Mojito made from lemon and mint sprite. Mojito non-alcoholic recipe with sprite

05.04.2019 Lenten dishes

A good refreshing cocktail helps to quench your flight thirst. This is exactly what the Mojito with a sprite is. Not everyone likes the alcoholic option, so we'll look at it separately. without alcoholic recipe from similar taste... In the presence of the right ingredients making one portion at home will take no more than 5 minutes.

IN original version sprite is not used for this cocktail, plain soda is added instead. For all other indicators, the technology of preparation of both drinks is practically the same.

  • rum (alcoholic only);
  • fresh mint;
  • lime;
  • cane sugar;
  • soda sprite;
  • crushed ice.

The proportions depend on the recipe, they will be indicated below. Theoretically, instead of cane sugar you can take the usual one, and replace the lime with lemon, you will not notice any special differences in taste, but it is still better to use traditional ingredients, which brought the drink worldwide fame.

Alcoholic Mojito with sprite

1. Put 10-15 mint leaves in a tall glass and gently knead them to let the mint juice out.

2. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, then squeeze the juice of one half of the lime into a glass. Cut the other half into 4 slices and also put in a glass.

3. Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice. The smaller the pieces, the better. The easiest way to crush the ice is by wrapping the cubes in a towel and tapping them with a rolling pin.

4. Add 40 grams of golden rum (I recommend using Havana club or Bacardi) and 80 grams of sprite.

5. Gently stir the drink with a spoon so that the mint and lime slices are evenly distributed throughout the glass.

6. The cocktail is ready, if desired, you can decorate it with a few mint leaves or a slice of lime.

Alcoholic mojito

Alcohol free mojito with sprite

This option suitable for those, who, due to various circumstances, cannot drink alcohol, but want to try a cocktail. The taste will change slightly, but the refreshing effect will remain. Many of my friends like Mojito with a sprite without rum even more.

Cooking technology:

1. Cut the lime small pieces, and mint (10-15 leaves) knead with your hands until a characteristic smell appears.

2. Add pieces of lime, mint and 10 grams of sugar to the glass.

3. Stir the contents of the glass until the sugar dissolves in the juice.

4. Add 400 ml Sprite and Crushed Ice.

Non-alcoholic Mojito

An icy mint mojito in a misted glass looks extremely attractive, especially on a sultry summer day. Maximum content essential oils and menthol can boast only the best domestic varieties of vegetable mint. The classic recipe involves the use of lime, but you can take ordinary lemonade as a basis. homemade... To enhance the aroma, the lemon should first be scalded with boiling water.

Non-alcoholic vitamin drink, decorated with original funny umbrellas, tubes with animal figures will attract close attention of both children and adults.


  • 1 lime
  • 2 liters of sprite
  • 6-7 sprigs of mint

How to make a non-alcoholic mojito with sprite

1. Wash the medium lime well, as the fruit will be used instead of the peel, you can rub it with a brush. Cut the lime into small wedges or semicircles.

2. Sprigs of fresh mint should be rinsed and the leaves should be torn off.

3. In the bowl of a food processor, or better a blender, put the pieces of lime and mint leaves. Also add some ice cubes. You must have ice left over to serve the drink. Add about 500 ml of sprite. Grind the ingredients into average speed 3-4 minutes.

4. You should get a very fragrant, bright gruel. Our task is to strain it and prepare a drink. You can prepare the mojito in a large decanter or in portions in glasses. Take a strainer and strain the resulting mixture of lemon, mint and sprite. Keep in mind that the mixture is quite concentrated and will be bitter when undiluted. So fill the glasses up to half and then top up with sprite.

5. Decorate the glasses as you wish - with mint leaves, lime, original straws or umbrellas. Add ice and serve immediately. Mojito perfectly refreshes in the heat, and since the drink does not contain alcohol, it can also be treated to children.

The Mojito cocktail is one of the most famous drinks in the world and is extremely popular. IN hot weather it perfectly refreshes and invigorates. Mojito, like any other drink, has its own origin story. The history of the origin of "Mojito" is controversial, but we can definitely say that this drink appeared in Cuba, thanks to the pirates of Francis Drake.

