How to make a regular summer cocktail. Cocktail "Berry Bliss"

17.04.2019 Snacks

In summer, you always want to drink, and this is quite normal, because with sweat in the heat we lose up to a liter of liquid per hour! Many go the usual way and buy lemonades and other carbonated drinks, which - alas! - do not always bring the longed-for relief. And we again go to the store for another bottle of carbonated joy ...

In order to break this vicious circle, wise hostesses prepare refreshing drinks that bring real, not imaginary, relief. Along with the old, time-tested recipes, they come up with new recipes for refreshing drinks, some of which are brought to your attention by the Culinary Eden website. For the preparation of refreshing drinks, it is better to use no regular sugar, and fructose - benefits will be incomparably greater. For more cooling of the drink, prepare an unusual fruit ice: Freeze fruit juice in ice cube trays and add to drinks glasses. This will add extra flavor to your summer cocktails. If your family loves their dried fruit compotes, do not cook them as usual, but pour boiling water and insist in a thermos. Cook fruit drinks more often - thanks natural juices all vitamins are preserved in them. And if the heat has driven you into the store, and you want to freshen up immediately, buy a bottle of tonic - it is believed that it is the bitter taste that cools the best (and not sour, as many think).

Let's try to make such delicious and refreshing drinks, such as kvass. Thanks to yeast, kvass contains many B vitamins.


½ loaf of black bread,
25-30 g dry yeast,
½ stack. Sahara,

Cut the bread into small slices and place in a low heat oven to dry. Put the finished croutons in a 3-liter jar and pour hot water to the hangers. Add 3 tablespoons. sugar and cool to 35-38 ° C. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of water and add to a jar of cooled water. Stir, cover and place in a warm place for 2 days. Then strain and add the remaining sugar and raisins, cork and refrigerate for a day. Kvass is ready! Do not throw away the thick, use it as a sourdough for the next portion of kvass or homemade bread.

Berry kvass

800 g berries
250 g sugar
4 l of water,
25 g yeast
1 tsp citric acid.

Mash the berries slightly, cover with hot water and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain, add yeast, sugar, citric acid and leave to ferment for 6-10 hours. Strain and refrigerate before use.
Caraway kvass. Pour boiling water over caraway seeds, boil and cool to body temperature. Strain, add yeast and sugar and let it ferment for 6 hours. Then skim off the foam, add citric acid and cool.

Drink "Tsarsky"

1 water,
1 lemon
½ stack. Sahara,
2 tbsp honey,
1-2 tbsp raisins,
5 g yeast.


Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Cut the lemon peels and cover with water. Put on fire and boil for 2 minutes, cool, strain and add raisins, honey, juice and yeast. Place in a warm place for fermentation for a day or two. After fermentation, remove the foam, transfer to a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate for three days. Serve with a lemon wedge.
Kvass can be prepared not only with pressed yeast, but also with bread leaven(if you like to bake homebaked bread). Don't want to mess around with sourdough and want a refreshing drink right away? Make lemonade!

Fruttini. Dilute fresh berry or fruit juice cold water and add sugar to taste and lemon juice... Serve with ice or frozen fruit juice.

Kiwi lemonade

6 pcs. kiwi,
1 stack. Sahara,
¾ stack. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 liter of sparkling water.

Make kiwi puree. Combine lemon juice with sugar, add kiwi, stir and dilute with sparkling water.

Mojito (non-alcoholic)

½ lime,
3 tsp Sahara,
200 ml of sparkling water,
a few sprigs of mint, ice.

Peel the zest from the lime. Cut the lime into 4 pieces and squeeze into a glass. Add sugar and zest, mashed mint leaves and ice. Fill with sparkling water or Sprite.

Currant julep

100 ml fresh juice currants,
80 ml of raspberry juice,
20 ml mint syrup
strawberries, ice.

Combine all liquid components and add ice. Garnish with strawberries. Such drinks can be prepared from any juices, the main thing is that they are fresh, and not from boxes.

