How to open champagne without a corkscrew? How to open champagne: useful tips.

09.10.2019 Grill menu

You have a holiday and you want to please guests with sparkling wine or champagne? In order for the taste of the drink not to deteriorate, you need to know how to open champagne.

Do not remove the plug very loudly. Therefore, before serving, hold the container in the refrigerator. Do not subcool the drink, this may adversely affect its taste. It is enough that sparkling wine stood on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two hours. Wrap the neck with a napkin, this will prevent slipping during opening. Now remove the foil and excise stamp. Carefully remove the wire. Remove the cork in smooth, rotating movements. As a result, a weak cotton should be heard. In this case, the liquid must not leak out of the container. Opening champagne without cotton will keep the taste of the drink. Do you want to attract the attention of guests and make the atmosphere truly festive? Then open the champagne with the cotton. This option is suitable for weddings. Shake the bottle, but do not overdo it, as half of the drink may spill from the container along with the foam. Carefully turn the container down with its neck and then back to its original position. There is another way by which you can open champagne. This option is suitable for experienced sparkling drink lovers. To do this, remove the foil and paper. Be sure to remove the label from the neck. This can be done with a knife. Chill the drink. Take the bottle in your left hand, holding it at the bottom. Now remove the wire. Do not touch the cork. Holding the bowl, grab a large, wide-blade kitchen knife. Point the knife with the sharp blade toward you. Put the knife on the neck. Find the seam and try several times to draw a knife along the seam. Now sharply hit the neck with a knife, sliding the blade over it. No need to stab with a knife, directing it perpendicular to the bottle. The knife should be parallel to the neck. You will need to open 5-6 bottles in order to master the "hussar" champagne opening technique. Keep in mind that the blow must be accurate and strong, then the cork will fly out of the bottle along with part of the neck. While opening, move away from the guests and do not direct the bottle in their direction. At the first opening, the container may crack, and guests may cut themselves. If you have a bachelorette party and there are no experienced champagne lovers among the guests, you can resort to the “female method”. To do this, remove the wire and the label from the bottle. Hold the container with your knees while sitting on a chair. Position the bottle so that a 45 degree angle forms between the floor and the neck. Throw a towel over the cork and rotate to remove it. To avoid cotton, cool the drink. If you feel that the pressure inside the container is very high, then apply a cold spoon to the neck, this will slightly reduce the pressure. This method is suitable for opening cheap drinks with plastic caps.

If you are unable to open the drink, in no case do not use a corkscrew. A cork may fly into your eye with a corkscrew. Always tilt the bottle away from you so that the liquid does not touch the cork. With a little training, you can very skillfully open bottles of champagne and surprise guests with the “hussar way”.

A bottle of champagne is a unique and indispensable attribute of the celebration and has been present at our holiday tables for centuries. Many people fell in love with champagne not only for its special taste, aroma and sparkling wine. But not everyone knows how to open champagne without violating etiquette. Solemnly open the champagne at home and pour a sparkling drink into the glasses - what could be more romantic? However, not everyone is good at this task.

It was once believed that to open champagne on aerobatics is loud, noisy, with an abundance of foam and spray. In modern life, this is irrelevant and quiet cotton can also delight guests. Real champagne connoisseurs are sure that containers should be opened without fanaticism. This will help maintain the taste of the drink., which can deteriorate due to a sharp loss of carbon dioxide. How to open champagne without cotton and unnecessary hassle and preserve its unique taste - experts know who propose using proven and reliable methods.

Cooling technique

Chilling champagne immediately before serving makes it easier to uncork the bottle and retains its taste and delicious aroma. This is due to carbon dioxide, the concentration of which decreases sharply when opening and pouring a chilled drink into a glass.

Modern cooling devices are coolers that are the best suited for this purpose. They are special buckets where water is poured and pieces of ice are put. This provides the drink with the desired temperature, which ideally should not exceed 8 degrees. You can cool the drink in such containers 30–40 minutes before serving. With ice alone, this process will take much longer. Adding a small amount of salt to ice water will reduce the cooling time of champagne.

Ordinary refrigerators do a little worse with cooling a sparkling drink, because they are not able to do it quickly. The experts categorically do not recommend using a freezer for this task. A sharp temperature difference will not benefit the drink, as it will reduce its taste perception.

