How to open champagne without cotton. How to open champagne without a corkscrew

09.10.2019 Beverages

Remember how in the movies about the hussars the latter opened bottles of champagne with a saber or set up whole foam fountains?

If you can do this operation with “Sovetskiy” today, then high-quality French sparkling wines are too tasty a drink to lose even a drop.

By the way, it is not only a professional waiter or bartender who can open champagne correctly - even fragile girls can do such a procedure. Agree, the ability to “open” a bottle without a stream of foam is not out of place at a bachelorette party. What secrets do you need to know?

First of all, remember that according to the rules of table etiquette, this alcohol must be opened without sound special effects: the desired sound is a slight hiss that comes from the neck.

The French argue that quality (and properly open!) Sparkling wine should whisper, not scream. And even more so - the guests in which you hit the cork or doused with a drink should not scream.

  • Before a feast or a romantic evening, do not be lazy cool the bottle. This is best done in the refrigerator - place the drink on the middle shelf. A cooler is also suitable - the so-called bucket for cooling wine. But it’s better not to put alcohol in the freezer - this will negatively affect its taste and “effervescence”. You can do this only in one case - if you want to know, at what temperature champagne freezes.
  • A drink cooled to 6-8 degrees can be opened. For this, the bottle is advised wrap with a towel  (so she won’t slip out of her hands) and tilt by 40-45 degrees.  It’s easier to control the movement of the plug when gas bubbles “push” it.
  • The next step is to remove the foil.  It is enough to pull the special “tongue” on the side, and it will be removed very easily. After that weaken the myuzle - the wire that holds the cork in place. It is wrapped six turns. The muselet is untwisted, but left on the cork, holding with the thumb.
  • Further the cork is firmly fixed with your palm, and the bottle is slightly rotated around its axis. You can do the opposite - hold the container and crank the cork, but in this case it is more difficult to avoid a shot.
  • Gradually removing the cork achieve a light "sigh" of the drink, after which it can be poured into glasses.
  • Etiquette rules prescribe fill glasses no more than two-thirds, and to do this not immediately, but in two passes.

How to open champagne without a shot

If you are going to enjoy an elite brand of alcohol, such as “cuvée”, to open it with a shot and other special effects is a real crime. It is more correct to use the already described classical method. Small tricks will help simplify the process.

  • To speed up the cooling of the wine, put it in champagne bucketfilled with a mixture of cold water and ice .   Add a tablespoon of salt to the water - and alcohol will reach the desired temperature in just half an hour.
  • Experts advise to abandon special wine coolers  - Although it is easier to achieve the required temperature in them, condensation forms on the glass surface of the container faster.
  • Before opening, check the “shelf life” of the drink: if it has expired, it will not work with a bewitching effect, and the taste will be completely different.
  • To protect yourself from trouble you can wrap with a towel not only the bottle itself, but also the neck with a cork. Make a kind of “pocket” at the neck of a towel or fabric napkin - leave a gap in the fabric. This will make it easier to control the process.
  • Carry the drink  from the fridge to the table very careful. Shaking or shaking will result in opening the champagne without a shot.
  • It is easier for the fair sex not to tilt the drink, but to keep it upright. It is best to open on a table or other hard surface. But for men, you can tilt the wine, resting the bottom of the bottle on its side, stomach or palm.
  • Do not point the neck towards people,  tableware, fragile items, or utensils. It is better to turn it away - even if the situation gets out of hand, it will not be dangerous for guests or valuables.
  • You can control the exit of the cork with your fingers  - Do not relax them until the drink is open.
  • If gas pressure is increasing rapidlyto the neck you can apply chilled  in advance a tablespoon. It will reduce the pressure - when cooling, the gas narrows.
  • When pouring wine, the thumb can be placed in the recess, which is on the bottom - so the procedure becomes more convenient.

How to open champagne if the cork does not come out

Sometimes the classical method fails. This may be due to the hypothermia of the wine, its not too high quality or the expiration date. Another reason is cooling in the freezer.