Honey "Laimed"

1 stack. fresh lime juice,
5 stacks water,
2/3 stack Sahara,
2 tbsp honey.

Stir the sugar in water until it is completely dissolved. Mix in a jug sweet water, lime juice and honey. Cool in the refrigerator.

Cocktail "Lemon"

1 l mineral water,
2 lemons
1-2 tsp aloe juice (or pharmacy aloe essence) for each glass.
Pour mineral water (preferably still) into glasses, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and aloe juice.

Cocktail "North"
1 kg of carrots,
500 g cranberries
500 ml of water,

Juice carrots and cranberries, mix, add water and add sugar to taste, if needed. Add ice.

Iced tea is a foreign invention. But he took root with us only in the form of an advertised drink in bottles. And you try to do cold tea yourself, because it is much more useful.

Iced green tea


2 tsp green tea
4 tablespoons liquid honey,
4 grapefruits,
mint, ice.

Brew tea, wait until it cools slightly, stir the honey and pour into glasses. Put them in the refrigerator. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and cool in the refrigerator too. Before serving, pour grapefruit juice into the tea, add ice and mint leaves. In iced tea instead of grapefruit juice, you can add any citrus juice... Do you want extra acid? Try adding berry or fruit juice, feel free to experiment with flavors!

Cold flavored tea

4 tea bags,
4 stacks water,
½ lemon,
peppermint oil,
sugar, ice.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, cut the rind into small cubes. Brew tea bags in boiling water, add lemon peels. Then remove the bags, and put the bowl of tea in ice water for quick cooling. Cool the tea in the refrigerator. Pour lemon juice and peppermint oil into tea before serving. Add sugar to taste.
Iced coffee also looks good in hot weather... And besides, it invigorates!

Cappuccino "Cooler"

1 ½ stack cold natural coffee,
1 ½ stack chocolate ice cream,
¼ stack chocolate syrup,
1 stack of whipped cream

Whisk all ingredients except the whipped cream in a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses, garnish with whipped cream.

Cold coffee (quick way)

2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp Sahara,
3 tbsp warm water
150-200 ml of cold milk.

Pour into a jar with a tightly screwed lid warm water, put instant coffee and sugar. Close the lid and shake the can until the coffee foams. Pour into a glass with ice and add milk. Add sugar to taste.

Cold mocha

1 ½ cups of natural cold coffee,
2 stacks milk,
¼ stack. chocolate syrup
¼ a glass of sugar.

Cool freshly brewed coffee, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer overnight. Place frozen coffee, cold milk, syrup and sugar in a blender bowl. Whisk until smooth.

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

4 stacks water,
2-4 tbsp natural ground coffee dark roast,
½ stack. condensed milk
16 ice cubes.

Make coffee. Add condensed milk and stir. Place 4 ice cubes in each of 4 glasses and add coffee. Spoon with long handle stir the iced coffee until it cools.

Smoothie made from fresh berries and fruits perfectly refreshes and nourishes with vitamins. "Culinary Eden" offers only a small fraction of smoothie recipes, as there are a great many options for preparing this drink.

"Cold watermelon"

2 stacks chopped seedless watermelon pulp,
5-6 ice cubes
1 tsp honey.

Grind ice in a blender, add watermelon and beat for 1 minute. Then pour in the honey and beat for 10 seconds. Instead of watermelon, you can use overripe melon in this cocktail, and replace honey with lemon juice.

Citrus Banana Smoothie

4 oranges,
3 bananas
1 grapefruit,

Squeeze citrus fruits and pour into blender. Add banana pieces and ice and beat until smooth.

Lemon Strawberry Smoothie

⅓ stack. lemon juice
1 stack. water,
1 stack. strawberries,
¼ stack. Sahara,
a handful of ice cubes.


Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.

Pineapple orange smoothie

1 stack. orange juice
½ stack. pineapple juice,
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 stacks crushed ice.

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until fluffy and smooth. Serve immediately.

Milkshakes are not only refreshing, but can also replace an afternoon snack. Just do not get carried away with ice cream cocktails, if you follow the figure, they are quite high in calories.

