Red pepper: the benefits and harms of ground and fresh produce. Ground red pepper

09.10.2019 Beverages

Many people like to season a dish with something sharp. Even familiar foods start to sound different if you add red pepper to them. Like any plant product, it does not burden the body with chemical elements. Although the benefits of red pepper are not always clear.

Spice composition

Ground red pepper, familiar to everyone, is obtained from the dried fruits of a solanaceous plant. The main variants of its name are considered the words:

  • red;
  • kenyan;
  • acute;
  • chilli;
  • burning.

To get a quality product, the plant pods must be dried in natural conditions. If moisture remains, then when grinding, the powder will not possess the necessary qualities and may deteriorate.

The composition of red pepper distinguishes:

  • essential oils;
  • capsaicin alkaloids;
  • vitamins (B 1, B 2, C, P);
  • wax;
  • natural dyes.

What diseases and ailments does the spice cope with?

The benefits and harms of red pepper in Russia have been known since the 16th century. The body, which received a certain amount of this product, then gives a signal about the need to accelerate various internal processes. If you periodically add ground pepper to your food, you can count on the following results:

  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • increased immunity;
  • a feeling of hunger is created, which can be used for people experiencing food apathy during stress;
  • the pancreas is activated;
  • food products are better absorbed, because certain enzymes begin to be produced in the stomach;
  • vessels are cleared, and their elasticity increases;
  • the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced;
  • working capacity increases.

There are studies indicating a positive effect of spice on the organs of vision.

In medical practice, pepper itself or its inclusion in other drugs for external use is actively used. After all, a vegetable is able to enhance local blood flow, warm the body, which allows you to fight:

  • joint diseases;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • upper respiratory tract problems and regular cough;
  • gout and rheumatism, etc.

In hot countries, a pod is used in everyday life, so that mushrooms do not start on the surfaces of furniture or walls.

In order for the effect to be stronger, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the pepper. It should be saturated red or red-orange. It is good if the pods are ground together with the seeds. There are much more vitamins and active substances in such a product.

Lose weight with red pepper

Accelerating the metabolism in general or locally is very important in the fight against excess weight. Therefore, nutritionists and cosmetologists include red ground pepper in their programs to get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

The following options are found:

  • adding pepper to drinks;
  • inclusion of seasoning in hot and cold dishes (additives are widespread in soups, side dishes or salads);
  • making desserts with spicy vegetables;
  • adding crushed pods to creams or body oils to increase blood flow and provide fat burning.

Those who will use ground red pepper in the process of losing weight, it is important to know that its amount in the diet should not be large. Otherwise, you can burn the mucous membranes.

How can spicy spice hurt?

If you overdo it with the amount of pepper consumed, then instead of the therapeutic effect, you can provoke new diseases.

  • The most common problem is the burning of the gastric mucosa, which subsequently leads to ulcers.
  • Can not exclude the provocation of the development of cancer, so the use of spices should be reasonable and careful.
  • If you already have such diagnoses as gastritis, ulcer, inflammation of the duodenum 12, then you should not use ground pepper.
  • The first signs that the use of spices is not good is heartburn, increased gas, pain in the stomach.
  • Thin skin can get burns from ointment, patch or. If it starts to burn unbearably, and the redness has become very strong, it is worth stopping their use.
  • The ability of a plant to increase blood pressure will not benefit those who have similar problems.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply funds with pepper to areas of the skin where there are open wounds.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not include ground red pepper in their diet. It changes the taste of milk and can cause gestosis, which will lead to premature termination of pregnancy or premature birth.

I must say that for residents of Asian countries or the Caucasus, such recommendations are not very relevant. Their body is so used to hot seasonings that it does not react negatively to spices even in a weakened state.

How to apply, so as not to harm?

The easiest way to make red pepper harmless is to set its daily rate. As such, it is customary to take no more than 5 g per day.

If you want to change the taste of the dish, then you can act like this:

  • place the red pepper pod in the dishes where the dish is being prepared;
  • hold it for 5-7 minutes;
  • take out the pod and mix the contents.

To speed up the metabolism in a gentle mode, you can use this recipe:

  • 20 g of pharmacy chamomile flowers pour 100 ml of hot water;
  • add half a teaspoon of red pepper to the resulting broth;
  • mix thoroughly and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Use the resulting mixture after straining. Half a glass of funds is used on an empty stomach for a month. The course, if necessary, is repeated when 2-3 months pass. Instead of chamomile, you can use calendula or rose hips. Their number should be 30–40 g.

