Making pita bread dough at home. Thin pita bread at home

02.09.2019 Healthy eating

Caucasian cuisine always attracts increased attention. Fragrant spices, delicious barbecue, exquisite desserts. Many of these dishes are quite simple to prepare, and even an inexperienced housewife can handle them. A special place in the national cuisine is occupied by the preparation of bread and flat cakes.

Lavash is a tasty and healthy dish, on the basis of which you can prepare not only delicious snacks, but also cakes. This cake can also be eaten on its own. We will tell you how to cook thin pita bread at home in a frying pan. We will also share some culinary tricks.

Lavash: calorie content, composition

Many housewives love to bake their own bread and baked goods. But before we talk about how to cook pita bread at home in a pan, let's find out its calorie content, as well as the beneficial properties of this type of bread. Why is pita bread with herbs, and not only, is recommended for eating even by nutritionists? After all, its calorie content is - 275 kcal, while only - 213 kcal.

It's all about the composition, which does not include yeast, and the percentage of fat is the lowest. The cake can be eaten without any fear of gaining weight. Also, pita bread contains a large amount of vitamins and lactic acid bacteria, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

About the benefits

Cooked pita bread at home in a pan has a number of useful properties. We invite you to get to know them:

  • It can be easily included in the dietary menu.
  • Eating pita bread with herbs or vegetables every day increases immunity.
  • It contains a large amount of fiber, which should be consumed by anyone who wants to lose weight.
  • Lavash improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Regulates carbohydrate balance in the human body.
  • It can be used instead of bread.
  • Quenches hunger very quickly.
  • If the cakes are dried, they can be stored for quite a long time.

Required Ingredients

To cook pita bread at home in a pan, you don't need a lot of food. All we need:

  • water;
  • Wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • egg.

As you can see for yourself, the products are the simplest. They are in the arsenal of every hostess. Therefore, it will not be difficult to cook pita bread in a pan. The recipe will be written later.

Simple pita bread in a pan: the subtleties of cooking

It is very difficult to determine exactly when a person first began to eat this cake. It is used for food in many countries and is baked in special ovens using certain technologies. Let's find out how you can make this cake in an ordinary apartment. We offer several popular recipes:

Lavash in a frying pan. The cooking recipe is quite simple and will not cause much trouble. We have already talked about the products that are necessary for this. Let's go directly to the recipe itself. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Break one egg into a cup or saucepan and stir it thoroughly.
  • Add a glass of water and a pinch of salt. There may be more, focus on your own taste preferences.
  • Take flour and sift it through a sieve. How much will you need? Two or three glasses.
  • Gradually add flour to water and stir well.
  • In the future, knead the dough on the board. To avoid sticking, sprinkle a little flour on the work surface.
  • When the dough is well kneaded, cover it with a plastic bag or cling film. It can be left on for about an hour. It is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator.
  • The dough is ready. What do we do next? Cut off small pieces from the dough and roll out thin, round cakes.
  • We take a frying pan. Attention: there is no need to pour oil. Fry the cakes on both sides over medium heat.
  • Ready-made pita bread can be sprinkled with water and covered with a towel.

Lavash with herbs cooking, too, will not be difficult. The technology will be almost the same as in the previous recipe. But, nevertheless, there are still certain subtleties. Let's talk about them further:

  • You can use any greens that you like: parsley, green onions, dill, cilantro, etc. It must be washed well and chopped finely.
  • Sprinkle the finished cakes with herbs and roll them up.
  • Pre-pita bread should be smeared with a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise. You can also use butter.
  • If you are using spinach, you do not need to grease the tortillas. They will be juicy enough anyway.
  • Can be cooked with cheese and herbs. Put grated cheese and chopped greens on pita bread, roll up so that the filling does not spill out. Pour a small amount of sunflower oil into the pan and fry the resulting rolls a little. This wonderful appetizer will appeal not only to your home, but also to unexpected guests.

What other foods go well with pita bread? The list can be very long: unsweetened and sweet cottage cheese; any jam or fresh berries with sugar; various types of cheeses; ham; boiled and smoked chicken; tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as other vegetables; any kind of minced meat; fish fillets, etc.

Cooking secrets

To make delicious and aromatic pita bread, you need to know some subtleties. We invite you to get to know them:

  • For cooking, it is advisable to take only the highest grade flour. Be sure to sift it before using it, the lavash will be more tender.
  • The dough must be rolled out very carefully so that the cake is thin.
  • If the pita bread begins to crack, then moisten it with water. You can use a damp cloth for this.
  • When preparing bakery products, a baking powder is added to the flour; this is not required for pita bread.
  • You can add poppy seeds and sesame seeds to the dough, its taste will only improve from this.
  • In stores, customers are sometimes offered frozen pita bread, but it is best to buy freshly made or bake it yourself.


