Technological process for the preparation of sliced \u200b\u200bmarmalade products. The process of obtaining the finished product

12.05.2019 Salads

In the production of fruit marmalade, the recipe includes: sugar, applesauce, molasses in a small amount (10-15%), sodium citrate (or lactate). The recipe components are boiled down to a CW content of 67-69%.

The technology for the production of jelly marmalade provides for the presence in the recipe not only of molasses and sugar, but also gelling components, such as agar and similar substances, pectin or gelatin. In this case, the recipe components are boiled down to a DM content of 73-74%. The production of pectin-based marmalade has its own characteristics. Unlike agar and similar gelling agents, pectin exhibits the ability to form jelly only in the presence of acid and sugar. The best conditions for the formation of jelly (at 1% pectin) are those in which the sugar in the recipe contains about 60% sugar and 1% acid.

The higher the quantity and quality of pectin, the more sugar is required for the formation of jelly. Excess sugar leads to the fact that the jelly becomes coarser in fracture and more plastic, but its strength decreases. Acid is an obligatory participant in the jelly formation process; it affects the rate of gelation of an aqueous solution of sugar and pectin and the density of the jelly. But an excessive amount of acid in the recipe affects the chemical processes in the marmalade mass, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the final products.

Agars and similar substances are plant polymers that dissolve quickly in hot water and form viscous aqueous solutions that form jellies when cooled. In order to obtain the jelly strength required for the production of marmalade, the amount of agar in the recipe should be approximately equal to 1% of air-dry agar, for furcelaran the concentration is increased by one and a half times, and for agaroid - 3 times.

Gelatin is a gelling agent of organic origin, insoluble in organic solvents. At room temperature, gelatin swells with 10-15 times the amount of water and dissolves quickly in hot water. But when heated in alkaline or acidic media, gelatin loses its ability to form jellies. Gelatin jellies are 5-8 times weaker than pectin and agar jellies, therefore, gelatin is used much less frequently in the production of marmalade than other jellies.

The quality of marmalade products depends on many factors: the quality of raw materials, recipes, technological schemes, the attitude of the manufacturer and employees to the processes of manufacturing the product. And, of course, on the functionality of equipment for the production of marmalade.

Equipment for the production of marmalade "Akmalko Engineering"is developed taking into account all the features of technological processes for the manufacture of various types of marmalade. Our equipment for the production of molded and jelly marmalade is constantly being improved so that the factory operating on our equipment can improve its products.

  • Business start-up technology
        • Related business ideas:

A store selling loose marmalade is a small investment business available to many aspiring entrepreneurs. Organizing such a thing is not difficult. The main thing is to solve the issue with the location of the outlet and find suppliers of sweets (marmalade, sweets and chewing gum) ...

Assortment of the store of loose marmalade

The assortment of such a shop includes: chewing marmalade, caramel, dragee and chewing gum. The main customers are young shoppers between the ages of 3 and 14 who are walking with their parents.

Choosing a place to open a store

The outlet is a small trading island, consisting of glass showcases, cabinets, candy racks, shelves and a cash register. A complete set of equipment for a retail outlet costs about 180 thousand rubles. In total, taking into account the costs of purchasing goods, starting a business requires no more than 300 thousand rubles.

To place a shop in the "trading island" format, it is necessary to rent from 2 to 5 sq. m. The best places are the first and second floors of large shopping and entertainment centers. Although the rent here is not the cheapest. It can also be summer amusement parks, where there are traditionally many children and young people.

How much can you earn by opening a weighed marmalade store

A kilogram of marmalade at a wholesale price costs about 140 rubles or 14 rubles per 100 grams. And the retail price for 100 grams of delicacies is at least 30 rubles. In fact, the markup is 100%. Even with a minimum average check of 100 rubles, you get 50 rubles of income from each customer. From 10 buyers - 500 rubles, from 100 buyers (average number of customers) - 5000 rubles per day. Thus, the monthly income of the outlet is about 150 thousand rubles.

Excluding the cost of renting a retail space (~ 20 thousand rubles), wages of 2 sellers (~ 40 thousand rubles), insurance deductions (~ 15 thousand rubles) and taxes (ENVD ~ 5 thousand rubles .) the net profit of the outlet is 70 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get equipment and goods

A well-known supplier of equipment for such points is the Sweets company. She is also a wholesale supplier of sweets by weight. They work with a minimum batch of 30 thousand rubles. They also offer entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia to open a franchise business.

