Alcoholic sbiten. Old hot drink sbiten - recipes

09.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Vzvar, var, sbiten, digest, zbiten - all these are the names of the same composition, revered by our ancestors along with kvass. It was prepared in different containers for subsequent mixing, "churning", and in the recipe, along with the invariable ingredient - honey, there were components of directional action.

For warming and amusement, they added wine, hops and beer, for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, complex herbal preparations, to maintain strength and pleasant taste used fresh and dried fruits- apples, pears.

Even before in the 17th century Chinese tea began a march across Russia, displacing traditional decoctions, sbiten was universally recognized as the most useful and delicious drink without which winter evenings and festivities seemed inconceivable.

It was cooked in homes - and each mistress had her own "generic" recipe for drinking, sold at markets and fairs, drank in taverns and "drinking" establishments.

The spread of sbitnya in Russia was so great that separate kurens were organized for the dispensing of the drink - huts selling directly to the street, through a special window.

The benefits and harms of the drink

Only the presence of honey in the composition already says that the drink is aimed at the benefit of the body, however classic recipe- it is rather a base that has a tonic and general healing effect, and honey is taken here as the main element. The greatest benefit sbiten reached when the base composition was replenished with targeted components.

During the cold period, when they were aggravated colds, sbiten was necessarily prepared with the addition of concentrated herbal infusions: thyme, St. John's wort, sage. Preventing rhinitis and tonsillitis, ginger and fir teas were brewed and combined in honey. From a frequent phenomenon in Russia - drunkenness and hangover syndrome, on the eve of the festivities, they cooked in large quantities sbiten with ivan tea.

However, for all the usefulness of the drink, excessive use of it threatens to cause an allergic reaction - with individual intolerance to any of the components.

Special attention should be paid to honey and medicinal herbs. Sometimes, the body's reaction to some fees is expressed in the manifestations of urticaria, itching, runny nose.

It should be remembered: if alcohol is present in the recipe, it is strictly forbidden to give such sbiten to children, and its use by adults should be limited.

Caution will not hurt people with a history of liver disease, cardiovascular and urinary systems. When making a drink, diabetic patients will have to significantly reduce the concentration of substances and become familiar with the properties of each ingredient.

Classic recipe home cooking

Ingredients Quantity
purified water - 3.8-4 l
granulated sugar - 180 g
natural honey - 250 g
black pepper - 8 peas
St. John's wort (dried) - 3.5-4 tsp
clove buds - 4 things.
cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.
ginger (ground or dried, chopped) - 0.5 tsp
mint (dried) - 3 tsp
Cooking time: 50 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 58 Kcal

The classic recipe is the basis on the basis of which the options of the desired nature are created: therapeutic, warming, tonic. At the same time, the amount of the main components does not change, or changes insignificantly, in favor of some other substance.

How to cook honey sbiten:

You don't need to put the sbiten in the refrigerator if it's not very hot at home. For a day or two, the brew will feel great at room temperature.

Simple option

The simplest sbiten is obtained with the simultaneous laying of all the components. Useful properties, while folk drink does not lose, but cooking takes much less time. Consider this easy recipe home cooking.


  • 4 glasses of purified water;
  • 7 tbsp. spoons of any natural honey;
  • 1 whole lemon medium size;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger (ground);
  • 12 black peppercorns;
  • 6 carnation stars;
  • 5 whole inflorescences of cardamom;
  • 2 buds of star anise.

Cooking time is 20 minutes.

How to cook:

  1. Heat water slightly in a saucepan and dilute honey in it. Over low heat, bring sweet mixture to a boil and add all dry ingredients;
  2. Immediately after boiling, send the lemon cut into large slices into the pan;
  3. Cook sbiten without a lid, stirring, for ten minutes. Then, after the pan is removed from the heat, it will take another 10 minutes for the var to infuse;
  4. Now it remains to strain the sbiten and you can pour it into cups (the recipe implies 4 servings).

According to this recipe, the brew is of medium sweetness, with a noticeable citrus sourness. You can put a thin slice in each cup for full taste and quality of serving fresh lemon, and separately, in a bowl, serve honey.

