Canned fish - good or bad. Canned fish benefits and harms

28.08.2019 Snacks

Long-term storage of products using canning is a method known to mankind since ancient times. Archaeologists have found clogged earthenware vessels in which meat was kept drenched in olive oil. Millennia later, the meat remained fit for consumption. But in the 18th century, the chef François Apperoux came up with the idea of ​​packing meat in tins. The technology caught on and has been perfected over the years. Only in this case, progress has gone not for good, but for harm.

Why are canned foods bad?

In the modern world, unscrupulous manufacturers use a whole arsenal of chemicals that can increase the shelf life and make canned products attractive. That's just for human health, such products are not only harmful, but even dangerous. Doctors recommend leaving jars of canned food on store shelves, because eating them is not healthy at all.

Long-term storage products in themselves lose a lot in comparison with freshly prepared ones. To increase the shelf life, a lot of salt, acid, fats are required. But the biggest danger lies in chemical preservatives, which are designed to destroy the organisms that cause food to spoil. But at the same time, preservatives destroy all the "living" useful substances in food. But the list of arguments against canned food does not end there.

There are additives that are extremely dangerous for human health. These are aggressive substances that can cause mutations, stimulate the appearance of cancer cells, awaken allergies, and negatively affect various systems of the human body.

Some of the dangerous additives are already banned in developed countries. And, nevertheless, on banks with canned food they can be seen.

E 213 - preservative calcium benzoate - causes tumors, allergies, indigestion, is prohibited.

E 239 - preservative urotropin - extremely dangerous, often used to preserve fish caviar, prohibited.

E 211 - sodium benzoate - is dangerous, causes tumors and other problems, but is not prohibited.

E 210 - benzoic acid - is not prohibited, but is dangerous in the same parameters - tumors, mutations, allergies.

Dyes are also dangerous - E 110, E 121, E 122, E 123. They are used to make the canned product more attractive, or, for example, to imitate smoking.

This is only part of the list of dangerous additives. In fact, all E-labeled preservatives are unsafe. Even if these are permitted substances, they destroy vitamins and nutrients in canned food.

But there is another hidden threat that lies precisely in tin cans. The fact is that many manufacturers process cans with a substance called biphenol A (BPA). This chemical compound, harmful and toxic, can cause cancerous tumors, disorders of the nervous system, heart and vascular diseases, and infertility. Biphenol A is especially dangerous in canned food with an acidic base - that is, any meat in sauce, fish in tomato, canned tomatoes, sauces, and so on. When interacting with an acidic environment, bisphenol A is released and mixed with food.

If after reading this article you do not have a desire to give up canned food at all, then you can at least learn the simple rules. This will keep health risks to a minimum. Banks with canned food should be smooth, not deformed, not rusty. If the jar is swollen, there is a danger that it contains the deadly poison botulism. The shelf life of canned food should be sufficient. Well, it is better to buy canned food in glass jars, they are the safest.

Nelly Petrova

From very ancient times, our ancestors knew how to store food "for a rainy day." Of course, they did not have such opportunities as today, so the food spoiled rather quickly. Nevertheless, even in the absence of refrigerators, vacuum technologies and other modern techniques, products could be stored for a long time on glaciers, in deep cellars. Meat, for example, was immersed in brine so that it would not go rotten during many months of sea voyage, dried and smoked, boiled from berries and fruits, pickled vegetables. Some of these technologies are still in use today.

Food spoils because organic substances are involved in a variety of biochemical and chemical processes. Bacteria and fungi start up in natural food, fats go rancid, dairy products turn sour. The preservation technique was first proposed only at the beginning of the 19th century. In France, they have developed a way to preserve food for a long time using special processing, both in industrial and at home.

In the dictionary, we can read that canned food is “food products prepared from animal and vegetable raw materials previously processed in a special way, hermetically packed and subjected to sterilization or pasteurization to give them shelf life.” During heating, pathogenic microorganisms - fungi and bacteria are destroyed. They are responsible for the rapid spoilage of food. Unfortunately, some microbes can withstand even prolonged heating, so some products have to be sterilized at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius. Such canned food has the longest shelf life. Unfortunately, after such processing, many vitamins and nutrients are destroyed. Preserves heated to a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees Celsius are stored less. This method is called pasteurization (by the way, this is how all milk sold in stores is “disinfected”). Preserves, unlike canned food, are stored only in a cool place.