A step-by-step plan for starting a business for the sale of loose marmalade

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Choosing a place for sale.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Purchase of products.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Retail outlet launch.

How much money do you need to start

The outlet for the sale of marmalade is a miniature shop with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 5 sq. m. To launch it, you will need showcases, racks, pedestals. The cost of the equipment does not exceed 200 thousand rubles. The entire project requires no more than 300 thousand rubles. costs. This includes:

  • Inventory;
  • Products;
  • Registration;
  • Wage;
  • Other expenses.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • 24.22 - retail trade in confectionery;
  • 27.39 - retail sale of other food products.

What documents are needed to open a business

For a small trading island, it is advisable to issue an individual entrepreneur by submitting an application, a photocopy of a passport and a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax office.

Which tax system to choose

It is better to choose the taxation system UTII. The choice of the system is carried out immediately after registration of the IP.

Do I need permission to open

There is no need to obtain a license to open a trading island. It is important that the products presented in the mini-shop have quality certificates.

Business start-up technology

The success of a business depends on the location of the outlet. The best options for arranging a store are a shopping center, office, train station, airport. After the choice of the place is made and the documents are drawn up, you can proceed to the arrangement. Today, in the online store, you can buy special inventory, which is neat and spacious. Having placed beautifully products, you can safely start trading.

Fru-Fru chewing marmalade is produced on modern European equipment. Production does not stop even for a minute - the factory works 24 hours 7 days a week. Sugar, gelatin, glucose syrup and natural grape juice are used to make gummies.

The process of making gummies includes the following steps:

  • Cooking ingredients
  • Cooling
  • Casting in molds
  • Standing and drying
  • De-starching
  • Packing and packaging

The ingredients are mixed and sent to the digester. Citric acid, dyes and flavors are added to the boiled mixture. The mixture enters the casting machine. Then, trays filled with an even layer of cornstarch are fed onto the conveyor. Hundreds of identical shapes are stamped into starch using plaster seals. The strip of starch with prints moves along the conveyor to the next stage of production, where the casting machine fills the molds with hot liquid marmalade. Then the marmalade hardens and dries for 24 hours, after which it is cleaned of starch and enters special drums for further processing. In these drums, gummies are processed with a mixture of natural oils. Gummies become smooth, shiny and do not stick to each other. Next, the finished marmalade moves along the conveyor belt to the packaging machine. Here the finished product is packed and the production date is stamped on the bags.

Marmalade production technology is a series of stages in the processing of raw materials and special know-how of confectionery factories. In stores, you can most often find 3 main types of marmalade: fruit and berry, jelly and jelly and fruit. Marmalade manufacturersuse differentnew methods of making each kind of sweetness.

One of the easiest to production -

Let's follow the process its manufacture in the factoryconditions. It all starts with sugar, water and citric acid. The solution of these components turns out to be very sweet: there is almost a glass of sugar in a glass of water. All components are mixed andgo to a special tank, where they cook for 15 minutes. Then pectin is added andmolasses, which will give the future marmalade thickness and viscosity.

Thanks to molasses sweet starch syrup, the finished marmalade will be fresh and soft within a month after leaving the conveyor. The next stage is moisture evaporation. For this, every confectionery factory has a cooking pot, an important elementequipment for the production of marmalade.The marmalade is boiled under high pressure. Next, natural fruit extracts and dyes are added to the syrup, and the mixture acquires taste, color and aroma. While the mixture cools down, sugar is prepared, in which it will be pouredmarmalade. To do this, holes are knocked out in the sugar lane running along the conveyor, into which liquid marmalade is poured. By the end of its journey along the tape, the marmalade solidifies, it is shaken off the excess sugar and packaged.

