Cold Chinese red tea. Chinese red tea

05.11.2019 Egg dishes

Caloric content: 151.8 kcal.

Energy value of the product Red tea (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 20 g (~ 80 kcal) Fats: 5.1 g (~ 46 kcal) Carbohydrates: 6.9 g (~ 28 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 53% | 30% | 18%

Red tea: properties

How much does Red tea cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 1000 r.

Sometimes it is quite difficult for a European person to understand and understand all the intricacies of Asian culture and traditions. We think for this reason in our latitudes they do not always correctly interpret and name certain culinary rules and ingredients. The most striking example of this confusion in concepts can be red tea. In the terminology of the domestic food industry, red tea is such varieties as hibiscus or rooibos.

However, neither the one nor the other drink has absolutely nothing to do with the tea tree, because hibiscus tea is made from hibiscus petals, and rooibos tea is made from the plant of the same name, which belongs to the legume family. In fact, red tea belongs to the elite and noble varieties of Chinese teas. Red tea in its appearance practically does not differ from all of us the usual black tea. It is interesting that due to ignorance in our latitudes, it is customary to call almost all varieties of Chinese red tea black tea.

The main feature of the drink is that after brewing the leaves of Chinese red tea, the drink acquires a distinctive color in red tones. Because of these properties of red tea, the drink got its name. Therefore, do not be surprised if red tea is written on the packaging of the drink, and the contents are completely identical to ordinary black tea. After brewing red tea, you will immediately see and feel the difference in taste and aroma of the noble drink.

Rooibos and hibiscus tea are also called red tea for the distinctive color of the final drink. However, these teas also differ in their appearance, in which there is a red color. Despite the fact that nominally any black tea drink belongs to the Chinese classification as a red type, real red tea has absolutely nothing in common with all of us familiar black tea. Distinctive make this drink unique. Moreover, real red tea is grown and harvested only in China.

The benefits of red tea

The quality of red tea is much higher than the black variety. This is primarily due to the long-term fermentation process. The benefits of red tea also lie in the process of making the drink. According to legend, red tea owes its appearance to an abrupt change in the weather. The heavy fog affected the fermentation of the tea, which was left outdoors. As a result, we got an amazing red tea in taste and aroma.

Thanks to the improved fermentation process, the composition of red tea is saturated with additional beneficial vitamins and biologically active compounds. Perhaps, the chemical composition of the product contains the main benefits of red tea for the human body. Red tea has a tonic and tonic effect on humans. In addition, red tea contains a large amount of polyphenols and essential natural amino acids.

The harm of red tea

However, in addition to the benefits, significant harm from red tea can also occur. For example, the drink is absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from peptic ulcers, as well as gastritis or atherosclerosis. The harm of red tea can be expressed in increased excitability and insomnia if consumed in large quantities or at night. Red tea contains a record amount of caffeine, which does not always have a beneficial effect on a person's well-being and health.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 teaspoon 1 gram in 1 tablespoon 3 grams

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Red tea. Properties, benefits, how to brew red tea

What is red tea and how is it different from other types of tea? In Russia, as in Europe, red tea used to call the drink from the leaves of hibiscus - the Sudanese rose, and we know it as karkade - the tea of ​​the Egyptian pharaohs. Calling karkade tea is not entirely correct - this plant has nothing to do with a tea bush: large flower petals are simply collected and dried, and then brewed - a healthy red drink with a pronounced sour taste is obtained.

Rooibos can also be called red tea - a drink made from the leaves and twigs of the African plant Aspalathus linearis, or rooibos is generally a shrub from the legume family that grows in South Africa - the Bushmen consider this drink to be healing for good reason.

We have black red tea

Real red tea is made in China however, for the Chinese and the Europeans, these are different things - this is where confusion arises for us. Red tea in China is called the one that the inhabitants of Europe and Russia call black, focusing on the color of the dried tea leaf; ordinary consumers do not argue with this, and we do not have many tea connoisseurs.

Having a little understanding of the peculiarities of the perception of the Chinese and Europeans, you can see that the former "look at the root" and are guided not by the color of the dry product, but by the color of the resulting drink. If you look closely at the brewed tea, which we call black tea, you can see that its real color is reddish brown (ruby brown), albeit very intense and deep. So what is written on the price tags in the store almost never corresponds to the truth, but in specialized tea shops everything is true: any real specialist uses in his work the terminology adopted in the homeland of tea - in China.

Red tea and black tea

What is the difference between red tea and real black? Of course, the method of processing, but in Europe they were not particularly interested in this when they began to grow tea for sale - the quantity for European businessmen was more important than quality. Now the best red tea is produced in China and Taiwan, and some historians believe that this type of tea appeared by chance, back in the old days, due to unintentional violations of technology, but the producers liked the result, and they decided to fix it.

Chinese red tea is considered elite and high quality, but it is fermented strongly - up to 60%. It is produced from tea bushes growing high in the mountains, and the most delicate young leaves are harvested: both the taste and aroma of tea are rich and surprisingly rich in shades.

