not slip out.

But to turn to such an option is better only as a last resort. The cork is under pressure, so it will fly out with a corkscrew if you do not hold it. So you can get hurt.

With a broken plastic plug, such a trick will not work. She will have to be picked and taken out in parts.

This method is quite dangerous and is designed for professionals who want to surprise the audience. Of the minuses - the cork flies sharply and can hurt someone. Yes, and the drink itself is likely to splash. But fragments can be avoided if you hit the right point: the pressure inside the bottle will help to form an even chip.

1. Ideally, you need to take a sword or saber: they are heavier than a knife, so the blow is stronger. But with a certain dexterity, you can crank out this trick even with a spoon.

2. Cool the drink well. Remove the foil and wire.

3. Take a sword or knife in one hand, and in the second - a bottle, placing it at an angle of 45 degrees. Grasp the bottle tightly. Some suggest that you place your thumb in a depression in the bottom.

4. Aim at the protruding part of the bottleneck (the so-called lip) so that the sword or knife is as if forged.

5. With a sharp movement away from yourself, hit the neck with the sharp end of the blade.

However, progress has come to the point that it saved us from the need to open it with hard manual labor. There are many corkscrew models designed specifically for champagne, and here are just a few. They will open the bottle in one easy motion and catch the cork themselves.

Such a device will help to easily pull out the cork, and then it will simply be removed from the corkscrew. It costs about 2,500–3,000 rubles.

And to open the bottle with this corkscrew, you just need to pull up on the handle. It is already cheaper: about 1,500 rubles.

And with the help of this device you need to clamp the cork, as with pliers, and pull it towards you. A small hook is designed to simultaneously remove the wire protection. The price is about 800 rubles.

Before you learn the technique of opening a bottle of champagne, it is worth mentioning the drinking culture of this drink.

Useful Tips

When opening the bottle, you need to think about others and observe safety precautions.

To tear off a bottle of champagne WITHOUT loud cotton, and with a light sigh, is a sign of good taste.

Connoisseurs of this drink claim that one ordinary bottle should be enough for 8 servings.

- The owner should not pass the bottle from hand to hand, but pour the champagne himself to the guests, since the person who ends the drink will get into an awkward situation.

If the champagne is sour dry, then it should be poured into tall thin glasses. If it is sweet, then pour it into wide glasses.

You need to fill the glass with champagne by 2/3.

“It is also worth knowing how to hold glasses properly.” For example, professional tasters consider it good practice to take glasses by the stand or by the leg, but by no means by the cup. This is due to the fact that the wine can warm up by hand and lose its taste.

To prevent champagne from foaming heavily in glasses, experts advise pre-chatting a piece of ice in the dishes.

A sparkling drink is usually eaten with cheese, olives, white meat, seafood or fruit desserts.

How to open champagne

If you do not want to sprinkle champagne on guests and things around, you need to know how to open it correctly.

1. The very first thing to do is to cool the drink to 5-7 degrees. This process should last about one and a half to two hours.

* It is worth noting that it is NOT advisable to place champagne in the coldest corner of the refrigerator.

* Champagne must not be frozen.

* There are special refrigerators for wine, but they are also not the best choice, since the bottle in them will be wet.

* You can cool in a special bucket by adding ice and water. If guests arrive soon, then the cooling process can be accelerated by adding ordinary table salt to the bucket.

2. After cooling, wipe the bottle dry and wrap it with a napkin. This must be done so as to close the label. Thus, holding the bottle will be much more convenient.

* Do not shake the bottle.

* In the event that you have not opened champagne before, it will be better to do this in the kitchen, and not in front of the guests, where you can get nervous and splatter people.

3. Remove the top of the capsule and carefully unscrew the wire, holding the cork with your thumb on top.

* If you really want to open a bottle of champagne in front of the audience, then make sure that the wire on it is working. The fact is that if you untwist it and break it off, then the entire wire frame simply jumps off.

