Can a nursing mother eat beans: recommendations and recipes for breastfeeding. String Beans for Breastfeeding

09.10.2019 Snacks

The period of feeding is one of the main and crucial stages in the life of a mother. She should eat well and get the necessary nutrients, because her task is to introduce her baby not only to the world, but also to new tastes.

Initially, the baby absorbs all this with the mother’s milk, and only then the carefully prepared body of the baby meets other products. Unfortunately, for a mother there is no absolutely neutral diet without allergens and other irritants that would protect her baby.

That is why mom needs to gradually expand his menu, constantly replenishing it with new fruits, vegetables and other goodies. It is important at the same time to observe the child's perception of innovations in nutrition. For some reason, often in the list of vegetables that are allowed to eat when breastfeeding, there are no legumes. There is an opinion that their use can cause indigestion in newborns. However, it is not. Beans are a very healthy product that promotes the production of breast milk.

When mothers hear the word "haricot", it is associated with hard-to-digest foods that are difficult to digest in infants. It is most correct to begin with an asparagus bean. If you correctly enter her in the menu of a caring mother, you can significantly improve her health and ensure the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals in breast milk.

History reference

It is believed that the homeland of green beans is South America, but today this vegetable is growing around the world. Since ancient times, people have been using these beans not only for food, but also when creating natural cosmetics, for example, vegetable masks or powder.

Bean seeds contain copper, sulfur, iron, zinc.

Eating legumes, as well as other previously unused products, is permissible:

  • if a person follows the rules of introduction to the diet;
  • if there is no allergic reaction in both the mother and the baby;
  • if the product is thermally processed correctly.


The nutritional characteristics of asparagus beans are explained by its exceptional composition of substances: amino acids, carotene, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, manganese, iron, vitamins A, B, C, E and others. Compared with white and red beans, this vegetable is less rich in proteins, although here they are much easier to absorb by the body, but it wins in terms of vitamin and mineral content.

Due to this composition, a number of positive phenomena occur in the body.

  1. The human body remains in good shape, the condition of the skin, nail and hair cover improves.
  2. Magnesium establishes the stable operation of the cardiovascular system, eliminates anemia and convulsions.
  3. Iron prevents anemia. One serving of beans is enough to cover the daily intake of iron needed by the body.
  4. The small composition of fats does not hit the figure (calorie content of about 30 kcal per 100 g) and does not harm the digestion of the baby.
  5. Fiber helps the positive functioning of the intestines and removes toxins from the body.

Asparagus beans will fit perfectly in diabetic nutrition. The plant favorably affects body weight, since, despite the low calorie content, it leaves a persistent feeling of fullness. A vegetable perfectly restores the hormonal background of a woman, especially after childbirth. The plant has a diuretic and calming effect, restores energy.

The advantage of asparagus beans is also that it does not accumulate toxins from the everyday environment, therefore it is indispensable for nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as for babies already at the beginning of their life's journey.

Everything is good in moderation

Due to the fact that asparagus beans do not cause an allergic reaction, it can be eaten as early as the first week after the birth of the baby. It is better to try a new recipe in the morning, and then during the day to observe the reaction of the child.

Signs of intestinal colic in a baby:

  • vanity, loud crying, tightening legs;
  • strained, swollen tummy;
  • calm comes after the exhaust gas.

In case of such a situation, it is necessary to stop the use of beans until the time when the child is a little older and the intestines work. From string beans should refrain from those who have gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis or cholecystitis. If there are no contraindications, then you can safely eat vegetable side dishes containing beans.

Where to begin

In order to avoid a negative reaction to asparagus beans in infants,   you need to enter it, following the exact rules.

  1. It is necessary to start eating a new product at 4 months after the birth of the baby, because at this time the process of forming its digestive system is completed.
  2. It is recommended to start with green beans, later you can proceed to its other types.
  3. For the first time, lactation must be strictly regulated so that the food is processed thermally. Cooking beans is enough for 6-8 minutes after boiling water.
  4. The initial portion is no more than 5 pods. If the child reacts to the vegetable in a neutral manner, then the amount of beans can be carefully increased.