Alcoholic sbiten at home

Initially, sbiten was not envisaged as a drink from which you can get drunk, and it cost, with the addition of all sorts of good wines so expensive that an ordinary person could not afford such a pleasure. Therefore, for wide distribution among the people, they began to add cheap alcohol - beer and fortified wines.

The brew prepared at home will somewhat resemble mulled wine and for its high-quality composition, it is advisable to use red dry wine.


  • 0.5 liters of expensive red wine;
  • ¾ glasses of linden honey;
  • 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2 carnation buds.

How to cook:

  1. Put enamel pot with wine over low heat and heat until light steam appears;
  2. Add honey to the pan and, removing the foam as the wine boils, boil it for 10 minutes with constant stirring;
  3. Then remove the broth from the heat and immediately introduce all the seasonings and spices;
  4. Sbiten with alcohol should cool slowly, so it's not enough just to cover the pan - you need to wrap it up with something, for example, a large towel. After 40-45 minutes, the towel can be removed, and the drink can be filtered through a frequent colander.

When serving an alcoholic drink, great attention is given to the design of portions - so, the drink is certainly poured into low and smooth thick-walled glasses, and it is advisable to put 1-2 dry spices in each portion. This can be a clove bud, a small piece of cinnamon stick, etc.

Apple sbiten


  • 450 g of sweet and sour apples, juicy varieties;
  • 180 g of flower honey;
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 1 teaspoon dried mint;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2 inflorescences of cardamom;
  • 3 carnation buds.

Cooking time - 60 minutes.

Homemade apple sbitn recipe step by step:

  1. Chop the washed peeled apples at random, put them on the bottom of an enamel dish. Pour spices and knead all the ingredients with your hands;
  2. Pour water into a bowl, put everything on a low heat and cook like a compote until the apples soften;
  3. Then the pan must be removed from the heat and, covered with a lid, leave for half an hour to infuse;
  4. Strain the drink, add honey to the broth and dissolve it well.

The removed apples can also be stirred with a little honey and served separately. Apple sbiten, prepared according to this recipe, perfectly complements winter breakfasts and tones the body for the whole day.

Subtleties and nuances of cooking

Sbiten, if it contains healing herbs, cannot be stored for more than two days - the strength of the herbs, after this period, goes away.

Although our ancestors drank broth, as we drank tea, with all sorts of additions in the form of bagels and gingerbread, it is not recommended to use those types of sbit that contain a large number of medicinal components.

In the cooking process, it is better to use fresh, liquid honey. Candied honey cannot give the drink that specific, summer flavor, for which this winter drink and was loved by the people.

Sbitney. Recipes for cooking different sbitney


Sbiten, zbiten - old Russian hot drink from water, honey and spices, which often included medicinal herbal preparations. It was first mentioned in the Slavic chronicles in 1128.
Hot sbiten had a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, so it was drunk mainly in winter period... Another variety of this drink was cold "zbiten", which was no less popular drink when quenching thirst in a bathhouse or on a hot summer day.

The first mention of sbitna as a drink widely consumed by the Slavs refers to the chronicle sources of the 12th century. Then it was called digest, and later - broth or simply var.

There is an opinion that sbiten takes its name from the verb “to knock down” (ie to connect parts together). And therefore it was prepared in two separate vessels. Honey was infused in one, and herbs in the other, and immediately before use, the contents of the vessels were mixed - "knocked off", hence the name "sbiten".

Before the appearance of tea in Russia, sbiten was perhaps the only hot drink of Russians; it was prepared in samovars. There were stationary "knocked-down kurens", which were located in crowded places of the city. The role of the counter was played by a large window pierced in the wall of the house.

St. John's wort, sage, Bay leaf, ginger and capsicum... The most ancient descriptions of the preparation of sbitnya are given in Domostroy (16th century).

Sbiten is one of the old Russian drinks. When still in Russia they had no idea about chinese tea, sbiten was everyone's favorite drink.

