How to know if the sausages are ready. How to cook frozen sausages

17.04.2019 Snacks

When the hostess needs to cook a quick and tasty dish, very often sausages help her out.

Fortunately, there are plenty of these sausages on store shelves now and you can buy them, focusing on the price, product composition and taste.

Many people think that sausages and boiled sausage are one and the same, so they can be eaten raw and without any heat treatment.

Still, sausages are recommended to be boiled, fried or baked in order to destroy those pathogens that could appear in meat product in the process of its transportation, storage or dishonest preparation.

How to prepare sausages for cooking

Many are worried about the question of whether or not to remove the casing from the sausages.

If it is natural, then most often it is not removed, because it is harmless, and after cooking, some eat it along with a sausage.

But more often than not, sausages are sold in an artificial casing. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it before cooking in order to protect yourself from those harmful substancesthat can go from it into the product itself. Although it is made from food raw materials, it is better not to risk it.

If sausages are boiled in a shell, then they need to be pierced in several places with a needle... Thanks to this action, the sausages will not burst. It is better not to pierce them with a knife or fork, since they can fall apart during the cooking process in these places.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

To do this, take such a saucepan so that the sausages fit into it in full length. Then they will not bend during cooking and remain flat.

They can be poured cold or hot water, but still the second option is preferable, since then the sausages will cook faster, and also less nutrients of them will come out into the water.

  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Salt is not added, since in sausages it's enough.
  • Sausages are dipped into the water. In this case, the liquid must completely cover them.
  • Bring the water to a boil again, reduce the fire so that the liquid does not boil.
  • Sausages are cooked for 5-10 minutes. Do not cook for a long time, because then their taste deteriorates significantly.
  • The sausages are taken out of the water and immediately placed on a plate.
  • If the sausages were cooked in a shell, then it is removed. To make it easier to do this, the sausages, having taken out of the boiling water, are immediately immersed in cold water... Then the film is removed, which, after such manipulations, is easily amenable.

How to cook frozen sausages

Cook frozen sausages a little differently.

  • The frozen product is immediately placed in cold water without removing the shell. But so that it does not burst, they pierce it in several places.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes.
  • Sausages are removed from the boiling water and immersed in cold water for a few seconds.
  • Remove the shell.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

Sausages in microwave oven cook in much the same way as in a saucepan.

Method 1

  • Sausages peeled from the shell are placed in a microwave-safe container. To prevent them from swelling and bursting, they are pierced in several places with a needle. Or, small cuts are made on the product at both ends. Then, during heat treatment, the sausages acquire an unusual shape, but do not burst.
  • Pour boiling water so that the water completely covers them. Otherwise, the parts of the sausages protruding from the water will, as it were, brown and brown during cooking.
  • Close the container with a lid and cook for about 3 minutes.
  • They are taken out of the water and immediately served with any side dish.

Method 2

Sausages can be cooked in the microwave without water. This process is much more economical and faster. And the sausages are much tastier.

  • To do this, the sausages are freed from the shell and placed on a plate. They need to be slightly cut at both ends.
  • Place in the microwave, turn on the highest power and cook for 1 minute. To get a juicier sausage, you can pour a little water into a plate.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

Sometimes gas runs out at the most inopportune moment. And then the multicooker comes to the rescue. If you need to quickly cook something for dinner, you can boil the sausages. To do this, use the programs "Steam cooking", "Stew / Soup" or "Baking".

  • Water is poured into a bowl and brought to a boil.
  • Sausages are dipped into it.
  • Cook for about 5 minutes.

How to cook sausages in a double boiler

Steaming is considered ideal. After all, with this method, everything useful material remain in the product. Therefore, sausages can also be cooked in this kitchen unit.