Canned food is a very convenient form of food storage. You can make a supply of the food you need, and already in finished form. Before use, the food will be warmed up enough (and many canned foods can be eaten cold), so you will save time and effort. But is it possible to call such dishes useful?

As mentioned above, during heat treatment, substances useful for the body are partially destroyed. In addition, the structure of plant fiber, muscle fibers of meat changes. During preparation for canning, the taste of products, as well as their appearance, may deteriorate, so manufacturers add flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes and other harmful chemical components to food. Such substances can cause the development of allergies and gastrointestinal diseases. And preservatives added to preserves often cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Without preservatives, long-term storage of products is not always possible.

If you choose the right canned food, you can avoid many troubles. Consider the most popular options for ready-made food with long shelf life.

Green peas are used to prepare a variety of salads, as a side dish for meat, vegetables and fish. When choosing a jar of peas, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. High quality vegetables are preserved at the time of harvest or immediately after. That is, good peas should be packed in jars in spring or until mid-summer.
Autumn and winter canned food is made as follows: dried peas are soaked in a special solution so that the peas become elastic and smooth again. But at the same time, the taste of the product is noticeably reduced. Then pay attention to the composition of the product indicated on the bank. Good canned food consists of peas, water, salt and sugar. No more ingredients! Peas are perfectly stored, he does not need additional preservatives. If possible, buy jars marked "extra" - this means that only small calibrated peas are inside, tasty and juicy. The highest and first grades are a little worse. Table peas are not sized and may contain brown and yellow peas. However, for stewed vegetable stew, this one is also suitable. It is also advisable to buy canned food in glass jars - then you can evaluate their contents visually. Too bright peas are a sign of the use of dyes or other chemicals. The brine must be transparent.

Canned corn, like green peas, must be produced during the appropriate season. Winter corn is usually made from dried kernels soaked in marinade. There is practically no benefit from it. Pay attention to the information placed on the bank - it is advisable to buy canned food made in accordance with the requirements of GOST, and not TU. Then you can be sure that the manufacturer used milky ripe corn, tasty and juicy, for processing. After opening the jar, inspect the grains. They should be the same size, white or yellow (depending on the variety of corn), with a pleasant sweetish aroma. Different-sized grains, a metallic smell, the presence of foreign inclusions, crushed pieces are a sign of the low quality of the product. The lighter the corn kernels, the healthier and more tender they are.

Beans are preserved in various ways - you can see beans in their own juice, tomato, with the addition of lemon juice and other ingredients on store shelves. Like the peas and corn described above, the most delicious beans are found in canned food of the corresponding season. Consider the label - it should indicate the components (beans, water, salt, sugar, as an addition - tomato paste). If, in addition to the above, preservatives, dyes or flavors appear on the list, it is better to refuse the purchase. The content of beans in the marinade should be at least 60%. Inspect - in high-quality canned food they are whole, the same in size.

Olives can be green or black. Their shade depends on the time of collection. Green olives are harvested before ripening. They may be greenish, grayish or yellowish. Black olives (black olives) ripen on branches. Unfortunately, unscrupulous producers buy inexpensive green olives and then turn them into more expensive black olives. For this, for example, ferrous gluconate is added to the marinade. (E-579) and enrich the liquid with oxygen. Are such “processed” olives healthy? Draw your own conclusion. Natural green olives contain a lot of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, specific oils. They are the ones you want to eat. And black olives can be used to decorate salads, pizza and other dishes, in small quantities. It is not difficult to distinguish "blackened" olives from real ones - the E-579 component or ferrous gluconate will be indicated on the jar. In addition, natural fruits are stored for no longer than six months, and for processed ones, this period may increase.

