Meat filling for the pie. Recipes for pies in the oven with meat filling

10.10.2019 Salads
The most delicious meat dishes Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna



Classic meat filling

Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Chop the onion, fry in fat until golden brown, add the meat, stirring occasionally, heat it up and add the broth or sauce to make the filling juicy. Then put the chopped egg, salt, season with pepper and chopped herbs.

You can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to the meat filling.

Instead of meat for the filling, you can use by-products (lungs, heart, etc.). Boil offal, and then simmer or cook until tender. The filling is prepared in the same way as the meat filling.

Structure: boiled or stewed meat - 400 g, butter or pork fat - 30 g, onion - 1 pc., meat broth or the remaining sauce, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, pepper, chopped parsley or dill, eggs - 1-2 pcs.

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Special attention has always been paid to pies and pies in Russia - they were prepared both on the occasion of a birthday and for memorial dinners, and indeed a rare holiday did without this food.

They say that the famous German traveler Adam Olearius, having got to Russia at the beginning of the 17th century, wrote that “by the way, they (the Russians) have a special kind of cookies, like a pâté, or rather, pfapkuchene, which they call 'pie'; these cakes are about the size of a wedge of butter, but somewhat longer and elongated. They give them a filling of finely chopped fish or meat and onions and bake them in cow oil, and in fasting in vegetable oil; their taste is not without pleasantness. Everyone treats their guest with this dish, if he means to receive it well ”.

Without a pancake - not Maslenitsa, without a cake - not a birthday man. A pie on the table is a holiday at home. The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies. Eat the pies - the hostess! The importance, significance and value of this dish can be fully felt by remembering just a few old proverbs. Whether you want to receive a guest well or not, you should learn how to cook pies at least just for yourself and your family. Even if we do not take into account the ritual and semantic content of the pies, we can still say that this is an incredibly tasty, beautiful and wonderful dish.

These are the pies, my dears. Let's go to the kitchen.
I will tell and show in great detail how to make the right yeast dough for pies and how to sculpt-bake delicious pies with meat in the oven.


For yeast pie dough:

  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 4 cups flour

For meat filling for pies:

  • 300 g of boiled meat
  • 4 onions
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying onions
  • 1 egg for greasing pies (can be replaced with strong sweet tea, butter, sugar syrup)

How to cook yeast dough meat pies in the oven

The water should be warm - this is the secret number of times. Not hot, not at room temperature, but comfortably warm - I put my finger in it, it should feel good and pleasant. If the finger is happy, add yeast, sugar and salt.

After dissolving the yeast, add vegetable oil and an egg to the water. I mix - without fanaticism, just so that the egg spreads evenly throughout the liquid.

By the way, I will immediately clarify that from the indicated ingredients exactly one standard baking sheet with pies is obtained.

Sift half the flour.

And I mix it - it turns out a viscous mass, which is better not to touch with your hands: you will not wash off.

I add the second half of the flour gradually, continuing to knead the dough. Sometimes it turns out that a little less than the stated amount is required - the yeast dough needs to be felt. If you have no experience, do not hesitate, add all the flour, it will not be bad, do not worry, the dough may just turn out a little denser.

After adding all the flour, I advise you to knead the dough a little more - it loves hugs, pats and close contact. The result is a soft, rather pleasant dough. Round it and put it in a bowl.
I cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm place. In winter - near the battery, in summer - near a closed window through which sunlight falls.

While the dough goes about its business, I create the filling.

This time I had boiled beef - it was twisted in a meat grinder.

Finely chopped the onion.

And fried in vegetable oil until golden.

Mixed everything up. Done. If desired, you can add herbs, boiled egg, rice. The most important thing is not to ignore the onion, it adds juiciness to the filling, without it the pies will be dry and tasteless.

Depending on the air temperature in the room, after 1-2 hours the dough will double in volume. Time to make pies!

I love the round shape - it is especially harmonious. Also, I like small patties - 3-4 bites. Of course, the process of sculpting such handsome men takes a little longer than usual, but it's worth it!

