Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs are the best recipes. Everything that is known now

06.08.2019 Soups

The method of harvesting vegetables without brine in an ordinary plastic bag is very popular - any housewife will be happy to prepare and place a plate of such a fragrant and tasty snack on the table. Moreover, this dish is prepared quickly and easily. Lightly salted cucumbers in a package is the topic of this publication.

How to quickly make lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

Sprinkle the cucumbers with salt, add garlic and herbs to taste. Salt draws juices from cucumbers, forming a natural pickle. And this harvesting method is considered the most useful!

Choosing cucumbers for quick salting

It is better to take cucumbers of the same size so that they are salted evenly. Don't select too large. The smaller the cucumber, the faster it will cook.
Dense, with a thin skin. They will better tolerate salt load and will be harder.
Pimply. What will be an indicator of salting qualities.

We also need a package. See that it is whole and strong. Better to prepare a couple of packages, just in case.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs in a package. Fast salting recipe in 5 minutes

1 long cucumber or 4-5 small cucumbers
6 cloves of garlic
Salt to taste
1/2 lemon
Fresh dill

Wash the cucumbers and cut off the tails on both sides.

Cut into pieces about 5 cm long and then into 4 pieces.
Crush the garlic. Sprinkle with salt. Squeeze out the lemon.

Chop the dill finely.

Put all prepared ingredients in a bag. Release air from the bag, tie it and start shaking. It is necessary not only to shake, but to try to envelop our cucumber cubes with the resulting juice.
Shake it for 5 minutes, until all the ingredients are evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a package a quick recipe in 5 minutes - a universal guide for housewives. It can be used all year round. It will allow you to easily think of a great snack for dinner or the arrival of guests in the summer. And in winter, surprise and delight guests with fresh fragrant lightly salted cucumbers on the table. Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag or container for 2 hours in the refrigerator

In the town of Lukhovitsy near Moscow, there is a monument to a cucumber. Lukhovitsky cucumbers are famous all over Russia - they are very tender, sweet, cucumbers with thin skin.

This vegetable is so popular that in gratitude the townspeople erected a monument to him.

Cucumbers "Lukhovitskie" - 1 kg
Rock salt - 1 tbsp l.
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Garlic to taste
Pepper - 1 pc.


We take cucumbers - mine, cut off their ends.

Sprinkle with salt, sugar, garlic and pepper. Mix everything well.

And put the cucumbers in a vacuum container for 2 - 3 hours.

We take out salted cucumbers from the container, remove excess salt with a paper towel.
And put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

The cucumbers are ready. If there is no container, you can simply salt in a bag. You can add dill, currant leaves, horseradish. Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and instant herbs

1.5 kg small cucumbers
40 g salt
10 g sugar
30 g dill greens
3 - 4 cloves of garlic


In order for the cucumbers to wash well and turn out more juicy, wash and soak them in water for 30-40 minutes.

Next, cut the tails off each cucumber.

Dill, young herbs, umbrellas, garlic will add flavor to our cucumbers. Chop the greens at random with a knife. We also use a green currant leaf and a horseradish leaf.

Put the cucumbers in a bag with herbs, salt and sugar. Tie the bag and shake it to distribute the salt and sugar between the cucumbers.

Place the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Remove the bag and place the cucumbers with herbs on a plate. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers with garlic and dill in a bag ready to serve. Enjoy a quick, flavorful and tasty snack any time of the year. Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag for 2 hours in the refrigerator

Cucumber - 500 g
Rock salt - 0.5 tbsp l.
Dill - 1 bunch
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Prepare food. Wash the cucumbers and herbs thoroughly, peel the garlic, only a couple of cloves are needed. For cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into 4 pieces lengthwise. Chop the garlic not very coarsely with a knife. Chop the herbs.

Place the cucumbers in a marinator or just a clean bag.

Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice over them, add salt, garlic, dill.
Tie the bag tightly, shake it so that the cucumbers are evenly saturated with salt, lemon juice, garlic and herbs. Leave warm for 1.5-2 hours.
After two hours, the brine will become more, since the cucumbers will also give juice. Ready! Keep refrigerated!

Improvise with greens. Cilantro seeds, currant and cherry leaves, basil sprigs will help to add originality. Bon Appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers without pickle in their own juice in a bag

A quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers without pickle. Cucumbers will be ready in a matter of hours without much effort! The recipe for quick salted cucumbers in the package has helped out many times.

Fresh small cucumbers - 1 kg
Salt - 1 tbsp l.
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Dill - 1 bunch


Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends.

Finely chop the dill. Finely chop the garlic.

Put dill, salt, garlic in a plastic bag.

Then add cucumbers.

Tie the package. For tightness, it is better to put it in another bag. Shake everything well.
Put the bag in the refrigerator, periodically take it out and shake it. After 6-8 hours, lightly salted cucumbers in a bag are ready.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook lightly salted crispy cucumbers in a quick way without losing color

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are guaranteed to be crispy, moderately salted and do not lose their natural color when salted. The secret is simple, vodka is added to the brine to preserve the color.