Eat with green beans at least once every few days. This will enrich the mother's body with a sufficient amount of trace elements.

How to choose

A trip to the store is one of the crucial stages, because you need to be sure of the quality of the purchased beans.

  1. First you need to carefully check its appearance. Good beans have a monochromatic light green hue, the bean is not friable, juice appears on the cut.
  2. Avoid wilted or wet pods. This indicates poor storage of beans. In this case, the vegetable quickly deteriorates, brown spots appear, and useful properties are lost.

To save time, many seek to replace fresh beans with canned ones. This is an absolutely wrong decision, as such beans have restrictions on use.

Canned beans are not allowed if:

  • there is an ulcer, disruption of the digestive tract, gout, malfunction of the gallbladder and liver;
  • the baby is too sensitive to legumes - in this case, beans should be introduced into the food more accurately than fresh;
  • experts do not allow them during breastfeeding, considering the place in which the beans were grown and harvested that do not meet the standards of a healthy diet for the baby, and therefore its use is risky for the health of the mother and her child.

The cost of the product is quite affordable. You can buy a bag of frozen beans in almost every store. In the summer, of course, it is preferable to buy fresh vegetables. A huge selection of markets provide vegetable pavilions.

When frozen, the nutritional components in the beans are not destroyed, but do not defrost the pods before cooking, you can immediately put them on the stove.

Canned Beans

Still, if your choice fell on canned beans, here is a short list of which bank is better to choose.

  1. Beans in transparent jars are best. Let their price be higher, but this way you can inspect the contents.
  2. Do not forget about the time of manufacture and shelf life. The presence of tomato paste in canned beans reduces the time.
  3. If there is sediment at the bottom of the can, this means that the quality of the product is unsatisfactory.
  4. It is forbidden to purchase beans in a metal package if its bottom or lid is swollen. Their presence is evidence of the corruption of the goods.
  5. Vegetables can stand in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days after opening.

The way to cook beans

Good cooking during lactation is extremely important. String beans are subjected to all types of processing: cooked, stewed, baked, added to soups and salads.

But doctors do not recommend eating the plant fresh while breastfeeding, because without heat treatment it can cause intoxication. At the same time, while mother feeds her child, it is better to refuse fried food in order to avoid liver overload.

Tip. With the use of raw beans it is worthwhile to wait (no earlier than 4-5 months from the birth of the baby). Such beans are richer in fiber than processed, therefore, the percentage of malaise in a baby is much higher. The baby will be able to digest heavier foods without negative consequences by six months from the date of his birth.

Any pickles and marinades are unacceptable while feeding the baby.Beans are a great substitute for meat for vegetarians. It is tasty, and there are a lot of recipes for its preparation.

There are a few simple bean dishes.


You need: carrots - 1 piece, beets - 1 piece, cauliflower - half a head of cabbage, tomatoes - 2 or 3 pieces, onions - 1 or 2 pieces, asparagus beans - 300-350 grams.

Rinse the vegetables. Peel the carrots and beets. Ingredients, excluding tomatoes, must be cut into small squares about 2 cm in size, mixed, placed on a baking sheet and pour vegetable oil. Put the pan in the oven and bake at 140 degrees for 20 minutes. After this, the mixture must be put in a non-flat container, place the chopped fresh tomatoes there and cook over low heat until absolutely ready.

Put salt as you like and sprinkle with chopped herbs. It is contraindicated because it impairs the quality of breast milk.

Potted vegetables

You will need: asparagus beans - 400 grams, onions - 1 or 2 pieces, chicken breast - 200 grams.

  1. Legumes should be soaked in cool water for 5-6 hours or left overnight.
  2. Boil the beans for one hour. At this time, boil the breast.
  3. Cut onions in half rings and fry in vegetable or butter.
  4. Slice boiled chicken breast.
  5. Put boiled beans in layers in a pot, fried onions above, and finally put the breast.
  6. Cover the pot on top and put in an unheated oven. Bake the dish at 160 degrees for 35 minutes.

Bean soup with GV

You will need: white beans - 300 grams, broth (meat or poultry) - 1 liter, potatoes - 2-3 pieces, onions - 1-2 pieces, carrots - 1 piece.

