Gooseberry jam in a slow cooker in March. How to make gooseberry jam: ways to keep the emerald color and make the berries sweet

06.11.2019 Grill menu
  • large gooseberries 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar 1 kg;
  • cherry leaves 100 g;
  • russian vodka 50 ml;
  • a little vanilla sugar;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking method

  1. We prepare a slow cooker and ingredients for jam for the winter.
  2. We wash the gooseberries, cut off the tips of the berries. We put it in a large container, fill it with cold water and put it away for 6 hours in a cold place, after which we drain the unnecessary water.
  3. We turn on the "Multipovar" mode with a temperature of 180 degrees. We wash the cherry leaves, put them in an electric saucepan, pour in about a liter of drinking water, add citric acid and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Strain the broth through a sieve and return it to the Polaris multicooker.
  4. Add sugar to the broth of cherry leaves, bring to a boil, pour in alcohol and vanilla sugar, mix. Pour the gooseberry berries with boiling syrup and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  5. Return the berries with syrup to the slow cooker, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes as usual.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • cherry leaves.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the multicooker and all of the prescribed ingredients for use.
  2. Rinse large dense gooseberries, cut off both ends. Cut the gooseberries that are too large on the side and remove the seeds. Smaller gooseberries can be left with the seeds.
  3. Place prepared berries in a spacious bowl and cover with ice water to cover completely. Leave in water for about 6 hours and then drain.
  4. In the multicooker, select the “Multi-cook” mode, setting the working temperature to 160 degrees. Put the washed cherry leaves into the multicooker bowl, pour in 1 liter of water, add the required amount of citric acid and, bringing to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and return to the bowl.
  5. Add sugar to the broth, bring to a boil, pour in vodka, add vanilla sugar and stir everything.
  6. Pour the gooseberry with boiling syrup, let it brew for 15 minutes.
  7. Return the syrup with berries to the multicooker bowl, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes (in the same mode).
  8. Pour hot jam into sterile dry jars and seal tightly.

Time: 120 min.

Servings: 2-3

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Fragrant gooseberry jam with orange in a slow cooker

This berry, originally from Northern Europe, has a lot of beneficial properties for us - in particular, gooseberry helps to strengthen blood vessels and release the body from toxins.

Also, this berry is indicated for those who want to lose weight - it lowers cholesterol and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, by cooking gooseberry jam in a slow cooker, you will provide your family with a storehouse of vitamins for the winter.

Jam recipes can be completely different, we have selected one, the most interesting, in our opinion.

Today we will show you how to make aromatic gooseberry and orange jam. A separate plus of cooking in a multicooker is that during the process of making jam, there will be no breath in the kitchen, as it would be if we used recipes for cooking jam on the stove.

So, to make gooseberry and orange jam, take the following set of ingredients:

Nutritional value per 100 grams of product is 210 calories. Not the most dietary delicacy, because if you are losing weight by the summer, you should look for other, easier dessert recipes.

Step 1

We sort out the gooseberries, rinse them under cold water, and remove all excess leaves and tough tails.

By the way, it is more convenient to cut them off with small nail scissors. Then wash the oranges under hot water with baking soda to thoroughly wash the peel, and cut into small slices right with the zest.

Although some recipes advise cutting it off, we will not do this, because this way the jam from will not have such a bright citrus note.

On a note: Don't forget to remove the stems from the oranges, and pick out all the seeds so they don't taste bitter in the treats.

Step 2

We will use the help of kitchen units - a combine or a blender, and grind gooseberries and orange slices into a puree mass.

In the absence of such devices, you can turn to the good old meat grinder for help. We spread the resulting mass in a magic pot, fill it with sugar, stir everything thoroughly until smooth.

It is important not to fill the bowl of the multicooker device to the top - the mass should take no more than ¾ of the container, so that the jam does not "run away" during the cooking process.

On a note: You can diversify the recipes for making jam - and make it with gooseberries, lemon and orange, or with an apple and walnut. Such combinations will make a splash among the household, in contrast to the annoying raspberry jam.

Step 3

Now, in order to properly cook gooseberry jam in a slow cooker, you need to try and watch it vigilantly for some time.

We select the "Stew" mode, the cooking time is 30 minutes. And we will cook without closing the lid of the multicooker. After about 15 minutes, the mass will begin to boil, and in this one we remove the foam from the jam.

At the end of the cooking time, carefully remove the bowl with the treat, let it cool to room temperature, and repeat the procedure twice more.

Every time after boiling, you need to let the treat cool to room temperature, so be patient. We cook for half an hour on the "Stew" mode, and boil for about 5 minutes.

