How to brew green coffee. How to make green coffee

09.10.2019 Snacks

Green coffee for weight loss is a relative novelty in the Russian market of weight loss supplements. Its effect was proved by scientists in 2012, although it was almost immediately refuted, but numerous positive reviews about the product indicate that unroasted grains still help get rid of a certain amount of kilograms. In this article we will look at how to brew green coffee for weight loss so that you get rid of as much weight as possible in a short time. In addition, if at least once in your life you made regular coffee in a Turk or in a French press, it will not be difficult for you to follow the instructions.

How to make green coffee for weight loss

To prepare a cup of an invigorating drink, you will need a tablespoon of unroasted ones that need to be ground in a powerful coffee grinder, the usual one is not good. The fact is that raw, simply dried, beans are much harder than fried, so a manual or regular coffee grinder, although capable of grinding raw materials, will contain small pieces in it. They can be broken with a rolling pin or use the pestle for crushed potatoes - this way you will turn the most unstable parts of beans into crumbs.

You should have 2 teaspoons of ground coffee. To prepare a drink in a Turk, fill them with an incomplete glass of water and place on a stove. Please note that you must clearly follow the instructions to make the drink as useful as possible. Firstly, the liquid in the cezve (Turk) should not boil - as soon as small bubbles begin to appear on its surface, immediately remove the dishes from the heat and pour the drink into a cup. Despite the specific taste, such coffee should be drunk without milk and sugar, but it is quite possible to add a pinch of cinnamon, cloves, red pepper (for an amateur) or lemon juice.

How to brew green coffee with ginger in a French press

To make coffee, you can use not only Turku, but also a French press, and the addition of ginger root will only double the benefit of the drink. For a serving, you will need ground grains - 2 teaspoons - and a 1 cm long piece that you either need to cut into small slices or just grate it. Put the raw materials in a French press, fill with very hot water (it is also important here that it is hot, about 90 degrees, and not boiling) and leave for a couple of minutes. The drink is ready, you can add spices and drink in small sips. After a couple of days, your unusual taste will stop confusing you, and losing weight will be a little easier, especially since green coffee can suppress appetite.

How to make green coffee for weight loss, if there are no special devices at hand

For such cases, you can well use a regular ceramic mug: put the ingredients in a bowl, pour hot water, and after 2-3 minutes the drink is ready. The only thing is, do not try to put as much raw material as possible when preparing a serving: this will not make your coffee better. At least you won’t be able to drink it, and if you manage to overcome unpleasant taste sensations, an overdose of caffeine will result in high blood pressure, heart palpitations and problems with sleep.

Now you know as many as three ways to brew green coffee for weight loss. Take the drink regularly - 3 times a day - and do not forget that you should not abuse excessively high-calorie foods during the course. Observing these rules, you are sure to get rid of 2-5 kg \u200b\u200bof excess weight in about a month.

  How to brew green coffeeif there are any tricks - read today on the portal about losing weight "Lose weight without problems."

Depending on what household appliances you have at hand, which product you bought - ground or cereal, whether taste and aroma are important or, most importantly, the benefits, there are different ways.

Coffee beans are more expensive. This is explained by the fact that a drink from freshly ground green coffee will turn out to be more aromatic and retain all the beneficial substances.

The fact is that with long storage in a ground form, the smell somewhat disappears, and vitamins are destroyed. If you want the taste to be brighter and more saturated, grind the grains more diligently.  A mechanical coffee grinder is suitable for this. However, not every coffee grinder can grind green coffee - it is very hard! There were times that coffee grinders broke. So it is best to grind green coffee right in the store (if possible).

Before you make green coffee, you need to decide whether you want to roast the grains or not (but keep in mind that in the roasted grains there is very little of the very chlorogenic acid from which they are losing weight). Roasting green coffee is best in beans, since then it is much easier to grind.

How to roast green coffee? You can roast green coffee in a pan or roaster.Frying time - from five to fifteen minutes. It is important not to burn. The procedure is a bit like roasting seeds. Like seeds, grains can hold heat for a long time and “reach” when the fire is already off. Take this into account!

And then immediately grind and make a drink. It is best not to roast and grind coffee for the future, but to cook and drink it fresh. But circumstances are different.

How to brew green coffee?

It depends on the coarseness of the grinding.

  • We are preparing a large grinding in a French press.
  • Small - cook in a Turk.

Green coffee in a French press

Large particles are better to fall asleep in a French press at the rate of 3 spoons with a slide for every 100 ml(oh yes, it needs quite a lot!). Pour the mixture with almost boiling water (95 degrees) and let it brew. After 15 or 20 minutes, squeeze the coffee grounds (pull the piston down) and pour into cups. This method of making coffee cannot be called brewing, but it is also suitable.