If your hand is not full, and you doubt that you can divide the dough into relatively equal pieces, use ordinary culinary scales - with them it is quite easy and quick to turn a large piece of dough into small balls.

First I divide all the dough, and then I start sculpting - it's faster and more convenient.

To make the pie round, knead the ball of dough with my fingers into a small cake.

I spread a spoonful of the filling in the middle.

I fasten the opposite edges.

And the other two are opposite.

And then I lift up the rest, forming a "knot".

I pinch well.

And I spread it on a greased (or covered with paper) baking sheet with the seam down.

I sculpt all the remaining pies in the same way.

Further - proofing. I usually turn on the oven at 100 degrees and put a baking sheet in it with the door open. It turns out the very thing! If you don't trust your oven and yourself, leave it in a warm place to proof, covered with a towel.

After the meat pies have grown and increased significantly in volume, you can put them in the oven for baking. If desired, you can brush the top of the dough with an egg.

Done, you can go to the oven!

I bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

I take it out, admire it and always put it on a wooden board or in a wicker basket - the pies will "sweat" on the baking sheet. That, in general, is all. Isn't it difficult? I wish you even pies and delicious fillings!

About fillings for pies

The same yeast dough can be used to make pies with any other filling. If you don't have meat on hand, try these options:

- cottage cheese, herbs and salt;
- cabbage - fresh stew and sauerkraut stew;
- mushrooms fried with onions;
- minced fish;
- rice, egg, fried onions;
- mashed potatoes with cracklings;
- pea mash.

Sweet pies with this dough are no less tasty. You can do:

- cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar;
- cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, blueberries and any other berry;
- custard with vanilla or cinnamon;
- apple jam or any thick jam;
- grated pumpkin mixed with apple and carrot (or not mixed);
- nuts, honey and lemon;
- grated poppy seeds and raisins;
- dried apricots, prunes and any other dried fruits.

Bon appetit!

The hut is red in the corners, and the table is with pies. In Russia, pies were considered an exclusively festive dish. We can have a feast today. The meat filling for the pies will be the highlight that will blow your mind even for gourmets. We will reveal all culinary secrets without hiding anything.

Who is who in the kitchen?

The filling for meat pies is a classic. Remember the joke: “- What are the pies with? - With meat. "Did it bark or meow?" This joke has created a skeptical mood among store lovers. It is for this reason that it is best to make homemade pies. You will surely know what is inside.

At first glance, it may seem that meat filling for yeast dough pies has only one cooking option. Ready to turn your culinary mind around? Then hurry up to explore the main types of fillings:

  • from raw meat;
  • from boiled fillet;
  • from fried meat;
  • with the addition of cheese, herbs, mushrooms and vegetables.

You can endlessly list the options for preparing meat filling. But the classic remains unchanged: its basis is meat or minced meat.

Before we start the culinary battle, let's discuss some of the nuances:

  • pork, beef, veal or chicken fillet are suitable for the filling;
  • the pledge of juiciness lies in the amount of onion added;
  • the finer you cut the onion, the tastier the filling will turn out;
  • twist the meat to the consistency of minced meat, heat it, and then grind it again;
  • you can add boiled potatoes or fried mushrooms;
  • mushrooms release moisture, and getting rid of it is simple: first, sweat them raw in a dry frying pan, and then just add oil;
  • spices can and should be added, of course;
  • Provencal spices, marjoram and basil, peppers, chili, garlic, dried herbs - whatever you please;
  • chicken fillet itself is rather dry, but we will eliminate this drawback by filling;
  • the filling is prepared from milk and toasted flour;
  • hearty filling is prepared in combination of meat with boiled rice or buckwheat;
  • boiled liver will give softness to the meat filling, but it must be crushed to the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Satisfy your hunger

The filling for minced meat pies is very simple to prepare. Lazy housewives can buy ready-made minced meat, experienced ones will make it themselves. Pork is fatty, juicy and tasty, beef is tender. And their combination is incredibly appetizing and aromatic. In the choice of meat for minced meat, you are absolutely free. We will not impose other people's opinions and tastes on you.