Red tea can look different, but in the best quality tea, the tea leaves resemble sticks, as the leaves are rolled along. Tea is expensive, the tea leaves of which are tied in the form of pyramids, lanterns or flowers - when brewed, it takes on different shapes, and looks very attractive in a teapot - especially in a transparent one. However, any type of red tea is characterized by a slight sheen of tea leaves and a deep brown color - experts say that the tea “sparkles”.

Composition and useful properties of red tea

We cannot tell in detail about the composition of red tea, like any other, - it is complex and rich, and a separate article is required to describe it. You can only briefly list the substances contained in it.

These are flavonoids - mainly catechins and anthocyanins; organic acids, tannin, quinones - flavoring agents; pigments, chlorophyll, polysaccharides, proteins - enzymes, amino acids, alkaloids, theine - a tonic called "tea caffeine"; aromatic and resinous substances, essential oils, pectins, carbohydrates; vitamins of group B, vitamins C, P, A, E, K, carotene; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, manganese, etc.

Useful properties of red tea largely due to the content of vitamins. Carotene and vitamin A improve the condition of hair, bones, teeth, skin and mucous membranes, protect the eyes and respiratory system; B vitamins support the functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart, improve the absorption of nutrients by the body, and help to overcome the symptoms of motion sickness.

Vitamin C in combination with vitamin PP strengthens bone and connective tissue, normalizes and supports the immune system.

Vitamin K is also abundant in red tea, and it plays an important role in the normal blood clotting process by regulating liver function.

Since red tea is fermented in a special way, many beneficial substances are stored in it, and they are not destroyed for a very long time. With regular use red tea the state of the immune system improves quickly enough, energy returns to normal, and, as a result, life expectancy increases - the Chinese are well aware of this.

Red tea varieties

Some varieties red tea significantly differ from other teas, although our average consumer has nothing to compare with. It is clear that green tea is completely different, and black is real pu-erh, usually sold in special stores, and has a persistent and strong aroma, soft and strong taste and deep rich color - it is not cheap and is bought much less often than common tea, which we call black baikhov.

The aroma of red teas is complex and thick, yet exquisite at the same time. Dian Hong tea is considered the "most-most", but it has many names, and it is grown only in the Yunnan province - there is a version that it appeared 2000 years ago. There are many tips in this tea - almost 1/3, and therefore it is not cheap. Tips are called unblown tea buds, with fluffy cilia - golden or silvery; the more tips in the tea, the higher its quality is considered. Dian Hong tea is very aromatic, with hints of haze and dried fruit.

Yunnan Golden Tea is one of the varieties of Dian Hong. Perhaps it is called that because there are even more tips in it - it consists of them almost entirely; its color is golden, and the taste is delicate and slightly honey.

Keemun red teas are very famous - we know this tea as "English breakfast", and in England it appeared in the 19th century - there it is drunk with milk. Today, about 30 types of such tea are produced; brewed kimunas are distinguished by a pronounced red color and a delicate aroma with a complex composition - they also feel light smoke, as well as shades of apple and plum. The leaves of this tea are smaller than those of other varieties, therefore, in finished form, it is also quite small.

Brewing red tea with almost boiling water, 100-95 ° C, and insist from 2 to 7 minutes - it depends on the variety.

Contraindications and precautions for red tea

Who shouldn't drink red tea, and in what form is it harmful?

It is not recommended to drink it in case of exacerbation of stomach ulcers and gastritis, with severe forms of atherosclerosis, as well as during pregnancy - because of caffeine, but in the latter case, everything is individual - with normal health, you can afford a cup of tea a day.

You do not need to brew red tea too tightly, and drink it very hot or cooled: the optimal temperature is 50 ° C.

Long-brewed tea has a negative effect on health and well-being, as the nutrients in it are oxidized and destroyed.

Strong tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach - the stomach can not stand it, and severe nausea will occur. It is better to drink red tea between meals, and you do not need to take medications with them - this can neutralize their effect, and even cause allergic reactions.

Useful properties of red tea

/ 09 October 2012 Red tea gains its beneficial properties due to the special processing process. Fermentation of red tea takes place not in two (like in black), but in one stage, due to which in red tea not only many useful elements are preserved, but also new ones appear. Among the nutrients are sugar, vitamins, amino acids, polyphenols. Red tea has a special microflora that has a beneficial effect on the human microflora. The properties of red tea are very diverse.... For example, red tea has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal system as well as the cardiovascular system. In addition, red tea has a beneficial effect on brain activity, improving memory and activating mental processes, which is due to the low (compared to coffee) content of caffeine in red tea.