How to make green coffee in a Turk

Coffee ground to pollen is brewed in a Turk. Pre-hold it on fire - but not more than a minute. This is necessary in order   to warm the bottom for flavor.

If you don’t really like the taste of brewed green coffee, then cook it with black!  The benefits are as much, but more pleasant to drink 🙂

When you warmed up the bottom, pour the powder. Better to put more, again in order to obtain a strong aroma. Then fill with water.

Here, everyone adheres to different schemes. Someone recommends pouring boiling water to reduce the cooking time. Or heat water in a turk, and then add coffee dust.

Others pour ground coffee with cold water. It is believed that this will help to put more soul into each cup of the drink, and it will turn out to be more useful.

So, put the Turk on medium heat. When a “crust” appears on the surface, the fire needs to be made weaker. When the drink begins to boil, that is, boils, remove the Turk from the heat. This is necessary in order   so as not to destroy the crust.It is important to seize the moment!

Now wait until the “crust” settles. You can repeat the heating in the same way as before. After that, lightly hit the Turk on the table and pour ½ teaspoon of ice water or drop a small ice cube. So the settling process will go faster.

Cooking in a Geyser

On the website portal you will find out how green coffee is brewed in a geyser. To do this, pour water into the lower tank and cover with a metal filter. Pour ground coffee into the filter recess. Roll up the top of the device and place it so that the drink comes up, over a slow fire.

When boiling occurs, coffee will begin to flow into the upper compartment of the geyser. Wait until the entire drink has moved into this tank and remove from heat.

How to brew green coffee with cardamom and other spices

Green coffee with cardamom can be tasted in Arab countries. The drink has a greenish-gray color, thick foam, tastes sweet, but does not look like traditional coffee. It’s worth saying right away that this is for an exotic lover.

Cardamom is a common oriental spice. It makes the drink more tart, strong, rich, noble. And it neutralizes the effect of caffeine, has a beneficial effect on the nerves and gastrointestinal tract. In my opinion, it’s worth a try at least once!

How to cook green coffee  with spices and cardamom?There are several ways to make a drink. All of them will need a cezve, she is a Turk.

  1. You need to take the usual amount of green coffee and cardamom seeds from the box. It’s necessary that for each portion it turns out no more than two cardamom grains.  This is really important, as the spice has a strong odor. If you overdo it, there is a risk of spoiling the drink. Cardamom grind. You can just buy already ground cardamom. Pour the mixture into a Turk, pour cold water and cook slowly until cooked.
  2. Brew coffee according to the classical scheme, just before putting on fire, add one or two (to taste) boxes of cardamom to the liquid. Before drinking, you need to remove them. remember, that notes of taste and smell are different,  if you take green or brownish spice boxes.
  3. This method of cooking, in addition to cardamom, which you need to get, as in the first method, from the box, suggests   adding cloves.It should be taken least of all. And grind all together in a coffee grinder. And then cook over low heat.

Ordinary green coffee with cardamom supplements, cloves - drinks with a completely non-coffee flavor, but they are more useful! Read, In any case, trying such an exclusive is still worth it. Cause now you know

If you want green coffee to be effective in the fight against extra pounds, you need to know how to properly brew green coffee and follow the rules of preparation. After all, the number of useful properties of the resulting drink directly depends on how you prepare the grains of green coffee. So the preparation of green coffee consists of roasting, grinding and brewing.

Roasting green coffee

The preparation of green coffee involves the use of unroasted green beans, since during roasting, a large number of micronutrient fat-breaking trace elements are destroyed. However, this product is characterized by a special specific taste, so beginners are recommended to start with roasting, gradually getting used to the taste and moving on to brewing raw grains.

Use a regular frying pan for roasting. Rinse grains under running water and dry. The roasting process lasts about 5 minutes over low heat. After this, the grains cool and grind in a coffee grinder or blender.

Proper brewing

There are several methods for brewing green coffee:

  • The easiest one is to make green coffee, like black. Namely: ground grains fall asleep in a Turk, a geyser, a French press or a drip coffee maker. In this case, the copper Turk must be jug-like, and the coffee in it is not brought to a boil: when the foam is formed, the vessel is immediately removed from the fire for a few seconds. These steps are repeated 3 times, after which the drink is decanted with a sieve and poured into a cup. You can make green coffee simply in a mug or coffee pot. To do this, pour 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee with hot water and brew for 5 minutes. If necessary, the drink is also filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Preparation of a concentrated extract of green coffee is prepared in the following way. Grains in a ratio of 1: 6 are placed in a pan with water and they are boiled for 15 minutes on low heat. After this, the burner switches off and the mixture is left to cool. An hour later, it needs to be filtered. The finished extract can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. You need to take it half a glass 15 minutes before eating.