  • 0.5 kg of minced meat;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp salt.


Let's make a culinary sensation

Of course, meat is a satisfying product. But so that after the pies you do not remain hungry, add a little boiled rice to the filling. In this case, your personal best will be 3-4 pies in one sitting.


  • 450 g minced meat;
  • oregano and thyme to taste;
  • 450 g of rice groats;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 1-2 pcs. sweet bell peppers.


  1. We are not discussing the peculiarities of dough preparation today, but we will give a little advice: always start with kneading the base.
  2. Let's create a beautiful picture of vegetables: chop the onion and sweet bell peppers.
  3. Take refined vegetable oil and fry vegetables in it.
  4. Around the middle of the process of cooking vegetables, add spicy notes by adding spices.
  5. Now you can send the minced meat on a long voyage, that is, in a frying pan.
  6. Simmer the filling until fully cooked.
  7. Tip: As soon as the meat is cooked through, put the pan off the stove, otherwise the juice will evaporate over time.
  8. Be sure to wash the rice groats. The source water must be crystal clear.
  9. Observing the culinary rules, we will bring the rice to readiness.
  10. Before adding rice to minced meat, put it in a colander. We do not need excess water, especially since it can become a fly in the ointment in the barrel of our meat filling.

"Give me a foothold and a pie"

Archimedes' catch phrase for many of us has become a life credo. To work well or accomplish a feat, you need to refresh yourself. Meat pies are what you need. Celery will add juiciness, mushrooms - spice, and potatoes - satiety.


  • 150 g boiled potatoes;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 3-4 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • 200-300 g of fresh mushrooms;
  • celery stalk - to taste;
  • 500 g minced meat;
  • sage and rosemary to taste;
  • butter.


  1. We will prepare the potatoes right away: first, we will do the rough work, and then we will boil it.
  2. Mashed potatoes or sticks are a matter of taste.
  3. The butter will act as a base for frying mushrooms, onions and celery root.
  4. Feel the exquisite scent of this mixture?
  5. A little trick: we will use finely ground sea salt for this filling.
  6. At the same stage, add seasonings.
  7. If you are using twigs, throw them away after they have done their job.
  8. Add minced meat to the pan.
  9. We will bring everything to full readiness.
  10. The final touch with the culinary brush: add the potatoes and mix everything well.
  11. Now you can tinker with the dough.

Almost every housewife tries to learn how to bake hot and ruddy pies. This is both a decoration of the festive table and just a very tasty dish for the whole family. There are a lot of fillings for pies. However, the meat one is the most popular. It can be prepared from different types of meat, including mixtures of them. For example, the filling of pork and beef mixed in equal proportions is very tasty.

The preparation of the filling always starts with the preparation of the meat. The selected piece must be thoroughly washed, freed from the bone, if any, and from its fragments.

From boiled meat, you can form a filling - purely meat or with the addition of various fillers.

Classic boiled meat filling

It is necessary:

500 g of boiled meat,

1 carrot,

1 onion

3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

5 tbsp. l. broth,

salt and black pepper to taste.

How to cook:

    First you need to grind the boiled meat in a meat grinder or blender. In the absence of them, you can simply cut it very finely with a knife.

    Then you should grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes and fry them in heated vegetable oil in a pan.

    Frying should continue until the vegetables are golden brown.

    As soon as the onions and carrots reach the desired state, add boiled meat to them and fry the filling for about three minutes.

    The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, salt and pepper, and then gradually pour 5 tbsp. spoons of broth.

Raw minced meat filling

It is necessary:

500 g minced pork or a mixture of pork and beef,

1 onion


ground black pepper and salt to taste.

How to cook:

    The onion must be peeled, chopped into small cubes and fried in butter until translucent.

    Then add minced meat to it and fry the mixture until a crust forms.

    During frying, the minced meat must be constantly stirred and kneaded with a fork to prevent the formation of lumps.

    In conclusion, add pepper, salt to the filling and simmer it for about 10 minutes under a closed lid.

    You can diversify this filling by adding a chopped boiled egg, herbs or fried mushrooms.