If you know — how to determine the real champagne — and have checked its shelf life, but cooled it correctly, there are several secrets that will help to discover sparkling wine.

  • Hold the neck under a stream of hot water. Usually three to four minutes are enough for carbon dioxide to move to the “exit”.
  • You can shake the wine - under the pressure of gas the bottle "opens" on its own. This method is only suitable if champagne is clogged with plastic.

How to open champagne if the cork is broken in half

Such a nuisance most often happens with cork plugs, but a break in the plastic “cap” is also possible. The first advice on how to open a bottle of champagne, if the cork is broken, concerns cortical products. An ordinary wine corkscrew will come to the rescue, which they carefully screw into a cork.

From time to time it is worthwhile to apply a chilled spoon: the gas pressure in the champagne can reach several atmospheres, and screwing the corkscrew further increases it, so the glass may not withstand it. Be sure to wrap the wine in a towel and firmly fix it in the palm of your hand. You need to advance the corkscrew slowly and very carefully.

Did you know?There are special devices that make it easier to open champagne. These are special corkscrew models similar to pliers. They can remove not only the cortical, but also the plastic cork. There are also corkscrews that “pull” the crusts or plastic - this is a convenient option for girls, which is suitable even when the integrity of the package is broken, and the first attempt to open failed.

As for the plastic “cap”, if it has broken, and there are no special tools at hand, there are only two options: carefully pick out the “blockage” or try to pull it out with thin pliers.

There is another way to open champagne without a corkscrew, which is called the hussar. It is best for him to use a saber or dagger, but if such a weapon is not at hand, a massive knife will do. Moreover, with a certain dexterity, you can even replace sharp-cutting objects with a spoon.

  • Chill the drink in the refrigerator, then wrap the bottle with a towel, tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal surface and tightly fix it in your hand.
  • Remove the foil and carefully unwind the muselet, holding the ringlet. Remove the wire.
  • Try on the place of impact - carefully examine the glass surface of the bottle, find two seams on it. Beat with a knife or saber along one of them.
  • Hit the back of a knife or saber on the lip - a protrusion on the neck. The blow should be strong enough - if the bottle doesn’t open the first time, the pressure inside will increase significantly, and the wine may splash or “fly out” with splashes when it is hit again.

This technology requires training and dexterity: if the glass breaks, fragments can get into the glass. You can “rehearse” with inexpensive sparkling wine or try to make — champagne at home — by training on it.

There are many ways to open a bottle of sparkling wine produced in Champagne, but this noble alcohol requires respect for yourself. In order not to lose a drop of a fragrant drink, it is worth learning the basic rules that are described above.

Champagne is an exquisite festive drink for real ladies. Drinking it is nice, but opening it is quite difficult and sometimes even dangerous. But if you know a few rules, then you can speed up and facilitate the process.


To open a bottle of champagne quickly and without consequences, you need to follow the basic rules of preparation:

  1. First of all, champagne should be cooled. Firstly, the drink will be much nicer to drink, and secondly, the amount of gas in it will be significantly reduced, so that the cork will not fly out of the neck at a frantic speed. The optimum temperature is 5-7 degrees Celsius. You can put the bottle in the refrigerator for an hour or in a bucket filled with ice.
  2. Since the bottle will be wet after cooling, it must be wrapped with a tissue before opening, this will prevent slipping and reduce the risk of the bottle slipping and falling.
  3. Take it easy. Yes, many are afraid to open champagne and take the bottle with shaking and poorly obeying hands. In this case, you definitely will not succeed. Either there is simply not enough strength, or the bottle will slip out and shatter.

What can not be done?

