Raspberry billets recipes for the winter. Raspberry blanks for winter

What is the best way to prepare raspberries for the winter? Probably every housewife asks this question in the season. And really, what preparations of raspberries for the winter will help to preserve in the best way the benefits and taste of raspberries? And which of them are prepared with minimal time and effort? And what is the best way to cook raspberries? And how much sugar do you need to put in order to preserve the berries and not harm the body? You will learn about all this and much more from our article, where we will consider the most popular and easiest ways to prepare raspberries for the winter.

Raspberry berries are recommended to be collected in dry weather. Otherwise, raspberries gain moisture, and the berries quickly deteriorate. Raspberries collected on a personal summer cottage - the one that is guaranteed not to come into contact with the ground, has not been treated with chemicals, is not washed, but only sorted.

If you purchased raspberries from private traders in the market, it is better to wash the berries. To do this, put raspberries in a colander and carefully immerse in a bowl with slightly salted water (1/2 tsp of salt in 2 l of water). This procedure will not only make the berries clean, but also remove the raspberry worm larvae. After washing the berries, lay them on a clean kitchen towel in one row to dry.

The best dishes for harvesting raspberries for the winter are glass jars. You may also need glass bottles (from under the juice) with a wide neck and screw caps.

Cans and bottles must be prepared - thoroughly rinse with soda and sterilize. A large number of cans is conveniently sterilized in the oven - to do this, wash the washed cans and bottles on a baking sheet, send them to a cold oven. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. Hold cans (bottles) in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

A small number of cans can be sterilized in the microwave. In banks, you need to pour water on two fingers and put them in the microwave for 3-5 minutes (depending on volume) at a power of 600 watts.

Lids for cans - both metal screwdrivers and polyethylene ones should be thoroughly washed with soda and wiped dry.

You will also need dishes in which you will cook raspberries for the winter. Our great-grandmothers preferred to use copper basins for this purpose. In most cases, such a “luxury” is not available to modern housewives, so they get by with pots / stewpots of stainless steel, the so-called medical steel.

I do not recommend using enameled utensils for cooking, it is worth a little gape and do not interfere with the raspberry preparation on time, as sugar sticks to it simply “tightly”. Thin-walled aluminum cookware is also unsuitable for cooking jam.

Prepare a container for freezing raspberries with sugar for the winter - I use small plastic containers with a lid. They must be washed and dried.

So, the preparatory operations are completed, you can proceed directly to harvesting raspberries for the winter.

Frozen raspberries: keep the taste and benefits to the maximum

Frozen raspberries are an excellent base for making compotes, fruit drinks, mousses, jellies and other desserts. At the same time, as nutritionists assure, it is in frozen raspberries that the most beneficial substances are preserved.

To freeze, simply sort through the raspberries, do not wash. Then lay the prepared berries in a row on a cutting board or tray - this will prevent freezing of raspberries. Send the trays with berries to the freezer, turn on the freezing mode - thanks to it, the berries will freeze quickly and evenly, preserving the maximum nutritional value and taste. When the berries freeze, sprinkle them in strong plastic bags or containers.

Frozen raspberry puree: gently, tasty, healthy

Frozen raspberry puree is not too sweet, healthy, easy to prepare raspberry preparation for the winter without cooking. The taste and aroma of raspberries prepared in this way remain almost unchanged when defrosting! Raspberry puree prepared in this way serves as an excellent addition to tea; they can be used to pour ice cream, porridge, lazy dumplings, and cottage cheese casserole. In the freezer, mashed potatoes are stored almost all winter without losing their taste.

For the preparation of raspberry puree, sort the berries, add sugar per 1 kg of berries - 0.2-0.3 kg of sugar. Mash the berries with a wooden cracker, stir the sugar until dissolved. Then transfer the raspberry puree into small plastic containers (containers), cover with lids and send to the freezer.