  1. Soak beans in cool water and leave overnight.
  2. In the broth put potatoes, onions, beans and carrots.
  3. Boil until completely cooked.
  4. Extract each ingredient, grind in a blender until a uniform condition is obtained. Return the initial mixture to the broth and boil further for about 15 minutes. over low heat.
  5. When serving, you can add chopped fresh herbs and put crackers in the soup.

Bean Salad

You need: beans - 200 grams, carrots - 1 piece, parsley, dill.

  1. Boil the beans and carrots, which previously cut into circles.
  2. Add herbs, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
  3. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Stir the contents and boldly set the table.

This small masterpiece contains all the important substances necessary for breastfeeding.


String beans - an unusually useful plant, not only during feeding, but also in daily nutrition. Its use will saturate the human body with all the essential substances and elements.

See how to make mashed broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and potatoes in the next video.

During lactation, every young mother is responsible for planning her own diet. It consists of hypoallergenic, natural products, rich in useful substances, quite high-calorie. String beans for breastfeeding are acceptable products.

Consider how much this product can be consumed, how to introduce the main contraindications into the diet.

Beans are a well-known source of easily digestible vegetable protein. It is an excellent analogue of fish and meat. Therefore, it is necessarily included in the diet of nursing mothers, especially those who do not consume protein food at all or eat it in insufficient quantities.

The composition includes such useful components:

  • vitamin A, B and C;
  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements.

Regular use of green beans strengthens bones and teeth. The composition of the vegetable includes a lot of iron, so its use increases the level of hemoglobin and strengthens the immune system.


String beans are a healthy and high-calorie product. However, before using it, you should find out whether beans can be used for certain contraindications. These include colitis, a stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, nephritis and gout. If there are no contraindications, the use of beans is allowed and even recommended by most pediatricians.

The rules of introduction to the diet

Introduction to the diet of green beans does not differ from the rules for the introduction of other products. Vegetables include gradually. If after the first time the child did not have an allergic reaction, the portion is increased. However, if the baby has colic, diarrhea or allergies, the use of beans should be temporarily stopped.

The rules of introduction to the diet for HS:

  • The first intake should not exceed five pieces.
  • First, try the green beans. If there was no reaction, other varieties are included in the diet.

  • Beans are better absorbed in the morning, but it is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach.
  • Introduction to the mother’s diet of this product is recommended when the baby is at least 10-12 weeks old.
  • After use, you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby.
  • If there is no negative reaction, the portion is increased to 20 pieces.
  • If the baby has a negative reaction to the product, its use should be temporarily discontinued and repeated after some time.

Best dishes with green beans in the period of GW

Green beans in hepatitis B are the optimal product for maintaining immunity and improving the quality of milk. On its basis, various hot dishes, soups and salads are prepared.

As an option, cooking is its use for a healthy salad. To do this, boil a little beans and carrots, previously sliced, add parsley, dill, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Then salt and add a little black pepper. Stir and serve. This salad contains all the necessary ingredients for the health of mom and baby.

Delicious stew is also made from green beans. Add to it some potatoes, carrots, onions and zucchini. This component will give the dish an incredible aroma and pleasant taste. The mother during lactation should not only eat properly, but also fully. And this dish contains all the useful substances and at the same time is quite high in calories.

A great option is also a fragrant cream soup. To prepare it, you need a little green beans, low-fat meat, potatoes, carrots and spices. Prepare the broth based on chicken or beef, add potatoes, carrots and green beans. Grind with a blender. Add black pepper and salt.

During breastfeeding, women try to return to their previous physical form, so they choose low-fat dishes. The vegetable is steamed and served as a side dish to boiled chicken or beef.

Beans are a healthy vegetable, so there is no need to deny yourself their use during lactation. With the regular inclusion of this product in the dishes of a nursing mother, the quality of milk will improve, and the immunity of the mother and child will be strengthened. However, only the correct introduction to the vegetable menu will allow a woman to feel freedom from food restrictions and enjoy a wonderful period of life.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Beans are a very popular and highly regarded food product. Scientists claim that the history of beans has more than 5,000 years, although no one knows the exact numbers. She came from South and Central America, and the Spaniards and Dutch brought her to Europe in the 16th century.