Here is what an old cookbook writes about sbitna:

“At present, sbiten is rarely used in homes and serves only for common people, as a warming agent in winter. It is carried around the streets in samovars and drunk with rolls; but, when subjected to an accurate analysis, this venal drink turns out to have nothing to do with the former old drink and consists of nothing more or less than fired sugar, molasses and water.
A real old sbiten is prepared like this. Molasses, along with various spices, such as: cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and bay leaves are boiled until dark red and to a decent density, transferred to jars and stored for consumption. When consumed, take a certain amount of this viscous, thick, odorous mass and dissolve in hot water; if desired, add sugar to taste.
The best sbiten is made with sugar or honey. "

The mass consumption of sbitn died out after the October Revolution. Since the 1990s, attempts have been made to establish in Russia industrial production sbitnya, packaged in bottles. But this is roughly the same thing as industrially brewing tea - after all, sbiten, like tea, is good just freshly prepared.

The recipe for a real Russian (Moscow) sbitnya.


1 kg of molasses
200 g of honey
2 g cinnamon
5 carnation buds,
2 teaspoons of ginger (ground),
10 black peppercorns,
5 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mint,
6-8 capsules of cardamom,
3 star anise stars,
5-6 liters of water (boiling water).


Dissolve molasses, honey or sugar in boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Add spices, boil for another 10 minutes. Drink it hot, like tea.
V. V. Pokhlebkin

Sbiten (spicy)

Sugar - 150 g
honey - 150 g,
bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
cardamom - 5 g each,
water - 1 l.

Dissolve honey, sugar in boiling water, add bay leaves, spices and boil for 15-20 minutes. Remove heat and leave for 30 minutes.
Strain through cheesecloth or fine sieve.
Serve hot.

Sbiten (intoxicated)

Sugar - 50 g
honey - 100 g,
cinnamon - 0.3 g,
cloves - 0.2 g
mint - 0.2 g
hops - 3 g.

The method of preparation of this drink is completely similar to that described above.

Old Polish "Krupnik" with vanilla

Vodka - 0.5 l,
honey - 1 glass
water - 1 glass,
vanilla - 1/2 stick
cinnamon - 1 pinch
lemon zest - from 1 lemon.

Boil honey with water, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon zest, remove from heat, add vodka and stir.
Serve hot in shot glasses.

Sbiten winter

Water - 4 glasses
sugar - 0.5 cups,
honey - 5 tbsp. spoons,
bay leaf - 1 pc.,
cardamom - 2-3 pcs.

Pour 4 cups of water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add half a glass of sugar, 5 tablespoons of honey to boiling water and various spices(cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf - 1 pc., cardamom - 2-3 pcs.).
Boil for 10-15 minutes. Strain.
Serve hot in a jug.

Molasses sbiten

1 kg of molasses
200 g of honey
2 g cinnamon
5 carnation buds,
2 teaspoons of ground ginger,
10 black peppercorns,
5 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mint,
6-8 capsules of cardamom,
3 star anise stars,
5-6 liters of boiling water.

Dissolve molasses, honey or sugar in boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Add spices and boil for another 10 minutes.
Drink it hot like tea.

City sbiten


500 g of honey
- 700 g of molasses (or thick sugar, fructose syrup),
- 500 g of spices (cinnamon, cloves, hops, mint, etc.),
- 6 liters of water.


Boil water and, adding all the ingredients, boil for 30 minutes. Drink it hot, like tea.

Kumushkin sbiten


1 kg of honey
- 20 g of hops,
- spices to taste,
- 4 liters of water.


Dissolve honey in boiling water, add hops and spices and boil for 2-3 hours, filter and cool the boiled sbiten.
This sbiten is consumed cold.

Sbiten of Suzdal - 1


150 g honey
- 150 g sugar
- 1.5 g each of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf,
- 1 liter of water.


Then strain the drink through cheesecloth and tint with burnt sugar.

Sbiten Moscow


200 g of honey
- 150 g of molasses (or thick sugar, fructose syrup),
- 1 g cinnamon
- 2 g each of cloves, hops, nutmeg, allspice,
- 1 liter of water.


Boil honey and molasses with water, add spices and boil for 5 minutes. Then, let it brew for 30 minutes, drain.