Other technological scheme for the production of marmalade based on a combination of fruit puree, sugar and molasses. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • boiling fruit sugar and molasses
  • adding pectin, agar, vitamins and dyes
  • mold casting
  • drying
  • packing and packaging

Production of jelly marmalade

Most often it is made on the basis of agar. At the first stage, the agar is soaked in running water until it swells. The agar is then dissolved in a digester with water. Sugar and molasses are added to the solution. The syrup is boiled down, cooled, juice, vitamins, natural dyes and flavors are added to it. The jelly blank is poured into metal molds and then left to solidify. The congealed marmalade is selected from molds and, if necessary, sprinkled with sugar, after which the products are allowed to stand and dry. Ready-made jelly marmalade is sent for packing and packaging. Modern marmalade manufacturersthey cast products in a wide variety of forms, add natural juices and vitamins to their products.

Is a good idea for starting a business, because this sweet is very popular with children and adults. The technology for the production of marmalade is quite simple, for a start, 1,000,000 rubles are enough for you. This amount is needed to establish a workflow and make everyone's favorite dessert.

Despite the existing competitors, the niche is open to newbies. The demand for products does not fall, and you can interest buyers with a wide range and excellent product quality. A planned marketing campaign will help you with this.

Production technology and main equipment

The production technology differs slightly depending on the type of product being manufactured. Since fruit and berry marmalade has a high cost, jelly marmalade is more common.

Consider his manufacturing process.

Soak first and then rinse the gelling ingredients (agaroid lil pectin). Then prepare sugar syrup on their basis and start the process of boiling the mass. After the liquid has cooled, it can be poured into molds. The jelly thickens and the process of knocking out the products from the molds begins, after which they are laid out on trays and dried for about an hour at a temperature of 40 ° C. The final steps are sugar wrapping of finished products, repeated drying and cooling of products. After that, the products are ready for packaging.

Nothing complicated! In addition, almost all of the work is performed on special equipment.

A standard marmalade production line includes:

  • dosing machine;
  • cooking tank;
  • gummy machine;
  • steam boilers (according to the number of marmalade flowers produced);
  • steam generator;
  • tempering machine;
  • cooling cabinet;
  • cutting installation;
  • drying cabinet.

In addition, you need:

  • silicone molds for marmalade;
  • trays for drying finished products.

You will also need to separately buy filling and packaging equipment.

Used equipment will cost from 600,000 rubles: it all depends on the configuration and condition.

Prices for new equipment are very different, the cost is influenced not only by equipment, line performance and automation, but also by the brand name:

  • productivity 300 kg / hour - up to 900,000 rubles;
  • productivity 500 kg / hour - up to 2,000,000 rubles.

Cooking boiler

A tank or cauldron is required for cooking fruit purees and marmalade.

Choose a model with a frame-type agitator. A cylindrical boiler is made with 3 walls, between which there is a steam chamber and a thermal insulating material (protects against burns). The inside of the apparatus is made of food grade stainless steel and has a conical bottom. Pressurized and installed vertically.

The device can be both with a stirrer and a choke, tilting or non-tipping.

Technosfera-2000 LLC offers cooking boilers with a volume of 0.075, 0.15 and 0.3 cubic meters.

Casting Machine

Casting equipment is needed for molding marmalade. It works with a periodic low tide principle. You will need silicone molds. The more interesting the form, the more the customer will like the product.

Equipment set:

  • bed;
  • container for marmalade mass;
  • dosing head;
  • conveyor;
  • remote Control.

Penzafood offers the following casting machines:

Feature / ModelMOM300MOM150
Productivity, cycles / h3 000 1 500
Casting cycle time, s2.5 2.5
Number of pieces in a row, pcs.8 8
Number of rows in the formfrom 3from 3
Installed power, kW3.6 3.6
Form dimensions, mm335 x 180335 x 180
Machine dimensions, mm2500х810х14502500х810х1450
Machine weight, kg450 350

Silicone molds are installed on the conveyor, it moves continuously. The food mass is sucked in by pistons, and then the dies squeeze it into molds. The device independently moves the forms between the stages of extrusion.

Drying apparatus

This equipment for the production of marmalade is of different types:

  • conveyor;
  • closet;
  • chamber.

The drying phase precedes the cooling phase as the drying requires a high temperature.

The drying cabinet works according to the following principle:

  • the fan draws in air;
  • the air passes through the heater, then it is heated with the help of heating elements;
  • the air enters under the trays, increases the humidity of the air, due to which the marmalade is “gently” dried.

Cooling tunnel

The technology for the production of marmalade includes the stage of cooling the products. This is why you need to buy a confectionery cooling tunnel.

