Tkemali sauce Georgian cuisine recipe. Georgian seasoning from plums

06.09.2019 Seafood dishes

What is this sauce eaten with, you ask? Yes with everything! It will be a wonderful addition to meat, fish, vegetables, and just with crispy bread or homemade noodles, it will be what you need - you will lick your fingers.

By the way, tkemali recipe is a very conditional name. Not a single Georgian measures garlic, cilantro or hot peppers per gram. Everything is done to taste. During the cooking process, try and add ingredients to your taste.

1. Tkemali sauce

Ingredients 4 servings


1. Cilantro (coriander) to taste
2. Tkemali plums - ½ cup
3. Dill to taste
4. Red pepper - 1 pc.
5. Garlic - 3 cloves
6. Ground coriander to taste
7. Sea salt to taste

How to cook tkemali:

1. Put the plums in a saucepan, pour in water to cover the berries, and put on fire. Plums cook very quickly: min. ten - and you're done.

2. Drain the water. We take out the bones with our hands and crush the plums with a spoon, or rub them through a colander, or break them with a mixer - we get a homogeneous mass that looks like jam.

3. Finely chop the pepper and stir it into the plums. Salt. Crush greens of cilantro, dill and garlic in a mortar and also mix with plums. Add some coriander. In fact, it is believed that there is no tkemali without ombalo grass, which grows only in Georgia - you cannot find it here. But we get along just fine without the ombalo and don't feel much of a difference.

4. Well, that's all - tkemali is ready. He eats up very quickly. If you want to cook tkemali for the winter, then you just need to boil the plum, separate it from the seeds, salt it and roll it into jars. And only then, in winter, before putting tkemali into action, add cilantro, pepper and garlic to it. In the spring, when the plum has already grown, but has not yet ripened, it is customary in Georgia to invite guests to freshly brewed tkemali. Chicken, meat, fish and young potatoes are prepared for it. But the main thing is tkemali. After winter, this fresh young dish is especially tasty.

Tkemali is a special sour variety of plum. It is very difficult to find tkemali in Russia, only cherry plum is sold in the markets. You can also cook tkemali sauce from it, but it will not be quite the same. But if you are going to cook tkemali from cherry plum, then definitely from unripe. We do not recommend even trying to cook tkemali from sweet plums. Ombalo is a Georgian variety of mint. The leaves of this perennial wild herbaceous plant, both fresh and dried, are used as a seasoning, as well as in the preparation of some sauces and cheeses.

2. Tkemali sauce

Ingredients 4 servings


1. Garlic - 1 head
2. Tkemali plums - 1 kg.
3. Cilantro (coriander) - 2 tbsp. spoons
4. Dill - 2 tbsp. spoons
5. Red pepper - 1.5 teaspoons
6. Salt to taste

How to cook tkemali:

1. Put the sorted and washed plums of tkemali or cherry plum into an enameled bowl, pour water to cover them, and, stirring often, cook over low heat until the peel comes off and the bones separate.

2. Then wipe the plums together with the broth through a sieve or colander.

3. To the resulting mass, similar in density to sour cream, add finely chopped cilantro and dill, crushed capsicum and garlic, salt, and a little sugar if desired.

4. Bring to a boil, cool.

For long-term storage, pour the sauce into bottles, pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil on top, seal tightly.

3. Tkemali green

Ingredients 12 servings


1. Green cherry plum - 2 kg.
2. Cilantro (coriander) - 2 bunches
3. Young dill - 2 bunches
4. Mint - 1 bunch
5. Green pepper - 2 pcs.
6. Garlic - 2 heads
7. Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. the spoon
8. Salt to taste

How to cook tkemali:

1. Boil the cherry plum and separate from the seeds.

2. Finely chop the greens.

3. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, mash the coriander seeds. Mix everything.

4. Add salt to taste.

4. Sauce "Tkemali"

Ingredients 4 servings


1. Plums - 500 gr.
2. Garlic to taste
3. Salt to taste
4. Ground black pepper to taste
5. Cilantro (coriander) to taste

How to cook tkemali:

1. Boil the washed sour dried plums in water. Strain the broth and rub the plums (pitted) through a sieve, dilute the broth until the density of liquid sour cream, add crushed garlic, salt, ground pepper, finely chopped coriander or dill, let it boil, then cool.

Served with chicken on a spit, as well as barbecue, fillet, etc.

5. Tkemali - delicious sauce from sunny Georgia

And one more answer to the question "How to cook tkemali from cherry plum?". Cook it with love and good mood! That is why all Georgian dishes are so delicious!