Raspberries mashed with sugar: a treat and a medicine

Delicious, vitamin and easiest to prepare raspberry without cooking. To prepare raspberries for the winter in this way, take 1 kg of berries and 1.5-2 kg of sugar. The amount of sugar varies depending on the expected shelf life of the workpiece - the longer it is, the more sugar should be taken.

Please note, with this method of harvesting raspberries for the winter, wash the berries forbiddenotherwise, the likelihood of their souring is high.

Sort raspberries, remove mashed, overripe, mechanically damaged berries. Pour the raspberries over into the appropriate volume bowl, pour sugar over it. Mash raspberries with a wooden or plastic crush to a homogeneous mass. It is undesirable to use a meat grinder, blender and other metal appliances to chop raspberries, since vitamins are destroyed by contact with metal.

Leave the raspberries and sugar in a warm place (for example, on the kitchen table) for several hours - in order to disperse the sugar, which is used a lot in this recipe. At the same time, the raspberry preparation will need to be stirred periodically for the final dissolution of sugar.

Rubbed raspberries with sugar fill absolutely  dry sterilized glass jars. I recommend pouring a 0.5 cm sugar layer on top, during storage it forms an airtight crust and protects the workpiece from spoilage.

Close jars with mashed raspberries with prepared plastic lids and store in the refrigerator. Use as a remedy or additive to porridge, dumplings, casserole.

Dried Raspberries: Save Power, Time and Place

A simple, cheap and time-consuming method of harvesting raspberries for those who are unable to place many cans on the kitchen. Raspberries prepared in this way are ideal for the preparation of medicinal decoctions, infusions, vitamin drinks, compotes, and also as an additive in dough for muffins.

For drying, use dense, slightly unripe raspberries, you can directly with twigs and leaves. You can use berries with mechanical damage, but overripe ones will not work.

Dry raspberries in an electric dryer or in an open oven for 2-4 hours at a temperature of 45-50 ° C, spreading in one layer on a baking sheet. Refrigerate and store dried raspberries in a dry place, packed in jars, boxes, or thick paper bags.

Raspberries in their own juice: minimum sugar, maximum benefit

A fairly simple, tasty, low-calorie raspberry preparation, which can be stored at room temperature. Raspberries in their own juice are an excellent base for making jelly, compote, fruit drinks, kissel and other drinks and desserts in the winter.

To prepare raspberries for the winter in your own juice, sort the berries, rinse and dry if necessary. Lay the prepared berries in a deep bowl in layers, pouring sugar on the basis of 1 kg of berries - 100-200 g of sugar.

Leave the dishes with raspberries in a warm place for several hours, during which time the berries will let the juice, the sugar will dissolve.

After that, raspberries with juice should be transferred to prepared glass jars. In this case, the mass should not reach the edge of the cans of one and a half centimeters. This is necessary so that during sterilization the raspberry mass does not “run away” over the edge. Cans filled with raspberries in their own juice set in a wide pot, cover with lids. Pour cold water into the pan and sterilize the jars for fifteen minutes from the moment of boiling. Seal hermetically, turn over and leave to cool completely.

Raspberry compote without sterilization: benefit in every drop

Raspberry compote according to this recipe is non-fat, sweet and sour, with a light aroma. In this recipe, raspberries are not sterilized, so the beneficial properties of the berry are preserved in the compote.

To prepare the compote, sort the berries, rinse and dry if necessary. Place in prepared (sterilized) cans of any capacity to a third of the height. Recently, I prefer to use not three-liter, but one and a half to two-liter cans, so the compote does not stagnate for sure.

Pour the berries with hot but not boiling water to the top of the cans. Allow to stand for 10-20 minutes, depending on the volume. Then pour the water from the cans with raspberries into a suitable pan, bring to a boil and pour sugar per one liter can - 100 g of sugar. Wait for the syrup to key.