Canned fish is made from natural raw materials or semi-finished products. They differ in the type of filling, the method of processing products and other features. Only natural canned food made from valuable breeds, seafood, crustaceans, cod liver without the addition of other ingredients can be called useful. The presence of spices (bay leaf, salt, gelling additives) is acceptable. If the can contains flavorings, preservatives or other “extra” substances, refuse to buy. When choosing canned food, carefully inspect the jar - there should be no notches, dents, uneven seams on it. If the bottom or lid is swollen, it is very dangerous to eat the contents. High-quality canned fish is very useful, because fish contains a lot of soluble mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D.

Canned meat must be made only in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Pay attention to the name - the packaging of a quality product contains only the name of the meat and the word "stewed". Options like "stew with spices" are doubtful, because in addition to meat, they may contain cheaper additional ingredients - fat, vegetables, veins. The composition should also be very simple - meat, salt, spices. Any other additives indicate the manufacturer's dishonesty. Remember also that a good stew cannot cost less than 35 - 40 rubles per jar. During heat treatment, natural meat retains most of the nutrients, so such canned food can and should be eaten.

Canned mushrooms should be chosen very carefully. In no case do not purchase such home-made products - if the processing technology is violated, microorganisms dangerous to humans can actively multiply in jars. In addition, among the edible mushrooms, there may accidentally be a toadstool or specimens collected along the road or in an ecologically unfavorable area. Canned mushrooms cannot be called useful - mushrooms are digested for a long time in the digestive tract, often causing allergies or discomfort. To preserve mushrooms, manufacturers use vinegar, a variety of chemical additives, spices, garlic, and onions.

Canned vegetables can have a different composition - it all depends on the manufacturer's imagination. You should buy such products only in large stores, and in no case should you succumb to the persuasion of pretty grandmothers selling “home-made products”. Homemade vegetable salads and mouth-watering tomatoes can contain a very dangerous botulinum toxin. When canning vegetables, cheap synthetic vinegar is most often used, which irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is advisable to use such canned food only as an addition to the festive table or to decorate ready-made dishes.

If you carefully consider the choice of canned food, you can avoid poisoning and other undesirable consequences. In any case, do not get carried away with canned foods - let them be present only on the festive table or complement delicious and healthy natural dishes.

(Photo: micro10x, Alaettin YILDIRIM, mashe, Elisanth, Ivaschenko Roman,

Fish is included in the menu for weight loss in a wide variety of options. This product saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, adds energy and satisfies hunger even when eating small portions of food. Some losing weight replace fresh fish with canned fish - it's cheaper and more practical, nutritionists are not at all against such a decision, but they warn that you need to choose and use such products wisely.

Read in this article

Is it possible to eat canned fish while losing weight

The product is characterized by low calorie content, fast digestibility and no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Here's what the doctors say:

If we summarize all the data, then it can be argued that when losing weight, canned fish can not only be eaten, but must be entered into the menu - it is good for health, safe for the figure. They are contraindicated only in certain categories of people with obesity - for example, with diseases of the liver and kidneys, allergies and peptic ulcer of the stomach / duodenum.

Product selection rules

There are 3 basic rules for choosing canned fish that should be followed by those who are on a diet:

How to choose canned fish, see this video:

Diet dishes with canned fish

The most popular and easy-to-prepare canned fish dish is soup. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan and put on fire;
  • peel 1 medium carrot, 1 small onion - all cut into strips;
  • as soon as the water boils, add vegetables and 2 tablespoons of rice to it;
  • after 20 minutes of cooking vegetables and put canned fish in a saucepan, turn it off after 10 minutes.

Be sure to decorate the dish with fresh herbs (dill,), but you can not add salt - it is more than enough in the main product. According to the recipe, there is no potato in the soup, but it can be added in a minimal amount - for example, to make the dish more satisfying.

Canned fish can also be used to make meatballs! For them, you need to take 1 can of the main product, drain the liquid and knead the contents with a fork. To the resulting mass add 2 tablespoons of boiled rice, a bunch of chopped greens (onion and dill) and 1 fresh chicken egg. The resulting minced meat is formed into cutlets, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil on both sides.

This dish can be made more dietary: the finished mixture is laid out in silicone molds for small cupcakes and baked in the oven - you get a practically fat-free product.

Losing weight does not mean at all that you need to give up absolutely all gastronomic pleasures. From canned fish, you can cook baked pies from puff yeast-free dough. The filling will contain the main product, mashed with a fork, boiled rice (half of the amount of the first component) and green onions.