    If, despite stewing, the filling is dry, you can add moderately juicy fresh vegetables to it, for example, bell pepper or finely chopped cabbage, or a tablespoon of medium fat sour cream.

In addition, light cereals such as rice can be added to meat fillings. It goes well with pork filling. Boiled potatoes, mashed in mashed potatoes, are sometimes added to beef.

But whatever filling is used, it should be laid out on the dough only when it has cooled down.

Basically, there is no meat that is not suitable for filling. Various combinations are possible, both unexpected and the most traditional.

Classic version

Many people like pies only with meat, in this case it is good to combine different types, for example, beef with pork.

You will need:

  • 0.3 kg beef tenderloin;
  • 0.3 kg of pork pulp;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt to taste;
  • 50 ml of refined oil;
  • 2 pinches of black pepper.

It takes: 30 minutes.

Energy value: 89 kcal.

Cooking method:

Note: you can grind the meat in a blender bowl, and, in addition to onions, add 2 cloves of garlic and fresh herbs.

Minced meat filling recipes

You can make a "monovalent" pie, for example with ground beef, or you can make a cold cuts.



  • 250 grams of pork and ground beef;
  • 2 onions;
  • at your own discretion butter;
  • 2 pinches of ground pepper;
  • 10 g of salt.

Time taken: 20-25 minutes.

Caloric content: 90 kcal.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop two onions into cubes. Melt the butter in a skillet, put the prepared vegetable, darken until the pieces become transparent.
  2. It's time to add the minced meat, and so that the filling is homogeneous, knead the meat with a fork right in the pan. Cook with constant stirring until golden brown.
  3. At the end of cooking, season the filling to your liking with salt and pepper, close the pan with a lid, and simmer for 10 minutes.

With rice

It is necessary:

  • 500 grams of minced meat (any will do);
  • 1 cup rice
  • 2 glasses of plain water;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Caloric content: 60 kcal.


  1. Boil rice.
  2. Stir it in with the minced meat.
  3. Add salt and spices.



  • 30-40 g of vegetable oil;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 0.5 kg of ground beef;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking will take 25 minutes.

Caloric content of a portion: 80 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Finely chop the peeled onion. Heat refined oil in a frying pan, brown the onion.
  2. Add raw minced meat to the fried onion, knead it with a spatula so that there are no lumps, put butter. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from stove, season to your liking.
  3. Chop parsley and add to the meat, mix.

If you don't like parsley, fresh dill works well.

Cooking options from boiled meat

Prepare a purely meat filling from a boiled piece of meat or add various fillers to it, such as juicy carrots and chicken eggs.

Traditional recipe


  • 0.5 kg of boiled meat;
  • 1 juicy carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 50 g of refined oil;
  • 60 ml of broth;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 15 grams of salt.

Preparation: 20 minutes.

Serving: 79 kcal


  1. Pass a boiled piece of meat through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. No appliances - cut with a knife.
  2. Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, fry the vegetables in hot oil until golden brown.
  3. Add chopped meat to vegetables. Fry all together for no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Mix the filling well, season, add meat broth in small portions.


You will need:

  • 0.8 kg of beef;
  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • refined oil for frying;
  • 40-50 g butter;
  • salt, ground pepper to taste.

It takes: 20 minutes. Serving (100 grams): 89 kcal

Cooking method:

  1. Boil beef in salted water, cool, prepare minced meat in the traditional way.
  2. Fry the diced onion in hot oil.
  3. Chop the eggs into cubes, chop the dill.
  4. Combine all prepared ingredients, season to taste, add butter for juiciness.

Meat fillings for baked pies

If you wish, you can make a hearty beef filling, tender with chicken and spicy from two types of minced meat and play on the contrast of juicy filling and baked dough.



  • 1 kg of beef pulp;
  • 2-3 onion heads;
  • 1-2 juicy carrots;
  • 50 g of butter "Krestyanskoe";
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 2-3 pinches of ground pepper.

Time: 20 minutes.

Calories: 90 kcal.