The equipment includes several working areas:

  • product display;
  • cooling;
  • picking up marmalade.

The conveyor carries out the movement to the zones. Cooling takes place with a cold air stream. The design of the equipment is designed in such a way that it is possible to open the tunnel from 2 sides.

All performance options are adjustable.

Penzafood produces tunnels with a different number of sections:

Feature / ModelOK400OK600OK800
Number of sections2 3 4
Installed power, kW5.5 7.5 10.5
Cooling capacity, kcal5 200 7 800 10 400
Conveyor belt width, mm400 600 800
Belt speed, m / min0 - 5,5 0 - 5,5 0 - 5,5
Overall dimensions, mm6600x550x15509100х750х155011600x950x1550
Weight, kg240 360 650

Equipment for packing

Marmalade, as a confectionery product, has certain types of packaging:

  • "Flow Pack" package;
  • package "Pillow";
  • doy Pak package.

These packages are preferred by all modern manufacturers, each of them has its own advantages. You need to buy standard packaging equipment such as PITPAK or PITPAK SMART.

Video: technological line for the production of marmalade

Marmalade is a confectionery product produced from a gelling fruit and berry puree and / or gelling agent, sugar or its substitutes and other types of raw materials with the addition of an anti-crystallizer, food additives and / or aromatic substances. For marmalade, a gelatinous structure is characteristic. The surface of the marmalade can be glazed or unglazed. Marmalade products are well digested, have high taste and dietary properties.

Depending on the type of jelly-forming base, marmalade is subdivided into:

for fruit and berry - based on gelling fruit and berry puree;

jelly - based on gelatinous;

jelly-fruit - based on a gelling agent in combination with a gelling fruit-berry puree.

Depending on the molding method, the following types of marmalade are distinguished:

molded (including stampede) - molded by casting the marmalade mass into rigid forms or forms stamped in a bulk food product (granulated sugar);

sheet - molded by casting the marmalade mass into a container;

carved - molded by casting a marmalade mass, followed by cutting into individual products.

Marmalade is made unglazed and glazed with chocolate or confectionery glaze.

A kind of jelly marmalade is "Jelly marmalade", "Strawberry", "Jelly bars in chocolate". Chocolate-glazed marmalade includes “Berry in chocolate” molded marmalade.

Fruit and berry marmalade is a semi-solid. When cut with a knife, fruit jelly jelly forms non-sticking cut surfaces and sharp edges. During storage, liquid separation from the inside of the jelly should not occur.

Marmalade jelly with the necessary physical and mechanical properties is formed when the pectin sol passes into a gel from aqueous pectin solutions. For the formation of jelly, a certain amount of gelling agent - pectin, sugar and acid is required at certain pH values.

Pectin provides the material for the jelly carcass. The higher the concentration of pectin in the jelly, the stronger the resulting jelly will be. However, the strength of pectin jelly depends more on the quality of pectin than on its quantity (pectin of winter Antonov apples and wild game). The presence of sugar is essential for the formation of pectin jelly. The value of sugar in the process of gelation consists in its dehydrating effect. In the production of fruit marmalade, the technological function of sugar coincides with its taste value. The role of the acid is to displace pectic acids from their salts. The obtained pectic acids from pectinates are capable of gelation. Thus, the overall gelatinizing capacity of the solution is increased. To increase the jelly-forming ability of pectin, it is not the amount of acid introduced, but the pH of the solution (concentration of hydrogen ions) that is important. The optimum pH value is 3.0 - 3.2.

The best condition for the formation of fruit jellies is the content of about 65% sugar, 1% pectin, 1% acid and 30-32% water, provided that modifier salts are used.

Such a ratio can be obtained when the ratio of granulated sugar and puree is 1: 1. To increase the resistance of fruit marmalade to crystallization, part of the sugar can be replaced with molasses. The molasses can be completely or partially replaced with invert syrup on a dry basis. The actual consumption of puree in formulations is specified in accordance with laboratory analyzes, depending on the content of dry substances and the gelatinous ability of the puree.

The technological scheme for the production of fruit and berry marmalade consists of the preparation of a prescription mixture followed by boiling to a marmalade mass, molding, gelation, drying and cooling of the marmalade, packaging.