* Do not shake the bottle, otherwise it may shoot when you open it. Despite the fact that many people want to see how the cork flies out, it is not so important and fun, it could rather be the other way around if the cork gets into someone's face or glass.

4. After you remove the wire, prepare the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure that the neck of the bottle does not look at burning candles, glass or guests.

Grab the cork with your thumb and forefinger and slowly begin to loosen the cork by turning the bottle (NOT the cork) left and right, while pulling it down.

* If you are not sure, you can wrap the cork with a napkin just in case. Since gas and gas will come out of the bottle together with the cork, it will not be difficult to remove the cork.

* If the gases begin to increase strongly, you can prepare a chilled teaspoon and lean it against the neck of the bottle, thereby stopping the process.

* In order not to spill champagne on the tablecloth when pouring the drink into the glasses, after each filling slightly turn the bottle around its axis.

Scientists have found that about half of women are afraid to open champagne, fearing possible damage. But with the help of the necessary advice, there is now nothing to fear.

Even if you have never opened a drink in your life, it's okay to do so. The main thing is to be confident in your actions and not be afraid, then you will open the bottle without any difficulties. The method is universal and is suitable for opening bottles with wooden and plastic corks. Follow these steps:

  • put champagne in the fridge for 1-2 hours. When the bottle becomes cold, pull it out and place it on the table;
  • remove the metal wire, hold the cork with your fingers, but do not push, nothing will happen to it;
  • put one palm on the base of the cork so that you can hold it, and put the other hand in the neck of the bottle. Turn the cork smoothly;
  • after a while, the cork will succumb and exit the hole. Do not immediately remove your palm, wait for excess gas to come out of the bottle.

Pour the drink into the glasses and treat the guests. It is advisable to keep a towel ready if champagne spills a little.


If your palms are sweating, or you are worried, you should not open the bottle with your bare hands, otherwise the cork will scroll.


If you bought a bottle with a wooden or cork stopper, you can use a corkscrew to open it. To begin with, use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the cork. Then slowly insert the corkscrew into the cork. When the spiral enters to the very end of the cork, gently pull it out of the neck. There will be no characteristic cotton in this case, but the method is completely safe and suitable for those who are afraid to open the sparkling wine.

No cotton

Alcohol can even be opened without cotton and is very easy to do. In this case, there is no difference which cork is in the bottle: plastic or cortex. First, cool the bottle well, for example, put it in an ice bucket or put it in the freezer for literally 10-20 minutes. Prepare a clean kitchen towel. Take the bottle in your hands and tilt it down a little. The neck should be directed to the side. Cover your head with a towel, grab the cork with your hands and turn the bottle until the cork comes out. Hold the cork when it starts to come out of the neck, there will be no cotton.

With cotton

Want to effectively open a sparkling drink in front of guests? Then use this method. Tilt the cooled bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the wire from the neck. Hold the cork with your fingers and rotate the bottle. When you feel that the cork is already popping out, slightly loosen the grip of your fingers to make a pop. Do not remove your hands completely, otherwise the cork may fly out, and champagne will quickly spill across the floor. When the cork fires, immediately put the glasses under your throat and fill them.

With shots

For the most daring, a way to open alcohol with shots is suitable. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise control over the situation will be lost. Take a chilled bottle, shake it a little. Tilt the bottle, be sure to check that the neck is not aimed at guests or fragile objects. Start turning the cork with your thumb and forefinger. As soon as she succumbs, remove your hands, and the cork itself will shoot. To effectively open champagne with two shots, you need to gain experience, it does not always come out the first time.


If the cork does not come out, then champagne has been re-cooled. Keep the drink a little warm to increase the pressure inside the bottle.

If the cork breaks

You started to open champagne, but accidentally broke the cork? There is nothing wrong with that; you can open champagne without cork using a self-tapping screw. Screw a long self-tapping screw into the remains of the cork with pliers. As soon as the self-tapping screw is inserted all the way, clamp the pliers and sharply pull out the self-tapping screw. It will come out with a cork. Hold the bottle tight so that it does not break.