1. Yellow cherry plum (sour plum) - 2 kg.
2. Cilantro - 1 large bunch
3. Cilantro (coriander) dry ground - to taste
4. Garlic - one large head
5. Ombolo is a special Georgian seasoning for this sauce. You can ask her around at the bazaar, where they sell spices from the Caucasus. In other words, this is wild mint, but it does not taste like our mint at all. If you don’t find it and don’t add it, it’s okay.
6. Salt
7. Hot red pepper - how much do you like

This is a classic composition. In many recipes, dill, parsley, vinegar are added - do not do this so as not to spoil the classic taste of this wonderful dish.

How to cook tkemali:

1. We wash the cherry plum and let it dry.

We shift it into a bowl with a thick bottom (I cooked in a cauldron).

2. Pour 1/3 cup of water. Cover with a lid and cook until the cherry plum is boiled.

The first 30-40 min. don't interfere! Cook until the cherry plum falls away from the bone and begins to spread on a spoon.
3. Let's cool down a little. We wipe through a sieve or a fine sieve so that the bone and skin come off. If the mass is too liquid, boil it down.

4. Grind the garlic, cilantro, ombolo, hot pepper as finely as possible. Grandfather Sandro grinds them in a mortar, and you can pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

5. Add chopped seasoning to the mashed cherry plum and salt to taste. It is better not to add salt, then try again and add salt if necessary.

6. Put on fire and let it boil for 10-15 minutes. with spices and salt.

Stir all the time so that the sauce does not burn.

7. Pour into glass bottles or jars, pour boiled vegetable oil on top and cover with a lid.

Pour Tkemali into a bottle hot 1 cm not to the top, and then slowly fill this free place with hot oil. I usually ignite a small amount of oil to make it easier to deal with a narrow neck.

You can roll up the jar with a lid. We store in the refrigerator or basement.

That's all. Our wonderful Georgian tkemali sauce is Georgian ready. Georgians are a very hospitable people who most of all love to treat their friends. I hope that cherry plum tkemali sauce is not the last Georgian dish that we will cook with you. Satsivi and kharcho soup, chakhokhbili and khachapuri - can you list them all! Treat your family and friends - you are guaranteed delight and admiration.

6. Tkemali sauce

Tkemali sauce has a bright taste and is therefore especially suitable for barbecues. It got its name from tkemali - sour red cherry plum, which gives the sauce a specific taste. But even if you make this sauce with frozen supermarket-bought plums, it still tastes wonderful.


1. Cherry plum or pitted plums - 1 kg.
2. Sugar - 50 gr.
3. Salt - 20 gr.
4. Garlic - 6 cloves
5. Red freshly ground pepper - 1.5 gr.
6. Fresh cilantro - 50 gr.
7. Dill - 50 gr.
8. Ground coriander - 0.5 tsp

How to cook tkemali:

1. Pass plums or plums through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar and boil for 5 minutes.
2. Very finely chop the garlic and herbs, add them to the boiling plum along with red pepper and coriander, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.
3. Pour the sauce into clean jars and store in the refrigerator.

7. Tkemali sauce

Those who are familiar with Georgian cuisine know what tkemali sauce is. It is served with meat and fish dishes. Personally, I love him very much. True, now it is sold on store shelves, but its taste is not at all the same as that of a cooked home. So I want to write a recipe, maybe you will like it. Tkemali can be prepared from both green and ripe cherry plums.


1. Cherry plum - 1 kg.
2. Red hot pepper - 2-3 pcs.
3. Fresh cilantro - 1 large bunch
4. Fresh dill - 1 large bunch
5. Mint - a few leaves
6. Garlic - 1/2 head (more - to taste)
7. Coriander - 1/2 teaspoon
8. Suneli hops - 1/2 teaspoon
9. Sugar and salt to taste

How to cook tkemali:

My cherry plum, put in a saucepan and boil. We wipe through a colander to remove the bones and skin. Spices pass through a meat grinder. Rub the garlic with salt in a mortar. Put all this back into the pan, add a little water, so that the mass resembles store-bought sour cream. Salt to taste, if the tkemali is very sour, add sugar. Boil twenty minutes. and pour into sterile jars, roll up the lids. The sauce is ready.

"Home kitchen" wishes you bon appetit!

Plums are one of the few fruits with which you can get many different preparations for the winter. Not only can you prepare sweets in the form of jam, jam or compote, but the popular Georgian Tkemali sauce is also made from them, it is very tasty and also healthy.