In addition to these popular methods of brewing green coffee, it is not uncommon for other ingredients to be added during brewing other than coffee itself. It can be seasonings, sugar, cream.


Green coffee is a unique product. It allows you to bring body weight back to normal, cleanses the body of harmful substances and charges with energy.

But in order to get the maximum effect from its use and fully enjoy its taste, it is necessary to properly prepare such a drink using the main recommendations.

Roasting and grinding

Green coffee beans are usually sold on store shelves. Accordingly, after the purchase of such a product, it will be necessary to grind it first. This must be done in order to make the taste of the drink more saturated and pronounced. In addition, the process of brewing ground coffee is much simpler and faster. But previously it is recommended to fry the grains. To do this, they need to be washed with running water. Then the grains are laid out on a napkin and dried. Then you can send them to the pan. At the same time, you should not fry the entire package of coffee at once in one go. You need to do this in batches. It is necessary to fill the pan with grains with a layer of no more than 2 cm.

During frying, you need to constantly stir them so that they do not cake and do not deteriorate. Fry the grains on low heat for 5-10 minutes. It is important to keep track of time and not overdo it, otherwise coffee will lose its special tart taste. In addition, not too long roasting will retain all useful substances in it. It is recommended to buy a new frying pan for this and use it specifically for coffee. Then the product does not absorb any odors.

Coffee beans can be roasted in the oven. To do this, it needs to be heated to 350 degrees. Then grains are poured onto a baking sheet in one layer. After that, it is put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. During this, it is also necessary to stir the grains. When they are ready, you need to pull them out and give them time to cool. Then you can pour grain into a jar or bag.

Grind such a product with special care. To use an electric coffee grinder for this is extremely undesirable. Green coffee has a high density, so you can break the knives of household appliances. It is better to use a manual coffee grinder, the so-called mill. It is necessary to grind the grains into particles of approximately the same size: 1.5x1 mm.

If a manual coffee grinder is not in the arsenal, then use a meat grinder. To grind the grains, you need to take not knives for meat, but nozzles for spices. You can grind green coffee grains with a mortar. But here it will take a lot of effort and spend enough time on such a process.

Cooking process

Most brew green coffee in Turk. But how to make a drink in such a device? Before you start brewing coffee, you need to slightly warm the Turk. But you need to do this on a small fire. Do not stand it on it for more than 1 minute. If the Turku is not heated before brewing coffee, then the drink will turn out not so tart and aromatic.

Then you need to pour cold water into the Turk and immediately add ground coffee in the amount of 3 teaspoons to it. It should be said that some recipes for cooking such a drink involve the use of boiling water, but this is incorrect. If you immediately put ground coffee in hot water, then you will not be able to extract from it a maximum of useful substances. This will negatively affect the effectiveness and taste of the drink. Therefore always use cold water. After coffee is poured into it, put the Turk on low heat.

It is necessary to withstand the drink until bubbling bubbles appear on its surface. Then you need to immediately turn off the fire and pour the finished coffee into a cup. Now you can enjoy the drink. However, if you want to make it more fragrant and spicy, then during the preparation add some spices to it. And if there is a desire to make such a drink more refined, then during cooking you need to add a few spoons of semisweet champagne to the Turk. Then you need to wait until the wine vapor disappears under the influence of high temperature. After that, you can enjoy a delicious drink.

Many are interested in information on how to brew such coffee correctly in a geyser. The cooking process here is not difficult. First, the required amount of water is poured into the geyser compartment located below. Then a metal filter is installed and 3-4 tablespoons of coffee are poured into its recess. Then the upper part of the geyser is twisted, and then the device is installed on low fire. It is necessary to wait until the water boils and the coffee fully enters the upper compartment of the geyser. Once this process is completed, you can remove the device from the fire and pour the drink into cups.

Making a drink in a French press and coffee machine

Some people prefer to brew green coffee in a French press. And this is not surprising, since in this case you can make an incredibly aromatic drink that will delight everyone with its extraordinary taste. But how to cook it right? First you need to pour several tablespoons of ground coffee into a special tank of a French press. Then boiling water is poured into it. All this must be left to insist for 8-10 minutes. After this, slowly press the piston and separate the drink from the grounds. Now you can pour it into cups and enjoy the extraordinary taste and aroma.

Green coffee can be brewed in a coffee machine. For this, you can use both ground product and whole grains. The cooking process is the same as with a regular black drink. First, it is poured into a special compartment of coffee, and water is poured into another, then the necessary settings are set based on the model of household appliances. After that, it remains only to wait until the drink is ready.