  • The sausages are freed from the shell.
  • Place in a greased bowl.
  • Place the bowl on a double boiler, the reservoir of which is filled with water.
  • Turn on the double boiler and cook the sausages for about 10 minutes.
  • Boiled sausages are immediately served. They cannot be stored in water as they become watery and tasteless.
  • To keep the sausages hot for some time, they are poured with oil, placed in an oven heated to no higher than 80 °. You can also put them in a saucepan, close the lid and place them in a water bath.
  • Sausages are cooked in the same way as sausages, but heat treatment is carried out for 3-5 minutes longer.


  • Milk sausages

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

How to cook sausages in a saucepan step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 2

Remove the plastic film from the sausages, and pierce the natural film in several places with a fork or needle. Place the sausages in a saucepan with cold water... The water should cover the sausages.

We will need:

  • Microwave utensils
  • Microwave


  • Milk sausages

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

Sausages are a very common hearty dish that is very popular among young housewives. No problem - boiled for several minutes in boiling water and serve at least with mashed potatoes, even with pasta, even with porridge, even with vegetable salad... Everyone is satisfied and satisfied. And yet, the youngest housewives sometimes ask themselves the question: how to cook sausages correctly. There is nothing complicated here, but some tips will help you with this:

Do not eat sausages raw. Besides what you can get food poisoning, boiled sausages have best tastethan raw.

Before cooking, remove the plastic casing from the sausages or pierce the casing with a fork in several places if it is natural.

Dip the sausages in cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook the sausages for 2-5 minutes, depending on their size.

The cooking water should completely cover the sausages.

When boiling sausages, the water is not salted.

Sausages can be boiled in water, microwave, steam. You can choose the cooking method yourself. The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, cheese sauce, adjika.

How to cook sausages in the microwave step by step instructions with a photo:

We will need:

  • Multicooker


  • Milk sausages

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

Sausages are a very common hearty dish that is very popular among young housewives. No problem - boiled it in boiling water for several minutes and serve it with mashed potatoes, even with pasta, even with porridge, even with a vegetable salad. Everyone is satisfied and satisfied. And yet, the youngest housewives sometimes wonder how to cook sausages correctly. There is nothing complicated here, but some tips will help you with this:

Do not eat sausages raw. In addition to food poisoning, boiled sausages taste better than raw sausages.

Before cooking, remove the plastic casing from the sausages or pierce the casing with a fork in several places if it is natural.

Dip the sausages in cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook the sausages for 2-5 minutes, depending on their size.

The cooking water should completely cover the sausages.

When boiling sausages, the water is not salted.

Sausages can be boiled in water, microwave, steam. You can choose the cooking method yourself. The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, cheese sauce, adjika.

How to cook sausages in a multicooker step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 2

Remove the plastic wrap from the sausages or pierce the sausage in several places with a fork or needle if the casing is natural. Place the sausages in the multicooker bowl and add enough water to cover the sausages completely. Cook on the "Baking" mode for 7 minutes.

We will need:

  • Double boiler


  • Milk sausages

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

Sausages are a very common hearty dish that is very popular among young housewives. No problem - boiled it in boiling water for several minutes and serve it with mashed potatoes, even with pasta, even with porridge, even with a vegetable salad. Everyone is satisfied and satisfied. And yet, the youngest housewives sometimes wonder how to cook sausages correctly. There is nothing complicated here, but some tips will help you with this:

Do not eat sausages raw. In addition to food poisoning, boiled sausages taste better than raw sausages.

Before cooking, remove the plastic casing from the sausages or pierce the casing with a fork in several places if it is natural.

Dip the sausages in cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook the sausages for 2-5 minutes, depending on their size.

The cooking water should completely cover the sausages.

When boiling sausages, the water is not salted.

Sausages can be boiled in water, microwave, steam. You can choose the cooking method yourself. The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, cheese sauce, adjika.

How to cook sausages in a steam oven step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 2

Put the sausages in a steamer bowl. Remove the plastic film from the sausages, and pierce the natural film in several places with a fork or needle.

