The ratio of water and hercules during cooking. How much to cook hercules in milk and water

09.10.2019 Fish dishes

Proper nutrition is the key to good health and attractiveness. An integral component of a balanced diet is oatmeal. We learn how to cook oatmeal so that porridge retains its beneficial properties and is tasty.

Porridge Hercules on the water

Oatmeal on the water is considered a dietary dish. It is eaten for weight loss, during fasting days and to normalize the digestive tract.


  1. Pour the required amount of water (200-600 ml) into the pan, depending on the desired consistency of the porridge.
  2. Put the dishes on the fire.
  3. When the water boils, add a pinch of salt.
  4. Pour 1 cup of oatmeal, cook until tender.
  5. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 5 minutes.

If desired, add honey, a little vegetable oil and other ingredients before serving.

How to cook Hercules in milk

Milk oatmeal is a healthy dish that children and adults love.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a small amount of water into the pan to cover the bottom (this will prevent burning).
  2. Pour in the required amount of milk and place the container on the fire.
  3. When the milk boils, add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Pour in cereal. Cook the oatmeal over low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove, cover, cover with a towel and leave for about 5 minutes.

Before serving, add a little butter to a plate.

Porridge hercules should turn out to be viscous, gently cream in color. If the milk remains white, then the cereal is not cooked to the end. During cooking, try to avoid burning: an unpleasant odor will spoil the taste of the dish.

It is best to cook the oatmeal porridge in milk in a slow cooker. The “steaming” mode creates the optimum temperature and eliminates product leakage. The delayed start function helps save time.

Hercules with other ingredients

The following additional products make the dish original and tasty:

  • dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
  • nuts, sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds;
  • fresh fruits: apples, bananas, pear, peach;
  • berries: cherry, strawberry, currant, cranberry, wild strawberry;
  • jam;
  • vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, ginger.

Tasty and healthy Hercules is obtained according to the following recipe. Combine half a cup of cereal with 200 ml of milk and 100 ml of yogurt. Add fruit as desired. Cover the container and refrigerate for the night.

Hercules porridge with dried fruits and nuts is especially tasty and healthy.

How much to cook hercules

The cooking time depends on the type of cereal and the method of preparation.

Small flattened flakes are enough to boil for about 5 minutes. Large cereals are cooked for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Porridge should stop foaming.

Some prefer not boiled porridge, but steamed. To do this, only boiled hercules are removed from the fire, covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left for 20-30 minutes. As a result, the flakes are steamed without constant supervision.

In a microwave at full power, hercules are cooked for 4–5 minutes. During this time, it should be mixed 1-2 times.

In a slow cooker porridge is cooked for 15-20 minutes.

Oatmeal is cooked in the oven for the longest time — approximately 30–40 minutes. Combine all the ingredients in a pot. To prevent milk from escaping, lubricate the inside of the container with butter.

The following recommendations will be helpful to lovers of hercules:

  • Depending on the desired consistency of porridge, determine the right amount of liquid. To cook thick oatmeal, take the ingredients in equal proportions. For a medium consistency, combine the liquid and the flakes in a 2: 1 ratio. If you like thin cereal, a 3: 1 option will do.
  • During cooking, hercules swells 4 times, so 3 cups of cereal are enough for 3 servings.
  • Rinse the grits before cooking to remove the husk and excess suspension. Do not wash all the small crumbs, which gives the porridge the necessary viscosity. High quality product can not be washed. It undergoes a thorough disinfecting treatment with steam, then it is packaged in bags and boxes.
  • Do not use flakes that have been stored for too long. Over time, they acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and smell, which persists even after cooking.
  • Ready porridge can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. To do this, use ceramic dishes. The next day, the product will be more dense.
  • Cook the oatmeal in an unenameled deep saucepan. This will prevent sticking and escaping, especially when using milk.
  • Using a coffee grinder or blender from herculean flakes you can get healthy flour. It is used in the preparation of pancakes, tortillas, cookies and cutlets.

You can cook hercules in water or milk, depending on your preference. Such porridge is tasty and healthy. It will serve as an excellent breakfast and will retain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Almost everyone on the planet knows about healthy eating today. Another question is that not everyone is ready to follow tips such as “you need to live, and not vice versa”, “proper nutrition is the key to health”. Well, everyone heard about the theory according to which it is necessary to exclude (or at least limit) smoked meats, fried foods, high-calorie foods.