Then carefully pour the syrup into cans with berries so that it spills over the top - so there is no air left in the cans and the compote will be better stored. Cork jars with raspberry compote tightly, turn over, cover with warm and leave to cool. Then return to the starting position.

If everything is done correctly, raspberry berries will settle to the bottom - this means that the process of self-sterilization has passed in the right way. Raspberry compote for the winter can be stored at room temperature all winter, away from sunlight and batteries.

Classic raspberry jam for the winter: a tasty medicine

  Raspberry jam is not only a delicious treat, but also a natural, effective cure for heat and colds. It has a characteristic, pronounced taste and aroma. Its only drawback (like any jam) is the high concentration of sugar, so raspberry jam should be consumed sparingly.

Raspberry berries for jam is better to pick slightly immature, then they will retain their shape after cooking.

First, sort the raspberries - remove the overripe and crushed berries (you can make raspberry jam from them).

Cook sugar syrup. To do this, pour in 1 kg of sugar half a glass of water and heat over low heat. While stirring, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and the syrup will become liquid and transparent.

Then pour 1 kg of prepared berries into the syrup, bring the mass to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the jam for 5-7 minutes. During the cooking process, do not interfere with the jam, but only slightly shake the pan so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup - this will help maintain the shape of the berries.

Remove the dishes with raspberry jam from the heat and let cool. Then repeat the process two to three more times - bring the jam to a boil, hold it on fire for 5-7 minutes, remove from heat, cool. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam.

Readiness of jam is defined as follows: drip a drop of jam on a saucer - it should not blur. In addition, the berries in the finished jam are evenly distributed, and do not float on the surface. The syrup itself must thicken, the berries become dark and dense.

Place the finished raspberry jam hot in dry, sterilized glass jars and close with nylon lids. You can store raspberry jam at room temperature.

Raspberry jam: let’s put everything into action

This winter raspberry harvest is similar to jam, but you can use overripe, crumpled, mechanically damaged berries to make it.

To make jam, pour raspberries into a saucepan, pour in a glass of water (250 ml) and boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat. In this case, the berries need to be intensively mashed with a spoon and mixed.

Then add sugar to the raspberry mass per 1 kg of raspberries - 1 kg of sugar. Cook the jam for 20-25 minutes. During cooking, jam periodically stir and remove the resulting foam. Ready jam should have a homogeneous, fairly thick structure. The readiness of raspberry jam is determined, as when cooking jam - a drop of jam dripped on a saucer should remain a drop, not spread.

At the end of cooking, add 2-3 g of citric acid to the jam. Pour hot jam into prepared jars and seal with plastic lids. You can store raspberry jam at room temperature.

We hope that the proposed recipes will help you prepare raspberries for the winter with minimal loss of time and energy, but with maximum benefit for the body.

Elena Stanova

Raspberry has always been considered the best cure for colds, it was used to treat many other diseases, therefore, raspberry preparations were always prepared for the winter, and our great-great-grandmothers also prepared raspberry jam for the winter, and it was not for nothing that raspberries were always considered a special berry! A lot of songs and fairy tales are composed about her, Slavic tribes honored her, loved by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It’s not for nothing that sweet paradise life is associated with raspberries in our country - this extraordinary berry has earned its honorable title due to its unique taste and useful qualities.

Delicious and aromatic raspberry berry is good both in fresh form and as a variety of preparations for the winter. After all, raspberry preparations for the winter are a great way to preserve raspberries and enjoy them in the winter. It would seem that something special can be made from raspberries, except for the grandmother’s raspberry jam known to everyone? In fact, a lot of the most delicious and most useful preparations: jam, jelly, jams, jams, as well as pastille and marmalade. If desired, raspberries can be easily combined in their preparations with other berries, for example, black and red currants, cherries, gooseberries. She will only decorate any product with her presence. Let’s try not to miss the ripening season of this wonderful berry, eat plenty of it and be sure to prepare it for the future.

Raspberries in their own juice

  1 kg raspberries
  1 kg of sugar.