When opening champagne, the following actions must not be performed:

  • Shake the bottle. The amount of gas in this case can increase so much that under their pressure the cork will fly out of the neck, and the foamed drink will spill on you, as well as on people around you and objects nearby. But if your goal is a revealing opening with a fountain of champagne, then, on the contrary, shake the bottle.
  • Subcool the drink. It will simply lose its properties. The amount of gas will greatly decrease, and champagne will not “play” in the glass.
  • Open the bottle with a corkscrew, in which case it can scatter into small fragments and injure someone. The fact is that the gases contained in the drink will push out the cork, and you, by twisting the corkscrew, will exert pressure on the cork at the same time. Glass of such pressure may simply not stand it.
  • Point the neck of the bottle at people. A cork can fly out of the neck with a rather high speed, so if it gets into a person standing next to it, it may well cause harm to its health and cause injury.
  • Point the neck at fragile objects or electrical appliances, damage to which could result in personal injury.

Open a bottle of champagne

How can I open a bottle of champagne? There are several ways to do this.

Method one

This method is the simplest, most spectacular and at the same time very dangerous. It is suitable for opening in open space, for example, on the street. Algorithm of actions:

  1. First remove the foil and unwind the muselet (the so-called wire holding back the cork).
  2. Now grip the cork tightly so that it does not fly out ahead of time, and shake the bottle.
  3. Then release the cork and either wait for it to fly out on its own under the pressure of the beverage gases, or speed up the process and tap on the bottom of the bottle.
  4. Very soon, the cork will fly out of the neck with speed. Remember to point the neck at people or objects is dangerous.

Second way

This method is considered the safest. In this way, you can open champagne to a girl. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Grasp the bottle tightly and tilt it slightly. The optimum angle of inclination is 40-45 degrees. Why do this? The fact is that the pressure inside the bottle is quite significant and is two to three times higher than the pressure in the car tire. And if you hold the bottle straight, then the pressure will entirely fall on the neck and cork, so that the latter will fly out almost with a whistle. A slight slope will allow you to direct pressure on the shoulders of the bottle, that is, to the place where the neck begins. As a result, the cork should come out calmly and without a shot.
  2. Now remove the foil and the myusle and grip the cork tightly.
  3. Start slowly, but surely, to rotate the bottle (yes, it is it, not the cork).
  4. Gradually the cork will come out. If it will not give in, but try to loosen it from side to side and pull it out with effort. If the cork slips in your hands, wrap it with a cloth.

Third way

This method is the most dangerous and is more likely for the desperate and courageous. It involves the use of a knife (if you have a saber, then use it). Procedure:

  1. Tilt the bottle at an angle of 40-45 degrees. It is advisable to turn it side seam up to move the knife in its direction.
  2. Hold the bottle with one hand, the other with a knife. Point the neck to a safe place.
  3. Point the blade of the knife to the neck of the bottle. But experienced "discoverers" are advised to do otherwise by pointing the back of the blade toward the neck.
  4. Now, with a sharp and confident movement, hit the edge of the neck. It with the cork should fly out. If the bottle could not be opened the first time, try again.

Some useful tips that will allow you to open a bottle of champagne correctly and without damage and injuries:

  • Cool the drink gradually, because if it is cooled quickly (if placed in the freezer), it may run out of steam.
  • If you are afraid not to hold the bottle and drop it, then use a support, for example, a floor or a table.
  • Do not hurry. Remember the famous saying.

Open the champagne in accordance with the rules to enjoy the drink and avoid injuries.

Even if you have never opened a drink in your life, it's okay to do so. The main thing is to be confident in your actions and not be afraid, then you will open the bottle without any difficulties. The method is universal and is suitable for opening bottles with wooden and plastic corks. Follow these steps:

  • put champagne in the fridge for 1-2 hours. When the bottle becomes cold, pull it out and place it on the table;
  • remove the metal wire, hold the cork with your fingers, but do not push, nothing will happen to it;
  • put one palm on the base of the cork so that you can hold it, and put the other hand in the neck of the bottle. Turn the cork smoothly;
  • after a while, the cork will succumb and exit the hole. Do not immediately remove your palm, wait for excess gas to come out of the bottle.