Cucumbers - 2 kg
Dill (umbrellas) - 2 pcs.
Black currant (leaves) - 5 pcs.
Horseradish (root) - 20 g
Cherry (leaves) - 5 pcs.
Salt - 75 g
Vodka - 50 g
Water - 1.5 liters.


Wash fresh green cucumbers, rinse with boiling water and immediately immerse in very cold water.

Then place the ingredients tightly in a saucepan or three-liter glass jar, shifting the cucumbers with washed leaves and dill. Pour the prepared cold saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and add 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Close the jar with a lid and put in a cool place. The peculiarity of this preparation is that the cucumbers retain their natural green color, acquire a peculiar taste and are very well stored. The amount of spices indicated in the recipe is approximate, you can change it to your taste and discretion.

A delicious appetizer that pleases the eye with the natural color of cucumbers is ready. Bon Appetit!

Instant lightly salted crispy cucumbers

To all lovers of crispy lightly salted cucumbers. The recipe is simple. Just a day - and you will have a gorgeous crispy appetizer on your table.

Fresh cucumbers - 1.5 kg
Garlic - 1 head
Dill umbrellas
Black currant leaves
Cherry leaves
Horseradish leaves
Allspice peas
Hot pepper
Bay leaf
Water - 1 liter
Rock salt - 2 tbsp l.
Sugar (optional) - 1 tbsp. l.


Rinse cucumbers well and soak in cold water for 4-5 hours.

Peel and chop the garlic.

Wash the fragrant herbs. Can be cut with scissors, so more flavor.

Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water. Add spices, bay leaves.

Prepare an enamel bucket. Pour the prepared brine. Place the herbs in the brine. Mix well.

Put the cucumbers in the brine. The pickle should cover the cucumbers completely. Put a plate on top and place the load so that the cucumbers do not float. In a day, crispy lightly salted cucumbers will be ready.

Then put lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator, otherwise they will over-acid. Bon appetit, crunch with pleasure!

On a note
In order for our cucumbers to crunch, we perform simple actions.
Before the ambassador, we soak the cucumbers in water for 2-3 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with water and in the future your lightly salted cucumbers will be crispy.
Using horseradish leaves in the brine will give the cucumbers an extra crunch.

Instant salted cucumbers in mineral water

These cucumbers can be cooked at any time of the year, both greenhouse and ground cucumbers are suitable. Emerald and crispy lightly salted cucumbers will adorn any table. Getting ready is elementary! Tasty and healthy! And what a scent!

Cucumbers - 1 kg
Mineral water - 1 l.
Rock salt - 2 tbsp l. without a slide
Garlic - 4-6 cloves
Dill - small bunch
Currant leaf


Mix mineral water with salt.

Chop the garlic and dill.
If you are guaranteed to want to feast on cucumbers in a day, then it is better to cut them in half. If time is running out, and you are ready for the fact that they may not be salted enough in a day, then feel free to leave them intact, they will come over time.
Much depends on the cucumbers, some are salted quickly, while others have a denser skin, and therefore are late with salting.
If you cut cucumbers, they will not lose their crispness - tested many times!

Put garlic and dill on the bottom and in the middle of the container. Fold the cucumbers into a container. Cover with a lid.

We put it in the refrigerator for a day. Cucumbers are pickled quickly and eaten instantly! Bon Appetit!

Temptingly appetizing lightly salted cucumbers with a delicate garlic aroma will attract the attention of all those present at your table. Also, the prepared cucumbers will be useful for salads, pickles, hodgepodge, especially in winter and for home and New Year's festive feasts.
Delicious lightly salted cucumbers for your table and good preparations for the winter!

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Many of us do the same actions every year, each housewife has a notebook with notes, where at the right time it is worth looking into it and making pickles, preparations for the winter.

But, today is not about that, I would like to talk about an instant version of the preparation of crispy salted cucumbers.

It turns out that there are many variations on how to pickle cucumbers, for example, this can be done:

  • in brine;
  • in mineral water;
  • in the bank;
  • in a vacuum;
  • in water

In this post you will get acquainted with the fastest cooking method, it is in a cellophane bag without brine, dry method. Oddly enough, this method is now gaining immense popularity and for good reason, because it is very simple and fast to execute, and most importantly, accessible to absolutely everyone. The dish turns out to be very crispy, aromatic and absolutely amazing in taste.

If you have never tried this method in action, that is, did not eat, did not use, then you have lost a lot. Go faster to the garden or to the store, to the market, tear, or buy these green beauties and go for it!

Important! I would like to note that all the recipes are similar to each other, their distinctive feature will be the spices and cutting of the "main green guest", in short, the actions will be as follows, if in a nutshell:

1. You grind vegetables in a convenient way for you, it can be circles, slices, straws, halves or whole, whole cucumbers, etc. (see photo) at your discretion, depending on which cutting you choose and the salting time will depend, the less , the faster they will pray.