  Put raspberries in an enameled bowl, cover with sugar, wait for the formation of syrup, put it in jars. Sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up and put in a cool place.

Raspberries in redcurrant juice

  1 kg raspberries
  500 ml of red currant juice.

  Sort raspberries, put in a pan. Blanch the berries of red currant for 1 minute and rub through a fine sieve (you can use a juicer or squeeze the juice through cheesecloth). Pour raspberry berries with the resulting juice, heat the mass and boil for 5 minutes, then immediately pour into sterile jars and roll.

Raspberries, mashed with sugar

  750 g raspberries
  250 g sugar
  150 ml of water.

Sort the raspberries, put them in an enameled bowl and pour water. On a very low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Remove the mass from the heat and, while it is hot, wipe through a sieve. In the puree, add sugar and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Transfer to hot cans and sterilize: 0.5 liter - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

Raspberry jam "From the grandmother"

  1 kg raspberries
  4 stack water,
  2 kg of sugar
  2 tsp citric acid.

  Pour sugar into a jam pan, add water and raspberries. Cook until fully cooked over low heat, periodically remove from heat and stir the berries (so as not to burn). Before the end of cooking, add citric acid.

Raspberry Jam “Five Minute”

  5 kg raspberries
  3.5-4 kg of sugar.

  Sort raspberries, peel, if necessary, gently wash. Dry on a towel. Put the prepared raspberries in a deep bowl, cover with sugar and put in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Then put the raspberries in their own juice on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap and cool.

Jam "Wonderful aroma"

  5 kg raspberries
  2 large lemons,
  7.5 kg of sugar.

  Sort raspberries, peel, rinse and dry. Wash the lemons thoroughly, dry them dry and cut into thin circles, which are then cut in half, remove the seeds. Sprinkle the prepared raspberries and lemon slices with sugar and put in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Put the bowl with raspberries, which gave the juice, and lemon slices on a fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the flame and cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and cool. Put the jam on the fire again and cook until cooked, cool, put in jars and close with nylon or metal lids.

Raspberry and melon jam

  300 g raspberries
  1 kg of melon
  800 g sugar
  1 lemon
  1 stack water.

  Pour the lemon zest with lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar and leave for an hour. Peel the melon and cut into small pieces. Add sugar, “lemon” sugar to the water and cook, stirring occasionally. When the syrup boils, add the melon and then the raspberries. Cook everything without disturbing until thickened. Remove the jam from the heat, remove the foam and pour into jars.

Cherry and raspberry jam

  1 kg of cherries
  1 kg raspberries
  2 kg of sugar
  2 stack water.

Dip the pitted cherries into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. 5 times every half hour bring the jam to a boil. For the last time, 5 minutes before cooking, pour raspberries, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Pour the finished product in jars hot. Roll up.

Raspberry compote "For the winter"

  1 kg raspberries
  1 kg of sugar
  3 liters of water.

  Sort raspberries, peel of leaves and sepals. Cook syrup from sugar and water. Put raspberries in boiling syrup, mix, bring to a boil, remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars. Cool the compote, roll the cans with metal lids.

Natural raspberry juice

  1 kg raspberries
  150-200 ml of water.

  Sort the berries, mash with a wooden pestle and transfer to an enameled pan with water preheated to 60 ° C. Warm the berries with stirring to a temperature of 60 ° C, remove from heat, cover and after 15 minutes squeeze the juice. Filter the juice, bring to a boil, immediately pour it into bottles or jars and roll it up.

Raspberry confiture

  1 kg raspberries
  1 kg of sugar
  1 lemon
  1 bag "Zhelfiks".

  Peel raspberries from the stalks, rinse and dry. Pour raspberries with lemon juice, sprinkle with lemon zest and mix. Add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Add the gelling sugar and, stirring continuously, cook for 1 minute. Sterilize jars, fill with hot confiture, close with screw caps. Place the cans upside down for 10 minutes, then turn over and cool.