Much has already been said about the dangers of sausages and sausages, but we still continue to buy them. It's delicious and quick, you can cook dinner within five minutes if you put a sausage in the pan and put it on a plate ready-made noodles, prepared according to the principle of "steam with boiling water". Is it okay to eat raw sausage? The question is, of course, an interesting one. But the answer depends on the product in question. If this natural sausage, which contains 60% pure meat with the addition of milk, butter and spices, then of course you can. This is a product that is completely ready to eat and is no different from boiled sausage. Although for baby food nutritionists advise using only products that have been subjected to heat treatment.

Modern sausages

But we're not talking about perfect option, but about what we face regularly, every day. Can i eat raw supermarket sausage? To answer this question, let's get acquainted with the composition. Instead of minced meat, it usually includes ground veins and leather, soy and wheat protein, fiber and semolina, milk protein and starch as well a large number of water, flavor enhancers and thickeners, flavorings and other "joys in life." Meat is no more than 10%, and if we consider cheap sausages from cardboard packaging, then this is not the case here either. Agree, the question of whether it is possible to eat a raw sausage can be asked in another way. Is it worth eating at all.

Boil \u003d soak

This is approximately the case if we are considering inexpensive products. During the boiling process, some of the dyes and salt pass into the water. The situation is similar with fat. Notice how the water looks after the sausages are cooked. It is very oily, salty and pink. That is, it can be assumed that the product has become somewhat "more useful". Is it okay to eat a raw sausage stuffed with so many additives - decide for yourself.


These are the date of manufacture and the maximum shelf life that can be found on the packaging. The shorter the specified period, the better. This means that the manufacturer did not put a huge amount of preservatives in the product. The same information makes it possible to understand whether it is possible to eat raw sausages... If the sausages were made just yesterday, then there will be no harm. Provided that the composition suggests the presence of at least something useful. If you see that they were made a long time ago, then you definitely need to cook, and longer.

There is one more point connected with this. It's no secret that the deadlines modern stores and supermarkets are interrupted. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to eat raw sausages, we would recommend to be careful. You never know in advance what a modern salesperson is capable of in pursuit of profit.

Product color

And again, we offer to evaluate the products in the store, so that it would not be offensive for wasted money. Is it possible to eat raw sausages that are bright red or very dark in color, smell strongly of smoked meats? The unequivocal answer is no, during cooking they will get rid of at least some of the dyes. But it is advisable to completely abandon such a product. Good sausages should be light pink, homogeneous, without too obtrusive aroma of spices and, moreover, smoked meats, which is a consequence of the addition of liquid smoke.

Minced sausage structure

You can evaluate the sausage before you put it in the water or after taking it out of the pot. A good product keeps its shape perfectly, is dense and homogeneous, since it consists of at least half of meat. Remember the sausages and sausages of the Soviet era? The skin on them did not burst, and they did not fall apart in the pan. What's going on today? During cooking, the product swells, the skin bursts, and the sausage itself turns into a kind of jelly, which falls apart when you try to get it on a plate. That is, in the composition great amount starch, fat and all sorts of residues from the skins. Is it possible for children to eat raw sausages, taking into account modern realities, is a question for parents.

Shell: natural or artificial

It depends on how much the sausages will withstand heat treatment. Natural casing withstands boiling and searing as well as grilling. Today, most manufacturers indicate on the packaging that sausages are packaged in a natural casing. But if it bursts in a saucepan, then there is nothing natural in it. By the way, if you are wondering whether it is possible to eat raw sausages in a natural casing, then remember that the shelf life of such a product is 72 hours. Are you sure that the seller will manage to sell all the goods during this time? Artificial packaging does not give the product much advantage, but during cooking it bursts under the influence of temperatures.