2. Put all the seasonings, spices and vegetables in a bag or cellophane bag, always take two pieces in quantity, so that it is more convenient to shake, and nothing ran after shaking.

3. Twist, twist the bag, until the "dizziness of handsome men" is kidding, of course, just gently shake it so that everything mixes with each other and you get a single and unique taste.

4. Remove a fragrant snack in a warm place or vice versa in a cool place in the refrigerator, and then rejoice at the result.

Well, let's get down to the preparations, because such a snack is suitable even for a festive table, even just like that with a young potato, or maybe with a casserole.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill in a bag for 2 hours

It seems to me the most important and necessary question that everyone is interested in is the proportion of salt and how to do it. So how much salt is taken for 1 kg of cucumbers? Of course, this is a matter of taste, but the GOST rules make it clear to us that this is 1-1.5 tbsp per 1 kg.

As for herbs and spices or condiments, dill with umbrellas and garlic with parsley are usually taken. Pretty simple list of ingredients, and voila, you will succeed! Take it and follow this step-by-step instruction.

We need:

Cooking method:

1. Take a thick cellophane bag, preferably of good density, such as are used for freezing food. We sell these now in the season in any store, supermarket. So put 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt in it.

2. After the umbrellas of the dill, by the way, you can take the usual dill, in any case, chop it with a knife.

3. Chop the well-washed parsley finely with a kitchen knife.

4. Cut the garlic into several halves, you can in any order, if you wish, you can even skip it through a press.

5. All received ingredients must be put in a bag.

Important! Be sure to shake it until you bring in the cucumbers, roll it over, I would even say beat this mixture a little so that the fragrant juice from the greens stands out.

6. Then put another bag on the bag for strength and only after that, put whole cucumbers, tie the ends of cellophane or just make a small knot.

Important! Take young ones, we can only say that pickled cucumbers to make the dish fresh. If that's all, the situation is such that the fruits have already been lying for a while and have even been slightly curled up, that is, there is one little trick that you will learn about by reading the next cooking option in this post. Perhaps you yourself know how to cope with this misfortune.

7. Shake everything again and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Then take out and eat this yummy for your health!

Recipe in 5 minutes

If you want an instant, high-speed traditional version of salting, it exists, the main thing is to cut the green fresh fruit finely, for example, into circles, and everything will definitely work out.

We need:

  • cucumbers - 0.5 kg
  • dill - miller bunch to your taste
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

1. Wash vegetables well under running water. Cut off as our people say "butts", that is, the upper lower front parts, I think you understand what I mean. Then carefully try to do it beautifully, so then serve them on the table in this form.

2. Place in a bowl. Okay, salt evenly.

3. Then, so that the dish absorbs the juicy aroma of dill, it should be well chopped with a kitchen knife.

4. Pass the cloves of garlic through a garlic press.

Important! So, as the trick promised, how to make sluggish cucumbers fresh again, but you need to rinse them well and put them in cold water for a couple of hours, then they will regain their uniqueness, because as you know they are 90% water, water will help them ...

5. Stir everything evenly, thoroughly and slowly so that the juice starts to stand out from the salt. What flavor has gone, you feel already ?!

Important! Stir with two tablespoons for convenience.

6. Well, that's all, a super summer snack is ready, you just have to cook dinner, and in the meantime, the cucumbers will grind and delight you with their aroma and crunch. Take a sample!

Important! Leave in this state to stand for about 30 minutes, one hour.

Oh, yes, get ready from this little cup nothing will remain, you will have to do it again, your loved ones will eat so that you will have to please them again with such a masterpiece again.

Quick Crispy Cucumber Recipe

I propose an option that will be a little interesting, since it will use interesting spices. The previous salting options were in a warm place, and without sugar, and this one with sugar, to add tenderness and piquancy, and will be cooked in a cool place in the refrigerator.

We need:

  • cucumbers - 1 - 1.5 kg
  • dill - bunch
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • coriander - 1 tsp seeds
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

1. As usual, freshen the cucumbers, rinse them with water, or even hold them in it for a few minutes. Then cut off all unnecessary things, you can cut them in half, you can not cut them at all, take them in whole barrels. Place them in a bag.

2. Then add finely chopped garlic and dill to the fruits, crush coriander seeds in a mortar, throw in a leaf of lavrushka. Put the bag on the bag, tie and shake everything several times, up and down. Then open to let air in, tie and shake again, a little liquid from the salt should stand out.

3. Put the bag in the refrigerator for literally 3 hours, if you are not satisfied with the taste, then let it lie down for another couple of hours. In general, it can be marinated for up to 12 hours overnight. Store later in the refrigerator by transferring them to any lidded bowl or container. The longer they lie in the refrigerator, the correspondingly they become saltier, and they are no longer lightly salted, but salty, well, and this can then be used, for example, to make a hodgepodge or put them in.