There are several secrets to the preparation of this product. The first is necessarily sour plums, preferably “Tkemali”, hence its name was born. But if you could not find just such a variety, you can use any other, but sour. The second secret is spicy seasonings and peppers, the more these ingredients are in your preparation, the spicier the product will be. It can be served at the table with different dishes, as well as with meat, fish, poultry. And on a picnic, no ketchup can replace this product for you.

Today we will analyze simple recipes for making plum tkemali sauce.

Unfortunately, everyone has their shortcomings. If suddenly you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the use of this sauce is not recommended in large quantities.


  • Plums - 2 kg.
  • Garlic - 200 gr.
  • Chili pepper - 2 - 3 pods
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. We take plums, wash them under running water, cut them in half and take out the stone (it is not necessary to keep the fruits in perfect condition).

2. Using a blender, grind the fruit (you can also do this with a meat grinder). We shift everything into a deep enameled pan.

3. Peel the garlic from the husk, put in a blender and finely chop, add to the plums.

4. Red chili pepper, washed, cut off the stalk, get rid of the seeds, cut into medium pieces and put in a blender, also chopped, add to the common pan.

5. And we can season our sauce, add tomato paste, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix thoroughly.

6. We put on a heated stove and cook over low heat for 40–60 minutes after boiling.

7. At this time, we sterilize the jars. We wash them with soda, pour 50 ml into them. water, set the mode to 700-800 watts. Processing continues until the water boils out of the jars, the approximate time is 5 minutes. We carefully take out the container and turn it over on a clean towel in order to dry it. Wash the lids and send to boil for 10 minutes.

8. When the sauce boils, pour it into jars, immediately roll it up.

9. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely. Then we put it in storage. Bon appetit.

Delicious Georgian Plum Sauce - Step by Step Recipe


  • Plums (sour) - 8 kg.
  • Dried mint (preferably Ombalo) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 6-7 (large cloves)
  • Cilantro (fresh) - 1 bunch
  • Coriander (ground dried) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Hot red pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 3-3, 5 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, we wash the plums, pour them into a large saucepan or basin, fill with water.

2. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. We achieve such an effect that the skin bursts, and the fruits become soft.

3. Then drain the broth. Pass the mass through a colander, knead it, we only need pulp for the sauce.

4. Put the mashed pulp in a saucepan on a small fire. It is necessary that it does not boil much, stir occasionally.

5. Now add 2 tablespoons of Ombalo and mix. We pass 2 tablespoons of coriander through a blender and also add to the pan.

6. We wash fresh cilantro, separate the sticks from the inflorescence and finely chop in a blender, also add to the pan with the future sauce.

7. Peel the garlic, place in a blender and grind to a pulp and add to the ingredients simmering over low heat.

8 At the very end, add salt and red hot pepper. Stir and leave on the stove for another 5 minutes.

9. Pour into pre-sterilized jars, tighten the lid. Turn upside down until completely cool.

It is advisable to store the finished workpiece in a cool place. Bon appetit.

Plum and tomato tkemali

Sdiviva and tomato tkemali sauce is a delicious fragrant seasoning, it has a pleasant harmonious taste.


  • Plum - 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 120 gr.
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Ombalo - 1 teaspoon
  • Hops - suneli - 1 teaspoon
  • Ginger - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the fruit under running warm water, cut each fruit in half, take out the seeds, and transfer the main part to a large saucepan.

2. We twist the washed tomatoes in a meat grinder.

3. And we send it to the pan with plums.

4. Then we put the pan on the stove, wait until all the contents boil.

5. We wash the hot, bitter pepper, remove the stalk and take out the seeds, and finely chop. We send to the pan. We alter and from the moment of boiling boil for 10 - 15 minutes.

6. At this time, we peel the garlic from the husk, rub it on a fine grater, here we add the ginger ground in a meat grinder, all seasonings, salt, sugar. We wash the greens, finely chop.

7. 10 minutes have passed, we grind our sauce with a blender. Then grind with a sieve.

1. Remove the leaves from the ombalo and chop, set aside, and the stems, along with the stems of dill and coriander, put the savory on the bottom of the pan.

2. Pour the fruits of tkemali over the branches of herbs, pour in about a glass of water, close the lid and let the contents of the pan boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the fruits become soft and the bones can be easily separated. Do not worry that there is not much water, as soon as it boils, juice will also begin to stand out from the fruits, and green sprigs will not allow the tkemali to stick to the bottom and burn.