If you do not have self-tapping screws at home, then there is only one way out - to get the crumbled cork in parts. You can take small pliers or spikes and take it out in small pieces. It is possible that some of the pieces will fall into the drink, so try to get the crumbled cork in large pieces.


If the cork on the bottle is already deformed, or you want to shine in front of the guests, you can open a bottle of sparkling hussar for them. This method received an unusual name because of the method of discovery, the French hussars opened a bottle of sabers 200 years ago. Another name for this opening method is sabrazh. Therefore, prepare in advance: find a cold gun or take a large knife. Be careful, since the method is quite traumatic. Follow the instructions below:

  • take a bottle of chilled drink in your left hand. If you are left-handed, then take the bottle to the right;
  • tilt the bottle slightly so that the angle of inclination is 45-50 degrees;
  • pay attention to the places on the bottle where the side seams are located. You need to strike directly at them;
  • take a saber or knife in your right hand. The blade should face up;
  • sharply strike with the blunt side of the blade over the neck in a place just below the location of the cork.
  • let about 1/6 of the drink come out, it may contain splinters.

Pour the drink into glasses, but make sure that there are no fragments inside. It is very difficult to open hussar champagne the first time, it is possible that the attempt will be unsuccessful, and you will only spoil the drink in vain. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to open alcohol in any of the ways described above.

On a note!

Before opening the bottle, wipe it dry with a towel so that it does not slip.

A glass

Surely you do not know that you can open sparkling wine with a glass glass. Be sure to try such an interesting method, especially if you are in a large company, relax in nature. You will need a glass with a plump leg, preferably made of thick glass. Remove the gold and wire from the bottle, tilt it on its side, and point the neck to the opposite side. Locate the side faces on the bottle and place it so that one of the faces is at the top. Place the glass on top of the bottle, take aim and hit the cork stopper sharply with the stem of the glass to make it fly out. It turns out very beautifully, while the neck remains intact, and there are no fragments in champagne.


Another effective method to open champagne is with a lighter. Take the lighter and turn it with the blunt side up. Find the side faces on the bottle, tilt it and strike the stopper with the blunt side of the lighter so that it flies out. Do not rush to substitute the glasses for filling, wait until a little foam comes out, then pour the sparkling drink and enjoy the taste.

How to open champagne to a girl

Any, even inexperienced girl can easily open champagne, it is absolutely not difficult. Overcome your fear and go to the process. Put the bottle on the table, wipe it from drops of water. You yourself can sit down, it will be more convenient. Grasp the bottle body with your right hand, hold the cork with your left. Rotate the housing and leave the cork still. After a couple of rotations, the cork itself will begin to come out, in no case do not remove your hand, but restrain it. Soon the cork will come out, and you pour champagne into the glasses.

How much open champagne is stored

After the festive evening, often already open bottles of sparkling wine remain. Do not write them off, because even open champagne can be stored. Take an old cork from a sparkling drink and insert it into the neck. Often the cork fits into the neck with great difficulty, so take a knife and cut its edges so that its tip becomes pointed. Now insert the cork into the neck, now it will come in easily. If you have already thrown the cork, take a couple of paper napkins, fold them in a tube and insert them into your throat. If there is no tightness in the bottle, all the bubbles will come out and the drink will not be so tasty and sweet.

Put champagne in a cool place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees. It can be a refrigerator, a balcony, a cellar. Store open champagne under such conditions can be no more than a day. If you accidentally left an open bottle on the table and forgot about it, then the drink has already lost its taste and is not suitable for consumption.

To make the taste of champagne a pleasure, and to open the bottle was easy, follow these tips. You can remember them quickly:

  • when uncorking a drink, try to make the cork exit sound as quiet as possible, as this is considered a sign of skill;
  • the hostess or the owner of the house should fill the guests with glasses with a drink. The bottle can not be passed from hand to hand, this is considered a sign of bad taste;
  • when filling glasses, fill only 2/3 of the total volume, since with a larger dose it is possible to pour the drink;
  • after bottling add a couple of ice cubes to the drink this will help remove the bubbles and cool the alcohol;
  • if you celebrate a celebration in a large company, then always pour the bottle to the very end. The content is enough for 6-8 glasses;
  • hold the glass with the drink by the leg, and not by the cup itself. Alcohol will not heat up from the heat of the hands.