Interesting! You can add a lot of vegetable oil and vinegar, this will give a peculiar and unique taste. Or, for example, do it without dill. And for those who like sharp impressions, add black and red peppers, you can take peas, it will also be delicious.

After the required time has elapsed, all that remains is to remove the sample, this is the most enjoyable process. Such green little freaks in haste, will not leave anyone indifferent, everyone will love them, I guarantee you that. It turns out very tasty, just fantastic, you will not just lick your fingers, but swallow them.

Video on how to salt green vegetables in the refrigerator

All those who have not yet understood something can watch this video tip from the YouTube channel. Happy viewing.

Well, well, that's all for me, and as they say, while summer pampers us and you indulge yourself with delicious salting options. Hope you like these quick options. Run to the kitchen and make little green masterpieces. The main thing is not to oversalt, because now you know how much salt you need to take. 😛

See you soon everyone on this blog. Write comments, share a page on social networks, add to my group in contact. In general, all the most positive and most importantly good mood and a good day!


How to cook delicious crispy lightly salted cucumbers according to the classic recipe? There are many options for cooking the same dish, you can get lost.

We have prepared a selection of the most delicious and proven recipes for salted cucumbers. Choose the one you like: in a saucepan, jar or bag.

With apples, mustard, garlic and herbs, herbs. Spicy with hot peppers or sweet in honey brine.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 10 g tarragon (tarragon);
  • 20 g of dill umbrellas;
  • 8-10 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 g of black currant leaves;
  • 20 g horseradish leaves;
  • 20 g cherry leaves;
  • 75 g of salt.


Wash the cucumbers and leave in cold water for 2 hours. Rinse all the greens, peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.

Put half of the herbs and garlic at the bottom of the jar, then place the cucumbers tightly vertically in the jar and put the remaining herbs and garlic on top.

Dissolve salt in 1.5 liters of water, boil and pour cucumbers with a boiling solution. Cover the jar with a lid. After a day, lightly salted cucumbers are ready for use, but if you want to crunch the cucumbers earlier, then cut off their tips, in this case they will be ready in 12 hours

Hungarian salted cucumbers with vinegar


  • cucumbers;
  • dill greens;
  • horseradish root;
  • Rye bread;
  • vinegar;
  • salt.


Pick up small cucumbers and wash them. Cut both ends by 1-2 cm and cut the cucumbers lengthwise, then put them in a jar, shifting them with dill and horseradish.

Put a slice of rye bread on top of the cucumbers and drip 4-5 drops of vinegar onto it. Prepare brine at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Pour the brine over the cucumbers, cover the jar with a saucer and place in a warm place. As a result of fermentation, in a day the brine will become cloudy, and on the 3rd day it will begin to brighten, at which time the cucumbers should be moved to the refrigerator, they are ready to eat.

The classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers


  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers,
  • 1 head of garlic
  • dill umbrellas,
  • black currant leaves,
  • cherry leaves,
  • horseradish leaves,
  • allspice peas,
  • 2 tbsp salt,
  • 1 tbsp Sahara


Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides. Take an enamel pot and place the cucumbers in one layer. Lay the dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, peeled garlic cloves and a handful of allspice peas on top.

Cover everything with horseradish leaves. Lay out the second layer of cucumbers and put the dill, cherry and currant leaves, garlic and pepper on top again, cover the second layer with horseradish leaves.

Prepare a brine from 1-1.5 liters of water, salt and sugar, bring it to a boil. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers so that it completely covers the cucumbers. Cover the pot with a lid and let it sit at room temperature until the brine cools down, then refrigerate. In a day, lightly salted cucumbers will be ready.

Instant lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan

Cook these quick crunchy cucumbers in just 5 minutes. This is the simplest recipe for a novice hostess.


  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers,
  • horseradish leaves,
  • cherry leaves,
  • currant leaves,
  • Dill,
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • 2 tbsp salt,
  • ½ tbsp Sahara


Wash the cucumbers, wipe dry and cut off the ends. Rinse the herbs, peel and chop the garlic. Put the water on the fire, let it boil and add salt, sugar, bay leaf and peppercorns, if desired, add a little hot pepper.

Put half of the herbs and garlic on the bottom of a dry saucepan, then place the cucumbers, trying to make them fit snugly enough to each other. Fill the pot halfway and add the herbs and garlic again, then add the remaining cucumbers and cover them with the herbs and garlic.

Pour hot brine over the cucumbers, let cool at room temperature and refrigerate overnight. The next day, the cucumbers can be eaten.

Quick salted cucumbers with mustard

Thanks to the vinegar and mustard, this recipe only takes a couple of hours to pickle cucumbers.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp table vinegar;
  • ¼ h. L. mustard;
  • ¼ h. L. ground black pepper;
  • a bunch of dill.


Cut the washed cucumbers into quarters and place in a deep bowl. Add spices: vinegar, mustard, ground pepper, salt, sugar, chopped dill and finely grated garlic.