In the 16th century, Drake's corsairs diluted cheap roi or gin with fresh fruit juice... Therefore, we can safely say that the cocktail originates from the time of piracy. Another version is that in the 16th century, there was an epidemic of scurvy and dysentery on Francis's ship. It was believed that best remedy for scurvy - lime juice. To heal the pirates added to the juice - rum, mint, sugar cane.

Some believe that Mojito appeared in one of the restaurants in Havana, where they mixed the ingredients and thus got this drink that Hemingway loved. This is how the cocktail was named "Mojito". Since then, the drink began to gain popularity to this day. Since that time, there have been many variations of Mojito recipes with rum.


Classic alcoholic recipe with rum

Mojito cocktail with rum will not take long when prepared at home. We need:

  • white rum 80 ml;
  • lime juice 30 ml;
  • a few sprigs of mint;
  • carbonated not salty water 400 ml;
  • 2 teaspoons cane sugar

So, first you need to take a clean glass. Then we rub sugar and lime juice in it. We take only freshly squeezed juice. Zest can also be added. If there is no cane sugar, brown will do, it will give caramel flavor... Take the mint and add it to the glass. We continue to grind the contents of the glass. To make it easier to do this, take a mortar or a special bartender's tool. Add crushed ice (it shouldn't be too small). Then slowly, in a thin stream, pour in rum and soda. Classic Mojito in Roma Goths.

Delicious Mojito Pinacolada

This drink also has its origins in the days of piracy. The preparation of the drink is simple - all components must be mixed in a blender.

Let's prepare the components:

Whisk all the ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass. The crushed ice will keep the drink cool.

Replacing any component completely changes the taste of the drink, so you need to cook strictly according to the recipe. For those who do not like alcohol, or cannot tolerate it for some reason, rum can be replaced with 30 ml fresh milk... If pineapple juice is missing, replace it with nectar.

Mojito with rum and sprite at home

The Mojito cocktail is very popular in clubs, on the beach, etc. The recipe for the Sprite Mojito is very simple. The most important thing is that the taste is not lost, cook in stages.

For one glass of cocktail we will need:

  • white rum 40 ml
  • cane sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • fresh mint
  • lime juice
  • sprite.

Rub the mint and sugar well in a glass. Cut the line into halves and squeeze out the juice. Then add crushed ice. Pour in a thin stream of rum and sprite. A delicious refreshing drink ready to drink.

If you need to cook a large number ofthen just increase the proportions.

Non-alcoholic mojito

There are many options for making non-alcoholic Mojito at home, consider the most affordable one. We need:

  • mint, a few fresh leaves;
  • two teaspoons of cane or brown sugar
  • lime;
  • soda or soda.

Grind mint, sugar, lime (or lime juice) in a glass. Add ice and pour in soda. Decorate with mint leaves. A cocktail with a straw is served.

Based on this basic recipe to taste you can add: apple juice, pounded peach, raspberries or strawberries, a few pieces of watermelon. If cooked with pineapple and sage, then no lime and mint juice is added.

Interesting! For those who follow the figure there is diet recipe - the components are the same only we add honey.

Mojito soft drink is loved and appreciated all over the world. It should be noted that the cocktail is served in a large glass. Experiment and look for your own perfect recipes Mojito with rum.

Mojito classic non-alcoholic recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 10 fresh mint leaves;

    2/3 glasses of sparkling water;

    7 ice cubes.

Step-by-step instructions for the classic Mojito dish

    Place fresh mint leaves and one of the four slices of half a lime or lemon in a glass. Pound the mint and lime with a pestle until juiced. After that you need to add two more lime wedges and sugar, rub again with a pestle until juice forms.

    Fill a glass halfway with ice cubes almost to the very top. Add sparkling water to the glass. Stir the Mojito gently, taste it, if there is not enough sugar in the drink, then add a little more. Decorate the glass with lemon wedges. The finished Mojito should be served with a straw.

Non-alcoholic Mojito at home with sprite

The name of the Mojito cocktail in translation from Spanish sounds like "wet". It is traditionally considered a classic bar drink. But it is not at all difficult to prepare it at home. We offer you a Mojito recipe with a sprite.

Required Ingredients:

    3 tablespoons cane or regular sugar;

    1 medium lime;

    fresh mint leaves;

    0.5 liters of sprite.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish Non-alcoholic mojito with sprite

    Take one lime, rinse it and cut it in half, then divide each half into four more halves. Take high glass goblet and pour a few tablespoons of cane or regular sugar into it.