Serve various snacks to chilled champagne: tartlets, canapes, cold cuts. Fruit slices, desserts, and even ice cream go well with the drink. To prevent the champagne from heating up during the feast, buy a bucket on the table in advance and put ice in it. Ice should be put only half the volume. Do not forget to prepare a dry towel to wipe the bottle from water before each spill.


Instead of ice for glasses, use frozen strawberries. Then the drink will be brighter.

All the tips and opening methods will help you organize the celebration at the highest level. Guests will be satisfied with a warm welcome, and you will love sparkling even more, because it is so pleasant and tasty.

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1. Refrigerate champagne to 6–8 ° C. This will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also allow it not to splash when the cork flies out.

2. If you expect to open the champagne gently, and not shoot the cork at the ceiling, it is better not to shake it.

3. Wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin. This must be done so that the wet container does not slip out of the hands. And so that the cork does not fly off in an unknown direction, cover the neck itself with a towel: it will end up in a pocket of fabric as soon as it comes out.

4. Remove the foil from the neck.

5. Position the bottle at a 45-degree angle so that the bottom rests on a hard surface, in your stomach, thigh, or inside of the palm of your hand.

6. Remove the wire by holding the cork with your finger so that it does not open ahead of time. The wire can not be removed completely, but only loosened.

7. Gently turn the bottle (not the cork!), Gradually pulling out the cork.

8. As soon as you feel that the pressure inside the bottle begins to push out the cork, pry it with your thumb and gently pull it out.

9. If you get a particularly stubborn bottle, you can try to hold its neck under hot water for 3-5 minutes. This will help move carbon dioxide inside the vessel to the cork and push it out.

How to open champagne with a corkscrew

This method is suitable if the wooden cork is broken. If it is intact, you need to cut off its upper part according to the level of the neck. The corkscrew is screwed into the remains of the cork and removed in the same way as from the usual. At the same time, champagne wrapped in a towel should be held tightly in your hand so that it does not slip out.

But to turn to such an option is better only as a last resort. The cork is under pressure, so it will fly out with a corkscrew if you do not hold it. So you can get hurt.

With a broken plastic plug, such a trick will not work. She will have to be picked and taken out in parts.

This method is quite dangerous and is designed for professionals who want to surprise the audience. Of the minuses - the cork flies sharply and can hurt someone. Yes, and the drink itself is likely to splash. But fragments can be avoided if you hit the right point: the pressure inside the bottle will help to form an even chip.

1. Ideally, you need to take a sword or saber: they are heavier than a knife, so the blow is stronger. But with a certain dexterity, you can crank out this trick even with a spoon.

2. Cool the drink well. Remove the foil and wire.

3. Take a sword or knife in one hand, and in the second - a bottle, placing it at an angle of 45 degrees. Grasp the bottle tightly. Some suggest that you place your thumb in a depression in the bottom.

4. Aim at the protruding part of the bottleneck (the so-called lip) so that the sword or knife is as if forged.

5. With a sharp movement away from yourself, hit the neck with the sharp end of the blade.

However, progress has come to the point that it saved us from the need to open it with hard manual labor. There are many corkscrew models designed specifically for champagne, and here are just a few. They will open the bottle in one easy motion and catch the cork themselves.

Such a device will help to easily pull out the cork, and then it will simply be removed from the corkscrew. It costs about 2,500–3,000 rubles.

And to open the bottle with this corkscrew, you just need to pull up on the handle. It is already cheaper: about 1,500 rubles.

And with the help of this device you need to clamp the cork, as with pliers, and pull it towards you. A small hook is designed to simultaneously remove the wire protection. The price is about 800 rubles.