Raspberry syrup

  1 kg raspberries
  1 kg of sugar
  1 stack water.

  Make syrup from sugar and water. Dip the raspberries in the syrup. Bring to a boil. Then cool and strain through a sieve. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then pour hot into cans and roll up the lids.

Raspberry Jelly for the winter

  1.5-2 kg raspberries,
  1.5-2 kg of sugar.

  Sort the raspberries, wash and lay on a towel. Let the berries dry completely and mash them in a bowl. Strain through several layers of gauze. Add sugar from the calculation: for 1 liter of juice - 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved and leave for 10 hours. Then put in sterile dry jars and tightly close. You need to store such jelly in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam

  1 kg raspberries
  1.4 kg of sugar
  1.5 stack water,
  1 tsp citric acid
  2 tbsp gelatin.

Peel raspberries from the stalks, rinse several times with water and put in a basin, pouring sugar. Add water. Put the pelvis on low heat and heat the contents to a boil. After 15 minutes, strengthen the fire to moderate and boil the jam until cooked. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and pre-diluted gelatin to the jam. Arrange the finished product in dry clean jars and roll up.

Raspberry and apple jam

  1 kg raspberry puree,
  1 kg of applesauce,
  800 g sugar
  600 ml of water.

  Boil the apples in a pot of boiling water and wipe. Measure out 1 kg. Mash raspberries well and mix with applesauce. Boil the mass in a pan with a wide bottom. After 15-20 minutes, add sugar and cook, stirring continuously, until cooked. Put the finished jam in jars and roll it up.

Sugar-free raspberry puree

Raspberry puree can be prepared without sugar. In winter, you can make marmalade, jelly or jelly out of it. So, wipe fresh raspberries through a sieve. Put the finished mass in an enameled bowl and put on fire. Boil for 1 minute and pour into sterile jars. Roll up, flip, wrap.

Raspberry Pear Mousse

  1 kg of pears (peeled from seeds),
  300 g raspberries
  ½ stack. Sahara,
  a few drops of lemon juice
  a pinch of cardamom.

  Wash the pears, cut and peel the seeds (peeling is not necessary). Cut into large cubes and transfer to a pan. Sort raspberries, rinse and dry. In a pan with pears, add raspberries, sugar and mix everything. Cook over low heat for about 60 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the mass does not burn. Then remove the fruit pan from the heat. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of cardamom. Grind everything with a blender and transfer the raspberry-pear mousse to clean, dry cans. Sterilize for 10 minutes, then cool. Store the finished product preferably in a dark, cool place.

Raspberry marmalade (harvesting for winter)

  1 kg raspberries
  500 g of sugar.

  Wash raspberries, rinse with boiled water, dry a little and wipe through a frequent sieve. Add sugar to the raspberry puree and cook over high heat, stirring continuously. When the marmalade thickens, remove it from the heat and spread it hot in prepared jars. Then refrigerate and seal with lids.

Raspberry pastille

  1 kg raspberries
  250 g sugar
  100 g of powdered sugar.

Wash raspberries with cold water, place in a wide bowl and place in a preheated oven for 50 minutes. Wipe the hot berries through a sieve with a wooden spatula. Put the resulting mashed potatoes on a low heat, add sugar and boil half the volume. Pour the hot pastille into a container lined with parchment paper and greased with vegetable oil, and dry in the oven at a temperature of 70 ° C or in the sun. Cut the prepared pastille into slices, roll in icing sugar and place in dry sterile jars. Cover them with parchment paper.

Raspberry vinegar

Raspberry vinegar has an amazing smell and a very bright taste. It is perfect in vegetable and fruit salads.

  250 g of white wine vinegar,
  200 g raspberries.