Such pies are quite high-calorie, so you can eat no more than 2 pieces per day, but this will perfectly diversify the diet and make cravings for pastries and sweets not so strong.

To learn how to cook rice with canned fish, see this video:

Can canned fish help you lose weight?

Yes, the product in question is quite dietary, but even if you eat only it daily, you will not succeed in losing weight, and there are several reasons for this:

  • without additional, the body will not be able to cleanse itself of toxins, toxins, normalize the functioning of the intestines - fresh vegetables and fruits should definitely become a big part of the menu;
  • canned fish contains a lot of salt, so all other components of the dish should not contain it;
  • it is imperative to observe the drinking regime - the product in question increases the feeling of thirst, the body needs at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • you can’t refuse cereals and milk - carbohydrates and proteins are still necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Nobody cancels and physical activity - they are required to get good results with any diet.

Canned fish is a useful product even during weight loss. You just need to learn how to choose it and use it for cooking in order to diversify the diet.

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Canned food conceals both harm and benefit

The harm and benefits of canned food

In order for perishable products to reach the buyer, they undergo heat treatment at high temperatures. Spices and aromatic additives are used to improve the taste. To increase the shelf life, chemical preservatives are added. Therefore, there are doubts about the benefits of these products.

If you constantly eat products from cans, the harm of canned food will become noticeable very soon. The human stomach is tuned to healthy, complete and fresh food. Therefore, the likelihood of gastritis and ulcers is high.

In the process of conservation, fish, meat and especially fruits and vegetables lose most of their nutrients. From different canned food, the benefits and harms can be different.

1. Meat products (stew, pates) are dangerous because if the technology for processing animal raw materials is violated, the botulism bacterium begins to multiply, which releases a toxin with toxic properties. If it enters the human body, he is threatened with severe poisoning and even death.

2. Mushrooms in jars, even with careful heat treatment, retain chemical elements from the habitat. A person can feel the harm of canned food from them immediately or after some time, when the accumulation of dangerous chemical elements occurs. Mushrooms, like meat, are affected by botulism.

3. The harm of canned fish can be especially noticeable. It is problematic to keep the marine catch fresh. During the fishing season, it is rolled into cans directly at fish canning complexes on the high seas. Therefore, not every manufacturer succeeds in observing all the precautions and properly processing the fish. It's easier to do it on the beach. Canned river fish are much safer but make them smaller.

Regardless of the contents of the jar, it is necessary to choose and eat canned products correctly.

How to choose and use canned food

In order not to cause harm to health, when buying canned food, a person should pay attention to such points:

    integrity and tightness of the container. Any deformation is a sign that a dangerous bacterium can get inside;

    production date and expiry date. Canned fish, meat, mushrooms have a certain shelf life;

    for fish, the region of production and conservation is important. If it is far from the sea, then perhaps the product is made from a frozen product;

    a pronounced taste of spices in meat preparations may indicate that they drowned out the smell and taste of low-quality (rotten) raw materials.

Canned food is consumed in case of urgent need, on hikes and long journeys. In the daily diet, they should be a rarity.

For the storage of seafood, people have long used the method of conservation. After all, delicious sardines, mackerel, sprat, cod, tuna, sprats in oil and more. others are loved by both adults and children.

Unfortunately, modern manufacturers are not always conscientious about their own production, using low-quality raw materials and violating technology. Therefore, the question regarding the benefits of canned fish is still very acute today. Like it or not, storing food in metal containers is not always safe. However, the popularity of canned food does not decrease from this. What are these delicacies good for, and what they give our body, we will now tell you.

The benefits and harms of canned fish

There is an opinion that the preservation process itself kills all useful substances and vitamins in products, which in turn raises many doubts about their positive properties.

Because of this, there is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of canned fish. In fact, not all beneficial compounds are destroyed by high temperatures. Even after heat treatment, in terms of the amount of calcium, canned fish can be second only to sesame. In addition, they contain essential amino acids and antioxidants.