The unique properties of the southern plant allow you to find different ways to use it, using for the benefit of a positive therapeutic and cosmetic effect. If you act carefully, there will be no negative consequences.

Peppers are not as simple as they seem! For example - . This spice is constantly on our table, and we no longer notice it. Meanwhile, it has its own story.

The history of red pepper

Made from bitter hot pepper, red pepper can be very different. Because there are a lot of varieties of this very hot pepper: it may not be a very sharp fruit, but it may be so burning that irritation instantly appears on the skin from a single touch.

The homeland of red hot pepper is considered the tropic zone of America. In Peruvian burials, for example, this spice is present as a mandatory element of the burial ritual. This means that the Indians considered pepper a sacred plant and thought that in the next world you can’t do without it. It still grows in these tropical forests in the wild.

Be that as it may, in our life we \u200b\u200bare without ground red pepper   just do not dispense, seasoning them with various dishes. No meat dish without pepper can not be imagined! You can also recall pepper patch, which helps so well with colds and other diseases. Or toothpaste with added ground red pepperwhich helps to heal gums.

Red hot pepper came to Russia in the 16th century. And like any spice, it was valued very highly - only the most wealthy people could eat it. Now it is grown and exported by many countries with a hot climate: India, countries of East Asia, as well as Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan. In Russia, red pepper is grown in the Krasnodar Territory and in the lower Volga region. Experts say that the best varieties of red pepper grow in Southeast Asia, Indochina and Vietnam, because it is in these places that the climate is suitable and there is a lot of sun in order to properly dry and process the pods into spice.

Red pepper is obtained from dried ripe fruits (pods) of the genus Capsicum. It belongs to the nightshade family and can be called by different names: red, cayenne, spicy, chili, pungent. The process of processing the pods into spice is very simple: the fruits are dried in the sun until the moisture is completely destroyed, when the fruits become completely wrinkled. Then they are ground into powder - the spice is ready. Everything that nature has planted in this plant comes to our table.

Breeders are breeding new varieties of red pepper, satisfying the needs of the food industry and simple housewives. So, for example, the well-known paprika is a spice from the softest varieties of red pepper, and chili from the most hot. Common to these seasonings is a peculiar taste that cannot be confused with any other. It is this taste that is appreciated by connoisseurs of spices.

Capsaicin alkaloid gives pungency and pungency to red pepper, it gets red due to carotene, and vitamins make it useful, and. Mineral substances, protein, sugar and essential oils are also present in small quantities in pepper - therefore, the pod of red pepper has a mild odor.

The benefits and harms of ground red pepper

The best pepper is the one that was ground together with the seeds, because it contains more nutrients than the fruit itself. This spice has a more intense taste, which persists during prolonged storage, as well as a more natural color. By the way, the real one should have an intense red or red-orange color.

The effect of red pepper on the human body is as follows: it helps to stimulate appetite, which leads to stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, better digestion of food. It also improves the functioning of the pancreas, prompting it to produce enzymes necessary for the work of the stomach.

Known beneficial ground red pepper for blood circulation. Ayurveda experts say that it warms up the blood, thereby helping to cleanse the vessels and increase their elasticity. Therefore, you can hear that pepper is good for the heart. Carotenoids contained in spices help improve vision. But since we consume pepper only as a seasoning, we cannot speak of a strong effect on vision.

Pepper is used externally for various joint diseases in the form of compresses and pepper plasters to get rid of cough and other bronchopulmonary diseases. It is used for rheumatism and arthritis as a warming agent.

For all this, it is contraindicated for people with pronounced diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or during exacerbations of these diseases. There are also cases of allergies to certain varieties of pepper or spices with its addition.

Using Red Ground Peppers

Some nutritionists believe that red pepper can be used for weight loss. For example, if you add a little of this spice to the daily portion of kefir, the result will not be long in coming. Apparently, this action is due to the ability of pepper to accelerate all processes in the body - including the metabolic process, which gives such an effect. Therefore, with a healthy stomach there will be no harm, one good.