Plastic cork

Modern champagne manufacturing techniques involve blocking the vessel using a particularly durable cork made from natural cork bark. Champagne covered with a plastic stopper cannot be genuine. A plastic cork is not able to provide sparkling wine with access to oxygen, which is why it goes for cheap drinks with a shelf life of up to one and a half years. In such champagne, there is an excess of carbon dioxide, which is the reason for the strong foaming.

To safely remove the plastic plug, you must remove the foil from it and carefully remove the wire that holds it. With smooth scrolling, the cork is easily removable. The bottle must be tilted slightly during the process, this will ensure a slow release of carbon dioxide and reduce the pressure on the cork. Regardless of the type of blockage, champagne must be stored exclusively in a horizontal position.

Thick cork plugs are premium. They are necessary to continue the natural fermentation process. By and large, wooden cork is the key to the quality of champagne. It qualitatively clogs champagne wine and at the same time allows it to breathe.

A bottle of champagne with such a blockage can open more easily because it has much less internal pressure.

The container removed from the cooler must be dried with a napkin or towel. The cork is held on the bottle by a wire bridle, it should be carefully unscrewed. The left hand should hold the blockage from a sudden shot, this is convenient to do with the thumb. Hold the bottle down with your right hand and turn it counterclockwise - the wooden cork will gradually begin to come out of the container.

Once upon a time, when old technologies were used in production, containers with a drink could not withstand high pressure and exploded right in the wine cellars. In particular, corks that were not tightly attached to the neck of the bottle could not stand. Therefore, when in 1844 a wire bridle appeared - a musical, such unpleasant episodes ceased.

About, how much champagne is kept closedcan be found from the information on the label. On average, the time during which a drink meets all the taste declared by the manufacturer is three years.

The cork broke

It’s important to understand how to open champagne, if the cork is broken, because such cases sometimes happen.

A stainless steel corkscrew is a classic corkscrew with a convenient mechanism. Using it, you can conveniently and quickly, without compromising the interior, open a bottle with a broken cork. Inside this device there are special recesses that will keep the cork from firing. In addition to a corkscrew, you can also use tools such as a knife, a self-tapping screw, thin pliers, a thin blunt object. Nuances of using a corkscrew:

  • Before opening the drink, the bottle must not be shaken and turned over. Otherwise, the gas will be pushed out by the cork with such force that there will be no trace of the drink in the bottle, and guests will bathe in the fountain of wine splashes;
  • When opening, never direct the vessel towards yourself or guests;
  • It is advisable to hold the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step-by-step instruction

Here's how to open champagne without cotton:

Such a safe way is great for opening a children's sparkling drink..

Instructions for girls

The way how to open champagne to a girl will help in a situation where a man cannot come to the rescue. To do this, follow the simple rules:

Soft cotton

With soft cotton, open the drink as follows:

With a loud shot

Sometimes, to create a special atmosphere, you need to open a bottle with a sharp shot of a cork. It must be remembered that a cork that pops up under high pressure can literally split a long distance in a split second and cause injury to people, as well as damage surrounding objects. Do not point the neck of the bottle toward people or easily breaking objects..

There are many more alternative ways to uncork sparkling wine. Some of them are considered the height of fantasy and are not suitable for everyone. This, for example, the opening of champagne in the Hussars with the help of a real saber.

Attention, only TODAY!

Despite the incredible popularity of sparkling wine, not everyone imagines how to open champagne correctly. But for men, such knowledge is simply vital, because it is on their shoulders that the responsibility for opening the treasured bottle most often lies. And it is especially important to know what to do in a difficult situation, when it is impossible to get rid of the cork in the usual way.

How to open champagne?

According to the rules of etiquette, sparkling wine should not make any sounds when opened, and deafening cotton with subsequent spectacular cork flying out is generally considered bad manners. Therefore, a real man needs to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to open champagne without cotton. If we are talking about plastic cork, then we must follow a clear algorithm.

