How to bake lush pita bread. Lavash Georgian. Recipe

12.07.2019 Snacks

But even pita bread cooked at home according to the proposed recipes in a pan or baking sheet will turn out very tasty and soft.


  1. Warm water - 2 tbsp.
  2. Sugar - 2 tsp
  3. Flour - 5 tbsp.
  4. Dry yeast - 2 tsp
  5. Salt - 2 tsp
  6. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  • Dissolve dry yeast in water. Add sugar, salt, oil. Sifting flour through a sieve, knead the dough. Knead the dough for 2 minutes. Then transfer it to a cup greased with oil and close paper napkin. Leave for an hour.
  • Punch down the risen dough and divide it into about 8 pieces. Roll the dough into koloboks, cover them with a film and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Sprinkle flour on the table and roll out pieces of dough into a layer no wider than 3 mm thick.
  • Heat up a dry skillet.
  • Put the tortilla in the pan, lay the excess dough on the sides.
  • Fry for 5 seconds on each side. As soon as the side turns white and dots appear, turn it over. Lavash cannot be overcooked.
  • Put the finished pita bread in a pile and cover with a clean towel to soften it.


  1. Flour - 3 tbsp.
  2. Kefir - 2 tbsp.
  3. Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Soda - 1 tsp
  5. Salt - 0.5 tsp


  • Kefir should be at room temperature, then it can be poured into a bowl. Add oil, soda and salt to it. Soda does not need to be extinguished, because it will react with kefir.
  • Sift the flour through a fine sieve and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  • The dough should be kneaded to a dense consistency, closed with a bag and left for 25 minutes.
  • Then it must be thoroughly kneaded and divided into small pieces. They need to be rolled out into a cake no more than 3 mm thick.
  • Put the pan without oil on the fire and heat it up. The cake needs to be baked on each side for 15 seconds. Lavash is ready.

Thick pita bread is lush and golden in color, its thickness should be in the range of 4 to 8 mm.


  1. Flour - 6 tbsp.
  2. Sugar - 2 tsp
  3. Warm water - 1/2 tbsp.
  4. Salt - 4 tsp
  5. Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. l.
  6. Yeast - 4 tsp
  7. Sesame seeds - ½ tsp


  • Dissolve sugar in water. Add yeast to it. Set the resulting mixture aside until bubbles appear.
  • Sift flour and mix with salt in a deep bowl.
  • Make a well in the center and pour in the water, sugar and yeast. Then add vegetable oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the dough, where knead it, bringing it to a smooth consistency for 10 minutes.
  • Put the dough back into the bowl, brushing it with oil beforehand. Cover the dough with a towel and put it away for 2 hours in a warm place. Until the dough becomes 2 p.
  • Once the dough will do, mix it lightly, then divide it into 15 parts. Roll out the pieces into thin squares. Dust a baking sheet with flour and place the rolled out dough on it. Pierce the dough and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Bake pita bread in the oven, heating it to 230 0 C, for 5 minutes, until it becomes golden in color.

Thin lavash is called lavash with a thickness of not more than 4 mm.


  1. Egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Water - 1 tbsp.
  3. Salt - 1 tsp


  • Wash the egg and beat in a small container, add salt and mix everything. Pour in the water and stir with a fork, pouring everything into the sifted flour. Mix everything to make a dough for simple dumplings.
  • Cover the dough with a lid, put it in a dark place and leave it for 40 minutes.
  • Cut off small pieces of the dough and make koloboks out of them, similar to chicken eggs.
  • Sprinkle with flour and roll out the resulting bun very thinly.
  • Lavash bake on each side for 3 minutes in the oven or in a dry frying pan.
  • After cooking, remove the pita bread immediately into the bag and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Store ready-made thin pita bread in a bag, because it quickly becomes stale.