Sbiten oilseed


150 g honey
- 1.5 - 2 liters of water
- 100 g sugar
- 2 - 3 teaspoons of dry herb St. John's wort
- 2 carnation buds
- 5 - 6 grains of black pepper
- 0.25 teaspoons of ginger powder
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons of mint


Boil honey in a saucepan, dilute with 1 glass of water, remove foam. Boil sugar separately by diluting with 1 glass of water.
Combine both parts, boil together into a homogeneous mass so that it evaporates more water(but over low heat, avoiding a noticeable boil).
Boil the spices in the rest of the water for 15 - 20 minutes in a closed vessel, let it brew for another 10 minutes, then strain, add the honey-sugar mixture and heat without boiling.
Drink only hot.

Fragrant custard sbiten

1 kg of honey
3 l of water,
1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast
40 g hops
1 teaspoon of cloves,
2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
1-2 cardamom seeds,
2-3 shoots of fresh mint.


Dissolve honey in small portions in warm water, mix thoroughly, then, with continuous stirring, boil it over low heat for two hours, removing the foam.
15 minutes before the end of boiling, add hops and spices to honey. Drain the mixture into a clean keg, and when it cools, add yeast diluted in a little water to it.
Cork the barrel and refrigerate for 14 days.
After aging, strain the sbiten and pour into bottles, which should also be stored in the refrigerator.

Raspberry custard sbiten

For cooking you will need:

1 kg of honey
1 kg of raspberries,
3 liters of water,
1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast.


Squeeze the juice out of the raspberries. Pour the pulp with water, bring to a boil, cool, strain. Add honey, reheat to a boil, add squeezed raspberry juice and cool to 35-40 ° C.
Add yeast previously diluted in a glass of water to the cooled broth and leave in a warm place for fermentation for 8-12 hours.
Then pour into bottles, carefully capping them and refrigerate. In 15-20 days the sbiten will be ready.

Simple sbiten

For cooking you will need:

500 g of honey
700 g molasses (or thick sugar, fructose syrup),
6 l of water,
2 teaspoons of cloves,
3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon,
2-4 cardamom seeds,
3-6 shoots of fresh mint.


Dissolve honey in boiling water, add molasses, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, mint and leave overnight. Serve warmed up.

People's sbiten

For cooking you will need:

1 kg of honey
4 l of water,
20 g hops
1 teaspoon of cloves,
2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
1-2 cardamom seeds,
2-3 shoots of fresh mint.


Dissolve honey in boiling water, add hops and spices and boil for 2-3 hours.
Strain the boiled sbiten and cool.
This sbiten is consumed as cold as kvass.

Sbiten of Suzdal - 2

For cooking you will need:

150 g honey
6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
1 liter of water
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of cloves
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1-2 cardamom seeds,
2 bay leaves.


Mix honey with water and boil for 20 minutes, add spices and boil for another 5 minutes.

Sbiten Vladimir

For cooking you will need:

200 g of honey
1 liter of water
4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of cloves
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 bay leaf.


Calcine the sugar until a brown color is formed, cool and dissolve in a little hot water.
Mix honey with water and boil for 20 minutes, add spices and boil for another 5 minutes.
Then strain the drink through cheesecloth and tint with diluted burnt sugar.

Sbiten Moscow

For cooking you will need:

200 g of honey
150 g molasses (or thick sugar, fructose syrup),
1 liter of water
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of cloves
1 teaspoon of hops,
ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife,
1/2 teaspoon allspice.


Boil honey and molasses with water, add spices, hops and boil for 5 minutes. Then let it brew for 30 minutes, drain.

Sbiten with wine

For cooking you will need:

150 g honey
1 liter of dry red wine
ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife,
2-3 pcs. carnations,
ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife.


Bring the wine to a boil, but do not boil, mix with honey, add spices and let it brew for 30 minutes.
Then strain the drink and serve hot.

Petrovsky drink


This drink was loved even under Peter the Great.
Prepare it like this: put honey, grated horseradish into bread kvass (prepared independently, including from concentrate, but not purchased ready-made in the store), mix well and put in a cold place for a day.
Then strain through cheesecloth and drink over ice.
1 liter bread kvass: two teaspoons of honey and two to three spoons grated horseradish.