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle buttock The fairy collection is suitable for a windowsill, a loggia, a balcony, a veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in 3 weeks. Wonderful buttock The fairy harvest bears fruit all year round, and not only in summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes is from 3 years or more, from the second year you can add top dressing to the soil.

Mix everything well, cover the cucumbers with a plate and send to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, these lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten.

Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water


1 kg of cucumbers;
head of garlic;
2-4 tbsp salt;
1 liter of salted carbonated mineral water.


Wash the cucumbers well and cut off the tails from both sides. Put the dill cut into 4-5 cm pieces into the container in which the cucumbers will be salted. Put the cucumbers on the dill.

Peel the head of garlic, cut the cloves into slices and sprinkle them over the cucumbers. Dissolve 2-4 tablespoons of salt in salted carbonated mineral water and pour the cucumbers so that they are completely covered, put the remaining dill on top. Close the container with a lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Recipe for crispy lightly salted instant cucumbers with herbs


  • cucumbers;
  • dill greens;
  • parsley;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • allspice peas;
  • black peppercorns;
  • salt.

Cooking lightly salted crispy cucumbers with herbs:

Wash cucumbers and herbs thoroughly. Place chopped greens and thinly sliced ​​garlic in the bottom of a plastic container.

Use a knife handle to crush a few peas of allspice and black pepper, add them to the herbs. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise or in quarters, place them in a container and sprinkle with salt. You must determine the amount of salt yourself, salt 3-4 times more than usual when you salt cucumbers for food.

Close the container and shake it well so that the cucumbers hit the walls and let the juice out. After 5-10 minutes, the cucumbers will be in a brine made from their own juice, which will mix with salt and herbs during shaking.

Leave the container at room temperature for an hour and a half, shaking it occasionally. Your cucumbers are ready, all that remains is to rinse off excess salt from them.


  • 1 kg of small cucumbers;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • dill greens;
  • 1 tbsp salt.


Finely chop the dill and garlic. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. Place cucumbers, dill, garlic and salt in a plastic bag.

Tie the bag and put it in another bag. Shake everything well and put the bag in the refrigerator, shaking it occasionally. After 6-8 hours, you can taste the cucumbers.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with olive oil

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Another way to pickle in a bag. Such cucumbers will not crunch strongly: vinegar and oil make them a little soft. But the taste of vegetables will be spicy with a pleasant sourness.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • a bunch of dill.


Wash the young cucumbers and cut off their butts. Overgrown vegetables can be cut into slices. Place the cucumbers in a bag, add salt, sugar, vinegar and olive oil.

Peel and grate the garlic. Cut a couple of cloves with a knife so that large pieces meet from time to time. Sprinkle the cucumbers with garlic and chopped dill (or other herbs of your choice).

Tie and shake the bag to mix well. Let the cucumbers sit for half an hour and you can try. But it is better to leave them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Lightly salted cucumbers per day in cold brine

Lightly salt the cucumbers in cold water. Quick pickling and absolutely not troublesome. And the result is amazing.

You will need:

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • garlic - a couple - three cloves.

How to cook:

Place half the herbs and half the garlic in the bottom of the dish. Then stack the cucumbers tightly and place the remaining herbs on top.

Dissolve salt in cold water and fill in greens. Cover with a lid, pressing it down with oppression, and wait exactly 24 hours.

Lightly salted cucumbers "Spicy"


  • 1 kg of small cucumbers;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ hot pepper pod;
  • a large bunch of dill;
  • 6 tbsp coarse salt.


Take only young, firm cucumbers with thin skin, rinse them under running cold water. To make the cucumbers salted faster, cut off the ends from both sides.

Wash the pepper and slice it lengthwise, peel out the seeds and cut across into thin strips. Place 2/3 of the total amount of dill and thinly sliced ​​garlic on the bottom of the jar. Then place the cucumbers tightly, sprinkle them with strips of pepper and garlic, lay out the next row of cucumbers, which also sprinkle with pepper, garlic and the remaining dill.

Put the salt on top of the dill, cover and shake the jar. Boil water and pour over cucumbers. After a few minutes, drain the water, bring to a boil and refill the cucumbers with the resulting saline solution.

Cover the jar with a saucer and place a small weight on it, such as a small jar of water. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days, after which you can taste them.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers with vodka


  • cucumbers;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • black peppercorns;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 2 tbsp salt.


Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends on both sides. Rinse all the greens and place them in a saucepan, add the peppercorns and top with the cucumbers.

Prepare brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and 50 ml of vodka per 1 liter of water. Pour cucumbers with cold brine, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for a day, after which your crispy cucumbers are ready.

Pickled cucumbers with apples


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 green sweet and sour apples;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 grams of dill;
  • 3-4 black currant leaves;
  • 3-4 leaves of wine;
  • 1 horseradish sheet;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns;
  • 2 tbsp salt.