And one more recipe for vitality: make yourself coffee, add cinnamon and red pepper on the tip of the knife. The taste is simply delicious - unusual, spicy. And so invigorates how! Involuntarily after such a drink I want to run, which means - to burn extra calories.

Fans of spicy advice - put the pods of red pepper in the dishes while cooking for a few minutes, and then remove. A familiar dish will take on a completely different shade. Just do not experiment with too sharp varieties - you can ruin the dinner.

How to cook red ground pepper

If you like everything fresh and natural - cook it yourself. To do this, just grind the dried pod on a coffee grinder. So you can have a freshly prepared natural seasoning at home all winter, of which you are absolutely sure. Maybe then you will be able to understand the difference between purchased and homemade spice. Of course, if you observe the storage conditions: the dishes should be tightly closed.

Regarding the consumption rate ground red pepper   - it all depends on the preferences and health status of the person who chooses pepper as a seasoning. If the quality of pepper is determined mainly by the organoleptic method, then the consumption rate is determined empirically.

The role of this burning seasoning on our table is hard to overestimate. At the same time, hot red pepper contains alkaloids, which can bring not only benefits, but also harm to our body.

As you know, in South American cuisines it is used in the production of meat dishes and soups. Among our fellow citizens there are also many who want to give their food more pungency of taste.

It is generally accepted that hot red pepper affects not only the general tone of the body, but also improves the sharpness of the mind. In India, they say that in the context of a lack of food and a limited diet, their population would decline much without this product. Therefore, we will try to figure out what is the main benefit and the main possible harm from eating pepper.

First of all, this is a beneficial effect on the stomach and digestion processes in general. Sweet bell pepper is not such a reliable assistant in the digestion of heavy foods, like its red counterpart.

Thus, a person enjoys harmful and fatty foods without fear of digestibility by the digestive system. Similarly, the situation with excess calories, since burning pepper, fresh and ground, reduce their number by half.

What is more - benefit or harm

At the same time, red pepper can harm those people who suffer from high acidity of the stomach, diseases of the liver, intestines, peptic ulcers, gastritis and diabetes. In these cases, a feeling of heaviness may develop in the stomach, and digestion will be much harder. Irritation of the gastric mucosa and deterioration of well-being may occur, and hot pepper will be the fault.

However, experts have repeatedly proved the benefits of red pepper for the intestines. If you do not have diseases of the stomach, then it will be much more comfortable and effective to cope with the digestion of food in combination with this seasoning. This is due to the fact that the intestine is the focus of a large number of bacteria, with which ground red pepper fights. To successfully deal with them, one should observe not only the principles of nutrition, but also physical activity and daily routine.

It is necessary to ensure that the intestines work fully, without constipation, disorders and colic. You can help yourself in this situation by simply eating a small piece of meat seasoned with pepper. Even if you are not an admirer of meat products, then use hot ground pepper to prepare side dishes, especially vegetable ones.

Key useful features

In addition to digestion, this does not end the benefits of red pepper for the human body.

Among other properties, the following can be distinguished:

  • blood saturation and participation in blood-forming processes;
  • direct effect on the quality and growth of hair, as well as the health of nails;
  • the participation of red pepper in metabolic processes as a low-calorie product;
  • restoration of potency in men and treatment of sexual disorders.

Yes, now any woman can make a romantic evening memorable by preparing a dish for dinner, in which spicy Bulgarian pepper is added. The benefits of taking such a product in food may apply not only to men, but also to women.

It is believed that ground product contributes to the normalization of an irregular menstrual cycle. This is due to the emotional fatigue and stresses of modern life. In such cases, in order to restore the ovaries, it is recommended to add sweet or hot pepper to your diet.

After a week of use, you can notice positive changes at the emotional and physical level. Ground or sweet bell pepper is capable of accelerating the onset of menstruation with prolonged use.

The role of pepper in modern cuisine and traditional medicine

A sharp product effectively promotes healthy hair growth, nourishes nails and hair roots. For this reason, hot peppers are part of many traditional medicine drugs. It is recommended for those patients who complain of weak nail plates or brittle hair.

Despite everything said, bell pepper just plays the role of one of the seasonings in the kitchen. Yes, on the one hand, it gives spice to the taste of marinades, fatty rich soups and meat dishes, but after all, it has long been known how red bell pepper is able to defeat the harm that many ailments do to us.