Beans have long been eaten, used in cosmetic  and healing  purposes, very often it served as a decorative ornament. Her variety is green beans, the main difference of which is that you can eat grains with pods as food.

Types of String Beans

At first, only beans were eaten in Europe. Later, Europeans decided to try unripe pods (it happened in Italy), and many people liked them. Experts began to develop new varieties of beans, the pods of which would not be so hard. And soon they managed to do it. The resulting variety was called French bean.

Today there are about fifty  varieties of green beans. They differ in the shape of the grain, the length or color of the siliculose element, some of the species are grown in bushes, others climb. The most common in Europe are yellow and red green beans. But these two species include an impressive number of varieties.

  • “Royal purple” (“purple queen”) - a variety of curly string beans, which got its name for the characteristic color of the string element - purple, which during heat treatment changes to a saturated green color. Its large, juicy pods are also highly valued for their special delicate taste. It looks like bright red beans.
  • “Deer King” is a bush variety of precocious green beans grown in Holland, which is famous for its large volumes of harvest. Bean pods of this variety are painted in bright yellow color and have a pleasant delicate taste, the fruits are white. In good conditions gives two crops a year.
  • The American Golden Nectar variety has long (up to 25 cm) pods with white seeds. Bushes are high - up to 4 m. The fruits ripen in two months after planting.
  • “Blau Hilde” is a tall plant (3-5 m) with purple pods. It has large grains of creamy color. Variety bred in Austria.
  • Polish "Panther" can be eaten even raw. This bush variety of asparagus haricot is medium late, has yellow juicy pods, inside the haricot is white.
  • “Fana” is another Polish variety of green beans, which is famous for its resistance to diseases. It is great for canning, as it has excellent antibacterial properties. The pods of this bean are green with small white grains.
  • The “Ad Rem” variety, bred in the USA, is interesting in that its grains have a pleasant mushroom smell, which is transferred to the whole dish during cooking. This is a high-yielding creeper variety, the seeds of which have a lilac-pink color.
  • A subtle mushroom aroma also distinguishes the Japanese variety of string beans "Akito". This is one of the most productive varieties, the grains of which have a slightly spherical shape. The beans are black in color.
  • “Indiana” is a bush bean of early ripeness, which got its name due to the cherry pattern on white seeds, reminiscent of the image of an Indian in a hat. In a warm climate, it can produce two crops per year. The variety is bred in the USA.
  • “Blue Like” is a very productive American variety, pods are purple with large grains of white color. Bushes are high, reach 3-4 meters.
  • The increased capacity of vitamins and sugars is famous for “Sax 615”. This is a stunted plant (bushes reach a height of only 35-40 cm). A distinctive feature of this variety is the absence of fibers in the pods.

Regardless of which variety the beans belong to, it is important that they be grown in environmentally friendly. Then at least green, only plucked asparagus, and any other type of bean plant will be useful and nutritious.

Useful and healing properties

Chemical composition  String beans are rich and diverse.

String beans are rich vitamins, minerals  and others useful  substances. It contains a lot of ascorbic and nicotinic acid, carotene, tocopherol and folic acid. It contains a whole complex of vitamins of group B. Provitamin A, vitamins C and E are also presented in large quantities.

String beans are a very useful food product also due to the minerals contained in its composition, such as zinc, iron, magnesium, chromium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper and potassium. It also has protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and sugar.

Useful  and healing  properties of green beans:

  • Thanks to fiber, which is part of beans, as well as folic acid, magnesium and potassium, green beans will help reduce the risk of heart attack.
  • String beans are useful for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, they will help get rid of intestinal infections.
  • Eating green beans is very beneficial for the body as a whole. Due to the microelements and minerals contained in it, as well as a high level of vitamin C, it increases the body's resistance to infections from the outside, strengthens the immune system. Doctors have proven that using string beans, you can get rid of the flu virus.
  • It will also be useful in case of anemia, low hemoglobin, since copper activates the production of hemoglobin well, having a positive effect on the function of red blood cells.
  • The constant use of green beans leads to an improvement in liver function.
  • String beans are a true doctor for diabetics, as it lowers blood sugar. This is due to arginine - it is an insulin-like element that can normalize the amount of glucose in the blood.
  • Trace elements contained in it strengthen blood vessels, positively affect the work of the heart, and are suitable for the prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, poliomyelitis and many other diseases.
  • Some experts argue that green beans have a beneficial effect on the sexual function of men. This is due to the action of zinc, which is found in large quantities in beans. In addition, this culture is useful for the prevention of prostatitis, cholecystitis and calculous pyelonephritis.
  • The only food product that is not able to accumulate toxic substances from the environment is green beans. Therefore, eating it as food does not require poisoning with toxins.
  • It is good to eat green beans to maintain a youthful body. It allows you to slow down the aging process in the tissues, and reduces cholesterol.
  • Green beans must be included in the permanent menu of people watching their figure, because the calorie content of this product is very low.
  • Vitamin K, contained in beans, promotes regeneration, strengthens bones and joints, increasing calcium absorption.

Calorie content

The calorie content of fresh green beans is 24 kcal  on 100g  product. Depending on the variety, cooking method or heat treatment, the quality indicator may vary.

For example, the usual calorie content on 100g  boiled beans - 102 calories. As you can see, boiled beans are more high in calories.

Pregnancy use

Beans are on the list of foods that should be in the diet pregnant  required. After all, it is rich in plant proteins, which are used in the formation of the fetus, normalizes the intestines.

Future mothers  often suffer from stress and insomnia, and the substances contained in beans, for pregnant women will be an excellent sedative and anticonvulsant.

However, you need to be with beans be careful, if the beans are improperly processed, it can cause poisoning. Raw beans contain a harmful substance that is not absorbed by the body, can cause flatulence and disruption of the digestive tract. To avoid this trouble, you must first soak  beans, and then cook until cooked.

Doctors say that for pregnant  there are no contraindications to the use of beans, but if you suffer from gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, it is better to abstain  from this product, so as not to harm yourself and your baby.


Of course, both fresh and canned green beans for the body are very is useful. But if you eat it in large quantities daily, such abuse will cause the opposite  effect. As a result, a large amount of gas is accumulated in the body when the food is digested.

Flatulence causes not only internal discomfort due to acute cramping and pain, but also external. Since the unpleasant smell makes others look askance at the person from whom it comes. But such consequences can easily be avoided if you spend a little more time on the preparation of beans and use the right method of heat treatment.

The preliminary effect also gives a good effect. soak  legumes in soda solution. In this case, you will not only not feel discomfort and colic after eating legumes, but the dish will also be prepared much faster.

The effect of gas evolution is especially harmful for the category of people who suffer from a disease such as gastritisor some ulcerative  diseases. Exacerbation or worsening of the condition may occur if there is pancreatitis  or cholecystitis.

Do not abuse beans the elderly  to people. Young people should be careful about bean beans, which are eaten raw. Since fresh green beans can have an toxin effect on the body.

Before planning the preparation of beans, it is better to clarify them first calorie content. After all, food that is oversaturated with protein compounds of animal origin or fats can cause harm to the body.

For a child  green beans and asparagus are hard to digest  food, so it is better to exclude it from the diet. After all, the children's body is not yet prepared for the digestion of such a huge amount of fiber and complex substances. Usually in children it starts stomach acheupset stomach and cramping. Flatulence is another reason that makes a child suffer.


Like any other food product, green beans have a number of contraindications  to use. For example, doctors do not recommend eating such beans to people with increased acidity  gastric juice as well as suffering gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis  and ulcerative  stomach disease. The use of green beans is undesirable for older people with unstable bowel function.

In order to prevent bloating, it is worth adding caraway or dill to the dishes from beans, which will help reduce the gas production caused by beans.

With pancreatitis, green beans can be eaten, but only at the stage convalescence.

Beans for weight loss

This product is the perfect food.   for losing weight. Thanks to the many vitamins and amino acids contained in it, green beans will help lose weight and gain a beautiful figure.