Pour the drink into the glasses and treat the guests. It is advisable to keep a towel ready if champagne spills a little.


If your palms are sweating, or you are worried, you should not open the bottle with your bare hands, otherwise the cork will scroll.


If you bought a bottle with a wooden or cork stopper, you can use a corkscrew to open it. To begin with, use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the cork. Then slowly insert the corkscrew into the cork. When the spiral enters to the very end of the cork, gently pull it out of the neck. There will be no characteristic cotton in this case, but the method is completely safe and suitable for those who are afraid to open the sparkling wine.

No cotton

Alcohol can even be opened without cotton and is very easy to do. In this case, there is no difference which cork is in the bottle: plastic or cortex. First, cool the bottle well, for example, put it in an ice bucket or put it in the freezer for literally 10-20 minutes. Prepare a clean kitchen towel. Take the bottle in your hands and tilt it down a little. The neck should be directed to the side. Cover your head with a towel, grab the cork with your hands and turn the bottle until the cork comes out. Hold the cork when it starts to come out of the neck, there will be no cotton.

With cotton

Want to effectively open a sparkling drink in front of guests? Then use this method. Tilt the cooled bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the wire from the neck. Hold the cork with your fingers and rotate the bottle. When you feel that the cork is already popping out, slightly loosen the grip of your fingers to make a pop. Do not remove your hands completely, otherwise the cork may fly out, and champagne will quickly spill across the floor. When the cork fires, immediately put the glasses under your throat and fill them.

With shots

For the most daring, a way to open alcohol with shots is suitable. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise control over the situation will be lost. Take a chilled bottle, shake it a little. Tilt the bottle, be sure to check that the neck is not aimed at guests or fragile objects. Start turning the cork with your thumb and forefinger. As soon as she succumbs, remove your hands, and the cork itself will shoot. To effectively open champagne with two shots, you need to gain experience, it does not always come out the first time.


If the cork does not come out, then champagne has been re-cooled. Keep the drink a little warm to increase the pressure inside the bottle.

If the cork breaks

You started to open champagne, but accidentally broke the cork? There is nothing wrong with that; you can open champagne without cork using a self-tapping screw. Screw a long self-tapping screw into the remains of the cork with pliers. As soon as the self-tapping screw is inserted all the way, clamp the pliers and sharply pull out the self-tapping screw. It will come out with a cork. Hold the bottle tight so that it does not break.

If you do not have self-tapping screws at home, then there is only one way out - to get the crumbled cork in parts. You can take small pliers or spikes and take it out in small pieces. It is possible that some of the pieces will fall into the drink, so try to get the crumbled cork in large pieces.


If the cork on the bottle is already deformed, or you want to shine in front of the guests, you can open a bottle of sparkling hussars for them. This method received an unusual name because of the method of discovery, the French hussars opened a bottle of sabers 200 years ago. Another name for this opening method is sabrazh. Therefore, prepare in advance: find a cold gun or take a large knife. Be careful, since the method is quite traumatic. Follow the instructions below:

  • take a bottle of chilled drink in your left hand. If you are left-handed, then take the bottle to the right;
  • tilt the bottle slightly so that the angle of inclination is 45-50 degrees;
  • pay attention to the places on the bottle where the side seams are located. You need to strike directly at them;
  • take a saber or knife in your right hand. The blade should face up;
  • sharply strike with the blunt side of the blade over the neck in a place just below the location of the cork.
  • let about 1/6 of the drink come out, it may contain splinters.

Pour the drink into glasses, but make sure that there are no fragments inside. It is very difficult to open the hussar's champagne the first time, it is possible that the attempt will be unsuccessful, and you will only spoil the drink in vain. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to open alcohol in any of the ways described above.

On a note!

Before opening the bottle, wipe it dry with a towel so that it does not slip.