After all, it strengthens the immune system and helps in the fight against viral diseases, for example, tonsillitis or flu. It is noted that ground spicy product improves well-being and blood circulation in bronchial asthma. The benefits of red pepper have been proven for those patients who struggle with their excess weight.

Metabolism in the body is accelerated by the rapid breakdown of fat cells. It should be added that hot Bulgarian red pepper helps us remove toxins and poisons accumulated in the colon. This Bulgarian vegetable owes its savory taste to a unique substance - capsaicin. The more this substance includes red pepper, the more hot and sharp it will be.

As for other substances, the benefits of which will be unambiguous for the body, a huge amount of vitamin C is hidden in this seasoning. In addition, it is rich in magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Sweet red pepper contains carotenoids, capsorubin and fatty oils. And this despite the fact that the calorie content of this product is only 40 kilocalories.

Cooking Home Tincture

The harm from overweight, which is known to everyone, can be overcome by regular intake of tincture. To prepare it, you need a little red pepper, alcohol or vodka. Do not use a ground product to prepare the product, so as not to harm your heart.

Grind the red pepper into small pieces and pour 5 parts of vodka or medical alcohol. Key differences will be as follows: if the tincture is prepared on a stronger alcohol, then it should be kept for 7 days. In the case of vodka, it will take up to 3 weeks.

To gradually eliminate the harm from extra pounds with red pepper, take the tincture three times a day half an hour before meals. Include sweet and bitter peppers in your daily diet and as an independent snack. It is clear that eating it in its pure form is quite difficult, so it is recommended to use it chopped, as a seasoning for various dishes.

Do you know what the benefits and harms of red pepper are? Do not know? Then we will tell you about its features in our article. Even if you still did not like this seasoning, it is quite possible that you will have such a desire, so we advise you to treat the information with due attention.

Capsicum can be called spicy, chili, red, bitter. In general, bitter chili may not always be red, because the sharpness of the pepper depends, inter alia, on maturity and variety.

Red chili peppers have been eaten for hundreds of years by American Indians. It should be noted that he gained distribution in Europe thanks to the Columbus expedition. The name of the chili does not indicate the severity of the pepper. The presence of capsaicin in the fetus, which is measured by the Scovilla scale, is responsible for this indicator. The most bitter parts of pepper are the placenta - the inner septum, as well as seeds, which are often pollinated by the caustic substance located on the placenta. In order to preserve chili peppers and remove their sharpness, the septum and seeds should be removed. Due to this simple manipulation, bitterness and pungency will decrease, but of course it will not disappear completely.

Capsaicins, the burning components of chili pepper, enter the receptors of the mucosa, which in turn transmits a signal to the brain. During this reaction, the human pulse becomes more frequent, perspiration intensifies, and endorphins are produced. According to scientists, the benefits of red pepper are obvious in winter - due to its activity, chili can overcome melancholy, sadness, depression and bad mood.

Fans of red pepper noticed that its addition to food is addictive. In addition, each time the sharpness is felt less, which is why you want more pepper. Consequently, peppers can be addictive.

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of chili peppers, we want to point out the caution in taking it first. Although it has not been fully clarified by scientists, there are already suspicions that the use of chili peppers in large quantities can provoke cancer of the stomach, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefit of chili peppers is that, according to scientists, it can eliminate certain types of cancer cells, as well as optimize blood sugar. Hot red pepper cannot be recommended for people with insulin-dependent diabetes. Chile lowers cholesterol. Red acute before received widespread in pharmacology.

But what about minerals and vitamins? In hot pepper, this determines the color and variety of the fruit. Red before contains thiamine, carotene, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin C, manganese, copper, magnesium and other minerals and vitamins.

Surely this spice decorates your table, but you still have not wondered: why it? It is time to get the answers to your questions and find out: where is the good and where is the harm.