4. Remove the pan from the heat, put the contents in a colander or sieve (do not pour out the broth), let the tkemali fruits cool, and then wipe them with a wooden spoon (I do it with my hands). At the end, you will have bones and skins from tkemali in a colander.

5. Mix plum puree with broth, add salt, sugar to taste, ground dry red pepper or chopped fresh. Place the pot of tkemali sauce over medium heat. If the tkemali turned out to be liquid, then cook it over low heat, if it is thick, then add a little water. The consistency of the sauce should resemble thin sour cream.

6. Finely chop the coriander, dill, pass the garlic through the crusher, and add the chopped ombalo leaves to the tkemali sauce at the very end of cooking, let it boil for half a minute, try if you need to add salt, sugar or pepper.

pour the finished tkemali sauce into bottles. You can close it with ordinary plastic lids.

Tkemali sauce has a long shelf life, but the one made from unripe, green plums is best stored in the refrigerator.

I really like it when meat is served on the table with various sauces. Tkemali sauce is one of my favorite sauces, it goes well with any meat dish. The recipe for Tkemali sauce came to us from Georgia. Its sour, spicy taste is very unusual and adds spice to the dish. Previously, in a restaurant, for barbecue, I always ordered this delicious sauce. But then I decided, why not stock up on my favorite sauce recipe?
Georgian Tkemali sauce can be prepared for the winter and then taken to your favorite meat dishes. You can take it with you to nature. I imagine a fire, barbecue with Tkemali, tomatoes, cucumbers. Eh, I wanted to go to the country! But let's not be distracted and proceed to the preparation of our sauce.

First, you need to understand what products are needed to make Tkemali sauce.

So, we need the following ingredients:

  • The main component of the sauce is plum plum. It is this variety of plum that provides Tkemali sauce with such a pleasant taste. I will describe the recipe based on 1 kg of plums. Each housewife will be able to calculate the proportions if she needs more or less of this delicious sauce.
  • All other ingredients are spices, namely:
  • Hot red pepper, 1 piece will be enough.
  • garlic bulb
  • Dill and cilantro herb 1 bunch each
  • A teaspoon of ground coriander
  • Sugar three teaspoons
  • Salt two teaspoons

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the very process of making Tkemali sauce.

Tkemali sauce recipe

We clean the cherry plum from the stones, put it in a saucepan filled with water and cook for about 5 minutes. So that the cherry plum does not boil soft, but so that the skin can be removed from it.

At this time, wash the greens, peel the garlic.

Then put the garlic, cilantro and dill in a blender and beat until smooth.

We put the plum in a colander, wait for the excess moisture to leave, then remove the skin from the plum and wipe it through a sieve.

Now we mix everything - mashed plum and whipped spices, add salt, coriander and sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

Then the resulting mixture must be boiled for another 7 minutes, over low heat, stirring so as not to burn.

Our Tkemali sauce is ready. Now, in order to enjoy its taste all winter, you need to decompose the resulting mixture into sterilized jars and roll it up. Wait until cool and store in a cool place.

I really hope that Tkemali sauce recipe useful to you. Delight your loved ones with delicious dishes and send us your unique recipes.

Plum tkemali sauce - a spicy dish, I would even say fire-breathing, came to us from Georgia, they had nowhere to put plums there, so they came up with it! Well, now we don’t live in poverty with plums either, so we can easily afford to cook a few jars. Moreover, our skilled housewives have adapted to replace plums with apples or red currants, immature gooseberries.


They eat it with meat, fish, poultry and side dishes - potatoes and pasta. The classic recipes are based on plum tkemali, garlic and herbs. In real tkemali, pennyroyal is still used, but where can we get it? Let's use hand tools.

You can eat tkemali as much as you like, nothing superfluous will be deposited on the sides, since there are no fats and oils, the sauce is low-calorie, but it is rich in pectin, which helps digest proteins, which is why it is good for meat and poultry, and of course tasty too.

I explain for those who do not know much about plums - tkemali, this is cherry plum, as it is called in Georgia, and its smart name is splayed plum. Prunes are just dried plums and nothing else... and that small plum, dark blue in color, which our hostesses call prunes in the markets, is a domestic plum, just small varieties, grows like a wild game in many southern regions.

Well, we joked and that's enough, it's time to get down to business!