Smoothie "Pina Colada"

2 stacks chopped pineapple
1 ½ stack pineapple juice,
¼ stack. coconut milk
1 stack. ice,
1 stack. fat-free natural yoghurt.

Freeze pineapple cubes and yogurt. Let it thaw slightly, put all ingredients in a blender and whisk.

Orange sorbet

200 ml orange juice
½ stack. milk,
½ stack. water,
½ stack. Sahara,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
a handful of ice.

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses and serve.

Fruit Amy

1 stack. strawberries,
1/3 cup frozen blueberries
2 bananas
½ stack. orange juice
1 ½ stack natural yogurt.

Whisk all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Strawberry mousse

500 g of strawberries,
2-3 tbsp Sahara,
milk - optional (if you want to get more liquid drink, add more milk),
whipped cream for garnish.

Cool the strawberries in the freezer. Whisk in a blender with milk and sugar, pour into glasses and garnish with whipped cream.


½ stack. cold milk
¼ stack. sparkling water,
3 tbsp milk powder,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.

Mix milk in a blender bowl, powdered milk, sparkling water and vanilla extract... Whisk. Add ice cream and whisk again.

When it comes to refreshing drinks, you can't ignore low alcohol cocktails... A summer evening in a pleasant company with a glass of pear is just pleasure ... The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol, otherwise pleasure will turn into suffering. And, of course, such drinks should never be given to children.


500 g apples
200 g cranberries
100 g sugar
200 ml of water,
1 stack. dry white wine
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Squeeze out the juice from apples and cranberries. Prepare syrup from sugar and water and cool. Combine both types of juice, syrup, vanillin and wine. Pour into a jug and refrigerate. Serve over ice.

"Russian forest"

1 kg of cranberries
1 liter of water
100 g sugar
5 g cinnamon
100 ml cherry liqueur.

Mash the cranberries with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pulp with water and boil for 5 minutes along with sugar and cinnamon. Let cool, strain, combine with juice and cherry liqueur.

Cherry Punch

1 bottle of white wine,
120 ml rum or cognac,
500 g cherry berries,
sugar, ice.

Remove the pits from the cherries and place them in the pitcher. Cover with sugar and refrigerate to extract syrup. Try not to crush the berries! When all the sugar dissolves into berry juice, pour chilled wine and cognac into the bowl. Serve in a saucepan, place a container with ice next to it.

"Cherry niz"

½ stack. cherry juice,
½ stack. ginger ale,

Slowly pour into a glass of cherry juice ginger ale... Serve over ice.

Cocktail with ginger beer and ice cream

250 g vanilla ice cream
1 bottle ginger beer,
½ stack of whipped cream
4 cherries for decoration.

Place 1 scoop of ice cream in tall glasses. Pour the beer gently down the side of the glass. When the ice cream is hidden under the beer, put the ball back down and fill it with beer. Garnish with whipped cream and cherries.

And let the summer be hot, and the refreshing drinks will cheer you up!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In most cultures, it is customary to drink cool refreshing drinks, including cocktails, on warm and hot summer days.

Suppose you have guests at the dacha, family or children's party(baby's birthday), buffet party, friendly or romantic dinner, in general, the reason can be anything. For such occasions, you can prepare light refreshing delicious summer cocktails, suitable recipes a great many are known.

You can use not only the classic famous recipes, cocktails are an interesting and spacious theme for fantasies, the main thing is to take into account the compatibility and authentic affinity of the products. For example, cognac should not be mixed with cola, of course, unless you want to make the Idiot cocktail, which, however, has nothing to do with the famous novel by F. M. Dostoevsky, but reflects the behavior of those who use this cocktail.

Naturally, summer cocktails can be both non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Consider several recipes for summer alcoholic cocktails.

Gin and tonic cocktail


  • gin;
  • tonic with quinine (Schweppes, for example);
  • lemon.