  1. The drink must be cooled, otherwise it will not be possible to open it silently in any case. To do this, you can use a special ice bucket or just put the bottle in the refrigerator for half an hour. The optimum temperature for serving champagne is 6-8 degrees.
  2. After you take the bottle in your hands, it should be positioned correctly - tilt about 40 degrees. This is necessary to minimize the level of pressure on the walls - in this position, the greatest load will be exactly at the place where the neck begins, and under the influence of gases the cork will come out by itself. In addition, just in case, champagne should be turned away from breaking objects and people.
  3. Now you need to remove the protection from the cork - wire braid and foil.
  4. Next, the cork needs to be tightly clasped by hand, and the second to take the bottle and begin to rotate it in one direction, loosening the cork. As soon as you feel it coming out, tilt the champagne a little more and carefully remove the cork completely. All that remains to be done is to pour the wine into the glasses.

How to open champagne with a wooden cork?

If champagne is corked with a wooden cork, then you need to act differently - you need a corkscrew. You can use a special device designed to open sparkling wines or use the most common corkscrew, but always with a pointed and thin spiral. A thick corkscrew is not good here.

At the cork stopper, the upper part is cut off with a sharp knife, and then with the help of a corkscrew, the lower half is carefully removed from the neck. The same should be done if the wooden cork is accidentally broken.

How to open champagne without a corkscrew?

However, a corkscrew, although it is a popular tool, is far from always at hand in an emergency. And therefore, a problem often arises, how to open champagne, if the cork is broken, there is no corkscrew. In this case, you can use a variety of improvised tools.

  1. Take a long screw and pliers. Carefully screw the screw into the cork using pliers, leaving about a third of the legs with the cap on the surface. Now grab the screw with a pair of pliers to gently pull, removing the plug.
  2. If you have a pocket knife, then you can bring it to business. Carefully insert the blade between the cork and the neck of the bottle, press slowly while holding the bottle with your hand. Move the blade, then try to stick it into the cork. Now pull it until it comes out of the bottle, grab it more comfortably with your fingers and remove it.
  3. When you do not know how to open champagne, if it does not open, then ordinary thick wire can help. Bend the end of it, making a hook, and carefully push it into the cork, making a hole through it. Now turn slightly so that the hook sticks well into the wood, and slowly pull until the cork comes out of the neck.

The discovery of champagne is a science. During home feasts, the bottle is often uncorked with a loud “broads” and escaping foam. The waiters in the restaurant make it much quieter: you can hear only light cotton and notice a slight smoke. According to etiquette, just such an option is considered correct.

Before opening the bottle, the drink must be properly prepared. Four tips will help you get the job done easily, even if this is your first time doing it.

  1. Cool the drink. This will greatly improve its taste and reduce the amount of gas. The best and fastest way is to use a special bucket (cooler). Water is poured into the bottom, and sprinkled with ice cubes on top of the bottle. This method will allow you to cool the drink in 30-40 minutes. You can resort to the help of a refrigerator. But in this case, about six hours will be spent on high-quality cooling. Do not put sparkling in the freezer. So champagne loses its pleasant taste, and the amount of gas is reduced so much that the drink completely loses its characteristic bubbles.
  2. Prepare a napkin. A chilled bottle, in contact with the warm air in the room, must fog up. It becomes difficult to hold such a vessel in hands, and in combination with pressure escaping from the bottle, it is completely impossible. Therefore, to prevent champagne from slipping out of hands, it is recommended to wrap the bottle with a towel or napkin, closing the label.
  3. Don't shake the bottle. If you are going to open champagne in the usual classical way, then do not shake the drink. This will lead to an excessive increase in gas. In this case, no matter how hard you try, the cork will leave the neck loudly, and the foamed liquid, like an avalanche, will burst out of the bottle.
  4. Tilt the bottle. At the time of opening, the champagne is tilted at an angle of 40 °. If you hold the bottle upright, then all the pressure force will concentrate in the neck. To redistribute it, and thereby reduce it in a traffic jam, it is recommended to tilt the vessel. So you can control the process. At the same time, carefully inspect the place where the cork will fly if you do not hold it. Never direct the drink at people or animals! It is advisable to eliminate the risk of the cork getting into valuable objects.

If you want to speed up the process of cooling the champagne, then add a couple of tablespoons of table salt to the cooler with ice. And do not forget about the water. Having poured only ice into the bucket, you will increase the cooling time several times.

5 methods

There are several ways to open champagne. Of course, in official circles only one is recognized, soundless, which testifies to the good tone of the opener. But this does not mean that other methods are not worthy of attention. What if you want to feel like a hussar? Or make a lasting impression on others?