List of health benefits of red tea

  • Red tea can cleanse blood vessels by breaking down blood clots, fat deposits and lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Red tea improves immunity and skin rejuvenation.
  • It improves the function of the bladder and is an excellent diuretic.
  • Red tea can save you from allergies.
  • Improves heart function by affecting the functioning of blood vessels and by stimulating the dilation of the arteries.
  • It is used in the prevention of cancer, as the antioxidants in tea help stop the growth of cancer cells.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel with fluoride. Tea promotes the process of slowing down and stopping tooth decay. This drink can help with inflammatory diseases of the mouth.
  • Red tea can be used for colds as it makes breathing easier by expanding the airways.
  • Red tea brewing can help with puffiness and bruises.
  • Helps with hangovers. Strongly brewed tea saves you from dehydration.
  • Red tea can be consumed even in dry form: this eliminates the unpleasant taste or odor in the mouth.
  • In addition to physical health, red tea is able to support the psychological health of a person. This drink is recommended for people suffering from stress, depression, melancholy, nervous breakdowns.
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Home »Red tea» Red tea and its beneficial properties

Red tea and its beneficial properties

Europeans and Chinese mean completely different concepts by the concept of "red tea". Tea, which is considered black in Europe, is called red in China.

The reason for such a different name for the same tea is commonplace - Europeans, classifying any tea, start from the color of a dry leaf. Therefore, Europe calls red tea either rooibos tea or hibiscus tea. A standard European buyer is quite satisfied with such a superficial separation by sheet color.

The Chinese gave it the name red tea, starting from the rich color of the drink itself, acquired after brewing, namely, a deep brown-red color, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun (there is no other type of tea with similar shades). The color of the leaf of real red tea is closer to the well-known black.

It is common among experts in the labeling of tea varieties to use the terminology of China.

How is red tea obtained?

European tea businessmen, growing the tea tree on an industrial scale, did not attach importance to the experience of tea care and processing accumulated over thousands of years in China. A red tea is distinguished by the way it is processed... Therefore, such a high-quality variety of tea can be produced exclusively in China and Taiwan, where these traditions are honored and strictly observed. Historians claim that this type of tea appeared unexpectedly. Due to the jump in temperature and heavy fog, the tea left to dry dripped much more than required. Over time, this technology has been improved and honed. And the result is red tea.

Chinese red tea is highly fermented(degree of fermentation 45-60%), oxidizes less and has a rich aroma and taste. It belongs to the highest quality elite teas. And this is not surprising. Some varieties of red tea are made from the youngest leaves of tea bushes that grow exclusively in the highlands, far from cities, factories and roads.

On the day of assembly, the long and complex technological process of the necessary traditional processing of the collected tea leaves begins. At first, the leaves are laid out in a certain way for drying (on average for 15 hours), after which, as a result of moisture loss, they become softer and you can start rolling them.

Since there are different red teas, the methods of making them, respectively, differ from each other. The technology of processing some teas includes very tight curling of the leaf (either by hand or done by machines) and squeezing, so that the leaf will release maximum juice and be saturated with it. Others differ in the fermentation process, where only the edges of the leaf are oxidized, and its internal structure remains unchanged, and still others are fumigated for a very long time.

Teas of ready-made red tea, depending on its type, differ from each other in shape. But in high-quality red teas, the leaves are twisted, mainly longitudinally and the tea leaves look like small sticks... When boiled, expensive sorts of red tea, knitted by hand, unfolds in various forms, taking the shape of a flower, a Chinese lantern, or a pyramid. But a dark brown color (sometimes even reminiscent of black) and a barely noticeable gleam of tea leaves, called "spark" - is characteristic of all varieties of red tea without exception.

Useful properties of red tea

The beneficial properties of red tea are due to the technology of the fermentation process. Due to the effect of moisture, heat and air on tea leaves, the process of disintegration of the cellular structure begins in the leaves. As a result of such a chemical process, new elements are created in the leaf (tea flavins and many others), which the leaf did not originally possess.

Fermentation, carried out in a certain way, at a certain temperature and in compliance with the necessary requirements, preserves an incredible amount of nutrients in the leaves, such as amino acids, polyphenols, various vitamins and types of sugar.

Red tea helps to increase immunity in a fairly quick time and, as a result, increases life expectancy. Also, thanks to the created microflora of tea, there is a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the energy currents of a person.

Vitamins in red tea

If we reveal in more detail the topic of the positive effect of red tea on the body, then it is worth noting that it contains almost all vitamins.

Red tea is rich vitamin A(carotene), which is responsible in the body for the health of the skin, mucous membranes. The necessary amount of vitamin A prevents blindness, strengthens resistance to respiratory infections, strengthens gums, teeth and bones, and helps hair growth.

Vitamin PP contained in the drink, lowers blood cholesterol levels and regulates blood circulation in general. And in combination with vitamin C, also found in red tea, vitamin PP enhances the activity of ascorbic acid. The benefit of the aforementioned vitamin C is to normalize and strengthen the body's defense systems, connective and bone tissue.

The percentage of vitamin K in the drink is quite high, which is responsible for the formation of prothrombin in the liver, which in turn regulates blood clotting.