  1. Rye flour - 250 g
  2. Water - 250 ml
  3. Wheat flour - 800 g


  • You can cook real Armenian lavash by making it in advance rye sourdough. Mix rye flour with water and pour everything into a 3 liter jar. The mixture should be lump-free and completely homogeneous. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze, folding it into 3 layers.
  • Leave the finished sourdough at room temperature for a day. Fermentation should begin in a day. On the third day, the starter will begin to bubble and acquire a sour smell. At this point, add 100 g to it. rye flour mixed with the same amount of water. Mix the starter and leave it for a day. Then, in a day, feed the sourdough again in the same way, and in a day it can be used for its intended purpose.
  • When the starter is ready, start kneading the dough. Take a deep bowl and sift the wheat flour into it. Add salt and water, as much as needed to knead a not-so-cool dough. Pour 200 g of sourdough into the resulting dough and cover it with a towel. Remove the dough for 2 hours in a warm place.
  • Cut the infused dough into medium pieces, give them the shape of a ball and place under a towel for 15 minutes. Then roll out from each piece of cakes, no more than 2 mm thick and with a diameter equal to the pan in which they will be cooked.
  • Heat up a frying pan and put the cake on it. Fry it on each side for a few seconds. Turn over when the cake turns white and brown spots appear on it. Place the finished pita bread under a towel in a pile.

Lavash traditionally refers to Armenian bread, but there is also thick lavash belonging to Georgian cuisine. Which lavash to cook is up to you, because and thick, and thin, and Armenian lavash can become great addition to various dishes not only on everyday table but also on holidays.

For such a ubiquitous dish as pita bread, the recipe for cooking at home is very simple. Here you can find a fairly wide variety of techniques with various ingredients. But since ancient times, a flatbread made from flour and water has been considered lavash. Usually it was served instead of bread with almost all dishes.

To date, lavash has become widespread and has changed a bit; it comes with filling, both sweet and salty. However, it is important to distinguish between different types of pita bread and recipes for cooking at home.

Armenian lavash

Armenian lavash is the most widespread in the world. The recipe for cooking at home is quite common and simple. Each hostess has a different cooking process, but the result remains the same. Such pita bread can be used both instead of bread and for cooking dishes of varying complexity. Here you can recall such goodies as rolls with various fillings or twisters, which have gained unprecedented popularity in recent times.

To cook Armenian lavash at home, we need 3 cups of flour with a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Water should be used only hot, otherwise the result will be completely different. A well is made in the sifted flour, into which hot water is gradually poured. Before rolling out, the dough should be allowed to stand, and during the process itself, try to roll it into a completely thin layer. The size of the thickness depends on which pan you are using. You need to bake pita bread over medium heat in the oven or on the stove.

Uzbek lavash: a recipe for cooking at home

To prepare this type of pita bread, it is worth remembering that it turns out to be airy and soft. That is why yeast is used here. For pita bread, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Salt 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
  • Pressed yeast - 5 grams;
  • Water, preheated - 150 g;
  • Kefir - 150 g;
  • Sesame.

Recipe for making Uzbek pita bread at home:

  1. The flour is dry mixed with yeast, salt and sugar.
  2. Kefir is mixed with water and poured into flour.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place to rest.
  4. We form cakes, which we flatten in the middle and send to the oven until cooked.
  5. After that, you can decorate the resulting pita bread.

You can select another recipe Uzbek lavash on milk, which includes the following components:

  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Salt 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 150 g;
  • Milk - 150 g;
  • Baking powder - 16 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Egg (yolk only)

The recipe will be as follows:

  1. Pour the warmed milk into the container butter by mixing with flour and baking powder.
  2. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Let the dough rest and rise.
  4. We make small cakes, which are carefully greased with an egg.
  5. We send it to the oven and wait for cooking.

Recipe Georgian lavash at home is slightly different in the amount of its ingredients. This includes components such as:

  • Flour - 350 gr;
  • Water 40 ml;
  • Salt 1 hour a spoon;
  • You can add a pinch of sugar;
  • Pressed yeast - 30 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a glass of hot water, yeast and salt are mixed.
  2. The mixture is poured into flour, which was previously sifted. The dough is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Next, pita bread is molded, which in shape are oblong cakes. They make a recess in the middle.
  4. Lavash is placed in the oven and cooked until golden brown.
  5. To make pita bread softer, it is wrapped in a wet towel and allowed to stand in this state for about half an hour.