Lavash cooked at home in a pan does not require a lot of time, as you yourself could see for yourself. Its excellent taste and benefits deserve this cake to appear more often in our homes. You can eat it alone or come up with different toppings.

For a long time I was going to try to cook Armenian lavash at home and now the moment has come. Now I will share with you a recipe without yeast pita bread, and soon a version with yeast. As always, we choose what we like best. Already several times I baked ruddy cakes. They are absorbed by the household very quickly, just have time to fry them.

From the indicated amount, approximately 10 to 13 pieces are obtained. The thinner the cake, the better the lavash, therefore, we will sharpen the skill of thinly rolling the dough together. Each time the cakes are getting thinner, and the result is better.

What to strive for?

We need to make thin Armenian lavash, which a) is completely baked, b) has a layered structure, c) has nothing to do with rubber.

Therefore, the dough must be kneaded very well, without using additional flour. The specified amount in the recipe is sufficient. We try to roll out a thin, thin cake, they are fried quickly, so first we made the blanks, and only then we start frying. If everything is done correctly, when frying in a pan, pita bread swells with one large ball or many small bubbles, this is what you need. So, then we get a thin layered cake.

On a note: initially you need to make all the blanks and ensure that they do not wind up and do not stick together. To do this, dust each lavash with flour and can be folded one by one. Flour will prevent the dough from winding, and the cakes will not stick together. Before sending the pita bread to fry, shake off the flour a little.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash


  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Hot water - 1 tbsp
  • Salt is an incomplete teaspoon


Before the start…. My 250 ml glass, now let's start.

A budget option for bread, practically out of nothing. I wonder if it can be attributed to a healthy diet? No yeast, no fat, even fried in a dry pan? Okay, let's move on to the recipe. That worries me, after all, this moment, who will tell you, eh? It will be useful for us losing weight.

Initially, I suggest putting the kettle on to warm up. In the meantime, we take our work bowl and sift 3 cups of flour into it, make a deepening.

In the meantime, the water has already boiled, pour it into a glass, add salt and stir. Let it stand for 3 minutes, cool down a little, we need hot water, but not boiling water.

Now pour water into flour and mix with a spoon at the same time. The dough begins to form, we do not try to knead it with a spoon, but immediately onto the work surface and begin to collect it with our hands and knead it very well.

Stretch the dough with your hands, roll it into a roll. Knead and stretch again. With such simple actions, we saturate the dough with air, it is only good for him. Do not add additional flour, this is enough! The dough behaves well, does not stick to the hands and work surface. By the time this procedure takes about 15 minutes.

After that we cover the dough with a bowl, film or napkin and go to drink tea, we don't go to the dough for half an hour.

The rested dough becomes elastic and pliable, it is a pleasure to work with it. Divide it into about 10-13 parts and roll out the cakes. I take the bowl in which I made the dough, turn it over, dust it with flour and put my Armenian lavash on it. Do not forget - we use flour for each cake.

All the blanks are ready, let's start frying.

Heat the frying pan, we don't need any oil. What I want to say about the frying pan, do not use a ceramic one for this purpose - then it will be difficult to wash it from small brown lavash stains. I adapted an old pancake shop for this purpose, it fit perfectly!

Pita bread is fried very quickly, put the cake and observe, bubbles should appear. As soon as beautiful brown (just beautiful brown, not burnt) dots, spots appear on one side, immediately turn over.

We fry the second side in the same way as the first.

Prepare a clean towel and water in advance. They removed the pita bread from the frying pan and on the towel, sprinkled it with water and covered with the second part of the towel. We fry everything in the same way.

Let the pita bread cool and rest in a towel, and then you can eat, just like that, or make rolls and snacks.

Here is such a simple and delicious homemade Armenian lavash, I recommend cooking, you will not regret it. Soon there will be many recipes with its use, delicious and healthy. As soon as you get tired of baking thin pita bread, you can try it, make it easier, but of course the taste is different. Easy work and bon appetit.

Best regards, Margarita Sizonova.

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Armenian lavash(see photo) is the original product of the people of Armenia. The name "lavash" means "good food", which indicates its beneficial qualities for the body.