Drinks need to be chilled (if not in time - add ice). Mix the gin and tonic in the desired proportion (preferably 1: 3). Decorate with a slice of lemon. This drink, in some way, protects against various intestinal infections. If you have not found a ready-made tonic, you can replace it with lemonade. homemade(lemon + water maybe fresh ginger and sugar).

Dry Martini cocktail


  • gin - 2-3 parts;
  • dry white vermouth - 1 part;
  • olives - 1 pc.;
  • a slice of lemon for decoration.


Mix well chilled gin with white vermouth, pour into a cocktail glass, place a young olive on the bottom. On the side we decorate the glass with a lemon wedge. If the drinks have not cooled down before mixing, you can serve dry martini in tumbler glasses and add 2 ice cubes.

(light and golden) can be prepared by simply mixing them with fruit juices (preferably tropical). Dark varieties rums are more suitable for cocktails with iced tea and chocolate, however, this is not a hard and fast rule.

Dark'n'Stormy cocktail


  • dark rum - 80 ml;
  • lime - 0.3-0.5 pieces;
  • ginger ale - 100 ml;
  • ice 2-4 cubes.


Put ice in a highball (tall glass), add rum, ale and squeeze lime juice. Mix, decorate lemon zest... We serve with a straw, drink carefully, the intoxication effect is well expressed, but it comes gradually.

Now let's look at some recipes for summer non-alcoholic cocktails.

Cucumber-lemon refreshing cocktail


  • prepared water (can be slightly carbonated) - 1.5 l;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • small young cucumber - 3 pcs.


Rinse the cucumbers, cut off the ends, chop with a knife as finely as possible and place in a jug. Sprinkle 1 lemon and lime with boiling water, cut each fruit in half lengthwise, and then into thin slices and also place in a jug. Let's fill everything with water. Close the jug and put it in the refrigerator for 40-80 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, in your opinion, is enough, add fresh juice squeezed from 1 lemon to it. Stir and strain. Serve in tall glasses. An excellent drink for slimming and good skin tone.

Iced tea with currant leaves

Vegetables, fruits, juices, spices - what and with what to combine in refreshing cocktails

V summer heat I don’t want to eat anything and I don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time. Vegetable and fruit salads, cold appetizers, cold soups - all this summer hits culinary, to which you can add refreshing cocktails. They perfectly quench thirst, invigorate, improve health and mood, give strength and at the same time do not add centimeters at the waist and extra pounds. Of course, provided that refreshing cocktails are made from berries and fruits with minimal added sugar or from fresh vegetables.

The whole family will be happy to taste such cocktails in the heat - you can be sure of that. Cooking does not take much time, the process itself is so exciting that very quickly from standard recipes you move on to preparing your own signature cocktails. So chill the fruits and vegetables, freeze the cubes food ice, take out the blender - and you can start cooking. And what and with what to combine - read about this in the article.

Invigorating cocktails with ginger

Coffee in the heat is contraindicated - everyone knows about it. But what if you can't wake up without coffee in the morning, sleepiness overcomes in the afternoon, and fatigue falls in the evening? There is a way out - cocktails with ginger! Orange juice with the addition of ginger will cheer you up in the morning no worse than a cup the strongest coffee, and at the same time will awaken the appetite - the heat is hot, but breakfast should be thorough. The more ginger in the cocktail, the stronger the energetic effect. And yet you should not overdo it - 200 ml. half a teaspoon of ginger is enough orange juice. Beat everything with a blender, add an ice cube (you can do without it) - invigorating drink ready.

Here are a couple more recipes. Rub on fine grater a small piece of ginger root (we need a tablespoon of grated ginger), mix the ginger with a teaspoon of honey and 250 ml. pineapple juice. Whisk in a blender. Such a cocktail will not only invigorate. Pineapple, which is high in bromelain, effectively burns fat and is considered one of the weight loss foods.

Pineapple pulp can also be added to the cocktail. 150 grams of pulp and 100 ml. chilled mineral water is whipped, ginger and honey are added. Beat for another minute and pour into glasses.