Valentine 29 Oct 2014 at 20: 57ReplyTry dian hunwalnetin 11 Sep 2014 at 16: 21Reply I love tea very much, this love was instilled in me by the Kazakhs. I have lived in Kazakhstan for 50 years. They get very tasty tea, they pour a little sheep's milk into a bowl. Not tea, but pleasure. Usually the infusion was from "Indian" tea, I never tried red. I don't mind buying. Health for everyone. Vlad July 31, 2013 at 20:05 Reply I lived in Taiwan for some time. That's where I drank red tea for the first time. Yes, worth the tea. I have not found anything like it in Russia. And you won't find. I wonder if the author of the article knew what he was writing about? :) I think if he knew, the article would contain only exclamation marks.

Iced tea is one of the many types of tea drink. Most often, iced tea is popular in the hot season, as well as in countries where summer is all year round.

This drink quenches thirst well on a summer day, and also cools and invigorates the body to fight the scorching sun.

The history of the drink

The first people who tried to serve iced tea were Americans who lived in the South of the continent in the 19th century. Black tea was brought to America directly from India, but at that time it was unbearably hot outside, and one of the Americans made tea for dinner. There was an idea to cool the tea and throw a couple of ice cubes into it. The resulting drink quenched thirst surprisingly quickly.

The recipe for a soft drink very quickly spread all over America, they began to add slices of lemon, as well as mint to it, so that the tea seemed even fresher.

But strangely enough, Switzerland is considered the birthplace of cold tea. Once a man named Max Sprenger visited America, he was simply delighted with the ability of iced tea to quench thirst and invigorate, therefore, returning to his homeland, he decided to establish the production of a cool drink in bottles.

Since then, the era of cold tea began, and soon he conquered the inhabitants of all continents, well, except that the Eskimos do not find anything good in tea.

Cool drink recipes

There are many recipes for making iced tea. The drink can be made from black, green, white, red tea. When preparing a refreshing drink, you should remember that the tea must be strong, since it will still be diluted with ice cubes. Very often, mint, lemon, orange, berries, fruits, and sometimes even low-alcohol drinks are added to the drink.

Classic black tea is mixed with infusions of black tea, a lot of ice, sugar and lemon juice or slices of fresh lemon.

Another recipe is to boil water and toss in the infusion of black or green tea along with mint leaves. Insist the broth for about 15-20 minutes. After the tea, leave to cool, adding sugar and orange juice. After cooling, ice cubes are added to the liquid and lemon slices are tossed.

Can be cooked lemon ginger tea... Pour boiling water over green tea leaves, leave for 15 minutes, strain, then add lemon wedges and a little lemon juice. Put the resulting broth in the refrigerator until it is completely cooled. Add some ice and ginger to iced tea. A similar recipe for a cool drink is popular with the Japanese.

Can be cooked mint iced tea... For such a recipe, you need to pour boiling water over a large number of mint leaves, the broth will stretch a little, then strain it. Ice cubes, pieces of lime and lemon zest are added to chilled mint tea, and alcohol can also be added to such tea.

There are also recipes for cooking fruit iced teas... Typically, green or white tea is used for the fruit drink. After the drink has been brewed and cooled, sugar and any fruits or berries to taste are added to it - it can be strawberries, raspberries, currants, apples, pears. For freshness, you can put a couple of fresh mint leaves.

Beneficial features

  • Iced tea has a plus in its arsenal not only in that it quenches thirst and refreshes. In addition, after cooling and adding ice, the beneficial properties of just hot tea do not disappear. Moreover, the addition of citrus fruits, berries, fruits and mint - allows you to saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements.
  • Cool drink, very effective in preventing dehydration in extreme heat. Scientists have confirmed that the ice drink contains a large amount of magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium, and other minerals that are beneficial to health.


Unfortunately, iced tea has not only positive properties, it also has its disadvantages.

But, nevertheless, a negative effect on the human body can be exerted, attention, only tea in bottles, industrial production. This tea contains many preservatives and food additives that have a negative effect on health.

A home-made cooling drink does not pose any harm to human health - this has been proven by scientists. So you can safely try to fight the heat with cold homemade tea.

How to make iced tea?

In order to prepare cold tea, you should take infusions of black, red, green, any tea, pour boiling water, insist a little, and then cool. You can add various components to a cold drink: mint, citrus fruits, cloves, ginger, various berries, and most importantly, ice.

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In European countries, red tea is most often called hibiscus or rooibos. But this is fundamentally wrong, because real red tea is made from the leaves of an ordinary tea bush. Also, some people believe that black and red tea are one and the same, which is not true.

Many Europeans confuse red and black tea due to the fact that the brewed black tea has a slightly reddish tint. But in fact, the difference is not in color, but in production technology.

Most of the red tea is produced in Taiwan and China. This type is considered high quality and elite. The level of its fermentation (biochemical processing of raw materials under the influence of its own enzymes) is up to 60%. The tea bushes from which red tea is produced grow high in the mountains. The youngest and most delicate leaves are collected for the drink.

Red tea can look different. It can be in the form of flowers, pyramids, lanterns and many others, but the highest quality tea is sold in the form of sticks.