Those who follow the figure should pay attention to the calorie content of canned fish. If you are on a diet, you should forget about mackerel - 200-317 kcal per 100 g; sprats - 363 kcal per 100 g; cod liver - 653 kcal per 100 g of product. On average, the calorie content of canned fish ranges from 88 to 350 kcal. This indicator depends directly on the method of preparation and the type of fish.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of canned fish, it should be noted that the storage of the product itself in a metal container is by no means safe. Any deformation of the tin can lead to a harmful oxidative reaction inside. The disadvantages of canned food include a high probability of infection with toxins from the botulism bacteria. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, it is better to sterilize canned fish before use.

Canned fish

Today, on the shelves you can buy canned food from any kind of fish, there are both elite varieties from the deep sea, and residents of rivers and reservoirs. Canned fish are easy to use, they can be used as an independent dish or as an ingredient. How to determine the benefits and harms of canned fish? Consider all the nuances of this popular product.


Useful properties of fish are associated with the content of vitamins and essential elements in it. Are these substances preserved during heat treatment? Natural canned fish do not lose their qualities during conservation. The product retains calcium, magnesium. High content of lycopene, antioxidants. Under thermal exposure, useful compounds do not disappear, the composition of the original raw materials is modified.

The canned fish product contains phosphorus, saturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the full development and nutrition of the brain. The use of fish products is favorable for the good functioning of the human endocrine system. It is worth consuming natural canned fish with heavy physical exertion, cardiological problems. Using a canned product reduces cooking time, it can be taken on trips, used as a quick snack. Consider the benefits of popular canned food separately.


Canned saury retains the same useful elements as fresh fish. Regular consumption of the product can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Saira is the leader in the content of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

Pink salmon

The composition of the fish contains a significant amount of acids, they are necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, strengthen the immune system. Pink salmon contains a lot of protein, which is very easy to digest.


Red fish contains nutritious protein, phosphorus, has a delicate taste, is used for cooking first and second courses. The use of a natural product improves brain function, strengthens memory, and supplies the body with fatty acids.

Goby in tomato sauce

Canned beef has a pleasant taste, contains dietary meat, they are suitable for people who watch their weight. After heat treatment, a sufficient amount of vitamins remains in the composition - calcium, nickel, iron, potassium, chromium, iodine and fluorine.

Sprat in tomato sauce

Sprat is a source of protein, does not overload the digestive tract, is a source of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D.


Fatty fish contains essential amino acids, vitamins A and E, vitamin D. Sprats contain a high content of calcium, a vitamin necessary for bones. Sprats are tasty, they are a good basis for making sandwiches.


Natural canned tuna can be compared with fresh fish. Tuna contains phosphorus, fatty acids, potassium. Consumption of canned tuna has a good effect on vision, normalizes blood pressure and immunity.


The harm of canned fish products is that they contain a lot of spices and salt. Substances retain fluid, provoke edema, increase cholesterol. Excess salt negatively affects the condition of the blood vessels of the brain. Preservatives are often added to the product, excessive consumption of chemicals is harmful to the body. If you choose between fresh fish and canned food, then a natural product is recommended. There are still fewer nutrients in canned food. The content of vegetable oil in some canned food adds calories, so it is undesirable to lean on the dish if you are overweight. The most high-calorie canned food is sprats and mackerel. Another danger of consuming canned food is the possibility of contracting botulism. The botulism stick causes nausea, abdominal pain, makes you feel worse, disrupts the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Dangerous microbes appear in jars with improper storage, expired shelf life.


  • kidney failure;
  • hypertension;
  • osteoporosis.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women are not recommended to include canned fish in the menu for several reasons. Antibacterial drugs and various chemicals are often added to industrial preservation. Preservatives contain many allergens. Important! Pregnant women should not consume canned tuna. This fish is high in mercury, it accumulates in the body and poses a danger to the fetus. In the situation of feeding the baby, you need to carefully check the composition of the product. You can introduce canned food into the diet only two months after birth. If the baby is prone to allergies, then first they try a small piece and monitor the reaction. You can not consume products with preservatives, many substances are unacceptable for nursing mothers.