It is noteworthy that the greatest disturbance in the population, especially in men, is caused by the need for oatmeal. True, there are those who with great respect for this groats, it is for this part of the population that this article was written. This useful product is present in large quantities in grocery stores in two versions: Extra and Oatmeal oatmeal. For the preparation of the former, more time is required, and the latter, as it seems to us, are tastier. They will be discussed.

So, let's start the story of how to cook "Hercules"

To prepare healthy and nutritious cereals from hercules flakes, you will need: water, a small amount of salt, butter. These components can be called basic, as additional ingredients they use milk, honey, sugar, fresh fruits, nuts, prunes, dried apricots, raisins.

As a rule, each package contains a classic oatmeal porridge, in addition, some of them describe how to cook some dishes using cereal (cutlets, tortillas). But, if suddenly the packaging is lost, but you want to cook something tasty and healthy, read our article.

How to cook Hercules quickly

For quick preparation of porridge, experienced housewives advise soaking the cereal overnight in cold water (two glasses of water are taken per glass of product). In the morning, put the pan with the swollen mass on a stove, add another glass of water or milk, add salt and turn on the fire. The process of making porridge with this method takes about three to five minutes. Then it must be removed from the heat, add the butter and cover for a few minutes.

How to cook "Hercules" on the water

Fans of various diets do not like to use salt, sugar, milk and butter when cooking. Such people will probably enjoy the Hercules porridge cooked on the water.

How to cook Hercules in this manner? Pour flakes into boiling water (at the rate of two servings of water per serving of flakes), bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook, stirring, for 15 to 20 minutes. Then remove the porridge from the heat, cover and wrap it with a warm towel for about five minutes. You can add some honey or dried fruits to the finished dish.

A dish prepared in this way helps to eliminate toxins from the body, removes vascular plaques, relieves depression and lowers cholesterol.

How to cook Hercules in milk

To make porridge with milk, you will need a glass of oatmeal, three glasses of milk, a small amount of water, salt, sugar / honey, butter, fruits (fresh / frozen / dried). Pour a small amount of water into the pan (so that the bottom is closed), three glasses of milk and place the container on the stove. When the milk boils, add salt, a little sugar and only then pour the cereal. Cook porridge over low heat for about twenty minutes. Then add butter, remove from heat, cover and wrap with a towel for ten minutes to porridge stew. When serving, you can add some sweets (raisins, dried apricots - to taste).

How to cook "Hercules": useful tips

· The pan in which the cereal is cooked must be unenameled.

· If porridge is cooked in milk, before pouring liquid into the pan, fill the bottom of the dish with cold water, and then pour the milk. This will save the tank from burning.

· You can cook porridge even in the microwave. After pouring the flakes with milk, cook them at full power for four minutes, during which time stop the device two or three times to mix the mass.

· Porridge cooked in the oven is very tasty. Pour the cereal into the pot, pour boiling water, salt, add sugar, cover the container with a lid and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. To prevent milk from escaping from the pot, it must be lubricated with butter from the inside.

· Hercules porridge is ideally combined with raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts; this combination increases the usefulness of the product.

If porridge is not your favorite dish, you can cheat a little. Resin Hercules flakes in a coffee grinder or blender, the resulting flour can be used to make cakes, pancakes, cookies. In addition, very tender chicken cutlets are obtained with oatmeal.

As doctors advise, the morning should begin with a full breakfast, allowing you to recharge your batteries at least until the lunch break. According to many nutritionists from around the world, the best option for such a breakfast is oatmeal. It will not harm the figure and at the same time provide you with useful substances and vitamins. By adding oatmeal to the daily diet, a person can easily clear of slagging, strengthen the immune and nervous systems, and lower cholesterol and sugar. It is probably these properties that gave the porridge of oatmeal the name "Hercules".

Why are there not so many fans of oatmeal today as it deserves it? We suspect that not everyone knows how to cook it. But oatmeal prepared according to the rules tastes good and is in no way inferior to other types of porridge. In addition, it can be varied, it is enough to replace the ingredients in its composition with others. Here are the most popular recipes for cooking oatmeal on gas in the oven, slow cooker and in the microwave.

The simplest of them is oatmeal on the water.

Hercules oatmeal - how to cook on water?