For the case, you will need a pan with a thick bottom, preferably stainless steel, a sharp knife, a wooden spoon with a long handle for stirring, a sieve or a blender, and what else can be on the little things ....

We sterilize the jars in advance, wash them thoroughly with baking soda, rinse under running water and in the oven, fry for half an hour at a temperature of 120-140 degrees.

Let's start with the simplest classic recipe, which serves as the basis for any tkemali sauce, and gradually we will complicate and diversify the taste.

Plum tkemali - a classic recipe for the winter step by step

If anyone can find swamp mint called "ombalo", then, of course, we put it in. And those who do not have "ombalo" - do not worry! We put the usual pepper and the taste will be the same, maybe a gourmet will distinguish, but gourmets are rarely at our tables!

What you need for a spicy sauce:

  • cherry plum or sour plum, in our markets it is usually red, two kilos;
  • salt half a tablespoon;
  • sugar two tablespoons with top;
  • a bunch of dill and cilantro;
  • two chili peppers;
  • a head of garlic;
  • on a teaspoon with the top, just how much you scoop up, hops-suneli and coriander.

How to make plum tkemali sauce at home:

  1. Rinse the plum well and put in a saucepan. Add half a glass of water and boil for fifteen minutes over medium heat. Cool down.
  2. Rub on a sieve to remove the bones.
  3. The resulting puree is again placed in a saucepan and put on slow heating.
  4. After boiling, add sugar, salt and dry spices.
  5. Wash the chili, dry it on a towel and remove the seeds with the leg.
  6. My greens and garlic, clean and chop together with chili in a food processor.
  7. We spread the green mass in the plum puree boiling slowly, mix well and simmer over low heat for another 15-50 minutes.
  8. Remove from heat, transfer to dry sterile jars and roll up.
  9. Cool upside down, store in the cellar.

Bon appetit in winter!

Classic plum tkemali in a slow cooker - lick your fingers

The same sauce can be made in a slow cooker, this is a good thing, you don’t need to stand over it and stir, there is time to sit on social networks, when she will call herself ready! Let's make it from unripe prunes, the bones get into the lungs from it, and there will be sourness. And instead of mint, add a few sprigs of purple basil, it will also turn out great.

And we will get a recipe for very busy housewives who have absolutely no time, but want to pamper their family.

  • a small blue plum, the bones are perfectly removed from it without cooking, two kilos;
  • salt half a table. false;
  • sugar one table. false;
  • dill, cilantro and parsley in a small bunch;
  • ground coriander and black pepper for half a teaspoon. false;
  • head of garlic.


  1. We clean everything, wash it and dry it on a towel, take out the seed chamber from the chili pepper, and the seeds from the plums.
  2. We chop the plums in a food processor into dust, put them in a multicooker bowl and set the Frying or Baking mode for twenty minutes.
  3. At this time, we skip all the other components in the combine - herbs, peppers, garlic, along with sugar, salt and dry spices.
  4. When the multicooker signals the end of the process, add the green mass to the bowl to the plums, mix well and turn on the Quenching mode for another half an hour.
  5. When ready, immediately lay out in dry sterile jars and twist.
  6. Turn over and set to cool, then lower into the cellar.

Quick and easy, very tasty!

This recipe can be said for frank lazy people. But it turns out tasty and fragrant!

I’ll warn you right away - salt is not needed, there is plenty of it in good adjika, but it’s worth tasting the finished dish if you need to add salt!

  • sour plums, ideally two kilos of yellow cherry plum;
  • a glass with a top of sugar;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • a glass of adjika.


  1. Wash plums and dry on a towel.
  2. Put in a saucepan, add half a glass of water and bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. While the plums are cooling, peel, wash and finely chop the garlic, you can chop in a food processor.
  4. We roll the plums on a sieve or colander from a fine metal mesh from the seeds.
  5. Put the plum puree in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
  6. Add sugar, garlic and adjika, knead and cook for five minutes.
  7. Remove from heat and lay out in dry sterile jars, roll up.
  8. Turn over and let cool. We put it in the cellar.

Quick and very simple, the taste is great, with meat grilled on coals, it will go with a bang!

Useful and original blanks for the winter on my website:

  1. Homemade delicious tomato ketchup

How to make the most delicious tkemali sauce for the winter - a simple blue plum recipe at home

Any plums are suitable for this recipe, but it is better to take small blue ones, from which the seeds are removed easily and freely. They are also called Hungarian. The sauce will turn out spicy, for an amateur.