The benefits of red tea

The composition of red tea is very complex and varied. It contains amino acids, proteins, essential oils, vitamins (A, B, C, E, K, P), minerals, carotenes, catechins and many other useful substances. Therefore, red tea:

  • Improves the condition of nails, hair, teeth, bones and teeth;
  • Supports the work of the heart, muscles, nervous system;
  • Helps the body absorb nutrients;
  • Strengthens connective and bone tissue;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Normalizes liver function;
  • Supports normal blood clotting;
  • Helps the body to protect mucous membranes, eyes and respiratory organs;
  • Prolongs life;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Tones up the body;
  • Removes excess cholesterol.

The harm of Chinese red tea

Despite all the usefulness, red tea has a lot of contraindications:

  • Pregnant women should not drink red tea due to the high caffeine content;
  • Drinking it cold can cause unnecessary phlegm to accumulate in the body;
  • If you drink strong red tea on an empty stomach, vomiting may occur;
  • Strong tea can overstimulate the nervous system and cause headaches. This is due to the high concentration of theine;
  • Too hot tea can lead to stomach cramps and burns of the mucous membrane;
  • For people with exacerbation of viral diseases and gastritis, ulcers, atherosclerosis, hypertension, it is better to stop drinking the drink;
  • Red tea should not be steamed for a long time, as essential oils, lipids and phenol oxidize over time. The result is a different drink that is undesirable to drink;
  • Chinese red tea does not need to be washed down with medicines, because the tannin contained in the drink destroys the drugs;
  • Flavored, expired, packaged and low-quality teas are not able to bring health benefits;
  • It is better not to consume red tea an hour before and after meals, because it can cause discomfort.

Red tea ... Many people think that it is called that because of its color, but in fact it has its own subtleties and nuances. What is red chinese tea under the original names of each variety, what unique properties does it have and what benefits the body can get from this drink? Welcome to the material that will tell you a lot about this plant.

Classification of red tea

Chinese red tea has many names. And it all depends on its grade. For example:

  1. Europeans call almost every thematic drink red tea, the leaves of which have a slightly burgundy hue. These include varieties such as rooibos or hibiscus. These options are not really teas - the leaves are simply collected from the plants, they are dried and then brewed. That is, these are drinks, but teas. Everything seems to be clear, but real Chinese red tea is not one of these varieties.
  2. Indigenous people called red tea because of the shade of the ready-made drink. And it does not at all look like a classic hibiscus or other similar variety, because the shade of the finished product resembles a sunset and looks more like a brownish-red color.

And this tea hides not only its mysterious shade - a lot of benefits in the form of vitamins, trace elements, a feeling of coolness and other moments will be provided to your body. And the following are the real varieties of red tea:

  • Dian Hong... These are leaves from a first-class variety. Only the best and largest leaves with buds are suitable for making the dried product. To make the taste even more impressive, rose, lychee and longan can be added to the variety of this tea.
  • Gui Hua Hong Cha... This is a prestigious variety. This red Chinese tea contains unique components in the form of osmanthus tree flowers. This ingredient gives the finished brew a peachy and apricot flavor.
  • Keemun (Qi Men Hong Cha)... An interesting enough variety that will delight lovers with its pine, fruit and wine taste. Many people drink this kind of red Chinese tea with milk and sugar, but this is not worth doing, because it is very rich in taste even without any additives.
  • Hong Mu Dan. Brewing such a drink is more like a rose blooming, because the flowers are collected only by hand, in the same way they are tied and tea buds are obtained. During brewing, they gradually open up and give all their usefulness to hot water. True, its taste is slightly interesting - a slightly viscous liquid with a chestnut shade will please only gourmets.
  • Lapsang Souchong... There is another name for this variety - this is Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong. This red Chinese tea is considered to be the most common.

It should be noted that each variety has a different technology for preparing dried leaves. And the aromatic, taste characteristics of each of them, as well as the benefits, largely depend on this.

As you can see, there are more than enough varieties to get acquainted with the Chinese tea culture. What other properties are inherent in Chinese red tea? Let's figure it out further.

All the benefits of Chinese red drink

The unique fermentation process gives the same drink new elements of the chemical process called tea flavins. The same process contributes to the fact that vitamins, amino acids, certain types of sugars and polyphenols are retained in the leaves of red Chinese tea. And all this together has a charitable effect on the work of the body as a whole - immunity is strengthened, you feel an improvement in your condition, which affects the longevity of your life. Straight miracle anti-aging drink!

But red Chinese tea in its dried leaves also contains useful vitamins. Yes, here you can find vitamin A, which helps the skin to be toned, have a beautiful relief and does not age for a long time. It turns out that this vitamin can be used not only in the field of cosmetology as an ingredient for masks and so on. In parallel with the anti-aging procedures, you can use red Chinese tea, which will act as an additional anti-aging procedure for a complete complex.