One serving of this dish contains only 102 kcal, but its use guarantees vivacity and excellent well-being for the whole day. Boiled oatmeal is recommended for those who try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For its preparation you will need:

750 ml of water
- a glass of Hercules,
- salt, sugar, butter.

How to cook:

Pour the cereal into a plate and remove mote, husk and defective cereal from it. Pour the cereal into boiling, slightly salted water and cook it for about 10-15 minutes. To prevent porridge from burning, it should be stirred occasionally. You can determine the readiness of the porridge for taste - the flakes will become soft, and the liquid in the pan will not remain at all, it should be absorbed into the cereal. To make the oatmeal more tender, do not lay it out immediately after turning off the fire on the plates, but cover and let stand for a while.

Hercules oatmeal - how to cook in milk?

Oatmeal cooked in milk is calorie and tastier than cooked on water. It is suitable for a children's breakfast and for those who have a difficult working day.

To cook oatmeal in milk, you need to take:

2 glasses of Hercules,
- a liter of milk,
- salt and sugar to taste,
- butter.

The pan with milk must be put on fire and allowed to boil. Then you should add salt and sugar, oatmeal cleaned from garbage. Porridge is cooked over low heat until it becomes thick - about 10 minutes. Leave the porridge to stand under the closed lid or pour it into a plate, cover with a lid and let it brew.

To give the porridge softness and sophistication of taste, you need to add butter to it. Dried fruits, berries and fruits will not be superfluous.

Those who have milk porridge invariably burns out can be advised of a win-win option for a successful milk-free meal. Boil oatmeal in water according to the recipe above, and at the end add condensed milk to it. Who loves sweeter, add more condensed milk. By the way, sugar in this case does not need to be added.

Cooked according to this recipe, oatmeal will certainly become a favorite dish in both children and adult sweet tooth.

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

Oatmeal can be cooked in different ways. The above recipes are designed for cooking on the stove. But the happy owners of the multicooker, having cooked oatmeal in it at least once, are unlikely to cook it ever again on fire. After all, the main advantage of the multicooker is its simplicity and consistently successful result. And no burning!

To cook porridge in a slow cooker you should take:

2 glasses of Hercules,
- 4 glasses of water or 600 ml of water and 400 ml of a glass of milk,
- a pinch of salt.

All ingredients are placed in a multicooker bowl and the “Porridge” auto mode is set. In most modern multicooker models, the cooking process in this mode is designed for half an hour, but if the technique offers 20 or 40 minutes, then it is better to trust it. After signaling completion, you can add to your porridge what you like - sugar, butter, fresh or dried fruits, nuts.

Oatmeal in the microwave and oven

No less tasty oatmeal is obtained in the microwave. In this way, porridge is cooked quickly, which means this recipe is perfect for cooking for breakfast.

Pour 3 cups of water into a cup and heat it for 5 minutes. Then salt a little, pour a glass of oatmeal into it and put in the microwave for another 5 minutes. The porridge prepared according to this recipe is very tasty.

Supporters of traditional Russian cuisine can be offered a recipe for making oatmeal in the oven. To do this, lubricate the clay pot from the inside with butter - such a trick will not allow the porridge to escape during cooking. Pour 1 part cereal, 3 parts pre-boiled milk, salt and sugar into a pot. To prepare such porridge for about half an hour at a temperature of 180.

We hope that in one of the proposed oatmeal recipes you will choose the one that will make this dish one of the most beloved in your family. Eat oatmeal and be healthy!

Oatmeal, or hercules, is considered to be a highly valuable product. It contains in its composition a maximum of useful elements and vitamins. The original Scottish breakfast is prepared on the water, not milk. Oatmeal is suitable for people suffering from heart disease, ladies who are watching the figure love it. To enjoy all the delights of a dish, you must have practical knowledge regarding cooking. Consider the important aspects in order.

Hercules porridge on the water (classic recipe)

The preparation technology consists in the heat treatment of Hercules groats in a deep tank using a stove. This recipe is considered traditional, everything else is just a variation.

To reproduce the Scottish technique, prepare a thick-walled pot of cast iron or stainless steel in advance. In no case do not use an enameled container, since the composition remains on the walls and bottom of the dishes.