The vitamins and minerals in canned food depend on the fish they contain. A high content of vitamin A and D is found in canned cod fish liver. 200 grams of canned fish can provide 4% of the body's daily requirement for vitamins B12, A, C and B1. The content of vitamin PP in different products varies greatly. Natural canned salmon and sardines contain pantothenic acid. Consider the average table of the content of elements per 100 grams. It should be borne in mind that the elements may differ depending on the type of fish.

Calorie content of various canned fish:

  • Fresh salmon - 142
  • Boiled catfish - 114
  • Fried flounder - 223
  • Salted salmon - 184
  • Baltic sprat - 137
  • Sauteed salmon - 379
  • Pollack marinated - 211
  • Halibut boiled - 216
  • Saury in oil - 283
  • Sardine in oil - 221
  • Mackerel in oil - 278
  • Pike in tomato sauce - 108

How to cook

Natural canned food is prepared from whole fish, only spices and salt are added to it. The most expensive varieties of fish are sturgeon and salmon. When processing pieces of fish, the tail and fins are cut off. Trimmed pieces of fish in canned food are quite cheaper than whole ones.


Store canned food in dry rooms, it is necessary to take into account the temperature regime. There are the following storage standards:

  • natural product is stored at a temperature of 0-+10oC
  • in oil - 0-+20оС
  • in tomato sauce - 0-+5oC.

The total shelf life is up to three years. Natural canned fish is stored for 6 to 24 months. Products in oil from 12 to 24 months. Canned food in tomato sauce from 6 to 18 months. The contents of the opened jar should immediately be transferred to a glass plate or glass container. It is advisable to use an open product during the day. When the fish begins to be exposed to oxygen, the product quickly oxidizes. Long-term storage in open form increases the risk of poisoning.

How to choose

When buying, you need to pay attention to the label of the can. It usually indicates the type of raw material, the type of fish, the method of preparation, the nutritional and chemical composition. Natural products include the product in its own juice, without the addition of oil. To enhance the taste, spices, oil, tomato sauce are usually added to canned food. These products are usually referred to as snack bars. You need to carefully consider the shelf life, track the date of manufacture. Some varieties of fish are usually converted into canned food after defrosting frozen fish, and some are immediately preserved. A fish that has not been pre-frozen is considered useful. The bank should not be swollen, wrinkled, have additional damage. If the jar is even a little swollen, then you need to get rid of it immediately, as there is a risk of infection with botulism. After opening, you should pay attention to the appearance, the fish should have a natural appearance, it should not contain suspicious changes and inclusions. If the product has the aroma of rancid fat, then it should not be used on the menu. Carcinogens can be harmful to health. Canned caviar is made in the spring, the production time should be March and early May. Salmon breeds spawn in the spring, they lose their taste, so you should not buy them with this production date.

What is combined with

Canned fish is combined with vegetables, they are often added to various salads. Often this product becomes the main component of a cold snack. It is worth trying to mix canned food with eggs, onions, carrots. Get the famous Mimosa salad. The product is combined with green peas, fresh cucumber, lettuce, boiled rice. The product is often used for soups, potatoes, canned fish and rice are added to the first course. So, canned fish is not only beneficial, but can be harmful. It should be used with caution in certain diseases, there are restrictions during pregnancy and lactation. There are features of the choice of the product, it is important to monitor the expiration date and not store for a long time in the open.

Sardines in oil - the benefits and harms

These preserves are easy to find on the shelves of almost any store, they can be used in salads or simply served as a snack. But is it worth eating them, or is it better not to serve them at the table? In order to make the right decision, you need to know what benefits and harms sardines in oil can bring.

The benefits of sardines in oil

These canned fish contain a fairly large amount of protein, and, unlike the one found in meat, it is more easily digested. That is why many women believe that it is possible and even necessary to eat them. In addition, if you study in detail the composition of sardines in oil, you can find vitamins PP, A and E in them. According to experts, only 100 g of these canned foods per day will provide 15% of the daily requirement of these substances, and this is quite a large amount. Well, the content of chromium, fluorine, cobalt, iodine, potassium, calcium and iron in such fish, of course, makes them even more useful. Such a combination of substances and trace elements have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, and have a stimulating effect on the work of the heart itself. Also, the presence of vitamins A and E helps prevent premature aging of epidermal cells and prevents the appearance of neoplasms (oncological tumors).