To get your child to eat such healthy, but completely tasteless spinach or green salad, moms go to all sorts of tricks. In most cases, all efforts are in vain, and the child flatly refuses vitamin dish... An original, beautiful and delicious spinach cocktail with fruit changes the situation - even the most capricious children drink it with pleasure. Take one banana, cut it into slices and put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, rinse two handfuls of spinach leaves under running water and chop them in a blender. Pour 250 ml into this puree. orange juice and put in the banana pieces. Whisk everything. The cocktail will turn out amazing emerald, very fresh taste, and the spinach in it is not felt at all.

Refreshing berry cocktails

125 gr. Whisk fresh or frozen strawberries with the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and sugar to taste. Add a few fresh mint leaves to enhance the strawberry flavor. Serve the shake immediately after preparation, before the vitamin C is gone, in a glass with ice cubes.

Blackberry cocktail. 150 g blackberries, one banana, 200 ml. orange juice, food ice cubes. Beat everything in a blender, decorate the cocktail with raspberries, red or black currants.

Berry cocktail. Such a cocktail will saturate in the very heat, it can also be considered a light snack, afternoon snack or a healthy dinner. 100 g any fresh or frozen berries, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural yogurt, 2 - 3 teaspoons of liquid honey, beat in a blender, immediately serve with mint leaves, decorating with whole berries.

Remove the seeds from the apricots (we need 5 pieces). Grind the pulp in a blender, pour in 200 ml. apple juice, 1 - 2 teaspoons of liquid honey and the juice of half a lemon. Whisk everything, pour into a large glass and add crushed ice and fresh berries black currant, raspberry or blackberry.

Cocktail with pear and vanilla ice cream. If you want to indulge yourself with ice cream - here great recipe delicious cocktail... Peel ripe pear, cut into pieces and together with 150 gr. vanilla ice cream, 125 gr. raspberries and 100 ml. Whisk milk (or mineral water) in a blender. Serve in a wide glass with raspberries.

Vegetable refreshing cocktails

Essential oils, which are in spices, will help to cope with the first signs of a cold - it is so easy to catch it, cooling down under the air conditioner or in a draft. Rub a pinch of caraway seeds and 2 - 3 peas in a mortar allspice... Peel a few ripe tomato, grind in a blender. Add a bunch of any greens and one bell pepper... Whisk everything and add spices. Salt to taste, but it is better to drink this cocktail without salt.

Tomato cocktail with cheese. Grate 70 grams of any cheese on a fine grater. Whisk 50 ml in a mixer. cold tomato juice and 100 ml. cold milk. Add cheese and fresh herbs, spices to taste. Whisk everything again until smooth. Serve such a cocktail with a wide straw.

Pumpkin cocktail. If the filling remains from pumpkin pie, it can also be used in cocktails. Cut one banana into slices, hold in the freezer for 15 minutes. Mix 150 ml. orange juice and 3 tbsp. spoons pumpkin puree, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a banana. Whisk and serve immediately.

Cocktail "Assorted Vegetables". All juices are taken in equal proportions- each with a quarter of a glass per serving. We need tomato, carrot, orange juice, ground pepper, salt and sugar to taste. All ingredients are whipped with a mixer or blender.

Do not be afraid to experiment, add your favorite ingredients to cocktails, in summer, in the season of fresh vegetables and fruits, great opportunities open up for composing new recipes.

Every day a person uses a large number of liquid, the lion's share of which is plain water... Meanwhile, there are a large number of delicious non-alcoholic cocktails. This is the best solution when you want to pamper yourself with something bright and unusual. These drinks contain a lot nutrients because they consist of natural products: juices, fresh fruit or milk. These recipes are pretty simple and can be reproduced at home.

Refreshing cocktail recipes

Non-alcoholic Mojito

This is a real "classic of the genre" that never loses its relevance. To create such a miracle at home, you will need:

  • A bunch of mint.
  • One lime.
  • Sprite (soda).
  • A few lumps of cane sugar.
  • Crushed ice (frape).