  1. Cut the pulp into pieces, mince. Send the prepared minced meat to the heated oil, with constant stirring, bring to readiness.
  2. In another pan, fry the chopped onions until creamy.
  3. Combine meat with onion, mince again. Add chopped carrots, fresh herbs, season and stir.

"Tender" with chicken


  • 50-60 g of Traditional oil;
  • 50 g green and 50 g black olives;
  • 1 chicken breast.

Time: 25 minutes.

Calories: 89 kcal.

  1. Boil the meat, cool and cut into small cubes, chop the olives into thin slices.
  2. Combine chicken fillet, olives, add soft butter, mix well.

Chicken meat is easily disassembled into fibers, so there is no need to cut it into cubes.

"Spicy" with beef and lamb

You will need:

  • 0.4 kg of beef;
  • 0.4 kg of lamb brisket;
  • 40 g smoked bacon;
  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 15-20 g of salt;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 5 black peppercorns.

Time: 20-25 minutes.

Number of calories: 94 kcal.

  1. Put the meat in a large saucepan, cover with boiling water, remove the foam during cooking. Put lavrushka, peppercorns in the broth. Cook the meat over low heat for about 1.5 hours. Remove the bay leaf after 15-20 minutes from the start of cooking.
  2. Cool the cooked meat, make minced meat out of it in any convenient way.
  3. Melt the chopped bacon in a frying pan, remove the greaves. Fry the diced onion in lard until creamy.
  4. Add minced meat to the onion, season to taste, mix well.

For fried pies

To make the pies not look like “store-bought” pies, the filling can be made with different flavors.

"Spicy" with chicken meat

You will need:

  • 0.3 kg chicken pulp (thighs);
  • 100 g of Peking cabbage;
  • a teaspoon of sesame oil;
  • 1 handful of sesame seeds
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • a small piece of ginger;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • salt;
  • 1 pinch of pepper.

Preparation: 20-25 minutes.

Caloric content: 88 kcal.

  1. Cut the chicken flesh into pieces, cook the minced meat.
  2. Chop the onion, peel the ginger root, grate. Peel chili peppers from seeds and partitions, finely chop.
  3. Chop the cabbage thinly.
  4. Add cabbage, onion, chili, ginger, sesame seed to the meat. Season with oil, spices, stir.

Do you know how to make thin fried potato pies.

Fried pies with sauerkraut are very tasty. You will find the recipe here.

Fragrant with lamb

You will need:

  • 0.3 kg of boneless pulp;
  • 2 sprigs of fresh dill;
  • 50 g of walnuts;
  • 2 sprigs of cilantro;
  • 1 onion;
  • 8-10 g of salt;

Cooking: 25 minutes.

Caloric content: 152 kcal.

  1. Wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel. Chop the pulp into small pieces with a sharp knife.
  2. Finely chop the onion, greens. Grind the nuts in a blender bowl.
  3. Combine lamb with onions, nuts and herbs. Season at your own discretion.

The video shows another option for making meat filling for pies:

Low calorie with beef

You will need:

  • 300 grams of pulp;
  • 1 large onion head;
  • salt + pepper;
  • refined oil for frying.

Cooking: 15-20 minutes.

Caloric content of a portion: 90 kcal.

  1. Prepare minced meat, add salt, freshly ground pepper.
  2. Chop the onion finely, brown in hot oil.
  3. Add minced meat to the onion, cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

What to put in the meat filling:

  1. Chopped boiled egg, various herbs or fried mushrooms.
  2. Cabbage, bell pepper, sour cream. These foods will make the filling juicy.
  3. Boiled rice. It goes well with pork.
  4. Boiled mashed potatoes. Perfectly softens beef meat.
  5. Liver mince. It will make the filling softer, more piquant.
  6. Any filling is laid out on the dough only after cooling.

The video shows a recipe for making pies with meat filling:

The meat filling for pies is the most satisfying. It can be combined with vegetables, fresh herbs, cereals. Boiled or raw meat is passed through a conventional meat grinder. Minced meat is fried in oil with onions, herbs, seasoned with spices.