Translation of old Russian measures of calculating weight and volume into modern ones


1 pood = 40 pounds = 16.38 kg
1 lb = 32 lots = 0.409 kg
1 lot = 3 spools = 12.8g
1 spool = 96 shares = 4.27 g
1 share = 1/96 spool = 44.43 mg


1 garnet = 1/4 bucket = 1/8 quadruple = 3.28 l
(the garnet holds 14 pounds of honey; 1 Russian pound - 409 g)
1 quad = 8 garnets = 2 buckets = 26.24 l
1 bottle (wine) = 1/16 bucket = 0.77 l
1 bottle (vodka) = 1/20 bucket = 0.624 l
1 bottle = 2 bottles = 10 cups = 1.23 l
1 cup = 1/10 damask = 2 scales = 0.123 g
1 scale (kosushka) = 1/2 cup = 0.06 l
8 pounds = 16 cups = 4 quarts = 1 garnet
2 pounds = 4 cups = 1 quart = 1/4 garnets
1 pound = 2 cups = 16 tablespoons
1/2 lb = 1 cup = 8 tablespoons
1/4 lb = 1/2 cup = 4 tablespoons spoons = 8 lots
1/8 lb = 1/4 cup = 2 tbsp spoons = 4 lots
1/16 lb = 1/8 cup = 1 tbsp. spoon = 2 lots

Ancient Russian cuisine is rich and varied, it includes many original dishes and drinks. Many are now, unfortunately, forgotten. Among the undeservedly forgotten drinks there is also sbiten, once beloved and appreciated in Russia.

It was very widespread in the 18th - 19th centuries. By this time, tea and coffee had been ousted from wealthy houses, but for the common people it remained the most favorite drink. After the 1917 revolution, sbiten almost fell out of use. And only in the 90s. last century, sbitn was remembered and attempts to revive it began.

The history of the origin of sbitnya in Russia

(Sbiter - old postcard)

Sbiten is a hot drink indispensable in the cold Russian climate. It was made in rich houses and in the poor, served in taverns and sold on the street. On the streets walked knockers with huge vessels, like samovars, wrapped in warm cloth on their backs. In winter, it was The best way keep warm on the street.

The profession of a knocker was popular in Russia, especially in places of mass gathering of people, at fairs, festivals, etc. Moreover, the popular all year round, because sbiten can be drunk cold.

Vessels for sbitn were made of copper, they were called sakla or baklaga. These containers later served as a prototype for the creation of a samovar for tea.

By the way, when exactly sbiten appeared in Russia, no one knows for sure. Perhaps at least 1000 years ago. It is reliably known that in many early works of Old Russian writing, he is mentioned, for example, in the chronicles of the 12th century. the description of the sbit is already there. In Domostroy XVI century. among many instructions and recipes there is also a recipe for sbitnya.

Foreigners who visited Russia at the beginning of the 18th century described this drink with enthusiasm. And they even compared it to mulled wine, apparently because in the taverns in which they drank it, sbiten was made on the basis of wine. But usually sbiten with wine was not made; other ingredients were included in its recipe.

The origin of the word "Sbiten"

It is believed that the drink was originally called a brew, digest, or simply var. He received the name "sbiten" later.

Sbiten is prepared in two containers, honey was infused in one, spices in the other. Then the contents of both containers were mixed - knocked down. Perhaps this is the origin of the name.

But it should be noted that the word "broth" did not go out of use either.

How sbiten was prepared in Russia

There are a great many recipes for preparing this drink, they differ in both the preparation method and the components. To begin with, it should be noted that it is prepared on the basis of water, honey (instead of honey they could have taken molasses) and spices. These are the main ingredients. Everything else can be varied. For example, in addition to spices, various herbal preparations are added.

Sbiten can be divided into two types according to the method of preparation: simple sbiten and custard. When preparing custard sbitn, a wort is made from honey (or molasses), to which are added various seasonings... The wort can ferment for up to two weeks, and in this case it already turns out low alcohol drink like mash, beer or honey.

What sbiten drinks well with

Sbiten is drunk as well as tea. But it's already sweet, so unsweetened ones are best. bakery products: bagels, drying, pretzels, bagels, rolls. Of course, sweet lovers can also take gingerbread.