    In the same glass, squeeze all the juice from the chopped lime, but you do not need to throw all the parts of the lime away, but put them in the glass. Tear the fresh mint leaves with your hands and place them in a glass as well.

    All the resulting mass in a glass must be thoroughly mixed and add prepared pieces of ice, fill the glass with half. Pour chilled sprite into a glass, stir gently, and garnish with lime wedges or mint leaves. Insert the straw and enjoy the taste of the finished cocktail.

Strawberry Mojito recipe

Strawberry Mojito is very delicious cocktailthat will refresh you in hot summer weather. Strawberry Mojito is different from classic cocktail the presence of fresh strawberries, which makes the prepared drink more piquant. It is very easy to prepare this cocktail at home, especially in the summer, when fresh berries strawberries grow in abundance in vegetable gardens.

Required Ingredients:

    50 milligrams of water

    100 grams of soda or sprite,

  • 2 tablespoons of cane sugar

    100 grams of fresh strawberries,

    Fresh peppermint,

    Ice cubes,

Step-by-step instructions for the Strawberry Mojito dish

    First of all, you need to take a tall glass or glass, cut one lime into four parts and put in a prepared glass.

    Rinse mint leaves with water and add to a glass, but before that you need to tear it with your hands. You need to take a crush and thoroughly crush the lime along with the mint leaves.

    Fill all contents with prepared crushed iceso that the glass is almost completely filled with it. Pour chilled soda or sprite into a glass, stir gently with a spoon or straw.

    Add a few whole ice cubes to the glass, insert the straw. Mojito recipe at home is completely ready, enjoy the refreshing taste of the cocktail.

Non-alcoholic mojito recipe with peaches

Peach mojito is fantastic refreshing summer cocktail... This cocktail, like other varieties of mojito, is one of the most popular, and all thanks to the perfect combination ingredients. This cocktail is based on fresh peaches, mint leaves, lime juice and soda.

Required Ingredients:

    3 pitted peaches;

    120 milligrams of soda or Schweppes;

    45 milligrams lime juice

    2 spoons of brown sugar;

    fresh mint;

    crushed ice.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish Non-alcoholic mojito with peaches

    To make a peach mojito, you need to take two peeled peaches and chop them with a blender.

    Then strain the chopped peach pulp with cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

    Take a tall glass and pour lime juice into it, add brown sugar and mint, crush a little with a spoon or crush and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cut the remaining peach into slices and place in a glass along with crushed ice. Fill the entire contents with soda and strained peach juice... Enjoy your meal!

Mojito photo recipe with cherries

If you like to drink with an exciting, bright and slightly scalding taste and want to pleasantly please your loved ones with a new and original cocktail, then we suggest you prepare a non-alcoholic Mojito with cherries.

This refreshing and refreshing cocktail with fresh cherries is called Cherry Mojito or Cherry Mojito. Immediately, this drink pleasantly surprises with the sour juiciness of cherries, which goes well with the freshness of mint and citrus fruits, and then bottled inside soda.


    1 glass of Schweppes or soda;

    2 cups pitted fresh cherries

    3 cups of crushed ice;

    8 sprigs of fresh mint;

    quarter glass fresh juice lime;

    50 grams of sugar;

    lime zest.

Step-by-step instructions for Mojito with cherries

    Rinse fresh cherries, peel them. Combine lime zest and juice, two glasses of ice, peeled cherries and brown sugar. Then add all the remaining ice to the finished liquid, and also add chilled Schweppes or plain sparkling water.

    Stir the cocktail again with a spoon or a straw and can serve garnished with fresh mint or lime wedges. If desired, you can add several whole ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Mojito cocktail simple recipe

This cocktail has a refreshing citrus and mint flavor. Non-alcoholic mojito is suitable for both adults and children. The main ingredients for its preparation are carbonated water, powdered sugar, mint and lime.

Required Ingredients:

    10 mint leaves,

  • 4 teaspoons of powdered sugar

    2/3 glass of crushed ice,

    150 milligrams of sparkling water

Step-by-step instructions for the dish Mojito cocktail simple recipe

    Cut the lime in half lengthwise, then cut each half into a few more pieces. Rinse mint leaves, put in separate dishes or into the glass in which you will serve the drink. Add to mint icing sugar, chopped lime and crush with a pusher so that the juice separates from the lime and the powdered sugar completely dissolves.