Prepare brine at the rate of 1 bay leaf and 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. Boil it. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. Peel the garlic and cut the apples into 4 pieces.

Put 1/3 of the dill, currant leaves, cherries and horseradish in a dry saucepan. Put half the cucumbers and one apple on top of the greens. Top with a clove of garlic, cut into thin slices and 4-6 peppercorns. Then add another piece of dill, garlic, currant leaves and cherry.

Top with leftover cucumbers, apples, herbs and garlic. Pour hot brine over the cucumbers, cover the pan with a plate and place the weight on top. Let cool completely and refrigerate. In the morning, the cucumbers will be ready.

Hot salted cucumbers with honey

You will need:

  • cherry leaves 10 g;
  • black currant leaves 10 g;
  • umbrella dill 10 g;
  • horseradish leaf 20 g;
  • garlic heads 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper 1 pc .;
  • bay leaf 1 pc .;
  • cucumbers 500 g;
  • vodka 20 ml;
  • honey 5 g;
  • edible salt 4 tsp

How to pickle cucumbers with hot brine:

Prepare spices (herbs) for salting. Select suitable branches, wash and set aside. Select cucumbers, they should all be about the same size, wash and cut off the ends.

Put the greens on the bottom in a prepared clean container (jar, saucepan, etc.): horseradish leaves, black peppercorns, black currant leaves, cherry leaves, umbrella dill (it can be replaced with dill seeds), chopped chili and garlic.

Cucumbers on top and once again on top lay with horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas.

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Prepare hot brine. To do this, boil 0.5 liters of water in a saucepan, add salt and an incomplete teaspoon of honey. Stir until completely dissolved, turn off the stove and pour in a tablespoon of vodka.

Pour hot brine over the cucumbers.

Cover with a lid and leave to salt for a day at room temperature. If you do not plan to eat everything at once, then you should store them in the refrigerator. After a day, lightly salted cucumbers are ready for use.

To crunch the cucumbers, add fresh horseradish leaves. You can also add cherry and currant leaves for flavor. Thinly cut rings of hot pepper will not be superfluous for pungency. For one kilogram of lightly salted cucumbers, 2-3 circles will be enough.

Vigorous shaking of the cucumber jar can speed up the salting process. And the most urgent ambassador will require front by shaking, cut the cucumbers into slices (I would even advise to cut a large cucumber across into 2-3 pieces, and then divide them into 4-6 slices).

Lightly salted cucumbers are a great summer snack. Sometimes you really want to crunch a lightly salted cucumber, but you don't want to wait long for them to be salted in the classical way. Therefore, today - recipes for lightly salted cucumbers for quick recipes. You can get crispy greens in 5 - 15 minutes. It all depends on the chosen recipe and the method of cutting the cucumber. But first things first.

It is interesting, but cooking zelents in a package is not a new technology at all. Our ancestors knew about it, using not a modern invention - a bag, but barrels, stacking cucumbers layers and pressing down with a press. Cucumbers were salted in their own juice, which we do in a package.

Instant lightly salted cucumbers are a wonderful application and an excellent appetizer on the table. After all, it's time to harvest strong crispy cucumbers from the garden beds. For salting, you need to select only the freshest and strongest greens, smooth and even. Better the same size. Write down the most popular recipes for lightly salted instant cucumbers, they are simply necessary for all summer residents.

The recipe for these lightly salted cucumbers is good because they can be pickled while the rest of the lunch or dinner dishes are being prepared. And it's nice to please my husband. Or even ask him - strong, for help. After all, he with his strong hands will shake the jar of cucumbers better than you!

Mint adds spice and light sweetness to cucumbers in the aroma, it is very pleasant. The same combination is used in the Greek salad (cucumber sauce) Dzadzyki, which is especially good in the heat, pleasantly cools. By the way, for the last time, I made salted cucumbers in slices only with garlic and dried mint. It turned out super!

We rub (or crush) the garlic, sprinkle with herbs, salt and repeat this procedure (lay out the cucumbers, garlic, greens layer by layer) the required number of times, namely, either until the cucumbers run out, or until the pan is full. After you have put the required number of layers in the described way, close the pan with a lid, shake a little and ...

There are many different ways to cook lightly salted cucumbers. There are recipes for the impatient (such cucumbers will be ready in 3 minutes), for those who are engaged in pickling in a field (summer cottage) and do not have glass jars and a saucepan (pickle cucumbers in a bag) and traditional ways of pickling cucumbers at home.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs step by step recipe with photo. Exclusive information.

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Now the time has come for cucumbers and young potatoes. And as soon as the first cucumbers begin to ripen, many housewives prepare an irreplaceable snack - lightly salted cucumbers. Of course, you can buy them on the market, but cooked at home tastes better, because you will make them according to your favorite and proven recipe.