  Prepare a glass jar with a sealed lid. Wash and dry raspberries, removing spoiled berries, put in a jar. Pour in the vinegar and cover tightly. Store in a cool, dark place for two weeks. After the specified time, separate the liquid from raspberries with a filter or through cheesecloth. That's it, raspberry vinegar is ready! Pour into a sealed container, close and store in a cool, dark place. Ready vinegar can be stored for a year.

Raspberry wine

  2.5 kg raspberries
  700 g sugar
  2.5 liters of water.

  Squeeze raspberry juice. Heat water with sugar until it is completely dissolved, cool. Pour into a bottle, mix with raspberry juice and hold until the end of fermentation at a temperature of at least 25 ° C. When fermentation is over, filter and cork. Store in a cool, dry place.

Raspberry liquor

  500 g raspberries
  500 g sugar
  250 ml of water
  1 liter of vodka.

  Pour ripe raspberries to the bottom of the bottle and pour vodka on it. Plug the throat of the bottle with a cotton swab. Put in a cool place for 3-4 weeks. Prepare syrup from sugar and water, boil, cool and pour into a bottle of raspberries. Stir, filter and bottle. Cork up. The longer this liqueur is, the tastier it becomes.

Dried raspberries

For drying, take dense, slightly unripe raspberries. Otherwise, it will not dry out, but just become sap. Dry raspberries in an oven or an electric dryer for 2-4 hours at a temperature of 45-50 ° C, and when the berries dry, raise the temperature to 60 ° C. Refrigerate and store dried raspberries in hermetically sealed jars or boxes.

Fresh frozen raspberries. Use dry raspberries for freezing. Do not wash the berries. To prevent raspberries from freezing in a lump, freeze it by placing the berries in a row on a cutting board or tray. When the berries are frozen, sprinkle them in containers for freezing.

Freshly frozen raspberries with honey.Stack raspberries in a container and pour liquid honey. Then put in the freezer. There is a double benefit from such a preparation: raspberries and honey. Honey raspberries will preserve their qualities and will be very healthy.

In the old days they said that, among other things, raspberries are also endowed with spiritual strength: it helps to strengthen good relations between people. Probably, the tradition was born from here to treat the guests who arrived with tea with fragrant jam.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Friends, how do you harvest raspberries for the winter? I found for myself a simple and convenient way to harvest raspberries and sugar for the winter without cooking. Raspberry berry is tender, juicy with a delicate aroma and delicious taste, and raspberries are also a storehouse of phytonutrients: vitamins, minerals and healthy organic acids. To preserve the healing and taste properties of this wonderful berry, I prepare fresh raspberry jam, sometimes it is also called "raw". When cooking (heating) berries, phytonutrients are practically not preserved.

What is useful raw raspberry jam:

Raspberry is an excellent antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibacterial properties, so fresh raspberry, as an excellent home remedy for colds.

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - a recipe for raw raspberry jam

What we need to make raw raspberry jam:

Naturally, the raspberry and granulated sugar itself, usually I take 1.2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries. However, you should always first evaluate the berry itself, if your raspberry is very loose, watery and not sweet (for example, it was a rainy summer), then the amount of sand should be increased to 1.7 kg per 1 kg of berries, then your raspberry jam will not ferment.

Pick berries for jam only fresh. Rinse the berry well. Put the jam in sterilized jars. Store such raw jam in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar), in winter you can put jars of jam on the balcony, a lot of sugar, will not let the jam freeze.

How to prepare raspberries and sugar for the winter without cooking

  1. Rinse the berry gently. And how do you wash raspberries, or prefer not to wash this tender berry? Still, I am inclined to think that raspberries should be washed, especially the one that was bought at the market. With water, berries, dust, insects leave the berries. It is not recommended to wash raspberries under a stream of water, this berry is easily destroyed. To wash raspberries, it is necessary to place it in a colander, and lower the colander with berry into a container of water. The procedure can be repeated several times, changing the water (depends on the degree of contamination of the berries). Then the berry for a while should be left in a colander to let the glass water.
  2. Now raspberries should be grated. For these purposes, you can use a mortar or saucepan. I usually rub raspberries with a mashed potato in a saucepan, I like when whole berries fall into the jam. For large batches of raspberries, you can use a meat grinder or a blender.
  3. Fill the berry with sugar. Stir and leave for 3.5 -4 hours at room temperature to dissolve sugar. It is not recommended to keep longer, as the jam may begin to deteriorate. Mix the berries again, see that all the sugar has dissolved. Now we lay out the finished jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