There is a special corkscrew for opening champagne. This mechanism allows you to easily and safely uncork the bottle. Do not use an ordinary corkscrew for such a procedure, it can be very dangerous. By spinning the corkscrew into the cork, you involuntarily push it inside. And this creates additional pressure, which will lead to rupture of the bottle.


Features This method of opening a drink is used in official circles. That's right, silently uncork sparkling in restaurants. It’s necessary to calm down. Most often, the bottle slips out of trembling hands, the cork flies out with a bullet during a fright, and guests are poured with a sparkling drink. Therefore, pull yourself together and confidently proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a bottle. Wrap champagne with a towel and gently grab a bottle.
  2. Remove the foil. Find a special tongue and gently pull on it. If you cannot find it, use a knife and carefully pry off the foil. This can be done anywhere. Now remove the formed foil cap.
  3. Unwind the Muscle. In front of your eyes is a wire clip called a mousle. It protects the cork from premature departure during storage or transportation of the drink. Carefully untwist a clamp. In this case, the cork must be held with the thumb. This will prevent an unwanted shot.
  4. Use a towel. Cover the neck with a towel, leaving a small “margin” for the cork to exit freely. In this case, the latter does not exactly catapult in an unpredictable direction. If you are dealing with a plastic stopper, then hold it as carefully as possible. Drinks clogged with plastic contain a lot of carbon dioxide, respectively, and the pressure in such a vessel is stronger.
  5. Unscrew the cork. After tilting the bottle, carefully unscrew the cork. Initially, it will go badly. But after a while you will feel how you are moving forward. This works the gas pressure in the bottle. Continue to control the exit of the cork and remember that it will be held back by the “pocket” formed from the towel.

When the cork is completely out of the neck, you will hear a very quiet pop. Now remove the towel and pour a sparkling drink into the glasses with a straight face.


Features Usually men open the champagne. But there are situations when girls have to do it. For example, at a bachelorette party. Young ladies should open the bottle elegantly and without a shot.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Put the bottle on the table. It is unlikely that you can hold it in your hand, and even wrapped in a towel.
  2. Prepare the cork. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil. Then gently unwind the muselet.
  3. Apply a napkin. Wrap the bottle and hold it tightly immediately under the neck.
  4. Unscrew the cork. Now cover the cork with a towel and gently twist it.
  5. Remove gas. When you feel that the cork is almost completely out, hold it in this position for a few seconds. This will allow excess gas to escape from the vessel.


Features This method is suitable if you want to open champagne with a loud bang and a foaming stream flying up to the very skies. It is this discovery that is associated with triumph. But the method is quite dangerous. Therefore, before embarking on a theatrical action, remember the main conditions. Such opening of champagne is prohibited indoors. Be sure to take into account the trajectory - in this zone there should be no people, electrical appliances.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare champagne. Initially, it is necessary to remove the foil and remove the retainer-muzle. Do this very carefully, holding the cork with your palm.
  2. Shake the bottle. This method of discovery implies a departure from some of the above rules. And if it was forbidden to shake the bottle for a silent opening, now you can thoroughly shake it. But it is necessary to firmly hold the cork with your palm!
  3. Let the cork break free. Point the bottle to a pre-selected safe location. Take out your palm and let the cork popping out with a loud pop.

It is advisable that the glasses be prepared in advance. As soon as the cork flies out, immediately start pouring a foaming drink. Otherwise, all champagne will turn into a fountain.


Features The hussar's way of discovery is another spectacular method. But it is the most complex and requires quite careful preparation. In this case, champagne is opened with a knife. Such a trick almost never works the first time. As a rule, only a fifth or sixth bottle can be opened with a knife. The hussar method requires strict adherence to safety regulations. If you are ready, then arm yourself with a large kitchen knife and you can proceed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare a bottle. Remove the foil from the cork and neck. Gently unwind the muselet and remove it.
  2. Take a bottle. Take champagne in your left hand and tilt it at an angle of 40-45 °. The cork can fly out on its own, so be sure to foresee that it does not harm anyone. Point the bottle in a direction in which there are no people, no valuable items.
  3. Mark the seams. Each bottle has longitudinal seams. Choose one of them. Take the knife so that the blunt end of the blade touches the neck. Draw a knife several times along the seam and visually select the area for impact.
  4. Cut off the neck. With a sharp, strong motion, strike the blunt surface of the blade at the selected location. But do not beat perpendicularly. Position the knife at an angle so that your punch is sliding. It should resemble chip removal. If the first time it was not possible to “open” the champagne, repeat the blow. And the neck with the cork must bounce.
  5. Drain the champagne. Following the neck of the bottle a sparkling drink will burst. It is very important that part of the fluid is sure to merge. This will eliminate small fragments from the "cut".