Her secret is also that with a low calorie content, it contains a high level fiberwhich is known to very effective  to satisfy hunger, and complex carbohydrates contained in it are able to maintain a sense of fullness for a long time. The ability of beans to normalize cholesterol also contributes to weight loss. Another advantage  green beans in that there are practically no fats in it.

Young tender shoots of green beans will be especially useful for people who want to lose weight through a light and easy diet overweight. They cook quickly, go well with many other products and have a pleasant taste. It should be noted that to achieve a better result, it is more beneficial to use green beans in boiled  form (cook for 5-10 minutes).

If you decide to lose weight naturally with a light diet, green beans will help you do this more than many other foods. It makes tasty and fragrant dietary dishes that satisfy hunger for a long time. And besides, decoctions of young green beans will help remove toxins  out of the body and will maintain good health for a long time.

Elena Malysheva about green beans:

Those women who at least once passed through motherhood know that the period after childbirth is fraught with a lot of difficulties and changes.

The diet of a young mother changes especially strongly - it is made balanced, and potentially dangerous products are excluded from the menu, and therefore many mothers have certain questions, for example, whether green beans are allowed during breastfeeding. This product is considered quite useful, but whether this benefit persists during lactation and whether such beans are safe for the baby - we will understand in our article.

String beans are incredibly popular in the West - there this product is often served as a side dish and is a familiar everyday food. In our country, this plant can be seen quite rarely on the dining table - much more often white or red beans are used to prepare dishes, and it is much easier to find it.

In fact, green beans are many times superior to their red and white variety in terms of vitamins and minerals, which makes it an excellent product for nursing mothers.

For this reason, most pediatricians recommend that you definitely include such beans in your menu. Of course, this should be done only if the baby does not have a negative reaction to green beans, and if he has grown enough.

However, you should not worry, because almost all problems, including allergies, can be avoided if you properly organize the introduction of a new product in your diet and do not exceed the daily recommended rate. In this case, this wonderful vegetable will bring only one benefit and will reveal all its positive properties, which he really has a lot.

  • First of all, green beans good for the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that this vegetable significantly reduces the risk of relevant diseases, and also slightly dilutes the blood, thereby eliminating the likelihood of blood clots.
  • String Beans - Extremely low calorie product. This property makes it a great addition to the diet of those mothers who during pregnancy and after childbirth gained extra pounds and want to lose weight.
  • Green beans good for the digestive system. This plant contains a significant amount of plant fiber, which, getting into our body, normalizes the functioning of the intestine and improves its ability to absorb nutrients.

In addition, eating such beans is an excellent prevention of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • If a young mother suffers from diabetes or has a predisposition to this disease, then string beans must be included in her menu. Proven that this the product normalizes blood sugar  and prevents the onset of severe symptoms and attacks.
  • Antioxidants in the composition beans are able to favorably affect the immune system.  mom and baby, and strengthen her. This helps the body successfully resist all kinds of diseases, and also reduces the risk of various deviations in work, for example, allergic reactions.
  • Also antioxidants  positively affect the state of cells - they help them to actively renew themselves and additionally contribute to the removal of toxic substances, or simply neutralize them.
  • Green beans, like carrots, contain a significant amount of a substance such as lutein. This connection is necessary for our body to maintain eye health and visual acuity at the proper level. Also, lutein will be useful for the baby’s eyes.
  • String beans contains significant amount of calcium. This mineral is the main component of our bones and is necessary for the proper growth of the baby and strengthen his bone tissue. In addition, in beans there is also vitamin K, which just ensures the correct absorption of calcium by the body.

Although in green beans vegetable protein  significantly less than in red or white, it is still present here. This substance is the building material for most organs and tissues in our body, and therefore the need for proteins, both in the growing organism of the child and in the recovering organism of the mother, is extremely high.

Possible harm from eating green beans while breastfeeding

Looking at the positive properties of green beans, you might think that such a product should be included in the diet of a nursing mother in the first month after delivery, but this is not so.

Pediatricians recommend extremely carefully adding it to their menu during lactation, as green beans have side effects that make it quite dangerous for certain groups of people. In addition, early entry can lead to negative consequences in the crumbs.