A glass

Surely you do not know that you can open sparkling wine with a glass glass. Be sure to try such an interesting method, especially if you are in a large company, relax in nature. You will need a glass with a plump leg, preferably made of thick glass. Remove the gold and wire from the bottle, tilt it on its side, and point the neck to the opposite side. Locate the side faces on the bottle and place it so that one of the faces is at the top. Place the glass on top of the bottle, take aim and hit the cork stopper sharply with the stem of the glass to make it fly out. It turns out very beautifully, while the neck remains intact, and there are no fragments in champagne.


Another effective method to open champagne is with a lighter. Take the lighter and turn it with the blunt side up. Find the side faces on the bottle, tilt it and strike the stopper with the blunt side of the lighter so that it flies out. Do not rush to substitute the glasses for filling, wait until a little foam comes out, then pour the sparkling drink and enjoy the taste.

How to open champagne to a girl

Any, even inexperienced girl can easily open champagne, it is absolutely not difficult. Overcome your fear and go to the process. Put the bottle on the table, wipe it from drops of water. You yourself can sit down, it will be more convenient. Grasp the bottle body with your right hand, hold the cork with your left. Rotate the housing and leave the cork still. After a couple of rotations, the cork itself will begin to come out, in no case do not remove your hand, but restrain it. Soon the cork will come out, and you pour champagne into the glasses.

How much open champagne is stored

After the festive evening, often already open bottles of sparkling wine remain. Do not write them off, because even open champagne can be stored. Take an old cork from a sparkling drink and insert it into the neck. Often a cork fits in the neck with great difficulty, so take a knife and cut its edges so that its tip becomes pointed. Now insert the cork into the neck, now it will come in easily. If you have already thrown the cork, take a couple of paper napkins, fold them in a tube and insert them into your throat. If there is no tightness in the bottle, all the bubbles will come out and the drink will not be so tasty and sweet.

Put champagne in a cool place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees. It can be a refrigerator, a balcony, a cellar. Store open champagne under such conditions can be no more than a day. If you accidentally left an open bottle on the table and forgot about it, then the drink has already lost its taste and is not suitable for consumption.

To make the taste of champagne a pleasure, and to open the bottle was easy, follow these tips. You can remember them quickly:

  • when uncorking a drink, try to make the cork exit sound as quiet as possible, as this is considered a sign of skill;
  • the hostess or the owner of the house should fill the guests with glasses with a drink. The bottle can not be passed from hand to hand, this is considered a sign of bad taste;
  • when filling glasses, fill only 2/3 of the total volume, since with a larger dose it is possible to pour the drink;
  • after bottling add a couple of ice cubes to the drink this will help remove the bubbles and cool the alcohol;
  • if you celebrate a celebration in a large company, then always pour the bottle to the very end. The content is enough for 6-8 glasses;
  • hold the glass with the drink by the leg, and not by the cup itself. Alcohol will not heat up from the heat of the hands.

Serve various snacks to chilled champagne: tartlets, canapes, cold cuts. Fruit slices, desserts, and even ice cream go well with the drink. To prevent the champagne from heating up during the feast, buy a bucket on the table in advance and put ice in it. Ice should be put only half the volume. Do not forget to prepare a dry towel to wipe the bottle from water before each spill.


Instead of ice for glasses, use frozen strawberries. Then the drink will be brighter.

All the tips and opening methods will help you organize the celebration at the highest level. Guests will be satisfied with a warm welcome, and you will love sparkling even more, because it is so pleasant and tasty.

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Despite the incredible popularity of sparkling wine, not everyone imagines how to open champagne correctly. But for men, such knowledge is simply vital, because it is on their shoulders that the responsibility for opening the treasured bottle most often lies. And it is especially important to know what to do in a difficult situation, when it is impossible to get rid of the cork in the usual way.

How to open champagne?

According to the rules of etiquette, sparkling wine should not make any sounds when opened, and deafening cotton with subsequent spectacular cork flying out is generally considered bad manners. Therefore, a real man needs to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open champagne without cotton. If we are talking about plastic cork, then we must follow a clear algorithm.