Apple puree supplied to the production is different in its jelly-forming ability, therefore, a blended mixture is made from different batches of puree, which is standard in its jelly-forming ability based on laboratory data.

Puree for blending is mixed in mixers equipped with stirrers.

The recipe mixture is obtained by mixing fruit and berry puree, granulated sugar, molasses and lactate or sodium citrate (modifier salts) in a mixer. The dosage of modifier salts depends on the acidity of the puree and is 0.2 - 0.3% by weight of the recipe mixture. The recipe mixture with a dry matter mass of about 55% is sent for boiling in a continuous way into a coil cooking column with a steam separator or in a batch mode until a moisture content of 31 to 40%.

The use of salt-modifiers allows you to boil the marmalade mass to a lower moisture content, which allows you to shorten the process of drying the marmalade.

With a continuous production method, the marmalade mass from the receiving hopper of the container is fed into the mixer above the casting head. Flavors, acid, dyes are also dosed here. The marmalade mass is thoroughly mixed and sent for molding to a marmalade-casting machine or manually.

Molded marmalade is produced in a continuous way. The molding of the marmalade mass is carried out by casting a molding conveyor into metal molds. There are holes at the bottom of the molds. The forms with the marmalade mass are fed for standing with an air temperature of 20 ° C and within 4-6 minutes the temperature of the marmalade decreases and reaches the point of the beginning of pectin gelation. Duration of marmalade standing in molds is about 30 - 40 minutes.

The selection of marmalade from the molds is done mechanically using compressed air supplied from below to the holes. Air, passing through the holes in the bottom of the molds, pushes the marmalade onto the sieves. The marmalade selected from the forms is sent for drying, the purpose of which is to remove excess moisture from the marmalade and form small sucrose crystals on its surface. Fruit jelly is dried in various types of dryers (chamber, cabinet, tunnel) at a temperature of 55 - 70 o C for 6 - 7 hours. After drying, the marmalade is cooled to 20-30 o C in the workshop or special chambers for 45-120 minutes.

Layered marmalade represents a dense cutting mass, which is molded into glasses or boxes made of polymeric materials, board or plywood boxes, boxes made of corrugated cardboard. The cast marmalade mass is left to stand during cooling for the purpose of the gelation process and is then sent for packaging.

Pats - marmalade products obtained from apricot or plum puree. Apricot puree pectin differs from apple pectin in that the jelly obtained from it is more protracted, does not lend itself to cutting with a knife, and it is difficult to get out of tough forms. The ratio of apricot puree and granulated sugar in the formulation of sweets is 1: 1.2 -1.5.

The recipe mixture is boiled down to a temperature of 112 - 115 o C and a humidity of 15 - 18% and is molded by casting into starch, powdered sugar or onto a smooth table surface. The gelation process takes 30 - 40 minutes. Then the starch is cleared of starch or excess sugar and put into boxes.

Jelly marmalade - these are products made on the basis of gelling substances (agar, agaroid, furcelaran, pectin), with the addition of granulated sugar, molasses, acid and flavorings and dyes. Fruit and berry supplies and juices are also added to the recipe. In this case, the marmalade loses its transparency. Granulated sugar plays the role of a filler and adds sweetness to the products. Molasses is used as a sucrose anticrystallizer. The acid in the marmalade from agar, agaroid, furcelaran has a purely taste value.

Various types and varieties of jelly marmalade differ from each other mainly in the type of gelling agent used, the molding method and the external finish.

The production of jelly shaped marmalade on agar consists of soaking, washing and swelling the agar (if necessary), boiling the agar-sugar-syrup syrup, preparing the marmalade mass, molding and gelatinization, sampling from the molds and sprinkling with sugar, drying and cooling the marmalade with subsequent packing.