Before you start cooking, sort out the cereal, sifting out everything unnecessary (husk, extraneous garbage, etc.). After all the manipulations, rinse the oats with cold water, squeeze out the excess liquid. The final recommendation is more about personal preference than recipe requirements.

Cooking technology

  1. After choosing a suitable pan, pour 550-600 ml into it. filtered water. Put on the stove, turn on a big fire, add 2 pinches of salt (preferably iodized), wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the power (medium heat), begin to slowly pour oatmeal. Stir the dish at the same time with a wooden spatula so that the oatmeal does not stick to the dishes.
  3. Cook oatmeal until the first bubbles appear. After that, cover the pan with a lid, switch the burner to a low heat and mix again.
  4. The duration of cooking ranges from 20-25 minutes. At the same time, porridge must be constantly stirred to avoid burning and lumping.
  5. After the deadline, turn off the stove, do not open the lid. Wrap the dishes in a thick blanket or cover with a towel, leave to insist for about half an hour. If desired, you can add dried fruits, honey, jam, jam and other sweets.

  In cases where you plan to cook oatmeal with figs, raisins or dried apricots, add these components after turning off the burner. In the process of infusion, oatmeal absorbs the aroma and taste of additives, as a result of which it will acquire the necessary richness and richness.

Microwave oats on water

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on society. It is rare to meet people who do not have a microwave in the apartment / house. A household appliance of this kind saves time; oatmeal turns out to be tasty, despite the fact that it is cooked in haste.

  1. Before cooking, sort out the oatmeal (1 cup), excluding husks and extraneous debris. Soak the cereal in purified water, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.
  2. Choose a suitable container (preferably glass), fill it with 500 ml. filtered water. Salt, add sugar if desired (for sweet lovers). Wait until the granules of salt and sand dissolve (in cases where it is added).
  3. Set the microwave oven to the maximum mark, place the dishes with porridge on the edge of the rotating plate, turn on the timer for 3.5-4 minutes.
  4. Watch the cooking process. Pause the microwave every 40-60 seconds, mix thoroughly and send again to cook.
  5. At the end of the cooking time, close the bowl with the porridge lid, wrap it with a thick towel, leave to insist for 10-15 minutes.
  6. As in the previous case, you can add seasonal berries, jam, honey or fruit. When mixing Hercules with dried fruits, pour them immediately after removing the finished dish from the microwave.

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, true gourmets cook oatmeal in the oven. The recipe does not involve any special difficulties, most importantly, observe the exposure time and temperature. To make Hercules porridge, take a cast-iron pot or cauldron.

  1. Rinse the cereal with plenty of running water, eliminate all debris, get rid of the husk. After that, place the oatmeal on gauze, squeeze the liquid.
  2. Put two cups of prepared oatmeal in a cast-iron pan or other thick-walled unenameled dishes, pour 2.5 cups of purified water. Salt, sweeten (optional).
  3. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees, maintain this temperature for 10 minutes. After that, put the dishes with the cereal inside, turn down the power so that the composition does not burn on the bottom of the container (if the gas oven).
  4. Oatmeal cooking time ranges from 20-30 minutes, it all depends on the initial component of the oven. You can understand whether porridge is ready for use by its consistency: swollen soft grains will melt in your mouth.
  5. After the expiration of the time, turn off the oven, leave the dish to infuse for about 10 minutes. Do not increase this interval as the cereal can dry.
  6. If you wish, add raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, honey or jam to the porridge. Then mix, cover the container with a lid and wrap with a towel. Let it brew for 20 minutes, no less.
  7. Lovers of fresh fruits need to add them immediately before serving, otherwise the pieces of delicacies will become soft, elusive.
  8. Oatmeal cooked on water in the oven with the addition of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, ground cloves is considered especially tasty.

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker

A crock-pot has recently entered the life of a modern person, but has already taken pride of place in the heart of every housewife. An innovative device saves time by allowing you to do your own business in parallel. So in the case of the preparation of oatmeal, for breakfast you will receive a rich and hearty dish. An important feature of cooking porridge in this way is considered to be that it stores much more nutrients than when cooking in the microwave, oven or on the stove.