Sbiten (zbiten) - ancient honey drink popular in Russia, in addition to honey, water is included in the composition, medicinal herbs were added to some recipes. For example, sbiten folk consists of peony, nettle leaves, chamomile flowers, plantain, hazel leaves, fireweed and mint. Sbiten was made hot and cold. Hot had a warming and anti-cold property, so it was mainly consumed in cold weather, in addition, the drink brings huge benefit the body. They drank cold sbiten to quench their thirst in the summer heat.

In Russia, in ancient times, the most popular was honey hot sbiten... It was cooked at home, made in taverns, traded at fairs and bazaars in bulk, drank everywhere at holidays and festivities. The hut where the drink was prepared was called the Downed Kuren. In the first, the sbitna was mentioned in the annals back in 1128; the drink received its peak of popularity during the time of Peter the Great. Foreigners compared the Russian hot drink with mulled wine. In the 19th century, the drink was used instead of tea and coffee.

Hot sbiten was served in special vessels made of copper similar to modern samovars, they were called sakla or baklaga. It was also poured and drunk in special cups with convex walls to avoid burns. We drank honey sbiten in a bite with gingerbread and other pastries. It has come to our time great amount all kinds of recipes cooking sbitnya. Making a honey drink at home is as easy as shelling pears. Sbitney are custard and simple, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Custards are prepared by fermenting honey wort with additives from different spices and spices, a weakly alcoholic drink is obtained, reminiscent of mead or mash.

The classic recipe for making sbitn

Nowadays old recipe a real Russian (Moscow) sbitnya with ginger, is gaining a second birth, the drink has gained great popularity, they are treated to it at holidays (carnival, Christmas), it is quite simple to make it yourself at home.


  • Water - 6 l;
  • White (starch) syrup - 1 l;
  • Honey - 200 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 2 gr;
  • Black pepper - 10 pcs;
  • Cardamom - 7 pcs;
  • Ginger - 2 tsp;
  • Star anise - 3 pcs;
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.


  1. Heat water to a boil in enameled dishes, add honey and molasses. Stir the contents and cook, stirring over low heat, honey sated for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Put all the spices and herbs in a bowl, cook with them for another 10-15 minutes;
  3. Pour into cups, serve with tolu with cookies or other pastries.

Alcoholic sbiten with dry wine


  • Honey - 100 gr;
  • Dry red wine - 500 ml;
  • Cloves - 1-2 pcs;
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  • Cinnamon - 2-3 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the wine to 75 ° C;
  2. Add honey, spices. Stir thoroughly until honey dissolves.
  3. Insist half an hour, strain through a gauze filter.
  4. Pour into cups, serve.

Kumushkin sbiten with hops


  • Honey - 1 kg;
  • Water - 4L;
  • Pharmacy hops - 20 gr;
  • Cinnamon to taste.

Cooking sbitnya:

  1. Heat water, add honey, hop cones and spices. Cook at low power for 2-3 hours.
  2. Strain the intoxicated honey sbiten, let cool. Drink chilled.

Hot ginger sbiten


  • Water - 2L;
  • honey -300 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 300 gr;
  • cloves - 6-7 pcs;
  • cinnamon - 10 gr;
  • ginger - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

V warm water add honey and sugar, add cloves, cinnamon and ginger. Heat and cook for 10-15 minutes. The foam formed during boiling must be removed. Strain the honey sbiten through a fine sieve, serve with cookies.

Recipe - Sbiten Pancake week with herbs


  • Honey - 300 gr;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • St. John's wort (dry) - 5 tsp;
  • Dried mint - 3-4 tsp
  • Oregano - 3 tsp;
  • Carnation - 4 pcs;
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs;
  • Dried ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1-2 tsp:

Recipe preparation method:

  1. In 0.5 liters, heat honey to a boil, removing the foam.
  2. Boil sugar in about 5 liters of water.
  3. Connect honey and sugar water, simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Add spices and aromatic herbs to the remaining water, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Fragrant broth, strain, add to sugar honey syrup, slightly warm up.
  6. Pour into cups and serve hot.