Here's a simple recipe for harvesting raspberries and sugar for the winter without cooking. Everything is very simple and quick to prepare. In this way, you can cook not only raw raspberry jam, but also make a preparation of other fruits and berries, for example.

In folk medicine, raspberries are used to treat colds. This is understandable: this berry contains substances that lower the temperature, and vitamins that strengthen the immune system. However, not all vitamins are preserved after heat treatment, so raspberries, mashed with sugar for the winter, are healthier than regular jam. This dessert has only one drawback - it can only be stored in the cold.

Cooking features

Raspberries, grated with sugar, will turn out delicious and will not turn sour for a long time, if you know a few secrets of its preparation.

  • It is best to pick raspberries in the afternoon, in sunny weather. Such a berry is the sweetest and healthiest.
  • Grind raspberries collected should be on the same day when they are collected, best of all - immediately after collection. The fact is that raspberries sour quickly.
  • Before making “cold jam”, raspberries should be poured with slightly salted water (one or two teaspoons of salt per liter is enough) and left for a quarter of an hour. During this time, all the bugs will pop up, and the raspberries will only have to be washed and sorted out to prevent spoiled berries from getting into the workpiece.
  • The washed berry should be allowed to dry - getting into the water preparation will reduce its shelf life.
  • Ready “cold jam” must be laid out in absolutely clean, sterilized jars, closed with the same lids. They can be polyethylene - such covers should be boiled for 5 minutes.

You can choose any recipe, given that the preservation of the berry depends on the amount of sugar: the more it is, the longer the jam will be stored.

The classic recipe for raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Immerse the collected raspberries for a quarter of an hour in cool water, dissolving in it a little salt (10 g per liter).
  • Remove pop-up bugs, blades of grass.
  • Rinse the berry several times by dropping it in a colander into clean water.
  • Sort through the berry, removing the spoiled, cleansing of adhering leaves and all kinds of litter. Rinse again in the same way and let the water drain.
  • Fill the berry with sugar and mash it with a wooden pestle. If desired, you can use a blender, making sure that it is clean.
  • Leave the berry for a couple of hours so that the sugar melts and dissolves in the berry juice.
  • Sterilize small jars. This can be done in any way: steamed, in the oven or just boiling them.
  • When the jars are dry, spread raspberries grated with sugar on them, leaving a little space for creating a “sugar jam”.
  • Sprinkle raspberries with powdered sugar.
  • Close the jars with boiled lids. When the jars are warm, put them in the refrigerator, in which raspberries, mashed with sugar, should be stored.

The basement or unheated pantry can become the storage location of raspberries prepared according to this recipe, but in this case it will have to be eaten in 2 months. In the refrigerator, she calmly stand idle until the summer.

Tender raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Prepared raspberries, well washed and dried, pour sugar, mix.
  • Mash with a “crush” or grind in any other way.
  • Fold in 4 layers a large piece of gauze, put in it a berry mass. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang over enameled dishes for 10 hours.
  • Syrup, which is stacked through cheesecloth during this time, pour into small jars, which need to be sterilized shortly for this.

In fact, this is not even a berry, but a syrup - very tender and tasty. It can be given in small spoons to children as a medicine. It is suitable for making delicious drinks - just dilute with water.

Frozen raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries (fresh) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully sort and rinse raspberries, removing spoiled berries, insects, leaves and other garbage.
  • Grind the berry by crushing it with a stainless steel spoon or wooden pestle.
  • Mix with sugar and place in small, clean plastic containers.
  • Close with clean covers and place in the freezer.