The history of Armenian lavash says that the very first cakes were made from cereal grains, which were crushed and then mixed with water. In the Caucasus, the dough for traditional lavash includes the following ingredients: premium flour, water and sourdough (remnants of old dough from previously made lavash). The dough is rolled out into a very thin layer, and then put on a special mold and placed in the oven to bake. Salt, eggs, yeast and spices are not allowed. But progress does not stand still, and today you can find many recipes for making Armenian lavash, in the dough of which various ingredients are added (eggs, sugar, yeast, butter).

Initially, lavash was used only as bread. Now, with it, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes that differ in taste and aroma.


The composition of the Armenian lavash contains many substances useful for the body:

  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • vitamins B, D, E and PP;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus).

The calorie content of pita bread is quite high, so you should not abuse it so as not to harm your health..

According to the current GOST, Armenian lavash must meet the following technical requirements:

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of Armenian lavash have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Since it contains many useful substances, it is used for:

  • normalization of the work of internal organs;
  • boosting the immune system;
  • strengthening the nail plate, hair;
  • improve digestion.

Also, pita bread can be consumed by people who adhere to a diet. But when losing weight, you need to eat only pita bread that was made without yeast. Experts advise using this product only twice a week.

In addition, yeast-free pita bread is an optimal product in terms of the glycemic index, and it can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes. But before you eat it, it is better to seek medical advice.

The only contraindication to the use of lavash (with yeast) is its high calorie content, therefore, in order not to gain extra pounds, you need to eat it in moderation.

What can you cook?

You can cook a lot of various delicious dishes with real Armenian lavash. Basically, in recipes, pita bread is stuffed with various meat, fish and vegetable products. Also, lavash is used instead of bread.

Traditional Armenian lavash is used to wrap fillings from both meat (chicken, ham, sausage) and fish (salmon, crab sticks, canned food) products.

Lavash as an appetizer goes well with vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, Korean carrots), as well as with dairy products (processed cheese, cottage cheese). Lavash can be stuffed with eggs, mushrooms, herbs, sorrel.

In addition, this flour product can be fried in a pan, baked in the oven, baked on the grill, and also cooked in a slow cooker.

To make Armenian lavash sweet, its surface is smeared with natural honey or apples and peaches are added. To make sour pita bread, you can use either plums, or dogwood, or cherries, then it will not be light yellow, but red.

Lavash dough is well suited for making pizza, shawarma, shawarma, rolls, pies, lasagna, chips.

How to make Armenian lavash at home?

Making Armenian lavash at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the recipe step by step, and then everything will work out.

Armenian lavash

Cooking method

Yeast free

To make pita bread at home, you need to take a container covered with enamel, pour in three glasses of water, two tablespoons of refined oil, add one teaspoon of table salt and boil. Then pour about eight hundred grams of flour into a separate container, beat in one egg, pour in two teaspoons of vodka and mix. Then gradually pour the hot oil liquid into the flour and knead. Put the finished dough in a bag and refrigerate for one hour. Then divide the dough into equal parts and roll each into a thin layer. Put the cake in a preheated pan and fry on both sides. The finished product must be sprinkled with water, covered with a towel and allowed to cool.

Thick in the oven

To bake pita bread, you need to take a container, add five glasses of flour, one teaspoon of salt and about eighty grams of yeast there. Knead the dough well and set aside for one hour. Then divide it into five equal parts and roll each into a thick layer. ... Grease the surface of the cake with a mixture of one chicken egg, one teaspoon of granulated sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil. Put the lavash in a baking dish and place in the oven for about seven minutes.

Thin in a pan

To make pita bread at home, you need to pour two hundred grams of water into a container covered with enamel and boil. Then add about five hundred grams of flour there, one teaspoon of yeast, salt, granulated sugar and pour in two teaspoons of sunflower oil. Knead the dough well and set aside for about one hour. Then divide the dough into equal parts and roll each into a thin cake. Put the lavash in a preheated pan and bake on both sides.

Below is a video on how to cook Armenian lavash.

It is better to store ready-made pita bread in the refrigerator, putting it in a bag and tying it tightly. The shelf life of the finished product is five days. In addition, Armenian lavash can be frozen by placing it in the freezer. The shelf life of such a product is six months. To defrost pita bread, you need to transfer it to the refrigerator for one hour.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Store-bought bread, lavash and other baked goods will never be compared to home-made options. In addition to the main advantages - quality and taste, there are many others, for example, the price of homemade baked goods is several times less. Today we will tell you how surprisingly simple and quick you can make homemade lavash for dinner. Such pita bread can also be stuffed with all kinds of salads, vegetables, meat products, cheeses, you can make. If you have never baked lavash and bread in your life, do not be overcome by even a drop of doubt, you will succeed one hundred percent, since the process is easy, and even a novice cook can handle it. Well, our recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how homemade lavash is prepared without yeast in a pan.