  1. The drink must be cooled, otherwise it will not be possible to open it silently in any case. To do this, you can use a special ice bucket or just put the bottle in the refrigerator for half an hour. The optimum temperature for serving champagne is 6-8 degrees.
  2. After you take the bottle in your hands, it should be positioned correctly - tilt about 40 degrees. This is necessary to minimize the level of pressure on the walls - in this position, the greatest load will be exactly at the place where the neck begins, and under the influence of gases the cork will come out by itself. In addition, just in case, champagne should be turned away from breaking objects and people.
  3. Now you need to remove the protection from the cork - wire braid and foil.
  4. Next, the cork needs to be tightly clasped by hand, and the second to take the bottle and begin to rotate it in one direction, loosening the cork. As soon as you feel it coming out, tilt the champagne a little more and carefully remove the cork completely. All that remains to be done is to pour the wine into the glasses.

How to open champagne with a wooden cork?

If champagne is corked with a wooden cork, then you need to act differently - you need a corkscrew. You can use a special device designed to open sparkling wines or use the most common corkscrew, but always with a pointed and thin spiral. A thick corkscrew is not good here.

At the cork stopper, the upper part is cut off with a sharp knife, and then with the help of a corkscrew, the lower half is carefully removed from the neck. The same should be done if the wooden cork is accidentally broken.

How to open champagne without a corkscrew?

However, a corkscrew, although it is a popular tool, is far from always at hand in an emergency. And therefore, a problem often arises, how to open champagne, if the cork is broken, there is no corkscrew. In this case, you can use a variety of improvised tools.

  1. Take a long screw and pliers. Carefully screw the screw into the cork using pliers, leaving about a third of the legs with the cap on the surface. Now grab the screw with a pair of pliers to gently pull, removing the plug.
  2. If you have a pocket knife, then you can bring it to business. Carefully insert the blade between the cork and the neck of the bottle, press slowly while holding the bottle with your hand. Move the blade, then try to stick it into the cork. Now pull it until it comes out of the bottle, grab it more comfortably with your fingers and remove it.
  3. When you do not know how to open champagne, if it does not open, then ordinary thick wire can help. Bend the end of it, making a hook, and carefully push it into the cork, making a hole through it. Now turn slightly so that the hook sticks well into the wood, and slowly pull until the cork comes out of the neck.

Champagne has long entered our lives as an attribute of a holiday, fun, celebration. But all this can easily spoil the inability to open a bottle of champagne.

And it’s not a shame when the girls at the bachelorette party look at each other with a dumb question: “Well, who will open it for us,” and then they endlessly torment the poor cork - after all, ladies are not supposed to open this drink on etiquette.

But when it comes to men, and even in a romantic or over-solemn atmosphere, such as an intimate date in evening dresses or on the boss’s birthday, you don’t want to face your face and fill your girlfriend’s new dress with a sparkling drink or break it the boss’s favorite chandelier. But can this happen? Yes, if you have no idea how to open champagne.

Therefore, you need to train. And before you start doing this, you should find out how to open champagne correctly without noise, without a shot, quietly and peacefully. In general, so that the champagne bottle does not become like a volcanic erupting lava. And if someone thinks that a cork shot is cool, we say right away - no, it's not cool. And not fun. And not on etiquette.

And in order to open the champagne of everything beautifully and spectacularly, it’s necessary ...

  1. Cool the bottle to 6-8 ° C by placing it in the refrigerator or a special ice bucket for two hours. This is necessary to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is formed upon opening. But in no case do not stuff the bottle into the freezer - this will thoroughly ruin its taste. As a little additional advice - make sure that the drink has not expired!
  2. Prepare a clean small towel or napkin in advance, as the bottle, when it is warm after cooling, is covered with perspiration (condensate) and can slip out of your hands. Wrap the drink with a tissue, covering the entire label. Do this carefully, without shaking, otherwise the cork will still fly out of the bottle with a bullet.
  3. Getting started, start with the foil and wire holding the cork. After removing them, tilt the bottle by 40-45 ° and focus its bottom on the table, for example. Point the neck to a safe place, at least to the wall, not to the side of the chandelier, family china or lady of the heart. And then you never know what ...