On a note: some recipes advise you to simply simmer the food for an hour, and no longer boil, but, as practice shows, the jam prepared in this way is less stored. Of course, if you don't plan on cooking it for the winter, you can just cook it for one hour.

Step 4

While the food is cooling down, you can prepare jars for the further boiling process. Wash the container and lids with soda and hot water, then sterilize using the microwave.

In jars with a volume of 0.5-, 0.7 liters, pour a little water - 3 centimeters, and put in the microwave. We turn on the unit and wait for about 2-3 minutes.

Put the jam in the finished jars, roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them with a blanket. Let cool at room temperature, then store in the refrigerator.

See another version of this dish:

Gooseberry is a common berry in Russia. The plant is unpretentious in care. Bushes grow and bear fruit for many years in a row. Gardeners practically do not need to make an effort to grow this plant. The berries are delicious and very healthy. Of these, you can prepare compote, jam, preserves for the winter. Many people have tried only sweet gooseberry dishes, but they are also used for seasoning for meat dishes and even salted.

    Show all

    How to choose gooseberries?

    If the berries grow in a summer cottage, then you can track their ripeness and harvest on time. When choosing gooseberries on the market, you need to choose berries of the same ripeness and approximately the same size, otherwise it will take different times for heat treatment.

    Soft and ripe fruits are ideal for making jam, and dense and slightly unripe fruits will make a wonderful compote. In order to prevent the berries from bursting during heat treatment, they must first be pierced with a thick needle.

    Before preparing any gooseberry dish, it must be well washed and the tails cut with scissors. This process is quite lengthy, but inevitable.

    Recipes for harvesting berries for the winter

    Many people have the question of what to cook from gooseberries for the winter so that it is tasty, but at the same time preserve as many useful substances as possible. It can be compote, jam, preserves, marmalade and much more. You can also just freeze the berries.

    Experienced winemakers consider gooseberries to be a very valuable berry; it is believed that the best homemade wine is made from this berry. There are also recipes for pickled vegetables with the addition of gooseberries.


    Compote can not only be closed in jars for the winter, but also drunk chilled in the summer. There is nothing difficult in preparing compote. There are many different recipes with the addition of different berries and fruits. Regular compote can be prepared without any additives.


    • gooseberry;
    • water;
    • sugar;
    • sprigs of mint or lemon balm (optional).

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Berries are better to select dense, rather than soft.
    2. 2. Pre-wash, cut the tails.
    3. 3. Banks are better to use three-liter, pre-wash and sterilize them.
    4. 4. Add berries to about one third of the container.
    5. 5. Pour boiling water over, let stand for 15 minutes, then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar.
    6. 6. You need to calculate the amount of sugar like this: for one three-liter jar 2/3 cup (less or more can be).
    7. 7. Bring the syrup to a boil.
    8. 8. Add a sprig of mint to each jar and pour over the syrup.
    9. 9. Immediately roll up the lids and put them under the covers.

    Freezing berries

    A large amount of vitamins is stored in the frozen berry.

    Frozen berries can be eaten raw, used as a filling for flour products, or used to make compote and fruit drinks. The main rule is not to re-freeze. Therefore, the berry must be used immediately after defrosting so that it does not disappear. There are three types of freezing berries at home:

    • The washed berries are laid out on a tray or other container in one layer and placed in the freezer. After the berry is frozen, it must be placed in a special container or plastic bag.
    • Gooseberries with sugar. In a 1: 2 ratio, it is thoroughly mixed and placed in the freezer in special containers. Before mixing with sugar, berries must be washed and dried.
    • Gooseberries in sugar syrup. Wash and dry the berries. Prepare sugar syrup from sugar and water in a 1: 2 ratio. Pour the gooseberry with chilled syrup. Put in the freezer in special containers. The first few days, containers with berries are best kept open.

    Classic Polish recipe

    You don't need any special ingredients for cooking, but the process itself takes a long time.


    • berries 1 kg;
    • water 0.4 l;
    • sugar 1.5 kg.

    Cooking process:

    1. 1. Make syrup from water and sugar, wash the berries and pour over with boiling water. Better to throw in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
    2. 2. Drain the water and cool the berries.
    3. 3. Next, you need an enamel pan to make the jam. Pour the gooseberries into it and pour over the syrup, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
    4. 4. Leave in a cool place for 10 hours.
    5. 5. Then repeat the procedure two more times.
    6. 6. Put the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

    Pickled gooseberries

    Pickled gooseberries are tasty, original and unusual. It goes well with meat dishes.