How much to cook

In principle, everything is ready-made. They only need to be warmed up and slightly sterilized. Nutritionists say that you need to boil water and put sausages in it. After three minutes, you can take it out and eat it. However, if we turn to the experience of Soviet chefs, we find out that completely different numbers were indicated in the manuals. Nothing was said about whether it was possible to eat raw sausages and wieners. And it was recommended to boil delicate products within 5-10 minutes. Plump sausages were subject to heat treatment even longer, 10-15 minutes. Boiled or fried, it was recommended to serve it with mashed potatoes and green peas... But nutritionists say that it is better to offer a lower-calorie side dish, cabbage or other vegetables.

Cooking the healthiest sausages

If you are disappointed in the products that the modern industry offers you, then go for self-cooking delicious sausages... To do this, you will need to buy good meat and grind it thoroughly in a blender. After that, the mass must be diluted with milk, add spices and butter... The consistency should be quite tender, it will be tastier this way.

Now you need a special meat grinder with a sausage attachment and a casing into which the mass will need to be pumped. Tie the edges carefully and send them to the refrigerator so that the minced meat settles down a little. Now it remains to prepare the product. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and put sausages in it. We wait for boiling and cook for 15-20 minutes. Now we take out our amazing sausages and serve with any side dish. Do not even ask if you can eat raw sausage, not cook. In this case, heat treatment is absolutely indispensable. By the way, such sausages can be fried and baked. The aroma and taste will be fantastic every time.

Dietitians about sausages

The quality of products on the modern market leaves much to be desired. Therefore, for baby food, pregnant and lactating women, it is better to completely exclude such products from the diet. Studies show that sausages contain colossal amounts of fat and harmful additives, which, even in raw, even in boiled form, nothing good for the body will not give.

If you decide to give the baby sausage for a change, then remember that it can be included in the child's diet no earlier than from the age of three. Choose your brand carefully. You should not pay attention to the cheapest sausages, they have too many harmful additives. But there is no need to take the most expensive. Usually, their composition is the same as in the middle price segment, but the cost is much higher. Why overpay for a trademark? Sometimes, frankly low-quality goods are sold at top prices. In this case, the manufacturer expects exactly what the consumer considers expensive to be of the highest quality.

Instead of a conclusion

Two conclusions can be drawn today. First, it is not recommended to eat raw sausages. Even though it is boiled sausage, it is much safer to subject it to heat treatment. The second - modern store sausages are not recommended to be eaten at all. It is much better to start making homemade sausages. Grilled, they will taste much tastier than what you can buy in the market. At the same time, you can adjust the amount of salt and spices, and you will also know exactly what kind of meat is inside.

Boiled sausages with pasta

For 2 servings: boil a lot of water (2 liters), add salt, add 100 grams of pasta, after 5 minutes add sausages cut into circles or just whole, cook together for 3 minutes after boiling. Drain through a colander, drizzle with oil and sauce, and serve.

How to cook hairy sausages

Pierce the sausages with long thin pasta so that you get a "hedgehog". Dip the sausage and pasta hedgehogs into the pot one at a time, so that the pasta has time to soak. Cook each of the hairy sausages for 10 minutes. The technology is simple: the first part of the hairy sausages is cooked, and when the pasta is completely immersed in the water, you can add a couple more hairy sausages.

About baby sausages

Cook sausages "Krokha" and other "mini sausages" for 2 minutes.

In a shell or without

You can cook sausages both in a casing and without it - the main thing is not to eat an unnatural casing in the end. To save time, the unnatural casing can be removed while the sausage water is boiling. But if the shell is natural, it does not need to be peeled off at all.

Sausage math

- The cost sausages - 350-450 rubles / kilogram (on average in Moscow for November 2018).

- Calorie content boiled sausages - 250-300 kcal / 100 grams.