Next, we find vitamin B. A very useful trace element, since without it it is simply impossible to digest food and assimilate carbohydrates. In addition, thanks to this vitamin, the work of many systems and organs is normalized: nervous, muscular and cardiac. This vitamin is especially important for those people who suffer from motion sickness on the road or seasickness.

The next vitamin is very good for the blood and it is called PP. Cholesterol levels when drinking red Chinese tea are reduced and blood circulation is normalized. Also, connective and bone tissue does not bypass this vitamin - they are strengthened thanks to the aforementioned element.

Chinese red oolong tea also contains extracts to help the body lose weight faster. Scientists from an institute like Linus Pauling conducted an experiment with 35 men who were struggling with obesity. And the result amazed both the men themselves and the scientists - in 12 days, the body mass index dropped faster than without taking the same drink. It turns out that Oolong can safely act as a means to achieve the result of weight loss.

It turns out that with the normalized and systematic use of red Chinese tea, you will benefit your skin, weight, group of systems, blood, connective and bone tissue. But do not forget about the unique and rich taste, which will definitely please you and will bring pleasure to the body.

Benefit is good, but what about harm and contraindications?

Chinese red tea has a lot of positive aspects. But there are certain contraindications to its use, which are as follows:

  • Aggravated stomach ulcer or gastritis. With these diseases, it is forbidden to eat many foods, including the aforementioned drink.
  • Pregnancy. Here everything is taken into account individually, but there are times when you cannot drink Chinese red tea in this position.
  • Drinking too much or brewing too strong. These two factors can worsen the general condition and health in general. Also, do not drink this drink very hot - its optimal temperature should reach 50 ˚С.

The above contraindications also include drinking on an empty stomach. If you enjoy it in the morning before breakfast, you risk causing nausea. The best option for drinking the same drink is between meals, when you feel good and do not feel hungry. Remember that taking medications with such a drink is also prohibited.

To fully experience the taste, aromatic qualities and feel all the benefits of Chinese red tea, you just need to buy it once. If in teas you value not only taste and aroma features, but also invaluable benefits, then be sure to try this drink, which was invented by the ancient Chinese for longevity. Chinese red tea is longevity, health, benefits, beauty of your body and just pleasure!

We get our tea from the region where it is grown. We negotiate supplies exclusively with farmers, while bypassing a number of intermediaries. All this helps us to receive tea of ​​the highest quality and the first freshness, from the original source at the best price. Our suppliers are people who live in the mountains and have been growing and producing tea all their lives.

Brief answers to basic questions are below. If you want to get a detailed answer to a question, go to.

What is the minimal order?
The total minimum order must be from 100 grams of tea. It can be 2 grades of 50 grams.

Why are there so many varieties of Chinese tea?
This has developed historically. Each individual type of tea, from cultivation to production, has its own uniqueness. Each has its own province. The difference in the traditions of processing tea leaves and in the microclimate led to the fact that in different regions of China, as a result, completely different drinks were released. Today, there are 7 main groups in teas in China: black, red, green, yellow, white, pu-erh and oolong. There is a huge variety of varieties in each group. In China, there are more than nine hundred varieties of tea. It is impossible to make an exact count. Understanding the scale of this phenomenon, it is not necessary to memorize all types and varieties of tea.

Chinese tea, and the tea we are used to and from the supermarket. The difference.
The mainstream supplier is Kenya and India. In these countries, machines plant tea, collect tea, process tea, and machines also pack tea. This crop is used in the agricultural sector with appropriate cultivation technologies and within the limits of permissible pesticides. Many tea industries use food flavorings and colorants. This is a tea that is produced for the general public and is aimed at the average consumer and at a low price. The quality of the sheet, even in the top lines of popular brands, has a conditional meaning. For the mass market, Chinese tea is the opposite.

So why are Chinese teas so expensive?
Let's figure it out. Chinese teas are grown and processed exclusively by hand. Since the prime cost is high, the retail price is correspondingly not small. There are also different price points for Chinese teas. It depends on the height of the plantation and location, on the quality of the raw materials and on the experience of the master. The cost of the teas we bring in the Chinese market is much higher than the average. They are among the most elite and high quality in all of Russia.

Brewing Chinese tea by the spill method.
This tradition has developed many centuries ago. Tea is always brewed by pouring hot water through the leaf. It is impossible to brew tea from a supermarket using this method, as it will give only one brew. Quality Chinese teas can be brewed up to ten times. Note that each subsequent brew differs in flavor and aroma. The third and fourth brews are considered the brightest, since the tea leaf in them is fully disclosed.

How many spills can Chinese tea handle?
As we noted earlier, good tea will withstand seven to ten teas in a gaiwan. Of course, this is not an exact number and it depends on a particular type of Chinese tea. For example, red tea varieties withstand fewer spills than green varieties. Still, the guest will need a full thermos of hot water for a serving of tea. If he has some water left in the thermos, then this is normal.