Video recipe how to make folk sbiten

Raspberry Choux Sbitan Recipe


  • Honey - 500 gr ;,
  • Fresh raspberries - 500 gr;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Yeast - 1 tsp


  1. Rinse raspberries with water. Squeeze the juice out of the berries.
  2. Pour raspberry extracts with water, boil, then cool and strain through a sieve.
  3. Add honey, boil again and pour in squeezed raspberry juice.
  4. Cool the honey raspberry broth to 30 degrees. Add prepared yeast.
  5. Put the dishes in warm for 9-11 hours for fermentation.
  6. Pour into suitable bottles, seal well and store in a cool place. After two or three weeks, the raspberry sbiten can be tasted.

Suzdal spicy sbitn recipe


  • Water - 2L;
  • Honey - 300 gr;
  • Granulated sugar - 300 gr;
  • Bay leaf - 30 gr;
  • Spices: ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon - 30 g each.


  1. Heat the water, add honey and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  2. Add spices and lavrushka, cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth, pour into cups.

The benefits and harms of honey sbit

Sbiten folk has many useful properties... It contains a bunch of vitamins of groups (A, B, PP, C, E, H). Only one honey in the recipe makes the drink healthy. It is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, good for prostatitis. Sbiten folk raises masculine strength, has a warming, tonic effect. Cold drink well quenches thirst and restores the body's energy. Sbiten, thanks to the presence of honey, helps to restore energy, protects against viruses.

Like any other product, besides the benefits, honey sbiten has some contraindications. First of all, an allergic reaction to some components of the drink (honey, herbs, spices). Alcoholic drinks contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Also, the drink can harm people with diseases. diabetes mellitus and with kidney and liver diseases.

The hot drink, which has a 1000-year history of production in Russia, was popularly called sbitnem, and among sailors it was called Russian mulled wine. The composition without alcoholic beats included honey, molasses, spices, medicinal herbs, and yeast was added to the composition of alcoholic ones to ferment components or ready-made alcoholic drinks.

Sbitney (vzvary), mentioned in the chronicles of the XII century, were only non-alcoholic, which confirms the rejection of alcoholism in ancient Russia... Moreover, this medicinal drink successfully competed with coffee and even tea. This was facilitated by him the nutritional value... Almost all are included in the sbitnya necessary components for the normal functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, monosaccharides, disaccharides, alimentary fiber, water, vitamins of groups A, B,
C, PP, E, H, 14 microelements most important for the body.

Alcoholic sbiten at the beginning of its appearance was low-alcoholic (4-70) and due to the high price was inaccessible to the bulk of the Russian people. Only during the reign of Peter I and, especially, Catherine II, the common people began to be attracted to the alcoholic beating that spread in taverns.

Examples of recipes for alcoholic sbitney based on fermented wort:
Prescription alcoholic sbiten- 0.5 kg of honey is dissolved in 2 liters of water, 2 glasses of juice are poured
raspberries and boiled for 1.5 hours with periodic stirring and removing the foam. Then the solution is cooled to 250C, 60 g of liquid yeast is poured into it, fermented for 12 hours in a warm place, poured into a wooden barrel, which is infused in a cold place for 30 days, and then sealed in bottles and stored lying down.

Intoxicated sbiten- If it is necessary to prepare alcoholic sbiten based on fermented sbiten during the day, the procedure for fermenting wort prepared according to the recipe for alcoholic sbiten is repeated, but with the addition of, in addition to yeast, Art. spoons of hops and a pinch of cinnamon. At night, the sbiten in a punch bowl is cooled in the refrigerator and the next day it is served cold on the table.

Examples of recipes for alcoholic sbitney based on alcoholic beverages:

  • Strong sbiten- add a liter of honey, half a glass of vinegar, a third of a glass of molasses, 8 peppercorns, 4 g of ginger and 2 g of galangal to a liter of boiling water, continue to boil for half an hour. Then strain, pour in a glass of brandy or vodka and leave for a week in a cool place. The sbiten is warmed up before serving.
  • Sbiten red- 0.15 kg of honey dissolves in a liter of dry wine (red), boil, add 0.1 g of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves each, leave for half an hour, filter and serve hot on the table.