Thin pita bread: a recipe for cooking at home

Required Ingredients:

  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Butter - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Yeast - 10 g dry;
  • Salt is a big pinch.

Recipe thin lavash at home is simple:

  1. Flour is sifted through a sieve for enrichment with oxygen.
  2. Wol with salt is poured into a hill of flour. The dough is kneaded until a normal consistency is formed.
  3. The dough is placed in a cool place to rest. After that, cakes are laid out in the pan, which were previously thinly rolled out.
  4. Lavash is cooked on both sides without adding oil until golden brown.

On the Internet you can find a large number of recipes for cooking thick pita bread at home. But the most famous and delicious is pita bread, made from the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 500 g;
  • Hot water - 300 ml;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt, sugar to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 60 g.
  1. Flour is mixed with yeast and allowed to stand.
  2. Meanwhile, water is boiled and mixed with oil. This consistency is poured into the flour and mixed thoroughly so that lumps do not form.
  3. The resulting mass is divided into several parts and rolled out up to 1 cm thick.
  4. Lavash is baked in the oven until tender.

Yeast-free lavash

To prepare this type of dish, we need:

  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • Egg;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste.


  1. To saturate the flour with oxygen, it should be carefully sifted before the process.
  2. Next, pour hot water and mix.
  3. To prevent the egg from curdling, the dough must be allowed to cool and only then add all the remaining ingredients.
  4. Tearing off small pieces, they should be rolled out and fried in a pan.

It should be noted that oil or fat cannot be used in cooking. This will help avoid a greasy and burnt taste. Another nuance that should be taken into account is that it is better to undercook the pita bread a little.

How to cook thin pita bread at home (video recipe):

Helping the chef

If you often cook this delicious dish, then the dough sheeter for pita bread will help you a lot. It makes the cooking process much faster.

Do you know which dish in the ancient Armenian language has a simple meaning of "food"? Of course, this is lavash, a dish that is recognized as the first baked bread on Earth! Lavash is delicious caucasian bread made from unleavened dough. The history of lavash has more than one millennium. It is prepared in the Caucasus in special ovens. Usually, mothers pass on the ability to make pita bread to their daughters. But the recipe for pita bread at home can be adapted for Russian cuisine.

Learning to bake fragrant lavash, you can use it not only as bread, but also as a base for various sandwiches and snacks. Try to make a thick Armenian lavash - your guests and family members will appreciate it. No wonder the inhabitants of the Caucasus believe that happiness has the taste and smell of lavash!

Traditional lavash: cooking steps

For cooking Armenian lavash you need to have the following products:

  • Two teaspoons of dry yeast.
  • A quarter cup of warm water.
  • Two teaspoons of salt.
  • Three cups of flour.
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • A quarter cup of poppy seeds.
  • A quarter cup of sesame seeds.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.

Before you start preparing the dough and baking pita bread, dissolve sugar in warm water, add yeast to it and wait for bubbles to appear. Now you can start the test, taking into service traditional recipe pita bread at home, thick appetizing bread should be a must!

  • Combine the salt and flour in a large bowl, making a small well in the center. There we will pour the sugar-yeast mixture and vegetable oil. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, until the dough begins to bulge over the edges.
  • Turn the dough out onto a floured board and knead well for 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of flour until the dough itself is smooth enough.
  • We place the dough in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a waffle towel. Let the dough double in size. This usually happens after 2-3 hours.
  • We heat the oven to 230 degrees. We are preparing 2 racks in its very center.
  • We knead the dough, divide it into about 12-15 parts. We roll each of the pieces with a rolling pin sprinkled with flour into a square measuring 20 * 8 cm. Place the squares on a baking sheet. Three squares can be placed on a large baking sheet.
  • Wet the dough lightly with water, pierce small holes with a fork. Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds.
  • Leave the dough in the oven for 5 minutes, until it acquires a golden hue. Then take it out of the oven and let the dough cool down.
  • We serve pita bread on the table along with soups, cheeses, meat snacks. Lavash goes well with pilaf cooked according to oriental recipes.