  • Ground red pepper with seeds will be the best seasoning.   This is due to the presence in the seeds of nutrients and nutrients. In fact, in the seeds of these useful substances more than in the whole fruit. The taste of this pepper is more intense and not weakening even after long storage, and the color of the seasoning is natural, that is, red-orange or saturated red.
  • Red ground pepper stimulates a person's appetitetherefore they can season some dishes and appetizers served as an appetizer. Ground pepper stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and, therefore, contributes to the accelerated digestion of food. The activity of the pancreas improves, which pepper motivates to produce enzymes necessary for the activity of the stomach.
  • Ground red pepper has an excellent effect on the blood circulation.   Seasoning perfectly heats the blood, which allows the vessels to cleanse and increase their elasticity and benefit the heart. Due to the carotenoids contained in the seeds of pepper, vision improves, albeit slightly.
  • Ground pepper also benefits in the presence of joint diseases.   In this case, pepper is applied externally, in the form of compresses, special pepper plasters. Chopped red pepper will allow you to overcome diseases of the lungs and bronchi, get rid of cough, overcome rheumatism.

Despite its benefits, ground pepper will bring obvious harm to people with severe disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Certain units of people have an allergic reaction to certain varieties of pepper.

If you want to charge yourself with optimism and energy, do it in the morning, making fresh coffee with the addition of cinnamon. Gently bring red pepper to the tip of the knife. Spicy taste combined with good coffee will give vitality and allow the body to wake up!

If you are a fan of all natural, then ground red pepper do not be too lazy to cook yourself. To do this, dry the pepper, and then grind it in a coffee grinder. You will definitely notice that the difference between the purchased spice and the independently cooked seasoning is present. So that the seasoning is stored all winter and does not lose its useful properties, put it in a tightly closed container.

Red hot pepper due to the presence in its composition of a certain alkaloid, is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

In Mexico, hot peppers are regularly used in cooking meat and vegetables. Mexicans have good health in many respects not only due to the climate, but also due to the use of spicy dishes, and, consequently, eating red hot pepper. Residents themselves say that pepper makes thoughts clearer, and the mind is brighter. Residents of India and Thailand believe that they look great due to this seasoning.

As we said earlier, pepper has a positive effect on the stomach, which means it speeds up the process of digesting food and cleansing the body. If you season even a heavy meal with hot pepper, you will not feel heaviness in the stomach and any subsequent problems. Pepper allows you to make dishes easier and healthier by reducing the number of harmful compounds, carbohydrates, and fats in it. Girls should keep in mind that hot red pepper reduces the number of calories by half.

If we talk about the intestines, then the benefits of hot pepper are also obvious. In the human intestines there are many different bacteria that should be disposed of so as not to harm yourself. This should be done every day, and in order to improve the process, it is necessary to pay attention not only to physical potential and activity, daily routine, but also to nutrition, which should be seasoned with pepper. With the addition of hot pepper to your food you will lose frequent constipation, urges and colic.

Burning in front of perfectly copes with the task of protecting blood clots. A small piece of hot pepper allows you to saturate the blood with useful elements and improve the metabolic processes of the whole organism.

Among other things, pepper is a good diuretic and hematopoietic. Few women know, but they can solve their gynecological problems with pepper. For example, with an irregular menstrual cycle, to restore the function of the ovaries, hot pepper should be added to the food. You will see the first results in a week. However, it should be noted that directly during the menstrual cycle, pepper will not bring any benefit, and in general it is better to refrain from this, since girls should not eat something salty, sharp and fat in such a period.

Even on the condition of hair, nails and skin, you can see the benefits of hot pepper. It stimulates hair growth, strengthens the roots, improves the health of nails, which is why they become strong and grow quickly.

To make pepper really useful for you, as we said earlier, do not use it for the following diseases and ailments:

  • with diabetes
  • with increased acidity of the stomach
  • in the presence of liver diseases
  • with ulcers, gastritis, intestinal diseases.

  Red pepper: the benefits of losing weight

Besides the fact that with the help of red pepper you can cure cough, bronchi, lungs, circulatory problems, it also allows you to fight obesity and overweight. Scientists have proven that increased appetite is reduced due to red pepper. At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that he arouses appetite, but if we are talking about people who eat a lot, then in their case pepper will help reduce appetite. This is not surprising, because it is hard to eat a lot of spicy food.

In addition to reducing appetite, pepper will reduce the time it takes to burn fat. Peppers owe this to the substance capsaicin, which is highly praised by nutritionists. Capsaicin destroys fats, stimulates the work of the whole body as a whole, since a lot of calories are needed to absorb red pepper.