How long does it take to brew tea?
Encourage guests to make the infusions quick. It takes just a few seconds for the tea to brew, especially if it is brewed in a gaiwan. Due to the fact that the volume of the gaiwan is less than that of the teapot, the brewing of tea in it occurs instantly. If you overdo tea, it will become more concentrated and bitter. Tea will lose its charm. The first two infusions are brewed for no more than ten seconds. Fifteen or twenty seconds the third and fourth brews continue. The duration of the fifth and sixth brews lasts thirty seconds. Often, guests prefer "stronger" tea, so our times are purely advisory in nature.

Why use such a miniature dish for brewing tea?
The answer is simple, all the value is in the drink. The fact is that this drink has always been intended for rich people, and the dishes emphasized its value. Among other things, the use of miniature bowls allows you to feel the difference between the change, from brewing to brewing, the aroma and taste of the drink. In China, they never use large utensils for making tea. This tradition was taken from England. Until now, in modern China, small dishes are used. Every office and home uses a tea tray, bowls and gaiwan.

Differences between a gaiwan and a teapot.
In principle, these two directions of tea brewing are parallel. Which one is better is impossible to determine. For many centuries, both of these directions have been used in the same way. Their fans were divided into two "camps". Some people prefer gaiwan. Some for the teapot. Gaiwan tea leaves certain skills. It is not always possible to do it right the first time. In using gaiwan, you can burn your fingers and besides, it constantly jumps out of your hands. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to use a teapot for brewing a drink. It will be more convenient this way. Still, gaiwan is a classic.

Why it is necessary to drain the first brew.
After 20-30 seconds after the first brewing, the drink is poured into a tray. In this process, the tea is cleaned of dust and the leaves are opened. This is how you prepare the drink for tea drinking. It is a rule not to drink the first infusion of Chinese teas.

What is the effect of Chinese tea?
There is such a belief in Russia that Chinese tea, with its incredible properties, is similar to the effect of a light drug. It is a myth. The drink does not even come close to analogies with hashish or marijuana. Chinese tea has a tonic effect. It refreshes, invigorates, improves mood, mobilizes. And this is not the limit. Tea does not induce a state that changes consciousness. Even when consumed in large doses.

Tea intoxication, what is it?
After drinking tea, there is a slight euphoria and a surge of energy, this is called tea intoxication. This is a very subtle state. And every person has it in his own way. For some people, tea does not have a powerful effect, and some feel tea intoxication. But still, after drinking several teapots of tea, most likely you will feel this state. And life will seem brighter.

Contraindications when drinking tea.
Tea has no contraindications. It is recommended for people of all ages, sexual preferences and beliefs. It is important to taste the tea yourself before recommending it to your guest. Chinese tea is a special topic. If many people know the difference between cheesecake and tiramisu, then they don’t even know how to distinguish Pu-erh from Teguanyin. Therefore, your help and advice is important. Your advice should be based on your own taste. It is important that you clearly understand the aroma and taste of these teas, then the guests will understand what you are talking about. In tasting, it is very important to try not to subjectively judge the tea. Of course, they are all good. Focus your gaze on how teas differ from each other. It's very exciting and interesting, try it.

Burning Chinese tea.
When the tea is very hot, it stimulates the throat, stomach and esophagus, and you can also get a burn on the membrane of the mouth, and this fact will not let you feel the wonderful taste of the tea. The temperature of the tea drink should not exceed 60-70 degrees.

Cold Chinese tea.
Unlike mildly hot tea, which invigorates and makes the mind clear, iced tea has a number of negative effects, such as accumulation of phlegm and cold stagnation.

Strong Chinese tea.
Since strong tea contains a high quality of theine, it can contribute to insomnia and headaches. You should not brew tea for a long time. If you brew tea for a long time, then lipids, phenol, essential oils begin to spontaneously oxidize and the drink begins to lose its transparency, aroma, taste and its nutritional value significantly deteriorates, due to the oxidation of vitamins P and C in tea leaves, and other no less valuable substances.

Repeated brewing.
The amount of tea brewing depends on the brewing method, the type and quality of the tea. In tea brewed "in a European way" (brewing lasts for 5-10 minutes), after 3-4 brewing, there are few useful and taste properties. The first brewing takes 50% of the nutrients from the tea leaves, the second 30%, the third takes about 10%, and the fourth 1-3%. After the fourth, it is not recommended to brew tea, since the tea contains harmful substances in small quantities, they may start to come out. Some brewing methods, for example Ping Cha (when a large amount of tea is put into a small volume and little infused), withstands from 5 to 8 infusions, and collectible teas from 10 to 15 infusions.

Tea before meals.
Tea should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals. If you drink tea just before a meal, the absorption of protein in the digestive tract decreases, and the food seems tasteless. Green tea is high in antioxidants, which are known to fight free radicals in your system and protect your body from diseases like cancer and other diseases.

Drinking tea after meals.
Tea contains tannin, which causes iron and protein to harden and therefore impairs their absorption by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink tea after meals in 20-30 minutes. Be careful. If you already know that you have anemia, then you should pay special attention to your diet. Try to reschedule your tea one or two hours after eating. Drink small amounts of tea. You can even add lemon to your tea. It will also provide additional vitamin C.