How to choose good sausages

Price per kilogram natural sausages from meat can not be less than a kilogram of meat. To reduce the cost of sausages, fiber is often added and alimentary fiber, this is usually indicated in the composition. The GOST sign on the packaging indicates the standard composition, the TU sign - o unusual ingredients: spices, cheeses, etc.
Quality sausages do not contain flavorings, thickeners, dyes, modified starch... If the sausages are dark in color, they contain too many preservatives and may have been processed more than once. Sodium nitrite is added to almost all sausages to give them pink color... If the sausages are bright pink, most likely they have gone too far with dyes.
The shelf life of sausages by weight is 3-5 days, vacuum packing - 15-20 days. After cooking, store the sausages in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

What to serve sausages with

- The most popular side dishes for boiled sausages are pasta and potatoes. For a snack, lettuce leaves, cheese, tomatoes are suitable.
- The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, sour cream, adjika, soy sauce, mustard.

The main problem that slyly awaits you next to the sausage pot is a bursting shell and lifelessly dry filling of sausages. Of course, there are worse stories, when distracted, the water boiled away and not only were left without food, but also without cooking utensils. Therefore, we will move in stages and, step by step, we will still cook the sausages correctly.

How many sausages to cook in pieces

First, we decide on the number of sausages. We recommend boiling at least 4 pieces. This amount fits perfectly in a medium-sized saucepan and 4 sausages are enough for a sandwich or salad for 2 servings. Even if you are cooking sausages for yourself, cook 4 pieces - which will not be eaten right away, you can use it for scrambled eggs or omelet later.

Defrost or not defrost sausages before cooking

If the sausages have been frozen, transfer them directly from the freezer to a saucepan.

Remove or not remove the casing and film before cooking

The natural casing does not need to be removed. To prevent it from bursting, pierce it several times with a fork. Artificial casing (film), if desired, after rinsing the sausage under running water, remove. Or cook in a film, then pour over with cold water and remove it.

What water should sausages be dipped into for cooking

Place the sausages in a saucepan and cover them with cold water. It should completely "cover" the food and be 2 cm above their level. Never immerse sausages in boiling liquid, the shell will burst!

How to cook sausages correctly

Place a pot of sausages on the stove and bring to a boil over medium to low heat. Boil after boiling for 5-7 minutes if the sausages were previously frozen. If fresh, after the start of the boil - literally in 10-20 seconds, remove from heat.

Do not keep sausages in water after boiling. Either remove them with a fork, or better - drain the water.

Boiled, tender and most importantly - whole - sausages are ready. What's next?

How to improve cooked sausages

It happens that, regardless of your skills and efforts, boiled sausages shrink and wrinkle after a rather short time. It doesn't look very appetizing and raises a lot of questions from eaters. Therefore, we suggest that you cook them in two stages. This method should not let you down.

Two-step preparation of sausages

We have already taken the first step - we boiled sausages, as described above. They are delicate, intact, but nondescript - unless, of course, they are tinted by the manufacturer. Natural boiled sausages are usually of a nondescript grayish color. Let's make them more colorful and crisp to taste.

To do this, blot excess moisture. paper towel... And best of all, cut the sausages in half along their entire length. Lightly grease the pan vegetable oil and warm it up. Transfer the sausages to the pan and literally give them heat for 20-30 seconds on each side - fry. Since they are already cooked, the sausages only need to be given their color and roasted flavor. Don't overdry them!

And when they are ruddy, toasted and tender inside will be ready, then it is possible! you will regret that there were only 4 of them!

An alternative way to boil sausages

The taste of the product can be changed and enhanced not only by complicating the cooking technology, but also by changing the cooking liquid. Put dry mushrooms or fried onions in the water - the sausages are filled with their taste and aroma.

Or boil sausages in beer! Dip them in a hoppy drink and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook the sausages for 15-20 minutes. By the way, not all sausages can be brewed in beer, of course. For this, German is suitable, for example, for hot dogs.

Prepare sandwiches, toast and sandwiches with boiled or boiled-fried sausages, serve with vegetables, rice, pasta or mashed potatoes. And let it be delicious for you!

Sausages with potatoes