  • To lose weight with red pepper, you can take a tincture of ground pepper inside at the rate of 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of pepper in a glass of boiling water. Mix should be insisted 10 minutes and consumed 3-4 times a day for a teaspoon, washed down with clean water. With this infusion, fats will quickly break down, and cravings for sweets will be noticeably reduced.
  • You can make a slightly different cocktail and get double benefits. With red pepper infusion and ginger roots you will strengthen your immunity and stop getting sick in inclement weather. The cocktail is prepared as follows. 3 tablespoons of ginger powder and 3 tablespoons of natural honey are mixed, a small, sliced \u200b\u200borange, lemon or a handful of mint leaves is added. The mix is \u200b\u200bpoured with boiled water in a volume of 1.3 liters and boiled for 15 minutes on low heat. Then the composition must be poured into a thermos and add 0.5 tablespoon of pepper. The cocktail is infused for 2 hours, and is drunk warm in 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • You can not be limited to just taking pepper inside, as well as make wraps that allow you to get rid of cellulite and extra pounds, give softness, elasticity and smoothness to the skin. Here is one of the wrap recipes.
  • Dilute 250 grams of cocoa powder in hot water, add 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper, mix. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin, cover with cling film, put on old clothes and lie under the covers. After 20 minutes, take a warm shower.

We believe that you are convinced that in moderate amounts and when consumed in the absence of contraindications, red pepper will be beneficial, not harmful. With red pepper, you can maintain the body in good shape, get a boost of energy in the morning and even get rid of extra pounds. Do not miss this opportunity!

People are divided into those who love sharper, and those who can’t stand the burning taste of red pepper. But those and others recognize that red pepper is not only a peculiar taste, but also a benefit to the body. Today, there are more than thirty types of red pepper, each of which is graduated on a special scale. There is even a unit for measuring the sharpness of pepper, which is called Scoville. It depends on the amount of capsaicin in the composition of pepper, this substance also gives a burning sharpness. Surprisingly, capsaicin does not dissolve in water, so there is no point in drinking liquid with pepper eaten. If you want to quickly get rid of a burning sensation, you just need to swallow alcohol, milk, sweet tea or rinse your mouth with oil. These substances absorb capsaicin well.

Capsaicin is a substance that irritates taste buds. But it is capsaicin that has bactericidal and irritating properties, in fact, it is a natural antibiotic. Various external medicines are made from pepper - lotions, plasters, rubbing, tinctures. The ability to irritate nerve endings and increase blood circulation in certain areas is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Today we’ll talk about the benefits of red pepper, its proper use and precautions.

Useful properties of red pepper

Pepper has not only a spicy and pungent taste. It contains choline, which plays an important role in maintaining the functioning of the liver, kidneys and brain. Also, almost every variety of red pepper has vitamins - A, C, E, PP, B2, B5, B6, K. Pepper is rich in minerals - selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, etc. Pepper contains more ascorbic acid than lemon. The seeds and veins of pepper differ in a special burning taste, so if you want to get rid of excessive burning, you need to consume the purified pulp of the product. In small quantities, pepper is very beneficial for the body.

Red pepper is a great appetite stimulant. It is certainly included in the appetizers, which are served before the main course.

  At the same time, pepper is also used in weight loss. Red pepper perfectly accelerates metabolic processes in the body, speeds up digestion. Even the simplest and fastest dishes will acquire new flavors with red pepper. Some ladies sit on mono-diets, which may be based on buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. So pepper and other spices allow you to diversify the taste of the product and change it beyond recognition.

Red pepper produces endorphin - a hormone of joy, no worse than chocolate products. It will help you quickly deal with stress.

Pepper has painkillers, so it is recommended to use it for headaches, toothaches or joint pain.

Red pepper perfectly enhances blood circulation, both with internal use and with external use. Regular consumption of red pepper is considered an excellent prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Red pepper, namely capsaicin, lowers blood pressure.

Hot red pepper is often used in the fight against excess weight also because it promotes active digestion. Often, national cuisines of the world use red pepper to lighten fatty and heavy meat dishes. If you have a plentiful dinner, spice it with red pepper and the stomach to cope with the work much faster. It's all about enzymes - capsaicin stimulates the production of special substances in the liver that accelerate the processes of fat metabolism.

Red pepper favorably affects the work of the intestines - it inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria, removes toxins and toxins from the body, strengthens perilstatics. Due to this, you can get rid of chronic constipation.