If you are very worried about the fragments, then do not finish the whole drink - leave one or two sips in the glass. Shards will not float in champagne. They will sink to the bottom.


Features They resort to the backup method only if something went wrong. The most common problem is a broken cork. Such a situation can even confuse a professional. After all, the rest of the cork cannot be pulled out of the bottle with bare hands. A method reminiscent of a "theater" will help here. Shake the bottle lightly. After a while, the cork itself will fly out of the neck. Avoid splashing the drink in this case will not work. You can apply another way. To do this, use the usual corkscrew.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Let out some gas. Do not forget that screwing the corkscrew can end very badly. In the best case, the cork will fly out with the nozzle. And at worst, the bottle will shatter into small pieces. Therefore, it is necessary to release part of the gas. To do this, take a medical syringe and carefully insert the needle into the cortical tube. You will immediately hear the hiss. The syringe itself is removed, and the needle is left in the cork.
  2. Screw in the corkscrew. Having let out part of the gas, you can start screwing the corkscrew. If there is no corkscrew, then resort to the help of an ordinary screw and pliers.
  3. Pull out the cork. Now gently pull the corkscrew. If the cork does not come out, then do not pull it with all its might. Abrupt movement can result in severe popping and neck rupture. Better try to loosen it from one side to the other. And then gently pull it out.

Terms and methods of storage

If you like to buy champagne in advance, it is important to remember a few simple rules that will reduce the likelihood of a “failure” during its opening. In addition, after the celebration, open bottles of an expensive drink may remain. Do not rush to throw it away. Save it on the second day is quite real.

Closed bottle

Proper storage of the drink, temperature conditions will save all the taste of sparkling. Follow these guidelines.

  • Dates. A drink corked with a cork can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture. And champagne with plastic is only 12 months old.
  • Temperature . It is recommended to store the drink at 5-18 ° C.
  • Position. The bottle should be horizontal. Otherwise, the crust will dry out and during opening the cork will break. And protect the drink from the sun. Even in 15 minutes, its rays can completely ruin the taste of sparkling.

Open bottle

  • Storage conditions. If the drink is not fully drunk, then you should not keep it on the table for a long time. It is necessary to tightly plug the neck with a stopper. And to protect the refrigerator from unpredictable shots, use the muzle. In this form, the bottle is put in the refrigerator.
  • Dates. Subject to all conditions, the drink will retain its palatability within one day. But it is about taste, not bubbles. Carbon dioxide may not be stored.

If you do not have time to plug and hide champagne in time in the refrigerator, it does not matter. Of course, you should not drink such a drink. But this wine is perfect for pickling meat or making sauces.

Strictly observe safety precautions. Do not pull the cork with your teeth! Never bend over a bottle. Even if it seems to you that the cork sits tightly in the neck and does not want to go out.

Question: " How to open champagne?"- probably visited many, especially before the holidays. Some do not attach much importance to this and open as they can, and after that they insert new glasses or run after the ointment from bruises for a beloved friend who got a cork from champagne directly in the eye. To prevent such incidents from happening and all to be safe, you should learn how to open champagne correctly. Despite the fact that some may find it funny to open a bottle with pops and splashes, it is considered bad form on etiquette.  It is necessary to open a bottle of champagne at home so that the cork emits light cotton, and instead of a stream of champagne from the neck, only a slight smoke appears. Yes, this is not an easy matter and most often depends on the method of storing champagne.

Nowadays, not a single high-profile holiday is complete without champagne. There are hundreds of brands and names, different tastes and aromas, different prices. There are fakes, without which not a single popular product can do, therefore it is very important to be able to choose the right champagne.

Real champagne from France will cost quite a lot of money, but it will amaze you with its quality.

The bottles of real French champagne usually have a footnote that they were produced directly in France, in the Champagne region.