Easy way to brew a drink

It can often turn out that there are no Turks, no coffee machines, no French press, or any other suitable device in the house. What to do in this case? You need to use a simple cooking recipe. It provides for brewing coffee in a cup. Let's figure out how to do it right. So, first you need to pour 2 teaspoons of ground coffee into a cup. Then boiling water is poured into it in the required amount. Then you need to let the drink brew. It is recommended to leave it on the table for 5-7 minutes. Then you need to take another cup, set a fine strainer on it and pour the drink. After that, it will be ready for use.

How to make a strong drink?

A strong drink is often brewed from green coffee. To do this, you need to take water (1 part) and whole grains (6 parts). All this is put on medium heat and aged for 15 minutes. Then the finished drink is slightly cooled and filtered. After that you can drink it. As a rule, with this method of preparation, quite a lot of coffee is obtained. If you can’t drink it at a time, it is recommended to remove the rest in the refrigerator, and then, if necessary, you can take it out and heat it up. You can store brewed green coffee in this way for several days.

Common cooking mistakes

Quite a few, having bought green coffee and started grinding it, are disappointed in the product. And the thing is that they are not able to make small granules from grains. As a result, they only get coarse crumb after grinding, and they believe that it is absolutely not suitable for cooking. However, green coffee is almost impossible to grind thoroughly. Therefore, do not be upset when you can get quite large particles. Feel free to use them to make a drink.

Often during the roasting of grains, some in order to give them a more aesthetic appearance, withstand them for more than 15 minutes on fire. Doing this is highly discouraged. After all, then you get the usual black coffee, which we are all used to.

When making coffee, some actively use ginger, which, as you know, helps to speed up metabolism and burn fat. However, do not abuse this spice. Nutritionists say drinking more than one cup of green coffee a day with ginger is bad. Therefore, use various spices. Despite the fact that the weight will go a little slower, you still manage to maintain their health.

How should I drink green coffee?

Separately, it must be said about how to drink green coffee. They use it in different ways, it all depends on what goal a person wants to achieve. So, if you need to recharge your batteries with energy and vigor, then one cup for breakfast is enough. If your goal is to lose weight with such a drink, then you will need to drink at least 4-5 cups during the day, of course, if you are not prohibited from caffeine in large quantities. At the same time, you need to drink green coffee in such a volume for at least 10 weeks. Only after this time will it be possible to normalize your weight.

To diversify the taste of coffee, you can add not only spices, but also milk. You can still put a few spoons of flower honey in it. Sugar can be added only if the drink is not used to lose extra pounds, but to recharge with energy and energy. It is not recommended to mix it with any drugs or dietary supplements.

If a woman is in a position or breastfeeding, then it is better to abandon the use of this drink or at least reduce its daily dose to two cups per day.

We drink green coffee for health: how to brew and drink it properly

Green coffee not only helps part with excess fat accumulations, but also cleanses the body. A cup of such a drink in the morning will help to drop a drowsy state and cheer up.

Green coffee is more commonly sold as hard beans. Therefore, buyers are wondering how to grind it. There are several options:

  • coffee grinder - better to use manually;
  • meat grinder - nozzles for spices;
  • blender
  • hammer;
  • mortar.

Depending on the degree of grinding, coffee brewing methods are also distinguished. It is best to buy green coffee grains, grind and brew without prior roasting. Frying contributes to the loss of many nutrients.

How to drink green coffee

The easiest way to make coffee in a cup. How to do it:

  1. Take 2 tsp. In a cup of drink. ground grains.
  2. Pour hot water - about 90 degrees.
  3. Insist for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain.

The drink is ready to drink. It is highly not recommended to pour grains with boiling water or boil a drink, because at the same time some of the beneficial properties are lost. If coffee is used as a means for weight loss, then neither sugar nor other sweeteners can be added to it. In extreme cases, to improve the taste, you can add a little lemon juice.

In no case should you replace a full meal with a cup of coffee for weight loss. This negatively affects the general condition of the body and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to adjust the menu, focusing on fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat fish and meat. Reasonable and regular use of green coffee for six months will save you 8-9 extra pounds without any damage to health.

How to drink coffee

The main thing is not to overdo it with the use of a coffee drink. The beans contain a lot of caffeine, and it stimulates the nervous system. Of course, in the morning or during the day, a cup of coffee is unlikely to hurt, but after 18 pm it is better to abandon it.

  • You can drink a maximum of 3 cups of green coffee per day.

It is not necessary to grind all grains at once, but only as necessary. Only freshly ground coffee has a good aroma and beneficial properties. Store prepared coffee in a cool and dark place in a closed container.