Dilute salt in three liters of not boiled (raw), but hot water. Just do not take sea or table salt, the cucumbers will turn out soft. Coarse rock salt is ideal for such purposes. Pour the cucumbers with the resulting solution. We install a press on top of them, putting a lid or a large plate on the cucumbers. In just one day, you will be able to eat lightly salted cucumbers.

That is, cucumbers, beaten with shaking, will quickly release juice and absorb the taste and aroma of spices, and they will be salted easily. The very first bite can be tasted immediately after shaking. But if the cucumbers stand for another 15 minutes to a couple of hours in warm and hermetically sealed, then their taste will be vigorous and maddening. Or you can put the jar in the refrigerator for the night - in the morning, open the lid, hold on! Stunning aromas will pour in, the whole refrigerator will smell of lightly salted cucumbers!

Lightly salted cucumbers can be used as an independent dish, as an appetizer, in the preparation of other dishes. There are a great many recipes for their preparation. Want with herbs, mustard, horseradish, garlic. It's not difficult at all. I will share with you some secrets and recipes. And even a novice housewife will be able to please her family with crispy lightly salted cucumbers.

If desired, you can put in a little granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon. Fresh parsley will improve or simply complement the taste of salting. Personally, I really like her. You can also add a spicy note of pungency, then put a little - no more than a spoonful without a slide - mustard powder. You can add black currant leaves to the bag.

And do not be confused by the title of the recipe, I have not really figured out that this is either a method of preparing lightly salted cucumbers, or it is a salad of fresh cucumbers with garlic and parsley and dill, but one thing I can say for sure - nothing tastes better than the one made I did not eat fresh cucumbers.

Prepare the spice mixture for pickling
Finely chop the peeled and washed garlic into thin slices. Rinse the dill, dry it slightly and tear it with your hands into several parts. Combine pepper, salt, mustard and coriander. Add all prepared recipe ingredients to the bag to the chopped cucumbers.

For the preparation of quick salted cucumbers, it is better to use small and even cucumbers of about the same size. If you have large cucumbers, cut them in half or into quarters. Along or across - it doesn't matter how you like it.
Wash the dill, peel and chop the garlic.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs how to cook. Detailed information.

To make this cucumber salad, you need washed cucumbers. You can wash them yourself, or you can ask your friend's spouse to do it (that's exactly what I did). When you have the main ingredient in this dish - washed fresh cucumbers - everything else is done almost instantly! Cut off the butt on both sides of the cucumbers, and cut the cucumbers into 4 pieces. You do not need to remove the skin, but if it turns out to be bitter, it is better, of course, in this case to remove it. Put the chopped cucumbers in one layer in a saucepan and grind a couple of garlic cloves on a grater. You can use a garlic press. Then distribute the resulting heap of grated (or crushed) garlic evenly over the entire layer. Coarsely chop a bunch of parsley and dill. Sprinkle the first layer with herbs generously, and salt this layer a little (no more than 2 small pinches). After that, we again cut our washed fresh cucumbers into 4 parts.Put the newly chopped cucumbers in one more single layer Rub (or crush) the garlic, sprinkle with herbs, salt and repeat this procedure (lay out the cucumbers, garlic, greens layer by layer) the required number of times, and namely - either until the cucumbers run out, or until the pan is full. After you have put the required number of layers in the described way, you need to close the pan with a lid, shake a little and ... You will get a salad of fresh cucumbers with herbs and garlic or lightly salted cucumbers of a wonderful taste, which are ready to eat right away! By the way, this dish is a hit of snacks with vodka, enjoy!

Prepare the brine for pouring. Collect a liter of water in a separate bowl, bring to a boil and add salt. Boil for 5-10 minutes and turn off the stove. Cool the resulting pickle for cucumbers.
Put horseradish and dill in a clean saucepan. Pour all the spices indicated in the recipe on top. Lay out a layer of cucumbers.

Quick-hand cucumbers can be lightly salted in a bag, in jars and a saucepan. Usually, the latter methods are chosen in large families, or before a large event, when needed. a large number of... In this case, the package will not be enough. You will learn no less curious recipes for cucumbers by clicking on the link.

In order to get delicious crispy cucumbers in a short time, you need to be able to choose them. You will need greens with thin skin and always pimply. They should also be the same size - about the size of your index finger, maybe smaller - and always fresh. Those that have already wilted, it is better not to take - their juiciness will be rather poor.

Choose fresh cucumbers on the market, not lethargic, without bitterness. For this recipe, take not smooth, oblong, salad cucumbers, but small ones, with pimples. Wash the cucumbers and trim the tails on both sides. Prepare water - preferably ice cold, or add ice cubes to cold water, as an option. Cut the cucumbers in half and put them in the water. Leave alone for 30-40 minutes.

Now prepare the pot. Rinse all the selected herbs thoroughly under cool water, dry. Add dill and twigs to the rosettes if desired. We advise you to add parsley if you like it, as in pickles parsley has a characteristic taste, so to speak "for an amateur". Put half of all the greens on the bottom of the pan.