  • String beans contain phytic acid. In a small amount, it is safe, but if it enters too much into the body, this will lead to a deficiency of nutrients - the acid will not allow them to digest. That is why you should use green beans within reasonable limits and not exceed the recommended norm.
  • Some vegetable proteins that make up green beans can cause digestive problems, both in a young mother and in a child. For this reason, pediatricians recommend that you carefully monitor the behavior of the baby - if he behaves uneasily, he is tormented by gas and colic, then the use of green beans should be limited.
  • Like any other legume, green beans, despite their immuno-strengthening properties, can cause an allergy in the baby.

An allergic reaction in a baby is accompanied by the appearance of large red spots on the skin, urticaria, lacrimation, problems with breathing and coughing. In addition, allergies can adversely affect the digestion of the child.

  • The abundance of fiber in such beans makes it dangerous for those young mothers who suffer from intestinal diseases, for example, colitis. Frequent eating of it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and worsen the general condition.
  • Plant fiber also causes bloating and flatulence. A similar effect affects both the mother and the baby, who in this case begins to behave uneasily due to colic. Particular attention to this property of the product should be paid to those mothers whose births occurred as a result of cesarean section.

How and when to introduce green beans into the mother’s diet while breastfeeding

Now let's figure out when pediatricians recommend introducing green beans into their menu. Following these rules will avoid many negative consequences and will protect you and your baby from them as much as possible.

The optimal time for the first test of this product is 4-5 months after delivery. The first tasting should be very small - just a few bean pods are enough, and it is best to boil it.

At this point, your baby through milk should already be familiar with almost all safe food, which will allow his body to adequately respond to a new dish in the mom's menu.

After mom tried a dish new for the crumbs, it is necessary to wait from 24 to 48 hours. During this time, it will become clear whether the child has a negative reaction to green beans or not.

If during this time period the baby does not change the consistency of the stool, he behaves as usual, he does not suffer from colic, and there are no characteristic red spots on the skin, then you can slightly increase the number of pods. After several such tests, the volume of the product can be increased to 150 grams - this amount is the recommended daily allowance.

In a week, it is allowed to eat string beans no more than 1-2 times.

In cases where the child does not respond well to a new product, its input is moved for a period of three weeks to a month, and then try again. It is worth noting that during the introduction of a new dish, you must follow a diet and exclude any other unfamiliar foods - so you will be sure that the crumbs react negatively to this type of food.

Tips for eating beans in pods during the GW period

  • Most often, string beans are sold in stores frozen. Of course, it is advisable to eat only a fresh product, but if there is no choice, then this is also suitable.
  • Before preparing green beans, it is necessary to sort it out and discard the darkened pods.
  • In its raw form, beans are by no means impossible. First of all, such a product can cause food poisoning, which with sufficient strength will harm the child. Also, the vegetable fiber in raw beans is much tougher, which can lead to digestive problems.

The best way to cook beans is by boiling or steaming. Also, the vegetable can be stewed with other products and even baked. It is better to refuse from frying while breastfeeding.

  • Try not to digest green beans - this way all useful substances will disintegrate in it and the general benefit of such a meal will be zero.

As you can see, green beans during breastfeeding can be a great addition to the menu of a young mother. The most important thing is to follow the rules for entering this product and carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs in order to respond in time if the vegetable causes allergies or digestive problems.

Beans, the legume family, are usually excluded from the diet of nursing mothers, due to the fact that the product is able to cause increased baby gas and painful colic in the baby. However, if the beans are introduced into the diet correctly and carefully, in small portions, then it is recommended to eat it during breastfeeding, especially considering the whole complex of useful substances and microelements in its composition.

Proper use of beans will be of great benefit to a nursing mother

Useful Bean Properties

Beans due to the high protein content is considered the most useful analogue of meat. This representative of legumes helps to strengthen the general condition of the mother, increase immunity and resistance to viruses during lactation, improves the condition of teeth and bone skeleton, saturates the cells with oxygen, has a light diuretic effect, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, excretory tract, heart. The product is actively recommended for diseases associated with iron deficiency in the body, convulsions and digestive problems. Green beans contain a large amount of:

  • fiber;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C and ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins of group K and B;
  • trace elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc;
  • acids: lysine, tyrosine, arginine. tyrosine, histidine, arginine, lysine.