Lavash without yeast: even unleavened can be delicious!

If you decide to bake fresh thin pita bread, which will later become the basis of a roll or sandwiches, you will need a pita bread recipe at home without yeast. To prepare unleavened dough, you need very few products:

  • three glasses of flour;
  • one glass of hot water;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Let's start cooking.

  • Salt is dissolved in hot water.
  • Pour the flour into a bowl with a small slide, make a deepening in the center, pour salt water into it.
  • Mix the dough thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • As soon as the dough begins to fall behind your hands, cover it with a napkin or towel, wait half an hour.
  • Heat up the frying pan over medium heat.
  • We form thin cakes from the dough, put in a pan.
  • Fry the cakes on both sides, spread on wooden planks.
  • splashing on ready product cool water, cover with a towel.
  • After the cakes have cooled, we make sandwiches out of them.

Lavash rolls: a dish to envy everyone!

Using the Armenian lavash recipe at home, you can cook several thin cakes from which you can make the most delicious meatloaf! To prepare this appetizer, you need to take:

After the pita bread is ready, leave the cakes to cool and start preparing the filling.

  • Fry finely chopped onion in a pan with vegetable oil. Three on coarse grater carrots, add it to the onion after a couple of minutes. Fry until half cooked carrots over medium heat.
  • We spread the minced pork in the pan, fry for 20 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  • Three cheese on a coarse grater, cut the tomatoes into rings.
  • My lettuce leaves, leave them to dry. Finely chop the greens.
  • Grind garlic and mix with mayonnaise.
  • Lubricate a sheet of pita bread on one side garlic sauce, put on it meat stuffing with onions and carrots, stepping back from the edges. Sprinkle the filling with herbs, level.
  • We take the second sheet of pita bread. It must be anointed with garlic sauce on both sides, as it will be in the middle of the roll.
  • On top of the second sheet lay out lettuce leaves and tomatoes, sprinkled with mayonnaise.
  • Grease the third sheet of pita bread with garlic sauce on both sides, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  • We turn the pita bread with the filling into a roll, send it to the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Cold roll cut into small pieces two centimeters thick. Tasty dish can be offered to guests and family members!

Also, as a filling for delicious pita rolls, you can use cheese and vegetables, crab sticks, mushrooms, canned fish, liver paste. Minced pork can be replaced with chicken if desired. Dishes based on lavash will decorate any holiday!

Lavash, the national Caucasian bread, is a thin white flatbread made from wheat flour. It has a specific taste and texture, it replaces bread for many, while it is much less high-calorie. Georgian lavash, the recipe of which includes cooking in a special oven, is different best taste and goes well with various dishes, herbs, cheese. It is convenient to take it with you on the road and you can eat it simply with sauce or adjika - this is amazing and nutritious dish, requiring no effort at all.

Lavash Secret

Recipes for making pita bread are quite simple, and the ingredients are inexpensive and available to any housewife. However, this home-cooked product will still differ from traditional Georgian or Armenian lavash. The whole point is that traditional process its preparation involves a sequence of actions and equipment not available in a typical Russian kitchen. The stove alone (tonir, in Armenian, or tone, in Georgian) is a special brazier, consisting of a ceramic hemisphere, on a clay platform.

However, if you still have a desire to pamper your family with something exotic, prepared by yourself, you can try to cook it at home. After all, the dough is kneaded very simply, and the oven is still designed for baking - including bread!

Lavash Georgian, the first recipe

First prepare the ingredients. You will need:

  • Flour (3 cups);
  • Warm water (¼ cup);
  • Yeast (10 grams);
  • Sugar and salt;
  • Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons).

So, take a small, non-flat plate and pour warm water. Then, add the yeast and a teaspoon of sugar while stirring.

While the yeast is “fitting”, you will need to mix the flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Approached yeast, as well as sunflower oil, are carefully poured into it. After that, the resulting mass is mixed with quick movements until it is homogeneous and laid out on a table or other flat surface sprinkled with flour. Continue kneading the dough for ten minutes.