    • berries - 1 kg;
    • vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 150 grams;
    • black currant leaves;
    • cloves - 3 pcs.;
    • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
    • cinnamon.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Put the washed berries in a jar, pour boiling water over, let it brew for 20 minutes.
    2. 2. Drain water into a saucepan and boil again.
    3. 3. Pour the gooseberries again, but for five minutes.
    4. 4. Pour the water back into a saucepan, add all the spices except vinegar, bring to a boil, boil a little, add vinegar and turn it off.
    5. 5. Pour jars of berries and roll up immediately.

    Multicooker recipes

    In summer, you don't always want to cook because of the extreme heat. Recently, the multicooker has become very popular. The process of preparing many dishes has been greatly reduced, and it is even easier to cook in it. In a multicooker, you can cook not only standard dishes for every day, but even make jam. Cooking in this wonderful oven will relieve you of the exhausting heat and save time.

    It is better to cook any preparations for the winter in a multicooker with an open lid. Thanks to this, you can make sure that future goodies do not run away and spoil the oven.

    Jam in its own juice

    The recipe is interesting in that there is no need to add water at all, the berries are steamed and boiled in their own juice.


    • berries - 700 grams;
    • sugar - 500 grams.

    The amount of ingredients can be changed depending on the volume of the multicooker. During the preparation of the gooseberry, you can put the jars to be sterilized. This can be done in a multicooker. It is necessary to collect some water in the bowl, put the jars upside down, turn on the "steam" program, set the time for 30 minutes.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Pour berries with sugar into a bowl, mix and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
    2. 2. Then turn on the multicooker for the "stewing" program for 30 minutes, it is better to leave the lid open so that you can control the process.
    3. 3. After the time has elapsed, remove the bowl and leave to cool in a cool place.
    4. 4. Cook the chilled jam in a slow cooker again for 20 minutes in the "stewing" mode. Chill the jam again.
    5. 5. Repeat the procedure one more time. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

    Diet Jam

    Jam may seem sour to some, but it is low in calories.


    • berries - 700 grams;
    • sugar - 1 glass.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. It is better to select ripe and soft gooseberries for jam.
    2. 2. Pour the berries into a multicooker bowl, turn the oven on to stewing for 20 minutes.
    3. 3. It is necessary to add a little water to the berries so that they do not stick to the bowl.
    4. 4. Then remove the gooseberries, cool and rub through a sieve.
    5. 5. Mix the finished puree with sugar.
    6. 6. In the "Baking" mode, bring to a boil, switch to the "Stew" mode. Cook the jam for half an hour with the lid open.

Happy owners of a modern kitchen gadget in the form of a multicooker cook quickly and tasty. In it you can not only cook borscht, stew stew, bake a pie - the multicooker perfectly cooks any jam. Today we will tell you how to make delicious gooseberry jam using the Multipovar program.

Preparing berries for gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

Wash the gooseberries well under running water. Dry it on a towel and remove the tails and sepals. Cut each berry a little on the side and squeeze the seeds out of it. Weigh the prepared gooseberries on a kitchen scale.

Cooking gooseberry jam syrup in a slow cooker

Pour sugar into the multicooker bowl - take 1 kg of it per 1 kg of gooseberries. Pour sugar with ordinary drinking water - take 500 ml of liquid for 1 kg. Stir the mixture with a spoon and close the lid of the multicooker. Press the buttons in turn:

  • Multi-cook.
  • Temperature - 160 degrees.
  • Time - 5 minutes.

After the sound signal, open the lid and remove the foam from the surface of the syrup.

Cooking gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

  • Pour the gooseberry into the syrup.
  • Switch on the “Multipovar” program.
  • Set the temperature to 160 degrees and the cooking time to 25 minutes.
  • Cook the jam for the first 5 minutes, covering the lid of the multicooker.
  • Open the lid and remove the foam if it has formed.
  • Cook the jam until the end of the program, i.e. another 20 minutes. Keep the lid open for 20 minutes.

An open lid will help to evaporate excess moisture, and the jam will be thick and rich.

Royal jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker

It differs from the previous one in that instead of ordinary water, a decoction of fresh cherry leaves is used. It is easy to make it in the same multicooker and with the same “Multicook” program. Pour the amount required according to the recipe into the bowl and put 15-20 pieces of leaves into it. Press the program button, the temperature is 160 degrees and the time is 5 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, remove the leaves with a slotted spoon and add sugar to the aromatic water. Next, cook the syrup, as indicated in paragraph 2, and then the jam itself - as indicated in paragraph 3.

It is even easier to cook jam in a multicooker, which has the Jam program - you just need to strictly follow the attached instructions. If in the multicooker there is neither the Multipovar program nor the Jam program, then cook the gooseberry jam using the technology described in the article.