Granulated sugar is added to the dissolved agar and, last of all, molasses. Agar-sugar-syrup mixture contains 30-33% moisture and goes for boiling to a moisture content of 25-27%. The temperature of the finished syrup is 106-107 o C. The finished syrup is pumped into a tempering machine, where it is cooled to a temperature of 55-60 o C. The cooled mass enters the mixer above the casting head of the forming unit, where an emulsion of acid, essence and dye is simultaneously dosed. The marmalade mass is thoroughly mixed and sent to molding. Molding is carried out, as in the production of fruit and berry marmalade. The duration of gelation on agar is much longer (140-90 min.) Than marmalade on pectin, since the temperature of the onset of gelation of agar is 40 ° C. Optimal conditions for the process of gelation of agar are a temperature of 10-15 ° C and a relative humidity of 60-65 %. After the gelling process, the marmalade is taken out of the molds, sprinkled with sugar, placed on sieves and then enters the drying chamber. Drying takes place for 6-8 hours at an air temperature of 50-55 ° C and a relative air humidity of 20-40%.

Cooling of dried marmalade is carried out in the premises of the workshop (3-5 hours) or in a cooling cabinet at a temperature of 15-20 o C for 40-60 minutes. After cooling, the marmalade is separated from the excess sugar on a vibrating sieve and placed in boxes or boxes.

The production of jelly marmalade on agaroid is somewhat different from the technology of marmalade on agar, which is associated with the specific features of agaroid. The process of gelation of a solution of agaroid with sugar occurs at high temperatures (about 70 ° C).

When preparing a syrup, granulated sugar is first dissolved and the agaroid is introduced into the sugar solution. This is due to the fact that the aqueous agaroid solution is rather viscous and can stick to the heating surface.

In the boiled agaroid-sugar syrup to a moisture content of 28-30% at a temperature of 80 ° C, invert syrup is introduced in small quantities, which is caused by the need to increase the content of reducing substances in this marmalade in view of its great tendency to sugariness.

Dye and flavorings are added to the cooled jelly mass (up to 72 ° C) with stirring. After acidification, the mass on the agaroid is immediately sent for molding. Further, the production process is similar to that described above.

Pectin-based jelly marmalade. For the preparation of pectin-sugar-treacle syrup, dry or water-swollen pectin is used.

Pectin is poured into a working mixer with a stirrer, the duration of the swelling of pectin in water is 15-20 minutes (the ratio of water to pectin is 25: 1). The duration of the swelling of pectin in water is 15-20 minutes, and then the solution is sent for complete dissolution during boiling for 2-3 minutes into an open digester. Then add salt modifiers and load granulated sugar. After complete dissolution of granulated sugar, molasses is introduced.

The finished pectin-sugar-treacle syrup with a moisture content of 39-41% is fed for boiling into a coil cooking column with a steam separator to a dry matter content of 75-66%. Heating steam pressure 0.3-0.4MPa. The prepared marmalade mass is molded by casting at a temperature of 80-85 o C. Further, the process of making marmalade is similar to that described earlier.

Three-layer jelly marmalade consists of two jelly (extreme) and one whipped (middle) layer. The jelly layers have a gelatinous structure, and the middle layer is foamy.

The preparation of the mass for the jelly layers is basically the same as described above. The mass for the middle layer is obtained by churning agar-sugar-syrup with a dry matter content of 76-78% and a temperature of 60-62 ° C with egg white. In the process of churning the syrup, applesauce, flavors are introduced into it. Further, the mass for each layer is formed by casting one jelly layer. After it has stood and structured for 35-40 minutes, a layer of the knocked down mass is poured onto the jelly layer. The third (jelly layer) is cast on the second after its structure formation.

When the structure formation process ends in all layers, the layer is cut into separate products with disc (for slitting) and corrugated (for cross-cutting) knives. The sliced \u200b\u200bmarmalade is sprinkled with granulated sugar, laid out on sieves and dried at a temperature of 30-35 ° C for 10-12 hours.

Jelly-fruit marmalade is made on the basis of gelling agents in combination with gelling fruit puree. It is produced in the form of small figures of various configurations, the surface of which is sprinkled with granulated sugar or covered with a thin crystalline crust, or glossy.

The technology of jelly-fruit marmalade includes the stages of production of both fruit-berry and jelly marmalade.

The main indicators of the quality of marmalade are moisture (15-33%), the content of reducing substances (20-40%), acidity (7-18 degrees), the content of sulfurous acid (0.01%) or benzoic acid (0.07%).

Questions for self-control.

1. Classification and assortment of marmalade products.

2. Characteristics of students, the conditions of their student formation.

3. Justification of the formulation of fruit and jelly marmalade.

4. Methods for molding various types of marmalade.

5. Indicators of the quality of marmalade