Tea on an empty stomach.
It is not recommended to drink strong brewed tea on an empty stomach, as, getting inside, it can cause discomfort. There is a Chinese proverb that says, "Don't drink tea when your heart is empty." In other words, do not drink tea when your stomach is empty, as tea can cool the spleen and cause a sudden change in temperature in your stomach.

Can I take medications with tea?
Tea contains tannins, breaking down, they form tannin, which absorbs drugs poorly, and they leave a sediment.

The tea was brewed yesterday.
Tea that has stood for a day loses a lot of vitamins that it contained and, due to its protein content, favors the development of bacteria in it. Therefore, if the tea has not deteriorated, it is better to apply it externally for medicinal purposes. After the tea is infused for a day, it is enriched with fluorine acids, they prevent capillary bleeding, and this tea helps with pain in the tongue, inflammation of the mouth, eczema, superficial skin lesions, bleeding gums, abscesses.

Rinsing your mouth with tea before cleaning and after eating will strengthen your teeth and leave you feeling fresh. If you rinse your eyes with yesterday's tea, it will help remove blood vessels in proteins.

What is Chinese tea ceremony?
Chinese tea ceremonies are often held during formal events such as Chinese weddings and to welcome guests to their homes. The Chinese Tea Ceremony, also called the Chinese Way of Tea, is a Chinese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of a tea leaf. The way it is done, or the art of doing it, is shown in the tea ceremony. The element of the Chinese tea ceremony is the harmony of nature and the enjoyment of tea in an informal and formal setting. The tea ceremony is now being reborn in a new Chinese booming culture and continues in the long tradition of intangible Chinese art. Most of the teas used in the Chinese tea ceremony are grown in the mountains at 4,000 feet. These teas are especially refined, such as oolong teas, which are lightly fermented, and red teas, which can be moderately to strongly fermented.

Where tea is drunk in China.
Tea drinking can take place in different ways in China. Tea is prepared both at work and at home, in special teahouses and in any restaurant. Often, the Chinese carry special appliances with them, which consist of a cup with a lid and a beautiful, as well as functional small caddy, so that, if desired, you can drink tea. In China, tea is an everyday drink that quenches your thirst. This does not at all exclude the side of the ceremonial brewing of tea, however, this is not an obligatory procedure, and is not at all as strictly regulated as the well-known Japanese tea-drinking ceremony in the West.

Tea is commonly consumed at social gatherings, and many cultures have created elaborate formal ceremonies for these events. Western examples of these are afternoon tea and tea drinking. Tea ceremonies, with its roots in Chinese tea culture, differ between eastern countries, such as Japanese or Korean tea ceremony. However, this can differ in preparation, for example in Tibet, where tea is usually brewed using salt and oil.

What kind of utensils a tea lover should have.
In the West, formal tea drinking tends to be centered around grand hotel lobbies or teahouses, where tea is accompanied by a variety of sandwiches and cakes. Sometimes in this process, tea can become secondary as the towers of candy dominate. Plus, when it comes to the occasional tea at home, we tend to drop the tea bag in the saucer, add hot water, and enjoy our steaming brew a few minutes later. If we are in a circle of friends, we cook a whole kettle and add sugar, honey and even milk to black tea.

In China, tea drinking traditions are quite different. Like good wine, Chinese teas are brewed in different vessels, depending on the type of tea. Oolong leaves are traditionally brewed in a clay teapot and green teas are best brewed in a glass teapot.

Traditional tea drinking involves a whole set of dishes.

A jar with a sealed lid, tongs and a small jar for making dry tea and handling a hot tea pot and cup.
Tea tray - a wooden tray with slats, into which excess hot water falls.
Teapot - preferred in China, especially for Oolong tea, small clay teapots.
Small metal sieve.
Thimble-shaped cups - receives the first brewed tea.
A tea cup is a small cup from which you drink.

The amount of tea that is not harmful to health.
Drink green tea slightly chilled. Very hot tea can damage your digestive system. In addition, recent research suggests that too much hot tea may contribute to the development of throat cancer. Don't drink too many cups of tea! It is recommended to drink no more than 6 cups per day. The health effects of drinking tea have been examined since about 4,700 years ago in China. Legendary Emperor Shennong stated in Farmer's Divine Herb-Root Classic that drinking tea is beneficial for treating conditions, including tumors, abscesses, bladder problems, and lethargy.

Historically, it was possible and convenient in many situations before the advent of modern safe drinking water, that tea is usually prepared from boiled water with at least fewer microorganisms. In addition, tea itself has significant antimicrobial properties, for example against Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria responsible for cholera. Tea contains catechins, one of the types of antioxidants. In freshly harvested tea leaves, catechins can account for up to 30% of the dry weight. The concentration of kakheti in white and green tea is the highest, while in black tea they are significantly less. Although tea contains various types of phenolic compounds and tannins, tea does not contain tannic acid.