Peel the chives and cut into slices, add chili to taste - a couple of rings for a light shade, a whole pod - for scalding notes - lovers of spicy dishes will like it. Pay attention to such a quick recipe for 5 minutes of lightly salted cucumbers in a bag.

Boil the marinade from salt, sugar and water, add vinegar at the end of cooking. Cool the marinade slightly. Pour the marinade into a saucepan, cover the cucumbers with the rest of the herbs on top. You can install a press. If you use a press, leave it for a few hours, then remove it. Pickle cucumbers for a day. Then transfer to the jar. Cucumbers are stored for about 4-5 days.

Bon Appetit!

You can cook lightly salted cucumbers in a jar, barrel, saucepan, plastic bag (any plastic bag that does not leak), in a plastic container and other glass, enameled, plastic containers for food that are at hand.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and instant herbs have an excellent taste, go with any dish - poultry, meat, fish, potatoes, cereals. If simple and tasty dishes are your priority, then this recipe is definitely for you. For salting, we will prepare a quick marinade based on the traditional set - salt, sugar, a couple of drops of wine vinegar. But now with a set of spices "conjure", each leaf and each spice makes cucumbers simply incomparable. Therefore, these ingredients should not be neglected - they are very important and set the entire recipe. Well, let's quickly make cucumbers, and already at home you can immediately promise an excellent dinner or lunch. Let's get started! Lightly salted cucumbers, a recipe for instant cooking in a saucepan, are no less tasty.


- cucumbers - 500 gr.,
- garlic - 1 head,
- garlic arrows - 2-3 pcs.,
- leaves of currants, cherries, grapes - 3-4 pcs.,
- dill sockets - 2-3 pcs.,
- chili - 2 rings,
- salt, sugar - 1 tablespoon each,
- wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon,
- water - 1 l.

You will have a salad of fresh cucumbers with herbs and garlic or lightly salted cucumbers of a wonderful taste, which are ready to eat right away! By the way, this dish is a hit of snacks “topped with vodka,” enjoy your ill health!

We rub (or crush) the garlic, sprinkle with herbs, salt and repeat this procedure (lay out the cucumbers, garlic, greens layer by layer) the required number of times, namely, either until the cucumbers run out, or until the pan is full. After you have put the required number of layers in the described way, close the pan with a lid, shake a little and ...

Now the time has come for cucumbers and young potatoes. And as soon as the first cucumbers begin to ripen, many housewives prepare an irreplaceable snack - lightly salted cucumbers. Of course, you can buy them on the market, but cooked at home tastes better, because you will make them according to your favorite and proven recipe.

But they are not only tasty, but also healthy. During their preparation, lactic acid bacteria are formed, as the fermentation process takes place. And, as you know, these bacteria are needed for the proper functioning of our intestines. And like any appetizer, they improve our appetite and add variety to our menu.

Lightly salted cucumbers can be used as an independent dish, as an appetizer, in the preparation of other dishes. There are a great many recipes for their preparation. Want with herbs, mustard, horseradish, garlic. It's not difficult at all. I will share with you some secrets and recipes. And even a novice housewife will be able to please her family with crispy lightly salted cucumbers.

And here are the proven recipes that we will cook:

Instant lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs

In my opinion, cucumbers cooked in this way have the most classic taste. Spicy, crispy, slightly sour. And if you experiment with additives, the taste can change. Coriander, peppercorns, currant leaves, horseradish and this is not the whole list - it all depends on your taste.

Here's what we'll take:

A step-by-step recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers:

Cucumbers are small because they will be salted faster. We will not use yellow and bitter fruits for pickling. When we lightly salted cucumbers "in a quick way" they must be soaked in water first. We put them in a bowl of water for 2 hours. Now let's cut off the butts on both sides.

If the cucumbers are long, cut them into 2 parts, so they will be salted faster.

We thoroughly wash the dill from the ground. Cut the twigs in half with a sharp knife. It is better to take dill with umbrellas.

Cut the garlic into several pieces.

Now let's decide on the dishes. When salting salted cucumbers, jars, pots and even bags are used. For this recipe, I recommend using a glass jar or enamel pot. It is best to wash the jar with baking soda and scald with boiling water.

Put a shitty leaf at the bottom of the jar. Add some of the dill and garlic to it.

Gently spread the cucumbers on top.

Then the rest of the dill-garlic mixture.

And the rest of the cucumbers. Be sure to put dill, garlic and, if there is a horseradish leaf, on top.

Let's make a pickle for cucumbers. Bring water, salt and sugar to a boil. The best option for pickling cucumbers is coarse rock salt.

Do not buy shallow or iodized salt - it is not suitable for workpieces.

Gently pour hot brine over the cucumbers.

Let's wait until it cools down, and then close it tightly with a lid. Put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. I usually do this in the evening, and in the morning the delicious cucumbers are ready.

You can just boil young potatoes and a delicious and quick lunch is ready!