  1. To prepare oatmeal in a slow cooker, you need to take 0.5 cups of cereal, 1 cup of water, 2 pinches of salt (the components are designed for 1 serving). You can increase or decrease the proportions based on personal preferences and the number of family members.
  2. Rinse the oatmeal with running water through a colander, dry with a gauze cloth or towel. Pour the porridge into the capacity of the multicooker, pour water, salt, mix. If desired, you can add sugar and a slice of natural butter.
  3. Set the “Porridge” function on the device, set a timer in case you are laying ingredients in the evening. In the morning after waking up, you just have to press a button and wait for the preparation of the product.
  4. If you are laying ingredients in the morning, limit yourself to the “Porridge” mode; time does not need to be set manually. Wait for the timer to turn off; if possible, do not open the lid for a quarter of an hour to insist on the dish.
  5. As in all previous cases, additives in the form of raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts and other things intervene immediately after preparation, but before insisting. In the case of fresh berries and fruits, toss them immediately before eating.

Experienced housewives brought out an interesting feature: Herculean grits cooked in a multicooker are best combined with fresh and frozen berries. For the most part, it is worth giving preference to cherries with the addition of honey, raspberries, strawberries and cherries. Also, a delicious dish is obtained if you mix it with figs, gooseberries, black or red currants.

Hercules porridge on the water is a real find for girls sitting on exhausting diets, as well as people with gastrointestinal diseases. A truly rich breakfast will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated connoisseur of gourmet food. Choose your favorite recipe, add it as you like, experiment. Bon Appetit!

Video: how to cook oatmeal porridge

Many of us start the morning with Herculean porridge for breakfast. Ladies who watch their figure prefer to cook oatmeal in the water and do it right. The dish is suitable for patients with obesity, people with lactose intolerance and diseases of the digestive system. We will not repeat about the benefits of cereals, but tell you how to boil it in water so that the porridge is tasty and healthy.

  How to prepare for cooking oatmeal porridge on the water

To cook Hercules flakes, prepare a cast iron bulk pot or stainless steel bowl. Do not take enameled dishes, a lot of porridge remains at its bottom.

Sort out the oatmeal to remove the husks that fall into the pack with the cereal. Rinse under cold water, but this condition is not necessary. You can add dried fruits, honey, candied fruits and much more to porridge.

  Boil herculean porridge in a pot on water

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • 1 cup Hercules flakes;
  • honey or sugar, dried fruits, fresh or frozen fruits - to choose from.

Pour water into the pan and place on the stove. After boiling water, add Herculean flakes, salt a little. Stir and wait for it to boil again. Turn the heat on the stove and cook the porridge until a thick consistency. Look at the condition of the cereal. The cooking process takes from 5 to 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add honey or sugar and other additives to the porridge. Cover the dish with the finished dish with a lid and leave for 10 minutes, wrapped in a towel.

  Microwave water porridge

You will like this method of cooking oatmeal if you don’t have time to stand by the stove for a long time. We start cooking:

  • pour a glass of prepared oatmeal into a special vessel for the stove;
  • pour two glasses of cold water;
  • put in the microwave for four minutes, cook at high power;
  • after each minute, turn off the stove and mix the porridge.

Add sugar and salt to the finished dish, put some butter and other additives. After 5 minutes, start a healthy and tasty breakfast.

  Cooking oatmeal porridge on the water in a slow cooker

Cook the oatmeal in the evening and offer porridge in the morning to the family for breakfast. Essential Ingredients:

  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 2 cups of Hercules flakes;
  • 2 teaspoons of butter (not necessary if you are “dieting”);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

All ingredients except oil are placed in the bowl of the kitchen appliance. Set to "Porridge" mode. Cooking time depends on the model of the device - from 10 to 15 minutes. Choose the time on the timer and wait for the sound signal. Take out the prepared porridge, season with oil and start the meal.

  Little tricks for cooking herculean porridge on the water

  • Porridge becomes very thick after cooling. If you cook it in the evening, and in the morning you will eat - reduce the amount of hercules by a third. Cook the liquid porridge, it will thicken in the morning.
  • If you cook flakes that are simply steamed and not cooked, turn off the heat immediately after boiling. And add water to the cereal, and not vice versa.
  • Stir the contents of the pan during the cooking process, but not often. If you cook in a saucepan in which it does not burn, you do not need to stir. Want to cook salty porridge? Add vegetables or pieces of boiled beef, chicken and turkey to it.

Herculean porridge recipes on the water can be changed at your discretion. Experiment and make a real culinary masterpiece from ordinary oatmeal.