  • plums small dark blue two kilos;
  • a head of garlic;
  • a pod of hot chili pepper;
  • dried ground coriander tsp;
  • dried ground basil two tsp;
  • three tbsp sugar l.;
  • salt st. l.;
  • acetic acid tsp;
  • cilantro optional.


  1. Wash and dry the plums on a towel. We take out the bones from them - we make a circular cross-section, divide into two halves and take out the bone.
  2. We clean and wash the pepper, garlic and cilantro. We take out the core from the pepper.
  3. We pass everything through a meat grinder or pass through a food processor.
  4. Put the resulting puree in a separate pan and put on slow heating.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, add spices, sugar and salt, pour in acetic acid.
  6. Boil for five minutes and pour into dry sterile jars.
  7. Roll up and cool upside down. We keep it in the cellar.

A very easy sauce to make. Bon appetit!

Bulgarian pepper will give the sauce a zest and a unique taste. We will cook from Hungarian, but whoever has a yellow cherry plum may well use this recipe!


  • a kilo of blue small plums;
  • bell pepper 5 pieces;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • chili pepper 2 pieces;
  • a tablespoon of salt
  • two tablespoons of sugar
  • ground spices, if desired, in a teaspoon (hops-suneli, coriander, a mixture of peppers).

Cooking process:

  1. We wash and clean vegetables and fruits. We take out the seeds from the plums, remove the seed chamber from the peppers.
  2. We pass everything through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor to a puree state.
  3. Put the puree in a saucepan and put on a slow fire.
  4. After boiling, we introduce sugar, salt, spices and boil for 20-30 minutes.
  5. We lay out in dry sterile jars and roll up.
  6. Cool upside down and store in the cellar.

Very spicy and peculiar to taste sauce, perfect for fish!

Georgian tkemali sauce from yellow plum (cherry plum) - a classic recipe for the winter

A classic is a classic and that says it all! Simple and unpretentious.

  • yellow cherry plum five kilos;
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • two tablespoons of suneli hops;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • chili pepper.


  1. We clean and wash fruits and vegetables, take out the seeds from the pepper, and the seeds from the plums.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder or food processor, put in a saucepan and put on slow heating.
  3. Cook for ten minutes, add sugar, salt and spices and boil for another five minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and pour into clean sterile jars.
  5. We keep it in the cellar.

A traditional recipe, the taste is pleasant and classic, bon appetit!

Sauce that Meat Turns into a Song - Video recipe from a smart hostess

Products for the recipe:

  • cherry plum (or plum fruits) - fresh and ripe necessarily - two and a half kilograms;
  • two or three cloves of garlic;
  • salt (without a slide) - one table. the spoon;
  • a good bunch of fresh cilantro, or if there is dry, then a couple of spoons;
  • ombalo (mint) - 1 table. l.;
  • ground coriander and coriander grains - half st. l.;
  • ucho suneli - one tsp;
  • ground black pepper;
  • to taste a mixture of peppers.

As you can see, you can really turn a meat dish into a song when it sparkles with completely different notes of taste.

You should also see other wonderful recipes for blanks and bright dishes:

  1. Pitted cherry jam for the winter: 6 recipes for thick cherry jam with whole berries
  2. The best apple pie recipe
  3. dill, mint, basil, cilantro in a small bunch.
  4. Cooking:

    1. My cherry plum and apples, cut the apples into slices and everything in a saucepan, pour a glass of water. Heat over low heat until boiling. Boil ten minutes.
    2. Cool and rub through a sieve.
    3. Put the fruit puree in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    4. We add greens chopped in a food processor with garlic and pepper, salt, sugar and boil for ten minutes.
    5. Fill in sterile and dry jars, roll up and put in the cellar.

    A real classic Tkemali recipe for meat is very tasty from a Georgian chef

    There are many restaurants with oriental cuisine, namely with Georgian cuisine, but unfortunately not every restaurant can boast of real Georgian dishes.

    This video will consider the traditional recipe for the original sauce, without further ado and additives - watch, cook and enjoy the exquisite taste:

    How to cook tkemali sauce at home for the winter: secrets and tips

    There are no special secrets here, except for one thing - the most delicious tkemali is obtained from yellow cherry plum, it has an indescribable taste and aroma!

    And the advice is also the same - stir the sauce constantly while cooking, otherwise it may burn!

    Try to make such an incredibly tasty and varied sauce! Here you will see how familiar and daily prepared dishes will sparkle with you. And households, guests and acquaintances will not only be delighted - they will inspire you to new culinary masterpieces.