Now you are ready for the most important thing - tightly hold the cork and start rotating the bottle (not the cork!). Do not be an amateur - do not splatter champagne and loud cotton when removing the cork. Slow and finger-controlled extraction will only prolong anticipation. Slowly relax your fingers, holding the cork on every millimeter of its advancement.

If you feel that the gas pressure is now plugging, there is one interesting way to rectify the situation. To do this, you will need to cool an ordinary spoon in advance when cooling the drink. So, if you apply this very chilled spoon to the neck of the bottle, then the gas pressure level will immediately drop, and you can safely continue the opening.

  1. Having opened the bottle, continue - fill the glasses of guests or your lady in the same unhurried, bewitching rhythm. So you not only follow all the rules of etiquette, but also turn the process of opening and drinking champagne into a kind of ritual. By the way, according to the rules, champagne must be poured in two stages and filled no more than 2/3 glasses.

The ability to open champagne with a light pop (without splashing!) Will delight guests, for example, at a wedding or anniversary. But this will require even more dexterity from you than opening without cotton. Indeed, in this case, you will need to neglect one of the main rules and shake the bottle slightly. In this case, the increasing pressure will forcefully push the cork out of the neck, and your task is to first hold it, and then - deftly remove it without spilling liquid.

If you have already become a pro in opening sparkling wines, and guests do not want a traditional unhurried ceremony, but fun and “drive”, then practice opening the bottle in a slightly shocking, but exciting way - with a knife.

  1. As in the classic version, you will need to cool the champagne. In addition, get rid of the foil and unwind the wire (but do not remove), completely eliminating the retention of the cork by it. It is possible to leave foil and loose wire only in case of absolute self-confidence, that is, in the complete success of the “operation”.
  2. Choose the right knife. It should be very large, wide, and sharp enough.
  3. Tilt the champagne by 40-45 °, turning its neck away from people and valuables - neither you nor we need injuries and losses.
  4. Now choose one of the seams on the bottle that will open. Take the knife point to you and the blunt end to the neck. Swipe it several times on the selected seam, visually select a place to strike, and taking aim, apply a sharp and strong blow to this place. But do not hit directly perpendicular to the neck. The blow should be slightly sliding, as with planing. If it didn’t work the first time, hit it again and the neck will probably bounce. Make sure that part of the liquid spills out - it will wash away the smallest particles of glass from the "cut". Although this should happen by itself.

In general, there are practically no fragments when opening with a knife. But if you are worried about microscopic particles of glass, then after filling the glass with champagne, wait a few seconds, and even if something happens by chance in the glass, then everything will settle to the bottom. After draining the glass, leave a sip or two at the bottom, and you will protect yourself from eating glass.

This method of discovery is called "hussar" and looks, of course, spectacular. Initially, to open champagne by the Hussar method, it was intended to take not a knife, but a saber. But since now there is tension with sabers, a kitchen knife replaced them.

But even if you prefer the classical way of opening, we recommend that you still practice in the "hussar". He can come to the rescue if the cork breaks. Of course, in the case of a broken cork, a corkscrew, fork, etc. can also help you. But you can do without a corkscrew. Moreover, the hussar method is still more aesthetic, in addition, if a cork accidentally flies out under the influence of a corkscrew, it will not cause injury to you, and your lady and guests will not have to watch your picking in the neck of the bottle and take out pieces of the cork from the glass.

Having opened 2-3 bottles of champagne you may not become a “pro" yet, but after the 10th experience, it will take its toll and the business will move from the dead point.