But if you don’t feel like spreading a tidy sum for a bottle of sparkling wine, and treating yourself with a delicious aromatic drink would be nice, then you can choose one of the cheaper options. But in order not to be deceived, carefully read the label. It should read: “Méthode classique” or “méthode traditionnel”. Such champagne was produced using the same technology as expensive.

There are several subtleties that you need to know about champagne:

    At any holiday that takes place in the house, the owner of this house must pour the guests champagne without passing it from hand to hand. This is considered bad form.

    Dry champagne should be poured exclusively into thin glasses, and semi-dry sweet champagne should be poured wider.

    Do not fill the glass to the top. The drink should take a little more than half a glass.

    Often, an ordinary bottle of sparkling wine is enough for eight servings.

    The quieter you open the bottle, the better.

    Keep champagne glasses only by the leg. In no case do not hold on to the cup, as the drink can warm up by hand and lose all its charm and taste.

    If you do not want sparkling wine to foam very much when pouring into a glass, then try throwing a piece of ice there, chatting a little there, and only then pour champagne.

    Snack champagne taken seafood, desserts, fruits or meat.

And now let's look at ways in which you can open a bottle of champagne at home as quietly and safely as possible.

How to open?

To open champagne correctly and not splatter all guests, before serving need to cool the bottle. To do this, you need to put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for a couple of hours. You can also use a special bucket in which ice is poured and a bottle is immersed.  Putting a bottle in the freezer is completely undesirable, because of this, the drink may lose its taste.

After you have cooled the bottle and brought it to heat, condensation will appear. You will need to completely wipe it, and then wrap the bottle with a napkin, closing the label. This is to prevent the bottle from accidentally slipping out of your hand. In this case, try not to shake the champagne, as in this case you will not be able to quietly open it.

Start opening by getting rid of the wrapper and wire. Now you are alone with the cork. Hold it with your thumb and tilt the bottle so that it does not face people, glass or candles.  Now start scrolling the bottle, not the cork, slightly pulling it down.  You can try wrapping the cork with a towel so that it probably doesn’t pop out, then you can act a little bolder.

Continue to rotate the bottle until you open the cork. When you open the bottle, start slowly pouring champagne into the glasses so that it does not form a high foam. And after that you can enjoy the great taste of sparkling wine. This method of opening the bottle at home is very simple, even girls can handle it.

By the way, open champagne can be stored for no more than two days in a cool place, but it will still lose most of its taste.

What to do if the cork breaks?

Another popular question: “How to open champagne if the cork breaks?”. There are only three ways you can do this:

    open in the hussar;

    using a self-tapping screw;

    pull the cork into pieces.

How to open champagne, if the cork is broken, in the Hussar way, we will tell a little later, but now let's look at other ways.

If the cork is plastic, then the bottle should be properly torn so that the cork is knocked out under air pressure.  Well, if the cork is wooden, then you will have to tinker a bit with it. Opening champagne with a self-tapping screw is the best option. For this carefully screw the screw into the remains of the cork, then arm with pliers and sharply pull the cork out of the bottle. In this case, the self-tapping screw should be chosen more authentic, and the bottle should be kept stronger.

If such an option to open champagne did not help you, then you have to sweat. Arm yourself with thin pliers and start pulling the broken cork into pieces. You may need to strain the champagne through a strainer, as the crumbled pieces of cork will remain in the drink.

Open the hussar saber

Hussars can also open champagne with a saber if the cork is broken. Only for this you need at least a saber, as well as some physical strength and dexterity.  In our article, we will describe in detail how to open hussar champagne using a saber.

    A bottle of champagne must be held in your left hand if you're right-handed, and in your right if you're left-handed. The drink should be chilled and the bottle should not be wet. Keep it should be at the bottom, tilting forty-five degrees.

    Be sure to keep track of where the cork of champagne is directed. In no case should you keep it directed towards guests or objects that are striking.

    Find a good hussar saber, and for lack of it you can arm yourself with an ordinary kitchen knife.

    Now you should carefully examine the bottle to find its side seams. They also need to aim.

    Turn the knife up with the blade, bluntly end sharply into a place just below the cork.

Most likely, you won’t be able to open champagne at home in the hussar style the first time.  Surely, there will be a large number of fragments, splashes and discontented exclamations around, but if you practice a little, then one day you will surely manage to open a bottle of champagne in the Hussar's way.