Flour - 180-185 g,
- water - 100 ml,
- salt - a pinch,
- sunflower / olive oil - 2.5 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We prepare a kitchen scale, measure exactly 180 grams of wheat flour in them, take 5 grams in reserve. We also need the finest sieve and the deepest bowl - we sift the flour through a sieve, saturate it with oxygen and remove unnecessary lumps that we may get caught, it is better to do this twice.

We throw a small pinch of salt into the sifted flour, also pour in a little oil, olive or ordinary sunflower will do. Mix slightly. At the same time, we put a kettle with clean filtered water on the stove and boil.

We measure exactly one hundred grams of boiling water, pour it into a bowl of flour, start stirring with a spoon so as not to burn our palms. After 7-10 seconds, the base will cool slightly, you can continue kneading with your hands. We usually knead the dough, as we are used to, pushing it away from us with the back of the hand.

After about a few minutes, we have an excellent dough - smooth, elastic, not a drop sticking to our hands.

We put a lump of dough in a bowl, cover it with a film or a clean plastic bag, set it aside for half an hour, give it time to rest. While the dough is resting, you can come up with any filling and quickly cook it.

After half an hour, remove the bag, divide the ball of dough into parts.

We take a rolling pin, roll each piece into a thin layer, the dough is very pleasant, when rolling it does not even require additional flour. Simultaneously with rolling, put a dry, clean frying pan on the stove, warm it up.

Put the pita bread in turn on a hot pan, fry on both sides for 15-20 seconds.

Ready-made pita breads, sprinkle clean water directly from the pan from a spray bottle, or cover the pita breads with a towel soaked in cool water.

Ready-made homemade pita bread is elastic and pliable to twisting.

Serve with various fillings and sauces.

Enjoy your meal!

From this material, you will learn how to make a delicious thin lavash at home using a classic recipe with your own hands. You will also find here the best recipes for making pita rolls with crab sticks and other mouth-watering fillings.

Actually, what is pita bread? This is a white thin bread cake, a traditional pastry in the Caucasus. Freshly cooked hot lavash has a soft structure, but before you look back, the dough hardens and breaks in your hands. It is convenient to make "wrapped" sandwiches from this flatbread (the popular shawarma with chicken fillet pieces, for example) or rolls - you just need to choose your favorite filling. Traditionally, real lavash is baked in a tandoor - a special oven that has several names for different nations. The inside of the oven is very hot and is ideal for this.

A quick way to make thin pita bread at home:



Classic cooking recipe:

Ingredients: sifted flour (up to 3 glasses), dry yeast and salt (teaspoon each), vegetable oil (tablespoon) and one glass of not hot water.

The yeast must first be diluted in water. Mix flour with salt and yeast, gradually adding water to the consistency. We knead a flexible soft dough. We take a large bowl, grease it with vegetable oil and leave the dough in it for 60 minutes, be sure to cover it with a towel.

When the dough comes up, you need to divide it into five equal pieces. For small pita bread, cut the dough into more pieces. We make balls from the resulting pieces, wrap them in cling film for 5 minutes (thanks to this, the cakes will turn out to be very thin).

Then she rolls out the dough, in the process, be sure to sprinkle it with flour (you shouldn't feel sorry for the flour). You should get large cakes, with an approximate thickness of one and a half millimeters.

We heat a large baking sheet on a gas stove, then set a small flame and move each workpiece with a rolling pin onto an absolutely dry baking sheet. We do not recommend leaving the stove at this moment, everything will be ready within a minute.

As soon as the dough turns white with a couple of ruddy spots, turn it over. You need to be able not to overexpose the pita bread on the fire, so that it does not become too dry and so that you can make rolls with filling from it.

Carefully lay out the finished baked goods on a towel. Near which is a glass filled with water. The cakes should be lightly sprinkled with water from the top and bottom, and then immediately covered with a towel. Let the tortillas cool slightly.

Homemade lavash prepared according to this recipe will be thin, very tender, soft and not overdried. If you are not going to use it right away, then place it in a plastic bag. This will keep it fresh for several days. And on occasion it will be possible to treat unexpected guests with magnificent homemade rolls, which will serve as an excellent snack. We highly recommend making rolls with crab filling - you will lick your fingers !!!

We told you in detail how you can quickly make delicious homemade lavash. But making a cake is half the battle. We need to make delicious dishes, rolls with different fillings.

Now you know how to make an appetizing pita roll and what are the best fillings for pita bread. With the help of our recipes, you can easily prepare at home a wonderful treat for the whole family and for guests - rolls with crab sticks,