In order for raspberries not to lose their beneficial properties, it must be defrosted gradually, without heating. The container with thawed berries can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. You can’t freeze it again. If you do not have time to eat - use to make desserts.

Jam from raspberries, grated with sugar without cooking

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 0.25 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the raspberries. Rinse a good berry.
  • Sprinkle raspberries with sugar and refrigerate for 4 hours. During this time, raspberries will give juice.
  • Grind raspberries with a spoon or “push”. You can use a blender. If you rub the berries with a wooden pestle through a sieve, then the jam from it will turn out as gentle as possible.
  • Pour gelatin with cool water, leave to swell for half an hour.
  • Put the gelatin in a water bath and, stirring, achieve its complete dissolution.
  • Pour gelatin into raspberry puree, stir well.
  • Sterilize small jars, spread jam on them, roll up.

Jam made from raspberries, mashed with sugar, is stored under the same conditions as “cold jam”, but its shelf life is shorter. However, it is much more difficult to resist eating it without waiting for winter. I must say that jam is just as healthy as fresh raspberries and sugar, since boiling berries is not required for its preparation.

The raspberry season is in full swing. It is time to think about raspberry harvesting for the winter. I prefer to harvest this tender and fragrant berry fresh without cooking. And you?

Fresh raspberries for the winter fresh - recipes without cooking

All methods of harvesting raspberries for the winter without cooking allow you to save the taste and benefits of this wonderful berry.

The first method of harvesting is raspberries with mashed sugar

About this simple and quick way to harvest fresh raspberries I have already described in detail here:. Such raw raspberry jam has established itself as an excellent home remedy for colds.

lyrical digression

A medical student was examined by a professor.

What will you do if you need the patient to sweat well? the professor asked.

I will give him a strong sweatshirt ...

For example?

Hot tea, raspberries, Linden blossom…

Well, what if it doesn't work?

Then I will resort to the help of volatile oils, ether ...

I will try mercury preparations.

And if there is still no action?

Then I will try to use salsaperel, saffron, ”the student answered and brushed large drops of sweat from his forehead.

And if this is not enough?

Then I will send the patient to be examined for you.

The following method of harvesting

Raspberry Freezing (Raspberry Freezing Recipe)

According to nutritionists, it is frozen raspberries that retain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Frozen raspberries are an excellent base for making fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, mousses and other all kinds of desserts.

After defrosting, raspberries can be consumed fresh. Fresh raspberries without sugar are related to capable products. This property of raspberries is due to the high content of antioxidants: quercetin, vitamin C, ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes carcinogens and slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Raspberry freezing at home

For freezing, whole, intact raspberry fruits should be selected. It is best if a minimum amount of time elapses between picking and freezing raspberries, thereby preserving the largest amount of nutrients in the berry.

If you are sure that your raspberries are clean, then it is better not to wash the raspberries before freezing, but simply sort out. If not, then I wrote about how to wash raspberries in the first way, to look at raw raspberry jam.

But you should always remember that we subject to freezing only absolutely dry raspberry fruits. Then put the prepared raspberry fruits in one layer on a flat surface. A tray or cutting board is suitable. Place the tray in the freezer. A very important point is the temperature regime! The temperature in the freezer should be no higher than minus 18 degrees (freeze a day) or, if there is a freezing mode in the refrigerator, then simply turn on this mode. Thanks to this method of freezing, raspberry fruits are frozen evenly and very quickly, preserving to the maximum their taste and nutritional value.

When the raspberries are frozen, put them in containers or strong food bags or in freeze bags. Such frozen raspberries will be stored all year in your freezer and will not lose their taste and healing properties. Here are two ways I can use fresh raspberries for the winter. And what methods do you know to keep raspberries fresh. Share your recipes in the comments.