Take a tall glass, put pieces of mint, sliced ​​lime, and 4-5 lumps of sugar on the bottom. Mash everything with a mudler, add ice to the top, pour in some Sprite and mix the ingredients with a cocktail spoon. Then fill the Sprite to the brim, garnish with mint and a slice of lime.

Bloody Paris

This is a very tasty and refreshing drink that your household will surely enjoy. It includes the following components:

  • 400 g watermelon.
  • 100 g fresh raspberries.
  • Mint.
  • Ice cubes.
  • Sugar (optional and to taste).

First, prepare the watermelon: peel it and remove the seeds. Then place it in a blender and purée.

Rinse the raspberries and also process in a blender, and then squeeze the juice from the puree through cheesecloth.

Combine watermelon and raspberry pulp, mix, add ice and sugar to the resulting composition to taste. Garnish with mint sprigs when serving.

To do this vitamin drink at home, you will need:

  • A couple of apples.
  • Medium banana.
  • 6-10 strawberries.

Squeeze the juice from the apples in a juicer, and bring the strawberries and banana to a puree in a blender. Combine all ingredients in one glass, add ice cubes. Serve with a wide straw, garnish with strawberries.

Refreshing non-alcoholic cocktail recipes - the perfect solution for roasts summer day... They can be enjoyed by both children and adults, this is a real delicacy that your friends and relatives will surely appreciate.

Milk mix recipes

Very popular today non-alcoholic cocktails based on milk or kefir. They not only bring pleasure, but also health benefits, because dairy products are rich in calcium. Consider some of their recipes:

Fitness cocktail

it a good choice for those who follow their figure. It consists of the following ingredients:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • A quarter teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Half a teaspoon of honey.
  • Any fruits or berries.

Place oatmeal and honey in a tall glass, cover with kefir and leave to stand overnight. The next day, beat the resulting mixture in a blender with all the other ingredients. Serve chilled. This recipe is a clear proof that non-alcoholic cocktails can be not only tasty, but also useful for our figure.

Both children and adults like this mix very much, it is easy to prepare it at home. To do this, you will need:

  • Fresh blueberries - 100 g.
  • Yogurt without additives - 100 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 30 g (you can change the amount to taste).
  • Ice cubes.

Rinse the blueberries and puree them in a blender. Then add milk to the bowl and whisk again. After that, put all the other ingredients in there and mix everything in a blender for another minute. Serve in tall glasses topped with a sugar rim.

Coca colada

This drink is good for summer picnic, and for get-togethers with friends. It includes the following ingredients:

  • Pineapple juice - 200 ml (natural is better).
  • Coconut milk - 100 ml.
  • Ice cubes.

Stir milk and juice in a shaker, then add ice and beat again. Serve in cocktail glasses with a straw.

This is a delicate and aromatic strawberry mix that will give you a real gastronomic delight. You will need:

  • A glass of cream.
  • 2.5 cups fresh strawberries.
  • One and a half tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  • Some ice.

Rinse the strawberries, whisk them in a blender with sugar and cream, serve in tall glasses with ice.

Original recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails

For starters, we will give you a couple of recipes that will seem tasty and unusual to you.

Virgin Mary

This is a non-alcoholic version of the famous mix “ Bloody Mary". To make it at home, stock up on the following foods:

  • Tomato juice.
  • Sauces Tabasco and Worcester.
  • A quarter of a lemon.
  • Celery stick.
  • Black pepper and fine salt.
  • Ice.

Pour into a shaker tomato juice, add a drop of each sauce to it, salt and pepper to taste, a little lemon juice and ice. Mix everything thoroughly, serve in a glass with ice, garnish with a celery stick.


This is an interesting mix with kefir and fresh cucumber... You will need:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Salt and dill to taste.

Grind in a blender green vegetable and dill, add to them pre-cooled kefir and salt to taste, shake for a couple of minutes. Serve with a wide straw.

Today, a large number of mix recipes have been invented without the addition of alcohol. Treat yourself to pleasure: try new cocktails and fresh flavor combinations.