Red pepper is good for the female and male body. Peppers will help restore the regular menstrual cycle. Pepper is also very necessary for men - it improves potency, prevents premature ejaculation.

To get all of these beneficial properties, you just need to add red pepper to food, eat it much more often. If you want to systematize the medicinal effect of pepper, prepare alcohol tincture from it. To do this, chopped red pepper along with veins and seeds should be poured into a bottle and pour 90% alcohol. Leave in a dark and cool place for a week, periodically shaking the container. After the specified time, the tincture should be filtered, store the resulting product in the refrigerator. This is a great tool for weight loss. Dissolve 20 drops of tincture in a glass of warm liquid, drink the composition three times a day half an hour before meals. This will allow you to get enough of a much smaller portion and digest food without depositing calories into fat.

Outdoor use of red pepper

Red pepper is very beneficial for the body when ingested. But a much greater effect can be achieved if you use tincture of red pepper externally - this will get rid of many medical diagnoses and cosmetic problems.

Tincture of red pepper helps with arthritis, radiculitis and rheumatism. It gently warms painful tissues, relieves inflammation, and restores mobility to the patient. Just lubricate the affected area with tincture of pepper, cover with a warm woolen scarf and go to bed. If there is no tincture at hand, in the pharmacy you can buy ready-made pepper plasters, which also effectively warm painful areas.

It is very useful to use tincture of red pepper in the fight against hair loss. Apply the composition to dirty hair so that the skin is protected by a natural fat layer. Treat each centimeter of scalp with alcohol tincture, wrap your hair in a bag and insulate with a towel. Remember that such a mask should not be applied to the hair if the scalp has wounds, cuts or abrasions from itching and dandruff. Do this procedure 2 times a week and after a month you will notice that the hair has stopped falling out, sleeping hair follicles have awakened, and many small hairs in the form of a soft gun began to appear along the edge of the hair. Red pepper will help you get rid of bald patches, bald spots and significantly increase the density of hair.

Red pepper is very effective in the first stages of frostbite. It gently irritates nerve endings, stimulates a rush of blood to frostbitten areas, and enhances blood circulation in tissues. Pepper is part of many pharmaceutical ointments for frostbite.

With a cold, you can simply inhale pepper with your nose to get rid of congestion. If the child is still very small and cannot blow his nose, just let him smell the pepper (from afar). This will help him freak out and get rid of stagnant mucus in his sinuses. It is necessary to clean the nose from snot before instilling a cold medicine, otherwise it simply will not reach the destination and will not work.

Another excellent use of pepper in cosmetology is its use in the fight against cellulite. Pepper is applied to the affected skin of the thighs and buttocks, rubbed thoroughly and left for a while. Due to increased blood circulation in tissues with stagnant lymphoid fluid, metabolism is accelerated, the skin is gradually smoothed.

In addition, red pepper is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases. For example, in combination with henna, pepper effectively fights lichen. And if you mix red pepper with chickpea powder, soy flour and chicken lard, you will get an ointment that will help get rid of vitiligo. Pepper relieves itching with allergies.

Any product, and especially an aggressive one like red pepper, has a number of contraindications that you should be familiar with.

Red pepper can not be consumed with increased acidity of the stomach.

Spicy dishes are contraindicated in gastritis and ulcers.

Diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis - these diseases are contraindications for the use of spicy foods.
  Remember that externally you can use red pepper only if the skin does not have open wounds, abrasions and cuts. It is not recommended to use pepper in the fight against cellulite with varicose veins.

  With excessively thin and sensitive skin, external use of red pepper is also contraindicated.

Red pepper is contraindicated in people with kidney disease, especially during pregnancy, when the load on the kidneys is maximum.

In the hot season, pepper should be taken with caution, as it can cause additional edema.
  In addition, do not forget about an allergic reaction, which can occur individually.

Remember that you need to handle pepper very carefully. All manipulations on its cutting should be carried out strictly with gloves. After you touch the pepper, you can not rub your eyes, put on or remove contact lenses, touch the genitals. Otherwise, you can’t avoid a strong burning sensation. If pepper gets on the mucous membrane, wash it off with milk or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, ordinary water will not help. Pepper is a healthy pod that needs to be respected!

Video: the benefits and harms of red pepper