String beans are considered an ideal product for pregnant women and nursing mothers, the unique composition of useful minerals, including folic acid, favorably affects the woman's body. String beans - a low-calorie product that improves metabolism, while the protein content in it is less than in all legumes.

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You can include beans in the diet of a nursing mother if no allergic reactions to this product have been detected before pregnancy and during gestation.

  1. Bean consumption is best with green beans. This is the least high-calorie and easily digestible food.
  2. Do not eat beans until the baby is 4 months old. At this age, the baby’s intestines are already filled with “beneficial” bacteria, and the baby easily tolerates the introduction of new products into her mother’s diet.
  3. When breastfeeding, you should not make beans the only dish, especially in the afternoon. The best option is to make a salad of chicken, beans and sour cream for breakfast.
  4. After the first use of a new dish, it is necessary to take a break and check how the child reacted to it. An alarming symptom is a rash on the face, upset stomach, moods. If these signs are found, the use of beans should be delayed for a couple of months.
  5. The consumption rate of beans is not more than 20 peas once a day. After the child reaches the age of six months, the norm can be gradually increased.

  Chicken with beans - a delicious and healthy lunch for a nursing mother

Bean Recipes

Bean salads and soups are introduced into the diet of the mother after the child is 4-5 months old. As a rule, all vegetables can already be consumed at this time: zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, and tomatoes. Beans will diversify vegetable side dishes and add nutrients to the diet after strict diets. The most popular dish for mothers of six-month-old babies is vegetable stew.

Recipe 1. Vegetable Stew

Cooking process:

  1. Cook vegetables: 1 medium carrot, 1 medium beet, cauliflower - half a head of cabbage, 3 medium tomatoes, 1 eggplant, 1 onion, green beans - 200 grams (see also:). Wash, dry and peel vegetables.
  2. Cut vegetables except tomato into medium slices (1 * 1 centimeter), mix and put into a refractory form, sprinkle with vegetable oil. Put in the oven, and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees.
  3. Put the half-finished vegetables in a pan, add the tomatoes cut in small pieces. Simmer until cooked over low heat.
  4. Salt the finished dish to taste, add finely chopped greens. Nursing mothers should not add seasoning to stew - they can change the taste of breast milk.

You can eat stew as an independent dish or as a side dish to boiled or baked meat. Vegetable stew will be especially tasty after complete cooling. You can improve the taste of the dish with lemon juice or sour cream (add sour cream if the child is not allergic to milk protein).

  Vegetable stew with beans can be served with meat or just as a separate dish

Recipe 2 - Cream Soup

Amazing in simplicity and ease of preparation, the dish is very tasty and healthy. You need to cook it from white beans, nursing mothers should eat small portions on holidays. Cooking process:

  1. Rinse 1 cup white beans and leave to swell in water for 1 night.
  2. Cook the meat broth from chicken, turkey or beef.
  3. Boil vegetables in the broth: 2 medium potatoes, onions, 1 carrot and beans.
  4. Remove the onions from the pan, transfer the remaining vegetables to the blender bowl.
  5. Beat warm vegetables with a blender until smooth (more details in the article:).
  6. Add the resulting mashed potatoes to the boiling broth, boil for 12-15 minutes.
  7. Turn off the soup, let it brew.
  8. Serve soup with crackers and garnished with herbs.

Recipe 3. Vegetables baked in a pot

The most useful dish is potted baked vegetables. They do not lose their beneficial qualities, have an unusual taste and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The recipe is suitable for both string beans and beans:

  1. Rinse beans, pour cold water, soak for several hours. For beans in pods, you can skip this step.
  2. Boil the beans until cooked. In time it takes from 40 minutes to an hour.
  3. Peel the onions, cut into half rings, fry until half cooked in vegetable oil. Instead of vegetable oil, butter can be used to improve the taste.
  4. Put in pots in layers: beans and onions. For meat lovers, you can add boiled beef or poultry to the dish.
  5. Cover the pots with a lid or foil. Put in a cold oven and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 15-160 degrees.