The kneaded dough is knocked into a ball and transferred back to the bowl, previously cleaned of the remnants of the kneading and greased. sunflower oil. The bowl should be placed in a warm place for two hours, and wait for the dough to double in size.

When the dough rises well, the oven should be heated to 230 degrees. Punch down the dough and divide into sixteen equal pieces.

Each piece is crushed into a ball and rolled out on a flat surface sprinkled with flour until a thin sheet is obtained, about 4 mm thick and 20 cm in size. You can also roll out rectangular sheets - this is convenient for anyone. The main thing is to achieve the desired thickness and not tear the dough.

Do not grease the baking sheet on which the cakes are laid out, but, on the contrary, sprinkle liberally with flour. You can also pierce the dough with a fork, sprinkle a little water and sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds. Cakes are baked for no longer than five minutes - watch the baking until a golden brown color appears.

Georgian lavash - the second recipe

This option does not involve the participation of yeast, and therefore it is less high-calorie.

What will be required:

  • Kefir (1 glass);
  • Salt (1 teaspoon).
  • Vegetable oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Soda (1 teaspoon);
  • Flour (2-2.5 cups).

You need to mix the ingredients in a large bowl, for convenience. In kefir, not from the refrigerator, warm, salt and soda are added - bubbles appear on the surface. After that, the remaining ingredients are added to the bowl: butter, flour. The consistency of the dough, in the end, should be similar, in sensations, to an earlobe.

The resulting mass is covered with a dense cloth and left for 40-45 minutes.

After that, the dough is divided into about 6-8 parts and rolled out to a thickness of 4mm.

Armenian lavash is a versatile type of bread. It is baked both in the form of a cake and in the form of a thin sheet. The second option is loved by many housewives, because. from it you can make snacks and rolls with various fillings. Such a dish will easily become an element festive feast. When composing a composition for a buffet table, thin pita bread is indispensable. Yes, and the daily meal will be very successfully supplemented with a roll, albeit with the simplest filling.

To cook pita bread at home, you need a minimum of products. There are only three of them: flour, salt and water. A pleasant circumstance is the absence of yeast in the composition, which means that you can eat such bread and not be afraid for your figure. In the Caucasus, a special oven is used to bake lavash, but you can also bake its analogue in the oven, which is not inferior in taste to real Armenian bread. It should be remembered that before you start baking pita bread at home, you need to let the kneaded dough brew, then it will be much more elastic. As a form, you can use a baking sheet or a frying pan with non-stick coating large diameter.

Cooking thin pita bread at home

Pour a glass of hot water into any convenient container, add salt to it to taste and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour three cups of flour into a large cup, and at the peak we reproduce a small crater. Pour water in small portions, while stirring the resulting mass. You need to knead until it is free to lag behind your hands. Cover the resulting dough with a cotton towel and leave it for 30-40 minutes. After that, we pinch off a piece with a small fist from the total mass, roll it into a thin plate. Put it on the pan. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, immediately turn over with a fork to the other side. When the pita bread is ready, sprinkle it with water and cover with a towel.

Cooking thick pita bread

To cook thick pita bread at home, you will need the same products, but with the addition of yeast. In a separate container, mix hot water with yeast and salt. Then add this mixture to the flour and knead yeast dough, then leave to rise (45-60 minutes). Next, it must be divided into parts from which cakes are formed - they must also be allowed to lie down for 20 minutes. Bake in the oven for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Obviously, making pita bread at home does not take much time and money. Certainly, delicious bread does not stay long in any family. But still, try smearing thin pita bread with mayonnaise, put fish or any other filling, season with chopped herbs, roll up and cut into slices. From thin pita bread you can cook delicious shawarma.

Cooked pita bread at home after complete cooling is transferred to plastic bag. It is stored for about a week, if for some reason it was not eaten earlier.

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How to bake thick pita bread at home video recipe - step by step

Below you will find step by step video recipe to help you prepare.