    It is not worth rubbing strongly so that the mint leaves retain their integrity. Crushed ice should be poured on top of the fruit, almost to the end of the glass. Add sparkling water two fingers to the edge of the glass. Gently mix the entire contents with a spoon, then add soda to the very edges of the glass. Decorate the cocktail with lime wedges and mint.

Apple non-alcoholic mojito


    ½ lemon,

    3 sprigs of lime,

    Crushed ice

    100 milligrams of apple juice

    100 milligrams tonic

    2 tablespoons of sugar

Step-by-step instructions for the Apple non-alcoholic mojito dish

    Take half a lime or lemon and cut into slices, squeeze the juice into a prepared glass. Several sprigs of fresh mint should be torn with your hands or cut with a knife and added to a glass of lemon juice. Then you need to take crushed ice and add it to the glass.

    Pour in the pre-chilled apple juice to half a glass, then add tonic or carbonated water. Depending on which flavor you like best, you can vary the proportions of soda and apple juice, or you can use regular soda water. And fresh apple juice, you can use other juice, as well as fruit or berry syrup, but it depends on your taste. Enjoy your meal!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, a light alcoholic drink is on the agenda. Have you already guessed what will be discussed today? If not, bargaining continues to read the article further.

The recipe for alcoholic mojito at home, performed in several primitive steps, the main thing is to choose fresh ingredients and compare them with each other in the right proportion.


1. White rum - 50 ml.

2. Lime - 1 pc.

3. Fresh mint - 5-6 branches

4. Soda - 150 ml.

5. Brown sugar - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Take a loose, well-washed glass. We will cook in it.

2. Rub a couple of tablespoons of sugar with lime juice in this glass. You definitely need brown, it sells a nice caramel flavor.

3. Survived pieces of lime, tear into several pieces and throw into a glass.

Using an improvised mortar, grind the contents until the sugar is completely dissolved in the juice. I have a special cocktail mortar, you can have any kitchen appliance.

4. The next ingredient, which is the most important in this drink, there is mint, we do not regret it, we add a whole handful. We continue to grind the contents with a mortar.

6. Fill the glass with crushed ice to the brim.

7. Pour in 50 ml. white rum. I use the most popular one, it is called "Bacardi". In the cheaper version, it is made with vodka, the taste changes slightly.

8. I dilute everything with soda. Often in this drink add sparkling water "Sprite", almost in every restaurant where I tried this cocktail, its flavor note was traced, and the menu says that they use "Sprite" for cooking.

9. There were times when they brought it to me with a fanta, I always asked the waiter, and what kind of drink you brought me. But once I decided to try it and I'll tell you a secret, I liked it even more than its classic version.

10. At this point, our "Mojito" is ready, thank you all for your attention. Who is interested in the topic alcoholic cocktails, we go to this section, in which I represent others, at least popular recipes cooking.

Creamy cocktail video recipe:

Additional Information:

Mojito cocktail is a drink that consists of soda, lime and mint. In a non-alcoholic version, rum is added to add strength. On two occasions it is served in tall glasses with big amount crushed ice.

Cuba is considered to be the birthplace of Mojito, and the Americans are the creators of the drink. In the 19th century, they came to earn money on the Island and "made" it from rum. The residents of the United States prepared a whiskey cocktail with similar components and called it "Mint Julep".

Over time, the popularity of "Mojito" has increased all over the world, entering the top ten of the most popular cocktails... It received its recognition for its incredibly cooling taste and easy preparation... Unlike most other types of lungs alcoholic beverages, "Mojito" does not require special devices in the form of a blender or shaker.

The cocktail quenches thirst well in summer heat, he is an indispensable "guest" at most parties. You can prepare a drink for children for a holiday with fruity taste or in the classic version.

For adults, you can add rum - and get a masterpiece, no worse than what is served in many bars.

The basic rules for cooking are simple, like the recipe itself: always choose fresh leaves mint, do not replace lime with lemon, and add crushed ice to the main composition.

Thank you again for coming to see me for the light, be sure to share this recipe with your friends, and I have to say goodbye to you, see you soon friends.